Eating Habits, to Remind You of the Excitement of Some Leisure Activities As Well As the Necessity of Being Engaged in a Tailor-Made Occupational Activity
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2019 11 11 профільний рівень ENGLISH SPEAKING WORLD Лілія Морська АНГЛІЙСЬКА МОВА (11-й рік навчання, профільний рівень) Підручник для 11 класу закладів загальної середньої освіти Liliya Morska ENGLISH Year 11 A textbook for the eleventh form of secondary schools Profiled level Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України Тернопіль Астон 2019 УДК 811.111(075.3) M 79 Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України (наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України від 12.04.2019 № 472) Видано за рахунок державних коштів. Продаж заборонено. Морська Л. І. M 79 Англійська мова (11-й рік навчання, профільний рівень) (English (the 11th year of studies)): підручник для 11 класу закладів загальної середньої освіти. — Тернопіль: Астон, 2019. — 256 c. : іл. ISBN 978-966-308-749-8 Підручник призначений для учнів одинадцятих класів закладів загальної середньої освіти, що виконують навчальну програму за профільним рівнем. Підручник складається із восьми тематичних розділів відповідно до вимог чинної програми Міністерства освіти і науки України (”Покоління: люди і суспільство”, ”Здоровий спосіб життя: їжа”, ”Хобі і відпочинок у вільний час”, ”Світ мандрів”, ”Вік живи – вік учись”, ”Цифрові технології і наукові досягнення”, ”Світ професій” ”Мистецтво”), кожен з яких пропонує вправи і завдання для формування мовних навичок (лексичних і граматичних – Vocabulary Builder, Grammar Builder) і мовленнєвих умінь (читання – Reading Skill Builder, аудіювання – Listening Skill Builder, усного мовлення – Speaking Skill Builder і писемного мовлення – Writing Skill Builder). У запропонованих розділах подається блок завдань для повторення (Let’s Revise and Practise), а також для консолідації лексико- граматичних навичок (Use of English) у форматі тестів зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання (ЗНО). Варто зазначити, що більшість завдань у підручнику відповідає формату ЗНО з метою належної підготовки учнів до завершального оцінювання. ISBN 978-966-308-749-8 © Морська Л. І., 2019 © ТзОВ ”Видавництво Астон”, 2019 Are You Ready for Achievement Assessment? Let’s Revise and Practise! Dear pupils! This academic year is going to be the last one for you at school! I am sure it will be difficult and demanding, requiring much effort investment on your part. A lot of you will have to take your final test or exam in English. Sitting for exams is usually stressful for those people who are not properly prepared. I do hope that the book you are holding in your hands will help you consolidate your knowledge and skills in English, get perfectly ready for the assessment of your academic achievement and enjoy the process of passing your final exams. The textbook has been created not only to help you with tests, but also to keep you interested in a plethora of burning issues for discussion, to upgrade your knowledge of state-of-the-art technology and advancements in education, to expand your horizons in traveling opportunities, to sharpen your eye in appreciation of artistic creations, to draw your attention to healthy eating habits, to remind you of the excitement of some leisure activities as well as the necessity of being engaged in a tailor-made occupational activity. You are kindly encouraged to look through the book and mark the pages containing some information which has triggered the desire to learn more about the issue or to share what you already know with your classmates. I wish you to fully realise your expectations about the study process throughout this academic year and get pleasure from learning English!!! Умовні позначення завдання для завдання для завдання для граматичні аудіювання читання усного мовлення завдання лексичні завдання для завдання для завдання писемного мовлення cамостійної роботи 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS VOCABULARY GRAMMAR BUILDER READING SKILL BUILDER BUILDER Male and female Passive Voice; Skimming reading strategies; relatives; Conditionals; Mixed Typical families in the west; Life stages; Conditionals Adult children coming home; Activities with Birthday celebration around the friends Globe; Mother responsible for her son’s truancy; UNIT 1 Being seventeen; GENERATIONS: Family unity and success; Parenting in the XXI century PEOPLE AND SOCIETY p. 8 p. 13 p. 18 Preparing food; Tag Questions; The Importance of Food; Flavours; Tense Forms Review Some Facts about Rice; Eating out; Microwaving; Food consumption Miraculous Plant of Zimbabwe; Olive Oil UNIT 2 EATING HABITS HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: p. 42 p. 46 p. 48 Indoor activities; Word building; Heading matching strategies; Outdoor activities; Active Voice Tense Sports Club Design; Phrasal verbs Forms Leisure Spending Habits; Summary task strategies; Sports and Recreation in Australia; Book Clubs; UNIT 3 Soap Operas INTERESTS HOBBIES AND p. 64 p. 69 p. 75 Accommodation; Conditional II; Understanding travel Travelling modes; Tense Forms Review advertisement; Travelling Fear of Flying; impressions; Tourism industry today; Travel destinations; Self-Catering Holiday Cottages; Touring Ukraine; Travel for the elderly; Travel idioms Bike tours around Ukraine; UNIT 4 Travel and Travel writing EXPLORE THE WORLD p. 96 p. 101 p. 107 4 WRITING SKILL LISTENING SKILL BUILDER SPEAKING SKILL BUILDER BUILDER Listen and match the items; Group discussion; Writing an informal Listen and complete the table; Ask and answer questions; letter Listen and compare Rearranging and acting out a dialogue; Conducting a survey; Matching activity p. 31 p. 33 p. 36 Listen and complete the notes; Asking and answering Writing a review Listen and choose the correct item; questions; Listen and do ”true/false” activity Reasoning to prove one’s opinion; Rearranging and acting out the dialogue; Preparing food according to the recipe p. 55 p. 57 p. 59 Listen and do ”true/false” activity; Group discussion; Writing a review; Listen and fill in the gaps; Ask and answer questions; Describing graphs Listen and answer the questions Expressing a personal opinion; Speaking using the substitution table; Describing a recent TV programme; Conducting an interview and presenting the results p. 84 p. 85 p. 87 Listen and match the items; Group discussion; Writing a description Listen and do ”true/false” activity; Ask and answer questions; of a perfect holiday Listen and rearrange the dialogue; Describing a travel Listen and complete the sentences; destination Listen and choose the correct item p. 116 p. 121 p. 122 5 VOCABULARY GRAMMAR BUILDER READING SKILL BUILDER BUILDER Types of schools; Review of -ed (or the Multiple-choice task strategies; Academic past participle) or -ing The love for books; achievement and forms; The Creation Myth; degrees; Adverbial modifiers; True/False/Not given task School idioms and Indirect questions; strategies; collocations Conditionals; Revolution in Knowledge Sharing; Clauses of purpose Unfair Education; Classification task strategies; UNIT 5 Oxford and Cambridge; The Use of Interactive LIVE AND LEARN Whiteboard p. 126 p. 131 p. 135 Technological Clauses of Purpose; Digital Dark Age; advancement; Future Tense Forms Mobile Phone Games; Techno-savvy home Techno-Wizardry in the Home; Human Voice Simulation; Augmented Reality UNIT 6 AROUND US DIGITAL WORLD p. 156 p. 162 p. 169 Names of Used to/ be used to; Job description; occupations; Modals; Workaholics; Types of employees; Defining/ non-defining Why women have to work; Popular occupations clauses Colleagues at work; in Ukraine; Career promotion; Job description; Job opportunities for foreigners Job Interviews; in Ukraine UNIT 7 Phrasal verbs A TAILOR-MADE JOB: WHAT IS YOUR CHOICE? p. 192 p. 197 p. 202 Visual Arts; Pronouns; History of Architecture; Performance Arts; Verbs of Sensation; Playing the Bagpipe; Prominent artists; Future in the Past Vivid and Unique: London’s Attending Arts Notting Hill Carnival; Events; The Mystery behind the Great Music Idioms Pyramid at Giza; UNIT 8 The Sahara Film Festival OF CREATION ARTS: THE BEAUTY p. 222 p. 229 p. 234 6 WRITING SKILL LISTENING SKILL BUILDER SPEAKING SKILL BUILDER BUILDER Listen and complete the sentences; Group discussion; Writing a book Listen and do ”true/false” activity; Ask and answer questions; review; Listen and fill in the gaps Pair discussion; Writing a report Describing the pictures by means of comparison p. 147 p. 149 p. 151 Listen and choose the correct item; Asking and answering Short email Listen and do ”true/ false” activity; questions; requests; Listen and write down the selected Making predictions about Opinion essay items; the future of technologies; Listen and complete the table Speaking about prominent Ukrainian scientists p. 181 p. 184 p. 187 Listen and answer the questions; Group discussion; Writing a letter of Listen and do ”true/false” activity; Ask and answer questions; application; Listen and fill in the gaps; Describing a job; Writing a CV Listen and choose the correct item Ranking the priorities; Making up mini-dialogues; Going through a job interview p. 209 p. 212 p. 216 Listen and fill in the blanks; Discussing the issues of Writing a report Listen and complete the sentences; visual and performance Listen and choose the correct item; arts; Listen and do ”true/ false” activity Describing a painting; Graffiti: art or vandalism; Prominent creators in Arts p. 243 p. 246 p. 251 7 GENERATIONS:GENERATIONS: PEOPLEPEOPLE AND SOCIETYSOCIETY UNIT 1 GENERATIONS: PEOPLE AND SOCIETY VOCABULARY BUILDER Family Nuclear Close and distant relatives (immediate) (extended family): UNIT family: UNIT grandfather, grandmother, Father, mother, son, uncle, aunt, grandson, daughter, brother, granddaughter, nephew, 1 sister,