Good Works and The Mountjoy Square Society Present : Drawing Room Opera Venue: Private Georgian Drawing Room Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1 12th November at 7.30pm for 8.00pm Tickets incl glass wine €25 Booking (essential) at featuring 's "A Hand of Bridge" and 's "The Tele- phone" Menotti and Barber were life partners for over 50 years. They met as young students at The Curtis Institute of Music in 1928 and remained to- gether until Barber's death from cancer in 1981. This celebrates the cen- tenary years of Barber and Menotti. The performance will also feature popular ensembles by Purcell, Handel, Mozart, Rossini, Delibes and Bizet. Performers Grace Bermingham-Soprano Laura Gilsenan-Soprano Joyce Byrne- Mezzo-Soprano Dara Mc Mahon Mezzo-Soprano Graham Joseph Counter- Patrick Hyland-Tenor Gerry Noonan-Baritone Trudi Carberry- Piano Nicole Panizza-Piano Alan O'Conchubhair- Presenter

A Hand of Bridge opus 35, is an opera composed by Samuel Barber with libretto by Gian Carlo Menotti, is possibly the shortest opera that is regularly performed.

Synopsis The contract is 5♥ played by Bill, after the opponents competed in ♣. Sal- ly recalls a hat she saw in a shop window earlier in the day. Bill, the law- yer, recalls a former lover and wonders where she is now. Geraldine la- ments not loving her now-dying mother while she was still well. Finally, David fantasizes about what he would do if he were as rich as his boss "Mr. Pritchett."

The Telephone is an English-language comic opera in one act by Gian Carlo Menotti, both words and music.

Synopsis Ben, bearing a gift, comes to visit Lucy at her apartment; he wants to pro- pose to her before he leaves on a trip. Despite his attempts to get her atten- tion for sufficient time to ask his question, Lucy is occupied with intermi- nable conversations on the telephone. Between her calls, when Lucy leaves the room, Ben even tries to cut the telephone cord — unsuccessful- ly. Not wanting to miss his train, Ben leaves without asking Lucy for her hand in marriage. But Ben makes one last attempt: He calls Lucy from a telephone booth outside on the street and makes his proposal. She con- sents, and the two join in a romantic duet over the phone line, at the end of which Lucy makes sure that Ben remembers her phone number.