Martyrology of the Sacred Order of Friars Preachers
THE MARTYROLOGY OF THE SACRED ORDER OF FRIARS PREACHERS THE MARTYROLOGY OF THE SACRED ORDER OF FRIARS PREACHERS Translated by Rev. W. R. Bonniwell, O.P. THE NEWMAN PRESS + WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND 1955 [1998] Nihil obstat: FRANCIS N. WENDELL , 0. P. FERDINAND N. GEORGES , 0. P. Censores Librorum Imprimatur: MOST REV . T. S. MCDERMOTT , 0. P. Vicar General of the Order of Preachers November 12, 1954 Copyright, (c) 1955, by the NEWMAN PRESS Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 55-8660 Printed in the United States of America [This electronic edition: 1998] TO OUR BELOVED FATHERS , BROTHERS , AND SISTERS OF THE ORDER OF FRIARS PREACHERS , WE FATHER TERENCE STEPHEN MCDERMOTT MASTER OF SACRED THEOLOGY AND THE HUMBLE VICAR GENERAL AND SERVANT OF THE ENTIRE ORDER OF FRIARS PREACHERS GREETINGS AND BLESSINGS : With the rapid growth of the liturgical movement especially in the last quarter of a century, there has been an increasing volume of requests from Dominican Sisters and Lay Tertiaries for an English translation of our Breviary and Martyrology. It is with pleasure, therefore, that I am able to announce the fulfillment of these desires. The Breviary, translated by Father Aquinas Byrnes, O.P., is now in the process of publication at Rome, while the translation of the Dominican Martyrology has just completed. The Martyrology is one of the six official books of the Church's liturgy, its use in the choral recitation of the Divine Office is obligatory. Because of the salutary effects derived from the reading of this sacred volume, various Pontiffs have urged its use by those who recite the Office privately.
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