This Curriculum Is Designed to Assist Teachers, Sujoervisors and Administrators Procedures, Setting up Activities, and Locating
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 022 708 SE 005 323 By Taylor, Paul H.; And Others SCIENCE GRADES K-6. North Carolina State Dept. of Pubiic Instruction, Raleigh. Pub Date Mar 68 Note 203p. EDRS Price MF-$1.00 HC-$820 Descriptors-CONCEPTUAL SCHEMES, *CURRICULUM, *CURRICULUM GUIDES, *ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCIENCE, SCIENCE ACTIVITIES, *TEACHING GUIDES, TEACHING PROCEDURES, TEACHING TECHNIQUES This curriculum is designed to assist teachers, sujoervisors and administrators develop effective elementary school science programs. The phases of planning at the local level are given in terms of defining objectives, developing a scope of instructional topics, establishing a sequence of topics, developing teaching units, devising evaluation procedures, setting up activities, and locating information. Some 445 activities are outlined which relate to major content areas and a series of appendices gives useful practical hints for teachers. (GR) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORiGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOY NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. , If I ua tt--44 Vt, 1.3. MEV 4111111110. -1416-1* u NNW/ SCIE.... GRADES K-6 STATE DEPARTMENT OFPUBLICINSTRUCTION RALEIGH, N. C. PUBLICATION NO. 410 FOREWORD There is widespread interest in the elementary schools of North Cal'..:a in de :l- oping improved science programs for grades K-6. This cornmndable interest is reflected in the numerous requests for assistance and guidance received by the Department of Public Instruction. This bulletin is designed to meet part of the needs expressed in those requests. The contents of this bulletin represent the combined efforts of scores of scientists and hundreds of educators throughout North Carolina.
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