MEDICAMEDICA and Medicine ISSN - 1314 - 958X

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MEDICAMEDICA and Medicine ISSN - 1314 - 958X Publication Academia on Ecology MEDICAMEDICA and Medicine ISSN - 1314 - 958X Vol .1 , (January - February ) 201 8 MU - Pleven’s Medical Newspaper / 1.00 lv. THE "CREATING A TRAINING CENTER FOR DOCTORAL, р. 2 POST-DOCTORAL, POST-GRADUATE STUDENTS AND YOUNG SCIENTISTS AT THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE, MU-PLEVEN” PROJECT THE START OF STUDENT CANDIDATE CAMPAIGN 2018 р. 7 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AT р. 5 MEDICAL UNIVERSITY – PLEVEN ATTENDED THE START OF THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR AND TOOK THE ACADEMIC OATH MEDICAL UNIVERSITY-PLEVEN THE “HEART CARE FOR LONGER, HEALTHIER LIFE” NATIONAL CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED IN PLEVEN р. 6 р. 5 EXCELLS IN THE “HEALTH CARE” PROFESSIONAL FIELD IN THE 2017 RATING SYSTEM FOR A SECOND CONSECUTIVE YEAR MU-PLEVEN STUDENT AWARDED “STUDENT OF THE YEAR” IN THE “HEALTHCARE” CATEGORY р. 8 Academia vol. 1 /201 8 MEDICA Projects ACTIVITIES PART OF PROJECT № BG05M2OP001-2.009-0031-C01 "CREATING A TRAINING CENTER FOR DOCTORAL, POST-DOCTORAL, POST-GRADUATE STUDENTS AND YOUNG SCIENTISTS AT THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE OF MU-PLEVEN” Project № BG05M2OP001-2.009-0031-C01 "Creating a training center for doctoral, post-doctoral, post-graduate students and young scientists at the Faculty of Medicine of MU-Pleven” is part of the Operational Programme "Science and education for smart growth" 2014-2020, co-funded by the European Union through the European Structural and Investment Funds. Grants for the project amount to BGN 695,631.34 and the implementation period is 24 months. The aim of the project is to train over 30 young scientists from the surgical specialties, aid them in acquiring practical skills and provide them motivation for sustainable academic development by working in a real environment with proper scientific equipment. Doctoral and post- graduate students and young doctors are expected to develop analytical skills for research, as well as to increase their readiness and adaptability for professional realization. SECOND DOCTORAL SCHOOL SESSION BEGINS WITH NEW DOCTORAL, POST-GRADUATE AND YOUNG SCIENTIST GROUP Assoc. Prof. Maria Simeonova, Prof. M. Alexandrova, assoc. Prof. The goal is for doctoral students MD gave start to the first training Dr. Valentinova and Gabriel and young scientists to be course of the second session of the Georgiev. motivated and aided in developing Doctoral School for the new target There are nine training courses their research and academic careers group under Project № in the Doctoral School under Action by providing them with training in BG05M2OP001-2.009-0031-C01 1: “Laws and regulations skills and competences in the “Creating a training center for concerning doctoral studies in sphere of academic writing; doctoral, post-doctoral, post- Bulgaria and MU-Pleven”; research methodology and graduate students and young “Research methodology”; biostatistics; moral and ethical scientists at the Faculty of Medicine “Application of epidemiology and aspects of scientific research; of MU-Pleven”, at the Faculty of biostatistics in medical and project development; working with Pharmacy building of MU-Pleven. scientific research”; “Biostatistics in ordered scientific information - The group is made up of 21 young Medicine”; “Moral and ethical databases, scientific libraries, and scientists among who 7 doctoral aspects of scientific research. Ethics others. students, 5 post-doctoral, 5 post- Commission and informed The training courses are graduate students and 4 assistant consent”; “Working with ordered expected to develop analytical professors. The first training course electronic information (databases, skills pertinent to research in was on the topic of “Laws and bibliography and citation)”; doctoral and post-graduate regulations concerning doctoral “Planning and managing research students and young doctors, as well studies in Bulgaria and MU- projects”; “Structure and layout of as to increase their readiness and Pleven”. Some of the lecturers a scientific article. Report adaptability when it comes to include leading experts –persons presentation”; “Structure, layout professional realization. with academic ranks and specialists and presentation of a thesis”. experienced in training doctoral students, research and teaching, possessing communication and presentation skills in an academic context and skills for working with organized scientific information – databases and scientific libraries. Some of the lecturers are assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Simeonova, Prof. Dr. P. Hristova, Prof. Dr. S. Yankulovska, Academia vol. 1 /201 8 Project/Seminar MEDICA FIRST TWO-DAY INTERACTIVE WORKSHOP FOR STUDENTS, POST-GRADUATES AND YOUNG SCIENTISTS IN VELIKO TARNOVO The first two-day interactive workshop was held in The improvised Project Workshop included 7 Veliko Tarnovo on January 20th and 21 st 2018. The groups working on their project proposals with the workshop was realized through Project № help of mentors – Prof. Maria Sredkova, assoc. Prof. BG05M2OP001-2.009-0031-C01 “Creating a training Galya Starveva, assoc. Prof. Dobromir Dimitrov and center for doctoral, post-doctoral, post-graduate assoc. Prof. Pencho Tonchev. After drafting their students and young scientists at the Faculty of project proposals, the young scientists presented and Medicine of MU-Pleven” according to Operational defended them. The moderators and project team Programme “Science and education for smart growth" members rated those with great potential for success – 2014-2020, co-funded by the European Union through Creating a Knowledge and Technology Transfer Center the European Structural and Investment Funds. 30 with the use of virtual and augmented reality at MU- young scientists received training on the topic of Pleven; Establishing a National Emergency Surgery “Preparing project proposals for financing research, Training Center; Surgery Safety through individual, protection and management of intellectual property in virtual and augmented reality; Center for Emergency the transfer of knowledge and technologies” under Telemedicine Treatment. Action 3 “Conducting training for participation and The program continued with a lecture by assoc. Prof. preparation of research projects, current proposals, Dr. Galia Stavreva, Vice Rector of Research at MU- technology transfer and intellectual property Pleven and Project Coordinator. The lecture provided management”. the young scientists with valuable information and On the first day of the seminar in Veliko Tarnovo, guidance on how to navigate the vast space of scientific assoc. Prof. Dr. Dobromir Dimitrov, Vice-Dean of the publications, such as types, scientific publications, Faculty of Medicine and keynote lecturer introduced databases and quotes. MU-Pleven doctoral students, post-graduates and The second day continued with a presentation by young scientists to the with the basic rules for the assoc. Prof. Ilian Baychev, lecturer at the Faculty of Law preparation of successful project proposals for funding at the "St. Cyril and St. Methodius" University of Veliko research. He explained concepts such as knowledge Tarnovo and lawyer at the Bar Association in Veliko and technology transfer, giving them interesting Tarnovo. In it he introduced the young audience to examples from European and world practice – the legislature relating to copyright protection under the China Republic's Belt and Road Initiative for Copyright Act, as well as to current legislation and development and cooperation in all fields to improve outlook of the European Patent System. infrastructure linking the states located along the Silk Project № BG05M2OP001-2.009-0031-C01 "Creating Road. At the end his lecture, assoc. Prof. Dimitrov a training center for doctoral, post-doctoral, post- offered the young scientists an interesting challenge – graduate students and young scientists at the Faculty of prepare and present their own project proposal to Medicine of MU-Pleven” part of the Operational provide funding for their scientific work in their field, Programme “Science and education for smart growth” by the end of the first day of the workshop. Assoc. Prof. 2014-2020 envisions several workshops that will Dimitrov provided to his young colleagues the priority educate participants through useful lectures by leading areas in the preparation of the project proposal: experts and through meetings and discussions with Telemedicine – Clinical Application, 3D Medicine – business representatives and participation in practical Application in Clinical and Basic Science, Electronic 3D classes. Microscopy, Virtual and Augmented Reality in Medicine. Academia vol. 1 /201 8 MEDICA Project/Mobility MU–PLEVEN DOCTORAL AND POST-GRADUATE STUDENTS AND YOUNG SCIENTISTS TO TAKE PART IN TRAINING COURSES AND ACADEMIC MOBILITY ABROAD Sixty doctoral and post-graduate students and young in the city of Ljubljana, scientists will take part in academic mobility and training Slovenia. Dr. Ivanov is a courses Activity №5 "Support for individual scientific graduate of the Medical research and career development of individuals in the target University - Pleven, a young group", part of Project № BG05M2OP001-2.009-0031-C01 doctor - a postgraduate and "Creating a training center for doctoral, post-doctoral, post- a full-time doctoral student graduate students and young scientists at the Faculty of in General Surgery. He is a Medicine of MU-Pleven”. The opportunities for academic visiting assistant professor mobility will enrich their scientific experience and increase of general surgery at the their professional qualification by allowing them to Department of "Surgical exchange knowledge
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    PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences ISSN 2454-5899 Dermendjieva & Slavova, 2018 Volume 4 Issue 2, pp. 177-199 Date of Publication: 19th July, 2018 DOI- This paper can be cited as: Dermendjieva, G., & Slavova, R. (2018). Online Sharing Platforms as a Medium for the Emergence of Viral Content. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(2), 177-199. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. ONLINE SHARING PLATFORMS AS A MEDIUM FOR THE EMERGENCE OF VIRAL CONTENT Greta Dermendjieva Professor Ph.D., Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridksi”, Sofia, Bulgaria Rositsa Slavova Visiting lecturer Ph.D., Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridksi”, Sofia, Bulgaria Abstract The research objectives of the paper are to look into the viral phenomenon emerging from online platforms for sharing video, pictures, tweets, GIFs, Facebook posts, and to discuss the emotional element as well as the key categories of the most popular content. The methodology includes reviewing, presenting and categorizing a selection of worldwide viral stories and some that have become popular in the UK and Bulgaria. The main focus is on features and content from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that has become viral during 2017. Our findings indicate that there are 9 main categories – Media, Entertainment, Celebrity, Domestic, Empathy, Jokes, Everyday life, Cause, and Politics – that could be distinguished in the explored selection.
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