Land, People and Politics Land, PeoPLe and PoLitics: contest oveR tRibaL Land in noRtheast india Editors Walter Fernandes sanjay BarBora North Eastern Social Research Centre International Workgroup for Indigenous Affairs 2008 Land, People and Politics: contest over tribal Land in northeast india Editors: Walter Fernandes and Sanjay Barbora Pages: 178 ISSN: 0105-4503 ISBN: 9788791563409 Language: English Index : 1. Indigenous peoples; 2. Land alienation; Acknowledgements 3. Northeast India; 4. Colonialism Geographical area: Asia Publication date: January 2009 cover design: Kazimuddin Ahmed, Panos South Asia This book is an outcome of collaboration between North Eastern Social Research Centre (NESRC), Panos South Asia and International Published by: North Eastern Social Research Centre 110 Kharghuli Road (1st floor) Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA). It is based on studies on Guwahati 781004 land alienation in different states of the Northeast done by a group of Assam, India researchers in 2005-2006. Some papers that were produced during that Tel. (+91-361) 2602819 study are included in this book while others are new and were written Email:
[email protected] Website: or revised for this publication. We are grateful to all the researchers for NESRC the hard work they have put into these papers. The study, as well as the book, was funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) Denmark. The study was coordinated by Artax Shimray. We are grateful Classensgade 11E DK-2100 Copenhagen to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark for financial support for this Denmark book. We are grateful to IWGIA particularly Christian Erni and Christina Nilsson for their support.