Werlock Plan Hit; Board to Hold Hearing

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Werlock Plan Hit; Board to Hold Hearing First With The News! S4WNSHIR For Value—Shop The Ads Keep Astride All The Activities The Largest And Best Shops And Of The Town With Your Services In The Area Are Our Home-Town Paper Advertisers. Patronize Them! VOL. VIII.—No. 32 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1946 PRICE THREE CENTS State Buys Outstanding Programs Prepared for Five New USCG Ensign Property Grammar School Commen cement Exercises Werlock Plan Hit; Pt. Reading, Hopelawn, ham, Stephen Gulics, Robert Haag, Larson, Harold Lehrer, Carl Leid- James Hall, Harold Hanson, May- ner, Richard Lester, Richard Lind- "For Road Iselin, Fords, No. 11, nard Hess, Robert Hess, Stephen Board to Hold Hearing berg, George Lochli, Lawrence To Graduate Classes Hnat, Frank Hruska, George Hut- Lucas, Michael Mansueto, Lloyd Advises Owners Along ter, Carl Jig, Nicholas lovino, Al- Maryanow, Robert Mazzur, Jack WOODBRIDGE—Excellent pro- bert Johnson, George Kayser, Le- Monson, Robert Morgan, Richard Suggests Dividing New Route To Move grams have been arranged for the Roy Kijula, Daniel Koch, Stephen Mroczek, George Murdock, James Pro and Con.... Houses If Possible graduation exercises of the various Kristoff, Ronald Larsen, Leonard (Continued on Page 61 grammar schools throughout the In order to present both sides of the story on the so- Sophomore and TRENTON — Purchase agree- Township. School No. 11 program called Plan No. 3 submitted to the Board of Education ments are now being made between will be held Tuesday at 2:30 P. M., 9 Monday by Stephen K. Werlock in an effort to eliminate the State Highway Department at the Woodbridge High School Here Are 'Best' of Class of 46 the present two-session day in the High School, the Freshman Classes and property owners along the Auditorium. The Port Reading INDEPENDENT - LEADER interviewed responsible School commencement will also WOODBRIDGE—"A date alignment of the proposed Route take place on Tuesday at 1 P. M., people throughout the Township, many of them edu- 100 In Woodbridge Township, it in the school auditorium. Virginia Wight and Murray Mazur Named As cators. The; results of the interviews are published here- for a public hearing on the was learned today. On Wednesday, at 2:30 P. M., The Two Seniors 'Most Likely to Suceeed' with so that the public may have a thorough under- proposed plan to eliminate At the office of the State High- School No. *7 will hold its exercises standing of the 'problem and decide which side of the the double session - in the way Commissioner, a spokesman at No.14 School Auditorium, Fords; issue it will back when the public hearing is called. high school will be set at -- said "the commissioner is anxious School No. 15, Iselin has planned WOODBRIDGE—All dressed up Others who made the "hall of Monday's meeting of the not to demolish houses due to the its program for 10:30 A. M., in the in a biege leather cover, the Bari housing shortage." fame" were Richard Popovich, Advantages Disadvantages Board of Education and school auditorium • and Hopelawn onet, the 1946 year book at Wood- "most popular;" Joseph SUagyi James F. Hynes 1. Removes the objection of the That the additional $20,954.75 when the date is announced It was explained that property School will present its graduates at bridge High School, has made its and Ruth D'Angelo, "typical sen- COLONIA—Ensign Hynes, son owners involved are being urged 1 P. M., in the auditorium. appearance. And, as usual, the State Department of Education estimated as an additional cost I hope that interested par-; " iors;" Robert Hadden and Eliza- of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. against double sessions. to the taxpayers for installation to retain their homes and move School No. 11 Program committee in charge has selected Hynes, Berkley Avenue, received, ents and the students to be ^ them to other sites. If the property the members of the graduating beth Almasi, "class giant and 2. Permits an expansion of sched- of Plan No. 3 is inadequate and The program to be presented at midget;" Irene Sedlak and Arthur iis Bachelor of Science degree ule hours.—50 minute periods in the opinion .of. educators will affected by the change will owner agrees to move the house, School No. 11 exercises will be as class who, in its opinion, were the the regular purchase price is cut "best" in each category. Dunham, "best dancers;"; Claire and^a commission in the regular instead of 42 minute periods. be $40,000, or more. attend. If necessary, and I follows: Drake, "most polite." Coast Guard, at graduation ex- 3. Eliminates the necessity of keep- That the plan breaks Jip the hope it will be, the audito- ., very little in order to make it Selected as the "most likely to ercises last week at the 17. S. profitable to engage a mover. Overture, "Sea Bubbles," school succeed" were Virginia Wight and Also, Beverly Williams, "most ing afternoon students in school Freshman and Sophomore clas- rium at the high school will *' orchestra; processional, "Priest Coast Guard Academy, New Lon- until 5 o'clock. ses thus lowering the morale of be opened for the hearing." However, if a property owner March," school orchestra; Salute, Murray Mazur while Augusta studious;" Edith Voight, "most don, Conn. students who undoubtedly will decides to sell his home outright to Sciarpelletti, the committee stated, talkative;" Betty Ryho, "most 4. Permits more club activities, This statement was made -_- Bruce Van Ness, class and audi- "did most for the class." athletic;" Rachel Behrens and and library reference work. object to attending schools the State he may do so. In that ence; "America," class and audi- where there are pre-primary yesterday by Andrew A. I case, if the house is in good con- Marie Schuster and Ronald Lo- Eugene Tarulli, "best looking;" 5. Permits the utilization of at ence; address of welcome, Rose Vincent Gioffre, "class jester;" least 16 of the 30 class-rooms students. Aaroe, president of the dition, the State will advertise the Ann Hegedus; song, "Send Out zak were listed as the "best 239 High School That the supervision problems sale and hold a public auction. dressed" while Otto Winberg was Shirley Phillips and Joseph Soos, that are now vacant in the var- Board of Education, follow- -- Thy Light," selected chorus; pres- dubbed the "class dreamer." "class flirts." ious school buildings. would be tremendous. Present ing a conference Monday - The, purchaser will be required to entation of class, Supervising Prin- 6. Gives teachers time to do rem- principals in grade schools are move the house to another site as cipal Victor C. Nicklas; awarding Seniors Graduate edial work with pupils who need not certificated for' high school when Stephen K. Werlock, - soon as possible. of diplomas, Edwin Casey, member it and relieves students from work. It will be practically im- supervisor of elementary -J Meanwhile several Township of the Board of Education; class State League of Masonic Clubs' WOODBRIDGE — Two hundred pressure present under a 4^4 possible for Dr. John P. Lozo, education, presented three . home-owners along the proposed song, words by Rose Breza; "Star I and thirty-nine seniors received hour continuous classroom High School Principal, to give plans. Route, who have received notices Spangled Banner," class and audi- their diplomas last night at the schedule. adequate supervision to High Plan No. 3, which Mr. Werlock from the State and who are very ence; recessional, "Knights of Woodbridge High School Com- 7. Permits the home and school to School classes scattered around declared the "most feasible'," - was anxious to retain and move their Honor," school orchestra. To Convene 'Here on Saturdaymencement exercises held in Le- participate in a normal school in " the present Higrh School listed in a mimeographed outline homes to other sites, report it is The graduates will be as follows: gion Stadium which was crowded day. (Continued on Page 6) presented to board members as almost impossible to purchase land Walter Anderson, Charles Anfield, Greiner, Hoffman to president and William Kasch and with parents, relatives and friends follows: nearby. Those lots which are avail- Alan Balint, Alex Barabas, Rich- Frank Bangert, State vice presi- of the graduates. "Plan No. 3: 126 Freshmen to able have a price set on them that ard Blend, John Borthwick, Nor- | Be Among Speakers; dents. Delegates from Americus • Choral speaking on the theme Fords 14 and 356 pupils to School " ' are way beyond their actual value, man Bresee, David Caracus, Ben- Banquet Scheduled Craftsmen's Club are Andrew "I Hear America Singing" was the Letters Awarded at Assembly No. 11 (196 Freshmen and 160 " it is reported. Lots reasonably jamin Cherry, William Cooper, Lockie, Nels Kjeldsen and Benja- Sophomores.) priced are too far away and the feature of the exercises. The Wood- Louis Damiano, Joseph Dancsecs, WOODBRIDGE — Americus min Kantor. bridge High School Band played "In Fords No. 14 no changes or cost of moving houses would there- Steven Daroci, Blair Einstein, fore be excessive, they say. Craftsmen's Club will be the host William Grill is general chair- for" the processional, the singing Yesterday at Woodbridge Highshifting of students will be neces- Stephen Ellis, James Ello, Clifford at the annual convention of the man and he is being assisted by of the "Star Spangled Banner," sary since there are five empty No decision has been reached Feakes, Alfred Franke, Walter New Jersey State League of Ma- Mr. Hansen, Fred Sheppard, Mr. the class song and the recessional. rence Siecenski, Terry Willette, rooms. These rooms will take care on the alignment of Route 4 which Frey', Andrew Gatso, William Gra- sonic Clubs to be held Saturday Kjeldsen and Niels Mathiasen.
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