By the Sword Divided
Eleanor E. Langlois 1915 – 1999 R.I.P. Eleanor Emma Langlois, 83, who served the American Branch of the Society of King Charles the Martyr as American Representative, died on Easter Tuesday, 6 April 1999, in Tempe, Arizona. She had lived in the Phoenix area during her retirement. She suffered a stroke just before the 350th anniversary of the Beheading of King Charles the Martyr, but was well aware of the anniversary. She was physically weakened by further strokes but remained mentally alert. She is survived by her son, The Rev‘d Donald Langlois, an S.K.C.M. member, who is the Arizona History Librarian for the Arizona Department of Library, Archives, and Public Records in Phoenix, and two grandsons. Her requiem was celebrated by Father Langlois at the Church of Reconciliation, Sun Lakes, Arizona, on 11 April 1999. Mrs. Langlois worked 37 years as a secretary for Ritter/Sybron Corp., Rochester, New York. She was born in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. She was an Associate of the Sisters of the Holy Nativity, and served as American Representative of the Society of King Charles the Martyr from 1972 to 1987. At the Annual Meeting in 1998 at the Church of the Guardian Angels, Lantana, Florida, she was named American Representative Emerita in recognition of her dedicated service. Mrs. Langlois had been a member of the Society for some years, and had come to know the U.K. officers of the Society in London, when Father Sillitoe asked her to assume leadership of the Society in America in 1972. That year, her predecessor, Mrs.
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