Michael A. Hill on Don H. Doyle: American Civil Wars: the United

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Michael A. Hill on Don H. Doyle: American Civil Wars: the United Don H. Doyle. American Civil Wars: The United States, Latin America, Europe and the Crisis of the 1860s. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2017. 272 pp. $29.95, paper, ISBN 978-1-4696-3109-7. Reviewed by Michael A. Hill (Department of History, University of Kansas) Published on H-Nationalism (November, 2020) Commissioned by Evan C. Rothera (University of Arkansas - Fort Smith) Innovative scholars within well-established largely in the failure of Confederate diplomacy historiographical fields are pushing their fields to rather than battlefield losses or home front sub‐ adapt to the growing interest in comparative, version. Jones delves even deeper into US and Con‐ transnational, and global history. American Civil federate diplomatic machinations, particularly ef‐ Wars: The United States, Latin America, and the forts to influence British and French responses to Crisis of the 1860s, a collection of eleven essays ed‐ the war. Jones concludes that slavery played very ited by esteemed US Civil War historian Don Doyle, little role in the decision-making of European represents a bold effort to define the 1860s as a powers. The threat of an actual war with the decade of international revolution rather than United States, and not slavery, is “the key to under‐ simply the temporal setting of the American Civil standing why London and Paris decided against War. As is to be expected in collected editions, the intervention,” concludes Jones (p. 51). Kelly ad‐ quality of essays is at times a little uneven, but dresses the failures of Confederate diplomacy taken as a whole the book serves as an important among Latin American countries. Confederate in‐ reminder, especially to United States specialists, consistency regarding questions of expansion and that much more happened during the 1860s than commitment to democracy, argues Kelly, the Civil War. weakened Confederate hemispheric standing. In The first three essays, by Jay Sexton, Howard the end, any “clout the South might enjoy, in fact, Jones, and Patrick J. Kelly, internationalize the US was contingent upon the strength and influence of Civil War. Sexton’s essay argues that Northerners the United States” (p. 77). interpreted Union victory as the culmination of These essays are followed by three describing the American Revolution and that national con‐ European reaction to the US Civil War. Richard solidation accompanying the victory not only Huzzey examines British responses. Like Jones, strengthened the US national government, but in Huzzey concludes that Britain avoided interven‐ so doing erased fears of European intervention in tion in the North American conflict out of a desire North America.[1] Even so, writes Sexton, US pro‐ to avoid war with the Union. The US Civil War jection of power following the Civil War “pro‐ served to expose Britain’s weakening hold on its ceeded in fits and starts,” representing “one of the remaining colonies in the Americas, especially Ja‐ great riddles of nineteenth-century U.S. history” maica and Canada. The 1860s, argues Huzzey, (p. 26). Sexton also locates Confederate defeat “confirmed and accelerated the waning influence H-Net Reviews of a monarchical, European empire and the rising portantly, though, according to Eller, Puerto Rican power of the republican, American empire” (p. and Cuban rebels drew inspiration from Dominic‐ 100). Stève Sainlaude tackles French reaction to an resistance to Spain, which led directly to inde‐ the American Civil War, arguing that intrigue pendence movements on those islands. Erika Pani between Napoleon III and his advisors hampered then explores the French intervention in Mexico, the French response to the American Civil War.[2] made possible by the US Civil War. Whereas Sain‐ The Mexican intervention, intended to weaken laude looks at French motivations for interven‐ both the Union and the Confederacy, backfired tion, Pani places French intervention in the con‐ horribly, and “instead of creating a balance of text of the decades-long struggle between Mexican power in North America, it left the United States Conservatives and Liberals. Conservatives suppor‐ more powerful than before” (p. 120). Christopher ted Maximilian, made emperor of Mexico by Na‐ Schmidt-Nowara investigates how Spanish officials poleon III, because they had long been fighting for interpreted the US Civil War. Initially seen as an a centralized Mexican monarchy. Interestingly, opportunity to reassert Spanish will in the Amer‐ Pani shows how liberal many of Maximilian’s icas, Schmidt-Nowara concludes that, instead, the policies were, including reformist economic and conflict served as “a dress rehearsal, a ‘broken im‐ religious principles, and how, in the wake of the re‐ age,’ for their empire’s own crisis of slavery and publican victory, “an ideology of combat became sovereignty” (p. 125). Not only did Spain fail to re‐ one of Mexico’s most enduring unifying political gain lost territory while the North and South myths” (p. 181). Hilda Sabato describes the Americ‐ fought one another, the war contributed to a grow‐ an Civil War as another example of the conflicts ing abolitionist movement in Spain which served pitting central and local authorities against one to undermine the authority of the Spanish crown another throughout the Western Hemisphere, espe‐ in both Iberia and Cuba. cially in South America. Sabato argues that con‐ The final five essays focus on Latin America flicts such as the American Civil War and the War during the 1860s. Whereas the first six essays use of the Triple Alliance, during which Brazil, Argen‐ the American Civil War as an organizational tina, and Uruguay joined forces against Paraguay, device, the essays on Latin America tend to focus helped consolidate the power of nation-states by more on specifically Latin American histories. producing well-armed and trained professional Consequently, the US conflict plays a far more peri‐ armies in places that had traditionally relied on pheral role than in the first six chapters. The au‐ militias and national guards. Despite mythologies thors of these essays importantly demonstrate surrounding citizen soldiers, the professional that the US Civil War occurred during a conten‐ armies of the 1860s did much to consolidate a tious period within the entire Western Hemisphere, “strong national state that would monopolize the during which North American concerns, while im‐ use of force, discipline the elites, and reshape the portant, were far from central. citizenry” (p. 198). In the first Latin American essay, Anne Eller The last two essays of the book look more explores how the beginning of the Civil War al‐ closely at Latin America’s two largest slave societ‐ lowed Spain to recolonize the Dominican Republic, ies—Cuba and Brazil. Matt Childs argues that, al‐ seemingly in opposition to contemporaries’ per‐ though slavery survived the 1860s in Cuba, it was ceptions of the forward march of civilization.[3] thrown into crisis by the US Civil War. The war Spanish re-annexation failed, but destabilized the brought about the Lyons-Seward Treaty of 1862, in Dominican Republic, leading to later annexation which British and US forces joined together to put proposals involving the United States. Most im‐ an end to American participation in the Cuban slave trade. In 1865, drawing inspiration from US 2 H-Net Reviews abolitionists, the Spanish Abolitionist Society demands that scholars take up the work proposed formed and worked to abolish the transatlantic by the volume. slave trade. These circumstances contributed to Notes the start of the Ten Years’ War in 1868, during [1]. Most recently, Gregory Downs provided an which thousands of Cuban slaves took up arms for interpretation of the Civil War as a Second Americ‐ reasons of emancipation. “When the final aboli‐ an Revolution rather than the culmination of the tion of Cuban slavery arrived in 1886,” writes American Revolution, with significant Cuban ties Childs, “the crisis of the 1860s born out of the U.S. in The Second American Revolution: The Civil War- Civil War most certainly began the process that Era Struggle over Cuba and the Rebirth of the resulted in the destruction of Cuban slavery” (p. American Republic (Chapel Hill: University of 218). In the book’s last essay, Rafael Marquese ar‐ North Carolina Press, 2019). gues that prior to 1861, slavery in the US South pro‐ tected slavery in Brazil. Although the full abolition [2]. Sainlaude delves much deeper into this of slavery in Brazil was not achieved until 1888, topic in his recently translated book, France and the end of slavery in the United States led directly the American Civil War, trans. Jessica Edwards to the passage of a free-womb law in Brazil in 1871. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, Also, claims Marquese, the world economy experi‐ 2019). enced significant reorganization after the Americ‐ [3]. Andrew J. Torget sheds light on a similar an Civil War and significantly redefined the range phenomenon in Texas prior to US annexation in of actions available to Brazilian elites. While aboli‐ Seeds of Empire: Cotton, Slavery, and the Trans‐ tion in Brazil was a Brazilian decision, Marquese formation of the Texas Borderlands, 1800-1850 concludes that without the US Civil War “it seems (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, likely that the institution would have continued 2015). into the twentieth century—and perhaps beyond” (p. 240). Readers looking for a book that places the US Civil War at the center of the international story of the 1860s will find themselves disappointed by American Civil Wars. This is not a critique, how‐ ever. The book seeks to redefine the 1860s as a global revolutionary period; the Civil War was only one manifestation of what Don Doyle calls a “transnational complex of upheavals that in‐ cluded multiple civil wars, European invasions, separatist rebellions, independence and unifica‐ tion struggles, slave uprisings, and slave emancip‐ ations” (p.
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