Educational Partnerships 2019-20 Annual Report
EDUCATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS 2019–20 Annual Report What’s INSIDE Powerful Partnerships, 4–5 A Message from the Building Strong Futures, 6–7 Superintendent Empowering through Mentoring, 8–9 Pulling Together When we Must Stay Apart, 10–11 Year at a Glance, 12–13 I am deeply appreciative to our community partners for uniting At-Large Partners, 14–15 EDUCATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS with our school system to support HCPSS students. You have School Partners, 16–21 been there for our students for more than 30 years and that commitment did not waver as we closed our school buildings due Gifted and Talented Program, 21 2019–20 Annual Report to the COVID-19 pandemic. You have stepped up to provide the Career and Technical Education, 22–23, 26 necessary wraparound supports that our students, families and staff need. Whether it is school supplies, technology, after-school Special Education, 24 services, I am so pleased that we have a network of community Student Well-Being, 25 organizations and individuals always willing to lend their time, Each year, this report reflects on the dedication of a talent, and resources. Staff Discount Program, 26 Volunteer Opportunities with HCPSS, 27 community invested in education. At the start of We were thrilled when our educational foundation, the Bright 2019-20, none of us imagined how our lives and Minds Foundation, established the Access to Learning Fund to community would be transformed by the help ensure that students have access to the technology and COVID-19 pandemic. As HCPSS reinvented materials that are essential for learning in a virtual environment.
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