fbioe-08-610544 December 14, 2020 Time: 16:16 # 1 REVIEW published: 17 December 2020 doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2020.610544 Perinatal Derivatives: Where Do We Stand? A Roadmap of the Human Placenta and Consensus for Tissue Edited by: Martijn van Griensven, and Cell Nomenclature Maastricht University, Netherlands Antonietta Rosa Silini1*†, Roberta Di Pietro2,3†, Ingrid Lang-Olip4†, Francesco Alviano5, Reviewed by: Asmita Banerjee6, Mariangela Basile2,3, Veronika Borutinskaite7, Günther Eissner8, Diana Farmer, 9 10 11 12 University of California System, Alexandra Gellhaus , Bernd Giebel , Yong-Can Huang , Aleksandar Janev , 12 4 13,14 United States Mateja Erdani Kreft , Nadja Kupper , Ana Clara Abadía-Molina , Aijun Wang, Enrique G. Olivares13,14,15, Assunta Pandolfi3,16, Andrea Papait1,17, Michela Pozzobon18, University of California, Davis, Carmen Ruiz-Ruiz13,14, Olga Soritau19, Sergiu Susman20,21, Dariusz Szukiewicz22, United States Adelheid Weidinger6, Susanne Wolbank6, Berthold Huppertz4† and Ornella Parolini17,23† *Correspondence: 1 Centro di Ricerca E. Menni, Fondazione Poliambulanza-Istituto Ospedaliero, Brescia, Italy, 2 Department of Medicine Antonietta Rosa Silini and Ageing Sciences, G. d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy, 3 StemTeCh Group, G. d’Annunzio
[email protected] Foundation, G. d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy, 4 Division of Cell Biology, Histology and Embryology, †These authors have contributed Gottfried Schatz Research Center, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria,