WHO-'P!V O -TV Channel 13 Des Moines TV NBC Affiliate Col

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WHO-'P!V O -TV Channel 13 Des Moines TV NBC Affiliate Col APRIL 18, 1960 THIRTY -FIVE CENTS ,SlaaVdS,t+ ?1J 1d R'o£1GbFN s)8ol N G ç THE BUSI,l._ ao tv -ION AND RADIO Ijo 4tafis'''s o;9 r -° - Timebuyers agree: public service shows can be best sellers Page 29 Smokes, beer & toys: what they spent for television in '59 Page 40 Does play constitute pay? Harris hearing hunts for answer Page 66 In the good old summertime: how film re -runs will dominate Page 82 iOR^!INGSa,DE .,ai:LEG WHO -TV 'OTPOURRI OF POPULAY N,6 WHO -TV Consistent, predictable popularity month - after - month WHO -TV ... this is the profile of WHO -TV's highly successful WHO -TV Early Show. In just the past three months Early Show has received WHO -TV an almost unbelievable vote of viewer confidence. Since WHO -TV last November the average number of viewers per WHO -TV quarter hour have increased by 19% and the average homes delivered per quarter hour by 23% (NSI Survey, WHO -TV Des Moines -Ames Area -February, 1960). WHO -TV The Early Show (Monday through Friday, 4 p.m.- , WHO -TV 6:05 p.m.) is Central Iowa's only late afternoon family television fare -cartoons* for kids, movies* for mom, ÌWHO -TV news for dad. The Early Show attracts every segment IWHO -TV of the audience. 'WHO -TV Ask your PGW Colonel about WHO -TV's spectacular bargains in spot availabilities, on this and other station - WHO -TV time success shows! WHO -TV WHO -TV MGM Package * Ir'ARNER BROTHERS "Vanguard" * "Showcase Package" * NTA "Dream." "Champagne." "Lion" * SCREEN WHO -T GEMS "Sweet 65" * HOLLYWOOD TELEVISION SERVICE "Con WHO -T stillation" * AI and .4 ALEXANDER "Imperial Prestige" * PAR- AMOUNT LIBRARY and others. WHO -TV HO -TV HO -TV O -TV WHO-'P!V O -TV Channel 13 Des Moines TV NBC Affiliate Col. B. J. Palmer, President P. A. Lovet, Resident Manager Robert H. Harter, Sales Manager thio-Perers, Griffin, Woodward, Inc., National Representatives I WHO -TV is part of Central Broadcasting Company, which also owns and operates WHO Radio, Des Moines; WOC -TV, Davenport WHEELING: IflfI1JORTV MARKET One Station Reaching The Booming Upper Ohio Valley No. 18 WTRF -TV Image Series TOYS The Louis Marx Company of Glendale, West Virginia (8 miles south of Wheeling) is a 15 million dollar Wheeling area in- dustry producing steel and plastic toys, anything from a complete Ben -Hur Set to a Cape Canaveral Missile Base. In this 36- county market where nearly million people earn over a 2 2 billion dollar spendable income, Marx Toys em- ploys i000 people and dispenses a 4V million dollar annual payroll. People who earn are people who spend ... Marx em- ployees typify the folks who comprise the big and buying WTRF-TV audience. Are these folks getting your message . .. are you ringing up sales in the 7500 retail outlets here? WO RLDS LARGEST\TOYNMAKER For avoilabilities, call Bob N watts Ferguson, VP and Gen. Mgr., 316,000 g C network color or Needham Smith, Sales Manager, of CEdar 2 -7777. National Rep., George P. WHEELING 7, WEST VIRGINIA r4'° tuf Hollingbery Company. Jr, reucaing a rnarizer iolr reilciliirìÿ new i mportance! STATISTICS don't buy furniture ... PEOPLE DO WJAC -TV certainly believes in statistics .. after all, according to both ARB and Nielsen, it's Number 1 in the Johnstown -Altoona Mar- ket. But facts and figures aren't too impor- tant if they're not backed up by concrete sales results! That's where "people" come in ... people who watch WJAC -TV consistently. They're the buyers! Here's the way Mr. Samuel Rapo- port, owner of Penn Furniture Stores, puts it: "It's a proven fact that by advertising on WJAC-TV, more people see our merchandise; therefore, more people buy at our stores. Very simple . very successful. We wouldn't be without WJAC -TV. It does the job of reaching the public ... and that's what counts." WJAC -TV is the "can do" station that will SERVING MILLIONS FROM back up statistics with sales results . d`I 7 ATOP THE ALLEGHENIES for you! Get the whole story from HARRINGTON, RIGHTER AND PARSONS, INC. BROADCASTING, April 18, 1960 3 Fort Worth Dallas e CIRCE of POWER In the great Southwest, the Circle of Power starts with Channel 4 - center of the booming, buying Dallas - Fort Worth Market . 10th in population of growing T \/ cities . dominant influence in I, almost 700,000 TV Homes . ask your Branham Man about KRI-D -TV "Circle of Power ". The Seal of Good Business" represented nationally by the Branham Company THE DALLAS TIMES HERAL STATIONS Clyde W. Rembert Citampf 4, Dam- Fott woittk President MAXIMUM POWER TV -Twin to KRLD radio 1080, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts. 4 BROADCASTING, April 18, 1960 CLOSED CI RCU rr Now it's MMMMBS Its exit Mc- payments applicable after end of new going president of Radio & Television Carthy, enter Minnesota Mining & contract when he becomes consultant Executives Society, will appoint study Manufacturing Co. as owner of Mutual to RAB with other financial benefits. committee to explore ways to carry Broadcasting System. Agreement has through Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff's call On the scene For second year in row, been reached for sale of oft -sold MBS for high -level symposium of opinion TvB is holding its semi-annual board to 3M, headquartered in St. Paul, for leaders to analyze tv's role in Ameri- meeting as close as it can get to some million, but an- can life. RCA board chairman made his in excess of $1.25 of television's best customers. Meeting nouncement likely won't be forthcom- proposal at RTES's 20th anniversary will be held at Boca Raton, Fla., Thurs- Since no station li- dinner in New York month ago (BROAD- ing for fortnight. day (April 21), same day American involved, transaction does CASTING, March 14). Group of RTES censes are Assn. of Advertising Agencies conven- not require FCC approval. members four years ago worked out tion gets under way there. Agency offi- preliminaries for radio -tv conference to Albert Gregory McCarthy, attorney - cials will be guests of bureau at cock- be held at Syracuse U., but idea failed industrialist, who acquired MBS last tail party that night. to gather industry support. Guterma July following Alexander Strategy Observers at House Sub- his 50% as does Belk's buy Sale of 5 kw day, 1 kw debacle, disposes of committee on Communications hearings H. Ferguson, night (930 kc) WIST Charlotte for 25% owner Chester last week discerned possible legislative Tampa, Fla., attorney, but 3M will ac- gross figure of $580,000 to Carolina manuever whereby legislation to amend Broadcasting Co. (WSOC- AM-FM -TV) quire 100% of property, having pre- Communications Act might be tacked viously negotiated for outstanding 25% (page 58) promptly triggered new nego- on to non -controversial bill in hope of tiations for sale of existing 250 w WSOC held in treasury stock. Mr. McCarthy averting Senate hearings. Senate-passed was in Europe last weekend (1240 kc) by latter to Henderson Belk reportedly S 1898, proposed by American Bar before for some $200,000. Mr. Belk, execu- but had negotiated transaction Assn. and dealing with procedural departure. It's believed McCarthy tive of Belk department stores in South- phases, is now before House Committee east (some 400 stores in chain) per- group had invested in neighborhood of and presumably would be vehicle on $1.5 million in network. sonally is negotiating for station and which rider incorporating legislation previously had made offer for WIST. Competition for Listerine In deepest urged by Chairman Oren Harris (D.- secrecy, television test has been prepared Ark.) would be attached (see page 66). Job open Two names being men- and is due to start today (April 18) in Among other things, Chairman Harris tioned most prominently to succeed several markets for what may become wants reinstatement of Avco procedure, Mary Jane Morris as FCC secretary multi- million- dollar account in short FCC hearings in field, network licen- are Evelyn Eppley, who would like to order. It's for new Johnson & Johnson sing and control, and sponsor identi- have job. and Charles Smoot, who has mouthwash called Micrin, with which fication with possible revision recom- not said he would take it. Miss Eppley J&J hopes to challenge Listerine's long- mended by FCC. was legal assistant to former FCC Chairman John Doerfer, and Mr. standing supremacy. Plans for Micrin last week it could act FCC proved Smoot is assistant general counsel in introduction were so hush -hush that, upon 24 hours' notice when it was called according to some accounts, samples charge of legislation. If Mr. Smoot upon. House Oversight Committee takes job, one report has Paul Mc- were stored in bank vault to keep word chairman, with FCC Chairman Fred- from getting out. Even last Friday. Donaugh, Mr. Doerfer's administrative erick W. Ford on stand last Tuesday, assistant, taking over legislative func- three days before tests were to break, Sec. asked for suggested language on tions. There is strong feeling, however, authorities at J &J agency, Young & 317 (sponsor identification) and FCC, Rubicam, refused to confirm or deny that commission may bring in outsider on Wednesday, proposed adding of pro- as new secretary. reports of plans (but one broadcaster viso to section which would give it dis- who said he'd tasted Micrin pronounced cretionary power in public interest, Confirmation Appearance April 27 it "good "). Test markets understood to convenience and necessity so that literal of FCC Commissioner Robert E. Lee include Columbus, Ohio; Portland, Ore.
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