A Hand-Book of Exeter, New Hampshire
This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. http://books.google.com AHand-bookofExeter,NewHampshire JohnAugustusBrown,CharlesHenryBell t K - , -' n ^arbarU College ILtorarg EXETER 38S © i © SSI 585 .i638- Quarter . jUStlletmial . 1888- 28! 58j ESTABLISHED 17 YEARS AND STILL THE SAME STORY. "I make no mistake when I go to PettengilPs for my goods," is what all the ladies say. Full line Underwear, Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Cor sets, Bibbonst Laces, Dress Trimmings and Linings, Worsteds, Yams, Felt- ings, Peueeee Satins, And all kinds of goods for Fancy Work, and all things usually found in a first-class Furnishing and Fancy Goods Store. Stamping done at short notice. J. R, PETTENGILL, Cor. Front and Court Streets. flSfAgent for Household and White Machines. ALL PERSONS WISHING # PH0T9GRAPHIG - WORK # Of any kind will find at 94 Water street a well appointed studio, where all work is finished in the highest style of the art, and SMSeACT1ee GOflRANTEEB IN EVERY CASE. A SUPPLY OF PICTURE FRAMES AND MOULDINGS KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. S. 6. MORSE, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST. Advertisements. W. H. C. FOLLANSBY, CAMPERS LARGEST STOCK. LOWEST PRIGES. LATEST NOVELTIES. 60 WATER STREET, EXETER, N. H. Adv ERTI sementr. Watches ! Watches ! The largest line of Watches in the State. By buying largely of high priced movements, I am supplied with the lower grades that many jewelers are unable to get. I sell the Waltham, Elgin, Hampden and Illinois, IN 3 OZ. CASES FOR $8.00.
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