Detection techniques and investigation of different neutrino experiments Ankur Nath∗ and Ng. K. Francisy Department Of Physics, Tezpur University, Assam-784028, India (Dated: August 10, 2018) Neutrino physics is an experimentally driven field. So, we investigate the different detection techniques available in the literature and study the various neutrino oscillation experiments in a chronological manner. Our primary focus is on the construction and detection mechanisms of each experiment. Today, we know a lot about this mysterious ghostly particle by performing different experiments at different times with different neutrino sources viz. solar, atmospheric, reactor, accel- erators and high energy astrophysical; and they have contributed in the determination of neutrino parameters. Yet the problems are far from over. We need to determine more precise values of the already known parameters and unravel the completely unknown parameters. Some of the unknowns are absolute masses of neutrino, types of neutrino, mass hierarchy, octant degeneracy and existence of leptonic CP Phase(s). We analyse the neutrino experiments into the past, present and the fu- ture (or proposed). We include SNO, Kamiokande, K2K, MINOS, MINOS+, Chooz, NEMO and ICARUS in the past; while Borexino, Double Chooz, Super-K, T2K, IceCube, KamLAND, NOνA, RENO and Daya Bay in the present; and SNO+, Hyper-K, T2HK, JUNO, RENO-50, INO, DUNE, SuperNEMO, KM3NeT, P2O, LBNO and PINGU in the proposed experiments. We also discuss the necessities of upgrading the present ones to those of the proposed ones thereby summarizing the potentials of the future experiments. We conclude this paper with the current status of the neutrinos. PACS numbers: 14.60.Lm, 14.60.Pq, 13.15.+g, 95.55.Vj, 01.65.+g Keywords: neutrino detection techniques, different neutrino experiments, unknown parameters arXiv:1804.08467v3 [hep-ph] 9 Aug 2018 ∗
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