Sequential Test 5880

The Bell Public House 36 Frogmore Road Blackwater Camberley GU17 0NP

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB

Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

Document Issue Record

Project: Sequential Test

Prepared for: Camberley Bell Ltd

Reference: 5878

Site Location: The Bell Public House, 36 Frogmore Road, Blackwater, Camberley GU17 0NP

Proposed Development: It is understood that the development is for the demolition of the existing building (vacant public house) and construction of a new dementia care home.

Consultant Date Signature

Author Oliver Harvey 10/12/2020

Document Check Lydia Sayers 15/12/2020

Authorisation Steven Brown 18/12/2020

Please Note:

This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the commissioning party and may not be reproduced without prior written permission from Ambiental Environmental Assessment. All work has been carried out within the terms of the brief using all reasonable skill, care and diligence. No liability is accepted by AMBIENTAL for the accuracy of data or opinions provided by others in the preparation of this report, or for any use of this report other than for the purpose for which it was produced.

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Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB i

Reference: 5880 Final v1.0


1. Introduction ...... 3 Background ...... 3 Scope of Report ...... 3 2. Proposed Development and Location ...... 5 3. Flood Risk ...... 6 4. Definition of Study Area ...... 8 Council – 5 Year Housing Land Supply ...... 8 5. Reviewed sites ...... 10 Methodology ...... 10 Shortlisted Sites ...... 11 6. Conclusion ...... 15 Review of All Sites Constraints Flow Diagram

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB ii Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

1. Introduction Background 1.1 Ambiental Environmental Assessment has been appointed by Camberley Bell Ltd to undertake a National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) compliant Sequential Test (ST) for the proposed development at The Bell Public House, 36 Frogmore Road, Blackwater, Camberley GU17 0NP.

1.2 The site consists of a public house and outbuildings, which are no longer in use. The site is located on the corner of Frogmore Road and Bell Lane and is located in an area consisting of residential and community use. The site has parking to the front of the public house and vehicular access over a piece of common land to a double garage off Bell Lane.

1.3 The proposals consist of the demolition of the existing public house and outbuildings in order to build a new specialist dementia care home providing 19 beds. The existing access off Frogmore Road and Bell Lane will be used for vehicular and pedestrian access.

1.4 The EA Flood Map for Planning demonstrates that the proposed development lies within Fluvial Flood Zones 1, 2, and 3 (with a low, medium and high probability of flooding, respectively). The proposed dwelling will be located in Flood Zone 1.

1.5 A sequential test is used to establish whether there are any other sites at a lower flood risk that would be available for the proposed development.

1.6 Wherever possible, development must be directed to a site in the lowest flood risk zone. If the development is planned in a higher risk zone, flood management and mitigation measures may be required to reduce risks to an acceptable level, for the specific use in question.

1.7 The Sequential Test requires a demonstration that the residual risk, with respect to flood management and mitigation measures, is acceptable. The potential for climate change over the life of the development must also be considered.

1.8 As such, Ambiental have been appointed to undertake a Sequential Test for the proposed development site. Scope of Report 1.9 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires that any proposed development situated within a floodplain is subject to stringent and prudent regulations – with a view to employing engineering solutions to reduce flood risk to a minimum, even under a ‘worst-case scenario’ flood event.

1.10 This Sequential Test has been undertaken in accordance with the current flooding guidance found in the NPPF and the Sequential Test Results Table presented within the EA Standing Advice Development and Flood Risk – , published in April 2015.

1.11 Further, this document has also been prepared in line with the Planning Practice Guide, Flood Risk and coastal change1 (March 2014). With specific refence to Paragraph: 033 Reference ID: 7-033-20140306,


Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

which provides guidance for ‘applying the Sequential Test to individual planning applications.’ The guidance states:

The Sequential Test does not need to be applied for individual developments on sites which have been allocated in development plans through the Sequential Test, or for applications for minor development or change of use (except for a change of use to a caravan, camping or chalet site, or to a mobile home or park home site).

Nor should it normally be necessary to apply the Sequential Test to development proposals in Flood Zone 1 (land with a low probability of flooding from rivers or the sea), unless the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment for the area, or other more recent information, indicates there may be flooding issues now or in the future (for example, through the impact of climate change).

For individual planning applications where there has been no sequential testing of the allocations in the development plan, or where the use of the site being proposed is not in accordance with the development plan, the area to apply the Sequential Test across will be defined by local circumstances relating to the catchment area for the type of development proposed. For some developments this may be clear, for example, the catchment area for a school. In other cases it may be identified from other Local Plan policies, such as the need for affordable housing within a town centre, or a specific area identified for regeneration. For example, where there are large areas in Flood Zones 2 and 3 (medium to high probability of flooding) and development is needed in those areas to sustain the existing community, sites outside them are unlikely to provide reasonable alternatives.

When applying the Sequential Test, a pragmatic approach on the availability of alternatives should be taken. For example, in considering planning applications for extensions to existing business premises it might be impractical to suggest that there are more suitable alternative locations for that development elsewhere. For nationally or regionally important infrastructure the area of search to which the Sequential Test could be applied will be wider than the local planning authority boundary.

Any development proposal should take into account the likelihood of flooding from other sources, as well as from rivers and the sea. The sequential approach to locating development in areas at lower flood risk should be applied to all sources of flooding, including development in an area which has critical drainage problems, as notified to the local planning authority by the Environment Agency, and where the proposed location of the development would increase flood risk elsewhere.

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

2. Proposed Development and Location 2.1 The proposed development is located at The Bell Public House, 36 Frogmore Road, Blackwater, Camberley GU17 0NP (Figure 1).

2.2 The proposals consist of the demolition of the existing public house and outbuildings in order to build a new specialist dementia care home. Existing access off Frogmore Road and Bell Lane will be used for vehicular and pedestrian access.

2.3 The EA Flood Map for Planning (Figure 2) demonstrates that the proposed development partially lies within Fluvial Flood Zones 1, 2, and 3. 2.4 An EA main river (the Baileys Stream) is located approximately 100m to the south-east of the site. The Cypress Stream is located approximately 400m to the north west of the site. The Cypress Stream is also classified as an EA main river. The main flood risk to the site appears to be from the Cypress Stream.

Figure 1 Location Map, identifying the location of the proposed development (Source: OS)

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

3. Flood Risk 3.1 A separate Flood Risk Assessment (Ambiental ref: 5878) has been undertaken and should be read in conjunction with the Sequential Test. Full details regarding flood risk can be found within the FRA, a summary of key points has been included below.

3.2 The EA Flood Map for Planning demonstrates that the proposed development lies within Fluvial Flood Zones 1, 2, and 3 (Figure 2) with a low, medium and high probability of flooding, respectively). The proposed dwelling will be located in Flood Zone 1.

3.3 An EA main river (the Baileys Stream) is located approximately 100m to the south-east of the site. The Cypress Stream is located approximately 400m to the north west of the site. The Cypress Stream is also classified as an EA main river. The main flood risk to the site appears to be from the Cypress Stream.

Figure 2 EA Flood Map for Planning (Source: EA)

3.4 The EA have provided modelled outputs (P5, 6 and 7) from the Blackwater Tribs Model 8 - Bailey Stream 2012 for the 1 in 5 (20% AEP); 1 in 20 (5% AEP); 1 in 75 (1.3% AEP); 1 in 100 (1% AEP), 1 in 100+20% (1% AEP with climate change) and 1 in 1000 (0.1% AEP) scenarios.

3.5 The 1 in 100 year maximum flood level on site is 64.38mAOD. Flood depths on site are generally very low at under 0.1m. Figure 6 demonstrates that the majority of flood depths on site do not exceed 0.04m.

3.6 The proposed development should utilise the +35% and +70% climate change allowances. Given the sites location in Flood Zone 2 and proposals, the higher central allowance (+35%) has been deemed suitable as a design flood level.

3.7 Accordingly, Ambiental requested the detailed hydraulic model for the area from the EA. Ambiental then applied a multiplication factor of 1.35 to the 1 in 100 year (1% AEP) hydrograph in order to simulate the 1% AEP plus 35% climate change event.

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

3.8 The 1:100 +35% year maximum flood level on site is 64.40mAOD. Flood depths on site are generally very low at under 0.1m. Figure 10 of the Flood Risk Assessment (Ambiental ref: 5878) demonstrates that most flood depths on site do not exceed 0.06m.

3.9 Neither the Environment Agency nor the Hart District Council Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA, 2016) contain any evidence to suggest the site has been subject to fluvial flooding in the past.

3.10 Based on the above analysis, the risk of flooding to the site can be considered moderate. However, it should be noted that flood depths during the 1:100 year and 1:100 +35%CC event would remain low (generally under 0.1m) and can be mitigated against.

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

4. Definition of Study Area 4.1 The NPPF Planning Practice Guidance (Paragraph: 033 Reference ID: 7-033-2014030) was referred to for guidance regarding the selection of the Sequential Test ‘Study Area’.

“For individual planning applications where there has been no sequential testing of the allocations in the development plan, or where the use of the site being proposed is not in accordance with the development plan, the area to apply the Sequential Test across will be defined by local circumstances relating to the catchment area for the type of development proposed. For some developments this may be clear, for example, the catchment area for a school. In other cases it may be identified from other Local Plan policies, such as the need for affordable housing within a town centre, or a specific area identified for regeneration. For example, where there are large areas in Flood Zones 2 and 3 (medium to high probability of flooding) and development is needed in those areas to sustain the existing community, sites outside them are unlikely to provide reasonable alternatives.”

MHCLG, 2014, Guidance Flood Risk and coastal change. “Applying the Sequential Test to individual planning applications”

4.2 The area, identified as the ‘study area’, is within the Hart District Council borough area. The Sequential Test ‘Study Area’ is defined by the Local Planning Authority.

4.3 The Hart Local Plan (Strategy and Sites) 2032, adopted on 30 April 2020, sets out a housing requirement of 423 homes per annum over the plan period 2014 to 2032 (Policy SS1). To establish a housing requirement over the next five years it is necessary to consider completions since 2014 (the start of the Plan period).

4.4 Ambiental has reviewed the relevant documents in Hart District Council’s Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment documents (2018). Ambiental have considered all available sites available in the 2018 SHELAA. A list of all reviewed sites is shown in Appendix 1, which includes suitability criteria with respect to the proposed development. Hart District Council – 5 Year Housing Land Supply 4.5 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), revised in February 2019, requires local planning authorities to identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide a minimum of five years’ worth of housing against their housing requirement set out in adopted strategic policies, or against their local housing need where the strategic policies are more than five years old.

4.6 Hart District Council have published their Annual Monitoring Report ‘Five Year Housing Land Supply from 1 April 2020’ which assesses the housing land supply position.

4.7 The Annual Monitoring Report sets out Hart District’s five-year supply of housing land at 1 April 2020. It is based on an annual requirement of 423 homes in the Hart Local Plan: Strategy and Sites 2032, adopted on 30 April 2020. The report demonstrates that Hart has a five-year supply of 2,590 homes, or 10.1 years supply.

4.8 One of the Hart Local Plan: Strategy and Sites 2032 main objectives is to provide new homes of a mix of types, sizes and tenures to meet the current and future needs of Hart’s residents, including affordable housing; new homes and care accommodation to meet the needs of an ageing population, and homes for other specialist groups.

4.9 The Hart Local Plan: Strategy and Sites 2032 states that over the plan period there is likely to be a very substantial increase in the number of older people residing within the District. The projected increase for

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

the number of people aged 75+ years is relatively large, compared to the South East as a whole, or to the national average. As people age there is likely to be an increased requirement for specially adapted housing and care accommodation to address their health-related problems.

4.10 Housing for older persons covers a spectrum of needs, from sheltered housing (where residents live mainly independent lives whilst sharing some communal facilities) through to extra care housing and care homes, where a level of personal health care is typically provided (Source: Hart Local Plan: Strategy and Sites 2032).

4.11 The 2016 SHMA estimates potential requirements for sheltered, extra care and residential care housing for the period 2014-2035. Most of the requirement is for sheltered (52 units per annum), enhanced sheltered (14 units per annum) and extra care housing (8 units per annum). This provision can be considered to be part of the mainstream requirement for housing. The need for residential care (33 units per annum) and nursing care (22 units per annum) is additional to the housing requirement set out in Policy SS1 and is typically Use Class C2 (Residential Institutional Uses) in planning terms.

4.12 Policy H4 applies to all specialist and supported accommodation proposals, whether these fall into Use Class C2 (Residential institutions) or C3 (Dwelling houses), or they provide a mixture of both types of residential use. Where proposals include C3 uses, which allow for independent living, the proposed mix of housing tenures, sizes and property types will be assessed in terms of Policy H1. Affordable housing provision will also be expected in relation to C3 uses in accordance with Policy H2.

4.13 Sequentially, sites within settlements are the preferred choice for meeting needs particularly at locations close to services and facilities. However, where there is proven unmet need, particularly for C2 accommodation (for which there is a need additional to general housing needs) specialist accommodation may, where justified, be permitted on suitable sites outside settlement boundaries. A proportionate level of evidence should demonstrate that there are no suitable sites within defined settlements, that are in the vicinity of the application site (it will not be necessary to investigate all settlements in the district). Such developments would need appropriate access to the necessary services (for residents and staff) and be well related to an existing settlement, for example in terms of impact on landscape, heritage assets, and the setting of the settlement. The nature of the care to be provided and the level of facilities proposed on the site will be important considerations in determining whether a proposed development will have suitable access to appropriate services (Source: Hart Local Plan: Strategy and Sites 2032).

4.14 Hart District Council can currently demonstrate a surplus of housing land over the next five years (Annual Monitoring Report sets out Hart District’s five-year supply of housing land at 1 April 2020). However, Ambiental acknowledges the requirements of the Sequential Test, the current surplus 5-year housing supply, the need for specialist nursing homes (specifically dementia beds) in the UK as a whole and therefore seeks to work proactively with the Council and bring the site forward for development. This Sequential Test has been produced to demonstrate this is a sustainable location for a care home, subject to the Exception Test.

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

5. Reviewed sites 5.1 The Sequential Test undertaken by Ambiental reviewed 156 sites detailed in the Hart SHLAA (2017) from the Deliverable, Developable and Potentially Developable sub-categories. Based on their planning merits, environmental credentials, general suitability and likelihood that they would be available to the developer.

5.2 It is understood that the Council’s Housing and Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) should form the basis for identifying potential alternative sites for the development within the Borough. Additional research should also be conducted to identify possible sites not included within the Council’s documents.

5.3 As such, Ambiental have reviewed the following LPA document to identify alternative sites:

• Hart District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017 (Published Feb 2018)

5.4 Ambiental have reviewed the Hart SHLAA (2017) to identify sites within the defined study area of Hart District Council, that are of a similar size to the proposed development site. The Hart SHLAA (2017) has undertaken a high-level review of the ‘Call for Sites’ and identified 156 sites to be included within the SHLAA. Excluded sites were discounted based on site size, boundaries, estimated housing capacity/development potential, current land use, character of surrounding area, suitability, availability, achievability and deliverability.

5.5 As part of the Sequential Test, Ambiental set out criteria for determining suitability and availability, against which all the shortlisted sites were reviewed to determine if these could at the time of writing be deemed ‘available and suitable’. Methodology 5.6 For sites to be considered ‘reasonably available, alternative’ sites for the proposed development, they should be of a similar size, capacity and fulfil a similar purpose to that of the proposed development. All the sites were analysed for ‘suitability’ and ‘availability’ against four initial conditions in numerical order, therefore sites would need to meet condition 1 to then be reviewed for condition 2 and so on. Failure at any condition deemed the site to fail that test.

5.7 If no data was available to assess a site under a particular condition, it automatically passed that particular condition. If a site was deemed to pass all three conditions, it was then shortlisted for further review within this report.

5.8 Analysis has been initially performed across Hart District area. Suitable and available sites at Borough level are those that pass Conditions 1 to 4.

• Condition 1- Site Size

The existing site is approximately 0.12Ha, which includes the proposed development and parking provision. Hart District Council SHLAA (2017) allocated sites have been reviewed for locations of a similar size to that proposed, plus or minus 30%. However, if the proposed development were to occur on a site which is 30% smaller than that of the existing site, the density would be significantly increased, and the number of required parking spaces would not be met. As such, the range of 15% smaller and 30% bigger than that of the existing site was deemed to be appropriate. An additional 0.15ha has also been added onto the upper end limit. This results in a size range of 0.1Ha to 0.3Ha. Condition 1 is assessed at borough level.

• Condition 2- Flood Zone

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

The Sequential Test aims to relocate development to areas of lower flood risk. Sites within Flood Zone 3 were discounted as having the same flood risk than that of the proposed development. This includes sites that are partially located within Flood Zone 3. Given that the overarching goal of the Sequential Test is to redirect developments to areas at lower risk of flooding all sites have been assessed against this condition. This condition has been examined only once Condition 1 has been met.

• Condition 3 – Surface Water Flood Risk

The Sequential Test aims to relocate development to areas of lower flood risk. Given proposed site use (specialised care) there is some restrictions on what mitigation measures can be implemented (for example, thresholds or FFLs cannot be raised because level access/wheelchair access is required). The existing site is shown to be at very low risk of flooding from this source, given that the overarching goal of the Sequential Test is to redirect developments to areas at lower risk of flooding, sites at risk from surface water flooding were therefore discounted. This condition has been examined only once Condition 1 and 2 has been met.

• Condition 4- Availability

Hart District Council’s latest SHLAA was published in 2018. If allocated sites pass Conditions 1, 2 and 3 above, they are further examined to determine if the site is available. Any sites that have had planning permission granted (outline or full) within the last 5 years or have planning permission pending are considered to be unavailable and therefore fail Condition 4. Condition 4 is assessed at borough level. Shortlisted Sites 5.9 Out of the 179 sites detailed in the SHLAA from the ‘Deliverable’, ‘Developable’ and ‘Potentially Developable’ sub-categories and 34 sites within the ‘Excluded’ category only 6 sites passed all 4 of the initial conditions. The majority of the sites were found to fail on condition 1 by virtue of being too large, which would result in an inefficient use of space. 1 site was found as part of a Rightmove assessment. Table 1 below lists the 11 sites that were found to be a similar size. The full Sequential test is provided in Appendix I.

Ref Size Address SHLAA Comment - Suitability Condition (ha) SHL332 0.25 Land on Policy Constraints Passed all initial Church Lane, The site is situated in the countryside, outside the conditions opposite The settlement boundary as shown in the adopted Local Plan Moves forward for Old Laundry (Replacement) 1996-2006. further investigation and Crumplins, Physical Church Lane, The site is within Flood zone 1 (lowest risk of fluvial flooding) and Dogmersfield, has limited potential for groundwater flooding. Hook, Landscape, nature and heritage , There are no Scheduled Monuments, Historic Parks and Gardens, RG27 8SZ Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation, National Nature Reserves, Local Nature Reserves, Common Land, Tree Preservation Orders or Public Rights of Way in the vicinity of the site or close enough to be affected by development at this site. The site is entirely within a Conservation Area and there are several listed buildings nearby, including some in close proximity. The site is within 5km of the SPA. Environmental/amenity impacts n/a Other

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

Potentially some high grade (grade 3) agricultural land (best and most versatile) within the site. SHL192 0.21 140-150 Fleet Policy Constraints Passed all initial Road, Fleet The site is situated within Fleet settlement boundary as shown in conditions the adopted Local Plan (Replacement) 1996-2006. Moves forward for Physical further investigation The site is within flood zone 1 (lowest risk of fluvial flooding) and there is limited potential for groundwater flooding. Landscape, nature and heritage There are no Scheduled Monuments, Historic Parks and Gardens, Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation, National Nature Reserves, Local Nature Reserves, Special Protection Areas, Tree Preservation Orders, listed buildings or Public Rights of Way in the vicinity of the site or close enough to be affected by development at this site. The site is within 5km of the SPA. Environmental/amenity impacts n/a SHL322 0.23 Fleet Town Policy Constraints Passed all initial Centre (Police The site is situated within Fleet settlement boundary as shown in conditions Station) the adopted Local Plan (Replacement) 1996-2006. Moves forward for Physical further investigation The site is within flood zone 1 and has limited potential for groundwater flooding. Landscape, nature and heritage There are no listed buildings, Scheduled Monuments, Conservation Area, Historic Parks and Gardens, Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation, National Nature Reserves or Local Nature Reserves in the vicinity of the site or close enough to be affected by development at this site. There is an area-based Tree Preservation Order (TPO) adjacent to the site. The site is within 5km of the Special Protection Area (SPA). Environmental/amenity impacts n/a SHL200 0.29 Scrapyard, Policy Constraints Passed all initial Totters Lane, The site is situated in the countryside, outside the settlement conditions Potbridge, boundary as shown in the adopted Local Plan (Replacement) 1996- Moves forward for , Hook, 2006. further investigation RG29 1JW Physical The site is within Flood zone 1 (lowest risk of flooding). Part of the site has potential for groundwater flooding at the surface. Landscape, nature and heritage There are no Tree Preservation Orders, Historic Parks and Gardens, SINCs, Scheduled Monuments, National Nature Reserves, or Local Nature Reserves on site or in close proximity to the site. Odiham Common with Bagwell Green and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is located in close proximity to the site. To the north of the site is Valley End listed building Grade II. Environmental/amenity impacts The site is within 5km of the SPA. Other Along the northern boundary of the site is a public right of way SHL216 0.29 Land adjacent Policy Constraints Fails at Condition 3 to James Farm The site is situated in the countryside, outside the settlement Site is located in an Cottages, West boundary as shown in the adopted Local Plan (Replacement) 1996- area at risk from Green Road, 2006. surface water Hartley Physical flooding and Wintney, RG27 The site is located within flood zone 1 (lowest risk of fluvial therefore, the site is 8JL flooding). Most of the site is at risk of surface water flooding. not necessarily at a Landscape, nature and heritage lower risk of flooding There are no Scheduled Monuments, Historic Parks and Gardens, Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation, National Nature

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

Reserves, Local Nature Reserves, Common Land, Tree Preservation Orders or Public Rights of Way in the vicinity of the site or close enough to be affected by development at this site. There is a Site of Special Scientific Interest a few hundred metres to the north of the site. The site is within 5km of the SPA. There are Conservation areas nearby to the west and east of the site. Environmental/amenity impacts n/a SHL070 0.25 Stables at Lees Policy Constraints Passed all initial Cottage, South The site is situated in the countryside, outside the South conditions Warnborough Warnborough settlement boundary as shown in the adopted Local Moves forward for Plan (Replacement) 1996-2006. further investigation Physical The site is within Flood zone 1 (lowest risk of fluvial flooding) and has limited potential for groundwater flooding. Landscape, nature and heritage There are no Scheduled Monuments, Historic Parks and Gardens, Sites of Special Scientific Interest, National Nature Reserves, Local Nature Reserves, Common Land, Tree Preservation Orders or Public Rights of Way in the vicinity of the site or close enough to be affected by development at this site. The site is within a Conservation Area and there are several listed buildings nearby including one adjacent to the site. Environmental/amenity impacts RAF Odiham is located approximately 1.7km to the northeast of the site and therefore noise mitigation could be required. Other The site comprises of high grade (grade 3) agricultural land.

5.10 As can be seen from the analysis, five potential reasonably available alternative sites have been found as part of the Sequential Test. These sites have been bought forward for a more detailed investigation into whether they are suitable for the proposed development.

5.11 Sites SHL332, SHL200 and SHL070 meet the initial requirements, however the Hart Local Plan: Strategy and Sites 2032 Policy H4 states that sites within settlements are the preferred choice for meeting needs particularly at locations close to services and facilities. Site SHL332 is situated in the countryside, outside the Dogmersfield. Site SHL200 is situated in the countryside, outside the settlement boundary and Site SHL070 is situated in the countryside, outside the settlement boundary. As such, these three sites have been discounted as potential alternatives.

5.12 SHL192 is currently a car park located within the settlement boundary of Fleet. The access road, onto Fleet Road, is located within an area of ‘high’ surface water flood risk. A planning application 18/02321/FUL was submitted in 2018 for the construction of three storey building comprising 14 flats. The application was refused on 30 April 2020 citing townscape issues, excessive scale/proportions and that the development, either alone or in combination with other plans or projects, would be likely to have a significant adverse effect on the SPA and therefore was deemed to be unacceptable. It is not currently clear whether an amended planning application is to be submitted addressing the issues raised by the council. Given the constraints, and uncertainties around the availability of the site, it has been excluded as a potential alternative.

5.13 SHL322 had an outlined application (19/00654/OUT) withdrawn in June 2020 for the construction of 30 apartments for older people and associated facilities. A full planning application (19/02659/FUL) was submitted in Nov 2019 for the demolition of existing building and redevelopment of the site to form 31 retirement apartments. This application is currently at appeal (as of 9th December 2020) having been

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

refused based on the fact that the development would not provide an adequate level or affordable design, not achieve a high-quality design or positively contribute to the overall appearance of the area and the plans would likely have a significant adverse effect on the SPA. Given the application is currently at Appeal, awaiting a decision, the site is not considered to be available and therefore has been discounted and a potential alternative.

5.14 Based on the analysis within the report it has been shown that there are no suitable and available sites for the proposed development at lower risk of flooding. Under Policy H4 and point 286 of the Hart Local Plan, proposals such as care homes (class C2) are said to be acceptable on a case-by-case basis. The site would be well serviced by the local network of convenience stores, pharmacies, doctors’ surgeries (Hartley Corner Surgery), hairdressers and other community buildings. The closest elderly care home is Willow Gardens Care Village in . There are no care facilities in the Blackwater area serving the and Frogmore constituencies. Given the nature of care and the level of facilities to be provided, the proposed development is deemed to have passed the Sequential Test.

5.15 The Sequential test is provided in Appendix I.

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

6. Conclusion 6.1 Ambiental Environmental Assessment has been appointed by Camberley Bell Ltd to undertake a National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) compliant Sequential Test (ST) for the proposed development at The Bell Public House, 36 Frogmore Road, Blackwater, Camberley GU17 0NP.

6.2 The proposals consist of the demolition of the existing vacant public house and outbuildings in order to build a new specialist dementia care home providing 19 beds. Existing access off Frogmore Road and Bell Lane will be used for vehicular and pedestrian access.

6.3 The area identified as the ‘study area’ is the Hart District Council borough area. The Sequential Test ‘Study Area’ is defined by the Local Planning Authority.

6.4 The Hart Local Plan: Strategy and Sites 2032 states that over the plan period there is likely to be a very substantial increase in the number of older people residing within the District. The projected increase for the number of people aged 75+ years is relatively large, compared to the South East as a whole, or to the national average. As people age there is likely to be an increased requirement for specially adapted housing and care accommodation to address their health-related problems.

6.5 Hart District Council can currently demonstrate a surplus of housing land over the next five years. However, Ambiental acknowledges the requirements of the Sequential Test, the current surplus 5-year housing supply, the huge need for specialist nursing homes (specifically dementia beds) in the UK as a whole and therefore seeks to work proactively with the Council and bring the site forward for development. This Sequential Test has been produced to demonstrate this is a sustainable location for a care home, subject to the Exception Test.

6.6 Ambiental have reviewed the Hart SHLAA (2017) to identify sites within the defined study area of Hart, that are of a similar size to the proposed development site. The Hart SHLAA (2017) has undertaken a high-level review of the ‘Call for Sites’ and identified 156 sites to be included within the SHLAA. Excluded sites were discounted based on site size, boundaries, estimated housing capacity/development potential, current land use, character of surrounding area, suitability, availability, achievability and deliverability.

6.7 Based on the analysis within the report it has been shown that there are no suitable and available sites for the proposed development at lower risk of flooding. Under Policy H4 and point 286 of the Hart Local Plan, proposals such as care homes (class C2) are said to be acceptable on a case-by-case basis. The site would be well serviced by the local network of convenience stores, pharmacies, doctors’ surgeries (Hartley Corner Surgery), hairdressers and other community buildings. The closest elderly care home is Willow Gardens Care Village in Yateley. There are no care facilities in the Blackwater area serving the Darby Green and Frogmore constituencies. Given the nature of care and the level of facilities to be provided, the proposed development is deemed to have passed the Sequential Test.

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

Review of All Sites

Condition 1- the site size is within -15% and +30% of that proposed

Condition 2- the site is within Flood Zone 1

Condition 3 – site is not at risk from surface water

Condition 4- development has not begun since publication of SHLAA (2017)

Site Ref Site Name Location Site Condition availability

SHL176 Hawley House, Hawley Blackwater and Hawley 1 SHL303 Frogmore Community College Blackwater and Hawley ✓ 1 SHL078 The Bagwell Fields Broad Oak ✓ 1 SHL079 Land south of Hamilton House, Odiham Broad Oak ✓ 1 SHL074 Land north west of Crondall ✓ 1 SHL076 Parsonage Meadow, Crondall Crondall ✓ 1 SHL159 Land at Dippenhall Street, Crondall Crondall ✓ 1 SHL178 Broden Stables and Stable Yard Crondall ✓ 1 SHL053 Land at Stroud Lane, Crookham Village ✓ 1, 2, 3 SHL116 Cross Farm, Crookham Village Crookham Village ✓ 1, 2, 3 SHL158 Crondall House, Fleet Crookham Village 1 SHL015 Land opposite Church Rise, Dogmersfield Dogmersfield ✓ 1 SHL054 Land adj. to Dogmersfield Primary School Dogmersfield ✓ 1 SHL055 Land at Church Lane, Dogmersfield Dogmersfield ✓ 1 SHL332 Land opposite Old Laundry, Dogmersfield Dogmersfield ✓ passed SHL356 Land opposite The Cottage, Dogmersfield Dogmersfield ✓ 1 SHL026 Land north of Reading Road, ✓ 1 SHL112 CEMEX, Eversley Eversley Centre ✓ 1 SHL127 Land at Paul’s Field, Eversley Eversley Centre ✓ 1 SHL247 Land north of Hollybush Lane, Eversley Eversley Centre ✓ 1 SHL023 Land west of March Lane, Eversley ✓ 1 SHL122 Land west of Fielders, Eversley Eversley Cross ✓ 1 SHL246 Area B, Land at Eversley Cross Eversley Cross ✓ 1, 2 SHL022 Land at Warbrook House, Eversley Eversley Street ✓ 1 SHL140 Land off Warbrook Lane Eversley Street ✓ 1 SHL080 Tanglewood, Ewshot ✓ 1 SHL028 26/32 Bowenhurst Road, Fleet Fleet 1 SHL036 Dachs Lodge, Redfields, Fleet ✓ 1 SHL041 Imac Systems, Fleet Fleet ✓ 1 SHL042 Camden Walk, Fleet Fleet 4 SHL050 Waterfront Business Park, Fleet Fleet 1 SHL052 Land adjacent to Pale Lane Farm Fleet ✓ 1 SHL081 Vertu, Beacon Hill Road, Church Fleet ✓ 1, 2 Crookham SHL090 Stillers Farm, Ewshot Fleet ✓ 1

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

SHL104 Land at Elvetham Heath Fleet ✓ 1 SHL113 Thurlston House Fleet ✓ 1 SHL153 Brook House, Fleet Fleet ✓ 1, 2 SHL166 Land west of Ewshot Lane Fleet ✓ 1 SHL192 140-150 Fleet Road, Fleet Fleet ✓ passed SHL195 Lismoyne Hotel, 45 Church Road, Fleet Fleet ✓ 1 SHL208 Admiral House, Fleet Fleet ✓ 1 SHL234 Land east of Redfields Lane Fleet ✓ 1 SHL235 Land at Willow Croft, Church Crookham Fleet ✓ 1 SHL245 Land at 154-158 Albert Street and Fleet Fleet 4 Road SHL275 Land at Little Mead, Fleet Fleet 1 SHL320 Fleet Town Centre Zone 2 Fleet 1 SHL322 Fleet Town Centre (Police Station) Fleet passed SHL354 Redfields Court, Fleet Fleet ✓ 1 SHL355 Oaklands Farm, Ewshot Fleet ✓ 1 SHL357 Land at Sankey Lane, Fleet Fleet ✓ 1 SHL100 Sun Park, Guillemont Park North Guillemont ✓ 1, 2 SHL045 Land at Riverside Farm ✓ 1, 2 SHL097 Land adj. to Calthorpe Houses, Hartfordbridge ✓ 1 Hartfordbridge SHL155 Land at Hare’s Farm, Hartfordbridge ✓ 1 SHL019 Land at Grange Farm, Hartley Wintney Hartley Wintney ✓ 1 SHL035 Land south of Thackhams Lane Hartley Wintney ✓ 1 SHL089 Land adj. to Causeway Green Hartley Wintney ✓ 1 SHL094 Land adj. to Causeway Farm, Hartley Hartley Wintney ✓ 1 Wintney SHL132 Wintney Court, Hartley Wintney ✓ 1 SHL177 Land at Croft Lane, Hartley Wintney Hartley Wintney ✓ 1 SHL157 Land at Chamberlains Meadow, Heckfield ✓ 1 SHL257 Land north of New Inn, Heckfield Heckfield ✓ 1 SHL259 Land north of Cemetry, Heckfield Heckfield ✓ 1 SHL003 Land at Searles Farm, Hook Hook ✓ 1, 2 SHL004 Land at Totters Farm, Hook Hook ✓ 1, 2, 3 SHL005 Land north-west of Hook Hook ✓ 1, 2 SHL006 Land at Holt Lane, Hook Hook ✓ 1, 2, 3 SHL009 Land off Hop Garden Road, Hook Hook ✓ 1 SHL038 Rawlings, Hook Hook ✓ 1 SHL111 Hook Garden Centre, Reading Road Hook ✓ 1, 2, 3 SHL130 Land west of Varndell Road Hook ✓ 1 SHL173 Owens Farm, Hook Hook ✓ 1, 3 SHL210 Holt Farm, Holt Lane, Hook Hook ✓ 1 SHL211 Land behind Holt Farm, Holt Lane Hook ✓ 1, 2, 3 SHL212 Land at Scotland Farm Hook ✓ 1, 2 SHL294 Land to the rear of Hook Garden Centre Hook ✓ 1, 2 SHL239 Land at Vicarage Lane, Hound Green ✓ 1 SHL240 Strawberry Field, Hound Green Hound Green ✓ 1, 2

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

SHL030 Land at Hyde Road Long Sutton ✓ 1 SHL031 Land east of Copse lane Long Sutton ✓ 1 SHL062 Granary Field Long Sutton ✓ 1 SHL291 Land south of Chaffers Close Long Sutton ✓ 1 SHL335 Land north west of Long Sutton Long Sutton ✓ 1 SHL336 Land to west of Long Sutton Long Sutton ✓ 1 SHL128 Rose Court, Crondall Mill Lane ✓ 1 SHL179 Bowenhurst Lane, Crondall Mill Lane ✓ 1, 3 SHL057 Land adj. to Queens Road ✓ 1 SHL058 Land at Hook Road/Bridge Road North Warnborough ✓ 1 SHL060 Land adj. Rough’s Cottage North Warnborough 1 SHL108 Land to the north of Deptford Lane North Warnborough ✓ 1 SHL110 Land at Lodge Farm, Hook North Warnborough 1, 2, 3 SHL232 Land rear of Albion Yard North Warnborough ✓ 1 SHL330 Land west of Adams Farm, The Street North Warnborough ✓ 1 SHL029 Land at Butts End Odiham 1 SHL065 Land at Dunleys Hill, Odiham Odiham 1 SHL066 Rear garden of 4 Western Lane Odiham ✓ 1 SHL067 Close Meadow, Odiham Odiham 1 SHL119 Land rear of Longwood, Odiham Odiham 1 SHL138 Land off Firs Lane Odiham ✓ 1 SHL228 Jenhams Field, Odiham Odiham ✓ 1 SHL327 Land south of Crownfields, Recreation Odiham ✓ 1 Road, Salmons Road & Buffins Road SHL328 Land adjoining Odiham Tennis Courts Odiham ✓ 1 SHL329 Land to rear of Buryfields School, The Med Odiham ✓ 1 & New House SHL331 Former Kitchen Garden, Odiham Odiham ✓ 1 SHL087 Site 1 & 2, land adj. to Village Rotherwick ✓ 1 SHL115 Land at Green Lane, Rotherwick Rotherwick 1 SHL290 Land at Rosemary Cottage, Rotherwick Rotherwick ✓ 1 SHL016 Daegmarsfield Farm, Dogmersfield Rural ✓ 1 SHL021 Linklater Cottages, Blackwater Rural 1 SHL039 Fermoy, Farnham Road, Odiham Rural ✓ 1 SHL083 Shapley Heath, Rural 1 SHL084 Land at Winchfield Lodge Rural ✓ 1 SHL085 Land east of The Barley Mow, Winchfield Rural ✓ 1 SHL086 Site of Old Brick Works, Rotherwick Rural ✓ 1 SHL091 Land adj. to 10 Rotten Green Rural ✓ 1, 3 SHL092 Land south of Riseley Rural ✓ 1 SHL102 Land at Bramshot Lane Rural 1 SHL106 (Police Training Centre) Rural ✓ 1 SHL109 Land at Holdshott House Rural ✓ 1 SHL118 Oakfield Farm, Hartley Wintney Rural ✓ 1

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

SHL123 Land at Murrell Green, Hook Rural ✓ 1 SHL124 Land at Winchfield Rural ✓ 1 SHL126 Land at Murrell Green (2), Hook Rural ✓ 1 SHL133 Swan’s Farm, Winchfield Rural ✓ 1 SHL135 Shapley Ranch Rural ✓ 1 SHL136 Western edge of Winchfield Rural ✓ 1 SHL167 Land between M3 and railway, Winchfield Rural ✓ 1 SHL169 Land at Totters Farm, Hook Rural ✓ 1 SHL174 Peacocks Nursery Garden Centre Rural ✓ 1 SHL181 Land south of Little Rye Farm Rural ✓ 1, 3 SHL182 Part of Potbridge Farm, Winchfield Rural ✓ 1 SHL184 Winchfield Park, Winchfield Rural ✓ 1 SHL185 Winchfield Court, Winchfield Rural ✓ 1 SHL186 Shapley lake & surrounds, Winchfield Rural ✓ 1 SHL187 Bridge Farm 1, Winchfield Rural ✓ 1 SHL188 Bridge Farm 2, Winchfield Rural ✓ 1 SHL194 Land at Firgrove Road, Eversley Rural ✓ 1 SHL197 Hartland Park, Farnborough Rural ✓ 1 SHL200 The Scrapyard, Totters Lane Rural passed SHL205 Land rear of Taplins Cottage Rural ✓ 1 SHL206 Land at Bears Green Rural ✓ 1 SHL209 Winchfield Park B Rural ✓ 1 SHL216 Land adj. to James Farm Cottages, Hartley Rural ✓ passed Wintney SHL033 Plough Meadow South Warnborough ✓ 1 SHL070 Stables at Less Cottage South Warnborough ✓ passed SHL071 Land adj. to Nash Meadows/ Ridleys Piece South Warnborough ✓ 1 SHL075 Land at Street Farm House South Warnborough ✓ 1 SHL172 Granary Court, South Warnborough South Warnborough 1 SHL034 Land adj. Winchfield Court Winchfield ✓ 1 SHL114 Trimmers Cottage Winchfield ✓ 1 SHL183 Winchfield Meadow Winchfield ✓ 1, 2, 3 SHL262 Land south of Hungerford Farm Winchfield ✓ 1

SHL020 Land to the north of Reading Road Yateley ✓ 1, 2 SHL037 Land at Reading Road, Yateley Yateley ✓ 1, 2 SHL103 Land adjoining Crosby Gardens, Yateley Yateley ✓ 1 SHL273 Land between Eversley Road and Firgrove Yateley ✓ 1, 2 Road

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB Reference: 5880 Final v1.0

Constraints Flow Diagram

Condition 1: Site Size

0.1ha - 0.3ha <0.1ha or >0.3

Passed Failed

Condition 2: Flood Zone

1 2 or 3

Passed Failed

Condition 3: Surface Water Flood Risk

Very Low or Medium or Low High

Passed Failed

Condition 4: Availabiltiy

Planning Permission Available within last 5 years or pending planning application

Passed Failed

Ambiental Environmental Assessment Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Brighton, BN1 9SB