
Page 1 of 6 Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on 24.11.15

Minutes of East Worlington Parish Council Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 at 7.30pm in the Primary School.

Chaired by: Councillor T Wall Clerked by: Sue Squire

Present: Councillors Agenda: - Representations from the Public S Baber Apologies Mrs J Lines Declarations of Interest P Risdon Approval of the Minutes of 29/09/15 Mrs J Smyth Reports T Wall Matters Arising D Webber Planning & Planning Correspondence P Winter Finance Correspondence & Notices / Publications Received County Councillor R Edgell Matters raised by Councillors / Clerk 4 Members of the public Date of next Meeting

Action: 56. Representations from the Public. 56.1 Mr P Webber read the following: “I am speaking to dog owners of this area. You are only as strong as your weakest link. Please worm your dogs regularly, tell your friends and neighbours. C Ovis or Cysticercus Oviv costs the UK sheep industry £7 million in 2009. It is spread by dogs mainly via Canine Adult Tapeworm known as Tacnia Ovis. The

dogs get the infection from infected meat or offal. The eggs survive on pasture for up to 6 months. It is alarming the spped that dead carcases of sheep are Clerk consumed. Please keep all your dogs under close control. Not running around the woods upsetting wildlife and stock neighbouring it. If you can’t see them they could be SB eating Tacnia Ovis infected fallen stock. Each sheep infected costs me £15 to dispose of plus loss of income and associated slaughter costs. Just think what this same infection could be doing to the inside of your dog”.

Councillors were advised that Mrs R Webber had submitted a similar article to the Witheridge Magazine, suggesting the product was purchased from the vet but it was not included. The issue is a major problem on footpaths and cows are involved as well as sheep. Laminated notices to be put by gates on footpaths and the Clerk to include the details in the Community News Section of the North Journal. Councillor Baber would also update the community website with the details.

56.2 Mrs P Townsend MBE was pleased to report that the East Worlington resident is happy with the new transport arrangements from Chawleigh following the withdrawal of a bus service which had previously been used. There was no further information regarding buses to Tiverton until the work on the wind turbines at Batsworthy had been completed when it was expected that the community fund would allow buses to link up with , also picking up in East Worlington.

57. Apologies. District Councillor Mrs S Croft.

58. Declarations of Interest. 58.1 Councillor S Baber declared a Personal Interest in Minute No. 63.2, Page 2 of 6 Minutes of East Worlington Parish Council Meeting held on 24.11.15

request for a donation from East Worlington Parish Hall Management Committee. 58.2 Councillor P Risdon declared a Personal Interest in Minute No. 63.2, request for a donation from East Worlington Parish Hall Management Committee.

59. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 29/09/15. Approved and signed as a correct record. Proposed by Councillor Webber and seconded by Councillor Mrs Smyth.

60. Reports. 60.1 Mr T Pullen, Community College Academy Trust was not

present but Councillor Baber, as Chairman of the Board of Directors reported that work on the School House was progressing with the hope that it would be completed by Christmas and used from the beginning of the Spring Term in January 2016.

60.2 County Councillor R Edgell spoke on the following:  Records Office and Local Studies Centre. Efforts were being made to retain this facility in North Devon. The South West Heritage Trust had become involved and it was the intention to form a Community

Community Interest Company (CIC). Meanwhile, Town and Parish Councils had been invited to make a donation towards keeping the facility open between October 2015 and the end of March 2016. County and District Councillors had also contributed from their funding allocation. More

information was expected regarding the arrangements from April 2016.  Local Government Boundary Commission Review. It was expected that the Report with recommendations would be made by the end of January following a re-consultation in respect of the rural part of North Devon. The

recent historic details were given in that part of the adjustments, four County Councillors were concerned about the way it was proposed to alter the Divisions and a joint submission was made to the Boundary Commission. This was the only area the Boundary Commission was re- consulting on. Part of the re-consultation was split between ,

which was going to include the North Molton Ward, , Twitchen, North Molton, and East and West Buckland. This Ward, Burrington and Chulmleigh was proposed to be in the Rural Division moved from Chulmleigh and . It was now proposed

that just East Worlington is moved from the Chulmleigh and Swimbridge Division with to go some way to rebalance the numbers. The result would be in place for the next County Council Election in May 2017.

60.3 District Councillor Mrs S Croft. Not present.

60.4 Police. Not present.

60.5 Emergency Plan/Risk Register and Assessment. Councillor Baber

advised the emphasis is more about community resilience. As well as emergency planning, there is also rural safety to think about and more information about safety in the area was awaited after enquiries have been made of the Police.

60.6 Parish Plan Review. Councillor Baber reported no progress had been made due to a number of issues which had influenced lack of progress. From the last Meeting it had been agreed to meet with Councillors Risdon and Winter but this had not happened. Page 3 of 6 Minutes of East Worlington Parish Council Meeting held on 24.11.15

The credibility of Council had been challenged and trying to drive this forward would be difficult from a community perspective.

He had contacted District Councillor Mrs Croft from a District Council point of view and the advice was to hold fire on a Parish Plan as Neighbourhood Planning is the next step and working with other Parishes in a broader forum.

Councillor Wall pointed out that when the last Parish Plan was undertaken, it was totally independent from the Parish Council.

County Councillor Edgell advised that a Neighbourhood Plan is for planning and Parishes do not have to work together. The area can be defined as to what to look


Councillor Risdon was willing to make a start with the intention of a separate Committee being formed. PR / SB/ PW Councillors Baber and Winter will proceed with an agenda in terms of how to rather than doing it.

60.7 Website Protocols. This was deferred.

60.8 Devon Communities Together Rural Futures Conference in Exeter. Councillor Risdon reported on his attendance where there had been a variety of speakers covering housing including affordable housing, Housing Associations, right to buy and self build.

Another speaker was a Doctor who deal with person as a whole and thereby improves patients’ health.

There were tables with leaflets. East Worlington would be getting high speed broadband via a partial fibre option then copper which would improve the speed.

The Director of Met Office gave a short talk who was not happy that the BBC had decided to stop using them. The Met Office run by the Ministry of Defence and recently they had installed a £95 million computer. The first stage which has been installed is capable of completely doing work that the existing computers are now doing.

County Councillor Edgell spoke about housing where the government priority is getting more houses built and the reason why starter homes are being introduced providing homes at 80% of the market value to be sold to people under 40 years of age for their first home. If the house is lived in for 5 years, it is then possible to resell the house for 100% of the market value. No provision for affordable homes is being made in the future and the two cannot be mixed in one development. He felt the affordable housing provision should be made available.

61. Matters Arising. 61.1 Grit Salt. It was confirmed that a pallet of salt bags had been delivered to Mr

D Phillips, Snow Warden who had undertaken a Winter Maintenance Course. The salt is to be used on the public highway and Public Rights of Way and would not be left on the roadside.

It was not possible to purchase a decommissioned gritter from DCC. A fertilizer spreader would not be appropriate and Mr Phillips would like a gritter body to sit on his trailer. It was known there were several firms that sold these and NP Page 4 of 6 Minutes of East Worlington Parish Council Meeting held on 24.11.15

Mrs Phillips to make further enquiries regarding the price.

Mrs Hurst-Bannister informed that residents had promised donations towards this previously and it was left that she would enquire again to determine if the offers still C H-B stood.

County Councillor Edgell advised that he would fund any shortfall from his Locality

Grant and this had to be paid to the Parish Council first before an order was submitted. His grant money could not be paid retrospectively.

In addition, any money donated by parishioners must first have been received by

the Parish Council and banked in its Current Account before an order for the gritter was placed.

Councillors Wall and Mrs Smyth to be involved overseeing this and it was stressed that no order for a gritter should be made until all funding had been received by the TW /JS Parish Council.

61.2 Parish Group Meeting Talk. District Councillor Mrs Croft had been advised that Councillors would like a talk on the theme of Locality Planning.

61.3 Transport from East Worlington. This had been covered under Minute No. 56.2.

61.4 Update on Broadband. The Clerk advised that according to the USwitch website, superfast broadband was available in East Worlington through a BT package.

62. Planning and Planning Correspondence. 62.1 Applications: Clerk . 60104/60105 – Listed Building Application for conversion of barn to form two units of holiday accommodation at Higher Blagrove, East Worlington. A further set of paperwork had been received showing details of an amended description. It was resolved to reply: There is no reason to object.

. 60188 – Listed Building Consent for new doorway from hall to kitchen at Higher Blagrove, East Worlington. It was resolved to reply: There is no reason to object.

62.2 Planning Correspondence. 62.2.1 The following District Council Decision Notice was noted: Approval for 15/01438/FULL – installation of 150KW ground mounted solar panels at Woodford Farm, Witheridge.

62.2.2 The following Decision Notice was noted: Refusal for 59744 – Installation of a 25.0 metre high lattice tower with 6 antennas and 2 dishes, including installation of 6 equipment cabinets, ancillary development

within 2.2 metre high fencing & turning area at Hensley Farm, East Worlington.

County Councillor Edgell advised that a parallel Application for a 30 metre mast had been submitted by same agents at Exmoor National Park on top of Haddon Hill which had been approved. Subsequently Arqiva had not got sufficient time to

construct it by the end of March 2016 and the Minister is now involved in this case.

An Application in the Parish of Kings Nympton had been approved. Page 5 of 6 Minutes of East Worlington Parish Council Meeting held on 24.11.15

Councillors discussed the paragraph with regard to ‘public benefit and a heritage

asset’ and District Councillor Mrs Croft to be asked for further information on this. Clerk

Councillor Winter left the Meeting.

63. Finance. 63.1 Balances. Lloyds Treasurers Account as at 9/11/15: £2,863.18

Lloyds Savings Account as at 9/10/15: £1,000.00

Budgetary figures were tabled within the Budget Projection.

63.2 Requests for donations were considered from: The Parish Hall Management Committee. A letter of application and copy of the latest set of accounts have been received to comply with criteria laid down by the Audit Commission. Councillors Baber and Risdon declared a Personal Interest, Councillor Baber

being the Chairman of the Parish Hall Management Committee. Proposed by Councillor Mrs Lines to donate the sum of £400.00. Seconded by Councillor Webber and unanimously agreed.

South Molton Community News. A letter of application and copy of the latest set of accounts have been received to comply with criteria laid down by the Audit Commission. Proposed by Councillor Mrs Smyth to donate the sum of £20.00. Seconded by Councillor Mrs Lines and unanimously agreed.

63.4 The following payments were approved and authorised: Proposed by

Councillor Mrs Smyth and seconded by Councillor Mrs Lines. Clerk Mrs S Squire Salary including overtime as detailed at the September Meeting £534.53

Contribution towards Broadband £ 4.50 Photocopying £ 12.45 Mileage £ 6.00 Postage £ 7.56 £565.04

HMRC PAYE £133.60 Ch.No.487 Information Commissioners Office Data Protection Fee £ 35.00 Ch.No.488 East Worlington Parish Hall Donation £400.00 Ch.No.489

South Molton Community News Donation £ 20.00 Ch.No.490 Ch.No.491 63.5 To set the 2016/17 Budget and Precept. The projection had been emailed to

Councillors ahead of the Meeting to study.

The Clerk to ask Mr P Tanner to clean and tidy the Pump House.

Proposed by Councillor Webber to agree the 2016/17 Budget. Seconded by

Councillor Mrs Mrs Smyth and unanimously agreed.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs Smyth that the Precept remain at £3,266.00. Clerk Seconded by Councillor Webber and unanimously agreed.

Clerk to Split in Parish Grant of £392.00. Proposed by Councillor Mrs Smyth that this complete should be split 50/50 between upkeep of West and East Worlington and Churchyards and East Worlington Parish Hall. Seconded by Councillor Mrs return Lines and unanimously agreed. form to NDC Page 6 of 6 Minutes of East Worlington Parish Council Meeting held on 24.11.15

63.6 Bank Mandate to include serving Councillors as signatories. This had

been prepared by the Clerk and was left with Councillors to complete. Cllrs

63.7 Insurance. Confirmation received that the insurance policy has been renewed.

64. Correspondence & Notices / Publications Received (these were placed on the table & available to read).

64.1 North Devon Council. Further consultation on the North Devon and Torridge District Council Local Plan. Noted.

64.2 Town Council Clerk. Future of North Devon Records Office & Local Studies Centre. This had been covered under Minute No. 60.2 second bullet point. County Councillor Edgell advised that the South West Heritage Trust, who it was hoped would run the facility, could apply for grants that could not and was therefore in a better position to obtain funding.

65. Matters raised by Councillors/Clerk. Clerk to 65.1 2016 Meeting Dates. The following dates were agreed: 26/1/16; 29/3/16; book Hall from the 31/5/16 (Annual Parish Council Meeting); 26/7/16; 27/9/16; 29/11/16. May Meeting 65.2 Councillor Webber spoke about the state of the roads around the Parish, onwards some of which had been done but the following were in a particularly poor state:

 Risdon Hill on the road from Three Hammers to East Worlington War Clerk to Memorial. report  On Worlington Hill by the Church where part of the road had been completely destroyed on one side, resulting in water going under Knights Cottage. A job number has been given but no work has been done.

66. Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 26 January 2016 in East Worlington Primary School at 7.30pm

The Meeting ended at 9.41pm.

Summary of Decisions: 

These Minutes are agreed by those present as being a true record.

Signed: Date: Chair of East Worlington Parish Council: