A New Species of Lepraria
Muelleria 23: 15–143 (2006) A Conspectus of the Western Australian Bossiaea species (Bossiaeeae: Fabaceae) J. H. Ross National Herbarium of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens, Birdwood Avenue, South Yarra 3141, Australia. Abstract An overview is provided of the Western Australian species of Bossiaea. Thirty-eight species are recognised of which the following are described here as new: B. arcuata, B. atrata, B. aurantiaca, B. barbarae, B. barrettiorum, B. calcicola, B. celata, B. eremaea, B. flexuosa, B. inundata, B. laxa, B. saxosa, B. simulata and B. smithiorum. Descriptions, distribution maps, and a key to identification are provided and most species are illustrated. Attention is drawn to a number of entities whose taxonomic status awaits clarification. Lectotypes are selected for B. concinna Benth., B. dentata (R.Br.) Benth. var. latifolia Benth., B. dentata var. hastata Benth., B. disticha Lindl., B. divaricata Turcz., B. eriocarpa Benth., B. eriocarpa var. eriocalyx Benth., B. eriocarpa var. planifolia Domin, B. gilbertii Turcz., B. lalagoides F.Muell., B. linophylla R.Br., B. nervosa Meisn., B. ovalifolia Endl., B. oxyclada Turcz., B. peduncularis Turcz., B. preissii Meisn., B. rigida Turcz., B. sulcata Meisn., B. walkeri F.Muell., B. webbii F.Muell., Lalage acuminata Meisn., L. angustifolia Meisn., L. hoveifolia Benth., L. ornata Lindl., L. stipularis Meisn., Platylobium spinosum Turcz., Scottia angustifolia Lindl., S. dentata R.Br. and S. laevis Lindl. A neotype is selected for B. leptacantha E. Pritz. Introduction The genus Bossiaea, as presently understood, is represented in Western Australia by thirty-eight species, more species than occur in the remainder of Australia. Of the species found in Western Australia, only B.
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