The Ceylon Government Gazette

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The Ceylon Government Gazette THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 10,945 — FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1956 (PiMMiel by Authority) PART I: SECTION (II) - ADVERTISING (Separate paving it gtvm to each Port in order that U man be filed teparatelg.) PAGE PAGE Posts—Vacant .. 763 Unofficial Notices.. • • 816 Examinations, Results of Examinations, &o. 78(1 Applications for Foreign Liquor Licences •• 817 Notices calling for Tenders 785 Auction Sale .. 823 Sale of Toll and other Rents • • 810 Sale o f Artioles . # , 815 Miscellaneous m . P a st V published with this Issue contains notice to revoke or suspend Private Carriers’ Permits under Regulation 12, &c. Posts - Vacant GENERAL CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO APPOINTMENTS TO POSTS IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE ADVERTISED IN THE "CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” A l l o w a n c e s .—Unless otherwise stated, Rent and Civil Defence Services (excluding those who Allowance, temporary Cost of Living Allowance had left these Services of their own accord), will and temporary Special Living Allowance are be allowed to deduct periods of such service payable according to Government Regulations. commencing from September 3, 1939, at the Conditions of Service .—Appointments will be earliest, and up to December 31,1949, at the latest subject to the Public Service Commission Rules, from their ages for purposes of eligibility alone the Financial Regulations, the Regulations of the provided that they joined the Forces before Manual of Procedure, Departmental Orders or August 15, 1945, and that such service was Regulations, and any other orders or regulations satisfactory and continuous. issued from time to time by the Government. Other Requirements .— (i) Applications from Terms of Engagement.— (1) In the case of officers of the Public Service who are qualified appointments to the non-pensionable establish­ must be forwarded through the Heads of their ment (excluding those on daily rates of pay) respective Departments. In the case of applica­ appointees will be required to contribute 5 per tions from officers holding permanent posts in the cent, of their salary to the Public Service Provi­ Public Service, the Heads of the Departments dent Fund, and they will be allowed to concerned should, in forwarding the applications, contribute, at their option, a further 5 per cent. state whether or not they are prepared to release The Government contribution, in either case, will the applicants (if selected) in accordance with be equal to 7J per cent, of the salary paid in at Administrative Regulation 109 of the Manual of the close of each financial year. Procedure. (ii) Appointees may be required to furnish (ii) Candidates may be required to present security in terms of the Public Officers (Secu­ themselves for interview at an appointed time and rity) Ordinance, if so required by the Head of place. No travelling or other expenses will be paid their Department. in this connection. (iii) Appointees other than those already in the (iii) Anyone desiring to recommend a candi­ Public Service will be required to pass a medical date should do so by giving..a testimonial. Any examination by a Government Medical Officer as form of canvassing or attempt, to influence this to their physical fitness to serve in any part of the selection of a candidate will disqualify such Island. candidate. Qualifications required.—Every applicant must (iv) Any statement in the .application which is furnish satisfactory proof that he is a Ceylonese. found to be incorrect will render the applicant A “ Ceylonese ” is a citizen of Ceylon by liable to disqualification if the inaccuracy is dis­ descent or by registration. covered before the selection, and to dismissal if War Service Concession .—Provided they are discovered after the selection. qualified in all other respects ex-Servicemen of (v) Applications not conforming in every Her Majesty’s Fighting Forces and full-time mem* respect with the requirements of this advertise­ hers of the Auxiliary Fire, Air Raid Precautions ment will be rejected. 7 6 3 ------- J. X . B 55951— i,913'<0jf66) BI 764 P art I : Se c . (II) — (Ad v e r tisin g ) — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — J u n e 29, 1956 VACANCIES IN CEYLON MISSIONS ABROAD DEPARTMENT OF INDIGENOUS MEDICINE Posts of Cypher Operators (Female) APPLICATIONS are invited for a post of Visiting* Specialist in Snake Bite and Rabid Dog Bite. APPLICATIONS are invited for two posts of Female Cypher Operators in the Ceylon Embassy m Washington Applicants should not be under 40 years of age- nnH the Office of the Permanent Representative of and should be recognized registered Physicians Ceylon to the United Nations in New York. Applicants with at least 15 years’ experience as Specialists. should be female citizens o f Ceylon who are not less The Visiting Specialist will be required to— than 20 years o f age and not more than 35 years o f age on June 29, 1956. Applicants should possess the Senior (o) deliver a course of lectures to the students School Certificate (English) or higher educational qualifi­ of the College of Indigenous Medicine cations. They should be able to type at least 25 words about once a w eek ; per minute. (b) should visit the Hospital at least 3 times 2. Salary, Allowances and Conditions of Service.— The a week and whenever required at any salary scale attached to the post is Rs. 1,320— 72— time during the day or night to attend' Rs.2,688per annum with anEfficiency Bar before Rs. 2,184. to urgent cases. Recruits without previous experience in Cypher work will be required to undergo training for a period of three The Visiting Specialist will be paid a travelling months during which time they will be paid a training allowance of Rs. 1,800 per annum and six days allowance of Rs. 80 per mensem The question of in the year for illness or other resasonable cause placing a candidate with previous experience of cypher will be allowed without deductions. If absence work at a suitable point on the scale above the initial exceeds six days a proportionate deduction from salary will be considered in consultation with the the allowance will be made for every day’s absence* Treasury. In any event, the selected candidate will be in excess of the six days. on trial for a period of one year. An’ appropriate Over­ The appointment will be for a period of one seas Allowance is payable, in addition, to a candidate year subject to renewal if the work is satisfactory. appointed to a Mission abroad. Applications, together with copies of certificates 3. Terms of Engagement.— The post is permanent but and testimonials, should be sent to the Medical non-pensionable. The selected candidates will be required Superintendent, Hospital of Indigenous Medicine* to contribute 5 per cent, of their substantive salary to the Colombo 8, to reach him on or before July 20* Public Service Provident Fund and will be allowed to 15)56. contribute at their option a further 5 per cent. The Government contribution in either case will be equal to 7$ J. M . L . M endis, percent, of salary paid in at the close o f each financial Secretary, year. ' 1 Board of Indigenous Medicine. 4. The selected candidates will be required to pass a C olom bo 8, June 26, 1956. medical examination regarding their physical fitness for service in any part o f the world. They will also be required to enter into an ggreempnt to serve .overseas for a period DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES of four years. 5. Candidates may be required to present themselves Pqsf of Temporary Chief Supervisor— Cold Storage % ^n intprviepr jn .Qolgmlio a(> an appojqted tjgie anc| Plant and By-Products Factory place. No travelling or other exppnses'wul be pan}, APPLICATIONS are invited for the post of Temporary 6. Applicants must attach tQ their applications Chief Supervisor in the Department of Fisheries. COPIES (NOT ORIGINALS) of— Applications, yhich should be on the specimen form (а) certificate of legislation of birth. (N.B.— Baptis- given below, shpjild reach the Acting Director of Fisheries mal certificates or certificates issued for the on or before July 21, 1956. purpose of the Code of Regulations for Assisted 2. Salary and Allowances.—The salary scale applicable Schbols m il not' be'accepted; to the post is Rs. 4,080— 12 of 360—Rs. 8,400 per annum, (б) certificates o f the highest educational qualifi­ with efficiency bars before Rs 4,800 and Rs 6,600 per cations obtained : annum. Rent allowance, temporary cost of living- / » r. »\ \ allowance and special living allowance are payable- (c) }wo pecent cpptififjpite^ pf charact,ej\ according to Government regulations. NOTE.—These copies of certificates will qot be resumed- 3. (i) Terms of Engagement — The selected officer will’ 7. Reference is invitee^ %>, the, general conditions be required to take up his appointment at very short applicable to appointments to posts in the public Service notice. He will be required to undergo training which’ published tjiq beginning of Part f, Section II, of this, will enable him to operate the 500-Ton Cold Storage and Refrigeration Planf afad the By-Products Factory and to perform any other duties which may be assigned to- 8. Applications should reach this Office on or before him from time to time. He will be responsible to the- July 27,1956, and should be addressed to the Permanent Manager for the proper maintenance and operation of Secretary, Ministry o f Defence and External Affairs, the refrigeration equipment Senate Building, Colombo 1, and not personally to any officer o f this Ministry. (ii) He may be discontinued at any time if he is found to be unsuitable for further employment 9. Applications from those already in the Public Service (iii) The selected candidate will receive specialized should be forwarded through the normal official channels and should carry an endorsement from the Head of the training under the Canadian Experts whose services Department in which’the applicant is serving as to the have been loaned to the Government under the Colombo • particular suitability, if any, o f the applicant for service Plan.
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