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Hourglass 12-27-03.Indd Community support brings Christmas to Lib — page 5 (Photo by Maryjon Moore) TV and radio Johnston Island Santa and students reception changes closure benefits Kwaj visit Carlos — page 3 — page 4 — page 8 Dec. 27, 2003 The Kwajalein Hourglass Editorial Letters to the Editor ted to it and did not try to hide the mistake. However, I would like to list the imme- Roi resident’s I think this is the kind of treatment we diate members of the committee for this would all desire from each other. I also event: Cassie Rubly, Masina McCollum, action is a good think that Helen should be recognized for Janice Riordan, Angie Dampier, Heather example to follow being so upright and honest and I would Worrell, Cheri Malloy, Jennifer Wells, like to publicly thank her and encourage Leyla Breeden, Dana Plum, Linda Mor- I would like to inform you of a nice deed others to follow the example that she has gan Cindy Stevison, Jane DeJoie, Trina performed by Mrs. Helen Brown. She set. Thank you, Helen. Tiffany and Jeanette Reaves. works at the Post Office on Roi-Namur. — Tony Kim I would also like to thank Host Nation On Nov. 12, 2003 while Helen was on Roi-Namur resident and our contacts Maryanne Lane and vacation, I mailed an envelope using cer- Noda Lojkar, as well as USAKA and our tified mail. Time went by and I checked to Community helps contact Frank Cisneros. make sure it was received, but was told it They all worked very hard organizing had not yet been received. So, I patiently make YYWC event the gifts and fundraising for this event. waited for word of its receipt back home. This list in no way incorporates everyone On Dec. 12, Helen called me to say successful that worked on this effort, and I would like that the certified mail had been returned I would like to thank and congratulate to thank all [who] worked to make this a to Roi-Namur. It turns out there was no the Kwajalein community for once again success. stamp on the envelope, although I had supporting the YYWC [Yokwe Yuk Wom- — Sonya Sava paid for it. en’s Club] Outer Island Christmas Drop. Chairperson, YYWC Helen thought the mistake was hers, so For another year this event has been a Outer Island Christmas Drop she paid for new postage with money from huge success due to the overwhelming her own purse. Plus, she made a copy of support of our community. Our neighbors the envelope with the new postage and on the islands of Mejatto and Ebadon Correction gave a copy to me. She apologized and benefit and enjoy the community gifts and was very sorry. But, it was not her fault at children’s toys that this event provides. The name of the man shown in the all because she was on vacation when I There are so many people in the com- tree sale photo in the Dec. 20 issue, on mailed the envelope. munity that worked hard on this event that page 20, is Bob Carson, not Ben Car- Mrs. Brown thought she made a mis- there is not enough space to list them all. son. The Hourglass regrets the error. take and tried to make it right. She admit- Letters to the Editor Marshallese Word of the Day Keep letters to less than 300 words, and keep your comments to the issues. Letters must be signed. We will edit for AP style and, if you exceed the word limit, kakije - rest or vacation space. Please limit yourself to one letter every 30 days to give other readers a chance to write.Send your letter to: the Hourglass, P.O. Box 23, Local; or The Kwajalein Hourglass [email protected]. Commanding Officer ...Col. Jerry Brown Public Affairs Officer...LuAnne Fantasia Buckminster and Friends by Sabrina Mumma Editor .....................................Jim Bennett Assistant Editor........................ KW Hillis Graphics Designer....................Dan Adler Reporter................................ Jan Waddell Reporter................................April Brown Circulation............................... Jon Cassel Intern.......................... Krystle McAllister The Hourglass is named for the insignia of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, which liberated the island from the forces of Imperial Japan on Feb 4, 1944. The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized publication for military personnel, federal employees, contractor workers and their families assigned to USAKA. Contents of the Hourglass are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army or USAKA. It is published Tuesdays and Fridays in accordance with Army Regulation 360-1 and using a network printer by Kwajalein Range Services editorial staff, P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555. Phone: Autovon 254-3539; local 53539. Printed circulation: 2,000 The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 Dec. 27, 2003 Dec. 27, 2003 The Kwajalein Hourglass New signals arrive on Kwajalein New Year’s Day By April Brown tions on indoor antennas, since a Hours of Operation Reporter new policy is going into place regard- (Jan. 1 , Wed. and Fri. hours normal unless otherwise noted.) New TV channels and radio sta- ing outdoor antennas, Jordan said. KWAJALEIN tions are arriving on Kwajalein and “Those of you that have [outdoor] Community Activities reception is being upgraded at the antennas right now, they are OK to Beaches Emon ........................................11 a.m.-6 p.m. same time in an ongoing effort to im- use until they break down, then you Wed., Fri...........................12:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. prove quality of life for residents here cannot replace them with another All other beaches.....Buddy system at all times and on Roi-Namur. outdoor antenna,” he said. “The com- Bowling Center........................................ Closed On Christmas Eve, the first of four mand does not want outdoor anten- Wed............................................. 4 p.m.-1 a.m. Gear Locker (Wed., Thurs.) ..................... Closed new TV signals was seen, when Spec- nas put up all over the island.” Golf Course ...........................Sunrise to Sunset trum on Channel 23 started broad- Bachelor Quarters Update Golf Pro Shop ......................................... Closed casting, said Craig McCarraher, AFN New TV antennas have been in- Wed.................................................4:30-6 p.m. Kwajalein Chief engineer. On Jan. 4, stalled on all of the Kwajalein BQs, Driving Range ......................................... Closed residents will see and hear one more replacing the old ones which were Hobby Shop.....................................12:30-6 p.m. Wed...............................................12:30-4 p.m. of the new TV signals and four new wearing out, McCarraher said. Three Ivey Gym ....................................10 a.m. - 4 p.m. radio signals. of the BQs have been upgraded with Wed.......... 5:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m/ 3:30-6:30 p.m. New signals from Huntsville are new amplifiers and the rest are Kayak Shack .....................................1-5:30 p.m. now transmitting to Kwajalein, scheduled to be upgraded by Jan, 5. Wed. ...................................................... Closed Pools with more expected in the next few “I’ve already heard good comments Adult.........................Buddy system at all times months, McCarraher said. from [residents in] the three that Wed............................... Closed for cleaning “Our AFN Engineer and an IT per- were replaced, that they have real Family ..................................................1-6 p.m. son went back to Huntsville for our good reception,” Jordan said. “It ap- Wed.: noon-4 p.m.; Fri.: 1-6 p.m. portion of the DS3 cutover project pears that the [improved] reception Small Boat Marina: Wed., Thurs.............. Closed ARC: Thurs.,10 a.m.-10 p.m.; Wed.,11 a.m.-11 p.m. which was completed Dec. 13,” said and what we’re doing is going to fix Skatepark: .. Thurs., Closed; Wed., 4:30 - 6 p.m. Lloyd Jordan, KRS Community Ser- the BQs.” Library: ............ Thurs., Closed; Wed., 1 - 4 p.m. vices deputy manager, explaining Roi Update Food Services that the overall project which is de- A purchase order has already been Yokwe Yuk Club Dining/Bar .................... Closed Dining: Wed. ..................................5 p.m.-2 a.m. signed to bring in more TV and radio submitted for the Roi-Namur update, Bar: Wed....................................5 p.m.-9:30 a.m. channels to Kwajalein residents is McCarraher said, and the signal from Three Palms Snack Bar ............... 12:30 - 3 a.m. scheduled for final completion early Kwajalein will be put in place as soon Sunrise Bakery........................6 a.m.-12:30 p.m. next year. as it arrives. Oceanview Bar .........................4:30 - 11:30 p.m. This effort started as a bandwidth “We haven’t forgotten Roi,” Jordan Country Club ................................5 a.m. - 5 p.m. DSC Snack Bar, Enra Food Truck ........... Closed project with Huntsville, described in said. “They will get the TV signal and Wed., Fri....................................Closes at 8 p.m. Sep. 9 Hourglass issue. In anticipa- we will install it and ensure that our Café Pacific tion of the arrival of the new signals, people do the right things to get them Breakfast............................................. 7-9 a.m. two new antennas and eight trans- that signal for their community.” Brunch .................................10:30 - 12:30 p.m. TV Channel Update Dinner ...........................................4:30 - 7 p.m. mitters were installed on Kwajalein. Merchandising Although the signal is better than “As of Christmas Eve, we estab- Macy’s and Macy’s West ......................... Closed it was, some residents may need new lished the link and successfully Wed..........................................10 a.m. - 5 p.m. home antennas to improve reception, started transmitting the new TV and Surfway.................................................... Closed Jordan said, explaining that begin- radio stations to Kwajalein,” McCar- Wed.....................................10 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Ten-Ten: Thurs: 1 - 7 p.m.; Wed. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. ning Jan. 6, residents can call Macy’s raher said.
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