1 Chas, Buchanan Voorhees

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1 Chas, Buchanan Voorhees VOL. IX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, ABRIL 5 1870. KO 17 [SOU TUB ntOK EBA.1 think tbem frightfully high-priced notleu hoDses abut on vast colossal <!fl ttuil minaret a do not greet the DHEIRON ERA PASSAQE TICKETS i Dover Steam Dyeing Just, and at an elevation of C50 fee i aa gcncrully do- FROM THE OLD WORLD- i winter, and their wuy of liurguining mclures. In order io describa tbp Tlio uuinbcr of Monasteries, also, Lbove the sea ; fli.wB E. N. E. E. S. E. iOhuaaiD ErEUi BATHHHAI rr EstablishDient, aUd by travelein und as they are re- IT ' Qi8 iu too lioth odd and auiiming ; nu jclpul edifices, we must return to tie ry great. TLOHO moBt deserving of S.S. W*. and H. E., past Kiev, Tver, gardeJ by the htittur cluf« as a wretched [H THE OLD PIIE8DYTEBIAN CBUBCH, O9 BBV. AKD UBS. JOF.EPH L. BBNJ. H. VOOT. istance will florro to illuHtruta the B.VS- imliu atoj,pl(ig at Ibo most fiivnrabtt ->lice arc the Donekoi, situated ueurtbe YaruBlav, Kostroma, Ni(,'buee, Novgo- OR AM, HANCE& Co.'s STORE, POTTEB TO PEUS1A. iet. Tbo tiobluu aud tlie wealtb.v clubs - EDITOB AXD rBOIHETOB. BLACKWELL S im rbicb ui>[icars to bcuuiversiil. Wo ut, tbo Boutb sida of the bridge Muskva utb burriur, surrounded with ancient rod, Ea2au, Kimlioorfik, Bursitoonnd Ae- if Ilnfiaians (ire very elegant pc-oj)Ie, WJ r Offloe on Morris Street near Blaokwsll. PORTVQRAJ.1, .•#; J. ! October Hlii, 1B78. c.ibdriver and tell him ws want •kuitoview. Here it seems to The ulls. HurintjULttid by LattIoniants like tmkbuii, noar ubiun it uptore tbe Cas- [ am led to think from wiiut I bnvu SL'OH I. 0. JENSEN - - Proprietor, ot tho water picturesquely adorned TUHHS OP BUUSCRIPT 1OH Still at BU Petersburg. Wo bare go ta a curtain pluoo and nek liia jirioo uf the Kremlin aud oontuiuiug piau sen, by 00 or 70 mouths, 83 feet if them. But by fur tbe grcmcrportiuu AVISO fllted up a complete HUmmdyelnK r carrying ua tliere, Ho will [irobubly .b turf nudbbruba; wbilo above Us ix isliurcLieij uud I eOallleli uoD>, with all tile beet r been waiting bate' over two weekB, and itbin its cotloauro i below tho level of tlio occuu. Tlio ex- uf tbe people uro dirty nii<] Jlltliy com- __ forr tlnttlnt-olul i workk , amnai uonuiilnpounlOK expecting to leavo OTerj day during tbe forty cojM.oka. We answer him tliut vj walla uud verdant foliage, palaces , several courts, a plantation af tent of il u ia estimated at 100,000 pared to tbe Boglisb, Prendi and QLT- •ifKtritinco of A QUinbor of ytnn Iu Enrc nty-Hre JB all we will pay. Ho says > oburcbos roar tboir majestic heads, Cue Year, -.-.---- I2.O0 id America, I belief c 1 can rae«t tba w«i lust weak Tbe steamer lias arrived; rebwood, aud dwellings for tho Atch- square miles, and including windings, inans, nsa moan, from wliicli it will IXJ Bix-Months,- - -., - - -. - X.O0 ffned with numerous cupolas of glit WO0DPOET HOUSE. iliopublle In my HUB nt vory low "flgnrei, — however, and wo arc expecting a suin- will not curry as for tbat, nud we drio and Monks; the Bcminooskoi ita ciiurec ia 2,500 mi let ing whioh ufurred tbat I have not ti'Uau in Iovo Three months,- - - - - - - CD ind reijwotfulJj Bolioit ttttrouKRii. Jlealle- 'toffin search oF another when ho ing gold and nilvor, nn.l presoutiug THOMAS BIUGIIT, Proprietor. IIBP'B cliitlilng *nU luiU* drewoN <- moaa from tlio Cnitotn House dignita- the S. E. r of tba wall, near •ta full is only 883 feet. 3 .ilh tlioctjuutry, which is the CUHC. la na back ooJoccopta Dur price. Two i of tba most striking views of which lonDon", wiih or williout ripping. Window ries to poll tbe eenrcUlng ordeal. That licro lie Moskva leaves it, having more bich aro connected by several ennuis Tuesday, Oct. 201b. ADVERTJSIKG KATES fcOODPQRT, MORRIS Co., N.J. : traous caa Tide to almost unj distance ly Earopean city cuii boast. rod nr clnmfd ID ilia boal tnimiar. rniuer over, we wilt procoet] at once to Moscow. ippcnrtmci) ol a fortreas than a ith the NBVQ, establish coramuiiicatiot We are still lying iu tlio harbor of rntiiield nUbltabrt Dotti liopti tor thoieuon itbin the limits of tbo city for ten eta. Entering by tbe Spass Vorotn, or Gute BP10S.- 1 WK. 1 2 WXB. 8 WKS. l.Kft idsrenotitca wilUln twodiyi. «•». This morning we fully eineoted to le ftny ; i.nd tbe De?ctcbei Convent, itween the Cnepiun nnd tho .Baltic. Bakoo, tha qimntiy of fuel mcauHury J, aadUpacUoibrlr dmlnlilo for thuia Re Wo were all eight and half a day on tbe Redeemer, overwbicb ia u picture traUnd mmnmr midinc*. HltaiUd at thi sU.tod by throe oVtoak, P. M., but now the 8. W. corner with walls, flanked Lite and Black noun. It nontaiuq ai for Ihe trip not having LWJU ali lakcuoii 1 In* ~ f Tft|« 1 2fi 9 lfiO *I 7f rfUkaOaptlotintrfUkOl lUflU.fMii u f lk d way from SL Potorsl)nrg to Moscow, mr Sutiour. the olijeet of tlie dcepiut 3 ii • ' 1 2ft 2 OU 2 60 Uln MMDBIJ, auieUani built U ia nearly doe, o'olook and ^et no fa- lieu lowers ; several churches, one •undanco of fish, and Balmon, etui board tba bleu mar yet, uud thin umv uot - am irlTMttakalt unnrpMwd BACKOFF'S itant four hundred mil as to the noutU- svoronoe, and through wliicb', in CJOHU- ilioiu containing the loipbs of several 8 •" • 1 TB 2 7fi S SO 4 a IffUllldA Torablo ladlcattoca,- foiling In which, con, elc, are extensively exported. bocomplpted uutil to morrow. This in 2 2S 8 GO 4 SO Ouly one Bleeping uitr ticket could lone iquat pass without being 4 " o n. we will proliabjj got off by seven P. M., nns and PrinCi.Aea ; and a olinroli 'be VOIRO is nnviguble by cargoes of tbo tilth day WG linvo becu nb»nrd tliis B " 2 TO 4 26 fi CO 0 GO VARIETY THEATRE procured, and this was for tbe ladies covered, we aro at once introduced to id be obliged to travel by night. beautifully laid out with sbrubs ,200 Ions, Lint its navigation is fro- steamer— were lying iu n binbor furtliee ft Oaluun. 3 r>0 5 2B 7 00 , 8 GO For Sale, Rent or Exchange. (Ihe ladies.and ROutlen.su baring most interesting end important * 60 6 fit) 8 00 10 OP Traveling In Hataia is not nearly no id flowers, and cont&iniofra greatnum- juently iiilerrKpted by auntl Lawks autt uortli throe daya, a btuootb sea mlbcr larata oars.) I hnri a compartment lildingaofMoscow. 'Tbefirsttoclnim G SO -. 6 00 10 2G 12 S Ths fine property on till oomtr of BUok. BILLIARD'PARLORS pleasant as In England, France or Qi :rnf fine mouumeuts. Close to tlaie ;be cbanpes of ita cbaaucl. It in frozen 'cry high and viuk-iib 10 00 IBM 22 OO b n, Fronph hdy onu a littlo buy. r notice ii the Teremo, or old Palace i1 "» 11)00 woll and Eesox tlroela, reoontly oouuplod by many. In England tbe onsloins pf the )»er uoarly one half ot lUe year. In its outsitle tbo harbor, Hud it not been •rxox. 2M0U, Suofl. CU08. is ludy could titik Ifrcnoti only, no to the Czars i it conaisU of four sUiriea 1 ITS. oonnlry are nomewliat different from -'Kl, where tie Emperors on their course tmall steam bouts were lor tbese detentions tbu vojuge ucrusa Pulol O, Wlggla., EKJ., vlikh Inoladtt mvorao with her I was obligwl to bring iiich diminish in ascending till tbouji- $ 8 50 $ 4 Ml $ B 00 *IO oo onra, bat after supplying tlie li's and get ti nut ion, entertain their subjects. Tbe >laccd upon it in 1620. In 1840 n splou- tbe Caspian would hnvu tukmi lint live 1 Inch. ' dvelling and Itore. Apply to ussex St., 3d Doorfrom Canal y French into refluiaition,though badly irmost contaius hnt a singleraom.. r.utl 2 ." fi 00 0 H) 10 00 17.00 looustomed to tbeir "BIIB" iu ptuceof uperor Niubolas here, on tbat. occa- lid Iron tteamer, called tlie "Volga," •lays. There aro quite u nutoborof Per- B " • • 9 0(1 14 00 22 a Bridgtii DOVEB; H. J. .ndiod no doubt, yet n great .deal bet- eurruunded with balconies with sluim 6 50 ie-u • V. V. B. BE41UN0, Agent. oiir"a8,"nnd tUcir aso of llttla words in, diucd 50,000 aubjeots. Among .01) feet long, 81 feet broad, carrying on the Blcauior, from 4 *' 8 00 11 00 18 00 27 0 ? ThoparloraMO thoroughij equipped < v tlian to sit in ailenco Blaring nb each ith wjtbiq nod without, longing to eneb like "also," wliioh tiio/ make a profuse luonlioual eatubliuhinetitB, t!e only one ,2G0 tons, »us Juuuoliod ou its stream whom I uove bed nL opportnuity of ob- ft ": 10 00 18 00 21 00 80 01 II. A. BHNKETT, 111. D . her, On tlio PUKIII^C frpin MOHOOW purota Uirrooe | tbe lowest floor cun- 12 r>o 16 2Ii 25 50 BD 01 1 lliiii Motion, ftul wry tPPOlntiaont ol use of, one can get alone very well. lug of particular notice, ia tbo evcral boiita now ply regularly between taining a glimpHo at Persia uiuuuernuiid 15 00 It) U? 20 OO blue ii of tfio Ii«it order.ardor. TbaT .DMIar BIi aopp«P k ire, a journey of two nights ni)d oue ifl tliDtlirooeandiiUElienaeoltimbcrs} 46 « HOMCEOI A.
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