


A N SS O OCIATI stephanie wong ken helen hu ben hf tsui calvin jim yi yang

广州,2016碰撞 年 茶树菇药材 唐人街:一个文化中唐人街的出现并非当今所想。 也就是说,它们本不是市区的一部分,不是生机勃勃 DEAR尊敬的喜叔 UNCLE HAY SUK 喜叔… Alicia断连 Lo的眼睛跳动着,向黑暗敞开。一缕空气穿过,让她手臂上的毛发察觉到。冷空 将是一种耻辱。但是,如果她现在不帮助Sun和其他所有人找到出路的话,他们最终 穿越地下铁 在碗的底部盛上一勺白米饭。 规矩是肘部在桌上,但是不能在吃饭时抱怨。 我和我 的小区,不是文化中心,也不是历史地标或史诗般的必去的瑰宝之地。 它原本是个 尊敬的喜叔…… 气使她颤抖。 将像那棵树一样失去生机。 但发现最后一班火车不会来了 的妹妹,我最小的妹妹尚未出生,当时我的母亲正在服用这种药,她会坐着几个小 贫民区。 由于长久以来的排挤和歧视,北美的唐人街本意将华人移民限制在一个 她坐了起来,痛苦地咕哝着。那真是痛苦的一跤。她之前在哪?她记得的最后一个场 Sun转向Alicia,握住Tang和Tikyee的手,说,“顺其自然吧。” 一群出租车司机抓住机会 时盯着我们的碗,并祈祷看到白色谷物从一片黑色中冒出来。 味道是泥、树皮、腌 区域内。 景是她在一个建筑工地,然后滑入一条长长的滑管,一边滑动,一边尖叫。她不记得 载上尽可能多的的乘客 制水果。 我的母亲声称这种汤能治愈中暑、普通感冒、肠胃炎和咳嗽症状,胜过任 1977年11月5日,星期六 自己是怎么着地的,只记得撞到坚硬的地面时看到的星星。 ~ 何药店。“药材”这个词已经使我们感到恶心,使我们后悔接受这种药。 当我们面对 20世纪初,华工在建造加拿大太平洋铁路时定居在加拿大市区内。 由于对华人在 她必须出去。 这是我第一次遇见你。 一碗这些药材时,在成群的热带蚊子和赤脚在高而湿的草丛中,我的母亲身着牛仔 边界区域以外的地区购买房产的限制,唐人街原来旨在囊括亚洲人口并使其成为 尊敬的拉尔夫·克莱因先生(Ralph Klein)——在卡尔加里唐人街的所有欢乐场 她凝视着钢管,几乎无法在黑暗中看出它的轮廓,头顶上吹着风。这是周末。没有人 Alicia从广场离开,往唐人街的细窄巷子走去。她并不想等待,等到Sun和其他长者们 裤,围着塑料围裙,在我们周围跳舞,并唱着:我的宝贝们,不要忘记把碗里的都吃 城市区域的缓冲地带。 它们成为了自身的小区,成为了发展商业的地方,也成为了 合中,都被尊敬的年轻白人叔叔喜叔, 会在地方。而且这个地方星期一早上就要被拆除了。 意识到事情的严重程度的时候,一切都晚了。这里当然是他们的家,但是当大火烧起 我的另一个梦 了,不要浪费。 许多人在与家人分离后的另外一个家。 我叫Ah Poi。我是您在旧广东商区的华桥酒家(W.K. Restaurant )的谦逊的、 星期一。已经是星期一了吗?Alicia摸着她的眼镜。发现眼镜栖在额头上。她戴上眼 时,离开才是正确的选择。 带眼镜、略显矮胖的兼职点心车和周末宴会服务生。您知道几个月前在Gordon 镜。一道熟悉的柔和的蓝色光出现了。她松了一口气。眼镜还好。 “嘿。等一下,小姐。” Carlo努力跟上她的步伐。 那一种双重连接,我徘徊着 红枣 尽管在那时,主流社会决心将中华影响力隔离出去,华人小区却开始着手将“中国” Mah先生和他的商业伙伴翻新之前的新中国酒家(New China Chop Suey)吗? “Milo”,她说。 Alicia笑了。这孩子比Sun聪明。 一个月吃一次的鸡,不要浪费瘦的翅膀,以及烧焦的、瘦的翅尖;而哥哥弟弟们则可 带入当地——而且不仅仅是食品和语言。 在街上,独特的建筑是唐人街的特色。 龙 现在,它变成了一间熙熙攘攘的正宗茶馆! “嗯?主人”,一个友善的声音传来。 Alicia和Carlo停下脚步,蹲在一个昏暗的凹形空间里,旁边有楼梯,两个空桶和几块 回到这儿 以首先选择多汁的鸡腿以及盐腌的鸡胸肉。 我的母亲和她的四个姐妹知道怎么吃 门和独具风格的宝塔是北美唐人街中的普遍建筑特征。 霓虹灯照亮了这些饱和的 “叫救护车。” 烂木头。 鱼头。 也许,加上足够的姜汁和酱油,使它吃起来像熟的、冒着气的鱼肚。 现在他们 青金石蓝,胭脂红,翡翠绿和帝王黄。 各种各样的商店招牌点缀着建筑物的外表, 目前,我正在我家附近一所高中上10年级。虽然我能说流利的广东话和英语, 她的视野中出现了一个代表缓冲的小轮子。对于一个高速网络上的语音助手,这是 “一旦找到了出路,我们就会回来带领那些愿意跟随我们的人离开。但我无法救所 来找寻。 的声音里没有任何苦涩,事实就是这样;当大哥将房产证(除了一个小小的艰难维 每一个都带有中英文迭加的文字。 这明显地告诉您确实在唐人街。 运用特别字体 但我的母语实际上是台山话(一种广东农民方言的形式)——唐人街及其周围几 一个非常场的延迟。“没有网络讯号,主人。” 有 人 。” 持的店面,我的祖父母唯一的财产)赌掉时,我的祖父扇了他耳光。 他的第一次。 但 的招牌让人想起大胆、自信的风格书法笔触,悬挂在门口上方,垂直于建筑物外表, 乎所有人都是这样。我的一些在加拿大出生的华裔同学在学校时说一口流利的英 Alicia小声咒骂了一句。“再试一次。” 但结果还是一样。 Carlo点点头,开始思考。在他短短的十一年生命中,他探索了唐人街的每条管道和 我们交谈从天黑到天亮 是姐妹们在那时并没有哭得像警笛。 我不知道有没有人哭。 每一个都具有传统的蓝色、红色、绿色和黄色不透明的背景和文字颜色的独特相互 语,但几乎每天都与家人交流有困难。当我的同学讲蹩脚的广东话或台山话时, 她嘆了口气。她跌得太远了,或者有什么东西挡住了信号。她本来为什么要来这里? 隧道。儘管许多管道延伸地很远,但没有一条能去到地面。Alicia掉进的那条管道可 从下雨到天晴, 作用。 与父母或祖父母的沟通就会出现问题。我很幸运自己能够很好地处理这种情况。 噢——她把手伸进包里,掏出一块棕褐色布的方形残餘物,中间印有一个汉字。如果 能是最好的逃生路线,但最后一个尝试那条路线的人跌得很惨并弄伤了头骨。 穿过机场, 枸杞 许多新移民也发现很难接受或适应我们这样的双重语言生活方式。在唐人街,如 不是因为这个愚蠢的东西,她就不会被困在这里。把这个东西寄给她的人应该对这 然后经过6个小时的等待。 有一次我对它很感激。 一只寄生虫从停滞的水里跳进了我的皮肤里的一个洞之 卡尔加里目前的唐人街于1910年形成,当时先前的两个唐人街突然瓦解。 当华人 果您会说粤语或普通话这样的城市语言,则很难找到良好的客户服务,但是如果 一切负责。 “但是那个人走得很远。他看到了天空”,Carlo说。 中;蚊子叮咬,很痒,所以包被我抓破了。 我的腿、腋窝、手指,脚趾之间出现了白色 小区居住的地产变得宝贵时,华人被逐出家、无家可归。 于是在那些艰难的时期, 您会讲台山话,您就会被视为第一大客人! “那是什么?” 对于Alicia来说,那可能就足够了。 我最相反的另一面, 的簇状皮疹,我没有采取任何行动,我将其藏在衣服之下,直到我母亲知道,然后她 华人小区决定购买自己的楼房,这样以后他们就不会被迫赶出来。 Alicia大喊并放下那块布,她的声音在黑暗中迴荡。她向后爬行,撞到了一堵潮湿的 她再次试图让Milo与地面联系,但依旧是无用功。她的智能眼镜电力已消耗了一半。 一个不可信的未来 取出了汤碗。 我大吃一口,喝了下去,咽下了这噩梦般的药,努力不抓自己的皮肤。 我们烦躁的总服务员Ah Don经常会开玩笑地称我为“竹升”。这个词意思是空 混凝土墙,缩成一团,凝视着自己。 可能不足以持续到星期一。 一串红色的赞歌 但皮疹恶化了。 她骂了一句,然后缓和下来,带我去找西医治疗。 医生告诉我的母 卡尔加里唐人街诞生时就运用了维多利亚和旧金山等其他国家或地区的唐人街所 心的竹竿,外皮发黄,带有旧加拿大人经常反对的新加拿大西方价值观。我常常 她面前有一束暗灰色的光,光中露出一个年轻男孩的幽灵般的脸。 “很久以前我们尝试过无线电。但也无用。” 把我们带到这里, 亲,幸好你把她带来了。 解决方法很简单。 一种比任何一种我母亲的药都更难闻的 建立的传统美学。 但是在建造建筑物时总是存在本地特性:建造者必须考虑当地 为此感到骄傲!有一次,Ah Don骗我去附近的一家草药店,买了我从未听说过 Alicia再次大喊大叫,躲开,手臂跳跃起来保护她免受这不速之客的伤害。 “你们有无线电发射器?” 碰撞中的连接 白色药膏,在医生的潦草字迹里有详细的使用说明。 我想问医生,我可以在显微镜 气候以及该地区可用的建筑材料。 卡尔加里唐人街可以在地图上被卫星识别,察 的药物。草药店年老的执业者举起的拳头对我咒骂,后来我才知道我要的是一瓶 “这位女士你叫得真大声。” Carlo点点头。 下看到活着的寄生虫吗,但是我保持了安静,发痒直到我忘记了我有皮肤。 看小区内长达100年的风格屋顶和建筑形式,每一个都证明了其中所包含的丰富 臭味药膏,用来活化老年人的婚姻幸福感。当我满头大汗地回到餐厅陡峭的入口 她放下手臂。男孩的其餘部分看上去像是幻影般穿过漆黑的墙壁,或者至少是一个 “带我去。” 我发现了一个我不曾拥有的童年 建筑历史。 卡尔加里唐人街最早的建筑物可以追溯到1910年代,显示了中式细节 楼梯时,所有的员工都在大笑! 穿着超大的、覆盖有灰尘的T恤和短裤的瘦骨嶙峋的骨架,并手持一个方形LED手电 我从未做过的一连串军队工作 龙眼肉 设计。 但是随着时间的流逝以及唐人街为其小区所扮演的角色的不断变化,建筑 筒。 Carlo带着Alicia到了一条被基岩挡住的街道上。她爬进了基岩下面一个狭窄的房 那一次你去尼泊尔 已经二十多年没见过或和大哥说过话了。 他是一名画家,住在佛罗里达州狭地的 形式和装饰图案的美学也随之变化。 唐人街的建筑是整个世纪华人小区社会进步 我的同事克雷格和谢尔顿给我起了个“强大的大虾杀手”的绰号,因为我可以在 男孩蹲在她面前,递给她布。“Lu,对吗?” 间。当她进入时,Milo增强了Alicia眼镜的光束。她转过身,透过尘土飞扬的一片阴 那就是为什么你的双手感觉紧张 某个地方,我母亲有他的一幅画:一个蓝色和黄色的城市,画面中有路标、动物头, 的化身。 餐体中推着与身体一般高的点心手推车兜售时,悄悄藏起几竹笼蒸虾饺。他们不 她惊奇地看着他。 暗,她发现自己面对着一座尘土覆盖着的手持长矛的古代士兵雕像。她大喊了一声。 让你受忽视。 蜿蜒的公路上有灰色的汽车。 牙买加金斯敦的愿景。 另一个家。 敢动像鹌鹑蛋猪肉烧卖饺子、超大号的塞满了猪肉,鸡肉,蘑菇和鸡蛋的蒸包 “姓。在布上。” “兵马俑。你当心。” 叔叔与家人并不亲近,但是我的母亲保留了这幅画,有一次我看到她在看这幅画 建筑学上反映的这一进步最明显的例子是唐人街西北侧的卡城中华文化中心。 该 子,甚至是一片千层甜咸的鸭蛋黄蛋糕。点心师傅Ah Lo最近从温哥华的一家著 “是‘卢’(Lo),” 她说道,把布塞回她的钱包里。 Alicia喘了口气。“还有更多的惊喜吗?” 你开咖啡馆的梦想, 时,鼻子非常靠近画的表面,我心想,应该退后一步,你不应该这样看这幅画的。 文化中心充满了中国传统建筑的细节和装饰技术,例证了它是一座具有社会功能 名餐厅来。他说,大多数地方都在避免制作这些传统的点心,因为它们太复杂且 “我叔叔说是‘Lu’。他是‘Lu’。” Carlo耸了耸肩。“我想这里是一个博——物——馆。” 过简单的生活, 这是当他们都住在纽约布朗克斯的公寓楼里,有蟑螂,没空调时,送给我母亲的礼 的现代建筑,与古代中式建筑融合,充分体现了其传统。 文化中心的董事会希望建 费时。 Alicia叹了一口气。“好吧。那就‘Lu’吧。” 她抬头凝视,但是除了黑暗中的尘土之外什 Alicia看着Carlo。“你怎么知道?” 回家, 物。 当他差点用一锅热汤烧掉天花板时,我母亲笑了。 当他把画给她时,她在笑吗? 立一种独特的中国特色,让人们会为此感到兴奋和自豪。 基于为小区造福的使命, 么也看不见。“Milo,我们在哪里?” “我是识字的,小姐。” 在厚胶合板上的一系列笔触,悬挂在地下室的墙上,面对着一张世界地图。 选定的设计灵感来自宋代天坛,并以北京的祈年殿为原型。 祈年殿历史上曾用于 华侨酒家坐落于五月花(Mayflower),灯笼宫(Lantern Palace)和Jack “唐人街,小姐,” 男孩说道。 他带领她绕过了那座兵马俑,然后走向一条弯曲的走廊。 宗教仪式,召唤丰收。 Wong先生最近刚搬迁的银龙餐厅(Silver Dragon Restaurant)之间的广东商 “我不是在和你说话。我是在和Milo说。” “等等”,她说,“我不想在这里迷路。” 回家。 绿乌豆 区的较高楼层。银龙餐厅就位于广受欢迎的Kin Sang烧烤肉和干货店的正上方。 男孩周围看了一下。“谁?哪里?” 她走进一个褪了色的紫红色房间。房间里覆盖着英文剪报,唐人街的黑白相片,已有 第一次。 排行第四的妹妹,在南海滩生活的阿姨S,住在比斯坎湾破旧不堪的房子,告诉我, 站在建筑物的中央圆形大厅中能看到文化中心最显著的特征,即其优美、宽大的圆 拉尔夫叔叔,有传言说这是您最近最喜欢的社交场所。听说您喜欢深夜用餐和餐 Alicia轻笑着。“不在‘哪里’,” 她指着她的眼镜。“这里。Milo是我的电子助手。” 几十年历史的地图,以及不是这个时代的人物肖像。Alicia看了看日期,许多这些资 她的妈妈在她的七个孩子生病时会给他们吃这个,还给男孩们加蒸人参。 它们挂 形屋顶。 建筑物的高度足以传达王朝时代的建筑宏伟,而又足以使人们从地面看 后玩扑克游戏。您甚至在酒家里订了一张专用桌! 男孩指着眼镜。“你真有趣。” 料都有超过50年的历史。 在楼上的墙壁上,妈妈和爸爸,在整个童年和成年时期高贵而平静,没有一缕乱发。 到整个屋顶,因此,即使是普通人,也能感受到在建筑上花的大量心思。 屋顶衬有 “说嗨,Milo。” 她告诉我有一种用蜡包裹着的球,以补充因分娩或月经而失去的血,用姜汁酒汤冲 青釉面光滑瓦片,这些琉璃瓦是由负责中国古代寺庙和王宫屋顶修复工作的中国 华桥酒家这些天以来非常忙,因为华人喜欢在上班前或休假时购买新鲜制作的烧 “嗨”,Milo说道。“我在跟谁说话?” 她往走廊深处走了几步,看到了一条棕褐色的掛毯,上面画着一张简略的地图。她 洗干净,名为“白凤凰”。 工匠用传统方法制成的。 屋顶下方充分展示了称为“斗拱”的互锁支架的古老建筑 烤肉,包括猪肉,鸭肉,豉油鸡和内脏。他们还购买干货,因为很难买到从温哥 “Carlo。” 猜这是一张唐人街的地图。她认出了那个有扭曲的树的小广场,还有一些摊位,例 肤我觉得我好像可以把这皮肤 她告诉我,中医师会要求你描述你的病情并为你提供治疗方法。 阿姨的意思是。 你 技术。 虽然它们没有像斗拱支架在古代建筑中那样发挥结构性承重作用,但它们 华直接进口的糖果。虽然不新鲜,但必须尽我们所能。与全家人一起吃咸点心被 “我是Alicia”,她说。她伸出手,与Carlo握手,但他只是盯着眼镜。 如Lee的书法工作室和Chen的面条档。地图上,几座建筑物旁边的潦草红色字样是 从我身上弄皱 必须亲自造访,品尝一下。 在视觉上起到了精确的装饰作用。 认为是天堂般的周末传统。现在,这已成为卡尔加里的唐人街生活新规范! Alicia再次将目光转向上方。“你说这是唐人街?” 汉字。她认出了一些姓。掛毯上有几处以方形被剪去,每个方格都应该和一个姓氏对 看它是否可以重新长出 拉尔夫叔叔,您的到来启发了还是一名移民少年的我。您能在任何情况下找到人 Carlo耸了耸肩。“我们就是这样叫的。” 应。 黄芪片 一系列错综复杂的雕刻的托臂被彩绘成不透明的青色,其边缘以金色勾勒出轮廓, 们之间的共同点——只需在旋转的餐桌转盘上共享中餐即可!谁能抗拒减少彼此 Alicia睁大眼睛。她伸长脖子。

在“龙城”购物中心的“牡丹”中草药店里,我看到警卫埃迪,我问他,你在这里做什 围绕着建筑物的外围。 建筑内部有四根柱子,是对祈年殿的敬意,十二根附墙柱分 之间的分歧,并同时分享美味的脆皮嫩里脊肉配菠萝和多色胡椒粉,上面浇上浓 还有其他人在看着他们吗?这个想法使她的脊椎发抖。“等等。还有其他人吗?” Alicia伸进她的钱包,掏出一块方形的布,将其展开。她的姓氏也用红色写成,形状与 想知道它是否会长成某种形状 么? 他是我以前公司的安全保卫员,也是草药店的老板,他用来自中国的药,二十 别代表一年十二个月份。 大量花纹细节用传统方法建造,首先将图案成型,然后再 稠,酸甜,酸甜的酱汁;炒虾仁,配上甜豌豆,竹笋和中式黑蘑菇;或一盘特色 Carlo点了一下头。“你想见他们吗?” 从掛毯上被剪去的形状相似。她的心跳动地厉害。她的父亲曾住在这里。他曾是这个 属于别人的 五年。 玻璃药罐,还有一块装在红色盒子中的八十年人参根。 我花了一点时间才意 将其转移至墙面,然后使用金属镀层进行抛光。 在天花板和柱子上,每个表面都反 炒饭呢?现在,您每周都会参加在唐人街的慈善活动和家庭婚礼,让日常生活更 Alicia站了起来。“我们必须警告他们。” 唐人街社区的一部分。是因为如此,他才将她送走吗?还有,为什么这些名字在掛毯 谁有线索 识到他是谁,但他似乎并没有因此感到烦恼,就像他一直在等待或者一直在两个地 复经过这种细腻的处理,从而产生了莲花、龙和凤凰的混合幻影,自然光线从环绕 加令人兴奋!唐人街需要更多像您一样的朋友! “关于什么?” 中被剪去? 方都存在一样。 他看了我一眼,说我需要能量,指着一个印有红字的塑料袋,可用 天花板最高处的玻璃块渗透到整个空间。 “这个地方是在明早准备拆除的建筑区域内。在这里的每个人都有危险。” 她凝视着 想知道我是否可以 来去火的根和药草。 他说,每个袋子至少包含八种成分,所有部分在一起形成一个 我期待今晚能再次在华桥酒家与您和Colleen夫人见面。今晚会有一场Louie先生 男孩。“包括你。” “小姐?” 再试一次 整体。 他用中文名称描述每种成分,我写下来,用英语直译出来,但有些细节无法 卡城中华文化中心代表了卡尔加里唐人街今天所扮演角色的一方面。 它是一个通 和他刚从香港来到加拿大的新娘的盛大婚礼。我敢打赌,婚礼上的长者会找Ah Alicia被吓了一跳,转身对Carlo说,“不要这样吓我。” 也许我会犯同样的错误 翻译。 五指毛桃,乳白色山药。 多毛无花果的根。 过传统文化艺术传授价值观的空间,不仅提供给第二代或第三代加拿大华人使用, Don用酒家里那充满杂音的麦克风唱一些搞笑和涩情的风俗台山语婚礼歌曲。 “当你在到处浏览时,我已投入了工作中。找到了无线电。” ~ 埃迪告诉我一点点这个,一点点那个,我母亲的话,徘徊在灯火通明的草药店里,在 还适合所有族裔的小区。 Don总是能通过带有涩情意味的限制级歌词和轶事,使所有人都之尴尬地笑。 他怀里抱着一个铺满灰尘的业余无线电。 最终就像 那锅黑色的汤边咕哝。 当宾客们开始到来的时候,响亮的,传统的,带有庆祝意义的粤剧音乐会整晚都 Carlo带领Alicia穿过一栋类似洞穴的黑暗建筑,里面布满灰尘,并看出来已经随着 Alicia把写着她的姓的布塞回钱包里。“我们去找Tang。”

每个唐人街的中心都是一颗传承坚定价值观的跳动心脏。 创建唐人街并不是为了 在大家的耳边徘徊,以祝大家好运和兴旺。我们还希望这对新婚夫妇明年能回到 时间被破坏,只被Alicia的智能眼镜的昏暗灯光和Carlo的手电筒的暗灰色点亮。他 你。 鸡脚,白米饭(可选) 成为它们所在城市中的瑰宝,而是因为它们在时间变化中适应、满足多代人的需求 我们的餐厅庆祝他们新生儿! Mah先生认为,如果您能露面,所有在场的人都 总跑在前面,拐弯,他的手电筒灯光渐渐暗下来,让Alicia怀疑他是否拋弃了她,迷失 ~ 我作弊使用了浓缩汤块,而不是我妈建议的大统华超市卖的冷冻骨头。 我将干货 而变得如此。 会感到高兴和得意。他们喜欢带着您到处去敬酒,觉得您像自家兄弟。 Mah先 在这迷宫中,慢慢地被黑暗吞没,随着眼镜的电池耗尽,直到只有心跳声陪伴她。 放入一个蓝色的锅中,加水,煮沸。 煨。 几乎马上,气味就在我的厨房散发开来。 这 生总是要求克雷格和我在靠近门口的地方摆一张铺有桌布的特别长桌,以便让每 他们在Chen的摊位找到了Tang。他非常乐于帮助Alicia和Carlo修理那部充满尘土 在脑海中把我带回到了我和姐姐两岁那年,母亲整夜呕吐,我们以为她可能会离我 正如每一个统治中国的朝代的建筑都是在其前代的影响下建造的一样,世界各地 位客人都能看到您的身影。我们在锡制茶壶里倒进冰镇啤酒,在桌子底下放几瓶 Milo向她保证她还健在,但也告诉她此处也没有任何网络信号。当他们从一条摇摇 的、腐旧不堪的无线电。但是他警告他们说,“如果这件事被Sun知道了,她将会非常 们而去。 药在哪里呢? 用塑料袋装着的干货来救急。 的唐人街也如此般。 卡尔加里唐人街的演变方式与北美许多城市的唐人街相似。 威士忌和葡萄酒,并提供几个烟灰缸供您吸烟时用。今晚唐人街的每个人都来参 欲坠的钢梯上走下来时,Alicia几乎无法想像他们能在密实的混凝土和钢结构下找 沮 丧 。” 经过两个半小时的炖煮后,我将其过滤,汤变黑变稠,呈浮油状。 味道正是我记得 有趣的是,相似的流程可以产生如此不同的结果,独特的个性和特别的小区。 有句 加这场盛会。他们都希望您能到他们的桌子露个脸,即使您不认识他们。您确实 到信号。 “那这会给你带来麻烦吗?”,Alicia问。 英文现在我会用我帝国主义的能力 的一样,咸又苦,容易吞咽。 我给妈妈寄了一张照片,她说颜色应该更加黑。 然后, 谚语说得好,“形式跟随功能”。 这句话用来描述这些文化中心的建筑特质最为正 是我最敬佩的名人“叔叔”,比起已故的李小龙或我的太空英雄卢克·天行者 他们来到一扇金属门前,Carlo抓住墻角里一把打着补丁的伞。他打开了门和伞,并 Tang笑了笑。 挑撥和征服 你是否感觉到身体潮红? 确。 当你在唐人街的街道上穿行时,你会发现一系列建筑风格,既代表着城市的繁 (Luke Skywalker)来得更酷! 让她跨过门槛。 Alicia明白了他的意思。她抓住Carlo。“我们不能单靠无线电。” 这个对话。 也许吧,我告诉她。 我独自在厨房里把汤喝完。 荣与萧条,伴有不可磨灭的文化装饰的点缀。 建筑表达了这些差异、个性,卡尔加 一种混合的气味首先扑面而来。茴香,大蒜和乾姜的刺激性气味,和雨后的泥土霉味 她希望得到一条麻绳、一把锤子和几个钉子。 我没有告诉她,曾经吓着我的黑色现在尝起来很强大。 里唐人街也不例外。 如今,许多新移民是通过联邦政府的家庭团聚计划从香港和台湾来的,而其他人 产生了作用。 Carlo对此表示怀疑。“太厚了,小姐。不够。” 则是学习计算机或会计与管理的大学生;还有从“臭名昭著”的共产主义中国离 他设法找到了几个像她的手一样大的沉重的马蹄形磁铁。它们一定来自于地面上的 拓展阅读 开的人群。几年前,我妈妈的妹妹和她的同伴成功地游过了险峻的珠江到香港。 当Alicia跨出门第一步时,有什么东西将她从推到一边。她转过头去,看到一个戴斗 建筑工地。 Chan, Anthony B. Chinese Canadians, The Canadian Encyclopedia, 2019 他们当时一定像奥运会运动员一样征服了这条危险而艰苦的十二小时逃跑路线。 笠的老人,他的肩上扛着一个麻布袋。他向她说了声抱歉,然后绕开她,往一条狭窄 Alicia将这些工具都带回了她原来坠落的位置。Carlo警告她注意危险,但她无视了 我后来听说,我勇敢的姨妈与好莱坞的一位电影广告牌画家结了婚。我希望可以 的路摇摇晃晃地前行。Alicia睁大眼睛凝视着这迷惑的景象,喘了一口粗气。黑暗狭 他。几个小时后,拆迁便要开始了。 Fu, Hsi-nien et al. (2002) Chinese Architecture. Beijing: New World Press 早日与他们相见。 窄的小巷在薄薄的钢和混凝土结构之间,只有由电线掛起、摇摇欲坠的昏暗LED灯将 Alicia用绳子绑住她的腰,开始攀爬,她的鞋子紧紧抓住碳钢。当坡度变得太陡时,她 最老的大女儿,不要害羞 其照亮。小道的地上是弯弯曲曲的锯齿状红砖,两旁有成排的钢丝和钢管,偶尔有肮 利用两块磁铁作为立足点,同时使用另外两块磁铁将自己慢慢拉到管道的侧面。这 分享你的辛勤工作 Lai, David Chuenyan & Seiban, Lloyd. Calgary Chinatowns 1888-2015, 秋末的风将我浓密的黑卷发吹乱。这风儿对于身着蓝色薄牛仔夹克和黑色喇叭裤 脏的窗户在之中凸显。 几乎就像是爬墙,磁铁似乎在支撑她的身重。暂时地。 今天是光荣的一天 Vancouver: Simon Fraser University 的我来说确实有些凛冽。我应该听我妈的话,穿多一些,而不只是穿这件白色翻 Alicia陷入了一个地下城市。 当管道向上弯曲时,她看见了淡紫色的云朵。一阵凉风拂过她齐肩的头发。快到家 锄开自我憎恨 领衬衫打底。这些黑色厚底皮鞋确实使我在公交车站等车时显得更高。 了。她精疲力尽,大声呼救,但没有得到呼应。时间太早了,没人在场。不过,现在打电 站起来, Tsui, Bonnie (2009) American Chinatown: A People’s History of Five 带有「Elbow Drive」(Elbow道)标志的三号电动无轨电车刚刚到站。两位女 当她凝视着在她上方纠缠的水管和电线时,几滴水落到了她的头上和眼里。 话给别人应该不算早了。 但还不够高 Neighborhoods. 乘客冲向自己喜欢的座位。其中一个向电车后部走。另一个则选择了前排座位。 “雨?”,她轻轻拍了一下眼镜。“Milo?这里有信号吗?” Alicia伸手进她的包里去拿出眼镜。但是她的手汗涔涔,一滑,眼镜跌落了。 坐下, New York: Free Press 随着电车向Centre街驶去,无数排的双层房屋在车窗外略过。这两位女士开始 Milo反应很快,说“不”。 “Milo!” 还不够 在用台山话大声交流。他们来来回回谈论了他们过去在中国广东乡村农场美好的 Alicia盯着Carlo。 她拼命地想要去抓住眼镜,另一隻手从磁铁上滑了下来。与Milo一样,Alicia现在发 完美; Choy, Philip P. (2012) San Francisco Chinatown: A Guide to Its History and 悠闲生活,以及刚搬到卡尔加里的广东家庭的姓氏。他们还分别分享了最新的八 他往上指了指,“是上方的水管破了。” 现自己在自由落体。当她猛烈地撞入管道,往下滑,并回到她开始的地方时,有一声 但不能 Architecture. 卦——昨晚谁在Wong氏同乡会麻将比赛中输得很惨。其他乘客没有抱怨他们的 Alicia的肩膀垂了下来。看不见天空。只有更多的管道。 巨大的声响。 脆弱的微笑 San Francisco: City Lights 大笑声,这真是一个奇迹。我想,大概对于公车来说,这样的情形很正常。他们 Carlo让她跟紧前行。 当Alicia站起来时,一阵巨大的痛苦从她的左腿传来。她低下头。骨头并没有断裂穿 持续一生 的包在道路颠簸时都会摇晃。在车顶上的电车杆子也会一样大声地晃动。当车子 过皮肤。但是当她在左腿使劲时,她感觉她的腿像是被破碎的玻璃刮擦着一样。 在加拿大横贯公路上的North Center旅馆和Beacon酒店前面停下来时,两人用 他们穿过这些人烟稀少的如迷宫般的建筑物间隙,Carlo的眼睛亮了起来。他看见了 她示意Carlo把眼镜递给她。镜头被砸坏了,镜框破裂。 祝福的词语说再见。电车司机在这个时候抓紧时间迅速下了车,吸了一口香烟。 熟悉的场景:Chen在他的面条摊位,用手拉着面条,面粉覆盖了他全身;Arjun在凉 “Milo?” 之后,车子将会过河,前往唐人街,然后向南驶向Elbow道。很少有华人住在市 鞋店熟练地将竹子编织成充满艺术感的鞋;在书法工作室里,满脸皱纹的Lee先生耐 没有回应。 中心外以南。 心地引导一名学生抓住毛笔,在一块石头上写出错综复杂的汉字。Carlo向每个人问 自己造成的另一个自己 好,他们都向他挥手,惊讶地看着他身边的新面孔——Alicia。在如此与外界隔离的地 一声巨响穿过管道,尘土掉到了出来,坠到地上。地面上的重型设备已经啟动。拆除 我从前在中国是谁,和现在有什么不同? 我到站了。无轨电车比预期提前了几分钟,在3号大道对面的有名的的Hull’s 方,唐人街的市民是如何有时间维持所有熟悉的文化习惯的? 工作要开始了。他们没时间了。 Terrace排屋对面将我放下。 Wong氏同乡会现在占据了那屋子的一部分。趁上 Tang带着无线电在一片昏暗中出现。这是他们最后的希望。除了业餘爱好者,没有人 如果? 班前还有几分钟空闲时间,我走进了灯火通明的Hing Wah书店礼品店。它占用 Alicia放慢了脚步,盯着那些摊位和熟悉的中文招牌,感觉像回到了童年一样。当这 再使用业餘无线电了。当Carlo放下Alicia的腿,Tang开啟了信号发射。他们希望地面 了以前银龙餐厅一楼的空间。我喜欢与温文尔雅的店主Ko夫人交谈。我们有很 座唐人街仍然存在于地面之上时,她的父亲曾经带她在唐人街的街道上走来走去。 上有人能听到。 不管多么彻底 多共同之处。我和她经常谈论有关香港电影,音乐和最新娱乐趋势的话题。她对 他会不停地与这些摊主们聊天,然后父女俩会顺便品尝他们的饺子和肠粉。她会迫 Alicia通过广播寻求帮助,但只听到了静电声。电池的电量不足,无法为可能到达地 即将发行的粤语和普通话黑胶唱片,珍藏版磁带,和电影杂志懂的很多。她甚至 不及待地咬几口她爸分给她的小吃。她讨厌他常买的榴莲。她会吞下几块,然后悄悄 面的广播供电。现在只剩下最后一种方式提供足够电力进行最后一次尝试。 我在网上搜索生活方式,媒体, 知道我爸订阅的香港报纸什么时候寄到。 地将剩下的餵给街上的猫。但那是在很久以前,在唐人街沉没之前…… “Milo”,Alicia说。当她把碎了的眼镜递给Tang时,她的手在颤抖。“这块电池可能足 够 。” 生活 我认为,除了我的老板Gordon之外,Ko夫人是唐人街里衣着最优雅的人。她身 Carlo抓住Alicia的手。“嘿,小姐。快跟上。” Tang从眼镜上取下一块很小的芯片,然后小心翼翼地将其固定在无线电上,然后发 我找不到临界点 着从香港进口的高级真丝长裤套装,总是衣冠楚楚。将穿着她从香港进口的最好 出最后一束无线电波。 我成为一个人的时候,而不是另一个人 的真丝长裤套装打扮成九分装。她高高的蜂巢发型总是完美地呈现,加上长长的 Alicia跟着Carlo走到街角处。他们发现了一个城镇广场。那里有一棵扭曲的、无叶的 过了很久很久,他们终于听到了声音,从上方呼唤着他们。 彩色指甲,精致无暇的妆容,细致的眼线和分明的黑色睫毛膏一起。 树,被镶嵌在树干上的LED灯照亮。在树下有一小群人。Alicia可以听到噼里啪啦的响 而且似乎没有办法

声,这是她童年时代的独特声音。 ~ 今天我终于购买了当红的双语乐队温拿广受欢迎的黑胶唱片《Listen to the 当Carlo将她拉向人群的时候,Alicia和Milo确认了一下:仍然没有任何信号。人群散 跟得上过去的我 从包包里掉出的信 Wynners》。 Ko夫人将这张唱片放在柜台上显眼的地方,并加上一块手写的 开,她看到四个人在玩一个熟悉的游戏。 Alicia走进唐人街博物馆。剪报,掛毯,甚至是兵马俑,都在展出。唐人街还是被拆 teresa tam 中文牌子,上面写着“新到货……仅需5.99块”!我终于可以在家里欣赏所 一个潜在的轨迹 除了,但在一些原先的建筑物外墙被拯救和保留下来,现在成为了新摩天大楼的一 有的热门歌曲,例如《Sha La La La》,《Save Your Kisses for Me》,和 “ 麻 将 。” 部分。它们四周都被玻璃天窗永远包围着,永久展露在天空下。对于在地下居住了将 《Waterloo》。我第一次听到这张热门专辑是去年夏天在我的同事克雷格家。 留在了我童年的街头 一名年长的女人站了起来,她的灰色长发扫过她的眼睛。“Carlo,这是谁?” 近15年的人们来说,这是一种妥协。 我们在他哥哥Ringo的自动Hi-Fi电唱机上偷偷地播放了几次。现在,我也拥有这 张专辑了!在Hing Wah,我还买了一本新的《南国电影》杂志,以获取有关我 在一片 Carlo讲述了他是如何找到Alicia,并向Alicia介绍了在场的几位老人:镇长和农民 博物馆的前厅掛着那块画有地图的掛毯。Alicia的那一块方形布与其缝合在一起。 最喜欢的邵氏兄弟工作室动作明星们的最新电影八卦和制作照片,例如姜大卫、 Sun,电工Tang,以及帽匠Tikyee。 那是她与她多年前去世的父亲的最后联系。谁给她寄了那块方形布,仍然是个谜。 狄龙、傅声和李菁。 现在有毒的土地。 뙥ⶖ “你已经见过维修地砖的人了”,Sun说,拍了一下Carlo的肩膀。 她那副破碎的眼镜——Milo,被摆放在掛毯旁的一个陈列柜里。 圉 ⚢ Carlo脸红了,说:“这不重要。” 删  好吧,拉尔夫叔叔,我现在到华桥酒家的门外了!是时候爬上这些陡峭的楼梯上 感觉不可能; “欢迎来到唐人街。在这里我们都是一家人。等你安顿好之后,我们会为你找一个职 “小姐?你有空吗?” 班了。饿着肚子的客人们正在等待他们新鲜的热虾饺和烧卖。我希望今晚晚些时 责,去赢取……” Alicia转过身,Carlo扑到她怀里,用力地给了她一个“熊抱”。仅仅四年,他已经长到 候在婚礼宴会上为您服务。一般来说按照Louie家族的要求,今晚的菜单肯定会 我不能 Alicia俯了一下身子。“没有时间了。我们要走了。就是现在。” 了她的高度。 是一顿十道菜的粤式大餐。这顿大餐必将为整个华人社区带来欢乐和幸福! Sun抬了一下手。“其他人都没走成,他们都尝试返回地面,但都没成功。后来他们像 “你不应该问女生这样的问题。” 进行中,同时。 我们所有人一样,开始接受唐人街就是我们的家。” “呃。所以你到底有没有空?” 真挚敬上, Alicia摇了摇头。“这不会持续太久了”,她解释说。唐人街上方的地点将被拆除。一片 Alicia注视着唐人街博物馆,叹了口气。她本想将手伸进口袋,掏出手机,手指上下滑 Ah Poi 更重要的是, 低语和令人担忧的表情从人群中掠过。 动,寻找藉口。但是她没找到藉口。她知道她今晚要做什么。

Sun举起了手,人群安静了。“这是胡说。” 她把目光转向Carlo。“打麻将?” 我不能打破 “Milo,显示蓝图”,Alicia说到。一张拆除现场的小全息图在她左边出现。“我之所以 Carlo笑了。他们一齐向二楼走去。他们认识的Sun和Tang都在那儿。其余的人都在

知道是因为这是我安排的。屋顶倒塌时,你会死的。” 等着他们,与他们相识。 Sun凝视着树的树干。“但这里是我们的家,”她喃喃道。 那密封了的生活的临界

当我走下那部飞机的时候。 今晚的特别菜单 ! 檸 “曾经是”,Alicia心想。唐人街似乎是一个繁荣的社区,对外界隐藏。失去唐人街是 成为, 檬 會 活着像, 雞 協 感觉像,

另外的一个我 helen hu chinatown: a cultural centre stephanie wong ken yuk choy Chinatowns were not meant to happen. That is, they were never meant to be gems within downtowns, vibrant communities, cultural centres, historical landmarks or an epicure’s must-go-to. It was meant to Tea tree mushroom be a slum, a ghetto. Because of historical exclusionary acts and discrimination, Chinatowns in North with a spoon of white rice茶樹菇 at the bottom of the bowl. The rules were elbows okay, but no whining at the table. America were meant to confine the Chinese immigrant population within an enclave. My sister and I, my youngest sister wasn’t born yet when my mother was doling out this medicine, would sit for hours staring at our bowls, and pray to see grains of white rise out of the blackness. The taste was mud and In the early 1900s, Chinese labourers settled in urban areas of Canada as they constructed the Canadian bark, pickled fruit. My mother claimed the soup cured heat stroke, common colds, stomach flus, and coughing Pacific Railway. Because of restrictions around the Chinese buying property outside of bounded areas, fits, better than anything from a drug store. The name, Yuk Choy, made us feel sick already, made us regret Chinatown designations were intended to contain the Asian population and buffer them from the wider accepting the medicine and the way our faces didn’t dissolve with the others. While we faced a bowl of the cities. They became communities in their own right; a place for burgeoning businesses, and a home for calvin jim the many individuals separated from their families in the motherland. stuff, among swarms of tropical mosquitos and bare feet in high wet grass, my mother danced around us with disconnected a plastic apron over her jeans, singing don’t you ever forget it, my girls, eat up, waste not. Alicia Lo’s eyes fluttered open to darkness. A wisp of air passed, sending the hairs on her arm to alert. Cold air made her While broader society was determined in those days to keep Chinese influence out, the community shiver. Alicia sat up and grunted in pain. That was a nasty fall. Where was she? The last she remembered she was at the set about bringing China in – and not just the food and language. The distinctive architecture is what Red dates construction site before plunging down a long slippery pipe, screaming as she slid. She didn’t remember landing except characterizes Chinatown from the street. Dragon gates and stylized pagodas are ubiquitous characteristics waste not the紅棗 skinny wings, the charred, lean tips of the once a month chicken, while the brothers got first for the stars she saw upon colliding into the hard ground. She had to get out. She gazed up the steel pipe, barely able to ben hf tsui dear uncle hay suk make its outline in the pitch black, wind whistling above her head. It was the weekend. No one else would be at the site, Saturday, Nov. 5, 1977 of buildings in North American Chinatowns, neon lights illuminating saturated lapis blues, carmine reds, pick of the juicy legs, the well salted breasts. My mother and her four sisters knew how to make a fish head especially one set for demolition on Monday morning. Monday. Was it Monday yet? Alicia felt her head for her glasses 喜叔 emerald greens and imperial yellows. A myriad of shop signs punctuate the façades of buildings, each last, and maybe, with enough ginger and sauce, make it taste like a ripe, steaming belly. There is no bitterness and found them perched on her forehead. She put them on. A familiar soft blue light appeared. She breathed a sigh of with superimposed Chinese and English text; a pronounced indication that you are indeed, in Chinatown. Dear Mr. Ralph Klein — Calgary Chinatown’s unanimously revered Number One Caucasian Younger Uncle Hay Suk for in their voices now, that’s just how it was, and when the oldest brother, the prodigal, gambled away the deed relief. They still worked. “Milo,” she said. “Yes, Mistress,” chirped a friendly voice. “Call emergency.” A small wheel appeared柠檬鸡协会 喜叔 all joyous and happy occasions, Signs with a typeface recalling the bold, confident brush strokes of stylized calligraphy, hanging above to the house, the only asset my grandparents owned besides a tiny, struggling storefront, my grandfather in her peripheral vision. For a voice assistant on a high-speed network, the lag was interminably long. “No network doorways, perpendicular to buildings, each with a unique interplay of background and text colours of slapped him for the first time. But the sisters didn’t wail like sirens at the excommunication. I don’t know that connection, Mistress.” Alicia swore under her breath. “Try again.” The result was the same. She sighed. She had fallen too the traditional opacity of blues, reds, greens and yellows. far or something was blocking the signal. Why had she come here? Oh yeah. She reached into her purse and pulled out My name is Ah Poi. I am your humble, bespectacled, slightly stocky, part-time dim sum cart peddler and weekend banquet anyone cried. the square remnant of a tan-coloured cloth, a Chinese character printed in the middle. She wouldn’t be trapped here if busboy at the W.K. Restaurant in the old Canton Block. You know, the place that used to be the New China Chop Calgary’s current Chinatown was formed in 1910 during the abrupt dissolution of two prior ones. When not for this stupid fragment. Whoever sent it to her had a lot to answer for. “What’s that?” Alicia yelped and dropped the Suey a few months 華橋酒家 ago before Mr. Gordon Mah and his business partners renovated it? Now, it’s another the properties in which the Chinese communities lived became valuable, the Chinese found themselves Wolfberries cloth, her voice echoing through the inky black. She scrambled backwards hitting a damp concrete wall and shrank into bustling新中國酒家 authentic tea house! evicted and without a home. It was in these trying times when the community resolved to purchase their I was grateful 枸杞for it once. A parasite jumped from stagnant water into a hole in my skin, a mosquito bite itched herself, her gaze darting about. A dim-grey light burst in front of her revealing the wraith-like face of a young boy. Alicia own buildings, properties where they could not be removed from. open. White patches of rash appeared in clusters on my legs and armpits, my fingers, between my toes, and I yelped again and turned away, arms leaping to defend her from the apparition. “You scream loud, lady.” She lowered her Presently, I am attending grade 10 at the nearby high school across from my house. Although I speak fluent Cantonese and waited, hiding my body under clothes, until my mother caught me and took out the soup bowls. I guzzled and arms. The rest of the boy appeared like a phantom through a wall of pitch-black, or at least the scrawny skeleton of one English, my actual mother tongue is Toisanese — a sort of cockney form of Cantonese farmer dialect — just like almost Calgary Chinatown was born fitting into the traditional aesthetic that was established in others, such as dressed in an oversized, dirt-covered t-shirt and shorts, holding a rectangular LED flashlight. The boy squatted down everyone in and around Chinatown. Some of my Canadian-born Chinese classmates struggle daily with their family while drank, choking back the medicine of my nightmares, trying not to scratch my skin right off. The rash bloomed in front of her and handed her back the cloth. “Lu, right?” She gave him a quizzical look. “Family name. On cloth.” “It’s speaking perfect English at school. Communication problems with the parents or grandparents arise at home with my Victoria and San Francisco. But there are always local idiosyncrasies when constructing a building: the badder, threatening to take over, and she cursed, then relented, taking me to the Western doctor for a cure. local climate must be considered along with building materials available in the area. Calgary Chinatown pronounced Lo,” she said, stuffing the fabric back in her purse. “Uncle said it was Lu, lady. He was Lu.” Alicia sighed. “Fine. classmates speaking broken Cantonese or Toisanese dialect. I feel very lucky that I am managing this situation well. Many is discernible on a map by satellite, spying stylized roofs and building forms that span one hundred years Good thing you brought her in, the doctor told my mother, the solution is simple. A white ointment reeking Lu, then.” She gazed upward, but could see nothing but motes of dust in the blackness. “Milo, where are we?” “Chinatown, newcomers also find it hard to accept or adapt to our dual way of everyday life. In Chinatown, if you speak pure city language within the community, each a testament to the rich history of architecture contained therein. Some of worse than any of her medicines, and detailed instructions in the doctor’s chicken scratch. Could I see the lady” said the boy. “I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to Milo.” The boy looked about. “Who? Where?” Alicia chuckled. like Cantonese or Mandarin, good customer service can be hard to find, but if you speak Toisanese, you are treated as a the earliest buildings in Chinatown dating back to the 1910s, displayed nominal Chinese detailings. But parasite under a microscope, layers of cells and an anomaly, alive, I wanted to ask the doctor, but I kept quiet, “Not there.” She pointed to her glasses. “Here. Milo is my electronic assistant.” The boy pointed at the glasses. “You funny number one customer! itching until I forgot I had skin. lady.” “Say hi, Milo.” “Hi,” said Milo. “And to whom am I speaking?” “Carlo.” “And I’m Alicia,” she said. She reached out and with the progression of time and the changing role which Chinatown played for its community, so did they shook hands, but Carlo just stared at the glasses. Alicia turned her gaze upward again. “You said this is Chinatown?” the aesthetic of building forms and decorative motifs. The buildings of Chinatown are a personification Our boisterous head waiter Ah Don will often jokingly call me a Jook-Sing . It means a hollowed bamboo rod with yellow Carlo shrugged. “That’s what we call it.” Alicia’s eyes widened. She craned her neck around the boy. Were there others 竹升 of the social progression of the Chinese community throughout the century. Longan meat watching them? The thought sent shivers down her spine. “Wait. There’s more of you?” Carlo nodded. “Want to meet skin outside with new Western Canadian values that the old-timers often oppose. I often pride myself on this achievement! the eldest brother龍眼肉 hasn’t been seen or spoken to in over twenty years but he is a painter, living somewhere them?” Alicia stood up. “We have to warn them.” “About what?” “This place is under a construction zone set for demolition One time, Ah Don tricked me into going down to the nearby herbal shop for a medicine remedy that I had never heard of. The most striking example of this progression reflected in architecture is the Calgary Chinese Cultural in the panhandle of Florida, and my mother has one of his paintings: a blue and yellow city with road signs, in the morning. Everyone down here is in danger.” She gazed at the boy. “Including you.” The old practitioner cursed at me with raised fists, and it was later revealed that I was asking for a bottle of smelly ointment Centre, located on the northwestern side of Chinatown. Replete with traditional Chinese building ~ to revitalize an older man’s marital bliss. When I returned up the restaurant’s steep entrance stairs with a head full of sweat, animal heads, grey cars on a winding highway. A vision of Kingston, Jamaica. Of the other home. the entire staff just laughed loudly in guffaw! details and ornamentation technique, the cultural centre exemplifies a socially functional, modern The uncle is a shadow in the family portrait but she kept the painting and once I caught her, her nose Carlo led Alicia through a cave-like building of darkened concrete, dusty and chipped by the ruin of time, lit only by the building juxtaposed with ancient Chinese architecture that substantially asserts its heritage. The board dim lights of her augmented reality glasses and the dull grey of Carlo’s flashlight. He often ran ahead and around corners, of directors wanted to build something distinctly Chinese, something people would be excited for and very close to the surface and I thought, step back, that’s not how you’re supposed to look at this painting. his light fading to black leaving Alicia to wonder whether he had abandoned her, to be lost in a maze, slowly engulfed My classmates Craig and Sheldon nicknamed me the Mighty Prawn Slayer because I can stash away secret snacks of several proud of. Based on the mission of creating a building for the benefit of the community, the chosen It was a gift from a time when they all lived in an apartment building in the Bronx with roaches and by the darkness as the batteries in her glasses drained, until only the sound of her heartbeat would keep her company. bamboo baskets of steamed shrimp har-gow dumplings between hawking the body-high cart full of little delicacies around design was inspired by the Song-era Temple of Heaven, and modelled after the Hall of Prayer for Good no AC, when he almost burnt down the ceiling they shared with a pot of hot soup, and my mother laughed. Milo reassured her that she was alive and healthy, but also that no signal could yet be found. And as they descended the restaurant. They are too scared to sneak the likes of pork siu-mai dumplings topped with quail eggs, oversized steamed Harvest located in Beijing, which was used historically for religious ceremonies, beckoning bountiful Was she laughing when he gave her the painting? A series of brush strokes on heavy plywood, hung on the several flights of rickety steel stairs, Alicia could hardly imagine they would find one further beneath dense concrete white buns stuffed with pork, chicken, mushroom & egg, or even a piece of thousand-layer, sweet & salty, duck egg yolk yields. wall in the basement, across from a map of the world. and steel. They reached a metal door and Carlo grabbed a patched umbrella sitting in the corner. He opened both, and cake. Dim sum chef Ah Lo, who recently arrived from another prestigious restaurant in Vancouver, says most places are bade her to step through the threshold. The smells greeted her senses first. The pungent odours of cumin, garlic, and avoiding these traditional dim sum dishes because they are too complicated and time-consuming to prepare. Peering from the building’s central rotunda is its most distinguished feature, a graceful, sweeping circular dried ginger intermingled with the musty, earthy scent of the ground after rain. As Alicia took her first step out the door, Green Wudou something pushed her from the side. She turned to see an old man in a douli hat carrying a sack over his shoulder. He The W.K. is nestled in the upper floors of the Canton Block between the Mayflower, Lantern Palace and Mr. Jack Wong’s newly gabled roof. Situated at a height high enough to convey the dynastic era’s architectural grandeur while the fourth sister,綠烏豆 auntie S of South Beach living, of the rundown house on Biscayne, of key locks and our low enough to see the entirety of the roof from street level, the amount of thought put into the building apologized and shuffled around her and down a tapering path. Alicia gasped as her wide-eyed gaze flitted about taking relocated Silver Dragon Restaurant, which is directly above the popular Kin Sang BBQ meat house and dry goods shop. dreams, tells me Mama made it for the seven kids when they were sick, with steamed ginseng added for in the bewildering sight. The dark, narrow alley ran between thin buildings of steel and concrete, lit only by dim LED Rumour has it that this is your favourite hangout lately, Uncle Ralph. I heard you enjoy the late-night dining and the after- is palpable, even to the untrained eye. The roof is lined with ultramarine glazed tiles that were made in lights hanging precariously on the walls by wire and peeled paint. Pools of ruddy broken tile wound along the jagged the traditional method by the same Chinese craftsmen responsible for the roof repairs on the ancient the boys. They hang on the upstairs wall, Mama and Papa, noble and serene throughout childhood and meal poker games. You even reserved a dedicated table inside the establishment! adulthood, not a strand of hair out of place. She tells me about the ball enclosed in wax to replenish the lane, lined with waves of wires and framed by steel pipes, with the occasional grimy window poking through. Alicia had temples and royal palaces in China. The ancient construction technique of interlocking brackets, called fallen into an underground city. Drops of water fell onto her head and into her eyes as she gazed up at the braided knot duogong, is on full display just below the roof. And while they do not play a structural load-bearing blood of childbirth or menstruation, washed down with ginger wine soup, named White Phoenix, a beautiful of pipes and wires above her. “Rain?” She tapped her glasses. “Milo? Signal?” The response was immediate. “No, mistress.” It’s very busy at the W.K. these days since Chinese people like to buy their freshly made BBQ meats of pork, duck, soya role as the duogong brackets did in the original building, they function as visually striking accurate mutation. Alicia stared at Carlo. He gestured up. “High pipes way above cracked.” Alicia’s shoulders slumped. There was no sky. Just chicken and giblets before work or on their days off. They also buy Chinese dry goods, and hard to get confectioneries ornamentation. A series of intricately carved corbels painted opaque ultramarine with its edges outlined The herbalist will ask you to describe your ailment and provide a cure just for you, she tells me. more pipes. Carlo bade her to follow further. They wound their way through the maze of sparsely occupied buildings, imported directly from Vancouver. It’s not fresh but necessary to live within our means. Eating savoury dim sum with the in gold are stacked and repeated around the circumference of the building’s exterior. Inside, four pillars Auntie’s really saying, you must make the visit, taste it for yourself. Carlo beamed as he pointed out landmarks: a noodle-making stall with Chen, covered head-to-toe in flour, pulling and entire family in tow is considered a heavenly weekend tradition. It is now the new norm for Chinatown’s life in the city! stand as homage to the original Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest while the twelve engaged columns winding thin noodles by hand; Arjun effortlessly weaving bamboo into artistic footwear at the sandal shop; and at the calligraphy studio, craggy-faced Mr. Lee, patiently guiding a student clutching an animal hair brush to create intricate Uncle Ralph, your casual visits to Chinatown have inspired me as an immigrant teenager. You have a way of finding common represent the respective months of the year. There is abundant appliqué detailing, created using the Astragalus root slices traditional method, first moulding the pattern before applying it to the surface, then burnished with 黃芪片 Chinese characters upon a stone canvas. At each stall, Carlo called out to them and they waved back, gazing in surprise at ground in any situation, just by sharing a communal Chinese meal served on a revolving Lazy Susan! Who could resist metallic plating. On the ceiling and pillars, this delicate process is repeated on every surface resulting in at the Peony Chinese Natural Herbs in Dragon City Mall, I see the security guard, Eddie, and ask, what are you the new face, her. How, in such an isolated place, could Chinatown’s citizens still find the time to maintain all the familiar bridging one another’s differences while sharing a savory plate of crispy, tender pork tenderloins with pineapples and a phantasmagoria of lotus flowers, dragons and phoenixes; illuminated by natural light which permeates doing here? He’s the security guard at my old job, and also the owner of the herbalist shop, practicing for cultural trappings? Alicia slowed her pace and stared at the stalls and the familiar Chinese signs. It was like walking colorful peppers glazed in a thick, tangy, sweet & sour sauce; sautéed curly shrimps braised with sweet green peas, bamboo the space from the glass blocks encircling the uppermost level of the ceiling. twenty five years with medicine from China, glass jars of herbs, and an eighty year old ginseng root framed in through her childhood. Her father used to take her up and down the streets of this same Chinatown when it still existed shoots, and black Chinese mushroom; or a plate of special fried rice? Life is more exciting in mundane Chinatown now with a red box. It takes me a moment to realize who he is, but he doesn’t seem bothered, like he’d been waiting or above ground. They would sample the dumplings and rice rolls from street vendors that he spoke with incessantly, while your weekly appearances at the local, benevolent community events and family wedding functions! Our Chinatown needs has always existed in two places at once. He looks me over and says I need energy, points at a plastic bag with she munched the few bites he had given her in impatient silence. She hated the durian slices he often bought. She would more friends like you! The Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre represents one aspect of the role that Calgary Chinatown plays gulp down a few smelly pieces before finding discrete ways to dispose of remainders to a hungry tabby. But that was long today. Functioning as a space for teaching values through the traditional cultural arts, it is accessible not red characters, roots and herbs with cooling properties, for ying. Each bag has at least eight ingredients, he ago, before Chinatown sunk below the surface. Before… only to second or third generation Chinese Canadians, but to every ethnicity of the wider community. says, all the parts work together to create the whole. He describes each ingredient with their Chinese names Hopefully, I will get to see you and Mrs. Colleen again at the W.K. tonight. It’s a big wedding for Mr. Louie and his newly arrived bride from Hong Kong. I bet Ah Don will stop serving everyone when the wedding party elders demand some of the and I write them down, sounding them out in English, but some details don’t translate. Five finger hairy peach, Carlo grabbed Alicia’s hand. “Hey lady, hurry up.” Alicia followed Carlo around the corner. They found themselves At the center of each Chinatown is a beating heart of unchanging values. Chinatowns were not created customary, funny, dirty Toisanese wedding songs through the restaurant’s scratchy microphone. Don has a way of making milky white yam. Root of the hairy fig. approaching a town square with a gnarled, leafless tree lit by bright LEDs hammered into its hulking trunk. Under the everyone chuckle with embarrassment by using all those forbidden lyrics with lusty nuances and anecdotes. with the intention to be the gems within the cities that they are, but have become so because they adapt A little bit of this, a little bit of that, Eddie tells me, the words of my mother, hovering in the brightly lit tree was a small crowd of people and Alicia could hear the sound of clacking tiles within, a distinct sound also from to serve the needs of the generations that keep it alive. her childhood. Alicia confirmed with Milo that there was still no signal when Carlo pulled her towards the gathering. shop, muttered over the pot of black soup. The crowd parted and within she saw four people playing a familiar game. “Mahjong.” The elder woman stood up, her Once the guests start arriving the loud, traditional, celebratory Cantonese opera music will be blasting away all night long Just as the architecture of each ruling Chinese Dynasty was built on the influence of its predecessors, long grey hair falling into her eyes. “Who is this, Carlo?” Carlo explained how he found Alicia and introduced the Elders: through the tape deck for good luck and prosperity. And of course, we hope the couple will return to our restaurant for the Chinatowns the world over were as well. Calgary Chinatown evolved in a similar pattern as seen in Chicken feet, white rice (optional) Sun, the mayor and farmer; Tang, the electrician; and Tikyee, the hat maker. “You have already met our tile restorer,” said celebration of their newborn baby the very next year! Mr. Mah believes that when you do make an appearance, everyone dozens of cities across North America. It is interesting how a shared process can lead to such divergent I cheat and use a bullion cube, instead 雞腳,白米飯(可選)of the frozen bones from the T&T butcher my mother recommends. I Sun patting Carlo on the shoulder. Carlo blushed. “Not important.” “Welcome to Chinatown. We are all family here. After goes home proud and delighted. They like to parade you around like the VIP brother of Chinatown from a different family. outcomes, unique personalities and distinct communities. The adage “form follows function” rings most arrange the dry ingredients in a blue pot and add water, set it to boil. Simmer. Almost immediately, my kitchen you’ve settled in, we can find a place for you, a way to earn—” Alicia leaned in. “There’s no time. We have to leave. Now.” Mr. Mah always requests that Craig and I set up a special, long table with linens just by the front so that every guest can see true when applied to the architectural idiosyncrasies of these cultural centres. As you make your way begins to fill with the smell, transporting me back to when my sister and I were just two, when my mother Sun raised her hand. “Others have fallen. They all tried and failed to return to the surface. They came to accept, as we that you are at the function. We place cold beer in a tin teapot, plenty of bottles of rye whiskey & wine underneath the table, through the streets of Chinatown, you will find a collection of building styles signifying both the boom all did, that Chinatown is now home.” Alicia shook her head. “Not for much longer.” As she explained that the site above and a few ashtrays for your non-stop cigarette smoking. Everyone in Chinatown is coming for the festivities tonight,and they threw up all night, a baby caught in the wrong tube, and we thought she might die. Where was the medicine them would be demolished, a murmur rose and worried looks passed through the crowd. Sun raised her hand and the all want you to visit their table, even if you don’t know them. You are indeed the celebrity Suk-Suk who I admire the most— and bust times of the city, punctuated with the ornamentation of an indelible culture. Architecture then? The plastic bag of dried things that could do so much. expresses these differences, these personalities, and Calgary Chinatown is no exception. murmur ceased. “Nonsense.” “Milo. Blueprint,” said Alicia. A small hologram of the demolition site appeared to her left. “I far cooler than even the late, kicking Bruce Lee, or my space hero, Luke Skywalker! After two and a half hours on simmer, I strain it and the soup is black and thick, an oil slick. The taste is know because I scheduled it. You’ll die when the roof collapses.” Sun gazed down toward the trunk of the tree. “But this just how I remember, salty and bittersweet, easier to swallow. I send my mother a photo and she says it should is home,” she murmured. Was home, Alicia thought. Chinatown seemed to be a thriving community, hidden from the Nowadays, many new immigrants are arriving from Hong Kong and Taiwan through the federal government’s family Further Reading / Chan, Anthony B. Chinese Canadians, The Canadian Encyclopedia, 2019 / Fu, Hsi-nien et al. (2002) Chinese outside world. Its loss would be a shame. But if she didn’t help Sun now, help them all to find a way out, they would end Architecture. Beijing: New World Press / Lai, David Chuenyan & Seiban, Lloyd. Calgary Chinatowns 1888-2015, Vancouver: Simon be blacker. And then, do you feel your body flushing out? reunification program, while others are university students studying computers or accounting & management.There is Maybe, I tell her, sipping alone in my kitchen until the bowl is done. up as lifeless as that tree. Sun turned toward Alicia and grabbed Tang and Tikyee’s hand before gazing at her, resolve in also an exodus of refugees who freed themselves from the notorious communist China. My mom’s younger sister and her Fraseryi University yang / Tsui, Bonnie (2009) American Chinatown: A People’s History of Five Neighborhoods, New York: Free Press / her eyes. “So be it.” Choy, Philip P. (2012) San Francisco Chinatown: A Guide to Its History and Architecture San Francisco: City Lights I don’t tell her, the black that used to scare me tastes powerful now. ~ companion were some of the ones who succeeded in swimming down the treacherous Canton Pearl River to Hong Kong Alicia stomped from the square and headed back through Chinatown’s thin alleys. She wasn’t about to wait around for a few years ago. They must have been like Olympic athletes to conquer this dangerous and gruelling twelve-hour escape Sun and the Elders to come to their senses. Sure this was their home, but when a fire burns it down, you leave. “Hey. Wait route. The last I heard, my courageous aunt married a movie billboard painter in Hollywood, California. Hopefully, I will meet up, lady.” Carlo struggled to keep pace. Alicia smiled. The kid had a better head than Sun. Alicia and Carlo stopped and them soon. yi yang crouched in a small unlit alcove near some stairs, two empty barrels, and a few pieces of rotted wood. “Once we find a way out, we’ll come back and lead those who will follow us. I can’t save them all.” Carlo nodded and began to think. In his The late fall wind is blowing my thickly permed black hair all over. It is indeed a bit nippy for my thin blue denim jacket and short eleven years, he had explored every pipe and tunnel of Chinatown. Although many went far, none opened near the flared black pants. I should have listened to mom and wore more than this white lapeled dress shirt underneath. These black collision Skin Self-Inflicted Other surface. The pipe Alicia had fallen into might be the best possible escape route but the last person to try climbing it, fell leather platform shoes do make me look taller while waiting at the bus stop. Guangzhou, 2016 and cracked their skull. “But he got far enough to see sky,” said Carlo. For Alicia, that might be enough. She tried again to I feel as if I could take this Skin Who was I in China, that I am not now? have Milo make contact with the surface to no avail. The power bar on her glasses hovered at the half-way point. Likely The #3 electric trolleybus with the “Elbow Drive” sign has just arrived. The ladies rush to their favourite seats. One always Paraded through the metro streets And crumple it from my body not enough to last until Monday. “We try radio long ago. No luck.” “You have radios?” Carlo nodded. “Take me to them.” goes to the back; the other near the front side seats. As the trolleybus dings its way down Centre Street, endless rows of But to find the last train would not come And wonder if it could become anew What, If? Carlo lead Alicia to a street blocked by bedrock. She crawled under the bedrock into a cramped chamber. As she entered, double-attached houses pass by the window. These two women start talking loudly in Toisanese. Back and forth, they talk Milo intensified the beam in Alicia’s glasses. She turned, and through the mote-soaked gloom came face-to-face with a about the good, old leisurely life back in their Guangdong village farms, the new family names of those who just moved to A line of taxi men jump to the opportunity dust-covered statue of an ancient soldier holding a spear. She yelped. “Terra-cotta man. You watch out.” Alicia gasped, And push as many willing passengers into their seats Wonder if it would grow into a shape No matter how thorough Calgary, and exchange the latest gossip on who lost big time at last night’s Mahjong game at the Wong’s Association. It is a trying to catch her breath. “Any more surprises?” Carlo shrugged. “This a moo-zee-um, I think.” Alicia looked at Carlo. “How miracle that the other riders do not complain about their loud bantering. I guess it’s quite normal on this daily bus ride. Their Of someone else do you know?” “I read, lady.” He led her past the terracotta warrior and down a curved hall. “Wait,” she said. “I don’t want bags jiggle with every road bump, as do the electric conductor rods rattling loudly overhead. When the bus makes a stop in This is where I met you. Who had a clue My online search of Lifestyle, of Media, to get lost in here.” She walked into a faded burgundy chamber covered in English-language newspaper clippings, black- front of the North Centre Inn and Beacon Hotel on the Trans-Canada Highway, the two depart with good wishes. The driver and-white photos of Chinatown, decades-old maps, and portraits of people out of time. Alicia looked at the dates. Many quickly strolls down the steps for a quick puff of cigarette smoke before further travel across the river to Chinatown, and Wonder if I could of Life of them were over 50 years old. A few steps further down the hall she stared at a tan-coloured tapestry with a crudely The other of my dreams drawn map on it. A map of Chinatown, she guessed. She recognized the small square with the gnarled tree and some southward towards Elbow Drive. Very few Chinese live south beyond downtown. Try again of the stalls like Lee’s Calligraphy Studio and Chen’s Noodles. Scrawled in red next to several buildings were Chinese A connection of duality which I have wandered Maybe I’ll make the same mistake teresa tam characters. She recognized a few as family names. There were several squares roughly cut out from the whole where The trolleybus finally drops me off a few minutes earlier than expected on 3 Avenue across from the famous Hull’s Terrace I could not find the tipping point a family name should be. Alicia reached into her purse and pulled out the cloth and unfolded it. Her family name, also half-houses. The Wong’s Association now occupies part of the structure. I still have a few minutes before my shift, so I wander Back here And just end up like written in red, had a similar shape to those cut out of the tapestry. Her heart pounded. Her father had lived down here. into the warmly lit Hing Wah book store and gift shop. It takes up space on the main floor of the former Silver Dragon Of when I became one, and not the other letters that fell He was a part of Chinatown, this Chinatown. Was that why he had sent her away? And why were these names cut from restaurant. I like conversing with the soft-spoken and courteous proprietor Mrs. Ko. We have a lot in common. She and I the tapestry? “Lady?” Alicia, startled, turned to Carlo. “Stop doing that.” “While you browse lady, Carlo work. Found radio.” often talk up a storm about Hong Kong movies, music, and the latest trends in entertainment. She even knows a lot about To find. You. upcoming Cantonese & Mandarin vinyl albums, collector cassette tapes, movie magazines, and even the date my father’s And there seemed to be no way He carried a dust-covered ham radio in his arms. Alicia stuffed the cloth back in her purse. “Let’s go find Tang.” out of the bag ~ Hong Kong newspaper subscription would arrive. They found Tang at Chen’s shop. He was more than happy to help Alicia and Carlo repair the dusty and corroded radio. We talked through the dark To keep up with a past me But he warned them. “If Sun finds out, she will be mighty upset.” “Does that bother you?” asked Alicia. Tang smiled. It was In my opinion, other than my boss Gordon, Mrs. Ko is the most elegantly dressed person in Chinatown. She would be Through the rain, all Alicia needed. She grabbed Carlo. “We can’t rely on the radio alone.” She had only hoped for hemp rope, and yet also dressed to the nines in her finest silk pant suits imported from Hong Kong. Her tall beehive hairdo is always perfectly styled, Through the airport, Eldest A potential trajectory obtained a hammer and several nails. Carlo was skeptical. “Too thick, lady. No way.” Instead, he managed to scrounge a along with long coloured nails, her carefully painted pancaked face, well-drawn eyeliner, and defined black mascara. And then through the 6-hour wait. eldest daughter, don’t hold up few heavy horseshoe-shaped magnets as large as her hand. They must have come from the construction site above them. share the bosom of your hard work That was kept on the streets of my childhood Alicia took everything back to where she had originally fallen. Carlo warned her about the danger, but she ignored him. Today, I finally pick up the wildly popular vinyl record “Listen to the Wynners” by the current English & Cantonese pop music My most opposite other, In a few hours, demolition would begin. Alicia tied the rope around her waist and began to climb, her shoes gripping the sensation, The Wynners . Mrs. Ko prominently displayed the cover on the counter with a hand-written sign saying, today is a glorious day carbon steel. As the slope became too steep, she maneuvered two of the magnets to act as footholds while using two “Just Arrived… $5.99 only” 溫拿樂隊 in Chinese! I can finally play all the hit songs at home like “Sha La La La,” “Save Your Kisses for Me,” A non-plausible future to plow through the self- hatred others to pull herself slowly up the side of the pipe. It was almost like wall climbing and the magnets appeared to be and “Waterloo.” The first time that I heard this hit album I was visiting Craig’s house last summer. We secretly played it a few A string of red hymns stand up, In a land holding her weight. For now. As the pipe curved upward, mauve-tinged clouds appeared above. A cool breeze whipped times on his brother Ringo’s automatic Hi-Fi record player. Now, I own this same album too! I am also picking up an issue of Bringing us here, but not tall enough through her shoulder-length hair. Almost home. Exhausted, she shouted for help but received no answer. Too early. Not the new “Southern Screen ” magazine for the latest movie gossip and production photos about my favourite Shaw A connection in collision sit down, Now exotic. too early to call someone, though. Alicia reached into her bag to pull out her glasses. But her hands, slick with sweat, Brothers Studio action stars南國電影 like David Chiang, Ti Lung, Alexander Fu-Sheng, and Li Ching. and not still enough slipped, and they tumbled away. “Milo!” She desperately reached out after her friend, her other hand slipping off the magnet. Alicia now found herself in freefall, following Milo. There was a loud crack when she slammed into the pipe and Alright, Uncle Ralph, I am outside the W.K. now! It’s time to climb up these steep stairs to work. Hungry customers are I find out about a childhood I didn’t have be perfect; slid the remainder of the way, back to where she started. As Alicia pulled herself up, agonizing pain ruptured through A string of army work I never did waiting for their fresh, hot har-gow and siu-mai baskets. I hope to serve you later this evening at the wedding but cannot her left leg. She looked down. Nothing protruded through the skin, but the moment she put weight on it, her leg felt like 蝦餃 燒賣 The time you went to Nepal a fragile smile It felt like it could not be; banquet. Since the Louie family are well-to-do, tonight’s menu will for sure be a succulent 10-course Cantonese feast. The it was being scraped over broken glass. She gestured for Carlo to hand her the glasses. The lens was smashed and the food will bring joy and happiness to the entire Chinese community! And that’s why your hands were so stressed to last us a life time frame cracked. “Milo?” There was no answer. A thunder rumbled through the pipe and motes of dust and dirt fell to the With the lines that cut you in the cold. I could not be ground. Heavy equipment was moving above them. Demolition was set to begin. They were out of time. Tang appeared through the gloom carrying the ham radio. This was their last hope. No one except hobbyists used ham radios anymore. Sincerely, As Carlo set Alicia’s leg, Tang set the radio to broadcast. All hope lay in someone up there listening to FM. Alicia called Ah Poi Your dreams of opening a café, Ongoing, both. for help through the radio but received only static. The battery wasn’t strong enough to power a broadcast that would Living a simple life, english reach the surface. There was only one thing with enough charge for one last attempt. “Milo,” said Alicia, her hands shaking Going home, as she handed Tang the broken glasses. “This battery might be enough.” Tang removed a tiny disc from the glasses and now i will use my imperial abilities And more importantly, gingerly attached it to the radio before sending up one last blast of radio waves. After what seemed an eternity, they Coming home. to stir and conquer finally heard voices calling to them from above. Tonight’s For the first time. this conversation. I could not break the threshold ~ C Alicia walked through the Chinatown museum. The clippings, tapestry, and even the terracotta warrior were all on N H display. Chinatown had still been demolished, but not before the facades of some of the original buildings were rescued, special menu! O IC Of a life sealed now preserved in the foyer of the new skyscraper, and surrounded on all sides by glass skylights forever exposing them to K the sky. It was a compromise to the people who had been living underground for almost fifteen years. In the front of the M When I stepped off that plane. museum, it hung; the tapestry. Alicia’s piece stitched back in with the whole. Her final connection to her father who died many years before. Whoever had sent her the tiny square of fabric, still a mystery. And her broken glasses, all that was left E E of Milo, resting in a display beside the weaving. “Lady? You available?” Alicia turned and Carlo flung himself into Alicia’s N arms with a bear hug. Only four years and he had already grown to her height. “You don’t ask ladies questions like that.” L “Well, are you?” Alicia gazed at the Chinatown museum and sighed. She could reach into her pocket and take out her To be like, phone and scroll up and down the apps looking for an excuse. But there wasn’t one. She knew what she would be doing To live like, tonight. She turned her gaze to her friend. “Mahjong?” Carlo smiled and they walked towards the second floor, where To feel like, they knew Sun, Tang, and the rest would be waiting for them. 檸檬雞協會 Some other me A N SS O OCIATI yi yang

廣州,碰撞 2016 年 穿越地下鐵 但發現最後一班火車不會來了 calvin jim 一群出租車司機抓住機會 載上盡可能多的的乘客

這是我第一次遇見你。 ben hf tsui Alicia斷連 Lo的眼睛跳動著,向黑暗敞開。一縷空氣穿過,讓她手臂上的毛髮察覺到。冷空 「曾經是」,Alicia心想。唐人街似乎是一個繁榮的社區,對外界隱藏。失去唐人街將是 今晚的特別菜單 ! 我的另一個夢 氣使她顫抖。 將是一種恥辱。但是,如果她現在不幫助Sun和其他所有人找到出路的話,他們最終 她坐了起來,痛苦地咕噥著。那真是痛苦的一跤。她之前在哪?她記得的最後一個場 將像那棵樹一樣失去生機。 那一種雙重連接,我徘徊著 景是她在一個建築工地,然後滑入一條長長的滑管,一邊滑動,一邊尖叫。她不記得自 Sun轉向Alicia,握住Tang和Tikyee的手,說,「順其自然吧。」 己是怎麼著地的,只記得撞到堅硬的地面時看到的星星。 尊敬的喜叔DEAR UNCLE HAY SUK 喜叔… 回到這兒 她必須出去。 ~ 尊敬的喜叔…… 她凝視著鋼管,幾乎無法在黑暗中看出它的輪廓,頭頂上吹著風。這是周末。沒有人會 來找尋。 在地方。而且這個地方星期一早上就要被拆除了。 Alicia從廣場離開,往唐人街的細窄巷子走去。她並不想等待,等到Sun和其他長者們 Ben HF Tsui的半自傳日記 星期一。已經是星期一了嗎?Alicia摸著她的眼鏡。發現眼鏡棲在額頭上。她戴上眼 意識到事情的嚴重程度的時候,一切都晚了。這裡當然是他們的家,但是當大火燒起 Ah Poi是作家Ben HF Tsui的敘事繆斯,並將很快成為漫畫人物。 鏡。一道熟悉的柔和的藍色光出現了。她鬆了一口氣。眼鏡還好。 時,離開才是正確的選擇。 我們交談從天黑到天亮 「Milo」,她說。 「嘿。等一下,小姐。」Carlo努力跟上她的步伐。 1977年11月5日,星期六 從下雨到天晴, 「嗯?主人」,一個友善的聲音傳來。 Alicia笑了。這孩子比Sun聰明。 從包包裡掉出的信 穿過機場, 「叫救護車。」 Alicia和Carlo停下腳步,蹲在一個昏暗的凹形空間裡,旁邊有樓梯,兩個空桶和幾塊 尊敬的拉爾夫·克萊因先生(Ralph Klein)——在卡爾加里唐人街的所有歡樂場合 teresa tam 然後經過6個小時的等待。 她的視野中出現了一個代表緩衝的小輪子。對於一個高速網絡上的語音助手,這是一 爛木頭。 中,都被尊敬的年輕白人叔叔喜叔, 個非常場的延遲。「沒有網絡訊號,主人。」 「一旦找到了出路,我們就會回來帶領那些願意跟隨我們的人離開。但我無法救所 我最相反的另一面, Alicia小聲咒罵了一句。「再試一次。」但結果還是一樣。 有 人。」 我叫Ah Poi。我是您在舊廣東商區的華橋酒家(W.K. Restaurant )的謙遜的、帶眼 一個不可信的未來 她嘆了口氣。她跌得太遠了,或者有什麼東西擋住了信號。她本來為什麼要來這裡? Carlo點點頭,開始思考。在他短短的十一年生命中,他探索了唐人街的每條管道和隧 鏡、略顯矮胖的兼職點心車和周末宴會服務生。您知道幾個月前在Gordon Mah先 一串紅色的讚歌 噢——她把手伸進包裡,掏出一塊棕褐色布的方形殘餘物,中間印有一個漢字。如果 道。儘管許多管道延伸地很遠,但沒有一條能去到地面。Alicia掉進的那條管道可能是 生和他的商業夥伴翻新之前的新中國酒家(New China Chop Suey)嗎?現在,它 把我們帶到這裡, 變成了一間熙熙攘攘的正宗茶館! 碰撞中的連接 不是因為這個愚蠢的東西,她就不會被困在這裡。把這個東西寄給她的人應該對這一 最好的逃生路線,但最後一個嘗試那條路線的人跌得很慘並弄傷了頭骨。 切負責。 目前,我正在我家附近一所高中上10年級。雖然我能說流利的廣東話和英語,但我 「那是什麼?」 「但是那個人走得很遠。他看到了天空,」Carlo說。 我發現了一個我不曾擁有的童年 的母語實際上是台山話(一種廣東農民方言的形式)——唐人街及其周圍幾乎所有 Alicia大喊並放下那塊布,她的聲音在黑暗中迴蕩。她向後爬行,撞到了一堵潮濕的混 對於Alicia來說,那可能就足夠了。 我從未做過的一連串軍隊工作 人都是這樣。我的一些在加拿大出生的華裔同學在學校時說一口流利的英語,但幾 凝土牆,縮成一團,凝視著自己。 她再次試圖讓Milo與地面聯繫,但依舊是無用功。她的智能眼鏡電力已消耗了一半。 一次你去尼泊爾 乎每天都與家人交流有困難。當我的同學講蹩腳的廣東話或台山話時,與父母或祖 她面前有一束暗灰色的光,光中露出一個年輕男孩的幽靈般的臉。 可能不足以持續到星期一。 那就是為什麼你的雙手感覺緊張 父母的溝通就會出現問題。我很幸運自己能夠很好地處理這種情況。許多新移民也 讓你受忽視。 Alicia再次大喊大叫,躲開,手臂跳躍起來保護她免受這不速之客的傷害。 「很久以前我們嘗試過無線電。但也無用。」 發現很難接受或適應我們這樣的雙重語言生活方式。在唐人街,如果您會說粵語或 「這位女士你叫得真大聲。」 「你們有無線電發射器?」 普通話這樣的城市語言,則很難找到良好的客戶服務,但是如果您會講台山話,您 你開咖啡館的夢想, 她放下手臂。男孩的其餘部分看上去像是幻影般穿過漆黑的牆壁,或者至少是一個穿 Carlo點點頭。 就會被視為第一大客人! 過簡單的生活, 著超大的、覆蓋有灰塵的T恤和短褲的瘦骨嶙峋的骨架,並手持一個方形LED手電筒。 「帶我去。」 回 家, 男孩蹲在她面前,遞給她布。「Lu,對嗎?」 我們煩躁的總服務員Ah Don經常會開玩笑地稱我為「竹昇」。這個詞意思是空心的 她驚奇地看著他。 Carlo帶著Alicia到了一條被基岩擋住的街道上。她爬進了基岩下面一個狹窄的房間。 竹竿,外皮發黃,帶有舊加拿大人經常反對的新加拿大西方價值觀。我常常為此感 뙥ⶖ⚢ 回 家。 「 姓。在 布 上。」 當她進入時,Milo增強了Alicia眼鏡的光束。她轉過身,透過塵土飛揚的一片陰暗,她 圉 第一次。 到驕傲!有一次,Ah Don騙我去附近的一家草藥店,買了我從未聽說過的藥物。草 删  「是『盧』(Lo),」她說道,把布塞回她的錢包裡。 發現自己面對著一座塵土覆蓋著的手持長矛的古代士兵雕像。她大喊了一聲。 藥店年老的執業者舉起的拳頭對我咒罵,後來我才知道我要的是一瓶臭味藥膏,用 「我叔叔說是『Lu』。他是『Lu』。」 「兵馬俑。你當心。」 來活化老年人的婚姻幸福感。當我滿頭大汗地回到餐廳陡峭的入口樓梯時,所有的 Alicia歎了一口氣。「好吧。那就『Lu』吧。」她抬頭凝視,但是除了黑暗中的塵土之外什 Alicia喘了口氣。「還有更多的驚喜嗎?」 員工都在大笑! 麼也看不見。「Milo,我們在哪裡?」 Carlo聳了聳肩。「我想這裡是一個博——物——館。」 我覺得我好像可以把這皮膚膚 「唐人街,女士,」男孩說道。 Alicia看著Carlo。「你怎麼知道?」 我的同事克雷格和謝爾頓給我起了個「強大的大蝦殺手」的綽號,因為我可以在餐 從我身上弄皺 「我不是在和你說話。我是在和Milo說。」 「我是識字的,小姐。」 體中推著與身體一般高的點心手推車兜售時,悄悄藏起幾竹籠蒸蝦餃。他們不敢動 看它是否可以重新長出 男孩周圍看了一下。「誰?哪裡?」 他帶領她繞過了那座兵馬俑,然後走向一條彎曲的走廊。 像鵪鶉蛋豬肉燒賣餃子、超大號的塞滿了豬肉,雞肉,蘑菇和雞蛋的蒸包子,甚至是 helen hu Alicia輕笑著。「不在『哪裡』,」她指著她的眼鏡。「這裡。Milo是我的電子助手。」 「等等,」她說,「我不想在這裡迷路。」 一片千層甜鹹的鴨蛋黃蛋糕。點心師傅Ah Lo最近從溫哥華的一家著名餐廳來。他 男孩指著眼鏡。「你真有趣。」 她走進一個褪了色的紫紅色房間。房間裡覆蓋著英文剪報,唐人街的黑白相片,已有 說,大多數地方都在避免製作這些傳統的點心,因為它們太複雜且費時。 想知道它是否會長成某種形狀 「說嗨,Milo。」 幾十年歷史的地圖,以及不是這個時代的人物肖像。Alicia看了看日期,許多這些資料 華僑酒家坐落於五月花(Mayflower),燈籠宮(Lantern Palace)和Jack Wong先 屬於別人的 「嗨,」Milo說道。「我在跟誰說話?」 都有超過50年的歷史。 生最近剛搬遷的銀龍餐廳(Silver Dragon Restaurant)之間的廣東商區的較高樓 誰有線索 「Carlo。」 層。銀龍餐廳就位於廣受歡迎的Kin Sang燒烤肉和乾貨店的正上方。拉爾夫叔叔, 唐人街的出現並非當今所想。也就是說,它們本不是市區的一部分,不是生機勃勃唐人街:一個文化中 「我是Alicia,」她說。她伸出手,與Carlo握手,但他只是盯著眼鏡。 她往走廊深處走了幾步,看到了一條棕褐色的掛毯,上面畫著一張簡略的地圖。她猜 有傳言說這是您最近最喜歡的社交場所。聽說您喜歡深夜用餐和餐後玩撲克遊戲。 的社區,不是文化中心,也不是歷史地標或史詩般的必去的瑰寶之地。它原本是個 想知道我是否可以 Alicia再次將目光轉向上方。「你說這是唐人街?」 這是一張唐人街的地圖。她認出了那個有扭曲的樹的小廣場,還有一些攤位,例如 您甚至在酒家里訂了一張專用桌! 貧民區。由於長久以來的排擠和歧視,北美的唐人街本意將華人移民限制在一個區 檸 再試一次 Carlo聳了聳肩。「我們就是這樣叫的。」 Lee的書法工作室和Chen的麵條檔。地圖上,幾座建築物旁邊的潦草紅色字樣是漢 域 內。 檬 會 也許我會犯同樣的錯誤 Alicia睜大眼睛。她伸長脖子。 字。她認出了一些姓。掛毯上有幾處以方形被剪去,每個方格都應該和一個姓氏對應。 華橋酒家這些天以來非常忙,因為華人喜歡在上班前或休假時購買新鮮製作的燒 雞 協 還有其他人在看著他們嗎?這個想法使她的脊椎發抖。「等等。還有其他人嗎?」 Alicia伸進她的錢包,掏出一塊方形的布,將其展開。她的姓氏也用紅色寫成,形狀與 烤肉,包括豬肉,鴨肉,豉油雞和內臟。他們還購買乾貨,因為很難買到從溫哥華直 20世紀初,華工在建造加拿大太平洋鐵路時定居在加拿大市區內。由於對華人在邊 最終就像 Carlo點了一下頭。「你想見他們嗎?」 從掛毯上被剪去的形狀相似。她的心跳動地厲害。她的父親曾住在這裡。他曾是這個 接進口的糖果。雖然不新鮮,但必須盡我們所能。與全家人一起吃鹹點心被認為是 界區域以外的地區購買房產的限制,唐人街原來旨在囊括亞洲人口並使其成為城 Alicia站了起來。「我們必須警告他們。」 唐人街社區的一部分。是因為如此,他才將她送走嗎?還有,為什麼這些名字在掛毯 天堂般的周末傳統。現在,這已成為卡爾加里的唐人街生活新規範! 市區域的緩衝地帶。它們成為了自身的社區,成為了發展商業的地方,也成為了許 你。 「關於什麼?」 中被剪去? 拉爾夫叔叔,您的到來啟發了還是一名移民少年的我。您能在任何情況下找到人們 多人在與家人分離後的另外一個家。 「這個地方是在明早準備拆除的建築區域內。在這裡的每個人都有危險。」她凝視著 「 小 姐?」 之間的共同點——只需在旋轉的餐桌轉盤上共享中餐即可!誰能抗拒減少彼此之間 stephanie wong ken 男孩。「包括你。」 Alicia被嚇了一跳,轉身對Carlo說,「不要這樣嚇我。」 的分歧,並同時分享美味的脆皮嫩里脊肉配菠蘿和多色胡椒粉,上面澆上濃稠,酸 儘管在那時,主流社會決心將中華影響力隔離出去,華人社區卻開始著手將「中國」 甜,酸甜的醬汁;炒蝦仁,配上甜豌豆,竹筍和中式黑蘑菇;或一盤特色炒飯呢?現 「當你在到處瀏覽時,我已投入了工作中。找到了無線電。」 帶入當地——而且不僅僅是食品和語言。在街上,獨特的建築是唐人街的特色。龍門 在,您每週都會參加在唐人街的慈善活動和家庭婚禮,讓日常生活更加令人興奮! 英文 他懷裡抱著一個鋪滿灰塵的業餘無線電。 和獨具風格的寶塔是北美唐人街中的普遍建築特徵。霓虹燈照亮了這些飽和的青 現在我會用我帝國主義的能力 ~ 唐人街需要更多像您一樣的朋友! Alicia把寫著她的姓的布塞回錢包裡。「我們去找Tang。」 金石藍,胭脂紅,翡翠綠和帝王黃。各種各樣的商店招牌點綴著建築物的外表,每一 挑撥和征服 藥材茶樹菇 Carlo帶領Alicia穿過一棟類似洞穴的黑暗建築,裡面佈滿灰塵,並看出來已經隨著時 個都帶有中英文疊加的文字。這明顯地告訴您確實在唐人街。運用特別字體的招牌 這個對話。 我期待今晚能再次在華橋酒家與您和Colleen夫人見面。今晚會有一場Louie先 在碗的底部盛上一勺白米飯。規矩是肘部在桌上,但是不能在吃飯時抱怨。我和我 間被破壞,只被Alicia的智能眼鏡的昏暗燈光和Carlo的手電筒的暗灰色點亮。他總跑 ~ 讓人想起大膽、自信的風格書法筆觸,懸掛在門口上方,垂直於建築物外表,每一個 生和他剛從香港來到加拿大的新娘的盛大婚禮。我敢打賭,婚禮上的長者會找 都具有傳統的藍色、紅色、綠色和黃色不透明的背景和文字顏色的獨特相互作用。 的妹妹,我最小的妹妹尚未出生,當時我的母親正在服用這種藥,她會坐著幾個小 在前面,拐彎,他的手電筒燈光漸漸暗下來,讓Alicia懷疑他是否拋棄了她,迷失在這 Ah Don用酒家裡那充滿雜音的麥克風唱一些搞笑和澀情的風俗台山語婚禮歌 時盯著我們的碗,並祈禱看到白色穀物從一片黑色中冒出來。味道是泥、樹皮、醃製 迷宮中,慢慢地被黑暗吞沒,隨著眼鏡的電池耗盡,直到只有心跳聲陪伴她。 他們在Chen的攤位找到了Tang。他非常樂於幫助Alicia和Carlo修理那部充滿塵土 曲。Don總是能通過帶有澀情意味的限制級歌詞和軼事,使所有人都之尷尬地笑。 卡爾加里目前的唐人街於1910年形成,當時先前的兩個唐人街突然瓦解。當華人 水果。我的母親聲稱這種湯能治愈中暑、普通感冒、腸胃炎和咳嗽症狀,勝過任何藥 的、腐舊不堪的無線電。但是他警告他們說,「如果這件事被Sun知道了,她將會非常 當賓客們開始到來的時候,響亮的,傳統的,帶有慶祝意義的粵劇音樂會整晚都在 社區居住的地產變得寶貴時,華人被逐出家、無家可歸。於是在那些艱難的時期,華 店。「藥材」這個詞已經使我們感到噁心,使我們後悔接受這種藥。當我們面對一碗 Milo向她保證她還健在,但也告訴她此處也沒有任何網絡信號。當他們從一條搖 沮 喪。」 最年長 大家的耳邊徘徊,以祝大家好運和興旺。我們還希望這對新婚夫婦明年能回到我們 人社區決定購買自己的樓房,這樣以後他們就不會被迫趕出來。 這些藥材時,在成群的熱帶蚊子和赤腳在高而濕的草叢中,我的母親身著牛仔褲, 大女兒,不要害羞 搖欲墜的鋼梯上走下來時,Alicia幾乎無法想像他們能在密實的混凝土和鋼結構下找 「那這會給你帶來麻煩嗎?」Alicia問。 的餐廳慶祝他們新生兒!Mah先生認為,如果您能露面,所有在場的人都會感到高 圍著塑料圍裙,在我們周圍跳舞,並唱著:我的寶貝們,不要忘記把碗裡的都吃了, 分享你的辛勤工作 到信號。 Tang笑了笑。 今天是光榮的一天 興和得意。他們喜歡帶著您到處去敬酒,覺得您像自家兄弟。Mah先生總是要求克 卡爾加里唐人街誕生時就運用了維多利亞和舊金山等其他國家或地區的唐人街所 不要浪費。 他們來到一扇金屬門前,Carlo抓住墻角裡一把打著補丁的傘。他打開了門和傘,並讓 Alicia明白了他的意思。她抓住Carlo。「我們不能單靠無線電。」 鋤開自我憎恨 雷格和我在靠近門口的地方擺一張鋪有桌布的特別長桌,以便讓每位客人都能看 建立的傳統美學。但是在建造建築物時總是存在本地特性:建造者必須考慮當地氣 她跨過門檻。 她希望得到一條麻繩、一把錘子和幾個釘子。 站起來, 到您的身影。我們在錫製茶壺裡倒進冰鎮啤酒,在桌子底下放幾瓶威士忌和葡萄 候以及該地區可用的建築材料。卡爾加里唐人街可以在地圖上被衛星識別,察看社 紅棗 一種混合的氣味首先撲面而來。茴香,大蒜和乾薑的刺激性氣味,和雨後的泥土霉味 Carlo對此表示懷疑。「太厚了,小姐。不夠。」 但還不夠高 酒,並提供幾個煙灰缸供您吸煙時用。今晚唐人街的每個人都來參加這場盛會。他 區內長達100年的風格屋頂和建築形式,每一個都證明了其中所包含的豐富建築歷 一個月吃一次的雞,不要浪費瘦的翅膀,以及燒焦的、瘦的翅尖;而哥哥弟弟們則可 坐 下, 產生了作用。 他設法找到了幾個像她的手一樣大的沉重的馬蹄形磁鐵。它們一定來自於地面上的 們都希望您能到他們的桌子露個臉,即使您不認識他們。您確實是我最敬佩的名人 史。卡爾加里唐人街最早的建築物可以追溯到1910年代,顯示了中式細節設計。但 以首先選擇多汁的雞腿以及鹽醃的雞胸肉。我的母親和她的四個姐妹知道怎麼吃 還不夠 建築工地。 「叔叔」,比起已故的李小龍或我的太空英雄盧克·天行者(Luke Skywalker)來得 是隨著時間的流逝以及唐人街為其社區所扮演的角色的不斷變化,建築形式和裝 魚頭。也許,加上足夠的薑汁和醬油,使它吃起來像熟的、冒着气的魚肚。現在他們 完美; 當Alicia跨出門第一步時,有什麼東西將她從推到一邊。她轉過頭去,看到一個戴斗笠 Alicia將這些工具都帶回了她原來墜落的位置。Carlo警告她注意危險,但她無視了 更 酷! 飾圖案的美學也隨之變化。唐人街的建築是整個世紀華人社區社會進步的化身。 的聲音裡沒有任何苦澀,事實就是這樣;當大哥將房產證(除了一個小小的艱難維 但不能 的老人,他的肩上扛著一個麻布袋。他向她說了聲抱歉,然後繞開她,往一條狹窄的路 他。幾個小時後,拆遷便要開始了。 持的店面,我的祖父母唯一的財產)賭掉時,我的祖父扇了他耳光。他的第一次。但 脆弱的微笑 搖搖晃晃地前行。Alicia睜大眼睛凝視著這迷惑的景象,喘了一口粗氣。黑暗狹窄的 Alicia用繩子綁住她的腰,開始攀爬,她的鞋子緊緊抓住碳鋼。當坡度變得太陡時,她 如今,許多新移民是通過聯邦政府的家庭團聚計劃從香港和台灣來的,而其他人則 建築學上反映的這一進步最明顯的例子是唐人街西北側的卡城中華文化中心。該 是姐妹們在那時並沒有哭得像警笛。我不知道有沒有人哭。 持續一生 小巷在薄薄的鋼和混凝土結構之間,只有由電線掛起、搖搖欲墜的昏暗LED燈將其照 利用兩塊磁鐵作為立足點,同時使用另外兩塊磁鐵將自己慢慢拉到管道的側面。這幾 是學習計算機或會計與管理的大學生;還有從「臭名昭著」的共產主義中國離開的 文化中心充滿了中國傳統建築的細節和裝飾技術,例證了它是一座具有社會功能 亮。小道的地上是彎彎曲曲的鋸齒狀紅磚,兩旁有成排的鋼絲和鋼管,偶爾有骯髒的 乎就像是爬牆,磁鐵似乎在支撐她的身重。暫時地。 人群。幾年前,我媽媽的妹妹和她的同伴成功地遊過了險峻的珠江到香港。他們當 的現代建築,與古代中式建築融合,充分體現了其傳統。文化中心的董事會希望建 枸杞 窗戶在之中凸顯。 當管道向上彎曲時,她看見了淡紫色的雲朵。一陣涼風拂過她齊肩的頭髮。快到家了。 時一定像奧運會運動員一樣征服了這條危險而艱苦的十二小時逃跑路線。我後來 立一種獨特的中國特色,讓人們會為此感到興奮和自豪。基於為社區造福的使命, 有一次我對它很感激。一隻寄生蟲從停滯的水里跳進了我的皮膚裡的一個洞之中; Alicia陷入了一個地下城市。 她精疲力盡,大聲呼救,但沒有得到呼應。時間太早了,沒人在場。不過,現在打電話給 聽說,我勇敢的姨媽與好萊塢的一位電影廣告牌畫家結了婚。我希望可以早日與他 選定的設計靈感來自宋代天壇,並以北京的祈年殿為原型。祈年殿歷史上曾用於宗 蚊子叮咬,很癢,所以包被我抓破了。我的腿、腋窩、手指,腳趾之間出現了白色的簇 別人應該不算早了。 們相見。 教儀式,召喚豐收。 狀皮疹,我沒有採取任何行動,我將其藏在衣服之下,直到我母親知道,然後她取出 自己造成的另一個自己 當她凝視著在她上方糾纏的水管和電線時,几滴水落到了她的頭上和眼裡。 Alicia伸手進她的包裡去拿出眼鏡。但是她的手汗涔涔,一滑,眼鏡跌落了。 了湯碗。我大吃一口,喝了下去,嚥下了這噩夢般的藥,努力不抓自己的皮膚。但皮 我從前在中國是誰,和現在有什麼不同? 「雨?」她輕輕拍了一下眼鏡。「Milo?這裡有信號嗎?」 「Milo!」 秋末的風將我濃密的黑捲髮吹亂。這風兒對於身著藍色薄牛仔夾克和黑色喇叭褲 站在建築物的中央圓形大廳中能看到文化中心最顯著的特徵,即其優美、寬大的圓 疹惡化了。她罵了一句,然後緩和下來,帶我去找西醫治療。醫生告訴我的母親,幸 Milo反應很快,說「不。」 她拼命地想要去抓住眼鏡,另一隻手從磁鐵上滑了下來。與Milo一樣,Alicia現在發現 的我來說確實有些凜冽。我應該聽我媽的話,穿多一些,而不只是穿這件白色翻領 形屋頂。建築物的高度足以傳達王朝時代的建築宏偉,而又足以使人們從地面看到 好你把她帶來了。解決方法很簡單。一種比任何一種我母親的藥都更難聞的白色藥 如 果? Alicia盯著Carlo。 自己在自由落體。當她猛烈地撞入管道,往下滑,並回到她開始的地方時,有一聲巨大 襯衫打底。這些黑色厚底皮鞋確實使我在公交車站等車時顯得更高。 整個屋頂,因此,即使是普通人,也能感受到在建築上花的大量心思。屋頂襯有青釉 膏,在醫生的潦草字跡裡有詳細的使用說明。我想問醫生,我可以在顯微鏡下看到 他往上指了指,「是上方的水管破了。」 的聲響。 面光滑瓦片,這些琉璃瓦是由負責中國古代寺廟和王宮屋頂修復工作的中國工匠 活著的寄生蟲嗎,但是我保持了安靜,發癢直到我忘記了我有皮膚。 不管多麼徹底 Alicia的肩膀垂了下來。看不見天空。只有更多的管道。 當Alicia站起來時,一陣巨大的痛苦從她的左腿傳來。她低下頭。骨頭並沒有斷裂穿過 帶有「Elbow Drive」(Elbow道)標誌的三號電動無軌電車剛剛到站。兩位女乘客沖 用傳統方法製成的。屋頂下方充分展示了稱為「斗拱」的互鎖支架的古老建築技術。 向自己喜歡的座位。其中一個向電車後部走。另一個則選擇了前排座位。隨著電車 雖然它們沒有像斗拱支架在古代建築中那樣發揮結構性承重作用,但它們在視覺 龍眼肉 我在網上搜索生活方式,媒體, Carlo讓她跟緊前行。 皮膚。但是當她在左腿使勁時,她感覺她的腿像是被破碎的玻璃刮擦著一樣。 她示意Carlo把眼鏡遞給她。鏡頭被砸壞了,鏡框破裂。 向Centre街駛去,無數排的雙層房屋在車窗外略過。這兩位女士開始在用台山話 上起到了精確的裝飾作用。 已經二十多年沒見過或和大哥說過話了。他是一名畫家,住在佛羅里達州狹地的某 他們穿過這些人煙稀少的如迷宮般的建築物間隙,Carlo的眼睛亮了起來。他看見了 「Milo?」 大聲交流。他們來來回回談論了他們過去在中國廣東鄉村農場美好的悠閒生活,以 個地方,我母親有他的一幅畫:一個藍色和黃色的城市,畫面中有路標、動物頭,蜿 生活 蜒的公路上有灰色的汽車。牙買加金斯敦的願景。另一個家。 熟悉的場景:Chen在他的麵條攤位,用手拉著麵條,麵粉覆蓋了他全身;Arjun在涼鞋 沒有回應。 及剛搬到卡爾加里的廣東家庭的姓氏。他們還分別分享了最新的八卦——昨晚誰 一系列錯綜複雜的雕刻的托臂被彩繪成不透明的青色,其邊緣以金色勾勒出輪廓, 在Wong氏同鄉會麻將比賽中輸得很慘。其他乘客沒有抱怨他們的大笑聲,這真是 叔叔與家人並不親近,但是我的母親保留了這幅畫,有一次我看到她在看 店熟練地將竹子編織成充滿藝術感的鞋;在書法工作室裡,滿臉皺紋的Lee先生耐心 圍繞著建築物的外圍。建築內部有四根柱子,是對祈年殿的敬意,十二根附墻柱分 一個奇蹟。我想,大概對於公車來說,這樣的情形很正常。他們的包在道路顛簸時都 這幅畫時,鼻子非常靠近畫的表面,我心想,應該退後一步,你不應該這樣看這幅畫 地引導一名學生抓住毛筆,在一塊石頭上寫出錯綜複雜的漢字。Carlo向每個人問好, 一聲巨響穿過管道,塵土掉到了出來,墜到地上。地面上的重型設備已經啟動。拆除工 別代表一年十二個月份。大量花紋細節用傳統方法建造,首先將圖案成型,然後再 我找不到臨界點 會搖晃。在車頂上的電車桿子也會一樣大聲地晃動。當車子在加拿大橫貫公路上的 的。 他們都向他揮手,驚訝地看著他身邊的新面孔——Alicia。在如此與外界隔離的地方, 作要開始了。他們沒時間了。 將其轉移至墻面,然後使用金屬鍍層進行拋光。在天花板和柱子上,每個表面都反 North Center旅館和Beacon酒店前面停下來時,兩人用祝福的詞語說再見。電車 這是當他們都住在紐約布朗克斯的公寓樓裡,有蟑螂,沒空調時,送給我 我成為一個人的時候,而不是另一個人 唐人街的市民是如何有時間維持所有熟悉的文化習慣的? Tang帶著無線電在一片昏暗中出現。這是他們最後的希望。除了業餘愛好者,沒有人 復經過這種細膩的處理,從而產生了蓮花、龍和鳳凰的混合幻影,自然光線從環繞 司機在這個時候抓緊時間迅速下了車,吸了一口香煙。之後,車子將會過河,前往唐 母親的禮物。當他差點用一鍋熱湯燒掉天花板時,我母親笑了。當他把畫給她時, 再使用業餘無線電了。當Carlo放下Alicia的腿,Tang開啟了信號發射。他們希望地面 天花板最高處的玻璃塊滲透到整個空間。 人街,然後向南駛向Elbow道。很少有華人住在市中心外以南。 她在笑嗎?在厚膠合板上的一系列筆觸,懸掛在地下室的牆上,面對著一張世界地 而且似乎沒有辦法 Alicia放慢了腳步,盯著那些攤位和熟悉的中文招牌,感覺像回到了童年一樣。當這座 上有人能聽到。 圖。 唐人街仍然存在於地面之上時,她的父親曾經帶她在唐人街的街道上走來走去。他會 Alicia通過廣播尋求幫助,但只聽到了靜電聲。電池的電量不足,無法為可能到達地面 卡城中華文化中心代表了卡爾加里唐人街今天所扮演角色的一方面。它是一個通 我到站了。無軌電車比預期提前了幾分鐘,在3號大道對面的有名的的Hull’s 過傳統文化藝術傳授價值觀的空間,不僅提供給第二代或第三代加拿大華人使用, 跟得上過去的我 不停地與這些攤主們聊天,然後父女倆會順便品嘗他們的餃子和腸粉。她會迫不及待 的廣播供電。現在只剩下最後一種方式提供足夠電力進行最後一次嘗試。 Terrace排屋對面將我放下。Wong氏同鄉會現在佔據了那屋子的一部分。趁上班前 還適合所有族裔的社區。 綠烏豆 地咬幾口她爸分給她的小吃。她討厭他常買的榴蓮。她會吞下幾塊,然後悄悄地將剩 「Milo,」Alicia說。當她把碎了的眼鏡遞給Tang時,她的手在顫抖。「這塊電池可能足 還有幾分鐘空閒時間,我走進了燈火通明的Hing Wah書店禮品店。它佔用了以前 排行第四的妹妹,在南海灘生活的阿姨S,住在比斯坎灣破舊不堪的房子,告訴我, 一個潛在的軌跡 下的餵給街上的貓。但那是在很久以前,在唐人街沉沒之前…… 夠。」 銀龍餐廳一樓的空間。我喜歡與溫文爾雅的店主Ko夫人交談。我們有很多共同之 每個唐人街的中心都是一顆傳承堅定價值觀的跳動心臟。創建唐人街並不是為了 她的媽媽在她的七個孩子生病時會給他們吃這個,還給男孩們加蒸人參。它們掛在 Tang從眼鏡上取下一塊很小的芯片,然後小心翼翼地將其固定在無線電上,然後發 留在了我童年的街頭 處。我和她經常談論有關香港電影,音樂和最新娛樂趨勢的話題。她對即將發行的 成為它們所在城市中的瑰寶,而是因為它們在時間變化中適應、滿足多代人的需求 樓上的牆壁上,媽媽和爸爸,在整個童年和成年時期高貴而平靜,沒有一縷亂髮。她 Carlo抓住Alicia的手。「嘿,小姐。快跟上。」 出最後一束無線電波。 粵語和普通話黑膠唱片,珍藏版磁帶,和電影雜誌懂的很多。她甚至知道我爸訂閱 而變得如此。 告訴我有一種用蠟包裹著的球,以補充因分娩或月經而失去的血,用薑汁酒湯沖洗 過了很久很久,他們終於聽到了聲音,從上方呼喚著他們。 的香港報紙什麼時候寄到。 乾淨,名為「白鳳凰。」 在一片 Alicia跟著Carlo走到街角處。他們發現了一個城鎮廣場。那裡有一棵扭曲的、無葉的 正如每一個統治中國的朝代的建築都是在其前代的影響下建造的一樣,世界各地 她告訴我,中醫師會要求你描述你的病情並為你提供治療方法。阿姨的意 樹,被鑲嵌在樹幹上的LED燈照亮。在樹下有一小群人。Alicia可以聽到噼里啪啦的響 ~ 我認為,除了我的老闆Gordon之外,Ko夫人是唐人街裡衣著最優雅的人。她身著 的唐人街也如此般。卡爾加里唐人街的演變方式與北美許多城市的唐人街相似。有 思是。你必須親自造訪,品嚐一下。 現在有毒的土地。 聲,這是她童年時代的獨特聲音。 從香港進口的高級真絲長褲套裝,總是衣冠楚楚。將穿著她從香港進口的最好的真 趣的是,相似的流程可以產生如此不同的結果,獨特的個性和特別的社區。有句諺 當Carlo將她拉向人群的時候,Alicia和Milo確認了一下:仍然沒有任何信號。人群散 Alicia走進唐人街博物館。剪報,掛毯,甚至是兵馬俑,都在展出。唐人街還是被拆 絲長褲套裝打扮成九分裝。她高高的蜂巢髮型總是完美地呈現,加上長長的彩色指 語說得好,「形式跟隨功能」。這句話用來描述這些文化中心的建築特質最為正確。 黃芪片 開,她看到四個人在玩一個熟悉的遊戲。 除了,但在一些原先的建築物外牆被拯救和保留下來,現在成為了新摩天大樓的一部 甲,精緻無暇的妝容,細緻的眼線和分明的黑色睫毛膏一起。 當你在唐人街的街道上穿行時,你會發現一系列建築風格,既代表著城市的繁榮與 在「龍城」購物中心的「牡丹」中草藥店裡,我看到警衛埃迪,我問他,你在這裡做什 感覺不可能; 分。它們四周都被玻璃天窗永遠包圍著,永久展露在天空下。對於在地下居住了將近 蕭條,伴有不可磨滅的文化裝飾的點綴。建築表達了這些差異、個性,卡爾加里唐人 麼?他是我以前公司的安全保衛員,也是草藥店的老闆,他用來自中國的藥,二十 「 麻 將。」 15年的人們來說,這是一種妥協。 今天我終於購買了當紅的雙語樂隊溫拿廣受歡迎的黑膠唱片《Listen to the 街也不例外。 五年。玻璃藥罐,還有一塊裝在紅色盒子中的八十年人參根。我花了一點時間才意 我不能 Wynners》。Ko夫人將這張唱片放在櫃檯上顯眼的地方,並加上一塊手寫的中文牌 識到他是誰,但他似乎並沒有因此感到煩惱,就像他一直在等待或者一直在兩個地 一名年長的女人站了起來,她的灰色長髮掃過她的眼睛。「Carlo,這是誰?」 博物館的前廳掛著那塊畫有地圖的掛毯。Alicia的那一塊方形布與其縫合在一起。 子,上面寫著「新到貨……僅需5.99塊」!我終於可以在家裡欣賞所有的熱門歌曲, 方都存在一樣。他看了我一眼,說我需要能量,指著一個印有紅字的塑料袋,可用來 進 行 中,同 時。 那是她與她多年前去世的父親的最後聯繫。誰給她寄了那塊方形布,仍然是個謎。 例如《Sha La La La》,《Save Your Kisses for Me》,和《Waterloo》。我第一次聽到 去火的根和藥草。他說,每個袋子至少包含八種成分,所有部分在一起形成一個整 Chan,拓展閱讀 Anthony B. Chinese Canadians, The Canadian Encyclopedia, 2019 Carlo講述了他是如何找到Alicia,并向Alicia介紹了在場的幾位老人:鎮長和農民 她那副破碎的眼鏡——Milo,被擺放在掛毯旁的一個陳列櫃裡。 這張熱門專輯是去年夏天在我的同事克雷格家。我們在他哥哥Ringo的自動Hi-Fi 體。他用中文名稱描述每種成分,我寫下來,用英語直譯出來,但有些細節無法翻

Sun,電工Tang,以及帽匠Tikyee。 電唱機上偷偷地播放了幾次。現在,我也擁有這張專輯了!在Hing Wah,我還買了 譯。五指毛桃,乳白色山藥。多毛無花果的根。 Fu, Hsi-nien et al. (2002) Chinese Architecture. Beijing: New World Press 更重要的是, 一本新的《南國電影》雜誌,以獲取有關我最喜歡的邵氏兄弟工作室動作明星們的 埃迪告訴我一點點這個,一點點那個,我母親的話,徘徊在燈火通明的草 「你已經見過維修地磚的人了,」Sun說,拍了一下Carlo的肩膀。 「小姐?你有空嗎?」 Carlo臉紅了,說:「這不重要。」 Alicia轉過身,Carlo撲到她懷裡,用力地給了她一個「熊抱」。僅僅四年,他已經長到了 最新電影八卦和製作照片,例如姜大衛、狄龍、傅聲和李菁。 藥店裡,在那鍋黑色的湯邊咕噥。 我不能打破 Lai, David Chuenyan & Seiban, Lloyd. Calgary Chinatowns 1888-2015, 「歡迎來到唐人街。在這裡我們都是一家人。等你安頓好之後,我們會為你找一個職 她的高度。 Vancouver: Simon Fraser University 好吧,拉爾夫叔叔,我現在到華橋酒家的門外了!是時候爬上這些陡峭的樓梯上班 雞腳,白米飯(可選) 責,去贏取……」 「你不應該問女生這樣的問題。」 那密封了的生活的臨界 了。餓著肚子的客人們正在等待他們新鮮的熱蝦餃和燒賣。我希望今晚晚些時候在 我作弊使用了濃縮湯塊,而不是我媽建議的大統華超市賣的冷凍骨頭。我將乾貨放 Alicia俯了一下身子。「沒有時間了。我們要走了。就是現在。」 「呃。所以你到底有沒有空?」 Tsui, Bonnie (2009) American Chinatown: A People’s History of Five 婚禮宴會上為您服務。一般來說按照Louie家族的要求,今晚的菜單肯定會是一頓 入一個藍色的鍋中,加水,煮沸。煨。幾乎馬上,氣味就在我的廚房散發開來。這在腦 當我走下那部飛機的時候。 Sun抬了一下手。「其他人都沒走成,他們都嘗試返回地面,但都沒成功。後來他們像 Alicia注視著唐人街博物館,嘆了口氣。她本想將手伸進口袋,掏出手機,手指上下滑 Neighborhoods. 我們所有人一樣,開始接受唐人街就是我們的家。」 動,尋找藉口。但是她沒找到藉口。她知道她今晚要做什麼。 十道菜的粵式大餐。這頓大餐必將為整個華人社區帶來歡樂和幸福! 海中把我帶回到了我和姐姐兩歲那年,母親整夜嘔吐,我們以為她可能會離我們而 New York: Free Press 去。藥在哪裡呢?用塑料袋裝著的乾貨來救急。 Alicia搖了搖頭。「這不會持續太久了。」她解釋說,唐人街上方的地點將被拆除。一片 她把目光轉向Carlo。「打麻將?」 成 為, 拉爾夫叔叔,我敢肯定您將參加今晚在唐人街的婚禮盛宴,您將不會錯過將我們團 經過兩個半小時的燉煮後,我將其過濾,湯變黑變稠,呈浮油狀。味道正是 活著像, 低語和令人擔憂的表情從人群中掠過。 Carlo笑了。他們一齊向二樓走去。他們認識的Sun和Tang都在那兒。其餘的人都在等 Choy, Philip P. (2012) San Francisco Chinatown: A Guide to Its History and 結成加拿大人的美食和社區! 我記得的一樣,咸又苦,容易吞嚥。我給媽媽寄了一張照片,她說顏色應該更加黑。 感覺像, Sun舉起了手,人群安靜了。「這是胡說。」 著他們,與他們相識。 Architecture. 然後,你是否感覺到身體潮紅? 「Milo,顯示藍圖,」Alicia說到。一張拆除現場的小全息圖在她左邊出現。「我之所以 真摯敬上, San Francisco: City Lights 也許吧,我告訴她。我獨自在廚房裡把湯喝完。 另外的一個我 知道是因為這是我安排的。屋頂倒塌時,你會死的。” Ah Poi 我沒有告訴她,曾經嚇著我的黑色現在嘗起來很強大。


THE NEW GALLERY x I♥YYC CHINATOWN Design by Nivedita Iyer Translation by Henry Heng Lu Contributions from Brittany Nickerson Su Ying Strang Christina Dongqi Yao 設計 / 设计 / 翻譯 / 翻译 / 貢獻 / 贡献 / , & Lemon Chicken Association is Helen Hu, Calvin Jim, Stephanie Wong Ken, Teresa Tam, Ben HF Tsui & Yi Yang / ISBN: 978-1-895284-29-4 檸檬雞協會 / 柠檬鸡协会 /