Ancient City

Situated in Polonnaruwa district in North Central Province, Polonnaruwa is The second most ancient city of . King Vijayabahu – 1st declared Polonnaruwa as the Capital in 1070. Polonnaruwa’s Goldern age was dawned during the period of King Parakramabahu-1st (1153–1186) who declared that ‘no drop of rainwater falling from sky shall not flow to sea without serving the mankind’. During this period, King Parakramabahu build a sophisticated irrigation system based on Parakrama Samudra (Sea of Parakramabhahu) – a man-made gigantic reservoir. This irrigation system whicj provide water to paddy fields during dry seasons even in present days, is an engineering marvel of Ancient Sri Lankans. Polonnaruwa was a magnificient Garden City during King Parakramabahu’s reign, and was flourishing to become an international trade and agricultural hub.

Today, Polonnaruwa Ancient City is a UNESCO world heritage site and a famous archaeological site visited by tourists around the world. Historical archaeological attractions in the Ancient City of Polonnaruwa include: Ruins of Royal Palaces, Watadage, Hatadage, Nissanka Latha Madapa, Rankoth Vehera, Lankatilaka Temple, Statues of , Kiri Vihara, ‘The statue of Kind Parakramabahu’, and Shiva Devalaya. Note: This attraction involves walking and climbing of steps to reach upper levels/heights.

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