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. Colby Alumnus srR1Nc 1963 rl!llll Ma;ne � Literary I and ¥ Theological I Infiitution I . �1m11m11as011a�



History is not merely a linear continuum

Of events. It is a succession of happenings inex­ tricably interwoven with others in time past and time future, a dynamic process in which eons come and go, and in which individuals and institutions from time to time emerge in such a way as to affect for the bet­ ter history's course, some in heroic fashion, others in modest but enduring ways. Such men were the great names in Colby's past, and such an institution is Through its first century and a half this college Colby. has not only endured but prospered. It has main­ tained through these years sound ideals and objec­ ti es. It has earned the friendship of its community and its state, has enjoyed rewarding relationships with other fine institutions of education, near and far, and now, in its one-hundred-fiftieth year, can be said to have achieved a stature that commands national re­ spect.

An excitmg future lies before us. We have but to build upon the structure bequeathed to us by our predecessors in order to glimpse vistas they could not have dreamed of. To our successors in the year 2013 we send our greetings, and it gives us satisfaction to think that what we now accomplish will magnify the range of the perspective they will enjoy in that now distant day. As we see Colby move into the second half of its second century we ask the continuing bless­ ing of the Almighty upon our college and all its com­ munity, and upon the nation and the civilization that we serve. FROi\l THE LA\ S OF IASSACHU ETIS, CHAPTER CXXXI, AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A LITERARY INSTITUTION IN THE


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court Assembled, and by authority of the same, that there be erec­ ted and established in the District of Maine ...a Literary Inst itution for the purpose of educat· ing youth, to be called and known by the name of the Maine Literary and Theological Insti­ tution .... Be it further enacted that Daniel Merrill, Caleb Blood, Sylvanus Boardman, Thomas Green, Robert Low, Benjamin Tit­ comb, Thomas Francis, Ransom Norton, Daniel

McMaster, Hon. James Campbell, Samuel Stin- · son, John Hovey, David Nelson, Alford Rich· ardson, John Haynes, Samuel Baker, Joseph Bailey, Phineas Pillsbury, Hezekiah Prince, Moses Dennett, and John Neal, together with the President and Treasurer of the sa id institu­ tion for the time being . . . be and hereby are elected a body politic and corporate by the name of the President and Trustees of the Maine Literary and Theological Institution ...

A Birthday COLBY COLLEGE for

1813 1963 Dean Marriner and President Strider rnt the birthday cahe. The Dean's address, re/Jri11ted below, was given 011 tlir Pxacl annirlersary, Februar)' 2i, of the granting of tile co/leg cliarter in 18/J.

Some Pointers

'iV HEi I \V S A SOPHOMORE IN THIS COLLEGE FIFTY· can be sure of i Lhat tomorrow will not be like today. . three years ago, I took a course m European that the law of life i change, what can the Liny pro­ History under Dr. J. William Black, the fashion-plate vincial institution of the horse and buggy age have to "J. Bill" of the Colby faculty. On the first day that say to the nationally recognized, modern college in a the class convened, after he had gone through his rit­ nuclear time, even though that college, beginning its ual of donning a linen duster, putting wood into the life in the Wilderne s of Maine, has stoutly remained big box stove, adjusting the window shades, removing in that geographic area which the historian Toynbee the duster, and calling the roll, Dr. Black told us what tells us is at best the very edge of civilization? Of we were going to study in that course. Somehow, all cour e I must join with Kenneth Robert in warning through the long years, I have never forgotten his Toynbee not to repeat such a canard about Maine. definition of history, inadequate as it may sound to Nevertheless, as for learning anything from Colby's present-day professional historians; and it is that defi­ past that may benefit Colby's fuLure, wouldn't it be nition of history that I would use as a springboard better to let the dead past bury its dead? for what I have to say on this occasion that marks the Despite the not unnatural assumption that the 15oth birthday of our college. " History," said Dr. college Limes of 6 A.M. chapel, mush and molasses Black, "is the record of the present, with a view to its breakfast, memoriter recitations, and long winter va­ development from the past, and should be studied to caLions to permit students to teach in the one-room the end that the lessons of the past may be applied to rural schools are but symbols of a past that may well our present and future good." be forgotten, I boldly submit that Dr. Black's defini­ What is there in the century and a half record of tion of history may not be empty rhetoric, that indeed this college that has anything to say about its future Colby's past does have pertinent suggestions for Col­ course? '1Vhen we are so sure that the one thing we by' future.

2 THE COLBY ALUMNUS HE FIR T H Hlr T THAT I FIND, A I POUR OVER T the re ord , the documents, the letters of Colby's pa t, concerns the very reason I ha e given why one · may su pect that past has nothing to teach us; namely, the inevitability of change. But, if Colby's long his­ tory teac.hes anything at all it tells future trustees and administrators that progres comes only through will­ ingnes to face change. This college was founded to supply Baptist pul­ pits in the District of Maine with ministers trained in an institution supported by that denomination. The new school was to have a theological and a literary de­ partment, and was therefore called the Maine Liter­ ary and Theological Institution. There was to be no Croakers, in every country, president. Each of the two departments was to be independently responsible directly to the Board of always boding ruin, Trustees. Now note what happened. Within ten years the college had a single administrative head, to whom have never prevailed here. both the professor of theolog and the professor of languages and literature were responsible; the theo­ logical school had become distinctly subordinate, and within twenty years it had disappeared. What had happened? The climate had changed. The Baptists from Colby's Past had established a strictly theological school at New­ ton, Massachusetts, and the demand that a minister should have a firm ba(:kground in the liberal arts was already under way. Colby lived and thrived because Ernest C. Marriner those early trustees read correctly the signs of the times College Historian and Dean Emeritus and faced the wisdom of change. Now for another instance. No institution that has enjoyed half a century of continued existence likes to change its name. This institution could have con­ tinued as Waterville College. In 1867 neither Gard­ In 1929, just four months before the fatal Black ner Colby nor any member of his family suggested that Friday in the stock market, the trustees faced the the college take a new name to honor the man who blasting report of the commission to study the status was, up to that time, its most generous benefactor. of higher education in Maine; blasting, because that The tmstees voluntarily determined that this man report said that Colby must move or die. That was who had saved the college from closing in the dreary change, indeed, change in the face of the deepest de­ days at the end of the Civil War richly deserved to pression of modern times. Yet, a third of a century have his name perpetuated in Colby College. later, here we are celebrating the Sesquicentennial, Again, when Mary Low in 1871 braved the scorn not hemmed in between railroad and river, but on and sometimes the wrath of the male population to the spacious acres of Mayflower Hill. become the only woman student among a hundred During the next half century there are sur to men, the authorities of this college recognized the arise crises that demand change, and in every such changing times. To be sure, as late as 1902, a distin­ crisis will be heard the opposers and pessimists, the guished attorney on the Board of Trustees declared folk who, as Benjamin Franklin put it, are "croakers that women had never been legally admitted, that the in every country, always boding its ruin." It is the charter declared the purpose of the institution to be glory of Colby's history that here the croakers have the education of youth, and that any court in the land never prevailed. would hold that the word youth meant males only. The trustees repudiated that contention and Colby NOTHER SUGGESTION FROM OUR HISTORY THAT SEEMS progressed steadily from tolerance of a few women A to contradict this first suggestion is quite as im­ students to a policy of coordination, and finally to portant, for this one tells us that despite the need to de facto coeducation. be willing to face change, there are some things that

SPRING 1963 3 had better be fixed and stable. "Change and decay in But l am equally aware that uch tatement are not all around I see, but thou who change t not abide with alway immature or unreasoned, though I am sorry me." Perhaps there are other thing besides God that to say they freq uently are. But what I am even more may well abide. aware of i thi : Colby is the alma mater of Elijah Like many a sister college, Colby has more than Parish Lovejoy, who laid down hi life that other men i once been tempted to broaden the scope of its pro­ might be free to publish unpopu ar and e en incendi­ gram. For twenty years, in fact, it carried the gran­ ary opinions, and the college that produced Elijah diose name of Colby University. But always it has re­ Pari h Lo ejoy mu t be the la t in merica to stifle turned to its one shoemaker's last, to be fundamentally the campu pres . a high grade college of liberal arts. As the theological school dwindled into oblivion, a the medical school n the oth r hand, the tutlent cannot run the had only a few short years of existence, so did plans ollege. They ha e a right to free expre ion and free to take advantage of the Morrill Act fortunately come petition through a re ponsible pre and a responsible to naught. That plan was for Colby to teach agricul­ tudent go ernment. In proportion a the are aware ture while Bowdoin taught the mechanic art . The that ever pri ilege carrie with it a re ponsibilit wise legislators of Maine aw it different! , and to the ma properl be given in rea ed authorit over their wisdom we owe our fi�e tate uni er it . tudent living. Whene er tudents trenuou I and per i tently support a cau e, however unpopular if We do not need to argue in the e time that the that au e is inherent! just, the can be ure that it small college should not attempt to be a supermarket wi ll eventual! pre ail. But they mu t ne er mistake of higher education, offering all thing to all. Let where final authorit on broad, general policy lies. Colby remain in that distingui hed company known Thi college is allowed to operate at all because the as the independent college of liberal arts. overeign state has b charter granted to a corporation Another indicator of the future points to the ailed the Pre ident and Tru tees of Colb College division of authority between faculty and tru tees. final authority o er it operation . I ha e already Originally the trustees of thi college e tablished not aid the tru tee wi el commit to administration and only the detailed curriculum, but al o the daily ched­ facult control o er academic matter and by the ule that decreed three recitation a day, six days a ame token, in thi and other colleges increasing week. It was the Board that decided that, at the end power in the field of tudent affair i being entrusted of each term, each of the four cla ses should be orally to re pon ible student go ernments. But in all this examined by a group of leading citizens, and that one point stands out emphatically: the happiest and marks be assigned by a fixed ratio of recitation to ex­ the most successful periods in the history of this col­ amination. The history of that policy is all too clear. lege have been when trustees, faculty, students and Whenever the trustees took out of faculty hands the alumni have considered themselves partners in mak­ management of academic affairs, whenever they inter­ ing Colby a place where young adults and mature ferred in matters of discipline, the results were un­ adults may work together in the worth pur uit of happy. The strongest periods in Colby history ha,·e learning to live and living to learn. been those in which the trustees exercised dynamic leadership in fiscal and general policy, but wisely left ! A fifth pointer bids u ne er forget that it is the ' I internal management to administration and faculty. I fundamental purpo e of this college to teach not sub­ A fourth suggestion concerns the attitude toward ject, but young men and women. If the day ever student opinion and its right to be heard. The un­ comes when the Colby student is mere dog-tagged happy end of Colby's first administration in 1833 came number, a statistic fed into a computer, one lesson of not because the students celebrated the Fourth of our history will have been sadly forgotten. Since the I July, but because their protest at being publicly day when Jeremiah Chaplin brought the first seven branded as braying jackasses fell on deaf ears. Seventy students by longboat up the Kennebec, the individual, years later, the so-called strike of 1903, following the not the mass, has been the aim of Colby instruction. suspension of all the sophomore men, would not have The college archives are full of letters written by presi­ occurred had there been a responsible student govern­ dent and professors showing concern for some partic­ ment to represent student opinion. ular student. Even Mrs. Chaplin, wife of the first president, had a long and solicitous correspondence AVING BEEN FOR MANY YEARS A MEMBER OF THE with parents in Massachusetts about a boy who was H administration of this college, I know very well having a hard time in 1820. In my own student days how irksome can be the blasts in the campus press. Arthur Roberts was eminently successful as president

4 THE COLBY ALUM. US Governor John H. Reed GREETINGS FROM THE TATE Colby College, as it enters upon another half century and we know many more successful years, has a great challenge before it. This challenge - to provide the opportunity for Maine )'Outh to obtain the higher education which life now demands - is on e which Colby shares with all our other institutions and with late government. TVe are mindful of the tre­ mendous con tributions which Colby College is m ahng to the state and on behalf of the citi­ zens of Maine I extend our best wishes for your future. You also have my personal congratula­ tions for a sesquicentennial filled with man y pleasant memories.

included (top) Mrs. Albert F. Drumm.and and her son, Prince Special Guests Drummond, '15; (center) Miss Edith C. Robinson, '16 with of the College dean of women Frances Seaman; and (below) Mrs. Elizabeth Bracy and her daughter, Mary Bracy Martin, '51. All specially invited guests are listed on page 8.

Mayor Cyril M. Joly, Jr. GREETINGS FROM THE CITY May a truly sincere and deep-rooted rela­ tionship continue as long as Waterville an d Colby remain as institutions. . . Waterville an d its citizens salute Colby, its students, fac­ ulty, trustees, alumni and f1·iends on the mem­ orable occasion and wish it well in the ye11rs ahead.

SPRI G 1963 5 largely becau e he knew intimately every boy in col­ scripture differ from tho e which are contained in any lege, and in the following generation that great dean article of faith adopted or to be adopted by the of women, Ninetta Runnals, knew the girls so well In titution ." that, when they came to the commencement platform \ hen the Maine Literary and Theological Insti­ for their diplomas, she invariably presented them by . tution became Waterville College in 1821, its two most first, middle and last name without a glance at the prominent tru tees were Wi lliam King, first Governor printed program. Despite the recognized need for of Maine, chainnan of the chool' prudential com­ professional counselors, I insist that they can never mittee, and Timothy Boutelle, Waterville's leading take the place of Mark Hopkins on one end of the log citizen the ollege treasurer. Neither man was a and a student on the other. Nothing can quite re­ Bapti t. place mutual understanding and re pect between the teacher and the individual, not merely the ma sed he re ord of Colby College are replete with class, that is taught. valiant and sue e ful tands of admini tration and In no way does individual concern belittle the trustee again t occa ional accu ation of religious place of the academic disciplines. Of cour e, the laxity. To the credit of Bapti ts, it must be said that teacher must know his subje�t; certainly he must be those difference were never with enlightened national enthusiastic about it. Admittedly he cannot hope to leader . Those leaders agreed that the college had a lead every last student in the class to the mastery of right to teach e olution, that a profe sor hould not even a single course. But he can be concerned for each be di charged for teaching what any group deemed student as a person, try to understand him and help religiou heresy, and there e en came a time when it him come to see that learning is not a dangerous, but was generally agreed that Colby had not become a a precious thing. That has been the historic role of mo lern odom becau e it permitted dancing. Colby professors since the clay when Jeremiah Chaplin first assembled his classes in the old farmhou e where "\1 bat I am trying to a y is thi : Just because the Elmwood Hotel now tand . Colb wa a Bapti t college founded in the ideal of Baptist freedom, she was able through the long years to urmount many crise and meet without di a ter ' ANY OTHER SUGGESTIO S FOR COLBY S FUTURE OC­ the compelling force of change. cur to one who has had the opportunity to M When future cri es come, though they are un­ examine closely the incidents of the past one-hundred­ likely ever again to be theological, they will certainly fifty years, but proper restriction of time dictates that line up the forces of restriction against the advocates we consider tonight just one more. Colby should re­ of freedom. When such moments occur, it may be main true to her basic religious heritage. Note the well for both side to heed the words of Oliver Crom­ adjective "basic." I do not mean that Colby should well: "I be eech you, gentlemen, in the bowels of return to her early denominational relationship. Her Christ, consider it possible that you may be mistaken." status as an independent college, free from denomina­ tional ties, is today subject only to commendation. The second uggestion from our religious heri­ But the long, close association of this college with the tage is this: No independent college of liberal arts Baptist faith offers two pertinent suggestions. ever need hesitate to emphasize religion, however First, Baptists have never subscribed to a creed. secular the time. The college need only by concerned Every human being, so Baptists have consistently that the religious practices on its campus be free, taught, is entitled to interpret the scriptures accord­ without compulsion or restraint. It is not enough for ing to the dictates of his own intelligence and his own such a college merely to teacl1 courses in religion; it conscience. That does not mean that theological dif­ must show, by active leadership that religion is a way ferences have never intruded within Baptist ranks; of life, and that it is neither unscholarly nor humili­ otherwise they would not be human. But the basic ating to recognize in the universe a power beyond belief in religious freedom, however watered down in ourselve . It may be that Colby has lifted hersell times of stress, remains at the heart of the heritage of from the banks of the Kennebec to the heights of this college. Mayflower Hill by her own bootstraps, but it may be The college charter said: "No student of the even more true that the devoted men and women who Institution, sustaining a fair moral character, shall be did the lifting accomplished it because they believed deprived of any privileges or be subjected to the for­ firmly and lived humbly the principles that St. Paul feiture of any aid, or be denied admission to the In­ commended to the little band of early Christians at stitution, on the ground that his interpretations of the Corinth: the principles of faith and hope and love.


President of

A tale of opportunities painfully earned, painfully and profitably used


as a vate institution will drive almost all students into the low-cost public institutions and that it will be impos­ sible, under future economic conditions, for private institutions to raise money enough through gifts to Liberal Arts improve themselves sufficiently to compete with public institutions that have merely to go to the legislature for funds. Those who are themselves concerned with College public institutions may quarrel with the merely. It is argued, further, that the curr ent shortage of well­ qualified faculty puts the colleges in a disadvantageous EXCERPTS FRO:\I N ADORE S GI EN position vis-a-vis the universities, which offer oppor­ AT THE CHARl 'R ESQ ICE TEN1 IAL tunities for research greater than those available in OBSERVANCE. colleges, and vis-a-vis the public institutions, which can offer higher salaries. Finally, it is felt that the colleges must themselves become universities in order to satisfy the students, on the one hand, and the THERE IS A GOOD faculty, on the other. deal of talk today about a contemporary peril of the liberal arts college, particularly the privately sup­ ported liberal arts college - that is, the threat that ET US NOW LOOK AT THE ACTUAL SITUATION. NO such institutions will be wiped out, or rather crowded L one in his right mind would deny that privately out, by an unholy cabal composed of economic forces, supported liberal arts colleges are in a difficult and the universities, and public higher education. dangerous situation, but no one with any perspective Those who view with alarm do so for a great would maintain that the difficulties and dangers are as variety of reasons. One of the most curious arguments great as those faced even in the rather recent past. is that the liberal arts college is doomed because of Colby has many unsatisfied needs, but the energy, de­ the increasing tendency of students to go on to grad­ votion, and generosity of her recent presidents, trus­ uate school. It is quite true that 70 or 80 percent of tees, alumni, and friends have placed Colby in a posi­ the male bachelors graduating from a few colleges tion that exceeds the fondest dreams of avarice of fifty now go to graduate school, or at least plan to. It is years ago. One of the great advantages of a private argued that the college will become a mere prepara­ institution is that it can extend itself and take chances tory school for the graduate school. In another direc­ in a way that a public institution cannot. As a result, tion, it is heard that the high cost of attending a pri- every well-managed private college or university is


Cl UDE ALLEN, J R. Hebron Academy llEADMA TER ELIZABETH BRACY (i\!R .) The Reverend Daniel Merrill INCORPORATOR


l\"ATHANLEL B TLER. I\' The Reverend 1\ othr111iel Butler, l WELFTH PRESIDENT

IIENRY D. Cl:I PLI1 The Reverend Jeremiah Cliapli11, J7JR T PRESIDEl\"T JAi\IES S. COLES Bowdoin College, PRE�IDENJ

DAVID I I. COTTON Richer Classical Institute, l'Rll'\CIPAL JO EPHINE PRl1 CE DRUt.•Ii\TOND (MRS.) Hezekiah Prince, 1 ·coRPoRAroR

LLOYD I I. ELLIOT Uuiversit')' of �Jaine, PRE ID.ENT JAMES GORE Kl "G William King, flR T GOVERNOR IIARRY H. KNOWLTO' The Reverend Thomas Fra11ciJ. !!\"CORPORATOR

RLAJ\:A KOGUT The Reverend Robert Evcrell Pallison, THIRD PRESIDE T

HERBERT C. LIBBY Colby Centennial Chairman ' CIIARLES O REILLY Coburn Classical Institute, llEADi\IASTER

RALPH REYNOLDS Guests of the colle[!.e were: (t1jJper left) Joseph Coburn Smith, The First BajJtist Church of '2.f; (upper right) Mr. and J\lrs. Gilbert Titcomb (HaiTiet ]ohn­ Waterville, PASTOR s/011, '30); ( ce11 ler ) Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Chaplin; (below) EDITH ROBINSON ( MISS) Dean J\farriner and Ernena Goodale mith, '2.f. Mr. mith was Nioses Dennclt, INCORPORATOR chnin11r111 of the e quicentennial l'enr Co111111i/lee. JO EPH COBURN Si\lITI-1 The Coburn Family, BENEFACTORS

GILBERT TITCOMB The Reverend Benjamin Titcomb, I "CORPORA TOR ELIZABETH TUCK (MISS) The Reverend john Haynes, INCORPORATOR ARTHUR C. WALWORTH, J R. LO ISE WALWORTH ( MISS) Gardner Colby, BENEFACTOR PJllLlP WILLARD ( IR .) The Reverend George Dana Boardman Pcpj;er, NINTH PRESIDENT PERRY G. WORTMAN Higgins Classical Institute, llEAD?.fASTER

8 TllE COLBY LlJM�U HERE ARE A NUMBER OF QUE TIONS TO A K ABOUT T faculty. Why do professors go to a place in the first instance and why do they stay there? Leaving out nit d tate . money, which is important, I think that people go and stay because of opportunity to do what they intended [ r alt ndan n raduat hool, the extreme ure f 70 or p r ent whi h I m nti necl are b to do in the first place, to study and to teach; because me. n t pi al of the nite l tate a a ' hole. they receive a stimulus from their colleagues; because they have good facilities with which to work; and be­ for over, le than 2 per ent of the ollege gradu­ cause their students are of high quality. te go on to ·aduat h I f art ien e , and gineering; the oth r o to profe ional hool of What can a college without substantial numbers tw, medicine, bu ine , and ·o forth. II wel ome tu­ of graduate students do to attract and retain professors - ent from out ide and man tudie have hown that who wish to carry on active programs of research? For 1e graduate of the oocl liberal art college ha' e one thing, a college can seek to develop its library. i tinguished them elve there. It i almo t uni er ally For another, it can invest some of its funds in a pro­ !!feed that the be t preparation either for graduate gram of frequent leaves for junior members of the .:hool of art and cience or for gra luate profe ional facult - perhaps a semester every three years. It is �hool, i a ound liberal edu tion " ith appropriate generally assumed that a research program on the part ttention paid to the ubj t upon whi h the grad­ of the faculty is important to the intellectual develop­ ment of the students. This is so, only if the students • te tudy i ba ed. themsel es are involved in some way in the research I know of no fir t-rate indepen lent llege that program . . a a real hortage of qualified appli ant ; mo t are I it really necessary to develop a graduate school mbarra ed b a urplu . It i b coming apparent Lo retain the best faculty? One of the most difficult owever, that the pennile tuclent tand a better things to say "no " to, and to make it stick, is the am­ hance of a ,-irtuall free du ati n in a I rivate than bition of a department to gi e graduate work when n a public in titution, if the private in titution has that department is really not capable of doing so. Yet dequate cholar hip fund . It i ob iou that the ad­ it must be done mercile sly and repeatedly, though it itional co t make no differen e to the wealthy. There elclom i . \ ho e ' a danger that the econ mi middle l , I ee no reason that a thoughtfu l and imaginative teed i not great enough to ju ·tify ub id , i being facult and administration cannot create in a selective lriven out of the independ nt in titution , but with liberal art college a ituation that would be quite as he increa ing u e of tudent loan and incre ing de irable to scholars of very high quality as exists in vailability of fund for loan , the an readily be mo t uni er ities. The very fact that some of our telped. In the ne t two ' tr , half a million more mo t di tinguished scholars are in such colleges today 'Oung merican will seek to enter colle or uni­ bear out my belief. ·ersities than did thi year and, in mo t ear therc­ tfter until 1970, there will be further increa e . The Langer i not that there will be ollege without tu­ H T RE OJ\lE OF THE POSITIVE ADVANTAGES OF lents a that there ' ill b tudenl \ ithout college . W an independent liberal arts college like Colby? I have been hearing, in e I was old enough In the fir t place, there remain today in the United o listen, that the day of large giving are o er, States very few independent liberal arts colleges that md I know that the pre ent tax-reform bill pre ent are really liberal arts colleges. Most colleges contain a L threat to some kind of haritable gi ing. l o I am mishmash of the liberal arts and professional or semi­ .ure that this Congre i unlikely to make an ub­ professional undergraduate programs. The liberal arts .tantial contribution to the olu tion of the financial colleges in the universities, at least in the complex :>roblems of private in titution . Abo e all, I know universities, and their undergraduate professional hat more money for education ha been rai ed in the schools are harried by the demands to perform ser­ ast decade than in any decade before; in fact, more vices for professional schools. Most of the people in noney has been raised at Brown in the last two de­ the English department of a large state university are :ades than in the whole 180 previous years of Brown's not teaching English as a liberal art, but as a service �xistence. If I read Dean Marriner's history correctly, course for students in schools of business or journalism he same is true of Colby. Tho e colleges whose pro­ or home economics or agriculture. Even the physicists �ams justify support and who energetically seek sup­ have to teach physics for the housewife, which means ort will receive it ; other will not. fixing a light plug.

9 Colby College

H alervi/le College, about 1837. A painting by Esteria Butler, in 'Maine and Its Arttsts' exhibition.


1963 1880 Lorimer Cha/Jel, 1938.

A place like Colby, which is relatively free from it own ethic and ideal. Its students invariably take distractions, has the great advantage of being able to part of this ethic with them. concentrate on the central issues of the arts and sci­ Colleges are today, always have been, and always ences. It benefits from its selected and relatively will be in peril. The history of their perils is also the homogeneous student body in terms of ability; very history of their opportunities. Read in one way, Col­ likely the ranges of ability will narrow considerably by's history is one of narrowly averted catastrophes; as the pressure for admission increases. It has a co­ read in another, it is a tale of opportunities painfully herence and a meaning as a college that are absent earned and painfully and profitably used. Any institu­ from a large public college, which is broken into tion, that can pick itself up from a narrow valley ' schools, or from a complex university. It has a free­ bounded by a river and a railroad track and set itself dom to do as it pleases, to refuse to do what it does high upon the eminence of this beautiful hill, can not please, to experiment, to select, to discard, to form moYe mountains.

10 TIIE COLBY ALUJ\IN S l '11/v the j>lac ro111 vii ·n c the come, 1'1 1" th river· r turn auain. The thing that ha been is the thing that shall be nnd there is no new thin

Th r i 110 remembrance of former things - with tho e that shall come after.

The truth inherent in that observation is prob­ n/J/' onl) too apparent. Generation after generation, u ego on making the same old mistakes. For our chil­ dren, possibly, we recognize it and would save them, but we cannot; for it seems to be a law of life that each ()'eneration make its own mistakes and learn from its own errors. Good judgment it is said} comes only from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment. So, round and round it goes, and all the rivers run into the sea, only to return again. Or, to put it in terms of the wise-crack, " We learn from his­ tory1 that we learn nothing from history." The greatest of English writers, to •iria with this same theme, once said, - There is, or can be, If there be n othing new, but that which is hath been before, how are our brains beguiled which, laboring a certain accumulation of wisdom. for invention, bear amiss the second burden of a former child. Upon this assumption rests much 0 that record could - backward look even five hun­ dred courses of the sun, that I might see what the old of the argument for world could say, whether we are mended, or whether better they, or whether revolution be the same. the liberal arts education.

FROM REMARKS BY CONCER S COLBY COLLEGE SPECIFICALLY, WHEN WE Reginald H Sturtevant A reflect upon " what hath been " in a century I IA IRMAN OF TH.E BOARD OF TRUSTEES and a half of its being, we can hardly fail to be struck

T HIE CHARTER SESQUICE TEi NIAL BANQ ET by the recurring pattern of desperate crisis and suc­ ceeding triumph - crises which indeed bear a certain mutual resemblance. It e en began in crisis when the infant nation was embroiled in a ruinous war with Great Britain - a most inopportune time in which to launch such a pro­ ject; and, of all unlikely places, the Province of Maine in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts was the most. So heavily dependent was it, in so many ways, upon shipping for its very life that more than other areas it was being ruined by that predominantly maritime struggle. Little wonder that it took them five years to get the institution fully established and operating, and, of course four years more to win through to that first Commencement when George Dana Boardman be­ came the first Livermore boy to make the grade at Colby. It was only two decades later when the ship seemed to be sinking beyond hope, swamped with debts, abandoned by the president and half the faculty

11 PRING 1963 who ga e up in despair. Onl one man eemed to flower Hill on which all work had LO be topped in­ have faith in a successful outcome - George Wash­ definite! , while mo t of hi men's di ision was drawn ington Keeley, who was so aptly named, for he aved off into military ervice. ituation which, if not the college as truly as his namesake saved the country, hopele , wa at lea t o di heartening that it would - with the help of two of his colleagues on the facul­ have been little wonder had he picked up his marble t , one being Samuel Francis Smith, more commonly and gone ba k to the security of Har ard Divinity remembered as the author of America . chool. But, I well remember Dr. Bixler' words to Again in only two more decades came the terrible the Board o( Tru tee . "We mu t not," he aid, " et cri is of the Civil War, as President Champlin, in the our igh ts too low. It i not enough to be a good col­ spring of 1865, watched his student body shrink away le e of our kind. v\Te should determine to be the besl - one third of them in a ingle boat load down the colle e of our kind in the unt ·; and we mu t re o­ Kennebec to join the Union armies. lutel · b on our way." Twice more in the nineteenth century, and twice in the twentieth century, have financial pani or war HE RI I \ HlCH \ E RR.E.'TLY F E l PROBABLY or both brought crisis to Colby. T not o apparent to an ·one not closely connected wiLh Colb 's affair . To be offered nearl two million dollar b the Ford Foundation certain! does not ound like calamit . There i invol ed, nevertheless, a cri i ' bich, for the fut ure of Colb College, ma ' ell be more deci ive than an of the preceding one , be au e a ucce ful outcome i almo t po iti e assur­ ance of greatne , while failure migh t very well rele­ ga te u LO mediocrit '· The de perate part om in the fact that in the immediate! preceding four •ear we had made a su­ preme effort to complete the Mayflower Hill move, and had only ju t ucceeded in rai ing the necessary two and a half million dollars b training every nen•e, be iegiog e,·er 1 known or u peeled friend of the col­ lege, and drainingdr ever imaginable ource of finan­ cial aid, when we were confronted b the Ford chal­ lenge to go right back and rai e 3.6 million in three year - a mani(e t impo ibilit . It i I am ure, the oice of a cumulated experi­ ence which we again hear peaking through President Reginald Sturtevant trider' words. "Of course it i impo ible," he aid, " but what of it? Colb has alwa done the impos- ible. You ma be sure that Colby's accompli hments With this pattern of recurring crisis, I think ' e in the ne, t decade will be pectacular; and, in the can also detect an accumulating assurance, - a sort of ne, t centur , Lhe ' ill be, Lo thi generation, unbe­ cumulative confidence based on experience. When lie able." we come down to the time of Franklin Johnson, and Heartening ' ord - heanening but logical, be­ ee him standing amid the economic ruins of the cau e from one-hundred-fift years of history, as it greatest depression, facing a verdict that his college read in the log of the good ship Hero, from her situa­ must either move or die, we remember his confident tion as he beat her difficult way up the Kennebec words, " 'iVhatever ought to be done can be done," as with her pathetically ridiculous cargo, bent on estab­ he set out on his self-styled "Venture of Faith." lishing a college with little more than an axe and a Seelye Bixler's succession to command was marked Bible, to her present position, sailing triumphantly by this country's entry into the greatest of World into all Lhe winds atop the talle t building in the Wars; so that, instead of the anticipa ted opportunity state, if there is one le on we ought to have learned, to get on with the building of a new college, he found surely it is this - that, for them pos essed of deter­ himself with, on the one hand a deteriorating and mined courage and unflinching faith, all things truly rapidly disintegrating old campus on the Kennebec, are possible; and, to that extent, God grant there be and, on the other hand, a few empty shells on May- remembrance with those that shall come after.

12 THE COLBY ALU lNUS l.13Y ' U' RIBE T TH � P lTION member · are elected b their col­ gra m, for example, di cu ed b Ed­ tak n b th . meri an league to certain of the e for tatecl uca tional Policy Committee at it i ti n of niv r it Profe or term·; on other , member are ap­ w·eekly meeting for two and a half n th ubje t of fa ult participa­ pointed by the pre ident. 'ear , ,,,a referred evera l times to ti n in ollege goYernm.ent. full pe ific facult committees are the facult a a whole for genera l and ( nnal Laternent of thi po i­ empo-wered to e tabli h policy and di cu ion, prior to its u bmi ion ti n (in the A.A.U.P. B11lletin, De- to take action ha eel on thi polic, to the facult as a " hole for a final ember i 962) in lude the e en­ u uall without referra l to the fac- vote. There was no need to refer tence : The faculty should have the J anuar Program to the board primary responsibility for determi11- Th e Pr esident's Page of trustee . The bo:1rcl, informed i110· the educational policies of the regularly by the pre iden t and clean i11 titution . . . Educational policies of the facult of the progre s of the inclHde such fundamenta l mat ters cliscu sion, had indicated approval as the subject matter and methods and intere t, but no action on the of instruction, fa cilities and sup­ tru tees' part was called for. port for resea rch of fa culty mem­ Another kind of problem was the bers and students, standards for ad­ college's deci ion to wit hdraw from mission of students, for academic the National Def en e Educa tion performance and for the granting Act loan program so long as the of degrees. They also include those di claimer affidavit remained in ef­ aspects of student life that relate fect. A majority of those present direct Ly to the educa tional process, and oting in a full faculty meeting for e ·ample, limitations, in aid of recommended this withdrawal to academic performance, on extra­ the pre ident. He, in turn, submit­ curricular activities, and regulations ted to the board of tru tees that affectincr freedom of expression. this recommendation be approved. A majority of those present and \'Oting in a meeting of the board r\ PRDL\RY F CTIO made the final decision on Colby's It i obviou that the pnmary the ,, ithdrawal. (unction of the facult i to con­ This committee tructure duct the academic program. The role of through which facult opm10n is administration hould do every­ made a ailable to the administra­ thing pos ible to arrange the teach­ the fa culty tion on all sorts of matters - allows ing load and the condition under them a major degree of control which in truction ca n take place in college over the educational policies. This (cla room, office · laboratorie li­ i their hi toric prerogati' e. In the brary facilitie ·

tend from a wide section of the counlr '· The fir l director, Profe or M o will rc­ mai n, thi ummer, in that post. In announcing Profe or McCoy' retire­ ment thi June, President trider cited him for "his yeoman service " to the college. "Jn the 33 year of hi chairmanship, the department of modern languages has ex­ panded and de eloped along sound profe. - ·ional line . The ummer chool of Lan­ guag , ...which, we are glad to ay, Pro­ f e r M oy has con ented to direct in the coming ummer, i recognized a one of the leading cl1ools of its kind ...As director of s hedule he has annually performed the miracle of arranging cla es and examina­ tion into a program that cu Lomaril) achieve a minimum of confu ion and a maximum of efficien y.

Professor McCoy retires

Foreign language stud)1 was largely an " ' e are all glad that Profe or and 1 Ir . academic matter thirty-three years ago when IcCoy, who has been hi active as ociate john F. McCoy ca me to Colby as head of in the management of the summer pro­ the la nD"uages department. Bringing a be­ gram, will con tinue to make their home in lief, he practiced it: that Americans would v\Ta terville, and that we will have the bene­ have to become conversant in tongues other fit not only of as ociation with them bu t of than their own to have a positive influence their wi e coun el as well." and effect on the world's peoples. ProEe or McCoy, a nati e of Sussex, , i a graduate of Princeton and hold This year, Professor McCoy retires. He an M.A. from Harvard. Recipient of an leaves behind him a modern languages cur­ Ottendorfer Fellowship, he has done grad­ riculum vastly broader and better than uate study in Germany (Munich, Frank­ that which existed in 1930. Many students furt-am-Main) and Swi Lzerland (Zurich). now major in Spanish and German; then Author of Outlines of German Grammar only the latter was represented by one lone and editor of Germelshausen by Friedrich student. Russian, Portuguese and courses in Gerstacker, he has contributed, as one of Italian Literature have been added. Nine three hundred of the world's leading lan­ hundred students are enrolled in language guage scholars, to the Britannica World studies, and the faculty has grown from Language Dictionary. Professor McCoy three to fifteen instructors. taught at University, Simmons In 1948, language laboratories and the and Harvard before Colby. Mrs. McCoy is use of tape recorders was instituted; in the a graduate of Radcliffe and their son, John, same year, the Summer School of Languages received hi .B. from Colby in 1952.

1..J THE COLBY LUMNU CHIEF JUSTICE EARL W RRE. ND ECRETARY of the Interior Stewart L. Udall partici­ pated in an academic con ocation on May 16 and i 7. The event ' as the climactic one marking the end of the obser ance of the college's sesquicentennial ear. The sum­ mer issue of the Alumnus will carry a re­ port on the occasion and on the addresses gi en b Mr. Warren and Mr. Udall.

Bixler Udall TT'arren

news of the college

PRESIDENT-EMERITUS J. SEELYE BIXLER RE­ D ID MACKENZIE OGILVY, CHAIRMAN OF turned to Colby on June 10 to deliYer the Ogilvy, Benson and Mather, has been ap­ commencement addres . He spoke to the pointed a trustee of the college. The Scot­ member of the senior cla s who ' ere tish-born founder of one of the countr 's freshmen during his final year in office four greatest advertising agencies, was educated ears ago. at Christ Church, Oxford. Dr. Bixler has completed a length as­ Recently described in Time Magazine as sociation with Thammasart University in " the most sought after wizard in today's Bangkok, Thailand, where he was a coun- ad' erti ing industry," Mr. Ogilvy was a ellor to the administration in establishing former as ociate director of Dr. George a program in the liberal arts. Lecture en­ Gallup's Audience Research Institute at gagements ha e taken him and Mrs. Bixler Princeton. Before coming to this country Ogilvy to Honolulu, Hong Kong, The Philippines, he had been in the British Intelligence Ser- Formosa and Japan. He has been in India ice during the second world war and, after­ this late winter and spring as a isiting lec­ ward, Second Secretary at the British Em­ turer, under State Department aegis, in a bassy in Washington. program of cultural exchange. Ogilvy, Benson and Mather numbers Following his retirement as president of among its clients: IBM; the U. S. Govern­ Colby-both Dr. and Mrs. Bixler were made ment (Visit U. S. A.); Sears, Roebuck ; honorary members of the class of ig6o - Hathaway Shirts; General Foods; Shell Oil; he was a isiting profe or of religion at the Steuben Glass; Pepperidge Farm; Interna­ University of Hawaii and later, Fellow-in­ tional Paper; the government of Puerto Residence at Wesleyan University's Center Rico, and Schweppes. Mr. Ogilv is a for Advanced Study in Liberal Arts. director of the New York Philharmonic Dr. Bixler last visited the college in Symphon ' and of the Castle Hill Foun­ 1962, when he delivered the Phi Beta Kap­ dation. He is married and has one son, pa lecture. a junior at the Univer ity of Virginia.

SPRING 1963 tou M. Jette and Willard vV. Cum­ mings, and the college art department under Professor Jame M. Carpenter's lrnirmanship. The Bixler Center was c:. ten ively remodelled to accommo­ date the exhibiti<;rn; and to the archi­ tects - alton tall and Iorton - and the Colby building and ground de­ partment, mu t go prai e for the how' m:io-nificent mounting.

Plaudits Iai11e and Its Arti ts remain at Colby until ugust 31 (gallery hours: weekdays, 10-12, 2-5; unday , 2-5). It will be on display at the Bo ton The sesquicentennial exhibition - Tu eum of Fine rts (December 12- Niaine and Its A rtists, 1710- 1963 - Januar 26, 1964) and at the Whitney opened in May: the first major sur· 1[u um of American rt in New vey of the state's contribution to Lachaise's Head of john Marin are York (February 10-March 22, 1964). American art. And it opened to an among the e. Impressive is the number Mr. Brown called the show "a must" accolade of praise. of arti t -over ninety-repre ented, in- whi h it certainly is. Don't miss it. lutling: Copley, Stuart, Fitz Hugh Time, including the exhibition as one Lane, edder, Jeremiah Hard , East· of twelve outstanding international man John on, Prior, Homer, Tarin, show , commented that it "raised '' iJJiam and l\lar uerite Zorach, Kuhn, doubts that American art could have Kar(io1, Poor, Katz, Kuniyo hi, and survived without the help of the state." George Bellow . In addition there are Life referred to it as "notable," and a fine group of primitive oils, wood Harrison Brown, writing in the Port· an•ing , and embroidered work . land Evening Express, called Maine and Its Artists a "triple triumph ... Three year in the planning, the long-very long-on quality­ uccess of Maine and Its A rtists was mirably comprehen ive [and] the pure due to hard work by the Friends of essence of Jaine for more than two Art at Colby - headed by l\fr . Eller-

fo r Maine and At the exhibition (left colu11111), srnlplor William Zorach, at right, explaining a fine Its point to Mr. and Mrs. Tr!illia111 /II. Hunt; Lloyd Goodrich (center, top), director of the Whitney Museum of American Ari, Artists spoke at the opening on May 6; Donelson Hoopes (bottom), curator of the Corcoran Gallery of Art, addressed fa cult)• and stu­ 1710-1963 dents lhe following afternoon. Among the great works on exhibit: Laclwise's sculp­ ture, Head of John Marin; Rockwell Kent's "'inter.

centurie ." Newsweek re(erred to it as a "remarkable exhibition ". And Dor­ NO TES othy Adlow, writing in the Christian The gallery in the Bixler Ce11ter has Science /\1onitor, stated "unfolded in been named in honor of Colby's two the Bixler Museum at Colby is virtual­ leading art patrons - l\Ir. and l\frs. ly a history of merican Art." Jette - and will be formally dedicated next fall . . . . Maine and Its Role Of the 127 paintings and sculptures. in American Art, published by Vi­ a number are considered to be king Press in conjunction with the masterworks; Andrew Wyeth's Wind opening of the exhibition, has also from the Sea; Rockwell Kent's great received praise from art critics and oil, Winter; Marsden Hartley's Hurri­ reviewers. It is available for 10.45 ca n e Island; Robert Feke's portrait of postpaid from the Friends of Art, Box Major General Samuel Waldo; Gaston 477, Waterville, Maine.

16 THE COLBY ALU li'iUS LO I erform Berlioz' Req uieni. That occa­ \ ·\ itin · Le tut er sion, one of Colby's mo t memorable mu t BY PR FE ORS IN THE MATHEMATICS AND now share i ls fame for the I\lfozart Grand ien e departments are regularly lecturing Mass wa gi\ en with no le grandeur, fin­ t high chool audiences under programs ish, and feeling. p n ored by the National Science Founda­ tion and the Northern New England Acad­ em ' of cience. The NSF elected profes or Wilfred ]. Congressional Fellowship Combellack as a speaker for the secondary MARVIN G. WEINBA UM, INSTRUCTOR IN GOV­ school lectureship program, and the mathe­ ernment, is one of eight political scientists matics teacher ga e his fir t lecture, in chosen nationally to work in offices of Sen­ March, at Li ermore Falls High School. ators and House members during 1963-1964. Profe or Combellack, a 1937 graduate of The Congressional Fellowship program, financed by the Ford Foundation, allows Colby, has participated for se eral years in Pa ul Lavalle, the eminent the NSF Summer Institute for Science held for a minimum stipend of $4,500 and travel conductor, led the Inter­ on the college campus. expenses, and is offered at no cost to the collegiate Band at the annual Festival at Colby · Professor Robert Terr of the biology Congressional offices. Mr. Weinbaum, a this spring. department is coordinator at Colby of the faculty member since 1961, has his PH.D. Academ of Science program that enables from Columbia University. thou ands of New England students to hear and talk with college scientist . In March and April, Terry, with Profe sors Evans Languages Chairman

Reid (physics) and Allan C. Scott (biology), JEAN D. BUNDY, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF had spoken in Fairfield, Oakland and Rum­ languages at the University of Texas, has ford. been appointed chairman of Colby's mod­ ern languages department, succeeding retir­ Performance ing Professor John F. McCoy. A native of

A SUPERB AND MOVING PERFORMA1 CE OF Seattle, Washington, the 38-year-old linguist Mozart' Grand Mass in C-minor (K.427) and specialist in French literature will as- completed the obsen ance of Colby's 15oth ume his new duties next September. anniversary celebration in mid-May. Con­ A Fulbright scholar in 1953, Dr. Bundy ducted by Peter Re of th e music facult , was one of the very few re-appointed under soloi ts, voices of the glee club and the the program; his first year was spent at the '' aterville Area Communit Chorus, and a University of Dijon, his second at the Uni­ symphony orchestra combined to present versity of Paris. A grad­ the composer's fine t religious ' ork. uate of Washington State College, he has Harrison Brown, reviewing the concert hi PH.D. from the University of Wisconsin. stated " It was Professor Re who made the At Texas, Dr. Bundy coordinated the in­

giving of thi, which might have tructional program in French - involving Dr. Bundy been merely dutiful and pedantic, a fier ome 1200 students, taught classes in ele­ and inspired thing . . . he 'irtually dance · mentary French and literature, and con­ on the podium." Also noting the very high ducted a graduate seminar on Diderot. He order of competence among the soloists anll i collaborating on a second-year conversa­ the chorus proving "admirably sensitfre to tional textbook and has published studies the demands of both composer and con­ of the eighteenth century French critic, ductor," Mr. Brown concluded: " ...a Elie Freron and the English novel. work of heroic stature ... Its splendid per­ His wife, the former Ann Hemenway formance dedicated men and wom­ Becker, is the daughter of the late Profes­ en of all faiths was proof again ...of the sor Howard Becker, former president of the wondrous universal language of music." American Sociological Association, and Presentation of this great mass follows a Mrs. Becker, currently director of Interna­ precedent set last year when the ame choirs tional Student House in Washington, D. C. combined, under Professor Re's direction, The Bundys ha e three children.

SPRING 1963 E pecially exciting wa the presence of the Juilliard Quartet, for it provided many with a preview of the coming summer when the members of that ensemble teach at the Colby Summer School .of Mu ic. In July and August the quartet will ive three on­ cerl .

·WLY ORG !ZED TUDE T - FAC LTY group, Film Direction, h

Review T DE T GOVERN 1E T CO Tl ED IT EXCEL­ WARREN MILLER, ASSOCIATE PROFE SOR A D len t oncert eries, pre en ting Carlos fon­ program director of the urvey Research to a ( ee photograph), Korean piani t Tong Center at the University of Michigan, speak­ ll Han, and recitals b contralto Shannon ing on New Frontiers of Politica l Analysis, M Cune, 1963, and tru mpeter Kenton Stew­ told a college audience in the year' final ard, an a i tant in mu ic at the college. Gabrielson Lecture on Science and Govern­ ment that the use of electronic data pro­ Mrs. Strider watches as cessing will continue to be extended into junior Jean-Paul NJoya coverage of elections. " As a perplexing con­ Professor Weber (Cameroun) cooks cous­ cous and occra meat sequence," he said, "more and more of the sauce for an "internation­ audience . . . will be frustrated by their al smorgasbord" al the early evening knowledge of the results ... president's house in April. Sixteen students It seems inevitable that network effort is On Hardy and facuity m e m b e rs about to shift from trying to find out who from a dozen lands pre­ pared their n a t i o 11 a l won to trying to find out why." Profes or The house of Macmillan & Company in dishes for the feast. Miller stressed that neither computor nor has just announced the publica­ theory can resolve dilemmas of political tion of a new volume entitled DEAREST leadership. EMMIE - Thomas Hardy's Letters to his first wife - edited by Carl J. Weber, pro­ THE COLBY MUSIC ASSOCIATES, AT THE ENO fe sor-emeritus of Engli h at Colby. The of a successful second season, are planning book is the result of a trip to England three concerts for next year. In October, which Dr. Weber made a year ago, at the famed New York Pro Musica, under which time he transcribed the letters in the Noah Greenberg's direction, will perform ; present volume, from the originals now in following, in January, there will be a con­ the Dorset County Museum in Dorchester. cert by the Marlboro Trio, and, in March, In February of this year, the London a recital by pianist Sylvia Zaremba. magazine VIEWPOINT published an article This season's performances by the Juil­ on Hardy of Dorset by Professor Weber, liard String Quartet, the Albeneri Trio and and the current issue of THE LIBRARY . the Boston Woodwind Quintet were en­ CHRONICLE of the University of Texas car­ thusiastically received and received acclaim ries an article by him on Swinburne, Mere­ from music critics. dith and Edward FitzGerald.

THE COLBY ALUMNUS Pi >fl or he ter (center) < ilh Professors Gordon oles (le/ I) and I/an coll head of the bio logy d part111e11t.

A tribute to \i\ eb ter Chester

EB l. ER CHESTER,, PROFE SOR-E U:RITUS W of biology, ' as feted at a dinner in his honor on May 3. The event marked the formal opening of a teaching museum named for him in the Life Sciences build­ Chamber honors ing. Tribute ' as paid to the man who HE WATERVILLE AR.EA CHAMBER OF headed Colby's biology department for T Commerce, at a dinner on April 9, oYer four decades b a former student, honored Colby for its contributions to the Dr. Frederick Tha er Hill '10, who called community's economic and cultural life. Professor Chester "one of the greatest teach­ President Strider outlined Colby's pro­ ers I have ever known." Al o pre. ent wa posed pattern of growth, and cited figures Gordon Gates, profes or of biolog at the as e idence of its economic impact. The college from i948 to i95i. president also discussed the goals of the Professor Allan Scott head of the libei-al arts college and, noting the low biology department, noted the practicalit ' percentage of Maine students in attend­ of the museum. He aid studen s would ance, said that Colby was doing all it could be able to work there a they would in a to increase this number. "The reasons laboratory. Display ca e and shel es hold [for low college attendance among oung a collection of specimen to be studied b men and women from the state] are partly science classes. economic and partly a cultural attitude Professor Chester, a graduate of Col­ that doesn't put sufficient emphasis on gate University, came to Colb in r903; in educational attainment," he stated. 1908 he was made head of the biology de­ John J. Black (center, below), president partment. As a carpenter, mechanic, and of the Chamber of Commerce, presented ingenious teacher he gradually impro eel Dr. Strider with a plaque. Dr. John F. the college's facilitie . Though much of Reynolds '36, (left, below), retiring Cham­ his handiwork wa ·wiped out by the ber head, also was honored at the dinner. Coburn Hall fire of 1927, the re ulting re­ construction was of his design. He retired in 1948, and lives with his wife in \Vater­ Yille. His daughter, Rebecca Chester Lar­ ·en '33, is the college recorder. When Professor Chester received an honorary sc.n. degree from Colgate in 1935, the citation of that award surely echoed thoughts of those who know him, as teacher and friend. "He is a scholarly scientist," the tribute read, "but more than this he is an influential, helpful teacher. Such men are the distinctive glory of the liberal arts college."

PR ING 1963 19 TR CK, LOi'.G CON lDJ!.RED a minor po• t at Colby, i · lowly mo ing into its ow11 thank lo the enthusia m of new coach K n v iubel. Thi eason, colleg authori tie permitted freshmen to comp te with the var ity in all of th me L . The \ful placed econd in a quadra1wular meet ao-ainst Bate , Norwic h and Brandeis to open the

ea 011. Inj uries Lo a Jim squad hamper cl the p int-o-etter in the re­ maind r of the e. on a Colby finished la L in a m et with Brandeis and Bowdoin and in the tale feet. The State Track Mee/ Today! quad al o t0mpeted in the ·a term Left to righ t: Eel Styrna, coach of the .i\l::t 1. eventual win11e1· , U11iver ity of Iaine: For the fir t time in hiHory, a Ken Weinbel a11rl Lee Williams, meet now to nu forced po cponemen t of the director. 6.J th annual Jaine Intercollegiate Trat k and Field champion hip slated

ror fa 12 at olb . The major C\'cn t wa held the following Tue

Bowdoin twice. Other Mule losses Roger Jeans of reported that he was "particularly were to Providence, Bates and Maine. Waterville, Col­ impressed " with the more than 20 A 5-1 lead over powerful Boston Col­ by's top distance freshmen who turned out to display lege was wiped out by rain. runner. their talents.


BoTI·I THE GOLF AND TE NIS teams fin­ of ished in the cellar of their respective State Series races. Charlie Holt's link­ men lost to both Bates and Maine twice, each time by a score of 4-3. Wins the were over Brandeis, Tufts, Boston Uni­ versity and Bowdoin. On the tennis court, John Simpson's netmen lost Classes every match and 'rnund up o-6 in state competition. SID FARR, 1955

,, ORD WAS RECEIVED i n mid-May that three players and coach Charlie Holt of the 1962-63 hockey team were 1890 � '' ord has been received of th named for All-East honors by coaches death of Nettie 1Vi11slow Paddoch on and sports writers. Jack Mechem, :\farch 1 2. enior captain from ' estwood, Mass., Da e Sveden, a senior from Needham, Mass., and Larry Sawler, a sophomore g·oalie, were each singled out for their 1910 Dr. Frederick T. Hill has received individual performances. Colby, as the 33rd Degree in Masonry. ' ell as the Universi ty of New Hamp- hire, was oted a runner-up to the Univer ity of Ma sachusetts as the team which impro\'ed the most o er 1911 Ray Cecil Carter has written a new the sea on. book, The Royal Way of the Cross, which has as its theme, " has CllARLlE HOLT RET RNED to the world no access to God except by way of the farnou I 1mpic Arena in Lake Placid, cross ... " An interpretation of Thomas N. Y., in April to direct a hockey A. Kempis' Imitation of Christ, it is trarnmg amp he founded last year an inspirational group of eight brief when he was a sistant headmaster at essays which seek to bring the reader Northwood School there. Nearly 100 to a closer understanding of the the­ young ters from fifth graders to high ology of this rel igiou symbol . chool fre hmen attended informal lecture se sions and were given indi­ "idual i n tru tion. 1915 Vernelle Dyer has retired as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Belfast \\'ILLIJ\7\IS LEE HA long been a popular and is now residing in Milbridge. Rev. peaker at ports gatherings, but since Dyer's career in the ministry began hi election as the youngest president with his appointment as pastor of the in the 38-year history of the National English Church in Rangoon, Burma As ociation of Basketball Coaches, the in 1919, following his graduation from demands upon his talents have been Andover Newton and graduate study increased. April 25 Lee was the key- at Harvard. With the exception of one 11ote speaker at a testimonial dinner year, he served in Burma until i939. in Providence, honoring the Provi­ There he founded the Burma College dence College NIT championship Student Gospel Teams that toured basketball team. :More than 2,000 Burma, Siam and India. heard the 44-year old basketball wizard He returned to the to discuss "The Role of the NABC in become minister of the Roger Williams College Basketball." Baptist Church in Providence; upon

21 Cranford, New Jersey. he is active in A Correction the Warren Field and Garden Club, .\farguerite Chamberlain 15 was in­ the Knox County Hospital Auxiliary correctly awarded a master's degree in and Knox County ' omen's Club. library science in the winter Alumnus. The degree was received by Margaret Cham berlai11 Davis '6 1, last fall, from A Simmons College School of Library 1924 Li/etime f Science. o Phil Tarpey has been selected for Service the Massachusetts High School Football the outbreak of the second world war ' sociation's Hall of Fame. Coach at The Reverend Wilfred Hurley born he joined the Chaplain Corps and 19, Fitchburg High from i925 to 1927 and in Frankfort, faine, in 1895, has led spent three years with the troops in at Gardner High from 1928 to i945, a life. Toda , though semi­ the South Pacific theater. He became where he is currently on the teaching retired, he devotes his time to writing; minister of the Clarksburg (Va.) Bap­ faculty, Phil has po ted 124 wins and his books Th e Resurrection, The Ten tist Church, after the war, moving to only 67 defeats in the past twenty Commandments, Th e Way of Life, and the pastorate of the Bar Harbor Bap­ year . I Believe have all had wide distribu­ tist Church a few years later. Rev. tion. The 1 t of these has old o\'er Dyer authored Christ of the Burma a million copies in forty printings. Road, and is a contributing editor of After lea ing Colby in i917, be Faith at Work magazine. 1926 joined the Navy, and, following the Jim Halpin had several examples of � Word has been received of the war, studied at t. Paul's College his silversmithing on display at the death, on August 2, of Walter Carlton (' ashington, D. C.) and was ordained l\IIetropolitan Mu eum of Art in New Dacey, in Bethlehem, . in 1924. He served as a mis ionary in York City, in an exhibition devoted to the northwestern tates until 1940; wa � '!\ford has been received of the American art. Jim is a member of the pastor of the famous old t. Iary·s death of Leonora Dyer Whelden in silver committee of the Friends of the Church in an Francisco for tllree New Durham, New Hampshire, on American Wing at the museum. year · and, in i943, wa pastor and of­ May 31, i962. She leave her husband, Carl MacPherson has been elected ficial representative of the Order of St. Roy, 1915, and a on. president of the Brockton, Mas achu­ Paul, The Apo tle at anta Suzanne etts Rotary Club for 1963-64. Cburd1 in Rome. In Italy he was a member of the ecretary of State to the Pope, and 1916 1927 worked for the food distribution pro­ grams carried on b the Holy See for Cyril Joly retired in March as chair­ Almon Warren observed bis twenty­ refugees. For hi en·ice, e pecially in man of the State Industrial Accident fifth anniversary with the Hartford Trie te, King Umberto decorated Rev­ Commission of Maine. Insurance Group in February. He is erend Hurley with the Order o[ the Marion Harmon is teaching at rating supervisor for the compan . High Crown and the title of Knight Greeley Institute in Cumberland Cen­ Commander of the Crown of Ital . He ter. has also received the Legion of Honor 1929 of France, and is a Knight of t. George and a Knight of i\lalta. Franklin Dexter has retired from the The Holy See conferred upon him 1917 Baldwin (New York) Sd1ool Board the highest decoration for a member Frederick Pottle is the co-editor, with after tlrree consecutive three-year terms. of a religious order, Pro Pontifice et Ec­ Charles Ryskamp, of the newest vol­ He served as president and vice-presi­ clesia. In the mid-1 95o's, Reverend ume of the Boswell papers to be pub­ dent of the Board for two year periods Hurley traveled to Africa, vi iting lished in May by McGraw-Hill. Titled and was instrumental in the planning Catholic foundations and missions of two new high schools and four ele­ The Ominous Years, the book deals from Cairo to Cape Town. He now with the biographer's troubled twenty mentary schools. At a dinner-dance resides with the Paulist Fathers in De­ months following the Hebrides tour held in his honor, the Baldwin Citi­ troit, lichigan. with Samuel Johnson. zens Committee presented him with a Other than his books, the Re erend Dr. Pottle is Sterling Professor of carving set, and the B'nai B'rith gave Hurley has written nearly fifty pam­ English at Yale University, and has him their award for outstanding citi­ phlets and is continuing a series of been engaged for many years in the zenship. articles on The Apostles' Creed for the publishing of the institution's famous Chester Merrow, former United national paper, Our Sunday Visitor. collection of Boswell papers. States Congressman from New Hamp­ He has received an honorary LL.D. shire, has been appointed special ad­ from St. Mary's College (California). viser to the Department of Community The Reverend Hurley's service to Relations for that state. He will advise his religious faith has spanned nearly and assist all members of the Depart­ forty-five years. It is a proud . record, 1920 ment in public affairs functions, in­ not only of time, but of the deeds of Lucy Teague is now livi ng in War­ cluding speeches and programs at the charity performed for all people, de­ ren after many years of teaching in community level. spite their creeds or convictions.

22 THE COLBY ALUMNUS 1931 1937 Roland Poulin ha been appoin ted Len Mahoney is Houlton chairman judrr of Di tri t Court VII b laine for the Southern Aroostook Red Cross Governor John H. Reed. Practicing Chapter Membership and Fund Drive. Ia, in Waterville continuously since 1935 ' ith the exception of military ·erYi e during the second world war, he ompleted eight years of service as 1939 Judge of the Wate1 ille fonicipal Lester ]olovitz is d1airman of the Arthur Thompson ,ourt in l\rarch. Sisters Hospital Golden Jubilee Anni- Chicago. He is a member of Tau Beta ersary Celebration to be held in Pi, engineering honorary society, and Waterville during the week of June Sigma Pi, scientific research society; 2 3. Included in the e ents will be the Institute of Electrical and Elec­ 1933 groundbreaking ceremonies for the new Bob tronics Engineers, the American As­ Curtis has been elected to the 140-bed Seton Hospital. board of the Waterbury (Conn.) Na­ sociation for the Advancement of Sci­ tional Bank. He is director and past ence, American Society for Engineer­ president of the Chamber of Com­ ing Education, National Society of merce, the Smaller Manufacturers As- 1940 Professional Engineers, and American Association of University Professors. ociation and of the Waterbury Rotary Joseph Chernauskas has been ap­ Club. Bob also is a director of the pointed a Circuit Judge for the State BIRTH Community Workshop, the United of . A daughter, Cynthia Louise, to Mr. Council and Fund and the Greater Two excerpts from English literary and Mrs. Joseph ]. Chernauskas, Jan­ Waterbury Industrial Development publications are high in praise for uary 21. Corporation. Tom Savage's newest novel, Trust in Chariots, The Listener (July 12, 1962) comments: " It is a good [book], well constructed, crisply written, and un­ 1941 1934 compromisingly honest ... I look for­ Joe Freme has been named principal Peter Mills, now in general law prac­ ward to reading this author's other of Buckingham Junior High School in tice in Farmington, is serving as a vol- . books." In the Times Literary Supple­ Springfield, Massachusetts. He has unteer on the state staff of the Maine ment, July 6, the critic noted: "This served as assistant principal of Classi­ Civil Defense and is assigned to Oper­ is a novel of distinction . . . His use cal High in that city since 1961. ations and Intelligence. He is a cap­ of suspense and surprise is masterly tain in the Na val Reser e with twenty­ and he shows, too, a deal of subtle two years of service. understanding. His power of precise 1942 de cription is shown in passages of Milton Hamilt has joined the staff natural history ...'Y ou don't need of Booz, Allen and Hamilton, Incorpo­ biology for this sort of thing. All you rated, management consultants, and is got to do, keep your eyes open.' Mr. hospital consultant in the Health and Savage has, to our profit and admira­ Medical Administration Division of the tion.'' firm. Prior to his new position, he Arthur Thompson, professor of en­ served as a hospital administrator in gineering and Associate Dean of the New Haven, Baltimore, and Chicago. College of Engineering at Pennsyl­ Thomas Junior College in w·ater­ vania State, will assume the position of ville, of which John Thomas is presi­ Dean of the College of Industrial dent, became a four-year college in iversity this 1936 Technology at Boston Un March by authorization of the Maine July. Arthur has had a most interest­ Legislature. The college is now au­ john P. Dolan as an engineer­ has been awarded two ing and varied career thorized to grant the bachelor of sci­ at the American educator, research expert and con­ scholarships to study ing ence degrees in business administra­ A present position, Academy in Rome this summer. sultant. Prior to his tion and business education. of the Ord­ teacher of Latin at East High School he was Associate Director Oren Shiro, owner and manager of he will receive a Research Laboratory at Penn­ in Des Moines, Iowa, nance the Jefferson Hotel in Waterville, has un­ iversity, doing special­ stipend of $1,000 and free tuition sylvania State Un been appointed a trustee of Thayer Award development in un­ der the Louise Taft Semple ized research and Hospital. given by the Classical Association of derwater ordnance technology for the the Midwest and South and the na­ Bureau of Naval Weapons. tional scholarship given by the Ameri­ In addition to his Colby degree, can Classical League. Arthur holds a B.s. in Electrical Engi­ 1943 Author of two articles for profession­ neering from Penn State, a M.s. in Preston Barry has resigned as vice al journals, John also instructs in Eng­ Electrical Engineering from Harvard principal and director of athletics at lish at Drake University. and a LB.A. from the University of Hingham High School to become prin- cipal of Concord High School in Con­ Bob Sage is Boston's newe t execu­ BIRTHS cord, New Hampshire . _ . Ken Shep­ live in the large hotel business. Less A daughter, Jennifer Hinckley, to ard has been appointed associate chair­ than five years ago he left the used car Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Chute man of the Primary Gifts Division of business and decided to build motor (Nancy H. Williams) January i. the Stamford (Connecticut) Hospital hotels to meet the needs of Boston's A son, Warren Sanford, to Mr. and Building Fund. Ken is a devoted par­ busy tourist and commercial trade. His Mrs. Peter S. Me!gs (Deborah Smith), ticipant in civic activities there. first facility was the Fenway Motor Mar h 27. Frank Vigue, a very successful vet­ Hotel on Boylston Street; the second erinarian in Springvale, presented two was the Fenway North located at the scientific papers at the Sgth meeting of junction of the Northeast Expres way the Canadian Veterinary Medical As­ and Route 1 in Revere. Jn January 1952 sociation held in Toronto in January. Bob opened his beautiful six story 150- Joe Denis has been appointed super­ room Fenway Commonweoilth lfotor inlendent of phosphors and chemicals hotel on Commonwealth Avenue. His by th Westinghouse Electric Corpo­ 1944 current plans include a new motor ration in that firm's lamp divi ion ... hotel in Waterville to be tarted this fames Whitten, professor at Gorham Ben Sean is a partner in the new real year. State Teacher's College, was the key­ estate busine s, Buchanan and Sears note speaker at the Vermont Educa­ Real Estate, Incorporated, of Bedford, tion Association spring workshop in Ma achu etts. citizen education held in St. Johns­ 1950 bury in March. Bob Marden, president of the Maine tate Senate, has been named a dire - 1953 [Or of the Pine Tree Society for Crip­ 1945 Bob Carr has pled Children and Adults. Sherwood " Woody " Tarlow headed been appointed Frank Miller, who has been regional the birthday dinne1· committee which ssistant Secretary 0To up insurance manager for the life prepared for the Boston banquet hon­ of the Home Jn. and health insurance company-south­ oring Governor Endicott Peabody of urance Compan western sales region-of Mutual of New Massachusetts earlier this year. of ew York ... York, has been promoted and will re­ Bob Southwick is ceive special managerial training in the a registered insur· compan 's home office in New York ance broker and 1947 Ci ty. is associated with Sylvia Gray Noyes is an instructor in lhe John F. McCarthy Insurance Com­ the English department at Husson Col­ pany of Lynn, Massachusetts. lege in Bangor. 1951 Frank King has been named the Outstanding Young Man of the Year Pa ul Christopher has been named ex­ by the Northampton, cfassachusetts, ecutive director of the 1assachu etts 1948 Junior Chamber of Commerce. In division of the American Cancer o­ Bill Bryan, Colby's director of ad­ winning the accompanying Distin­ ciety. .. Warren Finegan was Colby"s missions, is one of four admissions of­ gui hed ervice Award, Frank became official representative at Bo ton Col­ ficers named to the College Board's the fifth young man from Northamp­ lege's Centennial Convocation, held in northeast regional panel of college ton to enter the State contest. the McHugh Forum on April 20. visitors for i963. He will visit several fay Veevers is on the executive staff Dick Reny has been named product colleges in the region to exchange in­ of Richard Montgomery Mason, In­ manager for resale packages and pre­ formation about the Board's activities. corporated, in the Advertising and packaging supplies by the Keyes Fibre Timothy Osborne, son of Clifford H. Marketing Group. Before joining the Company. . . Stan Sorrentino repre­ Osborne, the college chaplain, has been Boston firm, Jay was a partner in the sented Colby as official delegate to the promoted to associate director of de­ public relations firm of Cloud and inauguration of Dr. Albert Bush-Brown velopment at Rice University in Company. as president of School of Houston, Texas. Design held in March. BIRTHS George Wasser· son, Peter, to Mr. and Mrs. Quin­ berger is the new 1949 tilio Bersani, fr. (R uth T. Sheehan), president of Mark March 24. Alex Richard, principal of Madison Cross Company, Twins, Peter Gerald and Elizabeth High School, has been promoted to the Limited of New Mercy, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. grade of major in the Air National York City. The fa­ Rose (Sarah E. Packard), October 21. Guard and Air Force Reserve. Alex is mous Fifth Ave­ commandant of the Headquarters Sec­ nue store and tion of the 101st Fighter-Interceptor leather manufac­ Group and Director of Administrative turer was estab­ Services of that Group which is sta­ lished in 1845. George had lived for 1954 tioned at Dow Air Force Base in six years in Brazil, directing family Karl and Merrilynn Healey Decker Bangor. enterprises there. are living in Monroe, Connecticut

THE COLBY ALUMNUS Engli h and i dire tor of tudent acti ities at taples High hool in We tport. l\Ierrilynn is serv­ 1957 in

1955 BIRTHS PRINTING foe Perham who is teaching at A daughter, Victoria Preysz, to Dr. Letterpress - offset - Book Binding Leavitt Institute in Turner, is a lay and Mrs. Dale Marius Brown (Norma preacher at the Community Church in C. Williamson), February 4. South Paris. Twin sons, Peter Douglas and John Kennebec Journal Dave Ruth MacDonald Roberts and Ewing, to Mr. and Mrs. Guy ]. Vigue MAyf air 3-3811 Augusta, Maine are now residing at Fort Lee, Virginia, (Eleanor Ewinu) , March 24. where Dave is an Air Force ca ptain Maine's Leading and meteorologist. CommercialPrinting Plant

B IRTH A son, Derek Daniel, to The Rev. 1958 SAVE WITH and Mrs. Glen C. Stoddard (Eliza beth Tom Roy has been promoted to Kn ox), March I. Supervisor of the Casualty Procedures Waterville Savings Section, in the Planning Department at the Aetna Life Affiliated Companies in Bank Hartford. 1956 WATERVILLE, MAINE Paul Svendsen has been promoted to Don Dunbar, an ordained priest of the position of field supervisor in the Member Federal Deposit the Episcopal Church, is the first full­ Boston office of the Travelers Insur­ Insurance Corporation time curate of St. Peter's Episcopal ance Compan . Church, Wayland, Massachusetts. He recently returned from the Philippines BIRTH �THE where he was chaplain at the Brent A daughter, Nancy Lynne, to ]\fr. D_ School, in Baguio. Don taught church and Mrs. Lynn D. Armel (Barbara J. history, Bible and theology and Newhall), August 28, 1962. coached baseball. His team by the TRIDE NTE way, boasted a 12-4 season, playing SHO� their home games on a field located on

the top of a mountain. FOR CHILDREN - MADE BY Janet Stebbins Walsh was Colby's 1959 THE GREEN SHOE MFG. CO. official representative to the Sesqui­ B IRTH centennial Anniversary Convocation at A son, Michael Lawrence, to Mr. BOSTON MASSACHUSEITS Kimball Union Academy on May 18. and Mrs. David N. Bloom, January 9. BIRTH 1960 A daughter Carolyn Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Holmes, March 26. Ed Burke, on the coaching and teaching faculty at Williams High School of Oakland, has been appointed 1961 freshman baseball coach at Colby. Ed Don Campbell has been awarded a will continue on the staff at Oakland Danforth Seminary Intern grant for his in addition to his new college duties. study toward the ministry. .. Joe Palmer Jim H aidas has been working in the is in the Navy on duty aboard the sub­ management training course at the marine USS Blenny, operating out of New York home office of the Equitable In early American "mourning pictures" New London ... Bob Wright, a lieu­ Life Assurance Society. the weeping willow, pai11ted or em­ tenant in the ir Force, i now on broidered, symbolized grief on the death Bob Littlefield has received his mas­ duty in outh Vietnam attached to the of n loved one. ter's degree in physics from Tufts Uni­ th erial Port quadron. versity and is now serving as a lieu­ tenant in the Air Force, assigned to l\fARRIAGE 1893 Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. IVesley D. Jordan to Dian R. Farn­ yrus Flint limson, 93, died in ham, on February 3, Bath. outh Wellfleet, fassachusetts, on MARRIAGES far h 30. Born i11 Palmer, fas a hu­ James C. Ainger to Barbara L. ett , he wa educated in that city' Smythe, on February 9, in Rhode 1962 s hool ; at Colby he was a member of Island. Delta Kappa Ep ilon and of the col­ Elmer Bartels is tudying for his mas­ Hank G. Van Beever to Carolyn · ter's degree in phy ics at Tufts Uni­ lege's fir t football team. Jn 1 98 h Goodrich, 011 February 23, Hartford, graduated from ale Divinity chool. versity... Nelson Bruce, a lieutenant Connecticut. in the Air Force, is currently undergo­ Rev. timson erved congregations Robert C. Gerrard to Bonnie Davis, ing training as a navigator at James in tamford and Bridgeport, Connecti­ on February 28, Brookline, Massachu­ Connally AFB, Texas. cut, Kan a City, fi ouri, and for six setts. ear wa minister of the Congrega­ Ron Ryan, head coach of the Uni­ tional Church in Water ille. For man · ars he worked with t11e National versity of Pennsyl- Playground and Recreation Associa­ PURELAC ania hockey tion, serving wit11 the ,, arm Camp DAIRY PRODUCTS, INC. team, is probably ommunity ervice during the first the youngest ice Quality Dairy Products world war and later with Community men tor in the ervice, Inc., in ew York City. He re­ TR 2-2744 Waterville, Maine United States. He tired in 1932, and moved to South i studying for bis Wellfleet in 1946. master's degree in Rev. timson leave a on, two education while bis team is playing a daughters, two brother and a sister. twenty-game schedule. Ron is also serv­ Hi wife, the former Ermina Pottle, TILESTON & HOLLINGSWORTH CO. ing as as sistant to the dean of scholar­ ship 1895, died in 1932. PAPERMAKERS SINCE 1801 s at the University. . . John Web­ ster has been commissioned an ensign 2 I I CONGRESS ST., BOSTON IO, l\IA in the Na y upon his graduation from F. CLIVEHALL, '26 the pre -flight school at Pensacola, Maine Representative Florida ...Ly nn Kimball is working toward her master's degree in educa­ tion at the University of l\faine under MORIN a Ford Foundation grant. BRICK COMPANY WATERVILLE FRUIT Furnishers of BRICKS at Colby College & PRODUCE CO., INC.


EMERY - BROWN Annie Harthorn Wheeler, 80, died � f?A04t//6/I April 1 in Concord, New Hampshire. COMPANY Yd?td/� Born in Effingham, New Hampshire, WATER VILLE'S INSURANCE Since 1859 she graduated from Wilton (Maine) Academy. Mrs. Wheeler, a member of LEADING J 85 MAIN STREET Sigma Kappa and of Phi Beta Kappa DEPARTMENT STORE WATERVILLE MAINE at Colby, attended Newton Theologi-

THE COLBY ALUMNUS 1 aud r ei\' d h r ma ter' Cate on e e timated he tra,·eled more ployed in hotels in Boston, a o and from Bo ton ni ersity. She than 3000 miles monthly to see hi Ellsworth. He leaves his sister. lfr d ' ith Mr. and 1\Ir . George Oti patients. mith for a few ears helping with the He lea es hi wife, the former fae f th ir children. James, two sons, David and Howard, 1921 married Nathaniel Ernest 1958, and a daughter. Stephen Hager Ayer, 66, died in Trlieeler 1909, in 1910. She was acti e Omaha, Nebraska, on March 3. A in the ·waterville Baptist Church, and Linnieon June Higgins, 74, died in native of Waterville, and educated at in the affairs of Colby College where Dex ter on December 1. Educated at the local high school, he was a member h r Im band wa head of the physics Corinna Union Academy, she left of Phi Delta Theta, business manager department. Mr . "\ heeler was a Colby due to illness in her family. She of the Oracle, and editor of the Hand­ member of the Fellow hip of Recon- taught in rural schools in her native book. He received his M.A. from iliation and of the Wider Quaker Fel­ area of 'faine. Creighton University and his LL.B. from low hip. After the death of her lms­ the American School of Law. band la t fall, h made her home in After teaching printing in schools in Concord, New Hampshire. 191 6 Iowa, Ohio and Nebraska, Mr. Ayer he i urvi ed b a son, Nathaniel Fred Charles English, 69, died in joined Massachusetts Mutual Life In­ Harthorn "\i\Theeler '42, and four Englewood, Florida, on March 12. A surance Company as a salesman. At daughter : Grace "\Vheeler Marsh '35, native of Mars Hill, he prepared at the time of his death he was associ­ Julia Wheeler O'Sulli an '40, Mary Aroostook Central Institute. A mem­ ated with New England Mutual. Author . ,1\ hee ler Bruzga '40, Iartha Wheeler ber of Phi Delta Theta he graduated of journalism style books, he had also Z 'lt mann '44. cum laude from Colby and was elected written articles on printing, and had to Phi Beta Kappa. edited the Omaha Teacher. 1912 Mr. English was superintendent of He leaves his wife, Genevieve, and schools in Mars Hill, and Calais, be­ a daughter. Arthur Ambrose Knight, 74, died in fore moving to the same position in Garland on March 1. A lifelong resi­ Amesbury, Massachusetts, where he dent of that town, he prepared at Hig­ served for twenty-five years, retiring in 1922 ED.M. gins Classical Insti tute. Mr. Knight, a i960. Mr. English held an degree !Jilton P. Sniiley, 63, died in Wins­ member of Zeta Psi, had sen ed a from of Education. low on February 7. Owner of the postmaster in Garland for thirty years. He leaves his wife, the former Cora Smiley Dairy, he had been a lifelong Operator of the family general store, Jewett, two sons and a daughter. resident of Winslow. A former deacon he had been Register of Probate for of the Congregational Church, he had Penobscot County, Garland town clerk Henry A. Eaton, 69, died in Berlin, served as president of the Maine Dairy­ and town treasurer, past postmaster of New Hampshire, on April 5. Born in men's Association and the Maine Milk the senate in Augusta, and � justice of '1Vhitefield, New Hampshire, he pre­ Dealers Association. the peace. Long senrice was a keynote pared at high school there. He leaves his wife, the former Flor­ in his life: beginning at age eleven he After serving in the first world war, ence Norton, one son, five daughters, was organist, for 55 years, in the Bap­ he joined the Brown Company, and a brother and a sister, Mildred Wing, tist Church and was a 50-year member became manager of the Burgess Sul­ i922. of a Masonic Lodge. phite Mill. In 1933 he was named as- 1\fr. Garland is survived by hi wife, i tant superintendent at the Chemical and Flock plants; ten years later he the former Annie Sparkes, and a son. 1923 w·a appointed manager of both facili­ Marcia Davis Esters, 62, died in tie . Mr. Eaton retired in 1961 after Samuel Clark Cates, 72, died in New Houlton on April 6. The wife of Ber­ ome forty-four years of service. Hampton, New Hampshire, on Febru­ nard Esters, 1921, publisher of the 1\Ir. Eaton assisted dean-emeritus ary 5. For many years a physician in Houlton Pioneer-Times, she was born Marriner by interviewing and screen­ the Vassalboro-Chiua area, he had re­ in Bar Mills and educated at the pub­ ing applicants for admission to the ceived his M.D. from the University of lic schools in Livermore Falls. Director college before the formal alumni inter­ of the women's g-Iee club at Colby, she Pennsylvania Medical School. Dr. Cates viewing system had been instituted. was a member and former president of also held two M.S. degrees - from the He leaves his wife, the former Delta Delta Delta. Pennsylvania State University and the Frances Feindel, a daughter and a son, After teaching in Littleton, New University of Chicago. and a brother. Hampshire and North Easton, Massa­ Active in athletics at Colby, he held, chusetts, she married; during her long for a number of years, the track half residency in Houlton she was a charter mile record. A member of Alpha Tau 1917 member and president of the local Omega, he was junior class president Everett Holway Reid, 68, died March branch of the American Association of and senior class marshal. 16 in Bath. Born in Waterville, he University Women, and was active in Born in South China, Dr. Cates had attended the local high school. A vet­ hospital work. For a number of years combined his medical career with an eran of tank corps duty during the she served as social editor of the avocation for farming, raising crops first world war, he worked in the trans­ Pioneer-Times. behind the century-old home that also portation department of the Bath Iron Surviving are her husband and a served as a small coun try hospital. Dr. Works. Since 1945 he had been em- brother.

SPRING i963 Iiamstown, JVlass.), Desert ln11 (Palm honorary doctor of pedagogy d gr e, 1927 Springs, Calif.) and Otesaga and citing him for hi ourage to tand op­ john A. Nelson, 58, died in New Cooper Inn (Cooperstown, N. Y.). posed, at great personal lo of ecur­ York City on April 3. He attended mong his survivors are bis wife, ity, to any parti an or political ontrol Cony High School in ugu ta, and the former Margaret Knapp, two of education. For Lhi , th honorarium graduated from Colby Phi Beta Kappa. brothers and four ister . oncluded, " ...we are hi grateful Dr. Nelson received hjs M.D. from debtor ." Columbia University chool of Medi­ Dr. leave hi on, orman cine, taking his residency at the Pres­ mit.h, a o iate pr fe or of byterian Medical Center. n at Colb . A surgeon in the rmy J\fedical Corps during the second world war, he 1948 served on the staff of the Veterans cl­ Cy1 il I oiler Polinu 35, di cl in ministration Ho pital in Togus and otch Plain , ew J r e , on Febru­ at the Veterans Hospital in lbany, ar 22. Pre ident of the Poling Oil New York. At the time of bi death ompan at the time of his death, he he was an admini trator at the Veter­ had erved in th Philippines during ans Administration Regional Office. the ec.ond world war a a na,al Co­ Dr. Nelson is survived by his widow, man. t olby he bad been a tive iu Sheila, three sons (Richard, 1958), and athletic . four sisters and a brother, twood, He leave hi wife, the former E tber 1933· Hon. Bananco, two children, a i ter and two brothers. 1928 1940 Do11ald Pierce Cobb, 59, died farch 1 1 in Bridgton. native of Gardiner, in Portland he was a member of Kappa Del ta Rho and participated in football and track. Mr. Cobb was vice president of the Colby Alumni Council of the Auburn­ in that cit , and att nded ni­ Lewiston area. \er ity for three a1 . Par:-idoxically After ten years of teaching, coaching he ne' r finiheel coll ge and never and as principal of sd1ools in Portage arned a degree. thou h awarded nine Lake, Somerset Academy and North honorarium by in titution in New Berwick High School, Mr. Cobb be­ England. came manager, in 1939· of the Gaufkof Dr. Smith, after lea hing at 'Ve. t­ Hon. Store in Bridgton which was absorbed brook minary, headed amden, into the Western Auto Store chain a Rumford and uburn school s stem , 1957 few years later. He was serving as and became state commi . ioner in 1906. manager at the time of lu death. He fouo-ht for improv d pa ales and !Verner Eric ]oslen, 77, died in New n ardent sportsman, he was also for teacher ' p n ions and for progres­ York City this winter. Born in Elber­ deacon of the Congrega tional Church, ive implementation in education long feld, German 1, he cam to this countr chairman of the Republican Town before Lh e be ame popular cause . in 1920 three years prior to hi as urn­ Committee, and captain of the Bridg­ "He was a man who had <>Teat vi ion, ing a po ition of profe or of music at ton Fire Brigade. He held a degree in before his Lime," noted .Maine' pre ent mith College, where he taught until physical education from Springfield commi sioner of education, '\1arren G. 1949. conductor and compo er, he College. Hill. had won numerous award for choral, Mr. Cobb is survi ed by his wife, In 1916 Dr. Smith became ducation orchestral, symphonic aud ballet work . Edith, and a daughter, Donna, i963. wmmi ioner for l\Jas achusetts. He Notable among the e are his dance erved until 1935, when he was fired Joseph and His Brethren, an Ode For 1932 (or publicly oppo ing adoption of a ai11 l Cecelia's Day, Concerto aero 1 ·Late law requiring oaths of allegiance and 11, and symphonie in F and for Hubert fames /\1erricl�, fr., 55, died from teachers and pupils. At its con­ string orche tr�. He was al o an ac­ in Cherry Valley, New York, on March vention, the National Education , s- omplished painter. 20. A native of ugusta and graduate ociation ondemned his dismissal as Recipient, in 1957, of a doctor of of Cony High Sd10ol, he was active in " contrary to the principles on which mu ic degree at Colb , Dr. Josten wa basketball and football. He attended the schools were founded." cited as being a "member of that rare Colby and was a member of Zeta Psi. Upon his return to Laine, he taught group able to win prominence in more Mr. .James had been with the Tread­ at the University of l\Jaine, retiring than one of the arts," as well as for his way Inn organization for 34 years, about a decade ago as dean of the col­ di tinctive adUevement of almost serving as innkeeper until 1958 when lege of education. A building on the singlehandedly producing and, direct­ he was appointed assistant to the presi­ Portland campus of the state university ing first American stage performance dent of the company. He had been on has been named for him. of operas by Handel, Fux, and l\Jon­ the staffs of the Williams Inn (Wil- In 1940, Colby awarded him an teverdi.







Always Home for Pa rents and Alumni HENRY D. McAvoY, OWNER-MANAGER



Headquarters for return ing alumni and alumnae, �//tnt////�l attrutllt !lorntng �tnt � 11\l Coverage of Colby for mementos, books, clothing, and furnishings. Complete News � e � and Central Main S Manufacturers N G R A V E R S E N T I N E L E of the Alumnus otoengravers for Ph tes • \.. ine Pla I� a lftones opper H HEYES � Zinc a nd C Plates Molded Pulp es • Offset � Process Plat Four Co I or rvice phlc Copy Se � • Photo g ra t Se•vl« and FIBRE � c omplete M Fibrous Plastic i Products CCMP!NY WA TER VILLE MAINE pr1nt1ng

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Keep Maine PRINTING in Maine LUDY, '21 HOWIE, '41 PACY, '27 *

Bright future for banking

This June thousands of graduates look forward to a career. Here's profession itself. For the young men and women who can match it there's a bright futurein a growing indus· the story of bankers-what they work for, what they are like. try. _Thcre's also a world oi opportunity in a reward· ing career that provides interesting jobs and makes Yo u can "t always recognize a budding banker by an private enterprise. individual rights, self-reliance. and useful citizens. expression. Yo u've got to dig a little into character. our country's future. The Canal National Bank presents this message As bankers, we naturally know some of the char· Judgment comes into the picture. too. The banker in the interest of a wider understanding of the banker's acter essentials that make for success in our business. must be a rralist. It's mostly your money he's dealing place in our national lifr These we're passing along on the chance that they with. and it's his responsibility to lend it wisely. might help inspire the right youngster toward a bright Bankers in Action IJ'IJ future in banking The successful banker gets where he is because he's Profileof a Banker resotKceful enough to match every ounce of essential Bankers take a healthy pride in their jobs. They like caution with a full pound of imagination and concern CANA(, people. They like to help people. and they believe that for the community interest. He knows his neighbors banking offers a goodway to do just that. well. Like the lawyer, the doctor and the churchman. NATIONAL Bankers arc also strong individualists. But they"re he keeps their confidencesand helps them when he can. completely in agrecD'lent on certain basic things like Such is the profile of a banker ...of the banking


1918 A

Directory of 1923 Reunioning · Classes 1928

FOR THE FIRST TIME WE ARE PRINTING THE KNOWN ADDRESSES OF 1933 members of the reunioning classes. We hope to continue this plan, so that every five years you will have as up-to-date a listing as is possible. 1938 I hope, as you read the names of classmates and other friends, that it will bring back pleasant memories of the college. I am sorry that not all addresses are available. - If you do happen to know of any that are missing, or incorrect, please send the infor­ mation to me. 1943

Commencement is a festive time, and this year's observance of the sesquicentennial year will go down as one of Colby's greatest alumni and alumnae gatherings. Not too many of us will be around for the bicentennial in 2013, so this year is the year to 1948 celebrate.

I would like to say that I know of no college whose alumni and alumnae are as devoted as Colby's. You have worked hard for all of our campaigns, and are laboring now to make the Ford 1953 Challenge Campaign a success. We, back here at the college, deeply appreciate this. I send my love to each one of you for your loyalty and good faith. 1958

Alumni Secretary 1963 Clough, Lucy I., Old Home Farm, Ken­ Hastings, Wallace G., West Halifax, 1913 nebunkport, Maine, retired. Vermont, business. Barnard, Clinton, Hotel Augustan, Emery, Angie Bickford (Mrs. Maurice Hayes, Roy M., Deerfield Academy, Cobleskill, New York, hotel. C. ), 14 Carmichael Avenue, Fal­ Deerfield, Massachusetts, educator. Benson, Clair F., 306 North Edgewood mouth Foreside, Maine. Hayes, Gen. Wolcott P., Apt. 6, 7860 Street, Arlington, Virginia, govern­ Fleming, Florence Ingersol (Mrs. Ed­ El Paseo Grande, La Jolla, Califor­ ment, retired. win E.), (address unknown). nia, retired. Bowker, Elmer R., 217 Broadway, Fogler, Diana Wall (Mrs. William A.), Hill, Howard F., M.D., 33 College Ave­ Dunedin, Florida, retired. Box 96, Rockport, Maine, educator, nue, W atervill.e, Maine, medicine. Brownell, Crary, Moodus, Connecticut, retired. Holt, Ross S., Clinton, Maine. manufacturing. Hague, Marian Ingalls (Mrs. William Hussey, Frederick K., South China, Chase, Jackson E., 2401 Northwest 29th B.) , Box 33, Bar Mills, Maine. Maine, retired. Sti·eet, Miami, Florida, retired. Haley, Etta Laffaty (Mrs. James U.), Hutchinson, Lee G., Star Route, Dix­ Cleveland, Irvin L., 27 Nassau Road, 676-38th Street, Richmond, Califor­ field, Maine, business. Upper Montclair, New Jersey, educa­ nia, accountant, retired. Lattin, Norman D., 300 East Cooke tion, retired. Hanson, Pauline, Hanson's Ridge, Road, Columbus 14, Ohio, educator. Cushman, Henry S., Rye Beach, New Springvale, Maine, education, retired. Marriner, Eugene B., 1407 West Talton Hampshire, retired. Knowles, Cynthia L. (address un­ Avenue, DeLand, Florida, educator, Foster, John H., M.D., 77 North Main known). retired. Street, Waterbury, Connecticut, med­ Kyes, Eva Macomber (Mrs. Leon A.), Matthews, Robert A., 3 Hamilton icine. Deering House, Westbrook Junior Street, Madison, New Jersey, retired. Gilpatrick, Victor A., 2600 4oth Street, College, Portland, Maine, house direc­ Mcintyre, Harris B., 33 Lee Street, North, St. Petersburg, Florida, busi­ tor. Marblehead, Massachusetts, tele­ ness, retired. Lamoreau, Avis Thompson (Mrs. Hob­ phone company, retired. Goldthwaite, John C., Well-A-Way son), 24 Barton Street, Presque Isle, Moor, Harvard E., 27 Holland Street, Farm, Chester, Vermont, retired. Maine, educator. Bangor, Maine, electrical engineer. Greely, Royden K., 984 Randolph Road, Lander, Marguerite Webber (Mrs. Eu­ Newton, Rae L., 14020 1st Avenue, Middletown, Connecticut, municipal gene P.), 82 1,2 Silver Street, Water­ N.W., Seattle 77, Washington. government. ville, Maine. Parker, Raymond H., 66 Warren Ave­ Harlow, Ivan 0., 64 Gov. Bradford Lockwood, Dora Libby (Mrs. Harold nue, Plymouth, Massachusetts. Drive, Barrington, Rhode Island, re­ W. ), 112 Highland Street, Portland, Patterson, Alfred H., Box 897, Attle­ tired. Maine. boro, Massachusetts. Hussey, Elmer H., Lafayette Hotel, Peirce, Florence Haynes (Mrs. Charles), Philbrook, Milton A., 18 Burton Street, Portland, Maine, retired. 15 Prospect Street, Springvale, Westbrook, Maine, educator. Hussey, Philip W., P. 0. Box 427, North Maine, educator. Piebes, Charles H., 7020 Via Venezia, Berwick, Maine, manufacturing. Small, Kitty Nason (Mrs. Ralph H.), Tucson, Arizona, retired. Hussey, Rowland M., R.D. #2, North 10 Morrill Avenue, Waterville, Maine, Pottle, John K., R.F.D. #2, Oxford, Berwick, Maine, retired. education. Maine, educator, administrator. Jealous, Lionel F., Thomaston, Maine, Tebbetts, Marion, c/o Mrs. L. H. Cottle, Prince, Ellsworth (address unknown). manufacturing. Belgrade, Maine, retired. Robinson, Hugh L., M.D., 80 Berkeley Kennedy, John P., R.F.D. #3, Water­ Wescott, Belle Smith (Mrs. Charles F. Street, West Newton 65, Massachu­ ville, Maine, retired. Jr.), 67 Medway Street, Apt. 7, Provi­ setts, medicine. Kimball, H. Forrest (address un­ dence, Rhode Island. Scott, The Rev. Harold G., c/o Unitar­ known ). Willis, Iva B., Box 66, Harmony, ian Church, Kennebunk, Maine, min­ Larrabee, Merton C., 27 West Street, Maine, educator. ister. Pittsfield, Maine, business, retired. Young, Ada Waugh (Mrs. William J.), Silton, Charles L., 21 White Oak Road, Mansfield, Burleigh B., M.D., 4 Green Kenduskeag, Maine. W aban, Massachusetts, chemist. Street, Ipswich, Massachusetts, med­ Speare, Harold R., Luxac Mobile Park, icine, retired. 1918 Bradenton, Florida. Marriner, Ernest C., 17 Winter Street, Stack, Harry M., M.D., 2120 Avenue S, Adams, Eliot S. (address unknown). Waterville, Maine, education-admin­ Brooklyn, New York, medicine. Alden, The Rev. Paul E., 343 Pierce istration. Thompson, Paul A., R.D. 58, George­ A venue, Daytona Beach, Florida, Reed, C. Granville, 808 South Brooks town, Maine, retired. minister, retired. Avenue, Deland, Florida, retired. Totman, Otto L., 9 Shackford Street, Bailey, Carlton M., Livermore Falls, Roberts, Melvin P., Fort Fairfield, Eastport, Maine, business, retired. Maine. Maine. Tracy, Clifton M., RFD 2, Waterville, Bigelow, Dr. Merrill A., Goshen Road, Sharp, Clifford J. (address unknown). Maine, retired. Litchfield, Connecticut, educator. Small, Clarence A., Box 298, Cornish, Wallace, Stanley M., Route #1, Box Boardman, Howard G., 1703 Wisconsin Maine, business. 810, Apopka, Florida, retired. Avenue, Sarasota, Florida, retired. Snow, Capt. George W., 726 Valencia Whitney, Raymond C., Cambridge, S. A. Dark Harbor, Maine. Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida, re­ Maine. Chamberlain, Alfred H., Route #3, tired. Wyman, Elwood A., 720 Washington Waterville, Maine. Soule, Chester C., 263 Forest Avenue, Street, Whitman, Massachusetts, Churchill, Warren S., 202 Utica Square Portland 1, Maine, business, retired. banker. Walsh, Robert E. (address unknown). Bank Bldg., Tulsa, Oklahoma, busi­ Webber, Robert R., 200 Pleasant Street, ness. East Bridgewater, Massachusetts, Derby, Irving M., M.D., 68-L Crescent Alden, Mary Jordan (Mrs. Paul E.), retired. Road, Greenbelt, Maryland, medi­ 343 Pierce Avenue, Daytona Beach, Young, The Rev. Andrew, Dover-Fox­ cine. Ferrell, George E., 14 Morrill Avenue, Florida. croft, Maine, minister, retired. Waterville, Maine, business. Armstrong, Ethel M. (addre�s un­ GalJier, Robert H., 4630 Bellaire Boule­ known ), educator. vard, Bellaire, Texas, lawyer. Arnold, Bertha Terry (Mrs. Willard Allen, Mathea Windell (Mrs. Samuel Hagerman, Arthur E., 9 Abraham B.), 126 Silver Street, Waterville, L. ), 116 Livingston Avenue, New Street, Houlton, Maine. Maine. Brunswick, New Jersey. Hallahan, Raymond F., 57 Warren Barney, Hazel E., 12 Berkshire Street, Barker, Genevieve, 99 Pine Street, Street, Watertown 72, Massachu­ Worcester 9, Massachusetts. Portland, Maine, secretary, retired. setts. Blackman, Marian Lewis (Mrs. W. Clark, Eva W., Box 75, South Chelms­ Hamerslag, Albert R., 636 - 11 Avenue, A.), Cavendish Heights, Pembroke, ford, Massachusetts. New York, New York. Bermuda. Bro � Helen Kimball (Mrs. Robert Th a 11, Pauline Windsberg (Mrs. Gow, John R., Westminster School, 0.) 242 Mill Road, Hampton, New George), 624 Coggeshall Street, New Simsbury, Connecticut, educator. Hampshire, educator, retired. Bedford, Massachusetts. Grant, Wendell F., 412 Park Lane Buker, Helene B., 1754 Cleveland Tracy, Zella Reynolds (Mrs. Clifton Drive, Venice, Florida, insurance, re­ Street, Clearwater, Florida, nurse, M. ), RFD #2, Waterville, Maine, re­ tired. retired. tired. Guite, L. Armand, M.D., 9 Gilman Cole Phyllis F., 6 Kessell Street, Graf­ Washburn, Leila M., 141 Elm Street, Street, Waterville, Maine, medicine. ton, Massachusetts, educator. Marblehead, Massachusetts, educa­ Gulick, Willard C., 2280 Tinkham Ave­ Collins, Violet French (Mrs. Parkman tor, retired. nue, Akron 13, Ohio, business. A.), Box 244, Wayne, Maine. Welch, Gladys A., 77 Elm Street, Haines, Curtis A., 182 Locksley Road, Davis, Alta E., R.F.D. 2, Pittsfield, Waterville, Maine. Lynnfield, Massachusetts, business, Maine, educator, retired. Whelden, Hazel Loane (Mrs. Ray E.), retired. Davis, Florence Eaton (Mrs. Hallowell), 4357 Sunset Drive, Hollywood, Cali­ Hedman, John P., 20 Milton Street, Ar­ 7526 Cornell Avenue, St. Louis 5, fornia. lington 74, Massachusetts. Hoar, Clinton A., 32 Cumberland Ave­ Missouri. Wilson, Daisy Murray (Mrs. George F.), Highland Avenue, Winthrop, nue, Verona, New Jersey, business. Fernald, Elizabeth R., 203 Migeon Ave­ Maine. Hodgkins, Dr. Allan C., R.F.D. Ells­ nue, Torrington, Connecticut, educa­ #2, worth, Maine. tor. Jaques, Joseph H., 53 Oakland Street, Gillispie, Hazel Cobb (Mrs.), 36 High­ 1923 Waterville, Maine, manufacturing, land Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. Ames, Basil B., Norridgewock, Maine, retired. law and insurance. Gilman, Charlotte, 7 Tibbetts Street, Kemp, Chilton L., 10 Roberts Road, Azzara, Casper J., 198 Sussex Drive, Augusta, Maine, government. Yarmouth, Maine, educator, retired. Manhasset, New York, lawyer. Greeley, Winifred B., 282 Sigourney Kitchin, E. Stanley, Route Bruns­ Berry, Arthur L., 417 Union Lane, #2, Street, Hartford, Connecticut. wick, Maine, retired. Brielle, New Jersey, telephone com­ Hasty, Jennie Sanborn (Mrs.), 8 Rut­ Kleinholz, Frank P., 19 - 2nd Avenue, pany, retired. land Street, Dover, New Hampshire. Port Washington, New York. Bishop, Delmont W., 35 Ravine Road, Hickman, Margaret Wilkins (Mrs. Laverty, Merton E., Assistant Head­ Melrose, Massachusetts, advertising. Spencer E.), Box 23, Sta. 1, Buffalo, master, Peekskill Military Academy, Blanchard, Col. Frederick D., 1924 22, New York, educator. Peekskill, New York, educator, ad­ Varina Avenue, Petersburg, Vir­ Hyde, Marion Buzzell (Mrs. Frederick ministrator. ginia, retired. E.), 74 Court Street, Houlton, Maine. Leighton, Chauncey J., Milbridge, Brophy, J. Neil, 180 Prospect Street, Maine. Jackson, Isabel Wing (Mrs. John W.), Wakefield, Massachusetts. Lenvi e, N. Roy, 80 Groveland Main Street, Sherborn, Massachu­ Brown, Chauncey L., 42 Left Gateway 11 Street, Springfield, Massachusetts. setts. Drive, Springfield, Massachusetts, Lowitz, Anson C., 181 Clapboard Kelley, Comella P., 706 South Coler, architect. Ridge Road, Greenwich, Connecticut, Urbana, Illinois, educator. Brown, William J., 68 Hawthorne advertising, retired. Kennison, Marion Home (Mrs. Karl Street, Lowell, Massachusetts, edu­ Lyond, Clarence R., North Vassalboro, R.), 19 Salt Box Lane, Darien, Con­ cator. Maine, educator. necticut. Callaghan, Thomas A., 201 Lewiston McEwen, Ezra, Wyandotte Worsted King, Mollie Treat (Mrs. Ralph W.), Avenue, Willimantic, Connecticut, Co., Rochester, New Hampshire, 328 Brookline Street, Newton Centre educator-athletics. manufacturing. 59, Massachusetts. Chase, Elliott F., 159 Madison Avenue, Mercer, Alan, 193 Davis Avenue, White Lampley, Marguerite Bradbury (Mrs. Skowhegan, Maine, business. Plains, New York. William Byrd), Route #1, Box 579, Cole, Arthur W., Sullivan High School, Moody, Hiram F., Moody Motor Sales, Hickman, California, retired. Sullivan, Maine, educator-adminis­ Inc., 632 Main Street, Winchester, MacDonald, Gladys Craft (Mrs. John tration. Massachusetts, business. A.), MacDonald Point, Queens Coulter, J. Russell, Box 1259, Peoria, Odom, George J., RFD #1, Belfast, County, New Brunswick, Canada. Illinois. Maine, manufacturing. Daniels, Maurice L., Milford, New Marsh, Alberta Shepherd (Mrs. Rae­ Pooler, Roland N., Summit Street, Hampshire, business. burn L.), 108 Alba Street, Portland, Fairfield, Maine, business. Dunstan, Dr. J. Leslie, 91-A Herrick 5, Maine, educator, retired. Ratcliffe, Harland R., 73 Greenwood Road, Newton Centre 59, Massachu­ Moore, Kathryne Sturtevant (Mrs. Street, Greenwood, Massachusetts, setts, educator. Raymond J.), Hodsden Road, Pow­ journalist. Estes, Dr. Stanley G., 40 Lancaster nal, Maine, educator, retired. Raymond, Donald D., 9 Edwards Street, Street, Cambridge 40, Massachusetts, Murray, C. Esther, 72 1h Silver Street, Waterville, Maine, business. psychologist. Waterville, Maine, educator, retired. Reeves, The Rev. George G., P.O. Box Evans, Llewellyn H., D.M.D., 5 Ela Pottle, Marion Starbird (Mrs. Fred­ 493, Marshall, North Carolina, min­ Street, Dover, New Hampshire, den­ erick A.), 35 Edgehill Road, New ister. tist. Haven 11, Connecticut. Royal, Forrest M., Farmington, New Prescott, Lenna H., 20 Middlesex Faggione, Frank J. (address unknown). Hampshire, retired. Street, North Andover, Massachu­ Farley, Albert C., Bridgewater, Maine, Smith, Charles E., M.D., Conway, New setts. insurance. Hampshire, medicine. Farnum, Dr. Marlin D., Apartment K-1, Roberts, Dorothy I., 512 Townsend Smith, Eugene V. (address unknown). Westgate Arms, 1521 West Main Avenue, New Haven, Connecticut, Tarbox, Fred A., Box 235, Calais, Street, Norristown, Pennsylvania, retired. Maine, educator. minister. Robinso� Ruby M., R.F.D. Mount Treworgy, Lloyd J ., Alton Street, #2, Fasset, Frederick G., Jr., 372 Memo­ Vernon, Maine, retired. Milo, Maine. rial Drive, Cambridge, Massachu­ Scott, Violet Shaw (Mrs. Ralph T.), setts, public relations. Ward, S. Alto� 82 Beach Street, 32 High Street, Caribou, Maine. Foran, Norman W., 85 Washington Woburn, Massachusetts, business. Seller, Margaret Pe r k i n s (Mrs. Street, East Orange, New Jersey, Werme, Ernest R., 44 Fountain Road, Otto), 62 Phillips Street, Watertown, insurance. Arlington Heights, Massachusetts, Massachusetts. Frude, Edward Roy, 33 Mechanic business. Spalding, Laura Maude (address un­ Street, Shelburne Falls, Massachu­ Wheeler, Charles Alden, 16 Horace known ). setts, educator. Street, Mansfield, Massachusetts. Terrill, Winifred Shaw (Mrs. John A.), Goldsmith, Harold S., 67 Bonnell Wiede� Clifford 0. T., 181 Main Street, 15 Pleasant View Avenue, Concord, Street, Flemington, New Jersey, edu­ Presque Isle, Maine, educator, admin­ New Hampshire. cator. istrator. Wolman, C. Kenneth, 28 Common Lowery, Gertrude Fletcher (Mrs. Bernhardt, George P., 34 West Street, Street, Waterville, Maine, business. Merle F. ), Monticello, Maine. Waterville, Maine. Lunt, Marguerite Starbird (Mrs. Ever­ Belott, August V., M.D., 2609 Morrison ett M.), 17 McKeen Street, Bruns­ Avenue, Tampa 9, Florida, medicine. Andrews, Myrtice Swain (Mrs. Samuel wick, Maine, librarian. Bouchard, J. Claude, 190 Steele Street, E.) (address unknown). McCarthy, Eleanor Wilkins (Mrs. New Britain, Connecticut, education. Baxter, Ethel Alley (Mrs. Edward T.), Thomas J.), 823 Wolcott Hill Road, Callaghan, Charles E. (address un­ 35 Rogers Avenue, Southampton, Wethersfield 9, Connecticut. known ). New York. McCobb, Helen G., Lincolnville, Maine. Carpenter, Miles F., McClellan Build­ Belyea, Reta Wheaton (Mrs. Foye), 31 McDonald, Helen Dresser (Mrs. Wil­ ing, Skowhegan; Maine, insurance. Teague Street, Caribou, Maine, edu­ liam R.), 14 Cottage Street, Portland, Carson, Harold E., 307-3rd Avenue, cator, retired. 5, Maine, educator. South Portland, Maine, education, Besse, Doris Dickey (Mrs. Frank A.), McEwen, Madeline Beach (Mrs. Ezra), administrator, retired. Spring Street, Clinton, Maine. c/o Mr. McEwen, Wyandotte Wors­ Cassens, The Rev. Kenneth H., P.O. Box Blakeslee, Ruth A., 3 Edward Street, ted Company, Rochester, New Hamp­ 212, Clinton, Massachusetts, author, Wilbraham, Massachusetts. ahire. minister. Boone, Feneda Hawksley (Mrs. Guy Merrifield, Gladys Libby (Mrs.), R.F.D. Caulfield, Thomas J., 58 Carson Ave­ Tracey), P.O. Box 248, Mars Hill, #2, Gorham, Maine. , nue, Dalton, Massachusetts, manu­ Maine. Moores, Velma Briggs (Mrs. Pitt H.), facturing. Brown, Helen Pierce (Mrs. Carleton 153 Wythbum Road, South Portland, Champlin, Everett 0., 152 Sewall B.), Intervale Road, South Harps­ Maine. Street, Augusta, Maine, chemist. well, Maine, educator. Nichols, Dorothy Chaplin (Mrs.), 2046- Chandler, Robert C., 26 lh Sewall Brown, Arlene Ringrose (Mrs. Charles Nellie, Largo, Florida. Street, Augusta, Maine, chemist. D.), 270 Norwood Avenue, West Norwood, Avis Newman (Mrs. LeRoy Clark, A. Donald, 33 Hart Street, Long Branch, New Jersey, educator. H.), Warren, Maine. Wethersfield, Connecticut. Brown, Helen A., 7 Maura Court, Paul. Margaret Abbott. (Mrs. Her­ Clark, Harold E., 371 Angell Street, Waterville, Maine. bert N.), 326 Main Street, Westbrook, Providence 6, Rhode Island, librarian. Bush, Thelma Ryder (Mrs. Harold ), 54 Maine. Corbett, John E., Wytopitlock, Maine. Commonwealth Avenue, Springfield, Pitcher, Doris Ogier (Mrs. Philemon), Corey, C. Stanley, 673 Vine Street, Vermont. Camden, Maine. Kent, Ohio, education. Colby, Avis Cox (Mrs. Alvah S.), Powers, Marion Drisko (Mrs. William Cottle, The Rev. Gardner D., 44 Wash­ Triborough Farm, East Sullivan, E. ), 2141 Ewing, Evanston, Illinois. ington Street, Malone, New York, New Hampshire, educator, retired. Robinson, Ruth Jameson (Mrs. Chester minister. Collins, Mildred R., R.F.D. #1, Ber­ L. ), Pleasant Point, Knox County, D'Amico, A. A., 201 Broadway, Bangor, wick, Maine, educator, retired. Maine. Maine, business. C r a v en, Elizabeth Kellett (Mrs. Sanborn, Helen Harris (address un­ Depew, Lionel E., 37 Chamberlain Herbert), 39 Pleasant View Terrace, known). Street, Dalton, Massachusetts. Methuen, Massachusetts, secretary. Schoppe, Marjorie K e m p (Mrs. Drummond, E. Richard, Pierce, White Currier, Eloise Beaman (Mrs. George Harry M.), clo Albert Schoppee, & Drummond, Bangor, Maine, inven­ W.), 53 Maple Street, West Lebanon, 1104 North Main Street, Brewer, tor. New Hampshire. Maine, education. Erickson, John N., 371 Slocum Road, Cushman, Helen Williams (Mrs. Wil­ Smith, Ida Jones (Mrs. Andrew J.), North Dartmouth, Massachusetts, liam F.), 4511 N.E. 14th Terrace, Box 545, Union Springs, New York, education, administrator. Pompano Beach, Florida. education. Fiedler, Edmond F., 11 West Road, Dean, Lucy Osgood (Mrs. Arthur Steele, Louise L., 67 Ave­ Adams, Massachusetts, chemist. G. ), R.F.D. #1, Marion, New York. nue, Needham 94, Massachusetts, Foote, Cecil E., 703 South Perry Street, Dempsey, Eleanor Hawes (Mrs. Harold education. Johnstown, New York, business. N.), Star Route, Stillwater Avenue, Tilley, Louise K., 21 Chestnut Place, Fourcade, Louis P., 75 Upland Avenue, Orono, Maine, educator. West Long Branch, New Jersey, edu­ White Plains, New York, municipal Dunstan, Edythe Porter (Mrs. J. Les­ cation, retired. government. lie), 91-A Herrick Road, Newton Wade, Marion Bibber (Mrs. Harold), Gallin, Nathaniel M., 315 East 72 Centre 59, Massachusetts. 39 Pleasant Street, Richmond, Maine. Street, New York, New York, lawyer. Farnum, Melva Mann (Mrs. Marlin D.), Walker, Thelma Powers (Mrs. A. Reed), Gould, Clarence W., 1105-C West Al­ Apartment K-1, Westgate Arms, 42 Arlington Road, West Hartford hambra Road, San Gabriel, Califor­ 1521 West Main Street, Norristown, 7, Connecticut. nia, engineer. Pennsylvania. Warren, Mary E., 28 Winter Street, Grant, Wendell R., 10 Franklin Ave­ Gates, Agnes Cameron (Mrs. Edwin Waterville, Maine, education. nue, Houlton, Maine, education. W.), 509 College Avenue, Niagara Wishard, Leonette Warburton (Mrs. Grearson, Donglas C., 26 School Street, Falls, New York. Glenn P.), American Collegiate In­ Dedham, Massachusetts, merchant. Griffin, Elizabeth H., 370 Penobscot stitute, Izmir, Turkey, education. Greene, Paul M., 48 Orchard Road, Avenue, Millinocket, Maine, educator. Wyman, Doris, 67 Lincoln Road, Med­ East Patchogue, New York, lawyer. Harrington, M. Gertrude Weller (Mrs. ford, Massachusetts, educator. Grindle, R. Manley, Kenduskeag, James G.), 1319 Bayliss Drive, Alex­ Maine. andria, Virginia. Hamilton, Ashton S., Star Route, Dix­ Juchter, Edith Weller (Mrs. Pieter), 1928 field, Maine, chemist. 754 Pine Avenue, Waynesboro, Vir­ Hammond, Elwood J., D.M.D., 664 Main ginia. Andrews, Roland B., 21 Park Street, Street, Laconia, New Hampshire, Larrabee, Elizabeth B., 925 Fobes Presque Isle, Maine, education, ad­ dentist. Street, East Hartford, Connecticut, ministrator. Harlow, F.dwin W., M.D., Upper Main educator, retired. Ariel, Edward J., 41 Dorr Street, Rox­ Street, Waterville, Maine, medicine. Lary, Marguerite Rice (Mrs. Leon), bury 19, Massachusetts. West Scarboro, Maine, education. Ayer, Ralph H., County Street, Nor­ Hawes, G. Holbrook, P.O. Box 183', Car­ son City, Nevada, government, state. LaVerdiere, Lillian Cyr (Mrs. Evariste walk, Connecticut. A.), 36 Burleigh Street, Waterville, Bailey, Nelson W., Newcastle, Maine, Heal. Durward S., East Millinocket, Maine. education, administrator. Maine, education. Lindsley, Vera Collins (Mrs. Edgar), Baldwin, Meade J., 116 North East 16th Hines, Conrad H. (address unknown). Trailer Land, West Main Street, A venue, Boynton Beach, Florida, Hodgkins, Augustus M., 2160 Grand Merrimac, Massachusetts, librarian. real estate. Boulevard, Schenectady 8, New York. Jame on, Lee L., 4 Ash Street, Beverly, Parker, John S., 39 Congress Street, Chandler, Helen Merrick (Mrs. Robert Massachusetts. Belfast, Maine, business. C.), 26% Sewall Street, Augusta, Jone , G. Vinton, 10 Stetson Street, Pierce, Kent N., 636 Everett Avenue, Maine. East Braintree, Massachusetts, edu­ Woodbridge, Virginia. Clark, Ruth Viles (Mrs. John D.), cation. Platoff, David M., 928 Broadway, New Ravine Road, Storrs, Connecticut. Keats, Martin M., D.M.D., 2 West De­ Y or}c, New York. Cole, Cornelia Adair (Mrs. Lawrence vonia Avenue, Mount Vernon, New Rose, The Rev. Cecil H., P.O. Box 73, D.), 59 Boston Avenue, Waterville, York, dentist. Turner, Maine, minister. Maine, secretary. Kelley, Leemont, Jonesport, Maine, in­ Rosenthal, Albert, 135 Eastern Park­ .Cone, Frances Bragdon (Mrs. George surance. way, Brooklyn, New York. H.), Box 214, Plains, Montana. Kesaris, Lewis N ., 31 Fairview Avenue, Roy, Cleophas J ., 26 Summer Street, Coombs, Adelaide, Box 19, Shelton, Augusta, Maine. Waterville, Maine. Connecticut, educator. Knofskie, Walter F., 43 Flower Street, Saigo, Jujun John, 298 Kamimeguro, Crocker, Hilda Desmond (Mrs.), 595 Manchester, Connecticut, chemist. Tokyo, Japan. Forest Avenue, Portland, Maine, Knox, Weldon R., 37 South Main Street, Salzman, Alexander E. , 17 East 89th YWCA. New Milford, Connecticut, education, Street, New York, New York. Crosman, Esther P a r k e r (Mrs.), administrator. Sansome, Charles J ., 5207 Denton 1719 Albany Street, Schenectady, Koch, The Rev. Garth C., 733 Parker Drive, Dallas 9, Texas, detective. New York, editor. Street, Newark, New Jersey, minis­ Shorey, Roy V ., 460 Fairfield A venue, Currier, Ruth Thompson (Mrs. Elmer) , ter. Ridgewood, New Jersey, personnel 1116 Sunrise Boulevard, Fort Pierce, Larsen, Albert W., 26 Gilman Street, director. Florida, educator. Waterville, Maine, merchant. Snow, Richard R. (address unknown). Dearborn, Amy D., 66 Third Street, Laughton, James M., R.F.D. #3, Dexter, Snow, Sydney P., 14 Newton Street, Bangor, Maine, accountant. Maine. West Boylston, Massachusetts. Dearborn, Nellie M., 142 Caleb Street, Levine, Arthur B., 76 Main Street, Steigler, A. Frank, Jr., North Haver­ Portland 5, Maine, educator. Waterville, Maine, lawyer. hill, New Hampshire, merchant. Edgett, Olive Richardson (Mrs. G. Littlefield, Arthur W., 19 Yardley Theriault, Joseph F., Southern Boule­ Leverett), 97 Broadway, Bangor, Court, Glen Rock, New York. vard, Plum Island, Newburg, Massa­ Maine. Lombard, W. Robert, R.F.D. #4, Free­ chusetts, chemical engineer. Erickson, Mona Herron (Mrs. John N.), port, Maine, education. Thiel, Albert J., 135 Benvenue Street, 371 Slocum Road, North Dartmouth, Lovett, J. Lewis, 426 Mower Street, Wellesley 81, Massachusetts, busi­ Massachusetts, educator. Worcester, Massachusetts. ness. Farnham, Margaret Davis (Mrs. Rod­ Lufkin, Nathan R., 106 Brokside Drive, Thorsen, Leon S., RFD #2, Ellsworth, erick E.), MRC, Box 17, Sunset Ave­ Union, South Carolina, manufactur­ Maine. nue, Bangor, Maine, educator. ing. Towne, Charles E., M.D., 5 Highland Fortier, Marie L. D'Argy (Mrs.), MacCubrey, P. Kenton, 68 Hillcrest Avenue, Waterville, Maine, medicine. Church Lane Manor, 709 Church Avenue, Wethersfield 9, Connecticut, Welch, Gordon, Fairbanks Cottage, St. Lane, , Pennsylvania. telephone. Johnsbury Academy, St. Johnsbury, Glidden, Lela H., Apt. 14, 381 Ives MacDonald, Leo W ., 669 South Main Vermont, educator. Street, Providence 6, Rhode Island, Street, South Brewer, Maine. West, George C., 10 Winter Street, educator. MacDougal, Albert F., D.M.D., 186 Augusta, Maine, lawyer. Gould, Helen Wyman (Mrs. Clarence Nowell Road, Bangor, Maine, dentist. Whittier, Ross H. (address unknown). W.), 1105-C West Alhambra Road, MacLean, William F., 301 Prospect Wood, Clair E., 33 Morrill A venue, San Gabriel, California. Street, Norwood, Massachusetts, in­ Waterville, Maine, educator, admin­ Greaney, Katherine B., 3311 Winnett surance. istrator. Road, Chevy Chase 15, Maryland, Mann, Clyde L., 11 Pleasant Street, educator, administrator. Livermore Falls, Maine, education, Harlow, Emma Tozier (Mrs. Edwin administrator. Andrews, Irma Sawyer (Mrs. Roland W.), Upper Main Street, Waterville, Marcou, Dr. Rene J., 930 Beacon Street, B.), 21 Park Street, Presque Isle, Maine. Newton Centre 69, Massachusetts, Maine. Harvey, Maud (address unknown). education. Baker, Muriel Lewis (Mrs. Frederick Hawkins, Eva Page (Mrs. Alvin K.), Martin, John P., 26 Farm Hill Road, E.), 30 High Street, Farmington, St. George, Maine. Cape Elizabeth, Maine, sales. Connecticut. Hicks, Betsy Ringdahl (Mrs. Charles McCroary, James T., R.F.D. #2, Stan­ Barton, Ava Dodge (Mrs.), 40 Miller C.), New Sweden, Maine. Street, Belfast, Maine, secretary. ley Road, Winthrop, Maine, tele­ Johnston, Dorothy Daggett (Mrs. J. Bauer, Louise, 90 LaSalle Street, Apt. phone. Douglas), 169 Farm Lane, Westwood, 13-D, New York 27, New York, busi­ McKay, Earl H., 96 Tuttle Street, Bris­ Massachusetts. ness. tol, Connecticut, business. MacDougal, Claire Richardson Beaudette, Margaret Salmond (Mrs.), (Mrs. McKinna, Milton 138 Center Street, Albert F.), 186 Nowell Road, Ban­ 0., Northfield, Vermont. Bangor, Maine, business. gor, Maine. Black, Rose (address unknown). McLeary, Robert H., 123 West 6th Boothby, True Hardy (address un­ Mariner, Evelyn Ventres (Mrs. W. Street, Emporium, Pennsylvania, ac­ Seward), Kearmarin, New London, known). countant. New Hampshire. Bridges, Gladys Bunker (Mrs. Rex P. ), Meyerson, Benjamin, 60 East 42nd 83 Leighton Street, Bangor, Maine, Merriman, Laurice Edes (Mrs. Earl Street, New York, New York, lawyer. educator, retired. L.), 87 Montgomery Street, Bangor, Millett, Donald H., 92 Sixth Avenue, Brodeur, Violet Daviau (Mrs. Charles Maine, librarian. Fairview, Massachusetts, executive. M.), 65B Concord Street, Nashua, McCroary, Harriet Towle (Mrs. James Muir, Gilbert, Box 468, South Yar­ New Hampshire. T.), R.F.D. #2, Stanley Road, Win­ mouth, Massachusetts, educator. Brown, Helen Hight (Mrs.), Skowhe­ throp, Maine, educator. Nee, Edward M., 12 Hoyle Street, Nor­ gan, Maine McEvoy, Ruth M., 22 Ross Street, Ba­ wood, Massachusetts, educator. Burke, Marion Jacobs (Mrs. Franklin tavia, New York, librarian. Nesbit, Lester R., M.D., 164 Main Street, A. ), 17 41 W ampanoag Trail, Barring­ Melanson, Janet Chase (Mrs. Veme

Suncook, New Hampshire, medicine. ton, Rhode Islan,

Pierce, Margery M., Peter's Road, Bolster, Vernon L., R.F.D. 1, New Jordan, Harry T. Jr. (address - · un Riverside, Connecticut, educator. Gloucester, Maine, educator, admin­ known ). Pruitt, Myra Stone (Mrs.), 3 Reservoir istrator. KnauJf, Raymond, 126 Silver Street, Terrace, Lawrence, Massachusetts, Bradbury, Leon A., Waterville Road, Waterville, Maine. educator. Farmington, Connecticut, lawyer. Lane, Thomas B., D.D.S., 526-73rd Rapaport, Edna Cohen (Mrs. Jack), Brown, Carleton D., 15 Winter Street, Street, Kenosha, Wisconsin, dentist. 32 Garland Street, Bangor, Maine, Waterville, Maine, radio. Levine, Myron J., 45 Bonair Street, personnel. Bryan, Herbert K., Route #1, Box 47, West Roxbury, Massachusetts, phar­ Rhoades, Emily Randall (Mrs. 0. Cor­ McLean, Virginia, lawyer. macist. win), (address unknown). Bums, Lawrence M. (address un­ Lewis, Clarence R., 4 Spring Street, Russell, Arleen Warburton (Mrs.), 560 known ). Woonsocket, Rhode Island. Fayette Street, Cumberland, Mary­ Butler, Nathaniel, 3412 Arden Avenue, Libbey, Leonard F., R.F.D., Acton, land, social service. Hollywood, Illinois. Massachusetts. Shute, Alberta VanHom (Mrs. J, Cabana, Leonard C., Jr., 1 Elm Terrace, Locke, John W. 2nd, 434 Rock Road, Donald), R.F.D. #5, Augusta, Maine. Waterville, Maine. Glen Rock, New Jersey, manufactur­ Sims, Dorothy Steinert (Mrs. Ken­ Carr, David S., Lakeside Drive, North ing. neth H.), 2122 East Valley Road, Forked River P.O., Forked River, Malliaros, John C., 254 Park Place, Santa Barbara, Caifornia. New Jersey. Brooklyn, New York Steady, Joyce Gordon (Mrs. Karl), Chase, Harold F., M.D., 1732 Old Gulph Malsch, Irving M., 334 North Cedar Lakeport, New Hampshire. Road, Villanova, Pennsylvania, medi­ Road, Fairfield, Connecticut, manu­ Stinchfield, Ruth Hutchins (Mrs. cine. facturing. Allan J.), Pond Road, Manchester, Childs, Earle S., 6009 North Agnes, Marsano, Alton L., Belfast, Maine, Maine. Temple City, California. hotel. Stinchfield, Pauline Sinclair (Mrs. Chute, Bertram H. (address unknown). McCann, John F., Box 453, Guilford, Roger A.), 189 Winn Street, Woburn, Cole, Mancle F., c/o M. H. Fishman Maine, railroad. Massachusetts. Co., Houlton, Maine. Morris, Soll, M.D., 66 Central Street, Stone, Estelle Pottle (Mrs.), Oxford, Conant, Louis F. Jr., 124 Elliott Place, East Bridgewater, Massachusetts, Maine. Rutherford, New Jersey, sales. medicine. Taber, Alice M., 446 South Gramercy Curtis, J. Robert, Porter Hill Road, Murchie, The Rev. H. John, 17 Misha­ Place, Los Angeles, California, li­ Middlebury, Connecticut, manufac­ wum Road, Woburn, Massachusetts, brarian. turing. minister. Thayer, Mary, 10 Nudd Street, Water­ Daggett, Horace P., 516 Sunset Road, Nelson, Albert B. (address unknown). ville, Maine, secretary. Waterloo, Iowa, business. Nelson, Atwood C., Winthrop, Maine. Thompson, Grace Morrison (Mrs. J. Davan, John P., 9 Stroudwater Street, Nickerson, Oscar S., 327 Congress Douglas), 62 Fifth Street, South Westbrook, Maine, educator, athlet­ Street, Millinocket, Maine. Portland, Maine. ics. O'Halloran, Reginald, 271 Dartmouth Tilton, Ruth M., 37 Bowker Street, Dexter, William N., 88 Goudy Street, Street, Boston 16, Massachusetts, Brookline 46, Massachusetts, secre­ South Portland, Maine, engineer. sales. tary. Dignam, Walter L., 24 · Hollywood Packard, Theodore H., 230 Highland Tittle, Elizabeth Lewis (Mrs. Charles Road, Winchester, Massachusetts, Street, Holden, Massachusetts. Jr.), Champney Street, Groton, telephone. Paquet, Victor H., 17 Adams Court, Massachusetts. Dunfee, Emery S., East Winthrop, Burlington, Vermont, educator. Toothaker, M. Frances Mitchell (Mrs. Maine, educator, administrator. Pooler, Carroll E., P.O. Box 3205, Charles L.), Skowhegan Road, Fair­ Finch, Robert J., 5800 Beard Avenue, Lafayette, Louisiana, business. field, Maine, educator. South, Edina, Minnesota. Poulin, James E., M.D., 158 Silver Turkington, Edna E., 33 Park Street, Flaherty, Francis (address unknown). Street, Waterville, Maine, medicine. Malden 48, Massachusetts, educator. Foley, Thomas J., 450 Nahatan Street, Rancourt, H. Paul, 44 Main Street, Van Wart, Mildred Tupper (Mrs. Norwood, Massachusetts, insurance. Watervile, Maine, lawyer. Lloyd), R.F.D. #1, Box 135, Hampden Foster, Carl F., 25 Park Drive, Water­ Raviart, Guy (address unknown). Highlands, Maine. ford, Connecticut, business. Rhoades, Dr. Donald H., 2918 Clare­ Vinal, Ella L., 157 Branch Street, Fuller, Frank E., 351 Thayer Street, mont Heights Drive, Claremont, Egypt, Massachusetts, educator. Providence 6, Rhode Island, educator. California, minister, educator. Greene, Howard B., P.O. Box 72, Che­ Wagner, Margaret Vigue . (Mrs. Eli), Rolfe, Kenneth W., 330 Ocean Street, shire, Connecticut, business. South China, Maine. South Portland, Maine, insurance. Watson, Susie Stevens (Mrs. Russell Greene, Robert F., 345 Upham Street, Rosenberg, Robert E. (address un­ E.), 17 Kineo Street, Bangor, Maine. Melrose, Massachusetts. known). Williams, Ruth E., Dean of Women, Hayward, Bertrand W., 3430 Warden Rushton, Leonard M., 104 Brown Street, State Teachers College, Farmington, Drive, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Methuen, Massachusetts. Maine, educator, administrator. educator. Sherden, John P. (address unknown). Young, Vera Day (Mrs. Edward S.), Helie, The Rev. Leonard, Church of the 512 Glassell Court, Alexandria, Vir­ Divine Fraternity, Central Park W. Sherman, David S., M.D., 249 River ginia. at 76th Street, New York, New York, Street, Mattapan, Massachusetts, minister. medicine. Hersey, Stanley C., R.F.D. #2, Scar­ Silveira, Filbert A. Jr., M.D., 235 Green 1933 borough, Maine, business. Street, Fairhaven, Massachusetts, Ackley, Carl W., 22 Thomas Street, Hill, Eino E., 36 Mechanic Street, medicine. Barrington, Rhode Island, business. Rockland, Maine. Skidds, Albert L., Court Street, Cas­ Altieri, Frank R., 61 Woodward Ave­ Hill, Major John F. Jr., 931 ACW Sq. tine, Maine, educator, administrator. nue, Waterbury, Connecticut, manu­ (ADC), APO 23, New York, New Skillin, Clyde W., 5 Stafford Road, facturing. York, USA. Danvers, Massachusetts, chemist. Skinner, John L., 297 8th Avenue, Sea Campbell, Marjorie Roix (Mrs. Sump­ Juzova, Marie Lenochova (Mrs.), Plzen Cliff, New York, lawyer. ter), 4817 Belmont Park Terrace, Tr. I maje, Chechoslovakia. Stinchfield, Theron R., R.F.D. #1, Nashville 12, Tennessee, educator. Kennedy, Muriel Barbara Hallett (Mrs. Brattleboro, Vermont, educator. Cary, Frances Perkins (Mrs. Rich­ Dana F.), 55 Myrtle Avenue, West­ Stratton, Col Chester M., Quarters 330, ard), 31 Highland Avenue, Water­ port, Connecticut. Presidio of Monterey, Monterey, Cal­ ville, Maine. Kennedy, Thelma Flagg (Mrs. Myron ifornia, USA. Chadbourne, Evelyn Brackley (Mrs.), A.), R.F.D. #1, Waldoboro, Maine. Terry, William M., 9770 S.W. 158 Box 724, Kingfield, Maine, education. Kingsley, Anita Viles (Mrs. Mark S.), Street, Miami 57, Florida. Chase, Geraldine Foster (Mrs. L. 1053 Clearview Avenue, Lakeland, Thomas, Tillson D., 15 West Main Charles), 119 Rogers Road, Kittery, Florida. Street, Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, edu­ Maine, educator. Larsen, Rebecca Chester (Mrs. Wilbur cation. Choate, Margaret L., Thayer Academy, F.), 2 West Court, Waterville, Maine, Tyson, Charles M., Clinton, North Braintree 85, Massachusetts, educa­ administration. Carolina, sales. tor. Lindsey, Doris E., 1 Broad Street, Vaughan, Ober C., Pond Road, Man­ Compton, Ella Huff (Mrs. Arthur), St. Freehold, New Jersey, educator. chester, Maine, government. Eleanor's, P.EJ., Canada. Miehe, N. Yvonne, 10 Sterling Road, Violette, Raoul H., 91 Summer Street, Cox, Dorris Moore (Mrs. C. Maurice), Waltham 54, Massachusetts, educa­ Waterville, Maine, builder tor. 27 M a p 1 e Avenue, Farmington, Waite, John E., 2139 Frey Road, Hous­ Maine. Mills, Mary Palmer (Mrs.), 821 Gar­ ton 17, Texas. land Drive, Palo Alto, California. Davies, Dorothea C., 24 Wood Drive, 23 Boynton Avenue, Walker, Robert K., East Hartford, Connecticut, secre­ Neilson, Hazel Lawrence (Mrs. David St. Johnsbury, Vermont, business. B.), 80 Concord Street, Ashland, tary. Wasserman, Arthur T., 37 Baldpate Massachusetts. deRochemont, Marguerite, 216 Hope Hill, Newton Centre, Massachusetts, Nelson, Florence Allen (Mrs. E. Theo­ Street, Providence 6, Rhode Island, lawyer. dore), 611 Leonard Avenue, Ocean­ educator. Webb, John Allan, 43 Cushing Street, side, California, educator. Dingwall, Dorothy, 33 Dupont Drive, Hingham, Massachusetts. Parsons, Virginia L. _(address Presque Isle, Maine, educator. un­ Wheeler, Otis W., 117 Williams Street, known). East Williston, L. I., New York, Dorsett, Eleanor Rowell (Mrs. Edward Pedersen, Alice Morse (Mrs. Elmer merchant. C.), Lime Rock, Connecticut. A.), 25 Arthur Woods Avenue, Bur­ Williams, Harrison F., 61 Hersey Edgerly, Ruth Weston (Mrs. Robert lington, Massachuetts. Street, Portland, Maine, sales. C.), 130 Weston Avenue, Madison, Pullen, Ruth, 164 Marple Road, Haver­ Williams, R. Leon, Clifton, Maine, Maine. ford, Pennsylvania, law student. East Eddington, RFD #1, business. Eldridge, Avie Brawn (Mrs. W. P.), Putnam, Vesta Alden (Mrs. George C.), Wilson, W. Malcolm, 490-16th Place, (address unknown). 550 Highland Avenue, Westfield, New South, Edmonds, Washington, sales. Eshenfelder, Alma Fones (Mrs.), 48 Jersey, business. Wortman, Perry G., P.O. Box 16, Granite Street, Apt. 7, New London, Reardon, Lillian Shapiro (Mrs. John Charleston, Maine, educator, admin­ Connecticut, executive. E.), 21 Monson Street, Brockton, istrator. Foster, Alzilphia Moffett (Mrs.), (ad­ Massachusetts, educator. dress unknown). Rowell, Eleanor M., Epping Forest, Furbush, Anna Hannagan (Mrs. John South Shore, Annapolis, Maryland. Alden, Barbara Johnson (Mrs. John B.), 20 Chester Street, Pittsfield, Schumacher, Priscilla Perkins (Mrs. M.), 57 Walnut Avenue, Andover, Maine, retired. Gordon W.), Mayflower Hill Drive, Massachusetts, educator. Gellerson, Averill D., 7 Pearl Street, Waterville, Maine. Allan, Eizabeth Swanton (Mrs. Douglas Marblehead, Massachusetts, educa­ Silferberg, Helen P., 236 Moss Mills B.), 37 Bradstreet Road, North An­ tor. Road, Leeds Point, New Jersey, edu­ dover, Massachusetts. Graffam, Marian Archer (Mrs. George cator. Anderson, Gertrude Raymond (Mrs. S.), Whitefield, Maine, business. Skillings, Dorothy Harlow (Mrs.), 211 Irvine A.), Mars Hill, Maine. Greenleaf, Ruth Nutting (Mrs.), Nor­ Virginia Street, Portland, Maine. Atchley, Ruth (address unknown). way High School, Norway, Maine, Slaven, Ruth Hallinger (Mrs. John A.), Auger, Charlotte Blomfield (Mrs. Nes­ educator. 31 Locust Avenue, Westmont, New tor C.), 40 Flyers Drive, Norwich, Hamilton, Nancy Nivison (Mrs. Rich­ Jersey. Connecticut, secretary. ard A.), 753 Colrain Road, Green­ Smith, Margaret F e r n a Id (Mrs. Ballou, Ruth Weston (Mrs. James), 53 field, Massachusetts. Chester S.), R.F.D. #2, Farmington, Summer Street, Keene, New Hamp­ Harmon, Marian Clark (Mrs. Malcolm), Maine. shire. 517 Main Street, Caribou, Maine. Snell, Katherine Holmes (Mrs. Burrill Barker, Rosemond F ., 15 Coleman Heath, Dorothy Powers (Mrs. Ever­ D.), 5 Grove Street, Hallowell, Maine. Place, Menlo Park, California, sec­ ett), Danbury, New Hampshire. Spaulding, Evelyn Hall (Mrs. Sher­ retary. Heubach, Gladys Averill (Mrs. Alfred man), 1422 East Rosecrans, Comp­ Bendix, Mary Nelson (Mrs. John C. E.), 79 Randlett Park, West Newton ton, California. A.), 80 Narragansett Road, Quincy 65, Massachusetts, social service. Springer, Lois Dean (Mrs. John D.), 69, Massachusetts. Hobby, Isabelle Fairbanks (Mrs. 369 North Main Street, Brewer, Bickmore, R u th Armstrong (Mrs. Allston B.), R.F.D. 2, Woodstock, Maine, business. Robi F.), RFD #1, Armstrong Connecticut, business. Strout, Mary Smith (Mrs. Francis Road, Waterville, Maine. Hurst, Norma Fuller (Mrs. Charles L.), 35 Brunswick Avenue, Fort Fair­ Bolster, Edith Hoskin (Mrs. Vernon R.), R.D. #2, Delanson, New York, field, Maine. L.), R.F.D. 1, New Gloucester, secretary. Taylor, Geraldine Colbath (Mrs. H. Maine, educator. Lewis), 20 High Street, Dexter, Brackett, Barbara Merrick (Mrs. Hutchinson, Isabelle Mi11 er (Mrs. Lee Maine. F.), Phillips, Maine. James W.), R.F.D., Randolph, Ver­ (Mrs. Till­ Brewster, Elizabeth Haley (Mrs. Sher­ mont, educator. Thomas, Ruth Leighton man M.), 221 Aurora Drive, Ashe­ Inman, Cordelia Putnam (Mrs. Harold son D.), 15 West Main Street, Dover­ ville, North Carolina. H.), Houlton, Maine. Foxcroft, Maine, educator. Brown, Velma, Woodcrest Lane, Long Janes, Ruth Vose (Mrs. G. Norman), Timson, Bertha Lewis (Mrs. George Green, Maryland, educator. 405 East Ridley Avenue, Ridley A.), Box #443, Ocean Avenue, Ken­ Burns, Evelyn Stapleton (Mrs. W. Park, Pennsylvania. nebunkport, Maine. Jackson), 212 25th Street Drive S.E., Jones, Marguerite Webber (Mrs.), 18 Tinkham, Anna Louise, 206 Riverway, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Rogers Road, Kittery, Maine. Roxbury, Massachusetts, nurse. Velten, Louise Smith (Mrs.), 510 East Davenport, J. Warren, 1150 Main Ave­ Lewis, James N., 686 South Main 23rd Street, New York 10, New York, nue, Greenwood, Rhode Island, chem­ Street, Sharon, Massachusetts. secretary. ist. Libby, Howard R., D.D.S., 108 Gorland Whitten, Phyllis E. (Mrs.), M.D.B., Davis, Harold P. Jr., R.F.D. Topsfield Road, Newton, Massachusetts, den­ Augusta, Maine. Massachusetts, telephone. tist. Williams, Ethel Bragg (Mrs. Harold), Davis, Wade R., 1326 Forest Avenue, Lightner, Lawrence C., 175 Washington 30 S a n g e r A venue, Waterville, Portland, Maine, sales. Street, Morristown, New Jersey, Maine. Dobbins, Joseph D., 8 Madigan Street, educator. Houlton, Maine, educator, athletics. Littlefield, William R., Box 335, North Dolan, Charles R., 11 Sunset Avenue, Berwick, Maine, 'business. 1938 Wakefield, Rhode Island, educator. Lombard, Edward W., East Holden. Anderson, A. Wendell, 30 Longefellow Dow, Richard W., 590 Highland Ave­ Maine, carpenter. Avenue, Brunswick, Maine, insur­ nue, South Portland, Maine, manu­ Loud, Edmund D., Center Ossipee, New ance. facturing. Hampshire. Antan, Joseph G., 17 Vera Street, Dwyer, Lawrence W., 286 Church Luther, Royal G. Jr., 7 Yarmouth Road, West Hartford 7, Connecticut, edu­ Street, Berlin, New Hampshire, edu­ Chatham, New Jersey. cator. cator, administrator. Macgregor, Charles A., M.D., 157 High Anthony, Dr. Robert N., 29 Woodland Emery, Frederick C., M.D., 242 Cedar Street, Greenfield, Massach08etta, Road, Lexington 73, Massachusetts, Street, Bangor, Maine, medicine. medicine. educator. Field, Michael, M.D., 62 Kenwood McGee, Robert V., Riverside Avenue, Baker, Frank H., 209 South Castle Street, Portland 5, Maine, medicine. Fort Fairfield, Maine, insurance. Street, Salem, Illinois. Follett, Archie E., 127 East Dowell McGowan, Ira L., 450 Hammond Beerbaum, Alfred W., Hq. USADEG, Drive, Cary, North Carolina, chem­ Street, Bangor, Maine, railroad. ist. APO 164, New York, New York. McNamara. John H., USOM to Haiti, Fox, James, 888 Purchase Street, New Bender, Dr. Hammond L, 229 Granite c/o American Embassy, Port Au Bedford, Massachusetts, lawyer. Block, Fall River, Massachusetts, Prince, Haiti, government. chiropodist. Frost, Dr. Ernest M., 15 Lynne Place, Mellen, Frank R., 10 Fernwood Street, Berrie, Albert W. (address unknown ). Hillsdale, New Jersey. Wethersfield, Connecticut, ind., sup. Bickford, Kenneth R., West Bowdoin, Gallup, Robert F. (address unknown). Meppen, William N., Nassau, New Maine, educator. Garcelon, Alonzo H., D.D.S., 51 State York, business. Black, Sidney, 1917 85tb Street, Brook­ Street, Augusta, Maine, government, Merrick, Col Paul B., 83 Fairview Ave­ lyn, New York, sales. state. nue, Augusta, Maine, USA. Blanchard, L. Russell, 97 Brattle Gilray, Robert E. (address unknown). Morin, Victor A. (address unknown). Street, Worcester, Massachusetts, in­ Gleason, Edward H., R.F.D. #1, Water­ surance. ville, Maine, business. Morrow, Ralph E., 93 Sisson Street, Blanchard, Webster C., 10 Beaver Dam Gondela, Felix J., New Marlboro, East Hartford, Connecticut. Road, Scituate Harbor, Massachu­ Massachusetts, business. Nalle, Edmond R., 1910 Julian Road, setts. Griffin, William T., South Elm Street, Fairfax, Wilmington 3, Delaware. Bonner, George F., 60 Park Street, Marshville, North Carolina, business. Nelson, Clifford R., 1189 Diana Avenue, Danvers, Massachusetts, insurance. Groesbeck, Philip F. (address un­ Naples, Florida. Bourassa, Roger J., D.M.D., 27 Main known ). Neumer, Robert H., 3124 Quebec Ave­ Street, Waterville, Maine, dentist. Hains, William S., 1829 Caton Avenue, nue, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Bradley, Edward H. (address un­ Brooklyn 26, New York, CPA. Oladell, Marcus C., Scoville Hill Road, known). Haynes, W. Linwood, 29 Green Street, Torrington, Connecticut, manufac­ Bragg, A. Duncan, 36 Farrin Street, Bath, Maine, business. turing. Bath, Maine, manufacturing. Heal, Thomas S., 4 Lee Street, Lincoln, Oleson, Frederick B., 209 Elm Street, Brand, Jerome, 20 Curtis Road, New Maine, optometrist. West Concord, Massachusetts, phys. Haven, Connecticut, business. Henderson, The Rev. Phillips B., North Peterson, Richard W. (address un­ Brown, Ralph W., Supt. of Schools, Springfield, Massachusetts, educator, known). Lunenburg, Massachusetts, educa­ minister. Phillips, Mitchell E., 152 Clark Street, tor. Hersey, Avon H., 34 Sunnyside Park, Newton, Massachusetts, insurance. Butler, Calvin L., 217 Washington Saugus, Massachusetts. Prescott, Francis C., American Em­ Street, Marblehead, Massachusetts, Hines, Conrad H. (address unknown). bassy, APO 118, New York, New chemist. Holbrook, Dr. W. Kenneth, 276 Woburn York, government. Street, Reading, Massachusetts, os­ Cadorette, Conrad P., 256 Alfred Pullen, John S., Box 419, Ellsworth, teopath. Street, Biddeford, Maine, business. Maine, lawyer. Hollis, Harry K., 229 Hartford Street, Carter, Dr. William C., Clover Hill Record, Frank A., Round Hill, South Westwood, Massachusetts, insurance. Drive, Poughkeepsie, New York, Dartmouth, Massachusetts, meteor­ Hooper, Edward M., 1401 Cortland math. ology. Ciechon, Joseph, 4 Old Danbury Road, Road East, Charlotte 9, North Caro­ Ricker, G. Lothrop, Pine Grove Condi­ Ridgefield, Connecticut, educator. lina, business. minum A 53, Tela Verde, Puerto Clark, Dr. Winston C., Melrose Street, Irving, Eliot S., M.D., 119 Evelyn Road, 8 Rico, aviation. Amesbury, Massachusetts, optome­ W aban 68, Massachusetts, medicine. Rideout, Walter B., University of Wis­ trist. Jacoby, Rudolph Jr., 92 Pinckney consin, Dept. of English, Madison, Cole, Gamold L., R.F.D. #2, Salt Point, Street, Boston, Massachusetts. Wisconsin, educator. New York, insurance. Kammandel, Henry, M.D., 321 South Rimpo, Charles H., Mardela Springs, Colman, Philip E., 868 State Street, 93rd Street, Omaha, Nebraska, medi­ Maryland. Bangor, Maine, banker. cine. Rogers, E. Donald, D.D.S., Newton Cronin, John B. Jr., 32 Brook Street, LaChance, James G., 238 Water Street, 43 Terrace, Waterbury, Connecticut, Sanford, Maine. Waterville, Maine. dentist. Carrier, Richard J., D.M.D., 1625 East Layton, Curtis C., 13 Porpoise Way, Los Olas Boulevard, Fort Lauder­ Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Rogers, Dr. Elmore L., 624 South Grif­ dale, Florida, dentist. Leach, Capt. Edwin M., M.C., U.S.N., fith Park Drive, Burbank, Califor­ Daggett, Cecil M. Jr., 65 Main Circle, 8814 Semmes Avenue, Norfolk, Vir­ nia, optometrist. Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, insur­ ginia, medicine. ROiis, A. Wayne Jr., 31 Croas Highway, ance. Lemoine, Edville G., Engineer Division, Westport, Connecticut, educator. Danforth, Carroll F., 944 East Broad­ Hq. Comzeur, APO 58, New York, Russ, The Rev. Charles T., West Corn­ way, Cushing, Oklahoma, business. New York, USAF. wall; Connecticut, minister. Russell, Charles B., 22 Lee Street, Cole, Jane Montgomery (Mrs.), Madore, Mildred Thibodeau (Mrs. Marblehead, Massachusetts, adver­ Box 183, New Fairfield, Connecticut, John P.), 44 Poplar Street, Van tising. educator. Buren, Maine, bookkeeper. Savage, Carleton N., 716 Mabelle Ave­ Cook, Reta Trites (Mrs. Wendell H.), McNamara, Julia Haskell (Mrs. John nue, Moscow, Idaho, geologist. Route 2, Phillips, Maine, educator. H.), c/o American Embassy, Port Au Schwarz, Maurice C. (address un­ Dean, . Mildred Morrow (Mrs.), 2,70 Prince, Haiti. known ). Richards Avenue, Portsmouth, New Maney, Ethel Bradstreet (Mrs. John Seay, Edward J. (address unknown). Hampshire. W.), 188 Brimbal Street, Beverly, Shuman, TheRev. Edwin H., 100 Horn­ Dugdale, Marion E., 18 Euclid Avenue, Massachusetts, educator. aday Road, Pittsburgh 10, Pennsyl­ Bradford, Massachusetts, auditor. Mayhew, Irma Hichbom (Mrs. vania, minister. Emery, Mary Hurd (Mrs. Frederick Robert), 15 Spring Hill Avenue, Small. J. Bauer, 26 High Street, Farm­ C.), 242 Cedar Street, Bangor, Maine. Bridgewater, Massachusetts. ington, Maine. Erskine, Florence Hapworth (Mrs. Murdock, Frances C o o m b s (Mrs. Sparber, Leo, 2800 W 5th Avenue, Chauncey), 18 Benton Avenue, Wa­ Earl), 11 Sunnyside Street, Hyde Gary, Indiana, business. terville, Maine. Park, Massachusetts. Staples, Clarence E., 41 Maple Street, Falcone, Martha Wakefield (Mrs. Au­ Murrill, Jean Cobb (Mrs. Eric A.), Gardiner, Maine, engineer. gust), 32 Norfolk Street, Hartford, R.D. 2, Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Stebbins, Edwin H., Colchester, Con­ Connecticut. Nelson, Martha Burrill (Mrs. Ever­ necticut. Farley, Janet Lowell (Mrs. Philip E.), ett), 4 Stobie Street, Waterville, Stiles, Roger E., 5 Spring Street, Hal­ 50 Oakland Avenue, Westbrook, Maine. lowell, Maine. Maine, librarian. Nichols, Adele Bosko (Mrs. C. E.), Thayer, J. Marble Jr., Ridge Road, Favour, Edith Falt (Mrs. Paul G. Jr.), 19 Pleasant Street, Hallowell, Maine. Concord, Massachusetts, banker. Box 356, Bar Harbor, Maine. Oliver, M. Elizabeth, 765 North Broad­ Thomas, R. Keith, 6703 North Muscatel, Felch, Harriet A. (Mrs.), 8 Third way, Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. San Gabriel, California. Street, Presque Isle, Maine, secre­ Patterson, R u t h, Benton Avenue, Thompson, Stanley P., 2 Shore Drive, tary. Waterville, Maine. Laconia, New Hampshire, sales. Flynn, Anita Turcotte (Mrs. James Pillsbury, Marguerite (Mrs. S. C.), Tilden, Mason P. (address unknown). E.), 11 Lawrence Rd., Waltham, R.F.D. 5, Portland, Maine. Toothaker, George A., 12 Berkeley Massachusetts. Roach, Jessie Adams (Mrs. Asa H.), Street, Portland, Maine, business. Fox, Joyce Porter (Mrs. Basil), Wash­ 30 School Street, Houlton, Maine, Turner, Hel'BChell M., Upper Main burn, Maine. nurse. Street, Lisbon Falls, Maine, business. Francis, Virginia Wing (Mrs. Harold), Rogerson, Anna Stobie (Mrs. Norman Veysey, Hollis B., 25 Coolidge Avenue, P.O. Box 85, Vernon, New York. R.), 38 Bowdoin Street, Houlton, Glens Falls, New York. Gordon, Bertha Norton (Mrs. Lawrence Maine. Vincent, The Rev. Victor W., 29 High­ C.), 183 Madison Avenue, ·skowhe­ Rosenbaum, Elizabeth Newell (Mrs. land Avenue, Randolph, Vermont, gan, Maine. Jack), 153 Weston Street, Wellesley, minister. Gorman, Martha Bessom (Mrs. James Massachusetts. Vose, George D., 66 Sixteenth Street, E.), 8 Naugus Avenue, Marblehead, Sanders, Betty Herd (Mrs. Wayne B.), Bangor, Maine. Massachusetts, educator. 329 Vadnais Circle, West Spring­ Walkey, William R., High Street, South Goss, Joyce Perry (Mrs. Frederick field, Massachusetts. Hanson, Massachusetts. H.), 45 North Evarts Street, Elms­ Sawdon, Helen Wade (Mrs. George Waltz, Maynard C., 226 Flagstone ford, New York. W.), 174 Wickham Road, Garden Drive, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, en­ Grady, Alice Dignam (Mrs. Alfred E.), City, New York. gineer. 4834 Piety Drive, Gentilly Woods, Slovak, Marie Tibbetts (Mrs. Joseph), Williams, F. Howard, 45 Elm Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. (address unknown). Dover, New Hampshire, sales. Grover, Alice Mulligan (Mrs. Rey­ S n y d e r, Marjorie Rollins (Mrs. Winslow, Robert S., 7 Hillcrest Drive, nolds), Five Islands, Maine. Charles J.), 10 Riverdale Road, Con­ Cape Elizabeth, Maine, insurance. Hall, A. Willetta Herrick (Mrs.), 87 cord, Massachusetts. Winsor, Paul G., 11 James Street, Cottage Street, Amherst, Massachu­ Snyder, Myra Mallett (Mrs.), 12 Portland, Maine, business. setts. Knox Street, Worcester, Massachu­ Wolman, Harold M., M.D., 210 St. Paul Higginbottom, Marguerite Striebel setts. Street, Brookline, Massachusetts, (Mrs. Jam es), West View Drive, Sut­ Thompson, Elizabeth McLeod (Mrs. medicine. ton, Massachusetts. Stanley H.), 20 Elm Street, North Wright, The Rev. William R., 3400 Hooper, Helen Lewis (Mrs. Edward Berwick, Maine. Tompkins, Sigrid E., 3 Ricker Park, Eliot, Denver 11, Colorado, minister. M.), 1401 Cortland Road East, Char­ Young, Leroy N., 28 Merokee Place, lotte 9, North Carolina. Portland, Maine, lawyer. Farmingdale, L. I., New York, edu­ Ward, Otellie Greely John B.), Hunter, Vivian B., 3 East Crescent (Mn. Rindge A venue, Cambridge, cator. Street, Augusta, Maine. 87 Massachusetts. Jenison, Helen Foster (Mrs. Edward Weiss, Catherine Deeny (Mrs. Henry H.), 1207 Pontiac Avenue, Cranston W. ), 216 Bloomingdale Avenue, Rhode Island. Addington, Katherine Watson (Mrs. 10, Wayne, Pennsylvania. Johnson, Irene Rockwood (Mrs. W. R.), W. L. Jr.), 3526 Madison Court, Williams, Margaret Higgins (Mrs. Petersham, Massachusetts. Torrance, California. Owen H.), M.R.A., Bangor, Maine. Alfond, Dorothy Levine (Mrs. Judkins, Beatrice Berube (Mrs. Rob­ Williamson, Barbara Knowlton (Mrs. ert), 66 High Street, Waterville, Harold), 127 Silver Street, Water­ Delmont), 233 Main Street, Water­ ville, Maine. Maine. ville, Maine. Allen, Priscilla Cram (Mrs. Robert F.), Kaufman, Mary Hains (Mrs. Alfred Worthen, Barbara Hurd (Mrs.), P.O. Cushman Road, Waterville, Maine, L.), 96 St. Paul Street, Brookline 46, Box 2003, 2700 South Jefferson, St. secretary. Massachusetts, real estate, insurance. Louis 18, Missouri. Anderson, Dorothy Trainor (Mrs. A. Kesterson, Gladys Roderiguez (Mrs. H. Wright, Louise Weeks (Mrs. Whit­ Wendell), 30 Longfellow Avenue, Yale), 2687 Arleigh Road, East ney), Box 292, Boothbay Harbor, Brunswick, Maine. Meadow, L. I., New York. Maine. Barron, Edith, 15 Drummond Avenue, Lowe, Frances Quint (Mrs. John S. Waterville, Maine, educator. Jr.), 51 Masonic Street, Rockland, 1943 Bostelmann, Margaret Sehryver (Mrs. Maine. W. E.), 285 Fairfield Avenue, Carle McClintock, Lucille E., 115 Main Abramson, Paul M., 719 Warburton Place, New York, secretary. Street, Fairfield, Maine, educator. Avenue, Yonkers, New York. Alexander, The Rev. Edwin W., 30 Field, Richard A., 16720 N.E. 16 Place, Millett, Oliver N. Jr., 20 Harvard Spring Garden Street, Hamden, Con­ North Miami Beach, Florida, educa­ Street, Whitman, Massachusetts, in­ necticut, minister. tor. surance. Babcock, Philip B., Castine, Maine. Finkeldey, William, 62 Willard Ave­ Miselis, Frank J., M.D., Box 346, Uncas­ Barletta, Charles, 10 Rich Avenue, nue, Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, ville, Connecticut, medicine. Mount Vernon, New York, business. radio. Moriarty, James W., 37 Sherburn Barrett, Russell P., 3205 Locksley Giampetruzzi, N u n z i o, West Lake Circle, Weston, Massachusetts, in­ Court, Modesto, California, business. Road, Hamilton, New York, aviation. surance. Barry, Joseph P., 3 Spring Lane, Hing­ Graffam, Leslie H., 19 Linden Terrace, Muir, Ross L., 90 Hillman Avenue, Glen ham, Massachusetts. Burlington, Vermont. Rock, New Jersey. Bateman, Major James W., L.F.T.U., Greaves, Edward J., 34 Edgemont Mezzullo, Phillip J. (address unknown). Little Creek, Norfolk 11, Virginia, Avenue, Waterville, Maine. Murphy, Capt. Paul J. (address un­ USMC. Gurney, Lawrence S. (address un­ known). Becker, Edward J., 2101 Creston Ave­ known). 0 s i er, Leonard L., Chamberlain, nue, New York 56, New York, edu­ Harley, Ralph K. Jr., Cedar Acres Maine, educator. cator, lawyer. Road, Bayberry Point, Marshfield, Norton, Thomas P. (address unknown). Beckwith, The Rev. Hubert S., Box Massachusetts, business. Paradis, Carl C. Jr., P.O. Box 202, 288, (203 Chapel Drive), Annandale, Hayward, Richard E., 5610 Gaillard Station A, Hartford 6, Connecticut, Virginia, minister. Drive, Mobile, Alabama, manufac­ printing. turing. Paul, Harold C., P.O. Box 396, Athe111, Bedo, Andrew V., M.D., 802 Gordon Hildebrandt, Harry P., RFD, Sleepy Avenue, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, West Virginia, educator. Hollow, Nobleboro, Maine, educator. medicine. Pearce, Charles F. Jr., 722 Washington Howard, S. Dwight, Scarborough High St., Annisquam, Massachusetts. Bellevue, C. J. Jr., D.D.S., 128 Highland School, Scarborough, Maine, educa­ Pellerin, Lucien J., D.D.S., Silver Avenue, Wollaston 70, Massachu­ 68 tor. Street, Waterville, Maine, dentist. setts, dentist. Hussey, Elwin F., Windsor, Maine, Perley, Anson T., 100 Perrington Ave­ Blatman, Daniel, D.M.D., 23 Bond merchant. nue, Augusta, Maine. Street, Great N eek, New York, den­ Hubbard, Calvin K., 296 Jam es West, Pinansky, Charles E., 462 Cumberland tist. Prescott, Ontario, Canada, engineer. A venue, Portland 3, Maine, insur­ Braddock, Thomas R., 60 Stratford Hutchinson, John G., Coburn Road, ance. Place, New City, New York, chem­ Weston, Massachusetts. Polis, Harold N ., Skyview Drive, Stam­ ist. Irvine, Richard B. (address unknown). ford, Connecticut, insurance. Brown, Arthur K. Jr. (address un­ Jacobs, Meyer C., 214 Forest Avenue, Popper, George A., 5450 Netherland known). Rye, New York, business. Avenue, New York 71, New York, Brown, William G., 215 West Rock Jahn, George H., 51 Williamsburg chemist. Avenue, New Haven, Connecticut, Lane, Scituate, Massachusetts, edu­ Porter, The Rev. Norman L., 24 Myopia manufacturing. cator. Ro ad, Wollaston, Massachusetts, Buck, Philip C., 4 Roosevelt A venue, Johnson, The Rev. Howard R., 900 mininster. Waterville, Maine, business. Corry Street, Yellow Springs, Ohio, Pratt, Howard H., Weeks Mills, Maine. Burt, The Rev. Robert E., First Congre­ educator, minister. Pursley, Thomas A. Jr., 38 South gational Church, North Attleboro, Johnson, Justin 0. Jr., 16 Candle Road, Street, Roslyn Height8, L. I., New Massachusetts, minister. Levittown, Pennsylvania, educator. York, business. Casey, Philip T. (address unknown). Kavanaugh, Leo F. Jr., 94 Bedford Querim, Paiazi, Trumbull High School, Caust, Leonard, 25 Northcote Road, Street, New Bedford, Massachusetts. Trumbull, Connecticut, educator. Westbury, L. I., New York, research. Kraft, Eliot B., 45 Burdean Road, New­ Rauch, Sidney J., 2650 East 13th Chaletzky, Norman A., 471 Common­ ton, Massachusetts, business. Street, Brooklyn 35, New York, edu­ wealth Avenue, Boston, Massachu­ Lawrence, Charles E., 40 Prescott cator. setts, real estate. Street, Nashua, New Hampshire. Reed, Ronald M., 414 Penobscot Street, Cohen, Leonard G., D.D.S., 119 Plym­ Lee, John J., 8 Emerson Street, Port­ Rumford, Maine, personnel. outh Street, New Bedford, Massa­ land 3, Maine. Robison, Herbert S., 3 Devonshire chusetts, dentist. Leighton, Perley M., 795 White Plains Drive, White Plains, New York. Conlon, Joseph J., Aviation Ord. Dept., Road, Trumbull, Connecticut, busi­ Rose, Ted (address unknown). Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, New ness. Sawyer, Dr. Richard L., L.I. Veg. Re­ York, USNR. Lessar, Jean C. (address unknown). search Station, Riverhead, L. I., New Cornell, Robert C., M.D., 118 Forest Liss, Irving E., 114 Fenway, Boston, York, research. Avenue, Orono, Maine, medicine. Massachusetts, business. Shepard, J. Kenneth, Ridge Acre Road, Livingston, J. Ronald, 34 Derby Road, Cross, Charles V., 108 Sunset Avenue, Darien, Connecticut, insurance. South Portland, Maine. Verona, New Jersey, sales. Skidds, William N. (address unknown). Lomac, Lt. Col. John M., 3rd Marine Cumming, Lowell R., 19 Granger Ave­ Small, Lyndon A., 164 Wilson Avenue, Division, F.P.O., San Francisco, Cali­ nue, Saratoga Springs, New York, Rumford 16, Rhode Island, chemist. fornia. optometrist. Stevens, Alton L., 5 Herd Street, Lupton, Ronald D., 167 Aspinet Drive, Cushing, Duncan L., R.F.D. 1, Box 91, Waterville, Maine. Warwick, Rhode Island, sales. Stillwell, John M. Jr., 9 Far Hills Road, Westerly, Rhode Island. MacKinnon, Lauchlin D., 7 North New­ Springfield, New Jersey, business. Decormier, Robert R. Jr., 200 West ark Avenue, Ventnor, New Jersey, Taylor, W. Emmons, 56 Pleasant 57th Street, New York, New York. educator. Street, Mechanic Falls, Maine. deN azario, Richard, 23 West 765 Tam­ Macllraith, Evan J., 3 Rollingwood Taylor, Errol L. Jr., 2 Elm Court, arock Drive, Glen Ellyn, Illinois, Drive, San Rafael, California, sales. Waterville, Maine, business. aviation. Main, C. Frederick, Dept. of English, Dennison, Lt. Col. Robert C., HQ. Rutgers University, New Bruns­ Temmer, Dr. Marc J., Biology Depart­ ment, UCSBC., Goleto, California, USAPPAC, APO 958, San Francisco, New Jersey, educator. · Calif. Matheson, Delbert D., 6 Johnson Ave­ educator. Farnsworth, Thomas W. Jr., 737 nue, Waterville, Maine, accountant. Towle, Maurice E., Easton, Maine. County Street, New Bedford, Massa­ McAJary, Frederick B., 48 Wiley Street, Volpe, Louis J. Jr., 242 Elm Street, chusetts, educator, administrator. Bangor, Maine, advertising. Braintree, Massachusetts. Ferris, A. Thomas, 44 College Avenue, McCarroll, James R., M.D., 405 East Watson, Andrew, R.F.D. #111 Grove Waterville, Maine, educator, admin­ 71st Street, New York 21, New York, Street, Randolph, Massachusetts, in­ istrator. medicine. surance. eidul, Erne t G. (address unknown). Gilman, Mary Currier (Mrs.), (address Pederson, Eleanor Handley (Mrs. Weiss, Lawrence, c/o International unknown). John), 2115 Holden Way, Bakersfield, Petroleum Co., Talara, Peru, geolo­ Gray, Marjorie Abar (Mrs. Norman California. gist. G.), Bliss Road, Oakfield, New York. Pursley, Marjorie Brown (Mrs. Thomas Wescott, Richard T., 14-1 Hoosier Gulesian, Shirley Hainer (Mrs.), 40 A. Jr.), 38 South Street, Roslyn Courts, Bloomington, Indiana, edu­ Lee Street, Lincoln, Maine. Heights, L. I., New York, educator. cator. Hamifton, Marion Treglown (Mrs. Ransom, Elizabeth Durand (Mrs. Whitten, Donald C., Watertown Road, Brooks W.), Box 55, Stillwater, Charles C. Jr.), U.SJ.S., A.P.O. 153, Middlebury, Connecticut, educator, Maine, journalism. San Francisco, California. engineer. Harriman, Isabel, 90 Highland Ave­ Reed, Geraldine Farnham (Mrs. Bert­ Witham, Paul Varney, 7 Hill A venue, nue, Gardiner, Maine, educator. ram), 141 North Street, Bath, Maine. Newport, Maine. Hatfield, Mary Gonya (Mrs. C. Max), Reifel, Lorraine Desisles (Mrs. Wil­ Whittier, The Rev. George E., 47 Con­ Millinocket, Maine. liam A.), 248 Henry Street, Brook­ gress Street, Augusta, Maine, minis­ Hinman, Jan Hudson (Mrs. John W.), lyn Heights, New York. ter. 50-19 205th Street, Bayside 64, Rush, Glenna Hartley (Mrs.), Snow Queens, New York. Road, Bridgewater, Maine. Hoppe, Charlotte Arey (Mrs. Henry Sargent, Miriam (address unknown). Axtell, Carmen Gagner (Mrs. Clar­ R.), Jackson Street, Avon, Connecti­ Siegel, Eileen Alpert (Mrs. Leo), (ad­ ence H.), Belgrade Avenue, Oakland, cut, physical therapist. dress unknown). Maine, secretary. Keese, Jeanice Grant (Mrs. David L.), Skolem, Lillian Beck (Mrs. Einar), Biedermann, Barbara Brent (Mrs. 534 Hillcrest Avenue, Westfield, New Great Hill Pond Road, RFD #1, M. T.), 1877 Arlington Blvd., Ann Jersey. Portland, Connecticut. Arbor, Michigan. Kimball, Mary Foster (Mrs.), R.F.D. Stradley, Jane Lodge (address un­ Blanchard, Elizabeth Field (Mrs. #1, Raymond, New Hampshire, audi­ known), educator. Leon H. Jr.), 6 Old Salisbury Street, tor. Sullivan, Ruth MacDougal (Mrs.), Holden, Massachusetts. Laliberte, Anita Pooler (Mrs. Alton Dusseldorf-NORD, Uerdingerstrasse Blodgett, Myrtle Condon (Mrs. Mal­ G.), 15 Bartlett Street, Waterville, 23, Germany. colm), 329 Rutledge Avenue, East Maine. Tahmizian, Sona, 93 Coolidge Street, Orange, New Jersey. Lape, Mary Lemoine (Mrs. C. Philip), Brookline, Massachusetts. Braddock, Jeannette Nielsen (Mrs. 132 Chadwick S t r e e t, Portland, True, Hilda Niehoff, (Mrs. Fred L.), Thomas R.), 60 Stratford Place, New Maine. 81 Elm Street, Georgetown, Massa­ City, New York. Lash, Frances Small (Mrs. Albert L. chusetts. Braunmuller, Eleanor Smart (Mrs. Jr.), 40 Shady Lane, South Wey­ Tucker, Ruby Lott (Mrs. William E.), Albert R.), 500 Shikelimo Lane, mouth, Massachusetts. 395 Main Street, Old Saybrook, Con­ Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Leckie, Ruth Henderson (Mrs. Donald necticut. Choate, Betty Tobey (Mrs. David F. R.), 90 Wyman Street, Medford, Tyson, Millicent Bolling (Mrs.), 252 Jr.), 15 Hillside Avenue, Winchester, Massachusetts. Day Street, New Haven, Connecti­ Massachusetts. Livingstone, Mary Reynolds (Mrs. cut, educator. Clancy, Elizabeth Beale (Mrs. Edward Philip B.), 17 Kenwin Road, Win­ Wallace, Jacquelyn Neamey (Mn. P.), Chapel Hill, South Hadley, chester, Massachusetts. Joseph R.), Haven Street, Dover, Massachusetts. Mansfield, Ann J., 4 Green Street, Ip­ Massachusetts. Corey, Kathleen Monaghan (Mrs. C. swich, Massachusetts, nurse. Weaver, Priscilla Gregory (Mrs. Rich­ Nelson), 22 Hawthorne Street, Bruns­ Martin, Carolyn Nutting (Mrs. Robert ard), (address unknown). wick, Maine, social service. A.), 332 Benedict Road, Pittsfield, Weller, Sylvia Rakofsky (Mrs. Her­ Craig, Lillian June Robinson (Mn. Massachusetts. bert), 14 Bradford Road, Natick, Cleo C.), East Corinth, Maine. Matheson, Thelma Proctor (Mrs. Del­ Massachusetts. Davis, Marjorie McDougal (Mrs. Clif­ bert D.), 6 Johnson Avenue, Water­ Whittlesey, Anne Gwynn (Mrs. E. ford W.), Hanson's Ridge, Spring­ ville, Maine. Finlay), 53 Park Place, Princeton, vale, Maine. McCombs, Louise Trahan (Mrs. George New Jersey. Davis, Olivia Elam (Mrs. Ernest R.), 249 Rose Terrace, North Digh­ Young, Alice Lyman (Mrs. Robert G. L.), 142 Castle Drive, Kettering 29, ton, Massachusetts. Jr.), 5 Ober Street, Beverly, Massa­ Ohio. McDonald, Virginia Ferrand (Mrs. chusetts, social service. Donna, June E. (address unknown). Richard C.), Windham Center, Con­ Drake, Priscilla Moldenke (Mrs. Wil­ necticut. liam L. Jr.), 537 Lee Avenue, Web­ Mellion, Iicah Shapiro (Mrs. Harvey ster Groves 19, Missouri. I.), (address unknown). 1948 Dunmore, Anne, 115 Sargent Street, Meyer, Hope Gillingham (Mrs. John Abramson, Sumner, 90 Browne St., Newton 58, Massachusetts, medical H.), 19 Norman A venue, Walling­ Brookline, Massachusetts. ford, Connecticut, educator. research. Alex, James C., D.M.D., 90 Cove Road, Mertz, Barbara Philbrick (Mrs. Robert Dyer, Natalie Cousens (Mrs. Richard Huntington, L. I., New York, den­ D.), 1532 Princeton Drive, Corsicana, R.), 127 Beacon Avenue, Warwick tist. N eek, Rhode Island. Texas. Atherton, William R., 1153 Millington Edmunds, Ressa Flewelling (Mrs. John Mistark, Ruth Howe (Mrs. James), 40 Road, Schenectady 9, New York, J. Jr.), Old Lane Road, Towaco, New Millbury Street, Grafton, Massachu­ educator. Jersey. setts, occupational therapy. Atwater, Samuel S., 17 Beacon Hill, Ellis, Patricia Ford (Mrs. Albert I.), Montgomery, Ruth Graves (Mrs. Creve Coeur 41, Missouri, sales. 1212 Kenduskeag Avenue, Bangor, Robert E.), 727 Broadway, R.F.D. Maine. #1, Hanover, Massachusetts, edu­ Bailey, Owen W. (address unknown). Emerson, Ethel Paradis (Mrs. W. cator. Barcelon, Robert L. (address un­ Merritt Jr.), Box 286, Wilton, Maine. Nichols, Elizabeth Tupper (Mrs. Her­ known). Fjeldheim, Diane Ferris (Mrs. Wesley), man), 6 Crooker Street, Augusta, Batten, Robert A. Jr., 15 Lillian Street, Mayflower Hill Drive, Waterville, Maine. Woburn, Massachuetts. Maine, educator. Nnoka, Barbara Grant (Mrs.), Yejide Bauer, The Rev. Everett S., Great Flagg, Muriel McLellan (Mrs. Philip Girls Grammar School, Box 21, Road, R.F.D. #1, Lincoln, Rhode Q.), 122 Water Street, Eastport, lbadam, Nigeria, Africa, educator. Island, Minister. Maine, educator. Parker, Geraldine Fennessy (Mrs. Billings, R i c h a r d W ., Association Gibbs, Madeline Hinckley (Mrs. Guy), George A. Jr.), 209 Sunnybrook Island, Henderson Harbor, New Bethel, Maine. Road, Flourton, Pennsylvania. York, YMCA. Birdsey, Edward G., Rt. #1, Middle­ Joly, Cyril M. Jr., 65 Mayflower Hill Pincus, John A. (address unknown ). field, Connecticut, business. Drive, Waterville, Maine, law. Puiia, Dominic M., 113 Hancock Street, Borton, Douglas C., 52 Crane Avenue, Jones, Sherwood L., 47 Davenport Rumford, Maine, educator, athletics. Rutherford, New Jersey, insurance. Road, West Hartford, Connecticut, Rabner, Richard H., 1733 Green Valley Bourassa, Donald J., 7 Spruce Street, insurance. R o a d, Havertown, Pennsylvania, Augusta, Maine, law. Joslow, Marvin S., 74 Elinor Road, business. Bowler, Joseph, 29 Jefferson Place, Newton 61, Massachusetts, educator. Ranger, Orville T., 40 Chamberlain Montvale, New Jersey, sales, engi­ Kaplan, Edward E., 323 Hill Top Lane, Avenue, Brunswick, Maine, lawyer. neer. Wyoming 15, Ohio, merchandising. Risser, Eldon F.,. 26 Glen Avenue, Bradford, George P., Meadow Road, Kaplan, Jordan, 8 Courtland Place, Waterville, Maine, insurance. Montrose, New York, personnel. South Norwalk, Connecticut, busi­ Robbins, W allaoe C., Box #15, East Brown, Robert P., 97 Cochrane Street, ness. Vassalboro, Maine. Melrose 76, Massachusetts. Kimpel, John H., 220 Sharon Road, Roberts, David C., 96 Johnson Road, Bryan, William L., R.F.D. #1, Fairfield, West Lafayette, Indiana, govern­ Gorham, Maine, insurance. Maine, educational administration. ment. Roberts, Harold S., 504 Moran Street, Bubar, The Rev. Benjamin C., Box 444, Klein, Daniel J. (address unknown ). Oil City, Pennsylvania, insurance. Waterville, Maine, minister. Koines, P. Thomas, 8016 Park Lane, Robson, William S. Jr., Hanksville Burton, Lester J., Box 34, Winthrop, Bethesda 14, Maryland. Road, Armonk, New York, real Maine, manufacturing. Koizim, Harvey L., P.O. Box 249, West­ estate. Caminiti, Philip M., 193 Ludlow Street, port, Connecticut, law. Rockwell, Everett 0., Box 248, Wolfe­ Portland, Maine, educator. Kramer, Charles, 60 South Munn Ave­ boro, New Hampshire, educational Carpenter, Charles H., 640 Bowman nue, Apartment 1014, East Orange, administration. Court, Sarasota, Florida. New Jersey, advertising. Rogers, Richard H., 1215 East Broad­ Chapman, Charles E. (address un­ Kren. George M., Lake Forest College, way, Hewlett, New York, adminis­ known). Lake Forest, Illinois, educator. trative T.V. Chellquist, Carl E., 40 Roy Avenue, Kroll, Sanford I., 130 Woodbury Street, Rosen, Robert W., School of Business Holliston, Massachusetts, educator. Providence, Rhode Island, executive. Administration, Univ. of South Caro­ Choate, The Rev. David A., 1200 Santa Krumholz, Burton A., M.D., 99 Randall lina, Columbia, South Carolina, re­ Maria Drive, Boise, Idaho, minister. Avenue, Freeport, Long Island, New search. York, medicine. Choate, Donald F., 30 South Chestnut Ross, Maynard B., 77 Shore Drive, Laboun, Thomas Jr. (address un­ Street, Augusta, Maine. Winthrop 52, Massachusetts. Choate, Paul A., 44 Allen Avenue, known}. Roy, Gerald E., 262 Main Street, LeVine, Sanford W., 112 Thomas Road, Auburn, Maine, law. Waterville, Maine, business. Clement, A. Howell, 55-36 Graylog De Witt, New York, sales. Sanborn, Charles H. Jr. (address Street, Rolling Hills, California, Lightbody, Charles H .. M.D., Box 96, unknown). manufacturing. Guilford, Maine, medicine. Sandler, Aaron E.. 302 Main Street, Collins, Gordon M. (address unknown). Lindquist, Nichols R. (address un­ Essexville, Michigan, business. Cousins, Charles E., Goodman Hill known }. Samer, Allan D. (address unknown). Road, RR2, Sudbury, Massachusetts, Lord, John W., North Vassalboro, insurance. Maine, insurance. Scioletti, Daniel C., 995 Main Street, Lynnfield, Massachusetts, educator. Darling, Robert M., 282 Southwick Marsh, John M., R.F.D., North Mon­ Road, Westfield, Massachusetts. mouth, Maine. Seguin. Henry P., 210 West 8th Street, Daviau, Leo A. Jr., St. Mary's College, Marson. David, 76 Albert Avenue, Bel­ Plainfield, New Jersey. St. Mary, Kentucky, advertising. mont 78, Massachusetts. Shulman, Philip J., 1155 Garfield DeBevoise, Charles R., 43 Crescent Masters, Robert, 62 Revere Street, Street, Idaho Falls, Idaho, U. S. Road, Madison, New Jersey, sales. Revere 51, Massachusetts. Army. Dowe, Everett B. Jr., 125 Green Maurice, William R., 1692 Grand Con­ Smith, Maurice C. (address unknown). Manor Avenue, Windsor, Connecti­ course, New York, New York. Smith, Paul I., Locust Road, Harwin­ cut, educator. Miller, Gordon T., 14 Eastwood Road, ton, Connecticut, law. Dunn, Dennis F. Jr., 322 Quaker Ridge Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, busi­ Solomon, Paul, 457 Spring Street, North Road, Timonium, Maryland. ness. Dighton, Massachusetts, psychology. Elsesser, Henry F., 24 Leewood Circle, Miselis, Edmund H., 8 High Street, Spina, Joseph R., R.F.D., Alpine Drive, Apartment lR, Eastchester, New Chelsea 50, Massachusetts. Peekskill, New York, accountant. York. Muir, Ross L., 90 Hillman Avenue, Staples, Howard F. Jr., 2 Roberts Ave­ Epstein, Norman G., 95 Zenith Drive, Glen Rock, New Jersey. nue, Waterville, Maine, insurance. W o r c e ste r, Massachusetts, real Murray, Paul F., 28 Birdsell Street, Stebbins, Seabury T., 22 Minturn estate. Winsted, Connecticut. Street, Hastings-on-Hudson, New O'Malley, Joseph E., M.D., (address Farkas, Ronald M., 33 Churchill Drive, York. unknown ), medicine. Norwood, Massachusetts. Sutherland, Frederick P., 10 Haskell Osborne, Timothy C., Development Folino, Francis R., 5 Prospect Street, Avenue, Orono, Maine, guidance edu­ Office, Rice University, Houston 1, Essex Junction, Vermont, sales. cation. Texas. Gould, Lyman J., 195 South Willard, Sutherland, Louis, E ast Sullivan, Pape, Eric W., 51 Shore Drive, Meri­ Burlington, Vermont, educator. Maine. den, Connecticut. Taverner, The Rev. Gilbert Y., er­ Greenough, Richard W., 95 Millet Parsons, Arthur A., 410 Mt. Pleasant 80 V non Street, Brookline Street, Dorchester, Massachusetts. Avenue, Ambler, Pennsylvania. 46, Masaachu­ setts, minister. Hayes, Lendall W., 3360 Albatross, Parisi, Dr. Herbert, Main Street, San Diego 3, California. Westbrook, Maine, osteopath. Taylor, C. William , 11611 Duuiane Haynes, Lowell B., 169 Garden Street, Perkins, Frederick W. Jr., 42 York Drive, Houston, Texas, insurance. Wethersfield 6, Connecticut, music. Street, Kennebunk, Maine, state gov­ Thome, Richard C., 126 Oxford Street, Hikel, Gabriel J., 44 Sunset Avenue, ernment. Cambridge, Massachusetts, educator. Pittsfield, Maine. Penta, Albert N. (address unknown). Tippens, Frederick E.. 9 Handy Court, Hinckley, The Rev. Burton J., 178 Cedar Peterson. Philip E., 1620 North Olean­ Burlington, Vermont, educator. Street, New Bedford, Massachusetts, der A venue, Daytona Beach, Florida, Towle, The Rev. Walter R., The Metho­ minister. accountant. dist Parsonage, 49 High Street, Win­ Hunter, Eugene A., Portsmouth High Phillips, Wendell F. Jr., 674 East Main sted, Connecticut, minister. School, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Street, Moorestown, New Jersey, W alcut� William. Tingley Road, Brook­ educator, athletics. manufacturing. side, New Jersey, busine1111. Wa erman, Robert M., Main Street, Casey, Rebecca Bixby (Mrs. Richard Forman, Elizabeth Parker (Mn. Dover, Massachusetts, banking. P.), (address unknown). Charles C.), 55 Warren Avenue, Webster, Raymond A., Bridge Street Center, Beverly Holmes (Mrs. Daniel Plymouth, Massachusetts. House Annex, North Yarmouth Aca­ E. Jr.), 4 Rogers Road, Yarmouth, Gambell, Eleanor Sparks (Mrs. Karl demy, Yarmouth, Maine, educator, Maine. V. ), 280 Hillside Road, Fairfield, business. Chellquist, Shirley Smith (Mrs. Carl Connecticut. Wentworth, Kenneth L., 5 Lockwood E.), 40 Roy Avenue, Holliston, Mass­ Gile, Ardis Hennigar (Mrs. Stuart C.), Road, Scarsdale, New York, music, achusetts. R.F.D. #1, Suncook, New Hampshire, education. Clancy, Helen Foster (Mrs. George), social service. 42 Noel Drive, North Arlington, New Gilles, Mary B., 225 First Street, Mine­ Jersey. ola, L. I., New York. Godbout, Avis Yatto (Mrs. Charles B.), Clayton, Eleanor A., 2928 Larkin, San Allen, Jacquelyn M., 91 Kilmarnock Francisco 9, Califomia, investments. 30 Topland Road, Hartsdale, New Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, Cleaver, D o r o th y Worthley (Mrs. York. technician. Charles S.), 210 Lyndhurst Avenue, Greene, Barbara Bennett (Mrs. Ver­ Amold, Natalie Pretat (Mrs. Franklin Wilmington 3, Delaware. non), (address unknown). G.), 197 Ivy Street, Providence Hannigan, Hattie White (Mrs. Robert 6, Clement, Martha Soule (Mrs.), (ad­ Rhode llland. C.), 93 Summer Street, Andover, dress unknown). Atkins, Margaret Clark (Mrs. Harold Massachusetts, educator. Combs, Phyllis Hamdon (Mrs. Chad A.), 92 School Street, Middleboro, Harriman, Donna Elliott (Mrs. Lyn­ P.), (address unknown). Massachusetts. wood P.), 128 Pleasant Street, Fair­ Conant, Norice Mahoney (Mrs. James Attaliades, Dorothy Almquist (Mrs. haven, Massachusetts. R. ), (address unknown). Vassili), 63 Wells Farm Drive, Weth­ Haseltine, Leona McLellan (Mrs. Frank ersfield, Connecticut, educator. Conway, M. Patricia, 412 Kensington T.), (address unknown). Atwater, Marion Sturtevant (Mrs. Road, Baltimore, Maryland. Hawkins, Janet Gay (Mrs. Harman), Samuel S.), 17 Beacon Hill, Creve Corke, Elizabeth Coombs (Mrs. John 22 Heights Road, Plandome, New Coeur 41, Missouri. R.), 1265 Rahway Avenue, Westfield, York. Baer, Anne Fraser (Mrs. William W. New Jersey. Henry, Susan Lynch (Mrs. John H. Jr.), 23 Binjai Park, Singapore 21. Cousins, Elizabeth Hall (Mrs. Charles Jr.), 775 Lafayette, Denver, Colo­ Bagby, Bertha Graves (Mn. William E.), Goodman Hill Road, RR2, Sud­ rado. M.), 1911 Ramona Avenue, Salt Lake bury, Massachusetts. Hodgkins, Jean Crie (Mrs. David G. City 8, Utah, telephone. Cowan, Mary Luce (Mrs. Horatio C. Jr.), 27 Camden Street, Rockland, Baker, Margaret Green (Mrs. William Jr.), 17 Central Street, Nahant, Maine. H.), (address unknown). Massachusetts. Howard, Nancy Gager (Mrs. George Bauer, Mildred Hammond (Mrs. Ever­ Crossman, Janice McKenney (Mn. H. Jr.), 27 Assisi Way, Norwalk, ett S.), Great Road R.F.D. #1, Lin­ Bernard S.), 1418 Tanglewood Court, Connecticut. coln, Rhode Island, social service. San Luis Obispo, Califomia. Hughes, Eileen Lanouette (Mrs. Em­ Beaulieu, Joyce Palmer (Mrs. Joseph), Daniels, Jane George (Mrs. Douglas mett J.), (address unknown). New Gloucester, Maine, secretary. I.), 3616 Reposo Way, Belmont, Cali­ Jackson, Dorothy C. (address un­ Beaulieu, Beverly Bailey (Mrs. Robert fornia. known). R.), 8 Park Street, Livermore Falls, Davis, Charlotte Weinberg (Mrs. Spen­ Jaffee, Katherine Weisman (Mrs. My­ Maine. cer L.), 8 Hiram Road, Framingham ron I.), 45 Old Colony Road, Chest­ Bedig, Phyllis McKiel (Mrs. Robert Centre, Massachusetts. nut Hill, MassachllSetts. G.), 44 Emerson Street, Belmont 78, Deacon, Muriel Howard (Mrs. John D.), Keith, Barbara Herrington (Mrs. Rob­ Massachusetts. 41 Hampton Road, Westwood, Massa­ ert B.), 17 Standish Road, Water­ Bessey, Shirley M., State Univenity chusetts. town, Massachusetts. of New York, College of Education, Deans, Marcia Magrane (Mrs. George), Kinlaw, Caroline Thomson (Mrs. Byon Cortland, New York, education. 402 Windcrest Drive, San Antonio W.), 409 Telford Avenue, Dayton 9, Riemann, Vera Themistocles (Mrs. 39, Texas. Ohio. Klaus), 100 Memorial Drive, Cam­ Doering, Ruth Rogers (Mrs. Harvey), Kirkwood, Marguerite Ovem (Mn. bridge, Massachusetts, educator. 818 Harold Drive, Midwest City 10, Maclean Jr.), 174 Busteed Drive, Boddy, Mary Coulombe (Mrs. Charles Oklahoma, secretary. Midland Park, New Jersey. D.), 37 Linehan Street, Lawrence, Dolsen, Jane Plummer (Mrs. C. Philip), Lallia, Germaine J ., 7 East Boulevard, Massachusetts. 1950 Fairwood Lane, State College, Bay Park, East Rockaway, New Bolles, Carolyn Browne (Mrs. Robert Pennsylvania, secretary. York. Lansberry, Anne Logiudice (Mrs. C.), Red Gate Road, R.F.D. #2, Cum­ Downey, Alice A., 27 Market Street, C. Frederick), 11 Bowling Green Road, berland, Rhode Island. Ossining, New York. Booth, Antoinette (address un­ Kettering, Northant, England, edu­ H. Dubowick, Dorothy B u n k e r (Mrs. known ). cator. James J.), 54 Cash Street, South Bourassa, Priscilla Bryant (Mrs. Don­ Lathrop, Merle 3548 Y Street, Apt. Portland, Maine, nurse. I., ald J.), 7 Spruce Street, Augusta, 2, Sacramento, California, educator. Dusty, Harriet Hutchinson (Mn. Maine. Lee, Jane Pottle (Mrs. Martin H.), George L.), 51 Woolford Road, Brine, Katherine L., 3698 Aralon Road, Buttonball Lane, Glastonbury, Con­ Wrentham, Massachusetts. Shaker Heights 20, Ohio, educator. necticut. Brown, Marie Boyd (Mrs. George F. Elliott, Helen Knox (Mrs. Charles E.), LeVan, Katherine Clark (Mrs. Theo­ ill), R.F.D., West Comwall, Connec­ 9 Pamela Way, Lynn, Massachu­ dore J.), 15 Fairlane Avenue, ticut. setts. Nashua, New Hampshire. Brown, Shirley Carrier (Mn. George Ferguson, Ethelyn Fletcher (Mn. Lidstone, Lucile Tuttle (Mrs. Rich­ K.), 4058 North 80th Avenue, Stanley), 24 John Street, Madison, ard), RFD - Wilton Road, Farming­ Phoenix 33, Arizona, educator. Maine. ton, Maine. Bugler, Honor Day (Mrs. Derek L.), Field, Virginia Hill (Mrs. Ralph H.), Lightbody, Margaret Horsch (Mn. 14 Westem Avenue, Waterville, Gilbreth Street, Fairfield, Maine. Charles H.), Box 96, Guilford, Maine. Maine. Finnemore, Rachel Clement (Mn. Lucy, Barbara Lindsey (Mn. Robert Burns, Marcia Friedman (Mn. Mar­ Ralph M.), 18860 East Citrus Edge Jr.), 89 Prospect Street, Lee, Massa­ vin), (address unknown). Street, Azusa, Califomia, nurse. chusetts. Came, Loia Bowen (Mrs. Clifford F. Folino, Virginia Brewer (Mrs. Francis Lunder, Ruth Barron (Mrs. Jerome I.), Jr.), 420 West Oakwood Drive, Tim­ R. ), 5 Prospect Street, Essex Junc­ 65 Morton Road, Swampscott, Massa­ berlake, Barrington, Dlinois. tion, Vermont. chusetts. MacDonald, Jean Gassett (Mrs. George Pownall, Janet DeWitt (Mrs. George Wilkins, Joan Brown (Mrs. Earl D.), J.), (address unknown). E.), 2 Onondaga Place, Syracuse, 341 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Malkin, Evelyn Helfant (Mrs. Sidney New York, biology, chemistry. Vermont. H.), 29 Forest Hill Road, Wayland, Prue, Shirley Jagger (Mrs. Frank J.), Wiswell, Harriet Sargent (Mrs. George Massachusetts. John Mowry Road, Smithfield, Rhode C. Jr.), 1014 Pequot Road, Southport, Marsh, Elizabeth Damon (Mrs. Fred Island. Connecticut. J.), 208 E. Quincy Street, North Reynolds, Janet Bowmer (Mrs. Frank Wood, Natalie Smith (Mrs. Richard Adams, Massachusetts. B.), (address unknown). C.), Gray, Maine. Mason, Ruth Burns (Mrs. William P.), Rice, Margaret Dillenback (Mrs. Wortham, Elizabeth Dyer (Mrs. George 7571 Erin Way, San Jose, Califor­ Willis J.), 25 Dean Road, Ashland, F. Jr.), 12230 Broken Bough, Hous­ nia. Massachusetts. ton 24, Texas. Mccaslin, Dollie Nile (Mrs. J. Mau­ Richardson, Phyllis Lombard (Mrs. Wyer, Marianna Nutter (Mrs. Albert rice), Tuslog, Det. 95, Box 910, APO David W.), 355 Sweden Street, Cari­ L.), 21 Baltimore Street, Lynn, Mass­ 324, New York, New York. bou, Maine. achusetts. Mccaslin, Melzine M., 938 Middle Riordan, Mildred Schnebbe (Mrs. Frank Y o r k, Laurine Thompson, (Mrs. Street, Bath, Maine, educator. E.), 3 Thomas Place, Valhalla, New Thomas R. Jr,), Bell Road, Mars Hill, McKusick, Gertrude S., P.O. Box 205, York. Maine. Derby, Maine, business. Robinson, Marguerite Jack (Mrs. Roger Zecker, Frances Hyde (Mrs. Benja­ Meeker, Patricia Durling (Mrs. K.), 3 Chester Avenue, Falmouth min B.), North Street, Shrewsbury, Robert E.), 2434 Goddard Road, Foreside, Maine. Massachusetts, business. Toledo, Ohio. Rogers, Lucille Brown (Mrs. Howard), Merrill, Hazel Huckins (Mrs. John W.), 1872 Hillside Avenue, Amesbury, Route 3A, East Hebron, New Hamp­ Massachusetts. 1953 shire, business. Rougvie, Janet G., 42 Hurd Road, Bel­ Miller, Alice-Marie March (Mrs. James Ahhee, John R. (address unknown). mont 78, Massachusetts, secretary. Q.), (address unknown). Abranson, Mark L. (address unknown). Milliken, Marie Machell (Mrs. J. Gor­ Rymal, Genevieve Bennett (Mrs. Ken­ Adair, Richard H., 995 Main Street, don), 6502 South Ogden Street, Lit­ neth S.), R.F.D. #2, Box 588, Deland, Hingham, Massachusetts, educator. tleton, Colorado. Florida. Alpert, Herchel L., 35 Meriam Street, Morrill-McDonough, Marth a (Mrs.), Sametz, Mary Wight (Mrs. I. Ashley), New Bedford, Massachusetts, busi­ 8405 N.W. 24th Avenue, Miami 47, Clapboard Hill Road, Greens Farms, ness. Florida, educator. Connecticut. Andersen, Dana W., 175 South 34th Mullin, Kathryn Dempsey (Mrs. Hugh Sarkis, Shirley Stowe (Mrs. Arthur Street, Boulder, Colorado, business. H. Jr.), 41272 Adams Avenue, Endi­ J.), Wickham Road, Glastonbury, Anderson, Charles R., 218 Stevenson cott, New York. Connecticut. Road, Bridgeport 4, Connecticut, edu­ Murphy, Ruth Archibald (Mrs. William Samo, Marguerite DiGiamoco (Mrs. cational guidance. M. Jr.), (address unknown). John E. Jr.), Scarborough, New Anderson, Robert T., 288 Teaneck Murray, Phyllis O'Connell (Mrs. An­ York. Road, Ridgefield Park, New Jersey, drew B.), 28 Westland Road, Verona, Sawyer, Jeane Marshall (Mrs. H. R. manufacturing. New Jersey, educator. Jr.), 4 Blackmer Road, Sudbury, Anderson, Webster, 1440 Common­ Murray, Ann Kahler (Mrs. Donald L.), Massachusetts. Wealth A venue, Boston, Massachu­ Harts Hill Circle, Whitesboro, New Schaffer, Virginia Weigel (Mrs. Ken­ setts, sales, engineer. York. neth), (address unknown). Andrews, Malcolm E., 24 Edsel Road, Neilson, Vida Harrison (Mrs. Nor­ Schussheim, Hanna Levine, (Mrs. Mor­ Littleton, Massachusetts, educator. man E.), 36 Warwick Drive, West­ ton J.), (address unknown). Andrews, Robert S., 55 Royal Street, wood, Massachusetts. Scioletti, Frances Poska (Mrs. Daniel Waltham 54, Massachusetts, psychol­ Nelson, Laura Rogers (Mrs. Harry K.), C.), 995 Main Street, Lynnfield, ogist. (address unknown). Massachusetts. Applebaum, Paul, 2773 Carley Court, Nelson, Mary Conley (Mrs. John S.), Scott, Hilda Proctor (Mrs.), P.O. Box North Bellmore, L. I., New York, 304 North Elm Street, West Bridge­ 100, Pomona, California, therapist. administrative. water, Massachusetts. Seidenberg, Gloria Shine (Mrs. Gerald Aschman, Llewellyn P., 8740 Brooklyn Nelson, Marianne Schoeffel (Mrs. C.), 1 Forestdale Road, Rockville Avenue, Kansas City 32, Missouri, Robert F. Jr.), South Main Street, Centre, New York, educator. accounting. Sherborn, Massachusetts. Sim, Georgeanne Davenport (Mrs. Baer, Alan J. (address unknown). Baggs, Richard E. Jr. (address un­ Odell, Mary Burrison (Mrs. William Robert F. Jr.), (address unknown). known). D.), 2311 Longfellow Avenue, West­ Smith, Flora Pearse (Mrs. Dana A.), Bahrenburg, Bruce, 50 Washington field, New Jersey, educator. Tenants Harbor, Maine. Street, Keyport, New Jersey. Osborne, Esther Rollins (Mrs. Elwood), Stoessel, Janet Pray (Mrs. Edward P.), Barnes, Frederick D., 27 Southwood R.F.D., Fairfield, Maine, secretary. 10 Perna Lane, Stamford, Connecti­ Circle, Syosset, L. I., New York, cut. Parks, F. Shirley, 4 Hillside Terrace, accounting. Lexington 73, Massachusetts, educa­ Stoll, Carol Silverstein (Mrs. Gerald), Barry, Jerome D., 4 Laurel Street, tor. 129 Edgewater Drive, Needham, Medford, Massachusetts. Petrovic, Audrey Cox (Mrs. Peter), Massachusetts. Bazer, George E., 1759 North Shore 207 Melrose Avenue, Bergenfield, Stone, Ann McAlary (Mrs. Kenneth Road, Revere, Massachusetts, busi­ New Jersey. B.), 53 Dudley Street, Presque Isle, ness. Phillips, Helen Moore (Mrs. Russell Maine. Beckwith, Alfred C., 3910 North Sher­ S. Jr.), 208 Lincoln Road, West Wal­ Szopa, Ruth Marriner (Mrs. Eugene wood Avenue, Peoria, Illinois, stu­ pole, Massachusetts, secretary. S.), American Consulate General, dent. Piccirillo, Virginia Brackley (Mrs. S. Lourenco Marques, Mozambique. Bell, Craig T., 151 Division Avenue, Vito), Ridgewood Road, West Con­ Wasserman, Barbara Bond (Mrs. Rob­ Summit, New Jersey, telephone. cord, Massachusetts. ert M.), Main Street, Dover, Massa­ Belzer, Folkert 0., (address unknown). Pollock, Joan Crawley (Mrs. Joseph chusetts. Bernard, James E., Woodcrest Road, H.), 1719 Maple Street, Pasadena, Whitehill, Frances E., 1302 S.E. Court­ Boxford, Massachusetts, insurance. California. ney, Milwaukie 22, , educato:r. Bersani, Quintilio Jr., 290 E. 44th Porter, Virginia Ashley (Mrs. Arthur Whitlow, Mary Willson (Mrs. Wayne Street, Hialeah, Florida, insurance. W. Jr.), P.O. Box 54, Farmington M.), 4721 North 36th Street, Arling­ Beveridge, J. Nelson, 35 Radcliff Ave­ Falls, Maine. ton, Virginia. nue, Port Washington, New York. Bibula, Seymour (address unknown). Fitzgibbons, William F. (address un­ Large, Norwin W., 6905 Agnes Avenue, Blance, George C. Jr., Winter Harbor, known). North Hollywood, California, insur­ Maine, telephone. Fraktman, Edwin E., 59 Greenwood ance. Bourgon, Dr. Henry R., Box 207, 7 Avenue, West Newton 65, Massachu­ Las bury, R. Chase, Box 118, East Spring Street, Bucksport, Maine. setts, educator. Windsor Hill, Connecticut, insurance. Bruehl, A. Martin, 225 5th A venue, Gesn�r, Kenneth R., 314 Pearsall Ave­ Lavin, David E., 3 Bethel Road, Scars­ Huntington, New York. nue, Ridgewood, New Jersey, insur­ dale, New York. Bryant, Joseph S., 197A Portland ance. Leach, Charles D. (address unknown). Street, South Berwick, Maine, educa­ Gordon, Robert L., 10 Rue Sainte Anne, Leathe, Harold A. Jr., 42 High Street, tional guidance. Montpellie1·, (Heroult), France. Yarmouth, Maine. Carr, Robert A., 443 Fem Street, West­ Grindle, Robert E., 1833 New Hamp­ Lee, John II, 111 Anthony Drive, wood, New Jersey, insurance. shire Avenue, N.W., Apartment 309, Forestville, Connecticut, insurance. Cartier, Urbain G., 284 South Finlay Washington 9, D. C., personnel. Levine, Sumner I. (address unknown). Avenue, Basking Ridge, New J er­ Grodberg, Robert S., 102 Hanson Road, Levy, Sevy, 210 Edna Avenue, Bridge­ sey, educator. Newton, Massachusetts, law. port, Connecticut. Castonguay, A. Kenneth, 272 Santa Guterman, Robert W., 115 Sewall Ave­ Lowrey, Peter S., 629 Cascade Road, Marguarita Avenue, Menlo Park, nue, Brookline 46, Massachusetts. Cincinnati 40, Ohio. Calif omia, sales. Ham, The Rev. Chester R., Blairsburg, Madison, William G. (address un­ Chahbazi, Dr. Parviz, 1421 West Iowa, minister. known). Lovell, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Hargrave, Robert T., 209 Chelmsford Manger, Robert C., 26 Spring Street, Chaloult, Douglas P., 1007 Dallet Road, Road, Rochester 18, New York, Shelton, Connecticut. Pittsburgh 27, Pennsylvania, insur­ broker. Manus, Michael E., 4 South Spring ance. Harris, Robert H. (address unknown). Street, Concord, New Hampshire, Christie, James P ., 39 Foxwood Road, Harrison, Howard T., 15 Lincoln Place, insurance. West Nyack, New York, sales. Freeport, New York. Maxwell, Raymond L., 1034 East Cul­ Clark, William C., 125 Adams Street, Harvey, David W. H., 15 Glenwood ver, Phoenix, Arizona, radio. North Abington, Massachusetts, Place, New London, Connecticut, McDonough, William H. Jr., 547 East business. educational administrative. Street, Dedham, Massachusetts, tele­ Conaway, James B., 114-41 147th Hawes, Richard M., 6912 Brookhaven phone. Street, South Ozone Park, New Way, Citrus Heights, California, McGrath, Henry J. J�., 36 Charles York. psychology. Street, Braintree, Massachusetts. Cooke, Robert A., 207 Martha Avenue, Hibbert, Albert B., 7 Touisset Avenue, McRoy, Bruce E., 7 4 Green Street, Clin­ N.E., Atlanta 17, Georgia, business. Swansea, Massachusetts. ton, Mass. Coward, Richard Lundin, Peaceable Hobart, G. Richard, 619 West Cornelia Mendelsohn, Paul R., 791 Park Avenue, Street, Georgetown, Connecticut, in­ Avenue, Chicago 13, Illinois, sales. Apt. 6-B, New York 21, New York. vestments. Hodgkins, Norman S., 87 Montrose Merrill, David M., 12 Overhill Drive, Cronkite, The Rev. Floyd E., 10424 Avenue, Wakefield, Massachusetts. Madison, New Jersey, investments. N .E. 194th Street, Bothell, Washing­ Holt, Ross S. Jr., Thomaston High Mowatt, Alan L., 530 Central Avenue, ton, minister. School, Thomaston, Maine, educator. Needham Heights 94, Massachusetts, Cross, Harold D., M.D., Box 37, Hamp­ Huebsch, Roger M., 9 Tuttle Drive, insurance. den Highlands, Maine, medicine. South Acton, Massachusetts, busi­ Murphy, George M., 691 N.W. 43 Court, Currier, Thomas G. Jr. (address un­ ness. Miami 44, Florida. known). Hughes, Major John P. M., 1103 South Nagle, Roland E., 66 Spanish Trail, deLuna, George C., 93 Dartmouth Cloverdale Avenue, Los Angeles 19, Portola Valley, California. Drive, Hicksville, L. I.s New York. California. Nutting, Chester A. Jr., 53 New Jersey Dickerman, Gilbert K., 442 Greenwood Hussey, Philip W. Jr., Box 419, Kenne­ Street, Millinocket, Maine. Drive, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, bunkport, Maine, busines. O'Brasky, Harris P., 9 Sonne Drive, engineer. lbarguen, WilJiam P., Las Conchas, North Haven, Connecticut. Dionne, Paul H., P.O. Box 1687, Fort Villa Guadalupe, Guatemala City, Olson, Roger C., 297 Reservoir Road, Stockton, Texas, law. Guatemala, C. A. Newington, Connecticut, analyst. Dobbins, Robert C., 1101 North Over­ Johnson, Capt. Clifford H., MCRD, O'Roak, Jeromy N., 325 Woodward look Drive, Greenville, North Caro­ Marine Corps Base, San Diego, Cali­ Street, Waban 68, Massachusetts. lina, insurance. fomia, USMC. Ostrove, Paul S., 35 Peacock Drive, Donovan, David S., Round Pond, Johnson, Theodore E. (address un­ Roslyn, East Hills, New York, mer­ Maine. known). chandising. Dow, Robert A., 190 Lakeview Avenue, Johnson, Warren R., M.D., 310 Alders Palmer, George C., 75 Esperanza Ave­ Apartment A, Sierra Madre, Hamden, Connecticut, YMCA. Drive, Wilmington, Delaware, medi­ nue, California. Ducharme, Raymond A. Jr., 33 Wren cine. Pape, David J., 72 East Street, Water­ Drive, Hauppauge, L. I., New York, Joseph, Paul M., 49 East Monroe, Nor­ town, Connecticut, journalism. educator. wood, Massachusetts, government. Patenaude, Edmond D. Jr., 28 Lorraine Efroymson, Alan S., 3040 South More­ 124 Conant Drive, Kiernan, Francis R., Street, Westwood, Massachusetts, land Boulevard, Cleveland 20, Ohio, Buffalo 23, New York. transportation. business. Kimball, Arthur 9 East 84th Street, Erickson, John F., 403 E. 70th Street, 0., Perry, Peter J., 207 Lincoln Avenue, New York 28, New York, adminis­ New York, New York, sales. Rumford, Maine, insurance. trative. Everett, Floyd (address unknown). Philip, Philip L., 9 Rumford Avenue, King, Franklin III, 59 Massasoit Street, Fain, Barnet, 28 Winthrop Drive, Bar­ Waltham, Massachusetts, educator. Northampton, Massachusetts, insur­ rington, Rhode Island, business. Piacentini, Francis A., 2450 Kingscli« ance. Faulkner, John R., 93 Court Street, Drive, N.E., Atlanta 6, Georgia, Houlton, Maine. Klein, Arthur A. Jr., 35-42 80th sales. Ferraguzzi, Louis E., 204 East 76th Street, Jackson Heights 72., New Pierce, Richard M., 113 Shaver Ave­ Street, New York, New York, busi­ York, business. nue, North Syracuse, New York, ness. Klinzman, Carl, 2216 Canyon Drive, business. Fisher, Charles F., 1013 South 46th Billings, Montana. Pirie, Lt. George D., V.S. N.T.C., Street, Philadelphia 43, Pennsylva­ Laliberte, Bernard A., 1 Cool Street, Dental Dept. (9112), San Diego 38, nia. Waterville, Maine, business. California, DCUSN. Fisher, Charles K., 515 Sumner Drive, Lallier, Thornton E., Jr., Maynard, Poland, William L., 84 Union Street, San Antonio, Texas, sales. Massachusetts. Andover, Massachusetts. Reed, Carleton D., Day's Ferry, Wool­ W etrnore, Richard H., 46 Henry Street, Cornelius, Phyllis Lewis (Mrs. J. Wil­ wich, Maine, business. Brooklyn, New York. liam Jr.), Supply Department, U. S. Reichert, William K., 191 Sylvan Knoll, White, Donald R., Box 855, LaGrande, Naval Station, Annapolis, Maryland. Stamford, Connecticut. Oregon, educator. Corrigan, Mary L., Apartment 2C, 10 Riordan, William B., 55 East 57th White, Paul E., 1622 Bolton Street, East End Avenue, New York, New Street, New York 22, New York. Baltimore 17, Maryland. York. Robinson, Edward A. (address un­ Whittaker, Alan C., Woodstock, Ulster Creedon, Joan Leader (Mrs. Richard known). County, New York, manufacturing. S.), South Field Avenue, Stamford, Robinson, Kenneth A., 103 Raymond Wulfing, Robert N., 19 Revere Street, Connecticut. Circle, Agawan, Massachusetts, busi­ Rockville Centre, New York, bank­ Cyr, Sandra Thompson (Mrs. Thomas ness. ing. L.), 12 Vernon Street, Limestone, Roy, Raymond L., 6080 Davis Court, Young, Robert A., 47 Fifth Street, Maine, educator. McLean, Virginia, investments. Norwood, Massachusetts, insurance. Dages, Louise MacGill (Mrs. Walter Rubenstein, Alan D. (address un­ Yskamp, William J., 8 Colliston Road, E. Jr.), 6115 Sheringham Street, known). Brookline 46, Massachusetts, sales. Houston 45, Texas, educator. Rudd, David W., Perkins Row, Tops­ Davis, Barbara Hartsgrove (Mrs. field, Massachusetts, engineer. Denny), United Press Associatiom, Salmon, Peter L., Manor Lake, Moun­ Alpert, Barbara Weiss (Mrs. Hershel CAIXA Postal 719, Rio de Janeiro, tain Lakes, New Jersey. L.), 35 Meriam Street, New Bedford, Brazil, S. A. Seelye, John D., 2214-A Carlton Street, Massachusetts. Dean, Barbara A., 875 Hemlock Road, Berkeley, California. Anthony, Lois Simpson (Mrs. John Warminster, Pennsylvania. Sewall, Gilbert B. (address unknown). F.), 58 Hawthorne Avenue, Haw­ DeCourcy, Eleanor Otterson (Mrs. Shaw, Roger D., 15 Maplewood Drive, thorne, New Jersey, secretary. George P.), 109 Miller Street, R.F.D. Livingston, New Jersey. Artz, Joan White (Mrs. Robert L.), 4, Middleboro, Massachusetts, edu­ Singer, Max, 36 Lounsbury Road, Cro­ (address unknown). cator. ton-on-Hudson, New York, law. Barnes, Joan Rooney (Mrs. Charles Demers, Joyce Maguire (Mrs. Ronald Skelley, Richard M., 1609 Roxbury P. II ), 5 Lawson Road, Cape Eliza­ V. ), 31 Louise Avenue, Methuen, Road, Columbus, Ohio. beth, Maine. Massachusetts, business. Smith, Barry M., 257 Summerville Barnette, Barbara Studley (Mrs. Deuble, Elizabeth Robertson (Mrs. Avenue, Johnston 9, Rhode Island. Dean), 1628 Albermarle Way, Bur­ John H.), 5514 Grape Road, Hous­ Smith, Jess H., Whetstone Road, Har- lingame, California. ton, Texas. winton, Torrington, Connecticut, Beane, Carolyn English (Mrs. Joseph Devan, Mary A., Clark School, North­ law. L.), 59 Norval Avenue, Stoneham 80, ampton, Massachusetts, educator. Smith, Russell B. (address unknown). Massachusetts. Dubis, Claire Macy (Mrs. Robert G.), Smith, Shelton J. (address unknown). Bersani, Ruth Sheehan (Mrs. Quintilio 783 Main Street, Chatham, Massa­ Southwick, Robert A., 28 Andover Jr.), 209 E. 44th Street, Hialeah, chusetts, sales, real estate. Street, Peabody, Massachusetts. Florida. Eaton, Lois E., 10 Walnut Street, South Spencer, Charles W., 2605 Misa Drive, Billington, Priscilla Eaton (Mrs. Ray­ Hadley Falls, Massachusetts. Farmington, New Mexico, geologist. mond J.), 217 Pratt Avenue, Som­ Evans, Lois Beauchamp (Mrs. Kenneth Sprague, Alden C. Jr., 3 Cherokee erset, Massachusetts. F. Jr.), 953 West Boston Post Road, Court, Huntington Station, L. I., Black, Norma Shea (Mrs. Herbert A. Mamaroneck, New York. New York, engineer. II), 5 Eisenhower Avenue, East Fessenden, Joyce Peters (Mrs. John Stainton, Robert T., 2909 Huntington Natick, Massachusetts. S.), 4603 Exeter Street, Annandale, Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio. Blood, Jane Bailey (Mrs. Lawrence R.), Virginia. Stewart, Leslie D. Jr., 80 East End 50 Sturgis Road, Reading, Massa­ Florentino, Margarette Littlefield (Mrs. Avenue, Apartment 3A, New York chusetts. John), 64 Manito Avenue, Oakland, 28, New York, investments. Boone, Judith Holt (Mrs. Roy G.), New Jersey. Stinton, Richard D. Jr. (address un­ 8 Pilgrim Road, Caribou, Maine. Fortier, Harriet Sherman (Mrs. Keith known). Bowers, Ruth Gallup (Mrs. Richard M.), Woodbine Road, Carlisle, Mass­ Swindells, David W., 71 Coney Street, M.), Box 147, Old Mystic, Connecti­ achusetts. East Walpole, Massachusetts, manu­ cut. Friedlaender, L. Martha, 382 Central facturing. Brask, Judith A. (address unknown). Park West, New York 25, New York, Taber, Lawrence G., 130 East 18th Buhler, Mary Rieker (Mrs. George H. social service. Street, New York 3, New York, ad­ Jr.), 218 Ridgewood Road, Media, Fordon, Shirley Harrington (Mrs. ministrative. Pennsylvania. Thomas B.), 17 Burke Lane, Welles­ Tallmadge, Gilbert F. (address un­ Byron, Deborah Cole (Mrs. Paul M.), ley Hills 82, Massachusetts. known). 29 Fairwood Road, Port Washington, Goldsmith, Elaine Mark (Mrs. Russell New York. Jr.), 40 Beach Bluffs, Swampscott, Thurber, Arthur F. (address un­ Carlson, Pauline Mange (Mrs. Roger Massachusetts. known). H.), 2165 Queen's Lane, San Mateo, Goodearl, Dorothy J., 826 Ridge Ave­ Tieman, Arthur M. Jr., 21 Warren California, secretary. nue, Evanston, Illinois. Road, Needham, Massachusetts. Cashman, Mary Fitzpatrick (Mrs. Green, Joan Erskine (Mrs. Gareth M.), Totman, Frank H. Jr., 46 Moreland Daniel F.), 237 Lenox Road, Brook­ 12 Hersey Street, Hingham, Massa­ A venue, Lexington 73, Massachu­ lyn, New York. chusetts. setts, sales. Cleaves, Helen Koniares (Mrs. Robert Greenberg, Elaine Kahn (Mrs. Samuel Tracey, Harry L. Jr., 21 Grove Street, E. III), 10 Locksley Road, Cape J.), 507 Kin Court, Wilmette, Illi­ Apt. 1, Arlington, Massachusetts. Elizabeth, Maine. nois. Tyler, Richard M. Jr., 2019 North Colby, Alice M., 636 Stewart Avenue, Harrison, Mary Betts (Mrs. Harold Circle Drive, Colorado Springs, Colo­ Ithaca, New York, educator. L.), R.F.D. #1, Fitchville, Connecti­ rado, insurance. Coleman, Barbara Squire (Mrs. Don­ cut. Warren, A. Rodney Jr., 169 Arundel ald E.), 69 Foote Avenue, Staten Healey, Jane Metcalf (Ml'B. William Avenue, West Hartford 7, Connecti­ Island 1, New York. D.), USAID/Asuncion, Paraguay, cut, insurance. Collegeman, Mary Pike (Mrs. Leroy Department of State, Washington Weaver, Peter C. (address unknown). H.), (address unknown). 25, D. C. Weigand, Theodore W., 27 Savoy Road, Conroy, Joan Shea (Mrs. John H.), Heinritz, Gretchen, 905 Beacon Street, Framingham, Massachusetts, sales. Dept. #1-1608 Supply Squadron, Boston, Massachusetts, ARC. Wescott, Paul A., 12 Belknap Street, F.P.O. 531, San Francisco, Califor­ Hinson, Jane McLeod (Mrs. Jay B.), Portland, Maine, law. nia. 369 Main Street, Calais, Maine. Hock, Ilse, c/o Dr. Bollkamper, Ham­ Merrill, Edwina Constant (Mrs. Arthur Schein, Carole Starr (Mrs. Arthur H.), burg B, Oderfelderstr 7, Germany. A.), Mountain Road, Box 457, 22 Puritan Road, Newton Highlands Hodgdon, Dorcas Crocker (Mrs. Theo­ Georgetown, Connecticut. 61, Massachusetts. dore E.), (address unknown). Merrill, Barbara Best (Mrs. David M.), Schneider, Judith Mayer (Mrs. Ar­ Holcombe, Jean Scott (Mrs. John L.), 12 Overhill Drive, Madison, New thur), 19179 Birchwood, Detroit 21, 40 Evergreen Lane, Haddonfield, Jersey. Michigan. New Jersey. Meserve, Nancy Twaddle (Mrs. Robert Schultz, Gail Pendleton (Mrs. Lyle F.), Holmes, Ruth Stanley (Mrs. David A.), T.), North Windham, Maine. West 614 22nd Street, Spokane 41, 19 Walnut A venue, Surfside Park, Miller, Norma E., R.D. #2, Little Falls, Washington. Hampton, New Hampshire. New York. Shulkin, Jean Lyons (Mrs. Arthur I.), Holway, Ellen Hay (Mrs. William C. Moodey, Barbara Johnson (Mrs. John 4 Pig Rock Lane, Marblehead, Mass­ Ill), 48 Alcott Street, Acton, Massa­ R. C.), 200 Jackson Boulevard, Deer­ achusetts. chusetts, educator. hurst, Wilmington 3, Delaware. Simpson, Barbara Ann (address un­ Hooper, Florence Fisher (Mrs. Robert Murphy, Virginia Falkenbury (Mrs. known). L.), 19013 Eccles Street, Northridge, Andrew T. Jr.), 231 Brookwood Smith, Kitty Webster (Mrs. Theoren California. Drive, Auburn, Alabama. P. L.), Church Street, Hunt, New Howard, Sally Baines (Mrs. Douglas (Mrs. George York. C.), 4882 Richmond Avenue, Fre­ Murphy, Kathleen Doyle A.), 104 Myrtle Street, Boston, Mass­ Sokoll, Judith Schiff (Mrs. Milton S.), mont, California. achusetts. 28 Norfolk Place, Sharon, Massachu­ Hudson, Elizabeth Chilson (Mrs. Rob­ setts. ert F.), 1138 Arnold Drive, Corpus Neitzke, Elsa Beach (address un­ Christi, Texas. known). Stackpole, Barbara Reid (Mrs. Leroy), Hufsmith, Guiomar Washington (Mrs. Noonan, Ann Burger (Mrs. Richard (address unknown). Robert), Box 26A, Jackson, Wyo­ A.), 104-4 Shawnee Road, Minot Stamas, Elaine Zervas (Mrs. Stephen), ming. AFB, North Dakota. 3 Longview Drive, Scarsdale, New Jahn, Mary Scott (Mrs. Franklin), O'Halloran, Marcella Laverdiere (Mrs. York. 1062 Raven Drive, Pittsburgh 16, Arthur S.), 6 Lloyd Road, Waterville, Staples, Loretta Thompson (Mrs. Rob­ Pennsylvania. Maine. ert F.), 93 Circuit Drive, Warwick, Johnson, Celia Lasbury (Mrs. Rich­ Olney, Anne Quin (Mrs. Robert G.), Rhode Island, secretary. ard A.), 4 Elm Street, South Byfield, 15 Danforth Place, Massena, New Stone, Louise Davis (Mrs. Charles), Massachusetts. York. 4811 Blagden Avenue, N.W., Wash­ Keeler, Helen Osgood (Mrs. George Pacht, Barbette Blackington (Mrs. ington, D. C. E.), 2709 Oakwood Drive, S.E., Newton), 1608 Myrtle Street, N.W., Sullivan, Sylvia Caron (Mrs. George Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Washington 16, D. C. W. Jr.), 1135 Crestview Drive, S.E., Kirstein, Elaine Rhodes (Mrs. Harvey Paskalides, Electra, 11 Pitt Street, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. M.), 53 Blodgett Avenue, Swamp­ Portland, Maine, chemistry. Taylor, Patricia Ladner (Mrs. Gaylord scott, Massachusetts. Patenaude, Priscilla Shirley (Mrs. Ed­ E.), P.O. Box 6585, Goodfellow AFB, Knowles, Leone A., 5 Pearl Street, mond D. Jr.), 28 Lorraine Street, Texas. Camden, Maine, educator. Westwood, Massachusetts. Tillman, Judith Segal (Mrs.), 11 East Kress, Helen Wolper (Mrs. Martin R.), Patten, Miriam Price (Mrs. Amory M.), 86th Street, Apartment 2C, New 11 Puritan Road, Newton 61, Mass­ 73 Alhambra Circle, Edgewood 5, York 28, New York, executive assist­ achusetts. Rhode Island. ant. Laffey, Elizabeth WinkI er (Mrs. Pease, Barbara Montgomery (Mrs. Toomey, Nina (address unknown). George B. Jr.), Birch Road, Kinne­ Eugene W.), 59 Spruce Street, Milli­ Tracy, Prudence Belcher (Mrs. Ward lon, New Jersey. nocket, Maine. W.), 346 Thunder Hill Drive, Stam­ Larcher, Jeanne Strickland (Mrs. Petersen, Joanne Terrill (Mrs. Marven ford, Connecticut, social service. Thomas F.), 677 East 2980 South, R.), 448 9th Avenue, South, Sweet Trentlyon, Elizabeth Van Andel (Mrs. Salt Lake City, Utah, nurse. Home, Oregon. Robert S.), 245 West 13th Street, Lasbury, Sally Murray (Mrs. R. Pierce, Alice Tyler (Mrs. Thomas W.), New York, New York. Chase), Box 118, East Windsor Hill, P.O. Box F, Carrabelle, Florida. Turner, Elaine H., 1028 Conant Drive, Connecticut. Pressman, Madelyn Wechsler (Mrs. Columbus 24, Ohio. Laurin, Phyllis Whitcomb (Mrs. David David B.), 70 Henry Street, Mer­ Van Alstyne, Carol Carlson (Mrs. J.), (address unknown). rick, New York, educator. Peter), 33 Grey Rocks Road, Wilton, Lyon, Ruth Flagg (Mrs. Melvin), 29 Powers, Patricia E. (address un­ Connecticut. Cherry Drive, Plainview, L. I., New known). Waack, Catherine Ellis (Mrs. Richard), York, mathematician, analyst Punt, Beryl Baldwin (Mrs. Pieter), 55 17 Corrine Drive, Framingham, Macintyre, Anita Schlosser (Mrs. Mal­ Lincoln Mills Road, Rochester 25, Massachusetts. colm), R.F.D. #1, West Redding, New York, educator. Walker, Sybil B., 461 Beacon Street, Connecticut, educator. Ramsay, Patricia Morrill (Mrs. Wil­ Boston, Massachusetts, air hostess. MacLean, Sally Mathews (Mrs. Neil liam F.), Stoney Brook Road, Brews­ Wathen, Nancy Pratley (Mrs. John M. B.), (address unknown). ter, Massachusetts. Jr.), 303 Rosemary Lane, Shelbyville, Mailey, Barbara Easterbrooks (Mrs. Reynolds, Mildred Thornhill (Mrs. Tennessee. Richard H. Jr.), 20 Manataug Trail, James W.), 122 Collins Drive, Travis Weatherby, Rosalie Dulaney (Mrs. Marblehead, Massachusetts. A.F.B., California. Frank H.), 272 Great Road, Acton, McAaliffe, Helen Connolly (Mrs. Rob­ Rose, Sarah Packard (Mrs. Charles Massachusetts. ert E.), 9 Dean Street, Braintree, A.), 276 Dogwood Street, Park For­ Whitney, Mary Warner (Mrs. Edward Massachusetts. est, Illinois. D.), 27 Concord Street, Needham McCasland, Marjorie Smith (Mrs.), Rubenstein, Judith Veevers (Mrs. Jay Heights 94, Massachusetts, business. 2128 Carrington Road, Lynchburg, V.), 35 Upland Road, Winthrop, Whitney, Margaret Randall (Mrs. Virginia, educator. Massachusetts, business, public rela­ George W .) , 5605 Drake, N .W., Al­ McLay, Virginia S. (address un­ tions. buquerque, New Mexico. known). Rudd, Harriet Sart (Mrs. David W.), Wood, Joanne Walker (Mrs. William McLellan, Lillias T., 235 Pelhamdale Perkins Row, Topsfield, Massachu­ K.), clo Eastern States, Box 308, Avenue, Pelham, New York. setts. Westminster, Maryland. Mearns, Loretta C., 1500 Delaware Runyon, Phebe Dow (Mrs. John L.), Woznick, Carolyn Doe (Mrs. Benjamin Avenue, Wilmington 6, Delaware, 8 W alee Robin Road, Westport, J. Jr.), 83 Pinckney Street, Boston technician. Connecticut. 14, Massachusetts. Yesair, Ruth Avery (Mrs. David W.), Davila, Carlos, Apartado 3F3, Lima, Hulbert, Edward I. Jr., 199 Howard Johnson Lane, Byfield, Massachu­ Peru, South America, business. Street, Bangor, Maine. setts. Dean, Alfred H. Jr., 295 Pierce Street, Jones, Aubrey E., 454 Concord Road, Young, Barbara Forrest (Mrs. David Leominster, Massachusetts, sales. Weston, Massachusetts, law. V.), 4311 Federal Street, Rockville, Denneen, George F. Jr., 18A Cutler Jones, Clark S., 4249 Curwood S.E., Maryland. Street, Bedford, Massachusetts, mer­ Grand Rapids 8, Michigan, sales. chandising. Jones, Gerald K., 30 School Street, Doran, Peter C., Pl-RC, Thompson Boylston, Massachusetts, sales. 1958 Point, Southern Illinois University, Judd, Warren K.,_ 75 Standish Street, Adams, David L., M.D., 341 White Carbondale, Illinois, psychology. Thompsonville, Connecticut, insur­ Street, South Burlington, Vermont, Dow, E. Raymond Jr., 486 Woodford ance. medicine. Street, Portland, Maine, social ser­ Judson, John I. Jr., 9 Winter Street, Adams, Nathan M., Continental Air­ vice. Waterville, Maine. lines, 61 East Monroe Street, Chicago Drexel, Paul E., The Episcopal Acad­ Kalloch, Anthony L., 314 South Road, 3, Illinois, sales. emy, Merion, Pennsylvania, educator. Bedford, Massachusetts, business. Angrist, Burton M., 162-01 Powell's Drummond, Thomas S., 148 Kendus­ Keal, John C., R.D. 1, Vineyard Ave­ Cove Blvd., Beechurst, New York. keag Avenue, Bangor, Maine. nue, Highland, New York, sales. Baker, Myron G., 845 Park Place, Dusty, Frank T., Jr., 35 Heather Road, Keddy, J. Richard, 1331 18th Street, Brooklyn 16, New York, student. South Portland, Maine, banking. Apartment 2, Santa Monica, Califor­ Bangs, Leigh B., 81 Pine Street, Bel­ Eaton, George M., Pleasant Street, nia, mathematician. mont 78, Massachusetts, student. Damariscotta, Maine. Kennedy, Donald G., 24 Hamilton Barnard, Brian K., 125 Columbia Edes, John C., c/o New England Tel. Street, South Portland, Maine. Heights, Brooklyn 1, New York, Co., St. Johnsbury, Vermont, tele­ LaPointe, Laurence A., Gardiner High sales. _ phone. School, Gardiner, Maine, educator. Bates, Robert S., 158 East 5oth Street, EdsaB, Richard A. (address unknown). Larschan, Edward J., 216 East 83rd New York, New York, business. Estes, Richard F. Jr., 366 Bala Avenue, Street, New York, New York, Baxter, John S., 16 Mathewson Street, Bala-Cynwyd, Pennsylvania. psychology. Narragansett, Rhode Island, educa­ Fitch, Norman P., 316 North Harvard La Vigne, Thomas P., 136 Quinapoxet tor. Street, Allston, Massachusetts. Lane, Worcester, Massachusetts, Bishop, James D. P. Jr., 435 Beirut Forziati, E. Conrad (address unknown). sales. Avenue, Pacific Palisades, California. Fraser, Alan D., 201 David Drive, Bryn Lee, Norman P., 146 Loomis Drive, Blanchard, Bruce C., 29682 Detroit Mawr, Pennsylvania. West Hartford, Connecticut, bank­ Road, Westlake, Ohio, sales. Frye, Wallace G., 1273 Hope Street, ing. Bridge, The Rev. Peter G., Kents Hill, Springdale, Connecticut, personnel. Lenssen, Thomas, P.O. 656, Bunnell, Maine, minister. Gantt, 2/Lt. Myron L., c /o Mr. Leon Florida. Burch, Sylvester B., 2718 Doeling Padgett, Box 198, Route #1, Lees­ Lopez, Chester H. Jr., 14 Courtland Street, Houston 4, Texas. ville, South Carolina, USAF. Street, Nashua, New Hampshire, Burger, Martin S., 79 Mencel Circle, Gauer, Ernest A., Scotland Avenue, law. Bridgeport, Connecticut, insurance. Madison, Connecticut, sales. Ludwig, Lt. John D., 276 Aldrich Road, Castell, George C., 333 East 41 Street, Gershwin, Warren G., M.D., Queen's Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USAF. New York 17, New York. Hospital, P.O. Box 861, Honolulu, Maginniss, Ltjg. Christopher, Jr., 4262 Campbell, Lt. Richard H., 24 Vermont Hawaii, medicine. South 16th Street, Arlington 4, Vir­ Street, Greenfield, Massachusetts, Ginsburg, Barry M., 825 Morris Park ginia, USN. USMC. Avenue, New York 62, New York, Marchetti, Joseph J., 1356 Washing­ Cates, Howard B., Elm Road, North business. ton Street, Bath, Maine, draftsman. Hampton, New Hampshire, sales. Godsoe, Dexter B., 59 Joseph Road, McFarlin, Richard H., 5 Idlewood Ter­ Clark, William P ., 2724 Brownsboro Braintree, Massachusetts, sales. race, St. Johnsbury, Vermont. Road, Louisville 6, Kentucky, sales. Goffin, l/Lt. Glen P., 939 Foxglove, Miller, Douglas T., 42 Old Mill Road, Cochran, William W. Jr., 305 Spencer Amarillo, Texas, USAF. Millington, New Jersey. Road, Devon, Pennsylvania, sales. Golden, Philip J. Jr., 24 Sandle Drive, Moger, C. Flint, 132 South Grove Connolly, Kevin J., 162 Hermon Street, Fairport, New York, administrative. Street, Apartment 7-A, Freeport, Winthrop 52, Massachusetts. Gorham, Charles R., Perfection Fence New York, educator. Consolino, Joseph T., 71 Strawberry Co., 2523 East Main Street, Water­ Moger, Stanley H., 1423D Tou]cy Ave­ Hill Avenue, Stamford, Connecticut, bury, Connecticut, sales. nue, Chicago, Illinois. sales. Grappone, Albert G., 167 North State Moran, Ronald W. Jr., 2105 Ferndale Cox, Langdon V., Box C, 180 Trapelo Street, Concord, New Hampshire, Avenue, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Road, Waverley 78, Massachusetts, USAF. Nelson, Richard G., 103 Campion Ave­ Guiles, Philip E., 902-1st. National student. nue, Tiverton, Rhode Island, educa­ Cowperthwaite, Franklin C. (address Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan. tor. Guth, Frank E., 54 Melissa Road, unknown). Nickerson, Joshua A. Jr., Sparrow­ RFD 2, Kingston, New York. Crane, Theodore Jr., 21 Carleton hawk Road, East Orleans, Massa­ Haley, Owen R. Jr., 191 Main Street, Street, Hamden, Connecticut. chusetts, business. Cron, Robert A., 56 Parkway Drive, Fort Kent, Maine, educator. O'Brien, C. David, 7 West Cross Road, Westbury, New York, sales. Harkins, Craig, 272 Henry Street, New Canaan, Connecticut. Crowley, Donald P., 43 Jacqueline Ave­ Brooklyn, New York. O'Brien, Edward F., 22 Pine Street, nue, Hyannis, Massachusetts. Haslam, Philip S. (address unknown). Holyoke, Massachusetts. Cudmore, Laurence E., 67 Dupont Hatfield, Douglas S. Jr., Preston Street, O'Callaghan, John F., Summit Avenue, Drive, Presque Isle, Maine, merchan­ Hillsborough, New Hampshire, law. R.F.D. 3, Laconia, New Hampshire. dising. Hesse, LTJG Robert L., CINCSOUTH, Cunningham, Gordon F., 110 Bridge Box 9, Navy 510, F.P.O. New York, Orne, William H. Jr., 24 Darling Street, Salem, Massachusetts. New York, USN. Street, Marblehead, Massachusetts. Curtis, John 0., Asst. Curator, Old Hoogeveen, Lawrence J., 49 Pleasant Ott, George E. (address unknown). Sturbridge Vi 11age , Sturbridge, Street, Cohasset, Massachusetts. Patchell, Dale S., 1600 Avenue T Massachusetts, administrative. Houston, Kenneth A., 11 Gray Street, Brooklyn 29, New York. Dankert, Philip R., 1083 Beacon Street, Waterville, Maine. Picher, Gedeon G. R.D. #2, Oak Street, Brookline 46, Massachusetts, student. Hoyt, David M., 134 Gregory Boule­ Oakland, Maine, engineer. Davidson, Douglas A., 4 Byram Ridge vard, East Norwalk, Connecticut, Poor, Gary S., 34 Dartmouth Street, Road, Armonk, New York, sales. accounting. Portland, Maine. Powell, Allyn H., 600 West 246tb Wolper, Gerald, Box 1235, Indianapolis, Christie, Pamelia Jones (Mrs. Paul Street, Riverdale, New York, sales. Indiana, law. W.), 941 S.W. 39th Avenue, Fort Prew, Peter D., Mt. Vernon Road, Am­ Woodbury, David E., 714 Richmond Lauderdale, Florida, educator. herst, New Hampshire. Street, Brunswick, Georgia, USN. Christoforo, Priscilla J., 10 Calumet Reed, Howard B., 104 Temple Street, Wyman, Robert G., 436 Bellevue Ave­ Street, Revere 51, Massachusetts, West Boylston, Massachusetts, busi­ nue, Yonkers, New York. telephone. ness. Yett, Daniel J., 315 Riverside Drive, Christopher, Joan Fulcher (Mrs. Don­ Reinmund, Benjamin F., 73 Magnolia New York 25, New York, librarian. ald), Box 221, R.F.D. #1, Orleans, Avenue, Tenafly, New Jersey, Massachusetts, educator. analyst. Clark, Marilyn Clark (Mrs. Donald H.), Rhoades, David A., 313 G Street, N.W., Adams, Mary, Box 175, Park Street, 61 Longfellow Drive, Cape Elizabeth, Miami, Oklahoma, geologist. South Freeport, Maine, librarian. Maine. Rocknak, R. William, Bay Avenue, Anderson, Polly Norris (Mrs. Eric), Clark, Nancy Harmon ( Mrs. William Forked River, New Jersey, educator, 29 Davis Street, Keene, New Hamp­ P.), 2724 Brownsboro Road, Louis­ art. shire. ville 6, Kentucky, educator. Rockwell, Paul W., 1 Gayle Street, East Andrau, Maya H., Woodstock, New Clutz, Robin Hunter (Mrs. Richard B.), Falmouth, Massachusetts, merchan­ York. 20 Humphryes Road, West Barring­ dising. Armel, Barbara Newhall (Mrs. Lynn ton, Rhode Island. Roy, Thomas F ., 162 Hillcrest Avenue, D.), 41 Stanford Place, Glen Ridge, Cobb, Deborah Robson (Mrs. Carl M.), Elmwood, Connecticut. New Jersey, educator. 38 Grove Street, Beacon Hill, Boston, Rulison, James P. Jr., 10 Crumite Road, Arrigo, Dorothy Peachey (Mrs. Joseph Massachusetts, music. Loudonville, New York. J.), 5 Stanley Street, Augusta, Cochran, Elizabeth Cooper (Mrs. Wil­ Rushton, Edward C., 84 Huntington Maine. liam W. Jr.), 305 Spencer Road, Street, Marlboro, Massachusetts. Atsaves, Marcia Griggs (Mrs. Marios), Devon, Pennsylvania. Saltz, Robert M., 359 Atlantic Avenue, 981 North Patrick Henry Drive, Arl­ Conway, Carol J. (address unknown). Marblehead, Massachusetts, business. ington 5, Virginia. social service. Schiess, Aaron B., 168 Chatham Road, Bagdasarian, Nancy Derderian (Mrs. Cron, Ann Bonneau (Mrs. Robert A.), Bridgeport, Connecticut. Robert A.), 17 E. 67 Street, New 56 Parkway Drive, Westbury, New Scranton, Wilbur L. III, 32 Mead Street, York 21, New York. York. Springdale, Connecticut. Barrett, Margot L., 333 East 79th Cross, Kay Litchfield (Mrs. Justin A.), Shanks, Robert K., 189 Fountain Street, New York 21, New York, sec­ 618 22nd Street, Virginia Beach, Vir­ Street, Ashland, Massachusetts. retary. ginia. Sheerin, Oliver K., 17 County Road, Bates, Mary Stetson (Mrs. Robert S.), Currier, Anita Falter (Mrs. Douglas Burlington, Massachusetts, advertis­ 158 East 50th Street, New York, G.), 233 Winn Street, Burlington, ing. New York, nurse. Massachusetts. Smethurst, William H., Fairhaven Bedell, Joan Bryant (Mrs. Peter), 50 Darcy, Joan King (Mrs. Philip G.), Road, Concord, Massachusetts. Lowell Road, Port Washington, New P.O. Box 59, New Lebanon, �ew Smith, The Rev. Carlyle A., Pasture York. York, educator. Lane, C h a t h a m, Massachusetts, Bevin, Cynthia Gardner (Mrs. Douglas Davis, Gail Crosby (Mrs. Richard S.), minister. F.), 215 East 8oth Street, New York 536 "H" Street, Coronado, Califor­ Staples, Ronald C. (address unknown). 21, New York. nia. Stevenson, Bruce (address unknown). Boehm, Joan Peppard (Mrs. Charles Day, Jean Baker (Mrs. Charles P.), Svendsen, Paul L., 261 Manning Street, G.), 16 Avon Road, Falmouth Fore­ (address unknown). Needham 92, Massachusetts, insur­ side, Maine. DeCarlo, Angela J., 33 Hickory Road, ance. Brakman, Anne Kimsey (Mn. Hallet), Naugatuck, Connecticut, research. Tarr, Alfred E., 174 Kendall Street, 594 Winters Avenue, Peramus, New Dickson, Judith Brown (Mrs. George Ludlow, Massachusetts, USAF. Jersey, banking. A. Jr.), 238 Laurel Street, San Fran­ Theve, Robert L., 25 Miles Street, Mil­ Bridge, Mary Chase (Mrs. Peter), cisco 18, California, student. ford, Connecticut, business. Kents Hill, Maine. Doran, Marilyn Dyer (Mrs. Peter C.), Thomajan, Gregory Z., 36 Weathers­ Brody, Judith Levine (Mrs. Morton PI-RC, Thompson Point, Southern field Road, Natick, Massachusetts, A.), 7 Noyes Avenue, Waterville, Illinois University, Carbondale, Illi­ administrative. Maine. nois, social service. Tibbetts, The Rev. Jack L., 905 16th Brown, Janet Pratt (Mrs. David T.), Dorr, Margaret Putnam (Mrs. Bruce Street, North, North Lethlindge, Al­ Building B-2, Apt. U-1, Slocum P.), 19 Mora Street, Dorchester, berta, Canada, minister. Heights, Syracuse 10, New York, Massachusetts. Twitchell, Archie J., 2026% loth Street, educator. Eaton, Jean French (Mrs. George M.), Boulder, Colorado, city government. Bruce, Judith Garland (Mrs. Robert Pleasant S t r e e t, Damariscotta, Vloches, Peter H. (address unknown). J.), 24 Appleton Road, Watertown, Maine. · Vogt, Richard J. Jr., 6058 S.W. 29th Massachusetts. Erb, Judith Merrill (Mrs. Robert C. Street, Miami, Florida, retail. Bubar, Betty Jane (address unknown). Jr.), 36 Melrose Lane, Lincolnshire, Walker, Frank B., Silsby and Silsby, Bushee, Virginia Angney (Mrs. Philip Deerfield, Illinois. Ellsworth, Maine, law. G.), Jefferson Heights, Bennington, Feldman, Philippa Blume (Mrs. Gerald Walther, Lt. Robert E., Ontario Street Vermont. B.), 32 Irving Street, Cambridge, Ex., Havre deGrace, Maryland, USN. Buzzell, Dorothy A., Candlewood Massachusetts, librarian. Waterman, Richard S., 55 Harrison Shores, Brookfield, Connecticut, edu­ Fortenbaugh, Elna M., Department of Avenue, Montclair, New Jersey. cator. State, Buenos Aires, Washington 25, Weitzrman, Warren M., 10 Malubar Chadwick, Corinne, 1423 Karluk Street, D. C., secretary. Lane, Newton Centre 59, Massachu­ Fairview, Anchorage, Alaska. Fox, Gayle Schaeff (Mrs. Charles J.), setts, manufacturing. Chandler, Joan Fletcher (Mrs. Donald), R.F.D. #1, Oakland, Maine. Weston, Ralph D., 59 Grove Street, (address unknown). Gehrke, Suzanne MacDonald (Mrs. Auburndale, Massachusetts. Chandler, Barbara Adams (Mrs. War­ Gerard W.), 176 Clear View Avenue, Whitaker, Harry J., 86 Jewett Street, ren A.), Chester, New Hampshire. Torrington, Connecticut. Newton, Massachusetts, merchandis­ Charles, Cynthia Tourtellot (Mrs. Gibbons, Jane A., 116 Federal Street, ing. Howard J. Jr.), 24 Concord Avenue, New London, Connecticut, Christian Whitworth, John M. (address un­ Apt. 511, Cambridge 38, Massachu­ education. known). setts. Gigante, Mary L., 24 Victoria Road, Willcox, Andrew F., 140 West 69th Chase, L e a, Haddam N eek, East Stoneham 80, Massachusetts, stu­ Street, New York 28, New York. Hampton, Connecticut, student. dent. Gilman, Sheila McDonald (Mrs. Good­ Landrey, Virginia George (Mrs. Frank Ramsay, Marguerite Beebe (Mrs. Ste­ win 0.), Newport, Maine. P. ), 43-25 Douglaston Parkway, phen), 820 McLaughton Street, Glen Glover, Beryl Scott (Mrs. Robert H.), Douglaston, New York, secretary. Cove, New York. 20 Hartman Road, Amherst, Massa­ Latham, Mary Ricker (Mrs. Arthur Rand, Marilyn Webber (Mrs. Ken­ chusetts. J.), 16 Berkshire Road, Chelmsford, neth), Marshfield, Massachusetts. Goffi.gon, Susan Carll (Mrs. Page N. Massachusetts, insurance. Raymond, Frances Wren (Mrs. Robert Jr.), 1603 Woodhouse Road, Bayside, Laverty, Sheila McAllister (Mrs. John M.), 3D Hay Street, Duncan Knoll, Virginia Beach, Virginia. E.), 81 Washington Road, Cromwell, Westover AFB, Massachusetts. Goffi.n, Cynthia Fox (Mrs. Glen P.), Connecticut, insurance. Reisman, Jane Daib (Mrs. John N.), 939 Foxglove, Amarillo, Texas. Legro, Marcia R., 48 Charles Street, 46 North Roosevelt Avenue, Colum­ Hall, Caroline S., 19 Bettswood Road, Boston 14, Massachusetts, secretary. bus 9, Ohio. Norwalk, Connecticut, educator. Leighton, Elizabeth Vogel (Mrs. Homer Remington, Louise Mullin (Mrs. Mal­ Hall, Katherine Knight (Mrs. Roger C.), 1 Berkeley Court, Lawrence, colm ), 6 Hayes Road, Simsbury, G.), Box 273, Breezeway House, Massachusetts. Connecticut, insurance. Pennsylvania Ro ad, Wynnewood, Ludwig, Marian Woodsome (Mrs. John Remis, Linda Levinson (Mrs. Peter), Pennsylvania. 11 Phillips Avenue, Swampscott, D.), 276 Aldrich Road, Portsmouth, Hansen, Janice Klem (Mrs. Mirek), Massachusetts, student. New Hampshire. 447 Grove Street, Worcester, Massa­ Rhoades, Sheila Campbell (Mrs. David Macomber, Lois, 1 Vanderbilt Road, chusetts, business. A.), 313 G Street N.W., Miami, Okla­ West Hartford 7, Connecticut, insur­ Harrington, Mary C., Richmond, Ver­ homa. ance. mont, educator. Ridge, Jean Gammie (Mrs. James P.), Mathieu, Mary Story (Mrs. Stanley Hathaway, Carol I., 67 Andrew Ford 27 South Munroe Terrace, Dorches­ K.), 6 Mohegan Street, Waterville, Way, Abington, Massachusetts, busi­ ter, Massachusetts. Maine. ness. Rocknak, Lucinda Allerton (Mrs. R. McDermott, Marilyn Matthieu (Mrs. Beeks, Carol Ann, Lane's End, R.F.D. William ), Bay Avenue, Forked River, Thomas E.), 367 Cottage Road, #1, North Adams, Massachusetts. New Jersey. South Portland, Maine, educator. Helme, Marcia Phillips (Mrs. Frank Rosen, Polly Seely (Mrs. William P.), L.), 15 Ridgewood Lane, Scotia 2, McKee, Lynne D'Amico (Mrs. Robert), Peck Hill Road, Woodbridge, Con­ New York. 87 Royal Road, Brockton, Massachu­ necticut, business. Hendrickson, Susan Bower (Mrs. Ever­ setts. Sawyer, Wilma McDonald (Mrs. Olin ett J.), 245 Kenwood Avenue, Del­ Megathlin, Lois Monson (Mrs. Donald M.), 6 Webberway, Falmouth, Maine. mar, New York. E. Jr.), 7 Elmwood Road, Canton, Sherman, Wilma Lyman (Mrs. David Hoffman, Ludmila Winter (Mrs. Her­ Massachusetts. A.), 22 Lynn Road, Sudbury, Mass­ bert J.), 36 Rowe Street, Auburndale Miller, Gwendolyn Parker (Mrs. Doug­ achusetts. 66, Massachusetts. las T. ), 42 Old Mill Road, Milling­ Sherman, Susan, Old Sudbury Road, Honsberger, K a y Stanwood (Mrs. ton, New Jersey. South Lincoln, Massachusetts. Karl), 98 Ferris Avenue, Norwalk, Moger, Helen Roberts (Mrs. C. Flint), Shramm, Ann Timmons (Mrs. Rich­ Connecticut. 132 South Grove Street, Apartment ard), (address unknown). Howes, Sally B., 29 Orchard Street, 7-A, Freeport, New York, educator. Smith, Linda Corcoran (Mrs. Arthur Portland, Maine. Muir, Joan, 16 South Park Street, Brad­ H.), 402 West Dudley Street, Mau­ Huart, Katharine Lamneck (Mrs. Rich­ ford, Massachusetts, educator. mee, Ohio, educator. ard B.), 5 Newland Avenue, Water­ Nagy, Embeth Stumpf (Mrs. Albert Smith, Margaret L., 21 Chauncy ville, Maine. N.), 3315 Foothill Road, Santa Bar­ Street, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts, Hunt, Sandra Doolittle (Mrs. Buell H.), bara, California. secretary. 559 North Elm Street, Wallingford, Newman, Davida Kovey (Mrs. Wal­ Snyder, Joan Tilden (Mrs. Robert M.), Connecticut, social service. ter M.), 215 Newbury Street, Boston, 114 North Champlin Place, New­ Hutchinson, Margaret Fox (Mrs. Ben Massachusetts, secretary. port, Rhode Island. H. Jr.), 200 Commonwealth Road, O'Brion, Carolyn M., American De­ Spall, Judith W., 84 Lincoln Street, Cochituate, Massachusetts, educator. pendences' School, Machinato Ele­ Waltham, Massachusetts, adminis­ Iden, Gale Amdall (Mrs. Frederick L.), mentary, APO 331, San Francisco, trative. 1140 N.W. 89th Street, Miami 50, California, educator. True, Virginia C., 12 Kilsyth Terrace, Florida. O'Reilly, Mary Ellen, Upper Black Brighton, Massachusetts, insurance. Tunnock, Sheila M., 640 South Wash­ Jamieson, Ann Harding (Mrs. James Eddy, Pennsylvania. ington Street, Fort Collins, Colorado, R.), 165-B Eisenhower Boulevard, Pane, Marietta A., 16 West Point Ter­ research. Perrin AFB, Perrin, Texas. race, West Hartford, Connecticut, Twigg, Julia Belzer (Mrs. Charles B.), Jobin, Sara Fritz (Mrs. William R.), USN. 145 Richard Street, Newington 11, 44 Calle Palo Seco, Bayview Catano, Payson, Helen B., 1141 Muklenburg Connecticut. Puerto Rico. Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, Walther, Catherine Stineford (Mrs. Johnson, Lucia R. (address unknown). educator. Robert E. ), (address unknown). Johnson, Sara Stewart (Mrs. Andrew Peacock, Andria H., 26 Elm Street, Ward, Constance Rockwell (Mrs. War­ Rocky Hill, Connecticut, educator. T. Jr.), 243 Kaalawai Place, Hono­ ren R. ), 161 Park Street, Portsmouth, Perrin, Carol Hendricks (Mrs. Edward lulu, Hawaii. New Hampshire. B.), c/o Dept. of Preventive Med., Jones, Rachel West (Mrs. Gerald K.), West, Barbara Field (Mrs. Robert A. University of Washington, Seattle, 30 School Street, Boylston, Massa­ 114B Hillcrest Avenue, West Washington. ill), chusetts. Hartford, Connecticut. Peterson, Phyllis Hardy (Mrs. H. Ketchum, Dorothy Greenman (Mrs. Whitaker, Joan Shaw (Mrs. Harry J.), Dean), 64 Lewis Road, Northport, Wilbur L.), North Main Street, Plais­ 86 Jewett Street, Newton, Massachu­ New York, educator. tow, New Hampshire. setts. King, Joan Adams (Mrs. Kenneth M. Pinkerton, Deborah Williams (Mrs. White, Ruth Johnson (Mrs. Rupert B.), Jr.), 527 Old Main Street, Rocky Hill, James C.), 4121 East 48th Place, P.O. Box 319, Brunswick, Maine. Connecticut, educator. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Wieland, Ann, Spring Lane, Philadel­ Kirby, Elizabeth Thompson (Mrs.), Prentiss, Faye Hunt (Mrs. Courtney phia 28, Pennsylvania, educator. 5839 De Giverville, St. Louis 12, L.), 26 Sewall Street, Augusta, Winarski, Carol May (Mrs. Stanley Missouri. Maine. T.), R.D. #1, Glassboro, New Jersey. Krasnigor, Karen Breen (Mrs. Richard Presnell, Margaret Siebrecht (Mrs. Winterbottom, Ruth, 811 Shawmut A.), 601 Vandenburg Boulevard, Charles L.), General Delivery, Pre­ Avenue, New Bedford, Massachu­ Warner Robins, Georgia. mont, Texas. setts.