Batsworthy Cross Wind Farm Community Fund Consultation

March 2016

Martin Parkes – Senior Projects Advisor

Telephone: 01392 248919

Email: [email protected]

Catalyst, Communities Together, First Floor, 3&4 Cranmere Court, Lustleigh Close Matford Business Park, Exeter. EX2 8PW

Devon Communities Together is the operating name for Community Council of Devon, a registered charity (no. 1074047), company registered in and Wales (no.3694095) registered office as above. VAT registered (no. 942 0496 27).



Introduction ...... 4 Methodology ...... 4 Catalyst ...... 4 Summary of Key Findings ...... 5 Priority Projects: ...... 5 Fund Management: ...... 5 Findings ...... 6 Invitation to join the Fund panel ...... 17 Additional Comments ...... 17 Appendix A ...... 18 Bishops Nympton...... 18 ...... 19 Oakford ...... 20 and ...... 21 ...... 22 Others: ...... 22 : ...... 22 : ...... 22 : ...... 23 No Parish Given: ...... 23 Appendix B ...... 24 Bishops Nympton...... 24 Knowstone ...... 25 Oakford ...... 27 Rackenford and Creacombe...... 28 Rose Ash ...... 30 Others: ...... 31 East Anstey: ...... 31 East Worlington: ...... 31 Mariansleigh: ...... 31 Meshaw: ...... 31 No Parish Given: ...... 31



Introduction Batsworthy Cross Wind Farm is currently under construction by RWE Innogy UK Ltd (RWE). For more than 15 years RWE has provided a variety of Community Investment Packages in association with their wind farms, primarily supporting the communities neighbouring their sites. In the case of Batsworthy Cross Wind Farm, a community fund of £90,000 per annum will be made available once the wind farm is fully operational, and for each year of its operational lifetime (up to 25 years). This flexible funding has the potential to significantly benefit local communities. Methodology This consultation was planned by RWE with support from representatives of the Parish Councils closest to the wind farm: Knowstone, Rackenford and Creacombe, Rose Ash and Bishops Nympton, and Catalyst, the in-house consultancy service provided by Devon Communities Together.1 RWE proposed that these Parishes, plus the neighbouring Parishes of Oakford, , East & , Meshaw and East Worlington, form the initial area of benefit for the fund.

The survey was printed and delivered to all properties within the parishes of Knowstone, Rackenford and Creacombe, Rose Ash, Bishops Nympton and Oakford, coordinated by the local Parish Council. The paper version of the survey allowed multiple residents in the same property to respond to the survey.

An online version of the survey was also available. Catalyst Catalyst was commissioned to support the writing of the survey and undertake the data analysis and report writing so that it was independent of the local parish councils and RWE.



Summary of Key Findings

Priority Projects:

The survey highlights a number of projects that local residents consider to be of high importance, these include:

1. Improved broadband speed to all residents within the local area.

2. Maintain and improve community buildings, particularly village halls.

3. Identified a need for a community building within Rackenford.

4. Community and public transport improvements and increased services.

5. Younger residents and families identified needs for more activities for young families and young people. There were many other projects highlighted through the process. These are included within the Appendices for this report.

Fund Management:

The survey highlights the following preferences for how the fund should be administered:

 The majority of respondents wanted the fund to be managed by an independent organisation with a panel of local residents.

 The fund should prioritise projects closer to the wind farm.

 There is a slight preference for the entire fund to be spent within the year.



In total 535 individual residents, referred to as respondents throughout this report, answered the survey; 437 using the paper survey, on 306 forms, and 98 completed the survey online.

1. Postcode

The first question asked people for their postcode. 515 respondents provided their postcode. Below is a plot of these postcodes, showing the spread of respondents across the local area.

FIGURE 1 [Please note each ‘pin’ may represent multiple respondents. There is no colour coding; the various colours make the ‘pins’ easier to identify.]

There are two respondents with postcodes from further afield than the immediate Batsworthy area. These only represent two respondents views and therefore would not significantly influence the overall picture, and may have resulted from an incorrectly input postcode. Their responses have therefore been included within this report.


2. Parish

The spread of respondents across local parishes was:

Rackenford 114

Rose Ash 101

Oakford 92

Bishops Nympton 85

Knowstone 82

East Worlington 17

East Anstey 8

Meshaw 8

West Anstey 1

South Molton 1

Mariansleigh 1

Witheridge 1

Molland 1

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

FIGURE 22 23 respondents did not supply a named parish.

Clearly the parishes where the survey was hand-delivered have had a significantly stronger response. The strong response from 5 parishes most closely involved with the project so far will have an impact on the answers to the following questions. This will be highlighted within this report at relevant points.

2 The figures in white, included on this chart and all subsequent charts are the number of respondents choosing that option.


For the five parishes with a strong response, the following table shows what percentage of the local parish responded:

Parish Respondents Residents3 Percentage

Rackenford and Creacombe 117 330 36%

Rose Ash 102 298 35%

Oakford 93 358 26%

Bishops Nympton 86 955 9%

Knowstone 80 226 35%


3. Age Bracket

The age profile of respondents was:

31 39 Under 16 70 16-39 192 40-59 60-79

174 80+


3 Data from Census 2011.


The following table compares the age profile of respondents to that of :

Respondents North Devon4

Under 16 8% 16%

16-39 14% 26%

40-59 34% 28%

60-79 38% 24%

80+ 6% 6%

FIGURE 5 There is a slight bias in responses toward more elderly residents. This may have an effect on survey responses, and where this is considered to be the case it is highlighted within the report.

4 Data from Census 2011. North Devon is chosen for comparison because most of the parishes are within this local authority area.


4a. Which, if any, of the following types of projects would you benefit from?

Improving local broadband connection speed 341

Projects that bring the community together 300 Supporting capital or running costs of community 297 buildings Improvements to rural transport 262

Improving mobile phone signal 260 Support for older people eg activities to reduce 233 isolation Support for environmental projects 204 Encourage local job creation and survival of 203 services Support for leisure/sport activities and facilities 198

Support for local schools 196

Projects to engage young adults and teenagers 179

Activities/ venues for younger children 157

Projects to support local housing energy efficiency 128

Support for art/rural culture 124

Support for community building energy efficiency 107

Apprenticeship schemes 92

Educational grants 89

IT Skills training 88

Healthy living initiatives 83

Promoting tourism 75 Vocational skills training, eg craft skills, numeracy 69 etc 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

FIGURE 6 The responses to this question are analysed alongside the responses to question 4b.


4b. Please choose your top three priorities from this list:

Improving local broadband connection speed 223 Supporting capital or running costs of community 138 buildings Projects that bring the community together 138

Improving mobile phone signal 125

Improvements to rural transport 125 Support for older people eg activities to reduce 98 isolation Support for local schools 84

Support for environmental projects 70

Support for leisure/sport activities and facilities 69 Encourage local job creation and survival of 67 services Projects to engage young adults and teenagers 52

Activities/ venues for younger children 44

Support for art/rural culture 24

Projects to support local housing energy efficiency 23

Educational grants 19

Promoting tourism 16

Apprenticeship schemes 15

Healthy living initiatives 10

IT Skills training 10 Vocational skills training, eg craft skills, numeracy 9 etc Support for community building energy efficiency 6

0 50 100 150 200 250

FIGURE 7 There is close correlation between responses to questions 4a and 4b. The top 5 correlate well with respondents’ responses to questions 5 and 6 as well.

Broadband is clearly a priority issue for local residents. 64% of respondents identified it as a type of project they would benefit from, and 42% as one of their top three priorities.


Broadband Broadband across Devon and is currently being upgraded to enable superfast broadband for 90% of households within the two counties. This is phase 1 of the project, and the current situation for parishes around Batsworthy Wind farm is show below5:

FIGURE 8 Blue areas are currently under review by BT Openreach to ascertain the best method for establishing superfast broadband. Those in orange are ‘coming soon’ and those areas that are green should already be connected. Phase 1 of this project, i.e. all those areas coloured in the map above should be connected by 2017. Those areas that are grey are outside of phase 1 of this programme.

However there are two further phases of the programme planned which should see 100% of the region covered by superfast broadband:

“All premises within the CDS [Connecting Devon and Somerset] intervention area that currently receive less than 2Mbps should benefit from the programme through an upgrade of speeds to at least 2Mbps by the end of 2016. We also have an overall goal of 100% of premises having access to high speed fibre broadband by the end of 2020. In addition to this we are already seeking solutions for reducing the “final 10%” of premises that will not initially be reached by high-speed fibre broadband. Such solutions include our bid to the Superfast Extension Programme for which we

5 Data from:

12 have been provisionally allocated an additional £22.7 million for extending superfast coverage to 95% of premises by the end of 2017.” 6

Younger People and Families Whilst younger respondents (under 40) had broadband as their main priority, the remainder of their top five priorities differ from the overall picture:

 Activities/venues for younger children;  Support for leisure/sport activities and facilities;  Support for local schools;  Projects to engage young adults and teenagers.

Older Residents For respondents who were 80+ their priorities were not broadband, but:

 Improvements to rural transport;  Improving mobile phone signal.

5. Please list any existing local projects (in your parish or across neighbouring parishes) which you think could benefit from the Batsworthy Wind Farm Community Fund?

Across all respondents the most common existing projects identified that could benefit from funding were village or parish halls, and community transport projects. Specifically the Exe Valley community bus was mentioned.

No other specific projects were mentioned consistently. A list of all responses, organised by the five main parishes is provided in Appendix A.



6. Can you identify any potential new projects (in your parish or across neighbouring parishes) which could be established through the support of the Batsworthy Wind Farm Community Fund?

A range of new projects were identified, the most popular were:

 A new project to improve broadband across the area;  A village hall/community building for Rackenford;  If possible, purchasing Stag Hall for community use;  Maintaining, improving and developing new footpaths and/or bridleways between communities and facilities;  Improving local/community transport.

Again, many specific projects were suggested by a small number of individuals. A complete list of responses, again listed by parish is available in Appendix B.

Overall these projects correlate well with the priorities respondents identified in questions 4a and 4b.

7. In which geographical area do you think projects supported by the fund should be located?

325 6 144

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Supporting projects within the identified 10 parishes local to Batsworthy Windfarm (see list above) Supporting projects benefiting residents within those parishes, but located further away It doesn’t matter so long as it benefits local residents as judged by local residents on the Fund panel

FIGURE 9 Clearly most respondents, 61% of all respondents and 68% of those that answered this question would want the projects supported by the fund to be located within the 10 parishes.

There were also a significant number of additional comments in the survey that the priority of the fund should be further geographically focussed on three parishes: Rose Ash, Rackenford and Creacombe, and Knowstone. Those making this suggestion were almost all residents of those parishes. Responses to the next question also reflect this trend.


8. Do you think projects closest to the wind farm should be given extra priority?

369 118

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Yes No

FIGURE 10 69% of all respondents and 76% of those that answered this question believe projects closest to the wind farm should be given extra priority.

Those parishes that are located closer to the wind farm expressed a stronger preference for projects closer to the wind farm to be given extra priority:

Rose Ash 85 4

Rackenford 80 17

Knowstone 66 14

Oakford 55 28

Bisops Nympton 48 31

Other 31 24

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Yes No



9. RWE proposes the fund is administered by an independent organisation with appropriate experience and all decisions on the allocation of funds made by a panel of local people. What do you think of this approach?

411 37

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

I agree I disagree

FIGURE 12 77% of respondents and 92% of those that answered this question agreed with RWE’s proposal for the fund to be administered by an independent body, with a panel of local people.

49 respondents also added an explanation why they did not agree or their preferred method.

Of those that disagreed, example comments that reflect the majority were:

“Let locals decide.” “Local people know what is needed.“ “Money would be wasted on administrative costs. Better to have a trust administered by an elected committee of local residents.”

Of those that agreed, the comments were endorsing the process because it would involve a degree of impartiality and objectivity:

“Previous experience and impartiality.” “A neutral party with no bias in the area, who have experience of running grants and or funding.”


10. How would you like to see the Fund spent?

244 206

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Spending the money allocated each year, within a year Some money invested to provide a longer-term fund beyond the lifetime of the windfarm

FIGURE 13 Responses to this question are evenly divided. There is also no discernible age or geographic preference.

Invitation to join the Fund panel

96 people have expressed an interest in being on the Fund panel. Their details are safely stored and will be available, independent of their survey answers, when a decision about how the fund will be managed has been made and a process for applying to be on the panel established.

Additional Comments

120 additional comments were also recorded as part of this process.

Many of the comments confirm already identified priorities for funding, including:

 Improving broadband;  Village halls and community buildings;  Particularly a new building for Rackenford;  Weighting the funding to support parishes closest to the wind farm, namely Rackenford and Creacombe, Rose Ash and Knowstone.

Some new suggestions were also made for funding through these comments, the most popular were:

 Money off electricity for local people;  Compensation for homes that have been devalued;  Improve local roads to fill potholes and make safer;  Wildlife and environmental projects;  Preserve historic buildings, particularly churches.


Appendix A Bishops Nympton Support building and Nympton Parish hall Social Community shop funding Bishops Nympton Club social club at the new Bishops Nympton School Support for local halls parish hall Bishops Nympton Village Support building and Support for local hall Hall funding Bishops Nympton Bishops Nympton Village Bishops Nympton village Social Club and the new Hall social club shop parish hall Bishops Nympton Village Church project St Mary’s Open Church community Hall social cub project Social Club Bishops Nympton social Community lunches Community buildings club Transport Village halls Building and running cost Social Club at Bishops of proposed Bishops Nympton Hall Open Church Parish hall Social Club Nympton social club project at Bishops Nympton Bishops Nympton school Church Social club extension to projects parish hall Skittle teams in the village BISHOPS NYMPTON have to travel an 8 mile Youth centre PRIMARY SCHOOL round trip just to play their Community shop home matches. It needs BISHOPS NYMPTON rectifying PARISH HALL EXTENSION Community shop

Bishops Nympton is the BISHOPS NYMPTON Local school projects, largest parish in the county PARISH HALL EXTENSION outside learning, support without a village pub. It's a upkeep of local churchyards priority. Bishops Nympton Parish Hall Social Club Project Local school projects, Replacing the village pub. outside learning, support A village of its size without Open Church community upkeep of local churchyards a social gathering place is project unsustainable Lunches at the BN village open Church community hall for older people A well-attended meeting in project 2011 identified (a Outside learning at Bishops Improving broadband community run Nympton school replacement pub) as their All 3 of us would like to Parish hall no 1 priority help reduce the loan for Bishops Nympton Hall Contribution of funds for a Bishops Nympton lost its Trust. A fantastic new village pub - no pub village pub in 2011. Plans building/community facility exists in village. Aimed at are well advanced to build a - without loan repayments helping to bring the community run there could be lots more community together. replacement funded by a improvements. Bishops bank loan. Nympton Community Shop Bishops Nympton Parish needs support too. Church Open Church Community shop - perhaps Community Project Bishops paid full-time manager


Knowstone The community minibus Community bus Parish Hall e.g. caretaker. service to Tiverton, Defibrillator for Knowstone and South Exe Valley bus Parish Molton The community minibus Villages in action Children’s service to Tiverton, sports/playground area for Barnstaple and South Local minibus services Molton Knowstone I'm not aware of any groups Village hall "own" man to fill potholes that fund raise locally. without closing the roads Village hall Knowstone village hall. Village hall, community bus Rose Ash and Knowstone Knowstone parish hall and footpaths Garden club. Church Transport Faster broadband Community bus service High speed broadband. We restoration of reredos in St have the wires but Peter's Church Knowstone apparently not enough electricity! Community bus service renovation of church bells High speed broadband St Peter's Knowstone

Broadband service; improve mobile phone community bus signal

Support church and parish In conjunction with the hall buildings. Broadband! erection of the wind Community bus turbines, erect mobile phone masts to improve Knowstone Parish Hall; coverage Knowstone Parish Church; community bus Knowstone parish hall community bus Knowstone bell tower - restoration Knowstone Parish Hall community bus Knowstone Village Hall Knowstone/Rose Ash Exe Valley community bus garden club Exe valley community bus Knowstone village hall, project, parish hall local Rose Ash and Knowstone keep fit groups garden club LAND FOR PARISH USE Knowstone Village Hall COMPLETELY REPAIR BYWAY 12 Additional facilities for Knowstone Village Hall BUYING LAND FOR THE USE OF THE PARISH AND Community bus PROVIDE A PLAYGROUND Community bus. Upkeep of FOR THE YOUNG Knowstone Parish Hall Ongoing support for Village shops projects at Knowstone


Oakford Early Alzheimer Group in High speed broadband Exe Exe Valley community bus Bampton (see Bampton Valley Community bus surgery) Oakford village hall roof High speed broadband Village hall repairs in Oakford village hall roof Market bus Oakford Oakford car park, Oakford Village hall Bampton church community bus

Oakford village hall repairs Bampton library Provision of extra parking on the edge of the village and upgrade Bampton library Oakford village hall repairs Re-roofing of Oakford Rackenford parish could Village Hall and upgrade use support for their village Oakford village hall school Oakford village hall roof

East Anstey School Building a new hall at Oakford village hall roof Rackenford. They haven't Oakford Community Hall got one village hall and community could do more if it had bus more funds Footpaths Exe Valley Community bus Support Oakford Village Broadband Hall Exe Valley community bus Broadband Exe Valley Community Bus


Rackenford and Creacombe Purchase Stag Inn Rackenford Play Park needs area tidy and cut back to be updated and common area The potential purchase of maintained, Rackenford the Stag Inn to create an Community Shop, Rackenford Community integrated community Rackenford School, Bishops Shop resource Nympton Hall, Bishops N/a What are existing projects? Nympton Community Shop, Bishops Nympton School Pay shop staff improve Church common drainage and Church roof repairs in leveling Church Rackenford, purchase of pub, shop improvement, Off road path around the Building village hall school improvement common at Rackenford and Maintenance of the Church off road path to Rackenford Preserve pub Supporting a Rackenford - church club village festival restoration, shop ( improvement, village hall, Improve road safety school improvements, Maintenance of the Church. purchase of pub Build village hall. Preserve the pub Play/sports facilities on common Village fireworks Refurbishment of church and Christmas party market bus fun day Refurbishment of church LOCAL BUS SERVICE Resurface car park adjacent (INCREASE THE to tennis court COMMUNITY BUS (Rackenford) FREQUENCY) Community shop/cafe Knowstone bus service Rackenford Community Purchase of The Stag in Shop Rackenford Rackenford Community Village hall Shop Village hall Too many potholes on roads Extend the 155 South Molton - Tiverton bus to Improve the surface of the include Rackenford roads everywhere Bulworthy project Improve surface of local roads Rackenford Village Hall

Regain the Skittle Alley and A Rackenford parish hall Function Room to the Stag Community bus out of The Inn as before Stag Inn

Rackenford Park needs to Play area be made nicer, Rackenford School and Rackenford Play area village hall tidy Shop. (Bishops Nympton and repair village road and shop, hall and school also)


Rose Ash Fill in the potholes around Not aware of any Parish church and halls all the country roads! Local churches, chapels and rOSE aSH vILLAGE hALL, If you can't plant trees parish halls cHURCH AND SKITTLES plant other vegetation TEAM which will make the area Local Schools Rose Ash village hall look less like living in a Village hall factory. Repair edges of roads and Village hall Plant trees as close as potholes possible to base of wind Village hall repair roads at edges and turbines Village hall potholes Environmental protection Village hall Rose Ash church and Snooker tables in village graveyard halls Improve existing bridleways Rose Ash church and village Bishops Nympton School hall Improve existing outside learning; Compensation to local defibrillator for each parish; bridleways with sand surfaces suitable for horses people who live within 2 licenced bar for village hall miles of the wind farm Village Hall and green Rose Ash Church roof repairs Village hall Rackenford Church Hall, Village Green Rose Ash village hall, Hall Local church and village hall Church and grounds Rose Ash Village Hall

Parish Churches, other Rose Ash Village Hall inc. ROSE ASH VILLAGE HALL buildings such as Parish village green upkeep ROSE ASH SKITTLES TEAM Halls Others: East Anstey: St Michaels Church East Early Years provision Anstey village hall and Anstey project connected with the church and east Anstey meeting Hall school primary school.

St Michaels Church East West Anstey show and Anstey Oldways End Gymkhana we are a locally meeting hall run horse and dog show and we raise money for the Bishops nympton Primary Devon air ambulance but school more important west

East Worlington: East Worlington Parish Hall The village hall to provide East Worlington Village Hall refurbishment more activities for families Refurbishment Project like the table tennis, maybe East Worlington Parish Hall a martial arts group for all 1. Improved local transport for the young and elderly cannot think of any to hand ages and fitness for all ages. Sunday club for 2. Improved local IT skills East Worlington Parish Hall children run once a month education and recreational interests 3.


East Worlington Parish Hall East Worlington Parish Hall East Worlington Parish Hall and East and West fabric refurbishment and Restoration of parish hall Worlington Churches installation of new kitchen

Renovation of East The improvement of East Worlington Worlington Primary School facilities to support our photographic group East House Community Development Worlington parish hall East Worlington Parish Hall and Well-being programme Internet speed - BT? East worlington Primary organised through our School East Worlington Pre community hub or Parish school Hall.

Meshaw: Support for local Bishop's Nympton Primary Improving broadband community groups School Outdoor Learning speeds Project Devon Wildlife Trust site at Meshaw Moor

No Parish Given: Village hall maintenance opportunities for local Bampton Church children. This includes Village hall maintenance extensive building Bulworthy project The Exmoor Link renovations, grounds Witheridge Parish hall Federation which includes improvement and outdoor committee Bishops Nympton Primary learning, any contributions School and East Anstey towards these projects Electricity subsidy for every Primary School, together would greatly benefit household with their affiliated pre- children living in these schools, are looking to areas. expand/improve education


Appendix B Bishops Nympton Mum's drop in coffee grounds improvement and PTSD initiative group mornings Improved road outdoor learning projects. treatments junctions Improved footpaths/bridleways BISHOPS NYMPTON Transport for individuals to SOCIAL CLUB get to social activities Storage room extension need for West Anstey BISHOPS NYMPTON Development of primary parish hall. Planning SOCIAL CLUB schools Some more permission granted opportunities for outdoor Encourage job creation and activities/sport East Anstey has no other survival of services public facility Growth and development A funded project for young of Bishops Nympton School East Anstey currently share people a community shop with the Improve access to exercise Better broadband Traffic classes/sport/leisure Methodists who own the calming measure in the building. It’s now for sale main street More allotments to and the community would encourage gardeners hope to buy it. Improving village broadband Grants for Bishops Nympton school is Upgrade and refurbish improving home energy doing a pupil lead out door Bishops Nympton village efficiency Improving street learning centre/classroom public conveniences to safety at the school and school council are make them more heading up fund raising economically efficient. At Toddler group present looked after by Establishing post Parish Council. Community cohesion ie live office/shop/community and let live centre in Molland village Bishops Nympton school similar to Bishops building renovations, Community shop and hall in Bishops Nympton Nympton.


Knowstone A parish lengthsman who item and maintenance (or field bought for parish could do dome of the jobs contractor) to clear roads in events that the council do not do winter so villagers can get often enough eg cleaning out of the village. Playpark for children local drains and ditches bus service Community lengths-man to Improved public walking maintain ditches, roads etc. A parish lengthman who access on Knowstone Moor could do some of the jobs Fund to provide that the council do not do Parking area children's landscaping to hide views often enough eg cleaning playground area of wind farm drains and ditches

Making village hall more A fund to provide Own man to fill potholes cosy - more going on landscaping etc to help mitigate the effects for Park or playground “own" Making village hall more people whose home are man to fill potholes without cosy - more going on adversely affected by the closing the roads The development of the wind farm. Community farm shop Knowstone Junction cafe Projects to reduce noise community land/space site. To include retail and pollution arising from wildlife area outlets for local produce of the traffic on the North all kinds incorporating the Underground cables for Devon link road. Initiatives telephone and electricity existing cafe business and could include planting trees employing from the local - screening, noise reducing Underground cables ie area tarmac etc. Also planting telephone and electricity additional trees along the Local shop that has milk, Run a local bus service cheese, bread; but food link road to reduce the visual impact of the wind between South Molton and comes from local farmers Tiverton and producers (and dog farm and record the effect on the surrounding wildlife poo bags for sale). Invest funds to provide - bats, birds etc. legal advice and lobbying of Trees to hide the wind Help towards MPs/councillors to prevent turbines from our once further degradation of the beautiful views. maintenance/running costs of Knowstone Church area Trees to hide the wind Employ parish lengthman turbines from our once Drains system in East Knowstone natural views! Employ parish lenghtman Parish lengthsman Better Improve broadband Playground/tennis courts in parking at Knowstone connection Knowstone village. Village Hall Nothing to entertain Improve broadband For the 3 parishes only children as they grow or in connection East Knowstone or Funding to obtain East Hill Broadband for everyone Roachhill. Lots done for older people in village hall, Farm, Knowstone from the Refurbishment of village Council for the Parish. very little for children if pond area in Knowstone anything Increase facilities to village Playground in Knowstone Rackenford School Maintenance of Knowstone Mini tractor with plough church and cemetery Expand the community bus and spreader; housing of (especially bell tower) route rural broadband

25 network solar panels for Possible employment of that bring the community each household 'lengths men' for highways together. Exercise classes. repair and drains. Possible Purchasing the wind farm, Establishing a network of use of Mountain Cross as creating new energy footpaths linking 'enterprise' zone. projects, enabling the local Rackenford and Knowstone community to buy the Villages in action PLAYGROUND energy generated 'local Restoring the bells in this supply', helping businesses Building a park in Church to grow. The broadband is Knowstone parish for local under a MB and is slowing children There is huge scope for business growth. new projects, a farming Reduction of Parish cooperative, a local energy Broadband electricity bills. Grants for group, funding energy maintenance of personal efficiency in local housing, Listed Buildings re energy creating a community heat efficiency project, organising events


Oakford Village hall repairs a village hall for Rackenford Improving broadband speed across the whole Village hall repairs Improve broadband area = ALL of ALL 10 speeds/availability fibre parishes.. Village hall repairs optic cables Village hall repairs Improving broadband Repair bridge at Spinning speed across WHOLE area. Improved broadband speed Mill. Take blind corners off Repair roads OAP daytime activities Local sports activities provided in the evenings - Oakford carpark Affordable housing that is not day time - so can be affordable for the income Bampton library and in this area used by working people resource centre Oakford Providing fibre optic carpark Visits to single people living alone broadband for parish Bampford library and properties to far to benefit resource centre Health and fitness from BDUK or BT programs . creation of new nature Footpath as lane is IT Training in village hall reserve at bats worthy dangerous to walk to cross, or other parish sites. village after village hall IT Training in village hall Help for local schools activities Providing play park equipment for villages play Footpath from Oakford parks. Support for young village centre to village hall people going to university Superfast broadband or training. transmitter

Oakford Village Hall needs Purchase of land for car a new roof. park

It could sponsor 2 Village hall fund convalescent beds to be allocated to those leaving Village hall hospital before returning home Car park in Oakford

Subsidised use of village Appoint and give a retainer hall for local groups to a contractor to clear fallen trees debris etc in Youth club the lanes in emergency (lanes are not accessible at Youth club times)

Youth club Better broadband

Youth club Improved broadband

Funding a "quiet" road Improved broadband surface on 361 bypass Improve internet speed for Funding a "quiet" road those at the end of surface on 361 by-pass in exchange local geographic area


Rackenford and Creacombe Subsidised community Off road cycle track. Off present people have to transport service for road horse riding track. erect a marquee workers, students, shoppers Village hall? Gain control of Stag Hall for community use Subsidised community Put a floor in church tower transport for ringers and use space New village hall in underneath for meetings, Rackenford Open fronted school etc. shelter/pavilion with hard Community hall for stand/storage shed on Put a floor in church tower Rackenford for ringers and use space common above tennis VILLAGE HALL court. To enable/maximise underneath for meetings, use of common for school etc Community village hall for community events. New equipment in the park Rackenford Serviced by hard path along hedge from car park. Art club for all the people Support to build a village to come to in new village hall for Rackenford Improvement to and hall creation if necessary of Support to build a village more bridal paths and Swimming pool and village hall for Rackenford footpaths (or drain some of hall New equipment and a Support to build a village the existing ones) Twinned horse riding arena Mobile hall for Rackenford with another country signal village like France? Support to bring a village Sports hall Rackenford hall for Rackenford Energy generation schemes (hydro) to provide long Village hall Rackenford to Improved facilities for term income for parishes expand provision for schools aerobics/clubs, places to Local village hall meet Sports provision Lighting on new car park Broadband mobile signal beside school development Local village hall of The Stag Hall if purchase Skateboard park Need for a hall is great - or possible adjustment to inside of Hall extension on school Lighting on new car park church for more space (extra classroom) Village beside school development Hall Need for a hall is great - or of The Stag Hall if purchase adjustment to inside of A village hall with possible church for more space Rackenford Lighting on new car park Parish Hall A Village Hall in Rackenford beside school development of The Stag Hall if purchase Village hall Fibre optic broadband to possible property (FTP) Village hall Lighting on new car park Fast broadband beside school development Village hall of The Stag Hall if purchase Improve mobile phone possible Rackenford village hall signal ideally 4G Expansion to the shop Lighting on new car park building for more shop Erection of a sheltered area beside school development space on Rackenford common for of The Stag Hall if purchase school sports day and possible bonfire night etc. At


Perma culture of projects has, in some instances, and local organic gardening taken a long time to Funding to incentivise local and self-sufficiency achieve e.g. more than businesses to take on three years for Fullabrook. apprentices Village hall It has also long been known Village hall More Trees Scheme: that in in some instances, Woodland has been despite compliance with Village hall replaced with open fields; ETSU-R97, wind turbines have prompted reasonable Village hall many hedgerows which could support trees do not; noise complaints. In the event of either of these Bus route Tiverton to South and many trees are felled. situations arising in the Molton Growing more trees along hedgerows and in clusters case of the Batsworthy Bus route from Tiverton to in fields will reduce CO2 wind turbines, this project South Molton emissions, help wildlife, would secure funding for offer shelter to livestock those affected to employ Build village hall in and improve residential independent noise Rackenford amenity especially in consultants of their choosing to hasten a Build village hll instances where it could also lessen the visual resolution of the problem. Footpaths on Rackenham impact of the wind turbines Village hall Common and Common as seen from local drainage Removal of residences and roads. This Wetlands area created to cabling over village street project would primarily encourage migrating birds to underground focus on the parishes of Knowstone, Rackenford Village hall for Rackenford More parking areas and Creacombe, Rose Ash Village hall and support for Village hall and Bishops Nympton but school extension need not be exclusive to Building a community hall these parishes. This is an all Village hall in Rackenford village round, green environmental project. Village hall Educational advancement Power to the People working with schools and A village Hall project: It is known that colleges Improvements to common compliance with ETSU-R97 and play area


Rose Ash Planting trees especially Create new bridleways to cover a wide range of around our bungalow get horses off the narrow services. where we can see them all! roads COMMUNITY BUS/TAXI Trees! Create new bridleway to get horses off the roads Any conservation projects Bus service to Tiverton and Tree planting South Molton

Just bringing community Improved broadband together Broadband subsidised Damp proofing inside south public transport wall of Rose Ash church community "nature Super fast broadband reserve/park" tree planting

Super fast broadband COMMUNITY BUS/TRANSPORT Roads need attention! COMMUNITY LIBRARY (Council's responsibility) Help upkeep of rural roads Mobile libbrary; mobile fish & Chip van; tidy up roads, To repair the ground back pool table/table tennis; to its original agricultural community fireworks state when turbines have display; bulbs planted finished

Small local incinerator Can compensate local home owners for the damage Car park for visitors your profits are doing to us - only those living close to Improve Broadband; the damned turbines defibrillator and first aid training Money spent to tidy the immediate environment eg Improve broadband speed road, verges, drainage

Not at the moment (see Community transport comments) Superfast broadband Local road repairs partnership with BT Openreach Local (unclassified) road repairs Not sure of new projects but would like to see High Speed Broadband fir support for organisations all rural homes in the area. based outside to focus on to help keep picnic areas at issues within the Rackenford and Knowstone geographical area such as foe example a MacMillan Car park for Rose Ash nurse for the specific area. village hall Objective would be to use experts to focus on issues

within the area. This could



East Anstey: Bishops nympton Primary at a maximum number, Clearance of Batworthy school. Outdoor learning placing pressure on Wind Farm and restoration project. resources. Such is the high of the land to its former regard and reputation of beauty Improvements to East this school, funding to Anstey Primary School. establish a new building We need more local low There is a growing demand within the school grounds cost housing for young for classroom space in this especially for the pre- families. More children's excellent, well established school children would be activities in the area. West primary school. Current money well spent and and east Anstey intake at pre-school age is wisely invested.

East Worlington: continuation/provision of 1. improved local IT skills Rural transport associated free bus from all ten of education and recreastional with access to facilities in these parishes to SMART interests towns Transport to club sports activities at support children accessing Community 2. parish emergency plan ie schools of choice and Centre on Saturday snow clearance equipment. facilities and activities mornings. 3. School link Facilities for beyond the school day. Imrpoved broadband using sport East Worlington Parish Hall FTTC in East Worlington 4 wheel drive emergency new foyer providing loos first responder being (including disabled) storage Parking Area for School & and welcome area. Village Hall looked at in Chulmleigh. To serve all neighbouring villages Mariansleigh: BISHOPS NYMPTON PRIMARY OUTDOOR LEARNING

Meshaw: VILLAGE HALL where short tennis could be Mobile phone and played broadband connection Installation of wi fi as per upgrades that used by wild west to as we have no village hall enable the village to have a help to use the church Bishop's Nympton Primary decent broadband service building as a more School Outdoor Learning community center with Project Witheridge Tennis Club more heating and needs a new short tennis refurbishment New community centre court or full size court

No Parish Given: signage with village info youth club reinstate Rackenford Beer Festival youth club youth club youth club