One Copy Per Staff Member 12 October 1961 GATT Office Circular No. 87
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One copy per staff member 12 October 1961 GATT Office Circular No. 87 LIST OF LIAISON OFFICERS AMD REPRBSSNTATIgSS 1.- The persons listed below are to receive a copy of all official communications sent directly to their governments. 2. Although airgrams are sent- only to ministers for foreign affairs, etc., a copy marked "for information" is to be addressed to each of the persons listed below. For the convenience-of representatives, care should be taken that the copy of the airgram be sent in the language indicated by the address below even though the original may be sent to his govornment in the other language. -. 3. For their convenienae, an extra copy (on printed "copy" paper) of any correspondence sent directly to liaison officers and representatives listed below should be prepared and attached to the original for despatch. It «-' should be remembered that for any correspondence of which a copy is to be sent to anyone outside the GATT"secretariat, the copy should be,prepared on printed copy paper .so as to avoid any confusion in the mind of the •: recipient as to its.origin or purpose. Likewise, any attachment to a letter of this nature which heretofore was despatched in one copy should be sent in future in duplicate. 4. The Chairman of the CONTRACTING- PARTIES receives a copy in English of all official correspondence, including airgrams, secret or otherwise, which is all contracting .parties. It is not necessary, however, to send him copies of letters despatched only to one or several contracting parties. His address is: H.E. Mr. -Edmundo Penna Barbosa da Silva, Chairman of the CONTRACTING PARTIES to GATT, Présidente dp.Instituo do Azuçar e do Alcool, Era ça Quinze de; Novembro 42, Rio de. Janeiro.. ' - 2 - •ARGENTINE (F) CAMBODGE (F) Dr. Mario Raul Pico, M. Koch San, Représentant permanent de l'Argentine Président de la Délégation du Cambodge, près l'Office européen des 63, rue do Lausanne, Nations Unies Genève 3, rue Chantepoulet, . .. ; Genève CANADA (E) AUSTRALIA (E) H.E, Mr. Mâx-Wershof, Ambassador, Mr. L.J. Arnott, Canadian Representative to the European Permanent Representative of Office of the United Nations, Australia to the European Office 16, parc du Château Banquet, of the United Nations, Geneva 4-1, quai Wilson, Geneva CEYLON (E) AUSTRIA (E) Mr. V.E. Sahtiapillai, Trade Commissioner, Mr. Emanuel Treu, Ceylon High Commission, Austrian Permanent Representative to. 13, Hyde Park Gardens, the International Organizations London. W.2. in Geneva, 3, rue Vareiiibé, CHILI (F) Geneva S.E. M. F. Garcia Oldini, BELGIQUE (F) Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire, M. P. Do Smet, Ambassade du Chili, Président de la Délégation belge Kesslergasse 2, à la Conférence tarifaire 1960-61, Berne 63, rue de Lausanne, Genève. CUBA (F) BRAZIL (E) S.E, M. Enrique Camejo-Argudin, ; Ambassadeur., Mr. Alfredo Teixeira Valladao, Délégué permanent de Cuba, Leader of the Permanent Delegation Case postale 336, of Brazil, ,..' .•..,... Genève (Mont-Blanc) 1, rue du Temple,. Geneva CHECHOSLOVAKIA (E) . Dr. Otto Benes, .:•"...• BURÏviri. (E) Economie Counsellor, U Saw Ohn Tin, Czechoslovak Permanent Mission to the First Secretary (Commercial), European Office of the United Nations, Embassy of the Union of Burma, 5, chemin des Crettets, 76, Cadogan Square, Geneva - Conches London. W.l. DENMARK (E) The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Government of the Union of Burma, Mr. N.T. Skak-Nielscn, Rangoon Permanent Danish Representative to the European Office of the United Nations, Villa "La Pelouse", Palais des Nations, Geneva - 3 - DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (F) GRECE (F) Delegation permanente de. la République S.E. M. Ange Vlachos, Ddminicaino, ' Ambassadeur, 34.., avenue Weber, Délégué permanent de la Grèce près Genève l'Office européen des Nations Unies, 7, boulevard Jaques-Dalcrozo, ESPAGNE (F) Genève M. José Manuel Aniol-Quiroga, Délégué permanent d'Espagne, HAITI (F) 5, rue Chantopoulet (2ème étage), M,-Franck Thébaud, co Genève président de la délégation d'Haïti, FINLAND (E) 63, rue de Lausanne, H.E. Mr. O.B. Kaila, Genève Ambassador, Permanent Delogato of Finland to the INDIA (E) International Organizations, H.E. Mr. T. Swaminathan, I.C.S., 11^ avenue de Budé, Commissioner-General of India for Geneva Economic Affairs in Europe, High Commission of India, FRANCE (F) India House, M. Georges Cattand, Aldwych, Délégué permanent do la France près London. W.C.2. l'Office européen des Nations Unies, Mr. A.S. Mehta, Villa "La Pelouse", Indian Permanent Representative to the Palais des Nations, European Office of the United Nations, Genève 2, place dos Eaux*- Vivos, M. Henri Corson, Geneva Services des Tarifs douaniers, Ministère des Financos et dos INDONESIA (E) Affaires économiques Mr. Thobais Awuy, 4-1, quai Bran!y, Delegation of Indonosia, Paris 7e . 63, rue de Lausanne, Geneva FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY (E) Count Hans Carl von Hardonborg, ISRAEL (E)' Permanent Delegate of the Federal H.E. Mr. M. Bartur, L ..Republic of Germany to the Ambassador, • • International Organizations, Permanent Delegate of Israel to the 94, rue de Lausanne,' European Office of the.United Nations, Geneva 9, chemin de Bonvent, . Geneva - Cointrin GHANA (É) Mr. S.K. Anthony, ITALIE (F) Permanent Representative .of Ghana M. Paolo Savini, to the European Office of the Délégué permanent adjoint chargé des Unitod Nations, Affaires GATT/CEE, 13, avonue de Budé., Délégation permanente de l'Italie, Geneva 10, ehemin de l'Impératrice, Chambésy - 4 - JAPAN (S) , . ;. NORWAY (E.) Mr. Morio Aolei, H.E. Mr. Soren Chr. Somme.rfe.ltt Chief of. the Formanqnt Ambassador, "Delegation to the International^ Norwegian Permanent Delegate to the Organizations, International Organizations, 60, ruo du Rhône, Case postale 7, Geneva Geneva 19 LUKiH^OURG (ï) PAKISTAN (E) M. Albert 2Uhr', ....••• Mr. M.H.S.A. Baig, Directeur général des Affaires •'' Commercial Secretary* économiques, • •• .;.,.. Embassy of Pakistan, Ministère des Affaires étrangères,-. Via Politecnico 3, Luxembourg Milan ' ' •' • FEDERATION OF MALAYA (S) PEROU (F) Office of the High Commissioner for S.E, M. Max de la Fuento Locker,. the Federation of Malaya in the Ambassadeur, United Kingdom, Délégué permanent du Pérou près les 45, Portland Place, Organisations internationales, London, W.l 1, rue d'Italie, Genève ' KIIJGDOM OF IKS iLIJTBERL^NDS (E) POLAND (E) Sir. J. Eaufmonn, Permanent Delegate of the ' Mr. Eugoniusz Kulaga, Kingdom-of the Netherlands, Deputy Permanent Representative of Villa "La Pelouse", Poland to the European Office of Palais des Nations, the United Nations, Geneva 4, rue Munior-Romilly, Geneva NEïï ZE,Jaâîp (E) ,' '"• Mr. K.L. Press-, PORTUGAL (Ï) Counsellor (Commercial), Dr.Fernando de Alcambar Percira, New Zealand Senior Trade Délégué, permanent du Portugal, Commissioner's Office, 41, quai Wilson, Adolphi Building, Genève John Adam Street, London U.C.2 FEuERATION Off RHODESIA AMD MASALAM) (E) NI0AR*iG-I3A (33) .. Mr. R.W. Doll, Senior Trade Commissioner, Tho 'Minister for Economics, .. Office of the High Commissioner for Ministry of Economics, the Federation of Rhodesia Managua and Nyasaland, 429, Strand, ' • •'•'' FEDERATION Off AIGERIA (E) London W>C.2 Mr. G.G. Onyia, SIERRA LEONE (E) Nigerian: Delegation',- 63, rue' de Lausanne, The Minister for Trade and Industry, Geneva Government of Sierra Leone, Freetown - 5 - SOUTH AFRICA (S) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (E) Mr. G.A.A. Houzé Mrs. Margaret Potter, Chargé d'Affaires a.i., Economie Officer, Embassy of South. Africa, United Statos Mission, 47, Bernastrasse, 63, rue de Lausanne, Bern Geneva SUISSE (E) URUGUAY (E) M. Albert Weitnauer, M. Victor Pomès, Délégué du Conseil fédéral aux Délégué permanent de l'Uruguay près Accords commerciaux, les Organisations internationales, Division du Commerce, Département Case postale 192, fédéral de l'Economie publique, Genève (Mont-Blanc) Palais fédéral, Berno YOUGOSLAVIE (F) SWEDEN (E) Dr. Milan Ristic, Conseiller, H.E. Baron C.A. von. Platen, Délégation permanente de Yougoslavie Ambassador, auprès de l'Office européen des Swedish Permanent Representative to Nations Unies, the European Office of the United 11 bis, avenue de Champel, Nations, Genève 1, rue Varembé, Geneva TUNISIE (F) M. Tawfik Torjemon, Représentant permanent du Tunisie, 5, rue Chantepoulet, Genève TURKEY (E) Mr. Cahit Kayra, Permanent Representative of Turkey to the GATT secretariat, Villa "La Pelouse", Palais dos Nations, Geneva UNITED KINGDOM (E) IRELAND (E) H.E. Sir Edgar Cohen, Mr. T.H, lïor-cai, United Kingdom Permanent Delegate Envoy Extraordinary and Minister to GATT Plenipotentiary, Villa "Le Chêno", Legation of Ireland, 1, chemin de l'Impératrice, 9, Dufourstrasse, Chambésy-Geneva Bern .