Schooner Way Cardiff
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Archaeology Wales 6FKRRQHU:D\ &DUGLII 'HVN%DVHG$VVHVVPHQW %\ ,UHQH*DUFLD5RYLUD%$0$3K' 5HSRUW1R Archaeology Wales Limited, Rhos Helyg, Cwm Belan, Llanidloes, Powys SY18 6QF Tel: +44 (0) 1686 440371 E-mail: [email protected] Archaeology Wales 6FKRRQHU:D\ &DUGLII 'HVN%DVHG$VVHVVPHQW 3UHSDUHG)RU$VEUL3ODQQLQJ/WG (GLWHGE\5RZHQD+DUW $XWKRULVHGE\5RZHQD+DUW 6LJQHG 6LJQHG 3RVLWLRQ3URMHFW0DQDJHU 3RVLWLRQ3URMHFW0DQDJHU 'DWH 'DWH %\ ,UHQH*DUFLD5RYLUD%$0$3K' 5HSRUW1R 1RYHPEHU Archaeology Wales Limited, Rhos Helyg, Cwm Belan, Llanidloes, Powys SY18 6QF Tel: +44 (0) 1686 440371 E-mail: [email protected] CONTENTS Summary 1 1. Introduction 2 2. Site Description 2 3. Methodology 3 4. Archaeological and Historical Background 4 4.1 Previous Archaeological Studies 4 4.2 The Historic Landscape 5 4.3 Scheduled Ancient Monuments 5 4.4 Listed Buildings 5 4.5 Non designated sites 8 4.6 Historical background 10 5. Map Regression 15 6. Aerial Photographs 16 7. New Sites 18 8. Site Visit 18 9. Assessing visual impact 18 10.Impact Assessment 19 10.1 Assessment of archaeological potential and importance 19 10.2 Potential impacts from proposed development 19 10.3 Mitigation 19 11.Conclusion 20 12.Sources Appendix I: Gazetteer of sites recorded on the regional HER Appendix II: List of sites recorded on the NMR Appendix III: Specification List of Figures Figure 1 Site of proposed development Figure 2 Listed buildings within 1km radius from the site Figure 3 Detail of listed buildings N of the site Figure 4 Detail of listed buildings S of the site Figure 5 Sites recorded on the regional HER Figure 6 &RXQW\6HULHVILUVWHGLWLRQVKRZLQJDSSUR[LPDWHORFDWLRQWRVLWH Figure 7 &RXQW\6HULHVVHFRQGHGLWLRQVKRZLQJDSSUR[LPDWHORFDWLRQWR VLWH i Plates Plate 1 Centre of the site. View to south Plate 2 View across eastern half of the site. View to south Plate 3 View across eastern half of the site. View to east Plate 4 View across eastern half of the site. View to north Plate 5 View across the site. View to SW Plate 6 View across western half of the site. View to E Plate 7 View along E dock. View to NW Plate 8 View along E dock. View to SE Plate 9 View to N from W half of the site Plate 10 View to S along the W boundary Plate 11 View to NW from the western corner of the site Plate 12 View towards the E from the W half of the site Copyright Notice: Archaeology Wales Ltd. retain copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, and have granted a licence to Asbri Planning Ltd, to use and reproduce the material contained within. The Ordnance Survey has granted Archaeology Wales Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100055111) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains otherwise with the Ordnance Survey. ii Summary In October 2015, Archaeology Wales was commissioned to carry out an archaeological Desk-Based Assessment, including a site visit, to determine the archaeological potential of the land at Schooner Way, Cardiff. The work was undertaken in advance of the submission of a planning application for a housing development in the area. No Registered Historic Landscape areas, Historic Parks & Gardens or Conservation Areas lie within the bounds of the proposed development site or within 1km radius from the site. Similarly, no Scheduled Ancient Monuments lie within a 1km radius of the proposed development area. The closest SAMs are Cardiff Castle (00102s) and the Roman fort (00101s) located c. 1.8 km NW from the site. These monuments will not be affected by the development. Eighty-seven Listed Buildings lie within a 1km radius of the proposed development site, eighty-four of which are Grade II buildings. The development is not considered to have visual impact on the Grade II listed site of Spillers and Bakers located 582m north from the proposed development or on the Grade II* Cardiff Bay Station situated c. 449m south from the site. The regional Historic Environment Record lists 71 sites of historical significance within a 1 km search area. No sites lie within the bounds of the proposed development area. The site proposed for development will not have a greater impact to adjacent HER sites than the impact that the adjacent residential area already has over these sites. One new site of archaeological interest (SW001) was noted within the area of proposed development during the course of the research. This is an engine house known to exist in the period between 1906 to 1950s. Suitable mitigation to safeguard the potential archaeological resource within the development area would be the provision of an archaeological watching brief during all intrusive groundworks 1 1 Introduction 1.1 In October 2015, Archaeology Wales (AW) was commissioned by of Asbri Planning Ltd, on behalf of their clients to undertake an archaeological desk-based assessment to investigate the heritage potential the land located to the east of Schooner Way and to the west of the Bute East Dock (NGR: ST19284 75271; Archaeology Wales Project 2386) (Figure 1). The work was undertaken in advance of the submission of a planning application for the development of a housing development in the area. 1.2 The proposed site is currently (October 2015) in the pre-planning stages of development. A Specification for the Desk-Based Assessment was produced by AW in October 2015 and approved by Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust (GGAT), who act as archaeological advisors to the local planning authority, City of Cardiff Council (CCC) (see Appendix III). 1.3 The purpose of the Desk-Based Assessment, which is detailed in the following report, is to provide CCC with the information they are likely to request in respect of the proposed development, the requirements for which are set out in Planning Policy WALES, July 2014, Section 6.5, and Welsh Office Circular 60/96. The work is to highlight and assess the impact upon standing and buried remains of potential archaeological interest and to ensure that they are fully investigated and recorded if they are disturbed or revealed as a result of subsequent activities associated with the development. 1.4 The proposed residential development site comprises a roughly rectangular shaped parcel of land located to the east of Schooner Way and to the west of the Bute East Dock (Figure 1). 2 Site Description 2.1 The proposed development area lies 1.5km to the south of Cardiff city centre (NGR: ST19284 75271). This site currently comprises a delimited area of wasteland bounded on the east by Bute East Dock, on the west by Schooner Way, to the south by a County Hall and to the north by Henke Court residential area. The proposed site has an area of approximately 1.05 ha. 2.2 Vehicular access to the site is currently gained from the north, off Henke Court. 2.3 The underlying geology falls within the Mercia Mudstone Group mainly composed of red mudstone and green-grey mudstone. Superficial deposits are defined by Alluvium deposits of clay, silt, sand and gravel. The location under development also integrates areas of artificial ground (BGS 2015). 2 3 Methodology 3.1 The methodology for this desk-based assessment follows that set out in the specification (Appendix III). 3.2 The primary objective is to assess the impact of the proposed development on the historic environment. This will help inform future decision making, design solutions and potential mitigation strategies. The aim is to make full and effective use of existing information in establishing the archaeological significance of the site, to elucidate the presence or absence of archaeological material, its character, distribution, extent, condition and relative significance. 3.3 The work includes a comprehensive assessment of regional context within which the archaeological evidence rests and aims to highlight any relevant research issues within national and regional research frameworks. 3.4 This report provides information of sufficient detail to allow informed planning decisions to be made which can safeguard the archaeological resource. Preservation in situ has been advocated where at all possible, but where engineering or other factors result in loss of archaeological deposits, preservation by record has been recommended. 3.5 This assessment considers the following: a) The nature, extent and degree of survival of archaeological sites, structures, deposits and landscapes within the study area through assessment of various readily available primary sources: 1. Collation and assessment of all relevant information held in the regional HER at Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust within a 1km radius from the centre of the development. 2. Collation and basic assessment of the impact on all Designated archaeological sites (Scheduled Ancient Monuments, Listed Buildings, Historic Parks & Gardens, Conservation Areas) within a 1km radius of the aforementioned area 3. Assessment of all available excavation report and archives including unpublished and unprocessed material affecting the site and its setting. 4. Assessment of all relevant extant aerial photographic (AP) evidence, including that held at the Central Register of Air Photography for Wales, in Cardiff and the Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments in Wales (RCAHMW), Aberystwyth. 5. All sources indexed in the County Archive. 6. Heritage Gateway sources. 7. Map regression analysis using all relevant cartographic sources e.g. All editions of the Ordnance Survey County Series, Tithe and early estate maps (as available). 8. Place name evidence. 3 9. Internet sourced satellite imagery. 10.Historic documents (e.g. Charters, registers, estate papers). b) The significance of any remains in their context both regionally and nationally and in light of the findings of the desk based study. 3.6 This work conforms to the Standard and Guidance for Archaeological Desk Based Assessment, as produced by the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA 2014).