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2-2-1967 Kabul Times (February 2, 1967, vol. 5, no. 258) Bakhtar News Agency

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PAGE 4 • HM In India (Conld fTom page I) We welcome Her Majesty the Queen iTom the i'leptil or our hearts and wtSh Their Majesties health and long life so that His M4Jes!Y may be able to devote his services to the progress and prosperity of PARIS, February I, (Combined Wl1'.e Services5­ 1\fghamstan for mnny years he After a more than one hour meeting with the French chief of stud state US Senator Robert ~ennedy expressed Tuesday his conI" Your Majesties partic.lpation m vlctlon tbat France and General de GauUe coUld play an Import. this gathermg Will be a cherlsped ant role In genuine el'lorts aimed at a 1Jei!;ceful Solution to tJle, Prine AI 8 memory to the people of Delhi he Vietnam problelll/l • said U one did no! r_gmse IhlS to At the end of the ceremony the Washtogton Kennedy added then mayor pr~sented to Their Majesties one was 10 a much...,morc difficult THEIR MAJESTIES IN handicrafts as souvenirs of their posillon than he hlId beheved In Washmgton some 2,000 clergy VISit SOUTH INDIAN CITY Yesterday afternoon His MaJesty men and laymen of aJ1 denomma By A SbI! Writer Inspected the Wazlrabad from tlons gathered m front of tbe White DELm February (8akhtar)­ where drlnkmg water Is su:pplied to House for a demonstratIon agaInSt KABUIJ Feb 2 -The ~r1Ush am 2, war to Vietnam The demonstrators , Leaving Deihl for the southern city of BangaIore Wednesday DeIhl bassador. Sit Gordon C Whltterldee had come from 45 states of the He also went slghtseemg In Delhi opened the British COuncil library morning, ms Majesty the King wished a quIck recovery to Dr country They sent PreSident Lyn , and VIS ted the Buddha Jayantl here yeslerda,y evenlne Radhakrlshnan, President of IndIa, and thanked tbe Indian gov don Johnson a statement demandmg , The library which ernment and ))e.Ople for a warm and cordial reception He expres park Ihe halt of au raids on North Vtet PARIS 'Feb I (Reuter) -France Tl?xt 01 HIS Ma1esty s etvte "Te sed delight over the progress which India has made during recent nam and other measures to restram has fflendly feelings towards Ku",alt books Is In :targhoona e PA-RIS Feb I (AP) --Senator reptlO speech--pag 2 the demonstratlon which had been and all A.ab Stat.,.. and IS glad now Sbare Nau l years Robert Kennedy Monday began a ~ha Their Majesties left thcu resldem:e by the mayor other ollielals and a announced for weeks by the orgam I 10 ve regular dlplomalle relations The modem lIbrar)' stalled by /U. brlsl< schedule of vl~tlS to htghly With Kuwait General de Gaulle said gpans and Bnton.. oilers English af 8 50 local Ume for the alrport large number of re~i1dents of Ihe satlon Clergymen and Laymen c ty Thetr Majesties had a pnvate Concerned About the War to Viet Diplomatic Relations placed government, OPPOSIllOn and here Tuesd"-Y language courses 8S well with Dr Zaklr Husaon Indian Vice .n!ii Pr~Sldenl lunch and at 3 30 they left Banga Nazi Rise Charge nam was a Silent mass prayer Pre­ united Europe offiCials. He was addresstng Saeed Yagoob Sir Gordon sald even long before Al the alrpople has m the nesses searChlOg for the key to the Mrs Hess appeals for the clOSing of Sistance scholarships five BntiSh plane utilities and the need for autonomy Robert J McCloskey gave U S Idenllfy thlOgs as Signals past refused to malOtalO dlplomau,c spacecraft fire Dr Khalr Mnhammad ArsaIa faculty member nf the College of Medicine 4Dd reaction to the Moscow protest 10 We have noted a couple of mal relatIOns WIth any country other Likely (0 recelve the board s cn Spaodau and the release of her hus­ To Step Down Council scholarsbJp and 25 30 Com They were received at the airport ror local government agenCIes Pharmacy receives dfplomas for the mem bers nf the class of 1966 from Prime Minis- monweaJth scholarshIps UDder fthe thc followmg statement ters reported he saId... One IS an than the Soviet Umon which recog tical conSideration 15 a 3 year..()ld band who tS servlOg life term JAKARTA Feb I (AP)- a ter Malwandwal Photo by MOq1m Kobul Times Colombo Plan wtll be offered to At It seems dear that the notc has IOtervICw With an Australian Joum Olses East Germany National Aeronautics Bnd Space Ad there He 15 the last of the convict Foreign Minister Adam Malik S8Jd ghans po ntcdly d storted the facts and that I st (Wilfred Burchelt) and Ihe For WhIle Bonn Bnd Bucharest have mtfilstratJOn report detailIng pre­ cd Nazi war cramInals 10 the pnsoD Monday if President Sukarno dId Is mot vatIon IS somethmg other elgn MlOlster of North Vietnam agreed to differ In the face of poll VIOUS fires 10 oxygen filled chambers which IS controlled by the Unlled not follow advice ot his pOSltion The ambassador called the hbrary Progress Reported Toward than a concerti about the r sc of (Nguyn Duy Tnnh) and a commen tical necessity the West German The NASA report showed foW' States BntalO France and the So he could no longer be defended Colleges Hand Out 840 BA's Afghahl~tii;S. a "Ymbol of the happily improving lleo-naZJsm of mlhtansm In the relations between Afghamstan and lary In Nhan Dan of January 29 government launchea 8 world Wide men suffered critical burns In 1962 viet Union Malik who has already urged Federal German Republic The We of course gIve these and any Bntaln Non· Proliferation Treaty acbon to forestall a pOSSible rush dOlOg expenmentatlOD In PhJladeI Sukarno to steP down before he 1S To University Graduates real facts are these other statements on thiS subject CBre phiS With an oxygen fUIed simulat The Mmister of Information and by other countries to recognise East dragged down said the safety of tbe By A-Stalf Wrlt4lr Asian Bank Aid PARIS February 2, (DPA)­ I The Federal Republic today 15 MADRID Feb I (AP)-A Culture Mohammad Osman Sldky ful study BeNpi ed space cablO That blast was nation now depended on Sukarno KABUL February 2-It and promulgalion of the Constllu me of the staunchest democra In Sa gon the South VIetnamese touched off by an electrical spark JUdge ot SpaIn s nattOnal court of KABUL Feb 2 (Bakhtar)­ offiCials ot his MInistry and the In a report on the prOjected non prollferatiou treaty the AIDer! Speak109 to newsmen Malik lndl IS my wish that the UDlversity tlOn and came lOto bemg Wllh the CICS n Europe government has lodged a strong pro­ It was Jmpressed espeCially on 60id the report pUbliC order Monday formally PreSident of the Pashtany Tejaraty Forelgn MlnISlry and dlploftlats at can NATO Ambassador Harlan Cleveland Wednesday Indicated ., The present government of the cated the threat of a major CIVil dis deCide lIS educational admlnlst .teclion of parhament test With the International Control neutralist countries such as India The study prepared by the La charged the Ducbess of Medma Sldo Bank Janal Khan Gharwal Tuesday' tended the reception to the allies at the weekly meeting of the NATO councU In Paris Federal Republic represents OIa 30 w!th sponsonog an lliegal turbance here was real but said it ratlve and cultural pohcles WIth The government respects tbe 10 CommiSSIon (lCC) over the Viet and the Umted Arab Republic that velace Foundation for Medical Edu gave a luncheon In honour of that the negntiatlons of the United States with the Soviet Union the overwhelmmg maJonty of could De averted if Sukarno follow freedom without decree with tegnty of parliament We recognIse Cong massacre of 81 CIVIhans 10 a Bonn would still regard any dlplo catton hnd Research AlbuqQerque maOlfestauon at Palomares Jan 17 Takeshl Watanabe president of the had prngressed far the German voters that IS first anmversary of tJle fall there of ed the adVice gJven him out approval of the government the fact that 10 parbamentary life Mekong Delta provlOce matl(~ dealmgs With East Germany Ne,w MeXICO was part at a series on ASian Development Bank 10 the Cleveland mformed the rcpresen powers Intended to monopolise tech over 90 per cent The government charged that on An estimated 8 000 students con 10 the spirit of academic freedom Ihe presllge of the parhamel)t 10 Latin Americans as an unfriendly act and draw the space cabm fire and blast hazards a U S nuclear bomber Baghe Bala restaurant tahves of the other NATO countnes mcal progress 10 the nuclear field 3 Political part es WhICh have January IS unIts of tts army diS verged on parliament Monday to saId Prime Minister Malwandwal cultural hfe lies 1U the presUge of necessary consequences It suggested that the ease with Watanabe Tuesday held talks WIth ot a new version of several treaty ThiS challenge must be solved be demonstrated the dedication to covered the bodies JO two trenches TEHRAN Feb 1 (Reuter) ­ demand Sukarno s mandate of WednesdaY In the Kabul Umver cultural clfdes and lD general WIth The Rumamans on the other which scientists handled prevIous the MImsters of FlOance Af'lcul Discuss Nuclear clauses to which the Americans and cause our future as .an industnal the pr nClples of democracy folloV'mg the retreat of Viet Coog Measles epIdemiC bas killed 59 power be revoked slty gymnasium at the commen fhe people s prestrge the govern ture and IrrIgation and PlanmtllJ hand have moved av.: ay from the fire threats m ... OlVlOg oxygen 1ll cement exerc1Sl!S held for grad- ment s presUge and the country s Soviets reportedly agreed country depends fully on thlS have received the support of forces m the delta region children 10 three villages m the The students ~rched some three A Planmng Mm'istry source IIIIICI Soviet posItion that West German space cabins may Jtave created a AUS spokesman emphaSlsed the Brandt said It was difficult to an overwhelmmg maJonty of The letter to the ICC saId the northwest provlDce of Az.orbaJJan miles from downiDwn Jakarta to uates of the last fIve years- prestige at his meellng with Watanhe Plan Free Zone Ea~t fal~ sense of security fact that the discussions at the draw an exact hne between peace the German voters 10 every bodies IDcluded those of two babies reeognillon of Germany anfi near the SoVlet border accqrdmg to where parliament was meeting to 1962-66 We can forget our prestige an the mng Mm,ster Abdul Hakim Z1ayee the Oder Neisse frontier is a pre The flndlngs of the hoard of in council meeting had been eonsulta ful and military use of atomic election conducted 10 the Fede and tWO women and that many had press reports here yeslerday present theIr de.m.ands and rip up Durmg thiS penod 1790 students mlerest of the people We are not expressed Afghamslan s hope thaI In quiry are not expected to be MEXlCO CITY Feb 2 (AP)­ tlons among the NATO allIes which energy The danger of negative con ral Repubhe been hornbly mutilated" condition for a thaw Bonn pldures of Sukarno graduated from the Umversfty here to gam prestige We are here the ASIan Baok would prOVide as known for at least several days Representatives trom 21 American would be continued In the future sequences for technological progress 4 Political parties which can The ICC \I' a three nation body Eastern European relations The demonstrabon was laree but 840 of whom reCeIved thetr deg fo work for the progress of the coun slstance In Implementmg varlDUS withm the same framework In the field of nuclear energy was even remotely be IdentIfied With ~anada Indla-set up The establishment ot diplomatic Among those being mterviewed by orderly Only a few armed troops rees ye.terdaY handed to them try and do what IS practically pos­ agricultural projects lOeluded m countries met 1D Mexico City Usually well informed sources S81d the greater the more general a non neo nazism represent an mSlg by the Geneva accords of 1954 to relations was welcomed by West the panel are two members of the were stationed around the padia eIther personally or through re sible mime with realltles In Afgha­ Afghamstan s Third Five Year Plan Tuesday nIght tor final work on a srnok~ the BrItish and CanadJan delega proliferation agreement IS written OI11caot fnnge element to the oversee the truce in Vietnam Germany s alhes as an important launch crew who suffered in ment building The students also presentatIVes of theIr colleges by nlstal,l the baSls of Ibe hlslory and Further dIscussions a~d excballlC4 treaty to create a nuclear free zone Federal Repubhc. The bombtog of North contmued contribution towards a lessening of halation as they tried to rescue the Prime Mln15ter Malwandwal The wllh due conSIderation to nalional m Latin America hons at the meetmg of the NATO Brandt warned u,rged that congress make a stand of VIews are envtsaged The PIl\Il The Foreign Mlnisler sald he he­ 5 The German armed forces were Tuesday WIth Amencan fighter born tenSIons between East and West astronauts trapped 218 teet above against Sukarno when it meets in rest of the graduates are eltber and International causes mng Mmlstry JS lubmtltlng a letter It was the fourth session of the counCil had supported the conclu created for self defence and sion of the planned non proliferation lJeved It would be wrong for West bers flylOg cauuously across North The first reaction In East bloc the ground in the burning craft March studymg abroad work1Og for hi Kabul Unlvers,ty Reclor Tounalat 10 the President of tbe Asian Bank preparatory committee for the de are WlthlO the framework and Germany to be uncondltlonally will Vietnam 5 skies to make radar-con The students urged congress to gher degrees. or carrymg out (Conld on page 4) for swdy nuclearlsation of Latlll America treaty under the command of the asslgnm~nts In the proVInces lng to si~ an aereement trolled attacks agalDst targets blot order a full investigation and ~ial (COPREDAL) headed hy Allonso Other countries among them North AtlantiC Treaty Organt $2,'530 MBudget Proposed For AID President of the Meshrano Jlr ------'-----'------ted out by dense monsoon fog and If necessary if Sukarno were found GarCJB Robles of MeXICO He hopes West Germany reportedly asked satlon gah Abdul Hadl Dawl cabIDet the treaty wlli be signed at the end the fonowing questions JALALABAD GRID cloud WASHINGTON Feb I S lopmg natton to pursue an energe to be guilty of involvment m the 6 The Fed"al Republ c has by An Amencan military spokesman -u members hlgb rankmg ciVIl and One WhiCh guarantees can be TO BE EXTENDED PreSident Johnson lias ask.ed Cong tiC and realistiC development pro.,. coup attempt of October 1965 of the sessions treaty renounced the nauonal saId thJck cloud 'covenng 7S per mt\{tary offiCials heads of the received by non atomiC powers') KABUL. Feb 2 ()3akhtar)­ ress to appropnate $2,530 mllllDn gramme the steps .t takes to adopt Meanwhile speCial troops from Calibre Of Afghan Leadership Representattves of all countrles 10 productIOn of nuclear weapons cent of North VlI'tnam held down dIplomatic corps stationed 10 the hemisphere except Barbados­ Two what would be the results of A contract to extend the power As far as we know no other for the economtc assistance opera, appropnate mternal refonns the the powerful Siliwangi army div, these miSSions to 20 the lowest total Kabul dean. and professors of Canada Cuba and Guyana are a non prdlilerahon treaty for the dlstnbutlOn gnd In J alalabad was country until now has done thiS tlOns of the U S Agency for Inter stress It places On agnculture health SJon remained m posJtion around the colleges of the University and Lauded By Washington Post for two months gathered In MeXICO s new Foreign nuclear mdustry? signed yesterday by the Afghan 7 The new Federal Repubhc Under grey skIes n the Gulf of natIonal Development In the fiscal and education and on the effechve President Sukarno s palace Monday Pakhtunlstanl leader Khan Abdul use of private resources Three would the treaty 10 Its Electrtc Inslltute and the SOVIet government 10 Its polley decla TonklO five Viet Cong cargo barges year be8mmng July I but there }'iRS no mdJc8tion Sukarno Ghaffar Khan were present at WASHINGTON February 2 _ M,mstry buiIdmg The Umted Salkhor Prom Export While lOduslnal development con The 1968 budget request for aid final form exclude the posslbhty of ration December 13 stated that were sank and damaged was under palace arrest the ceremony which lasted for The Wasblngton Pnst Wednesday lauded tbe leadership that His States.s attending as an observer The coniract was stgned for tmues to 100m large In AID opera does not represent the total flow tormmg in future a common Euro lis policy was not to acqUire Newsmen are no longer allowed two and a half hours Majesty Mohammad Zahlr Shah and Prime Minister Mohammad The malO obstacle has bl!j!n how the Afghan Electnc institute by national ownership or natIOnal lIons pTionty 10 drawmg up the of US eCOnomiC assIstance to other to see Sukarno but palace sources pean atomic power' JAKARTA Feb I (DPA)- Speakmg to the graduates the Hashim Malwanilwal are giving Afghanistan to brmg UTe treaty Into force Presldent Harmdullah and lor t:ontrol of nuclear weapons budget request this year has been country Also contemplated are oul said thiS was Sukamo s personal MeXICO and some other countries The French representative re I ndoneSIa win not supply defence Prime Mmister saId with graduat the Salkhor Prom Export by As 8 fhe New Federal Repubhc gov gIven to helping these less-develop­ lays 10 the budget for such program Arab World order not a military command The Afghanistan is fortunate indeed luUons wanted the pact to become etftctive peated the French reservations lools to any country Foreign MI Ion from tile UniversitY you begm Slstant Consellor In the Soviet ernmeot has repeatedly expres ed countnes IOcrease theIr agTicultu mes as Food for Freedom the Peace 65 year old President is still seeing to have leadershIp of this cahbre The United States had a fleeting after ratification by 11 Latm Amerl about the conclUSion of such a n ster Adam Mahk saId here Tues­ (eontd from page 2) a new phase m your Itfe This Is Uie newspaper said encounter with the Afg1; demo embassy Paulov ed deSIre for Improvement In ral production to achieve a balance Corps and US contnbutlons to 10 can countries treaty day Antara IndoneSIan neWs sourCe of trouble and unrest 10 various politIcal and -military lea a new page 10 the history of your AccordIng to the contract vvork tiS relations wnh the Soviet between food supphes and rapidly lernatlonal financml IDStltuUOns Prime Mtnt#er MaJwandwal will crahc expenment when the KinI Brazil and others wanted It elJec the Middle East ThiS sltuatlOn ders Itfe You make a new start And AccordlOg to French opimon the on the proJect Will begln In late agency reported groWing populauons When these and other relevant pro VJSlt Washington March 2829 to Visited Washmgton lD 1963 Now Un on and for the removal of SpeaklO~ changed when a strong SUkarno has been under what as you start you have the oppor non prohferatlon treaty does not 1967 and Will be completed by to newsmen Malik was Other pnnclpal areas of emphaSiS grammes are Included the total \ confer With US President Johnson the VISit of Premier Malwandwal tive only after all Latin American polll1ca) tensIOns Israeli force raIded three unde­ many term regional arrest for tunlty to th1Ok' and ponder countries Signed it and nuclear constitute 8 genuine disarmament early by 1969 commentlOg on recent reports that now of U S public resources to On matters of mutual mterest bet Just announced for March ofters an Fmally I would pOlOt out that the are educatIon and health The efforl fended horder VIllages Insl­ emplifled not only by his patient tion that filed a waiver of the re- be scml-doudy The coldest Tepor food to Its customers West German Foreign Minister ghan SOVIet cultural exchange. pro degree 10 those countne! which Smce the early 1950 s nearly all I thlDg and do It now And It made port coofidence and trust for the lt is also a poor country Ln the work for good neJghbourly tiel with 1Quirements along with its instru WJlly Brandt told parltament there led area In the country In the last throl\llh theu plann10g and perfor pr~sent as well as the fulure throes at a stormy and urgent pas (Cantd on page 4) ment of ratification grammes for the year 1346 (March 2~ hours was Panjah where the Maphilindo Dead, US economic aSSIstance has gone life Immeasureably more dlffl FI~HTS was the danrer that some nuclear 1967-March 1968) mance show the klOd of self help ef 10 less-developed areas cult for the moderates Itke Kmg CQCK JlAM. DOG We /lave a long way ahead of sage mto the 20th century and thus temperature fell to -24 C -II forls that promise to make prodpc Hussem and those Lebanese who If weather permits oome and see us the Prtme M1Dlster continued fortunate indeed to have ieadership The TurkISh Ambassador 10 I Says Tun Razak II ve use of the aSSIstance US prp­ don t want to rock the boat ooek ram and dog fight at Ghazi ThiS road IS not a smooth one el of this calibre Kabul Hamed Batu also met Wor matton and Culture Minister Sldky The temperature In Kabul at grammes also Will slress regIonal Where Will It all end' StadIum from 9 to 12 on FrIday ther But the fact that we go forward Smce 1963 the Afghans have 330pm was II C 52F KUALA LUMPUR Feh Hanoi Bombed 17 Times, Mayor Hung Says and discussed Afghan Turklsb cui development arrangements through I International Terrorists There IS a tendency among some February 3 Ul'lUlI/ed by the Af With determmallon and that the tra drafted their first Constitution Yesterday s temperatures (Reuter) -MalaYSia has abando­ which other nattons can con Middle Eastern experts to attrl ghan Olympic Federation. vellers are young Afghans who walk elected a parliament and plunged tural relatIOns Kabul IIC -9C ned the concept of Maphlhn Bombed Yugoslav Missions tTibute theu share to economlC bute the Arab s problems to gro­ day and rught fearlessly makes us bravcly mto one of the world s most WARSAW Feb 2 (Combined al.o reported that US Commando If North Vietnam he asked 52F 16F do a loose association between development and participation by WIng pains TORONTO. Feb I (AP) -Tor PIANO \)ONCERT bopeful lbat we will reach our des difficult social and political revo Wire ServJces) -In an interview boats attacked boats off the North could sit there indefimtely safe and Maiwandwal's Kandahar 18C -2C IndGtleSla MalaYSla and the Phi private enterprIse lD the develop The trouble IS that the pres tmauon no matter how far away it onto police say they beheve an 10 Tlte Goethe In:stltute Kabnl with a correspondent of the PoUI1\ Vietnamese coasts last week and comfortable white it sends its men 66F 29F ItpPlOes but it IS mterested 10 find ment process sures and compleXIties of tHe IS Dr how hazardous the way 19C 3C teroatlona) terrorist group In the presents The Hamburg P!lilu> Duo news agency PAP In N Vietnam.. kllied two fisbenneo wounded and arms into South Vietnam what Jalalabad 109 ways 1D all Southeast Asian The PresIdent has Indicated 10 his modern world leave very htUe lngeborg and ReImer KuecbIer In • We are now In a state of nallonal Masa BIds Balkh Farewell Dr Tran Duy Hung chairman three and seized tour others and Appointments 67F 37C countnes to cooperate Deputy Umted States met to plan the SIX o.f would be theIr tncentlve ever to budget message to Co~gress that ~e ttme for groWIng palOS The a concert of works from Bach. construction It was begun by our MAZARE SHARIF Feb 2 the Hanoi Admlnlstrallon Commit their boat Bamian 3C -7C Pnme Minister Tun Abdul Razak w,ll recommend !lew leglBljlJion and Simultaneous bomblOgs Sunday of (Bakhtar) -Pubhc works Mints make- peace? Yesterday Prime MInIster YugoslaVIan diplomattc mlSSlon-s in Arabs Itke other emergent peo­ Mozart, Brahms, Chopin, and predecessors 1* continues now and It tee saJd "The American all' force Secretary of State Rusk said Wed l\lohammail Hashim Mal 37F 20F told parliament Monday speCific courses of action to reln ples are under !:loth polttJcal and wtll be contlOued with your efforts ter Eng Mohammad Husain Ma North Vlelnam s Ho Chi Mmb -4C -16C Canada and the US Mlthaud On TWls\laY. Feb1'Ull1')' 7 has already made 17 air raids -on Ule ' nesday that the United States needs Rusk. told a questioner does Dot wandwaI reee.lved the follow N Salang force these approaches , l!IeologlCal pressure from the at 8 P m In the BadJo AtghanJ&. and exertions sa said good by yesterday to CI 25F IF capital choosing residential dlstrl~tti to imle Iraman film RIVER FLOW readiness of .developlDg nallons to Jade Wlzarat Dakhela first two developmeot plans The The preSJdent of the proVInCial llt least 10 the immediate future Affairs In the MInistry KA~UL been placed mSlde the buddlngs cour~ Ministry Wednesda)' Pro....tet\l A peaceful conclusion and that Is or CINfi:MA The end of Mapbilindo came help IhemljClves Th. kmd and the 'l'elephone 22581 third plan WIll be l111plemented and ana the Ctty s deputy to Johnson in his State of the UOion Foreign Affalrs At I 30 4 30 and 7 30 p m caUstog many dea~ The bombs ~etive the Woles) Jlrgah thanked the against an American bd'tnblni rlil~ not beyond the posslbllllles here .- when PreSident Sukarno started exteot of this self help vl\l'les ,from Opposite the new P T 1't BoUdlng • you Will have an part In It address to Congress Jan 10 touched CD Jay, PresIdent ot AI· Indian colour film JANGAU hIS confrontabon With MalaYSia country to country and from Sttus may have been placed outslli. to ap We have also kept 10 lDlOd the go-vernor and praiSed hiS democ on Monday which It said left ne.,.. The air Itrlkes on North Viet on the war and said he would pre­ pease members of the conspIracy We 10011: forwa'td to welcoming you to our new premlaes and att1tud~ t~O"",eople ghan Insuranre COIDP&DJ POHANI NANDARI Now that confrontatIon IS ended lion to sttuallon buildiog of a polllleal and cultural ratlc whtle dIscharging Iy killed Dr wounded In nam s mlIltary tareets he said have sent a more detailed report later and Abdul RuIllcl, Depnty p,t 1 30 and 4 pm IranIan film the concept 15 dead Tun Razak In general self help Includes such who don t beheve 10 murder a take t!If1; opportUnity to ipSure you of our beSt BervfOCS' at all Infrastructure fo. the country Cons­ hiS duties the namlet Of Hoanh In Thanh HOar4iurt Hanoi s mlntar)' efforts He Aides said at the Ume the report KHUSHGULI KHUSHGULAN spokesman said times '-- President of the Compahy added factors as tbe wIlhogness of a deve- tructIOn of our poll11eal lOfrastruc­ Ellg M\lS8 r.

\ = ": '~1J'S " E F 'tT'L f Food For Tlwughl d,splaymg ordered row. of peaob gan a qu••I.r-c

\ = ": '~1J'S " E F 'tT'L f Food For Tlwughl d,splaymg ordered row. of peaob gan a qu••I.r-cPPosltian party hoped sldered very advantageous or even economIcal receivers free of customs duty? That would cer N,kolat Podgorny President of the m,c field as eVIdenced by the fal ship and understandmg between PTe.tiltom Df tlte USS'R"SupTl!me So over coloured cricket star Basil part 10 a heat today It covered who has never done well In hJS three mmd alterIng drug than the over The SOCialists trIed to make a moun ThiS Is because most transistors are now mass tamly solve the problem much quicker and lowmg two f,gures In 1956 Sov the two peoples Thousands VISI 'Cliicbester CapslSes utet began a stale VI.3 t to !taLu on let Itahan trade amounted to ap­ Dol velra s possible 11clusion In a the d stance none mInute 589 tries n the Los Angeles attractIon pubhc sed LSD s' tain out ot a molehill Sato was produced usmg the printed CircUit techrnque perhaps more economically We think that los ted lhe SOVIet exhIbItions and Hut tead of assombllog receivers hliTe elJorts should January 24 eN the Jnvllat10n 0/ pl'OXlmately 54 mJlllon roubles saw Soviet fJlms Needs No Help Bnllsh team scheduled to start tour secconds. In 1965 closed out WIth a 71 of 236 The answer IS no Simple matter returned with a larger majority Prmted cIreUits do not reqUire excessIve Tb. London Tlm.s report.d Tues But- Wre JS some truth In the state be made to establish a battery manufacturlDll Guueppe Saf'Qgat PreSident oj the In 1966 It reached almost 230 mIl Greater understandmg between lng South Atrica next year The present races will last about a Ithan he expected Even the Clean manual labour The basic assumption on which day mght that Francis Chichester s month Next Sunday another 23 ment made thiS week by an Amen Government Party which was Iro­ plant to prOVide power packs which will be In ltahan Repubhc hon roubles the two countrIes IS observed U1 In • fbial note F M Paul mana Biblria Wms Brabazon CIJP the establishment of an assembling plant may yacbt capSlsed early Tuesd.y but ger for South Afnca s top golfer pr u.s will be contested 10 races for can doctor to a gather ng at Stan nically formed to downgrade the constant demand Sueh a plant would certatnly One does not have to be an expert The agreement w,th Fiat com tnlernatIOnal affmrs Pmmment Nino Bibbla of 1taly won the be warranted " that money wdl be saved on 10 International affairs to observe pany to build an antomobJle pohtlcal and pubhc fIgures m nglit.d Itself lon white Indian Spwsunker (Papa) trOIkas Brabazon Trophy on the Cresta fo;r;d .umverslty government dIdo t have any re prove more ecCJllOJllicaI JD tile IODg mn. 'Ihl: Gipsy Moth was hll by a Dr Joel Forl beheves that we lallour WIth what detenmnatlon and plant In the USSR concluded last Italy have repeatedly staled that Sewgolum bas announced that. a bobsl'lght run Sunday for the Ie markable success And at least tour fr.ak wave the paper saId In a dIS Rlek~y, Warner Named To should be concerned. about the effects consistency the SOVIet UnIOn pur year has been caHed the trans they are mterested 10 estabhshmg fund rasing drive among Papa s cond year In SI Mortlz SWll""r out of the five mInisters charged sues Its pohcy of peaceful1 CO"" action of the century Talks are a system of European Secuflty patcb from Auotraha Chichester weaIthy compatnots and white US Baseball Hall Of Fame land of alcohol DO prove hIS pomt .he w th corrupt on by the opposition spent most of the day pumpmg out says that there are 10 the UDited Istence of states WIth dIfferent m progress on bUlldmg the Certamly on some questions the golters has been lDltiated The ROV Branch Rickey and Lloyd (LIttle The Italian clocked a total ot five partIes have been returned to power PRESS AT A ""G'LANC E the yacht and reported b. n••d.d HOME SOCIal systems a pohey desIgned world s longest gas pIpeline along views of the two countnes do nol ernment this year banned him from POlson) Warner were named to the mInutes and 41 ]3 seconds to beat St.tes alone 80 "lillIan people who no assistance drrn»--out of which S1J< mdlloo .re lent character patrlohsm and capa would> discharge !herr duties m such to relax tensIOn to broaden and which Soviet natural gas WIll COInCIde There IS a dIfferent al partIcIpating 10 all the eIght major U S baseball Hall Of Fame this Enghshman Bill Clayton Jones into We ha~e yet to learn more about Yesterday s AnlS and today s Isla' The yachtsman Jett Sydney har alcoholics a manner that the future genera consohdate friendly and mulu.1 flow to Italy The roughly I! mIl btude to the American aggres golf tournaments 10 South MrJca 10 second place by 65 hundredths ot a the 70 cenllmeter 18 year-old girl both carry edLtor als on the dlstn ble of understandmg lofty national bour Sunday b.admg for England week They WIll be installed the Fort s statement almost gives the lions may remember their serviCes Iy advantageous relabons hon tons of pIpes and large quan s,on m V,etnam and to the dan the wlnninRs from ~hlch would Hall of Fame at Cooperstown New second over the SIX runs who speaks hke a two year old baby buUon o( diplomas to graduates goals and Islanuc and national VIS Cape Horn Impres~non that It IS better to serve values They should work WIth a \Vlth pnde and satisfacUon ThlS IS the aIm 01 Podgorny s titles of eqUIpment requlfed for ger to world peace latent m Wesl have prOVided him hIS major source York In JUly as the 105th and Third w.. Chrlsti.n Fishbracher 10 M azare Shanf from various colleges of Kabul Um The paper front paged two photos vISII too It should be saId tl)at It thIS would mean a bIg amount of German revanchlSlll and mlhta Som. of b,s adimrers had urg.d LSD at parties smce It has less ef Th. Bakhtar correspondent who versity Prime Minister Moham sp r t of sacrifice for the realisatlOn him not to attempt the voyage es­ of inCOme 106th members ot Ihe elite group oC SWItzerland 10 flve mmutes and fect on mte1lectual faculties than \n connection with ceremony One IS m thIS light that the VISit IS work lor Itahan mdustry nsm But even on these questions wrole a story about her saJd since mad Hashim Ma wandwal personal of these goals This IS the nght of peCIally after the r1gour of hIS tl"lP Former baseball commissioner 44 24 seeonda. aJocohol the people because It is they who of the pictures shOWS PrIme Mfnister regarded m Italy Reflectmg the IOfluenbal clfcles beheve that Itusslan Troika Gets Away Ford Frick was chairman ot the 12 she could not sp.ak properly h. could ly d stnbuted some of the diplomas VIews of WIde sections of the pub Trade between the two coun aeross the AtlantiC 10 Austral.. Latest ~taUstlcs from the UnIted prOVide funds for the education of Mohammad Hashim Maiwandwal Italy could take more realistIc But Pupko WmsIt Anyway man committee and announced the Sailor Will Try To Break not get mueh mformation The cor to the graduates IIc the paper Avanlll Writes Ifles IS consIderable Italy sup­ around Afnca s southern tip Slates show that there are hardJy tbe youth They are nght to expect handmg over a certificate to a we­ stand ~O(»Ft Freelbvmg Recmd respondent does not say where he lslah s edltonal IS entItled a new ThIS VISIt should be welcomed phes equIpment for textile JOllls Th. first day of tbe tradlllOnal election one rrulhon people who take marl that graduates who leave college (flen graduate and the other shows Progress of Sov,et Itahan rela races of RUSSian trOikas In Moscow Rickey as head of the former A U?"ed States sailor WIll tak. Got her age or why It he did speak phase In I fe It sa d ever) few years With particular hope and cordiality vessels chemical equIpment lions In the eCOnomIC SCientIfIC s.outh African Apartheid Juana or LSD Still more mteresllng after years of study at the expense a general view of Kabul University bTought success to young rider MI Srooklyn Dodgers brought the ftrst an .xtra deep bre.tb Sunday and \ llh her parents he couidn t get tuary Frank Braunkann fnends say he can hold hiS breath American Physicist mony was held at the UniverSity successfully In recent years and ana cultural exchanges are also weather after 19 seasons with a illetime bat 109 up thiS month IS Important from up to the expectations ot their eoun vement of these fme objectIves South African OlympiC Games As In another b. dtd nol tak. for almost SIX minutes Will dive auditOrIum yesterday It said graduales on their success the edlto are becomlDg mcreasmgly more on the upgrade The SOVIet Week tlng average of 316 although b. the pqlDl of political personahh.s nal expressed the hope that they trymen sodabon PreSIdent Bald in Johan part at all Th. trOIka broke out Without a face mask or breathlD& Kabul U01verslly n reality IS the frUItful espeCIally m the econo In Italy helped to promole fnend (MOSCOW NEWS) never 'WOn a bathng title and because a strong oppOSItion IS Attacks Einstein's nesburg Saturday away from Mikhail Pupko and hlS eqUipment formmg cradle of Mghan sCience and educa The delegation IS to investiiste ass1Stants and rushed along the track HIS only aid wJlI b. a 4O-pound Ion F rst estabhshed some 20 Palmer Takes L A Open At stake are the posHlon of for the possiblllty of South AfrIca aeam covered With snow until It finally got 08 J kg) W.'ght to belp hIm smk mer MInister of Defence Knshna Relativity Theory year~ ago It has rendered commen bem,£: allowed to parhclpate LD the stalled m the snow For Second Straight Year toward the bottom faster Menon who haVlng reSigned from d3ble SE."rVICe In tra nmg the coun WORLD PRESS Emsteln s general law of relatIVity OlympiC games from which It was But thiS InCident did not disrupt Arnold Palmer threw back the The present depth record of 200 the Congress IS runDlng as an lOde try s ) outh In special sed fields To banned three years auo because of the fifth for Russtan trOIkas challenge of Gay Brewer Sunday fe.t (609 m) was s.t n.arly 54 may be wrong a pronunent Amen ~ pendent candidate from a Norlh can phYSICiSt said recently In New day most colleges of the UniverSIty A SClenl.:e commentator said In ment of Boon Bucharest diplomatiC Greece Prepares For Crucial Elections the country s apartheld (race se~e the last heat on Sunday It was won and finished WIth hIS fourth subpar years ago by a Gr••k sa,lor Sloto Bombay constituency the POSitIon York are equ pped \\i Itb modern fac I lies 50 et kala Rossla that the pure relat ons gatlop) In sport by Bans Sknpmkov from tbe town round 01 golf to WID the $100000 GeorghlOs of TT Kr s~namacban th. for Greece has taken a firm step to after the 1965 cnSlS when most of Dr Robert H 0 cke Professor of 31 dare aml ated w th colleges ab oxygen atmosphere used 10 Amen Instead of reportmg the first VISit By Leslie Finer South. Africa did not takt! part n of Ku byshev on the Volga HIS Los Angeles open for the se Croft says be II try for 230 feet mer MID ster of FlOance who bas wards the general elechons which The basic charge made at the phYSICS at Pnnceton Unlvers ty road The affiilat on agreements arC' an spaceships IS potent ally dange (0 West Germany of an Eastern bloc Papandleou s closest colleagues the 1964 Olympics trOika covered the 1 800-metre diS eond stra ght year (70 I m) but anythmg over 200 stili not deCided Whether to run or ~eneralh challenged ElOstem slaw m a speech based on the pr nClple of rous wh Ie the oxygen nytrogeo al Fore gn Minister Pravada Monday are expected to release the tenSIODS time against Papandreou---concern Since dUbbed the renegades -took lance to 2 minutes 33 I second!. Palmer who on the 67th hole saw IS good enougb Meanwhile Cape Provmce boxme not the pOSItion of KamraJ the to an mternauonal conference on C:I large deeree of Slml1 anty In the mosphcre n Sovlersatelhles IS safer ha,led Ihe firm basIS of broth.rly ot the last 18 months smce Kmg mg lhe Asplda plot to subvert the lhe Kmg s Side and collaborated 111 The races of RUSSian lto kas bave hiS lead cat to two strokes by Bre­ control board chairman MaJor W C president of the ruhng Congress .aStrophySICS here the New York standard and teachlOg methods of lIe sa d the gnef of the AmerIcar relatlOns between the USSR and Constantine clashed 'WIth his Pnme armed torces-has been under pub the e1Ior'" of the palace to delay Hoffman said Sunday hiS organl&a been held 00 the Moscow race course wer railled With three birdies on Asian BB Champion Party who after two tenns of office both partners to the agreement ThJS people over the death last Frida} RumanIa Mll'lIster George Papandr~u he scrutiny .tor the last two months the electIOns every year smce 1957 This sport Times reported Hon would help profeSSIOnal boxer the final five holes for a score of J~lJan Lose3 98-86 according to the rules of the parly He saId hiS challenge was based U1 Itself IS a measure of success and of three Amencan aSlronauts In an CommemoratID8 the 19th anDi On January 14 the caretaker gov a t the court martial of 28 officers But this dISUnity has continued s very popuJar and draws great Ronme Van Der Walt who has now 68 three under par and a 72 hole Th. taU.r Pencb Contractors must resign and the pOSItion of an mdlcahon of the r SlOg level Apollo spacecraft fire IS shared by vcrsary of the Sovlel Rumaman en ment of John Paraskevopoulos accused of comphclty in the plot even more stmkingly among .the 120 number of spectators me first dffi. on astronom cal observat ons of the been classified coloured (mulatto) total of 269 1.5 shots under regula made up of former college players Prof Humayun Kab r the former sun and the planet Mercury of educat on in the Uh vers t) A all ,ountr cs because cosmonauts lreaty of fnendshlp cooperation aod appomted Just before Chnstmas without clear substantiatmg ev MP s who for 18 months reSlsted clal contests of thiS kmd were held Van Der Walt 30 who hIS been tIon figures defeated the tounng ASIan chanr Union MJn ster of Education who Dr Dicke said he had discovered lar~e number of educalional lOst whalever tbelr nat onallfY are repre mutual assistance the paper stressed was gIven a strong vote of cofidence denge emergmg so tar ot Papan every enticement oJIered. to Jam the ID RUSSIa 120 years ago has resigned from the Congress party Ihe comlnon cause of the soclahst boxlOg as a white for 21 years 12 Palmer won $20000 pion Japanese ba.k.tball squad 98­ last summer that the sun s surface tuhons throughout the world have senlallves of the whole of mankmd In Parhament by 215 out of a pos dreou s lnvolvement renegades Now 11 IS posslbl" not only to and formed hiS own party 10 West commuOJt)' ... ot them protessionally waS told last There was a three way be tor 86 Monday nIght m Sacramento was flattened at the poles-and thIS taken an lOterest In Kabul Un ver n outer space Sible 300 votes On the otheIt- hand the right wing They are by no means all unques enJoy watching the speedy race of B.ngal Tire Tnbune of Ambala IndIa week by South Africa s Interior third at 275 betweE:n veteran Julius California would account for the oflbi.tal beha sity ThlS IS obv ous (rom the num The commentalor said that the The government :s bew.g JOlIltly IS confident that, after three years...­ tioOlng suppor1.ers of Papandreou RusslBn trOikas drawmg sledges but Some facts about the electJOn In said of the Chinese nuclear tests Department he hilS now been classl Boros who closed With a 67 and Jerry Shirl.y form.r FlOrida Vlour of Mercury the planet closest erous lecturers have ViSited thiS Ame(lcans had chosen the oxygen supported by both the major Greek of pohtical turmoil and reiarded The lOcreasmg il1flrrruty of 'the no take a 6wift ride 10 them on the race IndIa are also lOterestmg More Ever since Cbma. detonated ber fled coloul'1'd Don Massengale and Lou Graham. St.te.tar led scorers WIth 32 pOInts to the sun Without recourse to rela country and gIving lectures to atmosphere (or their Mercury Ge parties-the nght WlOg National economic progress smce the land minat leader (offiCIally stated to be course Such fides were recerrtly than 250 millton people wlll go to first atomic bomb two yeaTS ago It Hoffman sald We feel very sor orgamsed at the exhibition of aa each WJth 69 on 16 li.ld goal. t vlly verslty students m n and Apollo ships because the Radical UOlon and the Centre Umon slide .election of the Papandreou 79 but known to be some years polls There are 250000 pollmg has been slckenlOgly quoting Mao ry tor Van Per Walt and will do honal economJc achievements during NatIonal Open champion Billy Kunth,ko Nakamura led the Japa The chIef pillar of Eiost. n s All these developments bear w t equ pment was lighter smaller more shll led by Ge~rge Papandreou party many of the mor.e conserva older) poses directly and urgently booths For everyone thousand vo ~Implc and cheaper IOd saying With each explOSion that anything to help him the RUSSian wmtcr festival Casper and Australia s Bruce Cram w,th 20 pOInts and Fumlblko Iheory was that Mercury s orbll ness to the fact that Kabul Uruver There IS no conunon ground bet tlve voters who sl1.pported the de the issue ot the succeSSlOn ters there IS one booth There were If they have to gIve up thelt plan would never be the first to use nu The bar on Van Der Walt m Now the connoisseurs In addition pton With a pair of 69s deadlocked Moroyama added 19 conformed to hiS predlcllons s11y IS makmg regular and consta lt ..... e.: Inese bitterly opposed partie~ mocratJC wave in 1964 wlll return In the last few weeks his son At halftlm. the score w.. 47-36 160 000 officlals from the election By claiming that the planets or 10 se lhe oxygen atmosphere In dear weapons Ind1Jl along With flghts l1llalnsl wblles lollows the to Judgmg the b.auty and m.ttl. of at 277 and Jacky CUpit the first progress except an arreement (reached sec now WIth relief to the rightwma Ameriean-educated eco for Perll!b Tbe Japanese team got comrmsSlon conducting the general blls are caused by the flattened shape lhe Apollo craft It Will mean a ra olher peace-Iovwg natIOns has 'nO controversy regardiD2' coloured en RUSSian trOikas can Dlso take a ride round lead.r 67 and M,k. Souchak The editorial also referred to the r.etly in advance with the approval camp It also seems clear that the ~IX electIOn In 1962 The number of dlcal mod YicatIon of the craft that f.alth In these assurances nomlst who has .(jeveloped a fright cketer s Basll D oliveira currently ft should be not.d that lbe troika .nd Bob Goalby each WIth 68 to wlthlO poInts early In the of the sun rather than by relatiVity tacl that the UntVerslty DOW has an of the Kmg) that the prolonged and Centre Umon cannot count this time second balf but tben f.1I qUlcl

PAGt 4 Commencement Wilson Finds Obstacles eStill • ~ 1 "- (Conld from page 1) Etorllaih and Bdbcatlon MIDlsier D~ Bar British Entry Into EEC MoWimmad Os/"ao. An'\'ilin also LONDON February 2 (BBC and DPA)­ s/loke on Ibe ocWIon-; Ilrttlsh PrlJi1e Minister Harold Wilson and his Foreign Secretary Afler we!commg, fb~ guests anC! George Brown returned here today after Common Market talks congralulating the gra~uates, RectOr In Brussels I Etemadi expressed tticl hope that the Wilson a..nd George Brown met n the event of an agreement have UDlverslty WIll oe able 10 render tiet.. Belgian Foreign M mstcr P crrc led to a closer negotiating posItion ter servIces 10 sociely 10' the Prloe Af 3 Harmel for talks on BrIta n s entry No details have been revealed future Thtrty years IR the Ufe elf nto the EEC Wednesday Austr a reportedly has WIthdrawn an instllute Ijlf hlsI\er learning Is not WIlson currently on a tour of the a number of special tarIlI demands much he .ald but many sleps for SlX .BEe countries bas g yen (0 un and has made concrete proposals development bave been taken dur Regent Attends • derstand tbat pr or to the possible about JO nt tanff pol cy towards IRg tbe pehod especIally dunna the entry of h s country b g problems EFfA lasl 10 yearS Mosque Meeting had st 11 to be overcome Both partners reportedly have also Ten years ago he saId llid ,tJ"ni Be ta h s adm 55100 to the Euro reached some agreement on the vefSlty had en enrolment of I..s KABUL Feb 4 (Bakhtar)­ pean Econom, c CommuOlty should quest on of tanff contmgents for than a Ibousand Today the enrol The followlOg were received n nol be postponed by elIorts a med at Austr a s east bloc trade whlcb the menl IS over 3500 In five years If aud ence by tbe Regent durmg tbe reahs og the pol t cal un on of Eu V cnna delegatIOn cQnslders poht. we do not restnct admulsloD illIe to week ended February 2 rope he told a press conference n cally mportant nsufficlency of adeqli.te facilldes it Or Mobammad Osman Anwar Brussels PI' or to h s departure fo Austr a s represented by ts For w II be 10000 Even Wllb a 1$ per Moster of Educatlon Dr Moham home e go M 10 ster and Agriculture M cent annual increase the student mad As f Sohall Afghan Ambassa W Ison sa d he would welcome an n stcr body \/(111 J Imp to 7500 after five dor n Pek ng and Let Gen MIr early start of actual negot atIons on years Gbausudd n Commander of the The round of negot ahons which He nfnrmed the graduates that Br taID 5 adm 55 on but could not yet began Monday WIll be concluded 4tb D v s on of Ibe Army pred ct a datc Ihe new draft low governing the Unl The Regent also attended amos Friday v-rslty separates the academic af The Br tIsh Prem er sa d h 5 New negot ahons are expected to Nasser - Kekkonen qUe meet ng Thursday to mourn the talks w th the Belg an government fairS of.Jbe UnIverSIty from cultural death of Mobammad Sbab Sula man start n Brussels D three or four and admlOlstrative matter had been very encourag ng weeks Statement Stresses an offic at of the Fore gn M nlstry At a separate press conference The draft law to govern the- Unl Belg an Fore go Moster P erre versltv hRs been passed by fbe cabl net and I s a awaiting par Harmel said chances of success for UN Principles There are 280 beds .tor mothers doctors and nurses Bouquets were nClo1J8tIons on Br ta n s Bdm ss on NASA's Answers On Apollo I amenl s approval he said and 40 beds for cblldren IR the presented to Her Majesty and HRH LOCWJt Invasion 1#:tl1lere better today than four years CAIRO Feb 2 (Tass) - 'The peo­ lIe thanked tbe members of the maternity home es.tabUshed 40 Princess Mariam ,~ago ple of V etnam have the fight Un verslly Senate all the deans and Tragedy Come Under Fire Her Majesty later Inspected the Earl er Wednesday W Ison and to shape the r future themselves professors f( r their endeavours in years ago Unlikely For 1967 I Her majesty was received at the new bUlldil)g ot the maternity home Br tlsh Secretary George Brown met WIthout any lOterference from out d schargmg their duties I"'APE KENNEDY Flonda February 2 (AP)­ nnd also ,orne of the ward. By A Stall' Writer EEC V ce Presidents S ceo Side and 10 accordance With the self Educat on M mster Dr Moham entrance of the maternity hOIllC by Openly and pr vately the NatIOnal Aeronautics and Space Ad AI thQ silk faatory Her Majesty KABUL Fcb 4-FI ghls of de Mansho t and Jean Hey tor determmaUon pr uClple The 1954 mad Osman Anwan !'iald 10 an ad - m mstrat on (NASA) s being critiCised for the way t released Geneva agreements must be observ was received by the director of the sen locust nto Afghan stan n 1967 talks on the ommun ty 5 agr cullu dress to the graduates thaI the d.p­ factory Her Majesty accompanied s unhkely the Desert Locust Infor ral pol cy and ts linane al conse informatIOn to the publ c afrel the three Apollo I astronauts were ed stresses the Jomt commun que lomas wblch you obtam loday quences for B ta n k lied ssued here to sum up the results of authorise you to serve the country NEW HOTEL FOR by HRH Princess Mariam also visit mat on Serv ce 1\ London has pre- After the meet ng Rey sa d Among quest ons being raised are the astronauts dJed instantly when tbe SIX day v sit of Presldem Urbo and ntraduce you to society as ac ed Seringapatam and Ute ZOO dlcted Afghan stan Iran India and Kekkonen of Frnland 10 the United mem~rs was under the mpress 00 that Br why d d NASA s first announcement spoltesmen Tuesday gave only a t ve JALALABAD H s MaJesty shot a bison In dense Pak stan are among the countr es In ta n s des re to JO n the Commun ty mp y there was only one fatality no comment when asked about Arab Republic He sa d You now shoulder the torest His Majesty hunting with th s reg on wh cb suffer from per 0- was genu ne and why d d the space agency not the valIdity of New York Times In the course of the talks bet grave rcspons b IIty of working for By A Stall Writer the MaharaJah of Mysore spotted d c desert locust nvas ons The last On Februa y 4 the Br t sh Pr me adm l an astronaut was dead even story ndicnUng several crfes of d s Ween the PreSIdents of F nland and the rrat on We must work for the A new hotel under the manage­ the an mal cHmbing a hIll 100 yards arge loctlst nvas on wh ch nft cted tbe UAR wblcb were marked by an M n stc w II cont nue h s prob ng tho gh asked that d rect question tress were heard unt 1 they ended construct on of the country and el ment of the Khyber restaurant away and dropped .t wIth his ftrst On January 31 the PresIdent of India, Dr S Radhakrlshnan called on H,s Majesty the King to heavy damages on crops n southern atmosphere of fnendsh p mutual talks w th the West German govern at the t me'" n silence J2 seconds later m nat on of gnorance and poverty Kabul w 1 be opened in Jalalabad shot He then approached the bison bid fareweD to his royal vlsllnr who Was on lJ1e last day of his official visit to New Delhi and soutb western Afghan stan oc ment n Bonn respect and mutual undersland ng withm the demorcatic and new hfe mad Why d d space agency spOkesmen the commun que says the oterna shortly nnd finished It with a second shot K bul Ma M h A h I th I eurred n 1962 Meanwh Ie Lord Callaghan the Wh,) we e newsmen to d on the brought about under the gUidance The hotel housed n the Govern =;~====~;:=~====::===:a===:y:o:r==o=arn===~s:g=ar=:ls~a~so=~see=n~l:n~:e~p~e:t:ure~======~(:P~h~o~to~s:u1~ta~n~)~l ~w ch back and forth In answering tlOnal s tuatlon and other questions ..: n ficantS nce damage1965 therefrombasdesertbeen nolocustss g Br sh F nance M n ster epor ed n ght of he tragedy that there was of H s Majesty lhe K ng questions on whether the spacecraft ment Monopolies Club at the en that the pou d was very song no nd a on any word was heard of mutual nterest were d scussed The refo m programmes of the Troops Charge However the pres dent of tbe de was on nternal power-its. own bat The Pres dents reaffirmed the r sup­ trance to the c ty has been letting n January [am ns de Apolo 1 during the government of Pr me Minister Mo rooms for the past fortlligbt but it 'Perfidy' Charge pa Iment of planl preservat on n lery 0 ~xternol power meaning port for the Don ahgnment pr nc hammad Hash m Ma wandwal de B h PI d T P In another deve opment the Aus­ tire when about 15 hours later the s yet to be offic ally opened 'oters rez nev e ges 0 reserve the M n stry of Agr culture and Irr draw ng electric ty trom a ground hfted pie and their convlct10n tha the fines the bas c approach to reali!) og gat on Abdul ah Fa zyar sa d neces an Fa e go M n s e I UJO Ton Apo 0 P og amme dIrector sa d the The lovely' garden surrounding the Lahore RI ou ce at the time ot the acc dent? that pr nClples of peaceful coex stence these goals who .s n B ussels emphas sed words 1re n the spacec aft were two-storey bu lding which has been L II d A S ~ae:n pr~:~~ons bayS ~~~al dC~=~e h s ountry s neu al y w th n the Gordon Harris director of public and non lOterference n domest c We are of the OpIniOn the M KARACHI Feb 4 (Reu"'r) - . eve e t ec. Unity Among Eastern Bloc hea d arTa rs for NASA s Kennedy Spaoe affairs of other countr es are of v renovated with a swimmmg pool ment n case of an nvas on f arnework of a futu e agreement Why d d NASA spokesmen tel nlster sa d that th s way IS the Troops al\d pohce Fnday opened . Centre who personally fielded num tal Im):JOrtance for rna nta nmg IDter below will make t a good winter Rh d MOSCOW February 4 (DPA) _ Afghan sIan sass sted n locus w th the European Common Market ewsme on the n ght of the tragedy best way for Afghan stan s progress fire after a baton cbarge all!!!nsl a Gen. By 0 eSla In negot at ons w th the EEe ous queries after the tragedy and nat anal peace broadest ntcrna under the present cond tons Th s hoI day resort r ot ng crowd of 600 strliback!n$ because of Jordan fiver erected by Sypa. m~l\t I\utborltles the start of a new ground action two killed with another captured bon stones for a chnlC and a pri At. I 30 and 4 p m Iran an ft m ~ould AfrIca the Middle East and the ourl of arbltrahon wblcb be Pearson said the royal couple Ibe support It apparently enJoy, We 100¥' forward tel welcoming you tel our new prem!sea IUld takmg mto conSideration that It said the Saigon government had operation b g spring in war zone n the action mary school to be un under the ~HDSHGULIKHUSHGULAN obeyed by the Congolese govern would spend all the hme m Otta ooo.~lrong take this opportunity to assure you lit out: best at all Far East but t was not mdlspen alJlong the 230 ChlDese services thiS rver s located 1ft Synan spread news that it would r~lease D wh ch borders the former Viet (Contd on page 4) proJect KABUL (lINEMA ment wa except for July 3 when a commumty Id Sarawak times sable even for tb s