Business Operation Plan for Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2010
Business Operation Plan for Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2010 February 27, 2009 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation (“NTT East”) 1. Revenue and Expenses Plan (Unit: billions of yen) Item FY 3/10 FY 3/09 Change Operating Revenues 1,930 1,960 (30) Voice Transmission* (excluding IP-Related services) 820 910 (90) IP-Related* 660 575 85 Leased Circuits* (excluding IP- Related services) 160 171 (11) Operating Expenses 1,890 1,920 (30) Personnel* 114 115 (1) Non-Personnel* 1,245 1,280 (35) Depreciation, Amortization and Other* 531 525 6 Operating Income 40 40 0 Non-Operating Revenues 20 30 (10) Recurring Profits 60 70 (10) *Major items Note: Figures for FY 3/09 have changed since the results for the six months ended September 30, 2008 were announced. The figures announced for that period were 900 billion yen for voice transmission services (excluding IP-Related services) and 590 billion yen for IP-Related revenues. 1 2. Trends in Operating Income and Changes in Earnings Structure (Unit: Billions of yen) FY 3/07 FY 3/08 FY 3/09 Forecasts FY 3/10 Plan 59.9 Operating Income (14.9) 44.9 Operating Revenues 40.0 40.0 2,061.3 (4.9) ±0.0 (58.6) 2,002.7 (42.7) IP 1,960.0 (30.0) 1,930.0 359.4 +103.2 [17.4%] IP 462.6 Voice transmissions+IP +112.4 [23.1%] IP 1,518.5 IP (23.8) 575.0 +85.0 Voice transmissions +IP [29.3%] 660.0 1,494.6 [34.2%] (9.5) Voice transmissions +IP 1,485.0 (5.0) Voice transmissions +IP 1,480.0 Voice Transmissions 1,159.0 (127.0) Voice Transmissions 1,031.9 (121.9) Voice Transmissions 910.0 Voice Transmissions (90.0) 820.0 Other Other Other 542.8 Other 508.0 475.0 450.0 Note: Numbers in brackets indicate composition ratios of operating revenues 2 3.
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