The Brahmins of Kashmir
September 1991, Michael Witzel THE BRAHMINS OF KASHMIR vedai +aagai1 padakramayutair vedåntasiddhåntakais tarkavyåkaraai puråapahanair mantrai aagågamai ... pauråaśrutitarkaśåstranicayai ki cågnihotråkitair viprair dhyånatapojapådiniratai snånårcanådyutsukai ... kåśmīrabhūr uttamå || (Råjataragiī of Jonaråja, B 747) With the Vedas, the six appendices, with the Pada and Krama (texts), with Vedånta and Siddhånta, logic and grammar, Puråa recitation, with (Tantric) Mantras and the six traditional sects ... with its masses of Puråic, Vedic (śruti) and logic disciplines (tarkaśåstra), and, moreover, marked by Agnihotrins, with Brahmins devoted to meditation, asceticism, recitation and so on, and zealeaously engaged with ablutions, worship, and the like, ... the land of Kashmir is the best. Introduction The Kashmiri Brahmins, usually called Paits, constitute one single group, the Kåśmīra Bråhmaas, without any real subdivisions. They form, according to Bühler,2 the first Indologist to visit the Valley, one unified community: they 'interdine' (annavyavahåra) and they also teach each other (vidyåvyavahåra, vidyåsambandha). But not all of them intermarry (kanyåvyavahåra, yonisambandha), which is the real test of belonging or not belonging to a single community. This is confirmed by Lawrence,3 who distinguishes "the astrologer class (Jotish), the priest class (Guru or Båchabat) and the working class (Kårkun). The priest class do not intermarry with either of the other classes. But the Jotish and Kårkun intermarry. The Jotish Pundits are learned in the Shastras and expound them to the Hindus, and they draw up the calendars in which prophecies are made about the events of the coming year. The priest class perform the rites and ceremonies of the Hindu religion. The vast majority of the Pandits belong to the Kårkun class and have usually made their livelihood in the employment of the state." This division is believed to have taken place after the country turned to Islam in the fourtheenth century, and especially after the initial persecution of Brahmins at around 1400 A.D.
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