C, W, BOOTH JAPANESE CLAIM to HAVE SUNK THREE of ARTHUR FLEET HOME RULE REGALIA CONVERTED PORT .Ys'aa'aaaa'a'aaafaaaas'aaa'aaaa'ata - - - -- ' -- - -- ...-T F&-I..-
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V .L CKTOUKU SEMI.WEEKLY. wiioLie No. 20:12. VOL. XXXIX, NO. 32 HONOLULU, H. T TUESDAY U. 1904 VnTFRS THROW HUT C, W, BOOTH JAPANESE CLAIM TO HAVE SUNK THREE OF ARTHUR FLEET HOME RULE REGALIA CONVERTED PORT .yS'AA'AAAA'A'AAAfAAAAS'AAA'AAAA'AtA - - - -- ' -- - -- ...-t F&-I..- .. tie Will Preside at the Zlllja'n7.JtkHHi:.l?iHVE'.ilJ Jail H7fR73;K Republicans Gaining Ground on Hawaii Republican Discussion Boy Lost In Woods Rough Site Rally. Base Ball General Items. Charles W. Booth will make his de- but tomorrow (Wednesday) evening as HILO, Oct. ".There wns a small Im- ing, trailed the forest without success a public champion of the Republican up morning, promptu gathering nt Walnkea on Sat- till Thursday when Sheriff cause. A delegation of'promlnent urday night at which Keklna announc- Andrews sent a fresh party out with ed his withdrawal and called upon his cane knives to cut trails. The child's called on Mr. Booth and ask- were (juices hearers to vote the straight Republican tracks found in onlyito be ed htm to preside nt a Republican ticket. At the same time there was a lost. As cold weathernnd rain prevull-e- d meeting in Olaa that drew out all the Tuesday night, ItJJs feared the boy meeting In Pauoa Valley that evening. residents within a radius of five miles will not be found iillve. The family ' Mr. Booth consented, mnklng cordial ot the meeting and the result was most of the boy Is namedjKunehal and con- satisfactory. sists of the parents ;'nnd two Jfchlldren, remarks. He said that Governor Car- The Hawuilans seemed to "'' be favorably impressed and some who a boy and a girl. ft ter was a schoolfellow ot his and a "Were wearing tore Df'Jiocratlc buttons GENERAL NEWS. man In whom he had much confidence. them from theli coats and asked for A Japanese tiavellng from Hononiu Not only would be preside the meet- Kuhio buttons. ,t is not thought that to I'epeekeo discovered the body a at of ing these conversions are mere spasmodic, man hanging to a tree near the road. and support the ticket, but would temporary affairs but that' they will It is said that the suicide was a man take the stump In the Republican cam- last.' Olaa has been Intensely Home 58 yenrs of age, a resident of Wnlplo, paign. The future of the Hawaiian Rule In the past, even when Mr. who had been missing four days from people he believed depended on Re- a politician of more than or- the the house ot a friend he lind been visit- publican party. dinary ability, was the leader there. ing. The Herald, reporting the case, It is now believed, however, that the does not give the dead man's name or As Mr. Booth Is regarded as one ot day of Home Rulelsm is nearing Its nationality. the best Hawaiian speakers in the Ter- close and that the Republican party will Miss Alice Weight has resigned her ritory, he Is considered a valuable ac- have a majority in the second precinct. school at Papalkou accepted a posi- and quisition to the party by the Repub- THE JAIL SITE. tion as operator In the Hilo office of -- ,ggM -- telephone company. Lud-lof- lican leaders, KW tThe Herald says: "Any resident of the Mrs. H. f f flkkkkkH Htlo knows has been appointed teacher nt Pa that the proposed site for palkou. a new jail Is superior to the one purpose P. Peck and family have moved Into BIG POLITICAL 'f'fl for that nnd which continuing. a handsome new residence, built on the executive fuvors From plans by any point of view It is better to have A. W. Rlchley, architect, car- rying out the owner's Ideas. The house the Jail a short distance from town y H and when the Governor learns that is one-stor- of bungalow pattern and replaces the mansion burned last Jan- - without an exception the citizens pre uary. fer the site selected by the committee Its Interior Is finished In natural appointed by the Board of Trade, It h woods, Hawaiian koa predominating. The Republicans held forth last night The steamer Enterprise be de- onot thought probable op Kua-mo- o, that he will layed In Manoa at the residence of Jack pose It. If sanitary reasons alone were in arriving here from San Fran- cisco, owing to having been engaged nt considered, the new site would be de- of the new ninth to tow the Marlon Chilcott ' Hono- cided upon, and as there are other rea- precinct. The meeting was preceded sons just as weighty the Governor will lulu. probably yield to the wishes In a scrap between two boys, a Por- by a luau, at which the wheelhoraes of of the Hllo tuguese Bridge people." and a Porto Rlcan, on party were present. street the Porto Rlcan, when he thought the The Republican ROUGH BASEBALL. he wns getting the worst ot the en- quintet club wns brought to KuamoO's J game Last Sunday's baseball between counter, drew a long knife nnd would In a wagonette, and during the even- -- Beamers and the Unions-w- as pro- have his antagonist had he not been the cut ing enlivening the music. , line of disputes, ending in a protest of stopped. affair with .the Beamers against a ruling that, If Manager Bldgood's register showed a The crowd arrived early, somegong not rescinded, may keep them from rainfall of but 2,4 Inches at the Volcano to the valley on the 6 o'clock cars. playing again. AVery of the Unions was House from August 20 to September 28. Wagonettes, buggies and surreys car- down while making a slide by supply was thrown The hotel's water short for ried other portions of crowd collision with Teves, striking head nnd some time until relieved by a shower on the there S neck on the ground with such force September ID. For twenty-tw- o days the until after o'clock. as to pioduce concussion of the brain. upper slopes of Mauna Loa had no rain W. W. Han Is presided at the meet- He was unconscious until 9 o'clock in and It was with difficulty that sufficient ing, among W. if1 - WW vf. i&. i and the speakers were E. 5l - J the evening. On Wednesday he.wns re- water was obtained for stock and do- , .VJV F. Bishop, Jack Kuatnoo, Wm. Aylett, r ijjii--- ' easy. Qulnl " .ft BT-- ported to be resting nnd mestic purposes. .!lV m--. ' eiia Lane, e, iassasKr. ... -- lladelros of the Unions and Teves of The Hllo Agricultural Society met at John Senator Achl, Frank i"j4iiti k - j'' '4t"sv.i, xrysiKZi the Beamers are to be censured for the office of Chns. Furneaux and adopt- E. W. Qulnn, Lorrln Andrews, ..t.i-.i,- . .. iHiiLtsntti:' Tough playing. ed a constitution nnd s, nfter ij E. K. Lllikalani. running without any governing rules for USE BY A I ASSOCIATION. f THE MEGAPHONE IN JAPANESE SIGNALLING PARTY. T.URF over two years. given A thirty days' option has been Don Bowman and Postmnster Ma- The enlarged form of speak ing-trump- ct known as the megaphone is capable of greatly intensify- - some Hilo gentlemen on the Hoo-Uu- lu to deira returned from their two weeks' y ing the power of the h voice. For sea and land signalling it is invaluable, and has Park with the understanding that camping expedition on Mauna Ke.i. unian Liao-tun- g a racing association be formed. The Mr. and Mrs. Shlpmnn, with their tluee been used with effect by the Japanese during their operations on the coast of the put upon piopeity Is reason- price the children and a guide, accompanied theih IN FOURTH TONIGHT y Peninsula. Communication between ships and the shore has been carried on with ease. able nnd there Is every Indication that from Shlpman's ranch at Puueo. Lunch- the full amount will be subscribed. It eon was had at the lake Inside ot tho vvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv-v-v-- Is the intention of the new company crater. Mrs. Shlpman, although born meeting of the 300 registered years ngo. to have the principal on the Islands, had never visited the "Roosevelt Reservation," the Fourth more than two Stocsscl May Surrender If Not Re- year on July 4, and at New Year's peaks or experienced the exhilarating there will be horse racing and an ex- pustlme of snowballing before. The District Republican headquarters hibition of work by the cow puncheis snow in places was found to be severnl speechmaklng on King street, REPUBLICANS HOLD Is Is- aiea lieved Kuropatkin from the different ranches on this in depth. C. E. Weight and R. T. feet the Light oillce build- land. There will be contests in throw- Guard were ot the party the flist week Electric ing and branding cattle, iough tiding out of Hllo. Bowman anil Madeira, ing, will be the scene tonight of a and other sports peculiar to the ranch companions left them, MEETING IN Unchecked. when these great gntheiing of Republicans, Chair- FIFTH life of the cow boys. enmned Puakala, the former home nt preside BOY LOST IX FOREST. stead of Rex Hitchcock, and later made man Loriln Andrews will at the nge, two days' stop with Sam Paiker Jr., meeting. He has arranged to have (ASSOCIATED PBKBB OAlUiEQBAMB.) A Guild. boy, five years of a A Republican meeting will be held strayed from the homo ot his parents at Knlalelm.