Page 1 of 5 Urban Forest Strategy Strategy: Suggested Tree Species The City of Armadale’s Urban Forest Strategy strengthens the diverse landscape character of the City encompassing appropriate landscape planning and showcasing the City’s botanic heritage. This summary highlights the relevance of the Urban Each precinct has a preferred tree species list, Forest Strategy to landscaping in the City and how the summarised below, which strengthens the landscape community and developers can distinguish the City as character of the area. The full list, and other a ‘tree change’ destination outside of Perth. The full information, is found in the full Urban Forest Strategy. strategy is available on the City of Armadale website. The Urban Forest Strategy divides the City of Armadale into four precincts (Figure 1): • The Swan Coastal Plain • Armadale Strategic Metropolitan Centre • Kelmscott Town Centre • Hills Precinct Map Figure 1 Urban Forest Strategy Precincts (p53 Urban Forest Strategy) 7 Orchard Avenue Armadale T: (08) 9394 5000 Western Australia 6112 F: (08) 9394 5184 Locked Bag 2 Armadale
[email protected] Western Australia 6992 Page 2 of 5 Urban Forest Strategy Summary: Suggested Tree Species (continued) Swan Coastal Plain Precinct suggested Eucalyptus drummondii tree species Eucalyptus foecunda Below is a list of suggested tree species to comprise the Ficus benjamina ‘Midnight Beauty’ urban forest of the Swan Coastal Plain Precinct (page 99 Urban Forest Strategy). Fraxinus griffithii Fraxinus ‘Raywoodii’ Local