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Continue The sacred text of the Latter-day Saint movement for other purposes, see the Book of Mormon (disambigation). Book MormonInformationReligionLatter Day of the Holy MovementLanguageEnglishPeriod2200 BC 421Chapters First Nephi Second Nephi Book Jacob's Book of Jacob Book Of Yakov Book of Yarma Book Omni Book of the Mormon Book of the Book of Mosia Alma Book Helman The Third Nephi Fourth Nephi Book of Mormon Book of The Book of Mormon Book of Mormon Is the sacred text of the Last Day of the Holy Day according to the theology of Latter-day Saints, contains the writings of ancient prophets who lived on the Americas from about 2200 BC to 421 AD. like the Book of Mormon: A Story written by the Hand of Mormon on sheets taken from the Nuphic plates. The Book of Mormon is the earliest of the unique writings of the Latter-day Saint movement, whose denominations usually view the text primarily as the Holy Scriptures, and secondly, as a historical account of God's relationship with the ancient inhabitants of America. Archaeological, historical, and scientific communities do not accept the Book of Mormon as an ancient record of real historical events. According to Smith's story and the book's narration, the Book of Mormon was originally written in other unknown characters called reformed Egyptians and engraved on gold plates. Smith said that the last prophet who contributed to the book, a man named Moroni, buried it on Cumorah Hill in modern-day Manchester, New York, before her death, and then appeared in Smith's vision in 1827 as an angel, and instructed him to translate the plates into English for use in the restoration of the true Church of Christ in recent days. Critics say he was Smith's author, drawing on material and ideas from his 19th-century modern environment rather than translating an ancient record. The Book of Mormon has a number of original and distinctive doctrinal discussions on topics such as the fall of Adam and Eve, the nature of Christian redemption, eschatology, redemption from physical and spiritual death, and the organization of the latter-day church. The key event of the book is the appearance of Jesus Christ in America shortly after his resurrection. The Book of Mormon is divided into smaller books, named after people named as the main authors and, in most versions, divided into chapters and poems. It is written in English, very similar to the early modern English linguistic style of the King James Bible, and has since been fully or partially translated into 112 languages. By 2011, more than 150 million copies of the Book of Mormon had been printed. Origin Part of the series about the Book of Mormon Origin Angel Moroni Oliver Cowdery Sydney Rigdon Book of Mormon Witnesses Reformed Egyptian Prophets and Men jacob Abinadi Ambina Ammon Alma Senior Alma Senior Alma Senior King Benjamin Brother Jared Samuel Manate Captain Moroni Enos Ether Elaman Legi Limhi Nephi Mormon Moroni Historic Authenticity and Criticism of Anachronisms Archaeology Genetics Linguistics Limited Geography Model Origins Proposed Geographical Installation Of Heartland Model LDS Church Films and LDS Cinema Life Nephi How Rarely Own Covenants of One Fold and One Shepherd Book of Mormon Film Passage in zarahamla Description Of the Book Mormon Book: The Book of Mormonvte Page from the original manuscript of the Book of Mormon, covering 1_Nephi 4:38 - 1_Nephi 5:14 Main Articles: The Origin of the Book of Mormon, The Golden Sheets, and The Criticism of the Book of Mormon According to Joseph Smith, he was seventeen years old when an angel named Moroni appeared to him and said that the Collection of Ancient Scriptures was buried on a nearby hill in the present-day Wayne County, New York engraved on gold plates by ancient prophets. The scriptures are said to describe the people god brought from Jerusalem to the Western Hemisphere 600 years before Jesus was born. According to the narration, Moroni was the last prophet among these people and buried the record that God had promised to bring in the last days. Smith stated that this vision took place on the evening of 21 September 1823 and that the next day, with the help of divine guidance, he had found a place to bury the slabs on that hill; Moroni instructed him to meet on the same hill on 22 September the following year to receive additional instructions; and that in four years from that date it would be time to bring them forward, i.e. to translate them. Smith's description of these events indicates that on 22 September 1827, exactly four years from that date, he was allowed to take the plates and was instructed to translate them into English. The accounts vary depending on how Smith dictated the Book of Mormon. Smith himself implied that he read the plates directly with the lord's glasses for translation. Other accounts say differently that he used one or more strait stones placed in his hat. Beginning around 1832, both special glasses and the pro-raiser stone were sometimes called Urim and Tummim. During the translation process itself, Smith sometimes separated himself from his scribe with a blanket between them. In addition, the plates were not always present during the translation process, and when they were present, they were always covered. In the first published description of the plates, Smith said the plates had the appearance of gold. They were described by Martin Harris, one of Smith's early scribes, as buckled in the form of a book on wires. Smith called the engraved letter on the sheets a reformed Egyptian. Some of the text on the sheets was also sealed according to his story, so its contents were not included in the Book of Mormon. In addition to Smith's account of the plates, eleven others said they had seen gold plates and, in some cases, treated them. Their written testimonies are known as the Testimony of the Three Witnesses and the Testimony of the Eight Witnesses. These statements have been published in most editions of the Book of Mormon. An image of Joseph Smith dictating the Book of Mormon with a prokent stone placed in his hat to block the light. Smith recruited his neighbor, Martin Harris, as a scribe during his initial work on the text. (Harris later laid down his farm to record the seal of the Book of Mormon.) In 1828, Harris, at the request of his wife Lucy Harris, repeatedly asked Smith to lend him the current pages that had been translated. Smith reluctantly joined Harris's requests. Lucy Harris is believed to have stolen the first 116 pages. After the loss, Smith recorded that he had lost the ability to translate, and that Moroni returned the plates, which should have been returned only after Smith had repented. Smith later stated that God had allowed him to resume translation, but ordered him to begin translating another part of the plates (in the so-called Book of Mosia). In 1829, work on the Book of Mormon was resumed with the assistance of Oliver Cowdery and was completed within a short period of time (April-June 1829). Smith said he returned moroni's plates after the book's publication. The Book of Mormon went on sale at the E. B. Grandin bookstore in Palmyra, New York, on March 26, 1830. Today, the building where the Book of Mormon was first published and sold is known as the Historic Site of the Book of Mormon. The circulation of the first edition was 5000 copies. The publisher charged $3,000 for the production cost (the wholesale price for author Joseph Smith is 60 cents per book). Since its first publication and the publication of criticism of the Book of Mormon, they have claimed that it was fabricated by Smith and that he drew materials and ideas from a variety of sources rather than translating an ancient record. Works that have been offered as sources include the King James Bible, The Miracles of Nature, View of the Jews, and an unpublished manuscript written by Solomon Spalding. Fairmormon and other Mormon organizations claim that all of these arguments were refuted by Mormon and non-Mormon sources. The position of most Latter-day Saints and the official position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) is that the book is accurate Record. The cover page of the Book of Mormon from the original 1830 edition of Joseph Smith (Image from the Rare Books and Special Collections Division of the Library of Congress). The name Smith said the front page, and presumably the actual name of the 1830 edition, came from the translation of the very last sheet of gold plates, and was written by the prophet-historian Moroni. The front page states that the purpose of the Book of Mormon is to show the remnants of the house of Israel what great things the Lord has done for his fathers; ... and to convince the Jew and the Gentile that Jesus is Christ, the eternal God who manifests himself to all nations. The Book of Mormon is organized as a collection of small books, each named after its main narrator or outstanding leader, from the First Book of Nephi (1 Nephi) to the Book of Moroni. The sequence of the book is primarily chronological, based on the narrative content of the book. The exceptions are the Words of Mormon and the Book of Ether. Mormon's words contain mormon editorial comments. The book is presented as a narration of an earlier group of people who came to America before immigration, described in 1 Nephi. The first Nephi through Omni is written in the first person of the narration, as is Mormon and Moroni. The rest of the Book of Mormon is written in a third-person historical narrative that is said to have been written and shortened by Mormon (with Moroni infringing on the Book of Ether and writing the last part of Mormon and the Book of Moroni). Most modern editions of the book were divided into chapters and poems. Most editions of the book also contain additional material, including the Testimony of three witnesses and the Testimony of eight witnesses. Timeline Home Article: The chronology of the Book of Mormon Books from the First Nephi to Omni is described as being from the little plates of Nephi. This story begins in ancient Jerusalem around 600 BC It tells the story of a man named Lehi, his family and several other people whom God heads from Jerusalem shortly before the fall of this city to the Babylonians in 586 BC The book describes their journey through the Arabian Peninsula, and then to the promised land, America, by ship. These books describe the group's dealings from about 600 BC to 130 BC, during which time the community grew and divided into two main groups called Nefis and Lamanites, who often fight each other. Below is this section of the Word of Mormon. This small book, written by in 385 AD, presents its brief introduction to the books of Mosia, Alma, Helaman, the Third Nephi, and the Fourth Nephi. These books are described as abbreviated from a large number of existing records, called large Nephia, which details the history of people from the days of Omni to their own mormon lives. The book of the Third Nephi has a special meaning in the Book of Mormon because it contains a story about Jesus visiting America from heaven to America some time after his resurrection and ascent. The text states that during this American visit, he repeated much of the same doctrine and instructions given in the Gospels of the Bible, and he created an enlightened, peaceful society that endured for generations, but which eventually broke into warring factions again. A book or section in the Great Book of Mormon on events in Mormon life is also called the Book of Mormon. Mormon is said to have been accused of taking care of records that were hidden as soon as he became old enough. The book includes a story about the wars, the Mormon leading parts of the Nefian army, and its extraction and care of records. Mormon was eventually killed after handing over the tapes to his son Moroni. According to the text, Moroni then made an abridgment (the so- called Book of Ether) recording from a previous people called Jaredita. The story describes a group of families who led from the Tower of Babel to America led by a man named Jared and his brother. The Iarerite civilization is represented as existing on the American continent, beginning around 2500 BC, long before the Lehi family arrived shortly after 600 BC, and as much more and more developed. Moroni's book then details the final destruction of the nephis and idolatrous state of the remaining society. It also includes significant doctrinal teachings and ends with Moroni's testimony and an invitation to pray to God for confirmation of the truthfulness of the account. Doctrinal and Philosophical Teachings Image caption Joseph Smith receiving gold plates from the angel Moroni on Cumorah Hill is interspersed throughout the narrative of the sermon and the speakers of various speakers, which makes up just over 40 percent of the Book of Mormon. These passages contain doctrinal and philosophical teachings on a wide range of topics, from the main themes of Christianity and Judaism to political and ideological teachings. Jesus See also: Godhead (Latter-day Saints) stated on the front page that the central purpose of the Book of Mormon is to convince the Jew and the Gentile that Jesus is Christ, the Eternal God, who manifests himself for all nations. Jesus is mentioned every 1.7 verses and is mentioned under hundreds of different names. The book describes Jesus before he was born as a spirit without flesh and blood, albeit with a spirit of body that was similar to how Jesus appeared during his physical life. Jesus is described as Father and Son. He is said to be: himself (who) will make people among the children and redeem his people... Father and Son are Fathers because he was conceived by the power of God; and the Son, because of the flesh; thus, becoming the Father and the Son, and they are one God, yes, the most Eternal Father of Heaven and Earth. Other parts of the book portray the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as one. As a result, beliefs between the churches of the Latter- day Saint movement span non-rinitarianism (in lds Church) to Trinitarianism (in the Christ Community). Further on its theme of reconciliation between Jews and Gentiles with Jesus, the book describes different visions or visits by some early inhabitants in America involving Jesus. The most notable of these is Jesus' described visit to a group of early residents shortly after his resurrection. Many of the book's authors described other visions of Jesus, including the vision of Brother Jared, who, according to the book, lived before Jesus and saw the body of the spirit of Jesus thousands of years before his birth. According to the book, a narrator named Nephi described a vision of the birth, ministry, and death of Jesus, including a prophecy named after Jesus, which is said to have occurred nearly 600 years before Jesus was born. In the narration, during the time of King Benjamin (circa 130 BC), The Nepphian believers were called children of Christ. Elsewhere, faithful members of the church during the time of Captain Moroni (73 BC) were called Christians by their enemies because of their faith in Jesus Christ. The book also states that for nearly 200 years after Jesus appeared in the Temple of American America, the land was filled with peace and prosperity because of the people's obedience to their commandments. Later, the Prophet Mormon worked to convince the restless people of his time (360 AD) Christ. Many other prophets in the book write about the reality of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. In the Bible, Jesus spoke to Jews in Jerusalem about other sheep who heard his voice. The Book of Mormon states that this meant that the Nephis and other remnants of Israel's lost tribes around the world had to be visited by Jesus after his resurrection. The teachings on political theology the book delves into political theology in a Christian or Jewish context. Among these themes is American exceptionalism. According to the book, America is portrayed as the land of hope, the most exceptional country in the world at that time. The book states that any righteous society with land will be protected, while if they are wicked, they will be destroyed and replaced by a more righteous civilization. On the issue of war and violence, the book teaches that war is justified for people to protect against their enemies. However, they should never have given offense, or raised their sword... except to save your life. The book praises the faith of a group of former Lamaite warriors who have taken the oath of total pacifism, refusing to take up arms even to protect themselves and their people. However, 2,000 of their descendants, who did not take an oath from their parents not to take up arms against their enemies, decided to fight the Lamans, and it states that in their battles 2,000 people were protected by God through their faith, and although many of them were wounded, none of them died. The book recommends the monarchy as an ideal form of government, but only when the monarch is righteous. The book warns of the evil that occurs when the king is evil, and therefore suggests that it is not so, usually good to have a king. The book also records people's decision to be pleased no longer by kings,80 choosing instead a form of democracy led by elected judges. When citizens called human kings tried to overthrow a democratically elected government and create an unrighteous king, the book praised a warlord who executed pro-monarchy citizens who had sworn to destroy the Church of God and did not want to defend their country from hostile invading forces. The book also speaks positively about a particular case of what appears to be a peaceful Christ-centered theocracy that lasted around 194 years before the disagreement began again. The book supports the notions of economic justice achieved through the voluntary donation of the substance of each person in accordance with what he had, the poor. In one case, all citizens kept their property in common. When people in society began to despise and ignore the poor, wear expensive clothes and otherwise engage in wickedness for personal gain, such societies were repeatedly portrayed in the book as ripe for destruction. The historical context of the view is also: Mound_Builders No. Alternative_explanations, and View of the Jews Most early European Americans had a biblical worldview, and numerous attempts were made to explain the origins of Native Americans biblically. From the 16th to the early 19th century, it was widely believed that Jews, especially the lost ten tribes, were Native American ancestors. The Book of Mormon provided theological support for this proposal and suggested that the lost tribes of Israel would be found elsewhere around the world. In addition, European settlers considered the impressive earthworks left behind by the Mound Builder's culture, and could hardly believe that Native Americans, whose numbers had been destroyed during previous centuries, could have produced them. A common theory was that more technologically and often the white race built them, but was captured and destroyed by a more violent, numerous and often colored race. Numerous observers suggest that the Book of Mormon parallels others in the 19th century mound-builder genre that was widespread at the time. As the historian Curtis Dahl wrote: Undoubtedly, the most famous and by far the most influential of all the mound-builder literature is the Book of Mormon (1830). Whether a person wants to accept him as divinely inspired or Joseph Smith's work, he fits into tradition. Joseph Smith, a religiousist, described the Book of Mormon as the cornerstone of Mormonism and said it was the most correct book on earth. In 1832, Smith made a written revelation condemning the whole church for its frivolous attitude to the Book of Mormon. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints The Book of Mormon is one of four sacred texts or standard works of the LDS Church. Church leaders often repeatedly made Smith's assertions about the book's importance to faith. Members believe that the Bible is The Word of God, as far as it is correctly translated; They also consider the Book of Mormon the word of God. In the 1980s, efforts were made to re-emphasize the Book of Mormon. As part of this effort, a new edition was printed with the added subtitle of the Other Testament of Jesus Christ. The importance of the Book of Mormon was the focus of Ezra Taft Benson, the thirteenth president of the church. Benson stated that the church was still under conviction for being frivolous about the Book of Mormon. In his August 2005 message, church President Gordon B. Hinckley called on every member of the church to re-read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year. The importance of the book is usually emphasized at the twice-year general conference, on special divine clocks by the general authorities and in the church's educational publications. Since the late 1980s, members have been encouraged to read the Book of Mormon daily. The LDS Church encourages the discovery of the truth of the book by following the proposal in its final chapter to study, ponder, and pray to God of its veracity. This passage is sometimes referred to as the Moronia Promise. As of October 2020, the LDS Church has published more than 192 million copies of the Book of Mormon. The Christ Community Community, formerly known as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, views the Book of Mormon as another witness to Jesus Christ and publishes two versions of the book through its official Herald House publishing division: An Authorized Edition, which is based on the manuscript of the original printer, and the second edition of the 1837 edition (or Kirtland Edition) Its contents are similar to the Book of Mormon issued by the LDS Church, but the verse is different. The also publishes a 1966 Revised Authorised Edition that tries to modernize some languages. In 2001, the president of the Christ W. Grant McMurray Community pondered growing questions about the Book of Mormon: The correct use of the Book of Mormon as a holy scripture was widely discussed in the 1970s and beyond, partly because of long-standing questions about its historical authenticity and partly because of perceived theological shortcomings, including issues of race and ethnicity. In 2007, at the World Conference of the Christ Community, Church President Steven M. Wizi struck down a resolution to confirm the Book of Mormon as a divinely inspired record. He stated that while the Church affirms the Book of Mormon as the Scriptures and makes it available for study and use in various languages, we are not trying to provide a degree of faith or use. This position is in line with our long tradition that faith in the Book of Mormon should not be used as a test of communion or church membership. There are a number of other small churches that are part of the Latter-day Saint movement. Most of these churches were created as a result of issues ranging from various doctrinal interpretations and the adoption of the movement's scriptures, including the Book of Mormon, to disagreements over who was Joseph Smith's divinely chosen successor. All of these groups share a common acceptance of the Book of Mormon as the Holy Scriptures. It is this recognition that distinguishes the churches of the Latter-day Saint movement from other Christian denominations. Individual editions of the Book of Mormon have been published by a number of churches in the Latter-day Saint movement, as well as by individuals and foundations not approved by any particular denomination. Historical Authenticity Home Article: Historical Authenticity of the Book of Mormon See also: Criticism of the Book of Mormon, Archaeology and the Book of Mormon, Genetics and the Book of Mormon, Linguistics and the Book of Mormon, The Origin of the Book of Mormon and the Book of Mormon anachronisms Most archaeological, historical, and scientific communities do not consider the Book of Mormon to be an ancient record of real historical events. Their skepticism tends to focus on four main areas: the lack of correlation between the sites described in the Book of Mormon and the famous, untouched American archaeological sites. References to animals, plants, metals and technology in the Book of Mormon that archaeological or scientific research found no evidence in post-Pleistocene, a pre-Columbian America often referred to as anachronism. Items commonly listed include horses,117 donkeys, oxen, sheep, pigs, goats, elephants, 119 wheat, steel, 120 brass, chains, iron, scimitars, and chariots. The lack of conventional linguistic links between any Indian and Middle Eastern languages. There is no dna evidence linking any Indian group to the ancient Middle East. Most latters of the Latter-day Saint movement consider the Book of Mormon to be a historically accurate story. There are several apologetic groups in the Latter-day Saint movement that disagree with skeptics and seek to reconcile differences in various ways. Among these apologetic groups, much of the work has been published by the Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (FARMS) and the Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research (FAIR), which defends the Book of Mormon as a literal story, contrasting arguments critical of its historical authenticity, or by agreeing historical and scientific evidence with the text. One of the most common recent arguments is the limited geographical model, which states that people from the Book of Mormon covered only a limited geographic region, either in Mesoamerica, or in South America, or in the Great Lakes region. The LDS Church has published material indicating that science will uphold the historical authenticity of the Book of Mormon. The manuscript of the Book of Mormon, shown with the 19th-century owner, George Schweich (grandson of early Latter-day Saint David Whitmer) Replica of the hut in Fayette, New York (owned by Peter Whitmer), where most of the manuscript of the Book of Mormon was written by the Book of Mormon, was dictated by Joseph Smith to several scribes over a period of 13 months. , bringing three manuscripts. The 116 lost pages contained the first part of Lehi's Book; it was lost after Smith lent the original uncopyed manuscript to Martin Harris. The first completed manuscript, called the original manuscript, was completed using various scribes. Parts of the original manuscript were also used for typewriters. In October 1841, the entire original manuscript was placed in the cornerstone of the House of Navu and sealed almost forty years later, when the cornerstone was reopened. It was then discovered that most of the original manuscript had been destroyed by water seeps and mold. The surviving pages of the manuscripts were distributed to various families and individuals in the 1880s. Most of what remains of the original manuscript is now kept in the archives of the LDS Church. The second completed manuscript, called the printer manuscript, was a copy of the original manuscript made by Oliver Cowdery and two others It was at this point that the original copying of the Book of Mormon was completed. Observations of the original manuscript do not indicate any corrections in the text. Shortly before his death in 1850, Cowdery handed over the printer's manuscript to David Whitmer, another of the Three Witnesses. In 1903, the manuscript was purchased from Whitmer's grandson, reorganized by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, now known as the Christ Community. On September 20, 2017, the LDS Church purchased the manuscript from the Community of Christ for $35 million. The printer's manuscript is now the earliest surviving complete copy of the Book of Mormon. The manuscript was depicted in 1923 and was recently available for viewing on the Internet. Critical comparisons between surviving manuscript parts show an average of two to three changes per page from the original manuscript to the printer's manuscript, with most of the changes being spelling errors, such as typos or corrections or the standardization of grammar, the inconsequential meaning of the text. The printer's manuscript has been further edited, adding paragraphs and punctuation to the first third of the text. The printer's manuscript was not fully used in the 1830 type in the Book of Mormon version; parts of the original manuscript were also used for typewriters. The original manuscript was used by Smith to correct errors printed in versions of the Book of Mormon in 1830 and 1837 to print the 1840 book. History of ownership: The manuscript of the Book of Mormon printer In the late 19th century, the final part of the printer's manuscript remained in the family of David Whitmer, who was the founder of Latter-day Saints and who by the 1870s headed the Church of Christ (Whitmerit). In the 1870s, according to the Chicago Tribune, the LDS church tried unsuccessfully to buy it from Whitmer for a record price. Joseph F. Smith, President of the LDS Church, refuted this assertion in a 1901 letter, believing that such a manuscript has no value. Whitmer's grandson George Schweich inherited the manuscript in 1895. By 1903, Schweich had laid the manuscript for $1,800 and, need to collect at least this amount, sold the collection, including 72 percent of the manuscript book of the original printer (the story of John Whitmer's manuscript, parts of Joseph Smith's translation of the Bible, handwritten copies of several revelations, and a piece of paper containing a copied Book of Mormon symbols) to the Church of RLDS (now the Community of Christ) for $2,450, with $2,300 of that amount for the printer's manuscript. The LDS Church did not attempt to acquire the manuscript. In 2015, this remainder was published by the press of the church historian in his joseph Smith documents Volume 3 Revelations and Translations; and in 2017, the LDS Church bought the printer manuscript for $35,000,000. The editions of the Chapter and the lecture system of the verses of the original edition of 1830 had no markers of verses, although individual books were divided into relatively long chapters. Just as the current chapter of the Bible and the system of notation of verses is the later addition of Bible publishers to books that were originally solid blocks of inseparable text, chapters and markers of verses in the books of the Book of Mormon are conventions, not part of the original text. Publishers from different factions of the Latter-day Saint movement have published various chapters and systems for noting verses. The two most significant are the LDS system introduced in 1879 and the RLDS system, which is based on the original chapters of 1830. RLDS 1908, RLDS 1966, Church of Christ (Temple Lot) and Restored Covenant use the RLDS system, while most other current publications use the LDS system. The current Book of Mormon is currently printed by the following publishers: Church Publishers of the Year of Names and Notes Link The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1981 Book of Mormon: Another Covenant of Jesus Christ. New introductions, summary of chapters and footnotes. The errors of the 1920 edition were corrected on the basis of the original manuscript and publication of 1840. Updated in a revised edition in 2013. Link Community of Christ 1966 Revised Authorised Version, based on the 1908 Authorized Version, 1837 edition and original manuscript. It is noteworthy to miss the repeated phrases this happened. The Church of Jesus Christ (Bickertonite) 2001 compiled by a committee of apostles. He uses the designations of a chapter and verse from the LDS version of 1879. (quote necessary) Church of Christ with the message of Elijah 1957 Recording of the Nephi, Restored Palmyra Edition. 1830 text with 1879 chapters and verses of LDS. Link Church of Christ (Temple of Lot) 1990 Based on the 1908 RLDS edition, 1830 edition, printer manuscript, and corrections of church leaders. Link Scholarship Remnants 2019 Based on the latest personally updated version of Joseph Smith 1840, with changes to Denver Snuffer Jr. link Richard Drew's 1992 Photo-Extended Facsimile 1840 edition of 141 Other Publishers of the Year titles and notes Link Herald Heritage 1970 Facsimile 1830 edition. (quote necessary) The 1999 Book of Mormon Research Foundation: The Restored Edition of the Covenant. Text from original and printed manuscripts, in a poetic layout. Bookcraft Reference 1999 Book of Mormon for Latter-day Saint families. A large font with numerous visual effects and explanatory notes. (quote needed) University of Illinois Press 2003 Book of Mormon: Reader. Based on the 1920 edition of LDS. Link Doubleday 2006 (143) Book of Mormon: Another Covenant of Jesus Christ. Text from the current edition of THE LDS without footnotes. The first edition of Doubleday was in 2004. The Type of Experience Press 2006 reset, corresponding to the original 1830 edition, in word, line, and page. Typographic errors have been corrected. Stratford Books 2006 Facsimile reissue 1830 edition. Penguin Classics 2008 Paperback with text of 1840. Link to Yale University Press Conference 2009 Book of Mormon: Earliest Text. Joseph Smith's text with hundreds of corrections from the Royal Scoosen study of the original and printer manuscripts. The Olive Leaf Foundation 2017 connects a new approach to the study of the Book of Mormon. It contains the full text of the 1981 edition, but with a more modern text formatting. Cross-references and footnotes are replaced by the authors' own marginal notes, and chapters and verse breaks are removed. Link Neil A. Maxwell Institute 2018 Book of Mormon: Another Covenant of Jesus Christ, Maxwell Institute Research Edition Illustrated and Reformatted Edition, based on a 1981 text with additional footnotes based on contemporary research. Digital Legend Press 2018 Annotated edition of the Book of Mormon Historical Following not current editions marked major events in the text or reader assistance printed in the Book of Mormon. Publisher of the Year of Names and Notes Link E. B. Grandin 1830 First edition in Palmyra. Based on the printer's manuscript copied from the original manuscript. reference Pratt and Goodson 1837 Second edition in Kirtland. Revisiting the first edition using a printer manuscript with emendations and grammatical corrections. Ebenezer Robinson and Smith 1840 Third Edition in Navu. Revised by Joseph Smith compared to the original manuscript. Facsimile of the original edition of 1840. link Young, Kimball and Pratt 1841 First European edition. 1837 reprint with British spellings. Future ldcing of LDS came from this, not from the 1840 edition. Joseph Smith Jr. 1842 The Fourth American Edition in Navu. Reprint of the 1840 edition. Facsimile of the original edition of 1842. Franklin D. Richards 1852 Third European Edition. Edited by Richards. Primitive verses (number of paragraphs) have been introduced. James O. Wright's reference 1858 Unauthorized reprint of the 1840 edition. Used by the early RLDS church in the 1860s. 1840 text with poems. Reference Deseret News 1879 Edited by Orson Pratt. Footnotes, new poems and shorter chapters have been introduced. Link Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1908 Authorized version. New poems and fixes based on the printer's manuscript. Link the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1920 under the editorship of Jacob E. Added introductions, double columns, chapter summaries, new footnotes, pronunciation manual. Link Unprintable Editions The following versions are published online: Online editions of Year Description and Notes Link Recovery Edition New Covenants 2019 New Testaments and The Book of Mormon are published in one book. It will not be the Lord to print any of the new Translations in The Evening and Morning Star; but when it is published, it will all go into the world together, in a volume in itself; and the New Testament and the Book of Mormon will be printed together. Letter from Joseph Smith Jr., April 21, 1833. Also available is the PDF LDS Church link online edition of the 2013 official online edition of the Book of Mormon for lds Church. A reference to the LDS Church audio edition of the 1994 official version of the LDS Book of Mormon in the format of mp3 audio, 32 kbit/s link Textual Criticism Although some previously unpublished studies were prepared, not until the early 1970s there was true text criticism applied to the Book of Mormon. At the time, BYU Professor Ellis Rasmussen and his associates asked the LDS Church to begin preparations for a new edition of the Church's scriptures. One aspect of that effort involved the digitization of the text and the preparation of the relevant footnotes, while the other required the creation of the most reliable text. To this end, Stanley R. Larson (Rasmussen's Graduate) began applying modern critical standards of text to manuscripts and early editions of the Book of Mormon as his dissertation project, which he completed in 1974. Larson carefully studied the original manuscript (Joseph Smith's dictation to his scribes) and the printer's manuscript (a copy of Oliver Cowdery prepared for the printer in 1829-1830), and compared them to the first, second and third editions of the Book of Mormon; it was done to determine what changes had occurred over time and to make judgements on which evidence was most original. Larson began to publish a useful set of well-argued articles about the phenomena he discovered. Many of his observations were included as improvements in the 1981 edition of the Book of Mormon. By 1979, with the establishment of the Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (FARMS) as a California-based nonprofit research institution, efforts led by Robert F. Smith began to take full account of Larson's work and publish the critical text of the Book of Mormon. This is how the Critical Text of FARMS project was born, which in 1984 published the first volume of the three-volume Book of Mormon, Critical Text. The third volume of this first edition was published in 1987, but has already been withered by the second, revised edition of the entire work, greatly contributed through a council and assistance team that included Yale PhD candidate Grant Hardy, Dr. Gordon Thomasson, Professor John Welch (head of FARMS), Professor Royal Scoosen. However, these were only preliminary steps towards a much more demanding and comprehensive project. In 1988, when this preliminary phase of the project was completed, Scousen took over as editor and project manager of the Critical Text of the Book of Mormon and began collecting still scattered fragments of the original manuscript of the Book of Mormon and developing advanced photographic techniques used to obtain excellent readings from unreadable pages and fragments. He also carefully examined the printer manuscript (then owned by the RLDS Church) on differences in the types of ink or pencils to determine when and by whom they were made. He has also collected various editions of the Book of Mormon to date to see what changes have been made over time. To date, Scozen has published full transcripts of the original and printer manuscripts, as well as a six-volume analysis of textual variants. The history of the text is still in the process of being prepared, and a complete electronic comparison of publications and manuscripts (volumes 3 and 5 of the draft, respectively). Meanwhile, yale University published a book of Mormon that includes all aspects of Scoosen's research. The differences between the original manuscript and the printer, the printed version of 1830, and the modern versions of the Book of Mormon led some critics to argue that the evidence was systematically removed, which could prove that Smith had fabricated the Book of Mormon, or an attempt to hide the awkward aspects of the church's past, made to clarify the meaning of the text. Translations of the Book of Mormon are also not in English: The list of translations of the Book of Mormon version of the Book of Mormon has been translated into 83 languages, and the selection has been translated into 25 more languages. In 2001, the LDS Church reported that all or part of the Book of Mormon was available in its native language to 99 percent of Latter-day Saints and 87 percent of the world's population. Translations into languages without the tradition of writing (e.g. Kaqchikel, Tzotzil) are available on audiotape. Translations into American Sign Language are available on videotape and DVD. As a rule, translators are members of the LDS Church who work in the church and translate the text from the original English language. Each manuscript is reviewed several times before it is approved and published. In 1998, the LDS Church stopped translating compilations from the Book of Mormon and instead announced that every new translation it approves would be a full edition. Media Views Still From the Life of Nephi (1915) Events Mormons are the focus of several LDS Church films, including Nefian Life (1915), How Rare Possession (1987) and Covenants of One Fold and One Shepherd (2000). Such films in Mormon cinema (i.e. films not officially ordered by the LDS Church) include The Book of Mormon, Tom. 1: Journey (2003) and Passage to the Zaratemla (2007). The second Nephi 9:20-27 of the Book of Mormon is quoted at the memorial service in Alfred Hitchcock's Family Plot. In 2003, an episode of South Park called All About Mormons parodied the origins of the Book of Mormon. In 2011, the broadway musical The Book of Mormon, written by South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone in collaboration with Robert Lopez, which won nine Tony Awards, including Best Musical, premiered on Broadway. His London production won the Olivier Award for Best Musical. The LDS Church has produced a video The Book of Mormon for YouTube. These videos are displayed on an additional channel. The LDS Church, which distributes free copies of the Book of Mormon, reported in 2011 that 150 million copies of the book had been printed since its original publication. The original seal of the Book of Mormon in 1830 produced 5,000 copies. The 50-million-dollar copy was printed in 1990 and the 100 millionth in 2000 and reached 150 million in 2011. Literary Criticism This article has no information on further criticism (positive or negative). Please expand the article to include this information. More information may exist on the conversation page. (July 2018) The Book of Mormon is analyzed from time to time in non-liggiosis for its literary merits. The author worked hard to give his words and phrases the whimsical, old-fashioned sound and structure of the translation of our King James of Scripture; and as a result, the mongrel is half modern brilliance, and half of ancient simplicity and gravity. The latter is inconvenient and limited; former natural, but grotesque opposite. Whenever he found that his speech was becoming too modern - which was about every sentence or two - he ladled in a few such biblical phrases as excess soreness, and it happened, etc., and made things satisfactory again. And it happened was his pet. If he had left it, his Bible would have been just a pamphlet.- Mark Twain, Roughing It, Chapter XVI Non-Mormons trying psychiatric tests (Joseph Smith) were content to attach a label to the youth and ignored his greatest creative achievement because they found him boring. Sadly, in truth, but not shapeless, aimless or absurd. Its structure shows a complex design, its narrative rotates consistently, and it demonstrates all the unity of purpose. His matter is taken directly from the borders, from passionate sermons of rebirth, popular misconceptions of delusions indian origin and the current political crusades. - Fawn M. Brody, , (New York, 1945), page 68-69 Terrill Givivs wrote, The Search for Literary Miracles in the Book of Mormon is a bit like finding lyrical inspiration in the books of the Chronicles or Judge. However, the Book of Mormon is a work of considerable complexity, with numerous well-swirling narratives, based on a broader comprehensive vision. There is a neat symmetry to the Bible as we got it. Givez later concluded that the Book of Mormon remained a powerful and destructive force in the twenty-first century, challenging analysis with its authoritative assertions. The book remains an important cultural document of the nineteenth century, and its literary merits are beginning to encourage further investigation. The rise of Mormonism around the world also challenges older issues of the broader appeal and accessibility of the Book of Mormon. The themes of dislocation and decentralization are increasingly relevant in a globalized world. Grant Hardy wrote that the Book of Mormon began as 588 densely printed pages in 1830, and the current official edition (reformed with substantial grammatical editing) still runs up to 531 pages. In a way, it's amazing. If the primary purpose of the Book of Mormon were to act as a sign - as tangible proof that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God - this mission could have been accomplished much more succinctly. A fifty-page book supplied by an angel is no less wonderful than a thick volume; it is the heavenly part of the messenger that makes it hard to believe. True or not, the Book of Mormon is a powerful epic, written on a grand scale with many characters, a narrative of human struggle and conflict, divine intervention, heroic good and terrible evil, prophecy, morality and law. Its narrative structure is complex. The idiom is that of King James's version, which most Americans consider appropriate for divine revelation.... The Book of Mormon should be among the great achievements of American literature, but it has never been granted the status it deserves, since Mormons deny josephing Joseph Smith, and non-Mormons, rejecting the work as a fraud, were more prone to getting rid of than reading it.- Daniel Walker Howe, What Hath God wrought: Transforming America, 1815-1848, Pg. See also the main article: Description of the Book of Mormon List of Gospels Mulekites Research of the Book of Mormon Universalism and Book of Mormon Notes - Hinckley, Gordon B. (November 4, 1979). Joseph Smith: Glory to man. BYU.edu. Received on July 30, 2018. Church Education System (1996) according to the Book of Mormon (Salt Lake City, California: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), p.6 Smith (1830, 1830, pages). a b Introduction. Simon G. Southernton. Loss of a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA and the Mormon Church (2004, Signature Books). Mormon 9:32 - Roberts (1902, p. 11, 18-19) harvtxt error: no goal: CITEREFRoberts1902 (help). a b Tanner, Gerald and Sandra (1987). Mormonism - Shadow or Reality?. Utah State Lighthouse Department. page 91. ISBN 978-99930-74-43-4. a b c d Brodie, Fawn (1971). No one knows my story: the life of Joseph Smith (2d ed.). New York: Alfred A. Knopf. a b c d Krakauer, Jon (2003). Under the Banner of Heaven: A History of Violent Faith. New York: Double day. for example, 2_Nephi 2, for example, 2_Nephi 9, for example, Alma 12 - Translations of the Book of Mormon in LDS365.com - b c Book of Mormon reaches 150 million copies, churchofjesuschrist.org, 2011-04-20. a b The Life and Ministry of Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith (2007), xxii-25. Pearl of Great Price: Joseph Smith's Story 1:59 - Rathbone, Tim; Welch, John W. (1992), Joseph Smith's Book of Mormon Translation, in Ludlow, Daniel H (ed.), Encyclopedia of Mormonism, New York: Macmillan Publishing, page 210-213, ISBN 978-0-02-879602-4, OCLC 24502140 - b Book of Mormon Translation, churchofjesuschrist.org, LDS Church, n.d. No one knows my history: the life of Joseph Smith, a Mormon. New York: Vintage books. 53, 61. ISBN 978-0679730545. Joseph Jr. (March 1, 1842). Letter to Wentworth/Church History. Times and seasons. Navu, Illinois. 3 (9): 906-936.CS1 maint: ref'harv (link) - Smith (1842, page 707) harvtxt error: multiple goals (2×): CITEREFSmith1842 (help). Introduction Testimony of the Three Witnesses - Introduction of the Testimony of the Eight Witnesses - b Hitchens 2007, page 163, Givens 2002, 33, Givens 2002, page 33 - Doctrine and Covenants, Section 3 and a b Brodie 1971 - Givens 2002 - Hitchens 2007, p. 163-164 - Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling Stone (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005), 70. - Joseph Smith Hitchens Testimony 2007, page 164 - Kunz, Ryan (March 2010). 180 years later, the Book of Mormon is approaching 150 million copies. Ensin: 74-76. Received 2011-03-24.CS1 maint: ref'harv (link) - Print and edition of the Book of Mormon, churchofjesuschrist.org. Abeines, Richard (2003). One Nation Under the Gods: The History of the Mormon Church. Thunder mouth the press. page 72. ISBN 978-1-56858-283-2. Tanner, Gerald and Sandra (1987). Mormonism - Shadow or Reality?. Utah State Lighthouse Department. 73-80. ISBN 978-99930-74-43-4. Abeines, Richard (2003). One Nation Under the Gods: The History of the Mormon Church. Thunder mouth the press. page 68. ISBN 978-1-56858-283-2. Tanner, Gerald and Sandra (1987). Mormonism - Shadow or Reality?. Utah State Lighthouse Department. 84-85. ISBN 978-99930-74-43-4. Roberts, Brigham H. (1992). Brigham D. Exploring the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City, UT: Signature of the Book. ISBN 978-1-56085-027-4.CS1 maint: ref'harv (link) - Howe, Eber D (1834). Mormonism is unvailed. Paynesville, Ohio: Telegraph Press. The magazine requires magazine (help)CS1 maint: ref'harv (link) - Spaulding, Solomon (1996). Reeve, Rex C ( Manuscript Found: The full original manuscript of Spaulding. Provo, Utah: Center for Religious Studies, Brigham Young University. CS1 maint: ref'harv (link) - Roper, Matthew (2005). The mythical manuscript has been found. FARMS REVIEW. 17 (2): 7–140. Archive from the original 2007-02-18. Extracted 2007-01-31.CS1 maint: ref'harv (link) - b Limited success so far in swaying popular opinion LDS is a constant source of frustration for Mormon apologists ... It seems that Mormons are generally content to present the history of the Book of Mormon in an environment that is actually wrong. For most Mormons, limited geography models create more problems than they solve. They contradict the dominant literal interpretation of the text and contradict popular folklore, as well as the clear statements of all the presidents of the church since the days of Joseph Smith, Simon G. Souterton (2004, Signature Books), Loss of the Lost Tribe, 164-165. Some of the senior management of the Community of Christ consider the Book of Mormon inspired by historical fiction. For church leaders in Utah, this is still out of the question. The Guide and most Mormons believe that the historical authenticity of the Book of Mormon is what reinforces Joseph Smith's prophetic calling and the divine authenticity of the Utah Church, Southernton (2004), pg. 201.The citations from Temple Sermons and Prayers in Central and South America by President Gordon B. Hinckley in 1999-2000 constantly refer to the present members of the LDS indigenous people as children of Lehi (Southerton, 38-39). Latter-day Saints believe that their Scripture is a story written by ancient prophets, Grant Hardy (2009, Yale University press office), Introduction, Book of Mormon: The Earliest Text, ed. Royal Skousen, pg. x. Joseph Smith stated that the front page is by no means a modern composition of mine or any other person who has lived or lived in this generation. , Joseph (October 1842). The truth will prevail. Times and seasons. III (24): 943. Received 2009-01-30.CS1 maint: ref'harv (link) - Book of Mormon Introduction No. Words_of_Mormon 1:3 and 1_Nephi 18:23 - b Brief explanation of the Book of Mormon. Ether 1:3 - Joseph L. Allen, Sacred Places: Searching the Book of Mormon Lands (2003) page 8. The book of Moroni. Moroni 10:4 - Davis, V.L. (2020). Visions in the Stone of The Seers: Joseph Smith and the book of Mormon. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press. 2020 page 89 - Gary Coleman, Book of Mormon: A Guide Covenant, Ensign, January 2002. Smith (1830, Title page) - Susan Ward Easton, Names of Christ in the Book of Mormon, Ensign, July 1978. Ether 3:16 - Ether 3:14 - Mosia 15:1-14 - 3_Nephi 19:22-23 - See. 3_Nephi 11 to 3_Nephi 26 - Ether 3:16 - 1_Nephi 11 - Mosiah 3:8 cm 1_Nephi 10:4, 1_Nephi 19:8; See also 3_Nephi 1 - Mosia 5:7 - Alma 46:13-15 - 4_Nephi 1:22-23 - 4_Nephi 1 - See John 10:16 in the version of the King James Bible 3_Nephi 15:13-24, 3_Nephi 16:1-4, 2_Nephi 29:7-14 1_Nephi 2:20; 1_Nephi 13:30; 2_Nephi 1:5; 2_Nephi 10:19; Jacob 5:43; Ether 1:38-42; Ether 2:7-15; 9:20 a.m. Ether 10:28 a.m. Ether 13:2. 1_Nephi 2:20; 2_Nephi 4:14; 2_Nephi 1:20; 2_Nephi 4:4; Jar 1:9;Omni 1:6; Mosia 1:7; Mosia 2:22-31; Alma 9:13; Alma 36:1; Alma 36:30; Alma 38:1; Alma 48:15-25. Alma 48:14 - Alma 24 - Alma 56:47-56 - Alma 24 - Mosia 29:13 - Mosia 29:18-22 - Mosia 29 Helaman 6:17 - Alma 62:9-11 - b 3_Nephi 26:19 - Alma 1:26-27 - Jacob 2:13-14; Alma 4:6; Alma 5:53; 4_Nephi 1:24. a b Benitez, Z. B. (2013). Ten Lost Tribes: World History. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Chapman, Jefferson. Prehistoric American Indians in Tennessee. University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Archive from the original 2012-02-05. Received 2012-02-08. COLAVITO, J. Mound is the builder of the myth UNIV of oklahoma Press. 2020 page 96 - Roger Kennedy, Hidden Cities: The Discovery and Loss of Ancient North American Civilization (Free Press, 1994) - Garlinghouse, Thomas, Revision Mound Builder Controversy, History Today, September 2001, Volume 51, Issue 9, p. 38. Robert Silverberg, of Ancient America: Archaeology of Myth (New York: New York Graphic Society, 1968); Silverberg 1969 harvnb error: no goal: CITEREFSilverberg1969 (help). Vogel, D. (1986). Indian Origins and the Book of Mormon Salt Lake City, UT: Signature Books. Curtis Dahl, Mound Builders, Mormons and William Cullen Bryant, New England quarterly, vol. 34, No. 2, June 1961, page 178-90 (quote on pg. 187). Joseph Smith, B. H. Roberts (ed.), Church History, 4, p. 461, Millet, Robert L. (2007). Strathern, Gay; Swift, Charles, First Book: Joseph Smith's Assessment. ISBN 978-1-59038-799-3. Doctrine and Covenants 84:54-57. Other texts include the Bible (King James Version), Doctrine and Covenant, and the Pearl of the Great Price: Nelson, Russell M. (November 2000), Living on Biblical Leadership, Ensign: 16-18 (discussion of how the four standard works of the church can provide guidance in life). a b Ezra Taft Benson, Book of Mormon - The Cornerstone of Our Religion, Ensign, November 1986. James E. Faust, Key of Our Religion, Ensign, January 2004. Https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/pgp/a-of-f/1?lang=eng . 1982, subtitle defined the book as Another Will of Jesus Christ, Church News, 1988-01-02. Book of Mormon: Another Covenant of Jesus Christ, mormonnewsroom.org. Boyd K. Packer, Scriptures, Ensign, November 1982. Ezra Taft Benson, Internal Ship Cleansing, Ensign, May 1986. b Ezra Taft Benson, Earth Flood book of Mormon, Ensign, November 1988. Dallin H. Oaks, The Other Testament of Jesus Christ, Ensign, March 1994 (reporting that Benson said at a meeting of church leaders on March 5, 1987, that his conviction has not been overturned, nor will it be until we repent). Gordon B. Hinckley, Testimony of the Living and the True, Ensign, August 2005. Moroni 10:3-5; See Cook, Gene R. (April 1994), Moroni's Promise, Ensign: 12 and Ted Walsh, 12 things I learned about the church that I didn't know before general conference, Deseret News, October 4, 2020. McMurray, W. Grant, They Bloom like a Rose: Native Americans and the Dream of Sion, an address delivered on February 17, 2001, cofchrist.org. Andrew M. Shields, Official Minutes Business Session, Wednesday March 28, 2007, 2007 World Conference Thursday Bulletin, March 29, 2007. The Community of Christ, 2007. Robinson, British Columbia (June 8, 2010). LDS Restoration Movement, including The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. ReligiousTolerance.org. Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. Received 2013-01-01. Simon G. Southernton. Loss of a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA and the Mormon Church (2004, Signature Books, Passim)Page xv: Antropoligists and archaeologists, including some Mormons and former Mormons, have found little to support the existence of the Book of Mormon civilizations. For 150 years, when scientists seriously studied Indian cultures and prehistory, evidence of Christian civilization in America eluded experts ... These Mesoamerican cultures have no traces of Hebrew or Egyptian writing, metallurgy or domesticated Old World animals and plants described in the Book of Mormon. While most scientific organizations simply ignore the Book of Mormon just as they ignore the Bible and other religious books as sources of scientific information(), the Smithsonian and the National Geographic Society have issued clear denials that the Book of Mormon has ever been used in scientific research sponsored by their organizations. The Book of Mormon is often included in lists of archaeological hoaxes such as Williams takes on the Cardiff Giant, Grave Creek Stone, Lenape Stone, Holly Oak Pendant, Walam Olum, Trenton's Paleolithic Guns, Atlantis, Moo, the Book of Mormon and related finds of the Holy Stones, various and different stones, Tucson Crosses, Mystery Hill, George North America, mental archaeology and other fantasies. J.F. Custer, Review of Fantastic Archaeology: The Wild Side of the North American Backstory by Stephen Williams, American Antiquity (1993) 58:372-373. The exceptions are several LDS organizations that sponsor historical and archaeological research, such as FairMormon, the Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, and Brigham Young University; and LDS magazines. Citing the lack of specific geographical locations of the New World to search, Michael D. Coe, a renowned Mesoamerican archaeologist and emeritus professor of anthropology at Yale University, writes (in 1973 volume Dialogue: Diary of Mormon Thought): As far as I know, there is not a single professionally trained archaeologist who is not a Mormon who sees any scientific justification for believing in the historicality of the Book of Mormon, and I would like to say that there are many Mormon archaeologists who join this group. No. 1 Nephi 18:25LDS Scientists think this may be the result of reassigning familiar labels on unfamiliar objects. For example, the Delaware Indians named a cow after a deer, and the Miami Indians named the sheep when they were first seen like a cow. John L. Sorenson, Ancient American Installation for the Book of Mormon (Salt Lake City, Calif.: Deseret Book Co.; Provo, Utah : Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1996 (1985), 294. ISBN 1-57345-157-6 Archive April 2, 2013, in wayback machine - b c 1 Nephi 18:25 No 1 Nefi 18:25Smithiman Institute Statement on the Book of Mormon Item 4 Archive May 20, May 20, 2012, in Wayback Machine - Ether 9:19 No. 1 Nephi 4:9 - Alma 18:9 - A traditional view of the Book of Mormon suggests that Native Americans are primarily descendants of Israeli migration around 600 BC. For example: Simon G. Southernton. 2004. Loss of a lost tribe: Native Americans, DNA and the Mormon Church. Media captionThe whole book focuses on the specific topic of DNA evidence and the Book of Mormon... DNA lines in Central America resemble those of other Native American tribes on two continents. More than 99 per cent of the lines found among indigenous groups in the region are clearly of Asian origin. Modern and ancient DNA samples tested among the Maya tend to fall into the main base classes of the line... The Mayan Empire was considered the closest Mormon to the people of the Book of Mormon because its people were literate and culturally sophisticated. However, leading New World anthropologists, including those specializing in the region, found that the Mayans were similarly associated with Asians. Stephen L. Whittington... didn't know about any scientists in anthropology that is trying to prove the Jewish origin of Native Americans ... Archaeologists and physical anthropologists have found no evidence of Jewish origin for the people of North, South and Central America. (pg 191) Defenders of the book's historical authenticity suggest that the Book of Mormon does not allow other groups of people to contribute to the genetic makeup of Native Americans. However, it is a departure from the traditional view that Israelis are the main ancestors of Native Americans, and so one would expect to present some genetic evidence of Middle Eastern origin. However, the recently announced change in the introduction of the Book of Mormon provides a wider diversity of Native American ancestors. See, for example, the following article by Deseret News, published on November 9, 2007: Intro Change in the Book of Mormon Spurs Discussion Peterson, Daniel C. (January 2000), Montage of Evidence for the Book of Mormon, Ensign Editor, Dennis L. Largey, total (2003). Reference companion of the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book. ISBN 978-1573452311.CS1 maint: additional text: list of authors (link) - b d e f h skousen, Royal. Changes in the Book of Mormon (Transcription of a Live Presentation). Конференция FAIR 2002: FAIR. Extracted 2009-09-25.CS1 maint: location (link) - b Skousen, Royal Skousen (1992), Ludlow, Daniel H (ed.), Encyclopedia of Mormonism, New York: Macmillan Publishing, page 185-186, ISBN 978-02-879602-4, OCLC 24502140 - Toone, Trent (2015-08-06). Talk about preserving the manuscript of the book of Mormon print. DeseretNews.com. Received 2017-09-23. The Church acquires the manuscript of the book of Mormon. Mormon News. Received 2017-09-21. Walch, Ted (September 20, 2017). The LDS Church is buying a printed manuscript of the Book of Mormon for a record $35 million. Deseret (Salt Lake City) News. Received on September 22, 2017. In its current state, the printer's manuscript lacks three lines covering 1 Nephi 1:7-8, 20. - Manuscript of the Book of Mormon, 1923 Photostatic Copies. josephsmithpapers.org page 0-464. Received 2016-01-13. 3. History of All Important Things (DD 69:3): John Whitmer's record of Church History by the Center for Religious Studies. Rsc.byu.edu. Received 2017-09-25. Montgomerymontgomery, Rick (2017-09-21). The manuscript of the Book of Mormon may be the most expensive book in the world by the Star of Kansas City. Kansascity.com. Received 2017-09-25. Mims, Bob (2017-09-21). Historian: At $35M, the manuscript of the original Book of Mormon printer deal - Salt Lake Tribune. Sltrib.com. Received 2017-09-25. - The Research Foundation of zaratemla publishes a 48-page booklet titled The Book of Mormon Chapter and Verse: Transforming RLDS-SPD so that LDS readers can find links from RLDS and vice versa. The revised text was first published in 1981 and the subtitle was added in October 1982: Packer, Boyd K. (November 1982). Scripture. Ensign. You should also know that the Recent Decision of the Brothers Book of Mormon will henceforth be called the Book of Mormon with the subtitle Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Book of Mormon Editions (1830-1981). In Ludlow, Daniel H. ISBN 978-0-02-879602-4. OCLC 24502140.CS1 maint: ref'harv (link) - The Church is releasing a new edition of English Scripture in digital formats. ChurchofJesusChrist.org. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Received on March 6, 2013. Reeve, W. Paul; Parshall, Ardis E. (August 13, 2010). Mormonism: Historical Encyclopedia: Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. page 74. ISBN 9781598841084. Received on March 24, 2018. Foreword to the Book of Mormon. Received on March 21, 2020. BYU catalog for the Book of Mormon. English. 1840 (1992) - Johnson, D. Lynn (2000). Restored edition of the Book of Mormon Testament - Text restored to its purity?. FARMS REVIEW. 12 (2). Archive from the original 2008-10-16. Extracted 2009-02-12.CS1 maint: ref'harv (link) - Moore, Carrie A. (November 9, 2007). The intro changes in the Book of Mormon spur debate. Deseret News. Archive from the original january 8, 2009. Received 2009-08-26. Carrie A. Moore (November 11, 2004). The Double Book of Mormon is on its way. Deseret News. Archive from the original on May 13, 2010. Received 2009-08-26. Press Experience - Book of Mormon - Scoosen, Royal; Smith, Joseph. Yale University Press. Received 2009-09-22. A new approach to the study of the Book of Mormon - Rosenvall, Lynn A. and Rosenvall, David L. (Ed). Oliver Tree Foundation. Received on October 11, 2020. Peter Crowley (1997). Descriptive bibliography of the Mormon Church, volume 1830-1847. Provo, Utah: Center for Religious Studies, Brigham Young University. page 151. ISBN 978-1-57008-395-2. Archive from the original on June 11, 2011. Received 2009-02-12. Mary Jane Woodger (2000). How did the Guide to the English Pronunciation of the Names of the Book of Mormon appear. Diary of a Book of Mormon Studies. 9 (1). Archive from the original 2008-12-23. Received 2009-02-21.CS1 maint: ref'harv (link) - Stanley R. Larson, Study of some textual variations in the Book of Mormon, Comparison of the Original and Print of MSS., and Comparison of 1830, 1837 and 1840 editions, unpublished Master's Thesis (Provo: BYU, 1974). Stanley Larson, Early Book of Mormon Texts: TextUal Changes in the Book of Mormon in 1837 and 1840, Sunstone, 1/4 (Autumn 1976), 44-55; Larson, Text Options in the Book Manuscripts, Dialogue: Diary of Mormon Thought, 10/4 (Autumn 1977), 8-30 (FARMS Reprint LAR-77); Larson, Emendation Hypothesis and text of the Book of Mormon, BYU Research, 18 (summer 1978), 563-569 FARMS Reprint LAR-78. Robert F. Smith, Ed., Book of Mormon Critical Text, 2nd Ed., 3 vols. (Provo: FARMS, 1986-1987). - Original manuscript of the Book of Mormon (Provo: FARMS, 2001); Manuscript of the Book of Mormon Printer, 2 vols. (FARMS, 2001). Analysis of the text versions of the Book of Mormon, 6 vols. (Provo: FARMS, 2004-2009) - now overshadowed by the second ed. - Scoozen, Book of Mormon: The Earliest Text (Yale Univ. Press, 2009). The Book of Mormon is a textual change. Fairmore. Fairmore. Received on December 18, 2017. Taking Scripture into the world, Ensign: 24, July 2001 - Welcome : b Church News: First Presidency Emphasizes Following the Example of Christ, Ensign: 75-76, February 2005 - Parker, T. (Writer), Parker, T. (Director). All about Mormons. In Trey Packer and Matt Stone, South Park. Los Angeles: South Park Digital Studios Ltd. Who's nominated? All categories. tonyawards.com. May 3, 2011. Received on May 3, 2011. Elizabeth A. Harris (October 13, 2019). Lights. Camera. Prayer. Mini-Hollywood grows in Utah. The New York Times. Received 2020-07-31. Book of Mormon Videos on IMDb - Christensen, Daniel (September 20, 2019). Watch the first video in the Book of Mormon series. Church news. Received 2020-07-31. 150 Million and Counting: The Book of Mormon Reaches Another March, Church News, 2011-04-18. b Givi, Terrill (2009). Book of Mormon: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Publishing House. 60-61. ISBN 9780195369311. OCLC 301705600. Hardy, Grant (2010). Understanding the Book of Mormon: A reader's guide. Oxford: Oxford University Publishing House. page 5. ISBN 9780199731701. OCLC 436310425. Links Brewster, queen (1996). The structure of the Book of Mormon: Theory of Evolutionary Development. Dialogue: The Diary of a Mormon Thought. 29 (2): 109–140. Archive from the original from July 22, 2007.CS1 maint: ref'harv (link). Brodie, Fawn M. (1971), No Man Knows My Story: The Life of Joseph Smith (2nd Ed.), New York: Knopf, ISBN 978-0-394-46967-6 Bushman, Richard Liman (2005). Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling. New York: Knopf. ISBN 978-1-4000-4270-8. Dunn, Scott C (2002). Automaticity and dictation of the Book of Mormon. Vogel, Dan; Brent Lee Metcalfe, 17-46. ISBN 978-1-56085-151-6. Folking, Scott H (June 2000). The return of Oliver Cowdery. The Apprentice as a Witness: Essays on the history of Latter-day Saints and the doctrine in honor of Richard Lloyd Anderson. Provo, Utah. Archive from the original 2007-10-13.CS1 ref'harv (link) Giviks, Terrill (2002). The Hand of Mormon: The American Scripture that launched the religion of a new world. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-516888-4.CS1 maint: ref'harv (link) Hitchens, Christopher (2007). God is not Great. New York: 12.CS1 maint: ref'harv (link) Howe, Eber Dudley (1834). Mormonism is unvailed: Or, a faithful account of this singular introduction and delusion, from its rise to the present. Paynesville, Ohio: Telegraph Press. Jesse, Dean (1970). Original manuscript of the Book of Mormon (PDF). BYU research. 10 (3): 1. Archive of the original (PDF) on September 10, 2008.CS1 maint: ref'harv (link) Midgley, Louis C (1997). Who actually wrote the Book of Mormon?: Critics and their theories. In Reynolds, Noel B (The Book of Mormon Authorship Again: Evidence of Ancient Origin. ISBN 978-0-934893-25-1. Persjut, David (2000). Joseph Smith and the origins of the Book of Mormon (second place). McFarland and the company. ISBN 978-0-7864-0826-9. Price, Robert M (2002). Prophecy and Palimpsest. Dialogue: The Diary of a Mormon Thought. 35 (3). SKU1 maint: ref'harv (link) Roberts, Brigham H (1985). Madsen, Brigham D. (Study of the Book of Mormon. Urban, Illinois: University of Illinois Press. ISBN 978-0-252-01043-9. Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies. (2001a). The original manuscript of the Book of Mormon: a typographic facsimile of the waiting text. In Scoosen, Royal, the Book of Mormon critical Text Project. ISBN 978-0-934893-04-6. Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies. (2001b). ISBN 978-0-934893-05-3. Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies. (2001b). Printed manuscript of the Book of Mormon: a typographical facsimile of the entire text in two parts. In Sco makesen, The Royal Is the Book of Mormon Critical Text Project. 2-2. Provo, Utah: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies. ISBN 978-0-934893-06-0. Royal Scoozen. (2004). Analysis of textual versions of the Book of Mormon. In Sco make-up, the Royal is the Book of Mormon Critical Text Project. 4-1. Provo, Utah: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies. ISBN 978-0-934893-07-7. Royal Scoozen. (2005). Analysis of text versions of the Book of Mormon. In Scoosen, Royale, the Book of Mormon critical Text Project. 4-2. Provo, Utah: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies. ISBN 978-0- 934893-08-4. Scoozen, Royal (2006). Analysis of the textual versions of the Book of Mormon. In Scoosen, Royale, the Book of Mormon critical Text Project. 4-3. Provo, Utah: Foundation for Ancient Studies and Mormon Studies. Joseph Jr. (March 26, 1830). Book of Mormon: A Bill Written by the Hand of Mormon on sheets taken from Nephi's plates. Palmyra, New York: E. B. Grandin.CS1 maint: ref'harv (link) Smith, Joseph Jr. (July 1838). Editor's note. The eldest diary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1 (3). STALT CS1: ref'harve (link) Spalding, Solomon (1996). Reeve, Rex C (The Manuscript Found: The Complete Original of the Spaulding Manuscript. Provo, Utah: Center for Religious Studies, Brigham Young University, Tvedtnes, John A (1984). Recommended documents. Provo, Utah: Maxwell Institute. Van Wagoner, Richard S. Walker, Stephen K. (summer 1982). Joseph Smith: The Gift of Seeing. Dialogue: Diary of Mormon Thought. 15 (2): 48-68.CS1 Maint: ref'harv (link) Vogel, Dan (2004). : Making a Prophet. Salt Lake City: Subscription Books. ISBN 978-1-56085-179-0. Further reading by Paul K. Gutjahr (2012). Book of Mormon: Biography. life of great religious books. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-14480-1. JSTOR j.ctt7s5sf. Noel B. Reynolds (1997). Book of Mormon Authorship Again: Evidence of Ancient Origin. Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (FARMS). ISBN 978-0-934893-25-1. OCLC 36877441. Archive from the original 2013- 12-19. Received 2013-12-18. Roy A. Cheville (1964). Scripture of Ancient America: Exploring the Book of Mormon. Harald Publishing House. Brent Lee Metcalfe, Ed. New approaches to the Book of Mormon: Research in Critical Methodology. Subscription books. ISBN 978-1-56085-017-5. OCLC 25788077. Dan Vogel and Brent Metcalfe. American apocryph: Essays about the Book of Mormon. Subscription books. ISBN 978-1-56085-151-6. OCLC 47870060. Grant H. Palmer (2002). An insider's view of Mormon origins. Subscription books. ISBN 978-1-56085-157-8. OCLC 50285328. Simon G. Southernton (2004). Loss of lost tribe: Native Americans, DNA and the Mormon Church. Subscription books. ISBN 978-1560851813. OCLC 55534917. Daniel C. Peterson, Ed. The Book of Mormon and DNA Research. Neil A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship. ISBN 9780842527064. OCLC 226304684. Archive from the original 2013-12-19. Received 2013-12-18. Terril L. Givivs (2002). The Hand of Mormon: The American Scripture that launched the religion of the New World. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0195138184. OCLC 47838555. John L. Sorenson (2013). Mormon Codex: The Ancient American Book. Neil A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship (BYU) and Deseret book. ISBN 9781609073992. OCLC 828334040. Reynolds, George (1888). History of the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City, Utah: Jose Hyrum Perry. page 494. Ludlow, Daniel H., Ed. The Book of Mormon. Encyclopedia of Mormonism. New York, NY: Macmillan. 139-216. ISBN 978-0-02-904040-9. maint: ref'harv (link) External Links Works, Related to the Book of Mormon (1830 Edition) in Wikisource Media, related to the Book of Mormon in the Commons quotations related to the Book of Mormon in the Book of Wikiquote (with churchofjesuschrist.org) The Gutenberg Project has the full text of the Book of Mormon in various formats (chapters of the LDS and measurement) of the 1908 Book of Mormon (Chapters of the IRS) Book of Mormon; An account written by the hand of Mormon on sheets taken from Nephi's plates. From the collections in the Library of Congress extracted from the original book of mormon cast. original book of mormon pdf. original book of mormon manuscript. original book of mormon for sale. original book of mormon broadway cast. original book of mormon text. original book of mormon chapters. original book of mormon value

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