National implementation of the GSPC

GPPC meeting Cape Town, August 2018

PHILIPPE BARDIN1,, MAÏTÉ DELMAS2 SERGE MULLER3 Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle, Sorbonne Universités, , France 1 Conservatoire Botanique National du Bassin Parisien, Direction Générale Recherche, Evaluation, Valorisation et Enseignement 2 Maïté Delmas, Direction of European, International and Overseas relations 3 UMR ISYEB Institut Systématique Evolution Biodiversité [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] A European responsability





4 out of the 9 European biogeographic regions

1 hotspot: Mediterranean basin

Source : Ministère en charge de l'Écologie Réunion Island Clipperton St-Pierre & Miquelon 1628 km² 2512 km² 2 km² 242 km² St-Martin & 3521 km² St-Barthelemy 1128 km² Metropolitan France 78 km² 550 000 km²

French Overseas Territories 110 000 km²

North An Atlantic international Ocean responsibility Pacific Ocean

Indian Ocean

Mayotte Wallis & Futuna French 215 km² Guyana 376 km² 84 000 km² Eparse Isl. 18 600 km² 53 km² Austral Isl. 7800 km² How is the GSPC being addressed in France?

A European conservation Strategy but NO national GSPC strategy A European Biodiversity Strategy + National biodiversity strategy Overseas Strategies: , La Reunion and (in preparation)  In French Polynesia: State of the environment Law for the reconquest of biodiversity, nature and landscapes August 2016 A network of Conservatoires botaniques nationaux Consultative bodies: National and Regional Councils for the Protection of Nature National Committee for Biodiversity Sectoral policies: TVB corridors / Natura 2000 /National Strategy for the Creation of Protected Areas National action Plans for endangered species A National Agency for Biodiversity A Biodiversity plan 2018-2024 Citizen science programs A Biodiversity Charter for the "Linear Infrastructure Club" (water, electricity, gas) THE CONSERVATOIRES BOTANIQUES NATIONAUX

4 missions: Creation: mid of 70’s Legal « National » status in 1985 Understand the distribution and evolution of wild 11 Conservatoires Botaniques flora and natural Nationaux. habitats 2 projects : Est and French Guiana Identify and conserve • 350 employees wildlife and natural • 9 seed banks habitats •Tens of thousands hectares of natural habitats mapped Conduct assessments for local and regional •Tens of thousands of authorities vegetation surveys

Educate the public •~ 20 millions observation data Jardins botaniques de France et des pays francophones A NATIONAL FLORA

National inventory of the natural heritage: fauna, flora, geology, mineralogy paleontology

French Overseas Metropolitan France • FLORA GALLICA • FLORE DE LA FRANCE MÉDITERRANÉENNE Flora of French Polynesia CONTINENTALE • SI-Flore National System of information flora, fungi Flora of New Caledonia vegetation, habitats • eFlore TELA BOTANICA, an electronic flora for France Flora of the Guianas and other francophones regions SI FLORE: THE WEB PLATFORM OF THE FRENCH FLORA

National inventory using 10x10 km  1 CBN = 1 regional database Lambert 93 grid  A central database  27 million floristic data.  Metropolitan France + Réunion Island.  10,765 species

 Origin of data: CBN network, volunteers, bibliography, herbariums, other networks…  Periodically updated. Contributing to other countries floras

Floras and inventories • Catalogue of vascular of Madagascar • Flore de Madagascar et des Comores • Flore du Cambodge, du Laos et du Vietnam Since 1960 • Flore du Gabon Since 1961 • Flore du Cameroun - Since 1962 • MADBRYO : a collaborative project on Madagascan bryophytes

Access to Data online • National level: France is the country that connect the most plant data on GBIF with 46,467,340 occurrences Digitization of Herbarium collections and virtual Herbaria

Renovation of the National Herbarium • 8 million specimens scanned and databased • APGIII-sorted • No bryophytes (except types), lichens or fungi • No historical collections

⇒ Online access to data of the national Herbarium at Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle

• Brazil • Columbia, Mexico (projects) OTHER FRENCH HERBARIUM COLLECTIONS

Total number of specimens: 25 992 196 ReColNat A NATIONAL PLANT RED LIST

• 2012: List of 1000 species of metropolitan France, 513 CR, EN et VU • 2018: An update to be published • Vascular flora of La Reunion, evaluated in 2010 • Vascular endemic species of French Polynesia (2015) • New Caledonia : RLA (Red List Authority): the expert network on the New Caledonian flora • Mayotte in 2014, partly, • Martinique: 162 species evaluated • Guadeloupe: 186 species evaluated (2013) SUBNATIONAL RED LISTS PROJECTS

A complete list of Heritage species (protected, threatened, endemic)

Ongoing work


Inventories Poorly surveyed areas French Guiana Gaps in Taxonomic groups Bryophytes and Algae Red Lists to be completed Guadeloupe , Martinique, French Polynesia (non endemics), Other overseas territories: New Caledonia (in progress), Wallis & Futuma, Saint- Pierre et Miquelon…) THREATENED PLANTS IN CONSERVATION PROGRAMMES

Many species are still poorly known or unknown whether in terms of , distribution, actual or potential threats, or conservation actions to be implemented to ensure their preservation. • 72 National biodiversity action Plans but only 25 for Plants • The Conservatoires botaniques nationaux develop Regional Action Plans for priority taxa (CR/EN/VU) • 1st plans 2012-2015 • La Réunion Coordination DEAL

PNA Bois de poivre Zanthoxylum heterophyllum (EN)

PNA bois de papaye - Polyscias aemiliguineae (CR)

PNA bois blanc rouge - borbonica (CR)

PNA Bois de senteur blanc - Ruizia cordata (CR) RESTORATION PROGRAMMES

Ruizia cordata (CR) (Malvaceae)

Polyscias (CR) cutispongia (CR) () (Araliaceae)


Common bases for the seed-banking strategy

- The protected species (national and regional) - The threatened species (national and regional)

Red List of Ile-de-France ~ 1500 taxa


0% CBN Paris Basin 11% Extinct in the Wild 100% populations sampled 6% 9% 8% Regionally extinct Critically Endangered Sample 3 populations Endangered 8% Vulnerable geographically distant 3% Near Threatened 47% Least Concern Sample 2 distant Data Deficient populations Not Evaluated min. 800 seed lots required to attain target RED LIST OF ECOSYSTEMS FOR METROPOLITAN FRANCE AND OVERSEAS

Different types of ecosystems assessed: humid zones, forests, coastal areas… and by geographical zones ecologically significant: Atlantic coast, French Mediterranean area, Mayotte, French West Indies, French Polynesia, New Caledonia A BROAD RANGE OF PROTECTED AREA CATEGORIES

Protection category Land owned by the Conservatoire du Biotope, natural habitat or Protection through land Littoral site of geological interest management Land purchased (or similar) by a protection Order Conservatory of Natural Spaces Wilderness National Park Wetland protected by the Ramsar National park, heart area Convention Managed biological reserve Biosphere Reserve, central area Regulatory protection Wilderness biological Biosphere Reserve, transition area reserve Biosphere Reserve, buffer area National hunting and wildlife reserves National nature reserve Regional nature reserve Corsican nature reserves A Strategy for the creation of protected areas National Park, partnership zone Target of at least 2% of the metropolitan terrestrial Contractual protection Regional nature park territory under strong protection by 2019 Marine nature park PROTECTED AREAS AND ECOLOGICAL CONTINUITIES

Parc National Réserves naturelles A project of protected area in Mayotte (National Nature Reserve)

Project of 2000 ha Instruction in process A decree must be taken Will cover the State and departmental forests on the mountains and ridges of Mayotte ca. 8 % of Mayotte surface

Currently only 0,2 % is protected on M’Bouzi small island (82 ha) What actions are being taken to monitor and control invasive species? (Target 10)

• 2017 a national strategy on invasive alien species • A national resource center on IAS, led by AFB and the French IUCN Committee • 2018 a report on "Socio-economic valuation of invasive alien species established in natural environments CERTIFICATIONS TO GUARANTEE THE LOCAL ORIGIN OF WILD SPECIES

Environmental labeling for Collection of plant informing consumers about material in nature for the main environmental renaturation impacts of products operations 87 plant species 48 producers France announces a five-year herbaceous plants, climate plan to end “imported shrubs and trees deforestation” of products like palm oil and soy Management of production lands for the conservation of plant diversity

Stem the disappearance of hedges • Mitigating the effects of climate change, • Fight against soil erosion • Enhance biodiversity • Crop protection • Carbon storage • Fight against the trivialization of rural landscapes

516 950 trees and shrubs Over 67 operators A commitment to high-quality planting by supporting the "local plant" certification A new objective: the planting of one million trees. ACTIONS TO PRESERVE CULTIVATED BIODIVERSITY

• The launch of a call for projects for the characterisation and sustainability of plant genetic resource collections for cultivated plants. • A €300,000 budget. • Resources mobilised since 2015 to assemble a team dedicated to structuring the preservation of these resources. • Dozens of plant varieties deposited into the common pool provided for in the ITPGRFA: 80 varieties of aubergines, 603 varieties of oats and 36 varieties of triticale. • Conservation Plan for wild grapes (Vitis vinifera sylvestris) The importance of plants incorporated into education and public awareness programs

Wild plants of my street Is there sufficient capacity in your country to conserve your native plant diversity?

• Laws • Action plans • Actors • Infrastructures • Networks Main gaps • Taxonomic impediment • Ambitious projects but not enough capacity (staff and financial ressources) • Lack of indicators to measure progress Table of progress by target

Objective 1 - Knowledge Objective 2 - Conservation

Target 1 Target 2 Target 3 Target 4 Target 5 Target 6 Target 7 Target 8


Objective 2 - Objective 3 – Sustainable use Objective 4 Objective 5 Capacity Conservation Education

Target 9 Target 10 Target 11 Target 12 Target 13 Target 14 Target 15 Target 16


Next steps up to 2020 National level • 6th National report to the CBD + GSPC report, December 2018 • Contribution to the Plant conservation report (application for funding) • National Committee for Biodiversity work plan to 2020 • Participation to COP 14 and 15 and to SBSTTA meetings • IPBES 2019 and IUCN Congress 2020 Botanic gardens and Conservatoires level • Towards a French GSPC Strategy? • NBSAP and GPPC commitments Institutional level • Develop an institutional response to the GSPC • Planta Europa 2020 and a renewed ESPC FORTHCOMING COMMITTMENTS

7th IPBES session and presentation of the 1st evaluation of a world FRENCH 7 th IUCN COP 15 COP 14 biodiversity Presidency of Congress in EGYPT state (France) G7 China