


Submitted to the Board of Examiners In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For Literary Degree at English Literature Department





Jambi, 25 Juli 2020

Pembimbing I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed…………… Pembimbing II : Adang Ridwan, S.S, M.Pd Alamat : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN STS Jambi

Kepada Yth Ibu Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN STS Jambi Di- Tempat

Assalamu‟alaikum wr.wb Setelah membaca dan mengadakan perbaikan seperlunya, maka kami berpendapat bahwa skripsi saudari: Putri Yanelia, Nim. AI.160803 yang berjudul „“Taboo words in the lyrics of Cardi bAlbum Invasion of Privacy”‟, telah dapat diajukan untuk dimunaqosahkan guna melengkapi tugas - tugas dan memenuhi syarat – syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana strata satu (S1) pada Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN STS Jambi. Maka, dengan itu kami ajukan skripsi tersebut agar dapat diterima dengan baik. Demikianlah kami ucapkan terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat bagi kepentingan kampus dan para peneliti. Wassalamu‟alaikum wr.wb

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Dr. Alfian, M.Ed Adang Ridwan, S.S., M.Pd NIP: 19791230200604103 NIDN: 2109069101



Jambi, July 25th 2020 Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed……………… Supervisor II :Adang Ridwan, M.Pd ………………… Address : Adab and HumanitiesFaculty .. …………State Islamic University ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. To The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty State Islamic University In Jambi

Assalamu‟alaikum wr. Wb

After reading and revising everything extend necessary, so we agree that the thesis entitled“Taboo Words in the Lyrics of Cardi b on Album Invasion of Privacy”can be submitted to Munaqasyah exam in part fulfillment to the Requirement for the Degree of Humaniora Scholar.We submitted it in order to be received well. Thus, we hoped it can be useful for all.

Wassalamu‟alaikum wr. Wb

Supervisor I Supervisor II

Dr. Alfian, M.Ed Adang Ridwan, M.Pd NIP: 19791230200604103 NIDN. 2109069101





ال يُ ِح ُّب هَّللاُ ا ْل َج ْه َر بِال ُّسى ِء ِم َه ا ْل َق ْى ِل إِال َم ْه ُظ ِل َم َو َكا َن هَّللاُ َس ِميعًا َع ِلي ًما )٨٤١(

Allah does not like that the evil should be uttered in public except by him who has been wronged. And Allah is ever All-Hearer, all-knower.1

Allah tidak menyukai perkatan buruk (yang diucapkan) secara terang-terangan kecuali oleh orang yang dizalimi, Allah maha mendengar maha mengetahui (148)2

1Mushaf, Qur‟an tajweed international, (Bandung : Al Qur‘anul karim, 2016), p. 102 2Muhammad shahibu thahari, Qur‟an hafalan dan terjemahan, (Jakarta: Almahira, 2010), p. 604



I thank to Allah SWT who has blessed and strength on me, so I can accomplish this thesis. Shalawat and salam to Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought human‟s life to a better life and to a beautiful world. Proudly, I dedicate this thesis to my beloved parents. My father Zulfian and my beloved mother Asneli who taught me that even the largest task can be accomplished if it is done one step at a time. And who always loves, support, educated and prayer for me and also taught me the real life and religion and as the inspiration of my success.




Alhamdulillahi rabil ‗alamin, the writer express his highest gratitude to

Allah subhanahu wa ta‘ala for blessing, love opportunity, health, and mercy to complete this thesis. This thesis entitled “Taboo Words in the Lyrics of Cardi B on Album Invasion of Privacy”which is submitted to fulfill the requirements for bachelor degree (S1) in English Literature, Adab and Humaniora, The State

Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Shalawat and Salam are upon

Prophet and last Messenger, Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from the darkness to lightness and to a better life.

To accomplish this thesis, the writer had been given one great deal to many people. So, the writer would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are:

1. The Rector of state Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Prof.

Dr. Suaidi, M.A, Ph.D. The vices of Rector, Dr. Rofiqoh Ferawati, SE.,

M,EI. Dr. As‘ad Isma, M.pd. and Dr. Bahrul Ulum, S.Ag., MA

2. The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Dr. Halimah Dja‘far. S. Ag., M.

Fil. I. The vices of dean, Dr.Ali Muzakir, M. Ag. Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed.

andDr. Roudhoh, S.Ag.SS M.Pd.I

3. The Head of English Literature DepartmentDian Mukhlisa, MA. And the

Secretary of English Literature DepartmentChandri Febri Santi M.Pd


4. My Supervisors, Dr. Alfian, M.Ed., and Adang Ridwan, M.Pd who have

given me ideas and provided great inputs to me in finising this thesis.

5. All the Lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, then

contribution and assistant during studying in UIN of Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi.

6. The Head and officers of the library of UIN and public library of Jambi


7. My beloved gengs, Literature 2016 A, friends who always helping me Susi

Gusfalina, Fitri Nuraini, Ulfa arimawati, and Fauziah Syahrani. Thanks you

for always helping me and always give me spirit.

8. The last but not least, to my beloved parents, brothers who gave fully

supporting to the writer.

This thesis is still far away from perfection. I need some critics and suggestions, so that I can be better in the future. Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will give positive contributions for readers, especially for the students of

English Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

Jambi, July 25th 2020 The writer

Putri Yanelia Nim: AI.160



Putri Yanelia,2020 :Taboo words in the lyrics of Cardi b on Album Invasion of Privacy Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed Supervisor II :Adang Ridwan, M.Pd

This research analyzes taboo words in the Album Invasion of Privacy entitledTaboo words in the lyrics of Cardi b on Album Invasion of Privacy.The purpose of this study to describe the types, functions and meanings of the words taboo in Album Invasion of Privacy by Cardi b and the object in this study is Album Invasion of Privacy. This research uses descriptive qualitative research and the object of this research is Album Invasion of Privacy. The data from this study are all taboo words that the writer found in the Album Invasion of Privacy. The data is classified from taboo words according to Battistella theory, taboo word functions using Wardhaugh's theory, and taboo meanings categorized using Geoffrey's theory. Furthermore, the results showed that there are four types of taboo words, consisting of; obscenity, epithets, vulgarity, profanity and also the writer found that vulgarity data is more dominantly used in song lyrics in the Album Invasion of Privacy. Furthermore, the function of the taboo words consists of drawing attention to oneself, show contempt, to be provocative, to mock authority and the writer found that to contempt is more dominantly used in song lyrics in the Album Invasion of Privacy. Finally, there are two taboo meanings found, conceptual, connotative and conceptual data which is more dominantly used in Album Invasion of Privacy. Keywords : Taboo Words, lyrics,Album Invasion of Privacy



…… Putri Yanelia,2020 :Taboo words in the lyrics of Cardi b on Album Invsion of Privacy Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed Supervisor II :Adang Ridwan, M.Pd

Penelitian ini meneliti kata tabu didalam Album Invasion of Privacy yang berjudul kata tabu didalam lirik Cardi b Album Invasion of Privacy. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan jenis-jenis, fungsi serta arti dari kata tabu dalam Album Invasion of Privacy oleh Cardi b dan objek dalam penelitian ini adalah Album Invasion of Privacy. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif serta objek penelitian ini adalah Album Invasion of Privacy. Adapun Data dari penelitian ini adalah semua kata tabu yang penulis temukan di dalam Album Invasion of Privacy. Data tersebut diklasifikasikan mulai dari jenis kata tabu menurut teori Battistella, fungsi kata taboo dengan menggunakan teori Wardhaugh, dan arti kata tabu yang dikategorikan menggunakan teori Geoffrey. Selanjutnya hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada empat jenis kata tabu, terdiri atas; kecabulan, julukan, ketidaksopanan, kata-kata kotor, dan juga penulis menemukan bahwa data ketidaksopanan lebih dominan digunakan pada lirik lagu dalam Album Invasion of Privacy. Selanjutnya, fungsi kata tabu terdiri dari untuk menarik perhatian pada diri sendiri, menunjukan penghinaan, menjadi provokatif, mengejek otoritas dan penulis menemukan bahwa fungsi menunjukan penghinaan lebih dominan digunakan pada lirik lagu dalam Album Invasion of Privacy. Terakhir, ada dua arti kata tabu ditemukan, yaitu konseptual, konotatif, dan konseptual merupakan data yang lebih dominan digunakan dalam Album Invasion of Privacy.

Kata Kunci : kata-kata taboo, lirik lagu, Album Invasion of Privacy.



NOTA DINAS ...... i

APPROVAL ...... ii



MOTTO ...... v

DEDICATION ...... vi


ABSTRACT ...... ix

ABSTRAK ...... xi



A. Background of the Problem...... 1

B. Formulation of the Problem ...... 4

C. Limitation of the Problem ...... 5

D. Purpose of the Research ...... 5

E. Significance of the Research ...... 5


A. Sociolinguistics ...... 6

B. The Definition of Taboo Words ...... 8


1. The Concept of Taboo Words ...... 11

2. Taboo Word in Western Society ...... 12

C. Type Taboo Words ...... 13

D. Function of Taboo Words ...... 16

E. Meaning of Taboo Words ...... 17

F. Review of Taboo Words ...... 18


A. Design of Research...... 22

B. Source of Data ...... 23

C. Technique of Data Collection ...... 24

D. Technique of Data Analysis ...... 24


A. Finding and Analysis ...... 25

1. Types of Taboo Words...... 25

a. Vulgarity ...... 26

b. Profanity ...... 27

c. Obscenity ...... 28

d. Epithet ...... 29

2. Function of Taboo Words ...... 31

a. To Show Contempt ...... 31

b. To Draw Attention to Oneself ...... 32

c. To be Provocative ...... 33

d. To Mock Authority ...... 34


3. Meaning of Taboo Words ...... 35

a. Conceptual...... 35

b. Connotative ...... 37


A. Conclusions ...... 40

B. Suggestions ...... 41






A. Background of the Problem According to Weedon language it is a place where the actual and possible forms of social organization and their possible social and political consequences are defined and contested. But it is also the place where our sense of ourselves, our subjectivity, is built. Language in its perspective is the place where forms of social organization are produced and debated. At the same time, the cultural identity of the community emerged. Therefore language is both reality and identity. There are many types of language and non-standard cultural identities that are constructed by language; As for one of the languages of cultural identity and non-standard, that is the word taboo. Taboo language is a strong social prohibition against words, objects, actions, or people who are considered by a group, culture, or society. Peter Trudgill defines taboo in these words: taboo can be characterized as being concerned with behavior that is believed to be supernaturally prohibited, or deemed immoral or inappropriate; it deals with prohibited or inhibited behavior in a way that seems irrational. This means that taboo breaches are usually unacceptable and can be considered offensive. Some actions or habits that are taboo are even prohibited by law and their violations can result in severe penalties. Thus, taboo can also bring shame, shame, and harsh treatment to the surroundings. In language, taboo is associated with things that are not spoken and especially with words and expressions that are not used. Ronald Wardhaugh in his work on taboo along with euphemisms in his book entitled An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Explain that taboo is one of the ways in which society expresses its disapproval of certain types of behavior that are believed to be harmful to its members, either for supernatural reasons or because of behavior and considered to violate moral codes. Whereas in Anthropology the meaning of taboo words is indeed a social construction by citing the fact that not every culture contains taboo language.


The reason why the writer wants to analyze taboo words becausealthough not everyone likes songs, there are some people who likes songs, in Indonesian or English songs. Without realizing there are some words is not good in Islam especially at Islamic state, but the compilation of songs that are played or published is related to the lyrics of the song which contains several taboo word according to culture, in America the words of taboo are not something bad or something that is not polite,taboo words can be expressions of closeness because in America there are some words like taboo that are used for expressions of kindness, but in the other country those words are not polite, it affects listeners who do not know it normally. In other word, people actually consumed the language of taboo itself and the beauty can be misused in daily life communication. Therefore the writer wants to analyze the taboo in song lyrics so that people know that not all songs have a good meaning even though sometimes the music is pleasant to hear. The writer wants to analyze the Album Invasion of Privacy because it tells the life of Cardi B who used to work as a stripper, then poured his life stories into her songs. So that the song reflect her life stories which contains element of wealth, gender, and emotional. The first song ―‖ which rose Cardi B became famous, the second song "Drip" talks about jewelry and wealth, the third song ―‖ has a feminist theme, the fourth song ―‖ refers to his past because he used to work as a stripper, the fifth song ―Be careful‖ about infidelity, the sixth song ―I like it‖ shows emotional vulnerability, the seven ―‖ about his interest in diamonds, sports cars and sex. So the writer based on these seven songs because it illustrates the life story of the writer, so her uses taboo words to reflect on past lives in the lyrics of her songs. Based on the explanations above the write wants to analyze the concept of taboo word from these lyrics. Because the write found some taboo words inside in the song lyrics of Cardi B on Album Invasion of Privacy, based on the reason above the write decided to analyze this thesis with the ―Taboo Words in the Lyrics of Cardi B on Album Invasion of Privacy”


B. Formulation of the problem There are many problems in this object who writer wants to analyze this statement of research, writer would like to analyze the problems of Taboo Language in ―Invasion of privacy‘s Song Lyrics‖, which are: 1. What kind of taboo words are found in the Lyrics of Cardi B on Album Invasion of Privacy? 2. What are the functions of taboo words found in the Lyrics of Cardi B on Album Invasion of Privacy? 3. What are the meanings of each taboo words that found in the Lyrics of Cardi B on Album Invasion of Privacy? C. Limitation of the Problem Cardi b has many songs, but in this study the writer only chose a few songs to limit this research. Besides that, the writer also limited the lyrics that is being studied to seven lyrics that the writer chose in the Album Invasion of Privacyby Cardi B song: get up 10, drip, blckenhead, bodak yellow, I like it, Be careful, She bad. The write limits the song only into seven selected lyrics because these seven songs are the most songs that always listen on the YouTube and Google.

D. Purpose of the research The objectives of the research are stated as follows: 1. To find kinds taboo words that found in the Lyrics of Cardi B on Album Invasion of Privacy 2. To know the meanings of each taboo words that found in the lyrics of Cardi B on Album Invasion of Privacy 3. To describe the functions of taboo words in the lyrics of Cardi B on Album Invasion of Privacy E. Signification of the research The findings of the study are expected to give information and knowledge about taboo language. This study also expected to be useful for readers and those who would like to know more about taboo language. For


other researchers, this study can inspire them to conduct a more in depth research in order to have a better knowledge in understanding the taboo language.



A. Sociolinguistics The existence of language cannot be separated from the society. This phenomenon is studied in Sociolinguistics. According to Yule, sociolinguistics is a part of sociolinguistics study which focuses on language which is dealing with social and cultural phenomenon in one society.3 It usually explores the field of language, society, and things which are related to social sciences, especially psychology, anthropology, and sociology. The idea proposed by Yule is also in line with Trudgill. He states that the study of sociolinguistics is related to cultural phenomenon so that it can affect the way people speak or talk since it is determined by the social context.4. In accordance with those two linguists, Holmesalso says that people who study linguistics will probably concern on describing people‘s different ways of speaking in different social contexts. Moreover, Holmes argues that sociolinguists also try to investigate the use of language to convey messages.5 As language functions to convey messages, there must be social interactions between the members of community. Those social interactions can indicate the relationship of the people who are involved. Thus, sociolinguistics is essential in explaining the interaction between the members of the society. Words since communication uses language as its main means, of course it will involve the distinctive personality, attitudes, and beliefs, and emotions of the speakers in the society. Therefore, in sociolinguistics, there are two important objects to be identified. They are the language used and the society that uses the language.

3George Yule, The Study of Language,(England: Cambridge University Press, 2010), Fourth Edition, p. 254 4Peter Trudgill, Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to language and society, p. 2. 5Janet Homeles, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, (New York: Routledge, 2013), Fourth Edition, p. 1


As cited in Wardaugh one of the most popular hypotheses that is proposed by Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee and known as Sapir-Whorf hypothesis says that the structure of language can affect the society by influence or even control them.6 In other words, Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is concerned with the possibility in which human‘s view is influenced by the language. According to them, there are three effects of society on language and the way in which the environment is reflected in language. First, the physical environment in which a society lives is being reflected in its language. For example, in English there is only one word for any kind of snow. However, Eskimo has several names for the word ―snow‖ since their environment is mostly surrounded by the existence of snow. Another example that can be presented is people who live in Indonesia who mostly eat rice as the main food. They have several names for the word ―rice‖ like padi, beras, gabah, and nasi. Second, the social environment can also be reflected in the language and often it has an effect on the structure of the vocabulary. An example of this effect is the characteristic vocabulary of a coast tribe, such as the Nootka Indians, with their precise terms for many species of marine animals, vertebrate and invertebrate. Then, the last effect in which the environment is reflected in language is the values of a society. Different societies may value certain things and do them in a certain way. However, almost all of the societies that exist in this world have the same requirements of the categorization of good and bad language. Good language is usually measured when someone speaks properly and politely on the context. Being more specific, good language must contain dense meaning which is shown in beautiful and sweet words. On the other hand, bad language is considered to be non-standard and wrongly used, which is sometime resulting in annoyance for the other person who hears it. Jay,

6Ronald Warhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, p. 11


categorized bad language into several types such as blasphemy, expletive, slang, and taboo which are explained below.7 According to Jay refers to the employment of religious terms to vilify God and religious organization. Expletives refer to words that contain emotive characteristics which are usually in the form of interjections and are not uttered for specific purpose since they are used to release frustration and emotion. Meanwhile, slang refers to those words which are typically created and used by social groups to give them identity and are used to communicate among in-group members such as young people, drug dealers, and baseball player. Then the last is taboo which refers to forbidden phenomena in the specific culture which also includes the language use in everyday life. Therefore, in the next section, the researcher tries to present the explanation of taboo phenomenon which includes the definition of taboo words, the concept of taboo, and taboo words in western society. B. The Definition of Taboo Words Taboo is actually connected with something that is avoided and forbidden to talk about. Allan and Burridge assert that taboo originates from social restriction on one's behavior which can bring about uneasiness, harm and injury.8 Since it is resulting in uneasiness, harm, and injury, people in the society are supposed to avoid taboo which has a vulgar sense. To give a clearer explanation, Trudgilldefines taboo in the following way.9 Taboo can be characterized as being concerned with behavior which is believed to be supernaturally forbidden or regarded as immoral or improper; it deals with behavior which is prohibited or inhibited in an apparently irrational manner. In language, taboo is associated with things which are not said, and in particular with words and expressions which are not used. In accordance to the statement above, there is a strong relationship between taboo behavior and taboo language. Both are forbidden because they

7Jay in Dewi Putri Rahmayani and Fitrawati. ―Analysis Types and Function of Taboo Word in The Wolf of Wall Street movie‖. Vol.7. No 3, p. 86 8Keith A, and Kate B. Forbidden word: taboo and the censoring of Language, p. 1 9Peter Trudgill, Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to language and society, p. 18


are regarded as immoral for certain circumstances. Supporting the idea Fairmanstates that every society has its own particular taboo act and taboo words.10 Taboo acts related to any activities that should be avoided, while taboo words related to any words that should not be uttered. Both are identified with one another since several taboo acts relate to taboo words while others do not. The popular case of this phenomenon is the act of incest. Incest is considered taboo because it refers to the sexual activity that is strongly forbidden in a society. In the same sense, any words which refer to incest activity such as motherfucker will also be categorized as taboo because it indicates the activity. Nonetheless, there is an alternate word that is said as taboo while the activity it indicates is certainly not. When people talk about excretion, it is often considered as taboo while the act itself is not forbidden if it is done by the appropriate person in a suitable place and time. Therefore, words that are related or linked to taboo act will automatically become taboo words Allan and Burridge.11To give an explicit explanation on how taboo act and taboo words are related to each other, Fairmanin his book Fuck Word Taboo and Protecting OurFirst Amendment presents an example of scientific explanation on how taboo acts transform to taboo words.12 He presents effluvia taboo as an illustration to support the idea. As already known, the disgust response of one individual will be stronger if he or she is facing or touching effluvia. Moreover, when he or she is thinking about excretion and the part of human body that are responsible for it, it will invite disgust reaction. Therefore, when the individual hears the words that indicate the act, he or she will automatically generate the response. The word ‗taboo‘ denotes everything, whether a person or a place or thing or a transitory condition, which is the vehicle or source of this mysterious attribute. It also denotes the prohibition arising from the same

10Chirstopher, M, F. Fuck: taboo and protecting our first Amandment Liberties (IIinois: Sphinx publishing, 2009), p. 27 11Keith A, and Kate B. Forbidden word: taboo and the censoring of Language (New york: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p. 2 12Chirstopher, M, F. Fuck: taboo and protecting our first Amandment Liberties, p. 29


attribute and finally it has a connotation which includes alike ‗sacred‘ and ‗above the ordinary‘, as well as ‗dangerous‘, ‗unclean‘ and ‗uncanny‘ Standing on the idea of taboo, the researcher only focuses on taboo words rather than taboo acts. In general, people refer taboo words as offensive words which cannot be used in daily conversation since they can generate a shocking effect for the individual who hears them. Therefore, Akmajianassert that taboo words are those words that should not be employed completely or at least prevented in different setting or polite situation.13 It means that to avoid any misunderstanding, each person who belongs to different cultures with different values should not talk about words that can shock them especially in polite conversations. Another linguist that defines taboo words as the words which must be avoided is Mbaya who states that taboo words are any kinds of words or expression in one language which are characterized by their impropriety, appalling character and lack of morality which are supposed to be avoided so that it will not harm the other member of the society.14 Those linguists may say that taboo words must be avoided because they contain stark and vulgar language. However, words that contain sacred functions can be tabooed if they are uttered outside the context of sacred ceremonies. For instance, in a religious context such as in Church or when discussing religion, the words like Jesus Christ or being damned by God are appropriate to use. However they may become taboo, when they are uttered in the outside formal circumstances which are used to shock, to offend or to criticize others like Jesus Christ! You are so God-Damned stupid! Taboo words may have similarities among societies but they also vary from culture to culture. What is thought to be taboo words in one culture may

13Adrian A, Richard A D, Ann K F, Robert M H, Linguistics: An Introduction Language and communication, p, 303 14Mbaya in Rahayu Nurazizah. ―Gender and Social Differences in Using Taboo Words in Fast and Furious 1 & Fast and Furious 7‖. Vol 25, No.1, 2019, p. 87.


become a norm in other cultures. Therefore, the researcher provides a brief explanation of the concept of taboo words in the next section. 1. The Concept of Taboo Words Taboo language is simply a matter of agreement where the normal employment of an item in language is possessed by specific social value and belief. In addition, Akmajian et alalso state that what is called as taboo is usually described by culture and not by anything which are usually attached in the language.15 In the same sense, Farb had observed earlier that any word is an innocent collection of sounds until a community surrounds it with connotations and decrees that it cannot be used in certain speech situation.16 He stated further that it is the symbolic value the specific culture attaches to the word and expressions that make them become taboo. So that they cannot be used in a polite situation uttering or doing taboo words is strongly against the social value because it will bring embarrassment and offensiveness to the members of the society. Embarrassment has a tendency to be connected with sexual activity and its outcomes. Offensiveness is identified with different substance like the body, and the distinctive forms of physical, mental, and social abnormality. Being more specific, in an introduction to sociolinguistic Wardhaughdefines taboo in the following way:17 Taboo is the prohibition or avoidance in any society of behavior believed to be harmful to its members in that it would cause them anxiety, embarrassment, or shame. It is extremely strong politeness constraints. Consequently, so far as language is concerned, certain things are not to be said for certain objects can be referred to only in certain circumstances.

15Adrian A, Richard A D, Ann K F, Robert M H, Linguistics: An Introduction Language and communication, (Massachusetts London, England: Cambridge, 2010), p. 304 16Gbwnga Fakuade, Ngozi Kemdirim, Ikechukwu Nnajhi, Florence Nwosu. Linguistic Taboo in the Igbo Society: A Sociolinguistic Investigation. University of Ilorin, IIorin, Kwara State, 2013, p. 120. 17Ronald Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics , p. 239


In the statement above, Wardhaugh tried to emphasize that a certain object can only be referred to only in certain circumstances. It also means that the use of taboo words can create misunderstanding between two people who are involved in a conversation if they have different knowledge since they belong to different societies and different circumstances. This idea is also brought by Freitas who states that certain words and expressions may be considered as taboos for certain people, especially when these words and expressions are used by other social class members.18 An example of this case is the use of taboo words like nigger. The word nigger can be extremely offensive if white persons use it. However, it may be usedfreely by some groups of black people without feeling being offended. Therefore, it can be concluded that the parameter of certain words or expressions which are thought to be taboo usually depends on the values in one society, the relationship between the speaker and listeners, and also the circumstances where the words are uttered. Since taboo words are expressed in different ways by different societies, it is important to present specific taboo words in one culture in which this research tries to investigate. Thus, in the next section the explanation of taboo words in western society is provided. 2. Taboo Words in Western Society Taboo words have a different pattern which varies from one society to another society. Trudgill observed that the most severe taboo words in the Western society are related to sex, excretion and the Christian religion. 19Taboo words related to religion become severe words because they refer to supernatural things which can generate the feeling of fear. Typical examples from this category are expressions such as, damn! And Jesus Christ!. Then, taboo words which denote body function and effluvia also become strongest words since they incite the feeling of disgust due to the fact that some irresistible diseases can be carried from one person to

18Elsa, S, L, F. Taboo in Advertising, (Amsterdam: john Benjamins Publishing company, 2008),p.24 19Peter Trudgill, Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to language and society, p. 19


another via body effluvia. The examples of this category are words like shit, asshole, and fart. Moreover, taboo words related to sexuality or sexual organ alsobecome severe and are mostly found in western society‘s conversation because they usually are uttered to insult one‘s sexual orientation and sexual habit. Typical examples of this category are words such as fuck and pussy. A bit different from what Trudgill has argued, Leach divides taboo words in western society into three major groups: 1) ‗dirty‘ words dealing with sex and excretion, such as shit, 2) profanity or blasphemy that have to do with Christian religion, such as Jesus and Christ, and 3) words dealing with ‗animal abuse‘ or calling someone by the name of an animal such as bitch. Although the words which are related to those terms are strongly avoided to talk about in a polite discourse, there is another way to utter those words without making other people feel offended. People can employ euphemism to avoid mentioning certain words directly. In attempt to explain this, Wardhaugh states that certain things are not said, not because they cannot be said, but because people don‘t talk about them or if they are talked about, they are discussed in very roundabout ways20. The examples of euphemism in English vary especially when it deals with the term like sex. There are series of implicit terms to replace have sex such as making love and sleeping together. C. Types of Taboo Words Batistellasuggests four types of taboo words, i.e. epithets, profanity, vulgarity, and obscenity.21 It can be seen in the explanations below: 1. Epithets Epithet is characterized by the existence of several types of slurs, such as ―bitch” and “fag”. Other references that are included as epithet are connected to race,ethnicity, gender, sexuality, one's appearance, and disabilities such as ―nigger” and ―motherfucker”. Epithet as a short but

20Ronald Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, p. 240 21Edwin L. Battistella, Bad Language : are some word better than others, (New york:Oxford university press 2005),p. 84


strong blast of passionate language which is triggered by frustration or anger such as ―son of a bitch”. 2. Profanity According to Batistella, profanity can be categorized as religious cursing because it usually includes the foul-mouthed use of what is considered to be sacred. Profanity as the expression involving the use of religious terms in a profane, secular or uncaring manner. The aim of the speaker is not to vilify God or anything connected with religion but it may be used to express emotional response to certain motives. The words that belong to this type are ―Jesus Christ”, ―hell”, ―damn”, ―goddamn. 3. Vulgarity Vulgarity and obscenity have the same reference especially to words or expressions that contain sexual anatomy and excretory function in a rough manner. The difference between vulgarity and obscenity is usually related to the level of prurience. In other words, vulgarity demonstrates the raw expression of street Language moreover, that vulgarity is used to humiliate or bring down the thing or individual referred to or described. The word that belong to this type such as ―ass‖, ―dick‖, and ―cunt‖. 4. Obscenity Obscenity refers to expressions that are prohibited from public use since they involve repulsion to the sense, abhorrent, impolite and detestable to morality, according to Batistella profanity is defined as words or expression which involves sex differentiating anatomy or sexual and excretory function that usually uttered in rough manner. The words that belong to this type are ―fuck‖ and ―shit”. Based on the explanations above it can be concluded that there four kinds of type Epithets, Profanity, Vulgarity, and Obscenity. The writer will use this theory to find out the kinds of taboo word found in the Lyrics of Cardi B on Album Invasion of Privacy


D. Functions of Taboo Words Taboo words are usually uttered because there is a reason behind them. According to Wardhaugh taboo words are disregarded in particular occasion because they have several functions such as to draw attention to oneself, to show contempt, to be provocative, and to mock authority22. To give a clear explanation of the functions of taboo words, below are brief descriptions of the functions. 1. To Draw Attention to Oneself Sometimes people utter taboo words in order to get the attention from the listener. The speakers should gain the interest through the use of strong, powerful language whose connotation can stimulate an instant reaction from the audience. Therefore, people use taboo words which are believed to have power in gaining listener‘s attention because of its strong connotation. 2. To Show Contempt The use of taboo words in conversation between two people can also mean to show contempt. The impression in which a person or may be something is totallyuseless and cannot be regarded. In other words, when someone tries to show contempt by using taboo words, he or she will insult the addressee by uttering words that can offend their pride. 3. To Be Provocative When someone utters taboo words, he or she may have an intention to provoke a certain response such as violation or anger from others. Verbal obscenity can be the most efficient symbolic process offered to protester intended for inviting chaotic reaction. Taboo words are considered successful when the response is suitable with the speaker‘s expectation 4. To Mock Authority Sometimes people use taboo words when they are not satisfied with public images such as government and institutions. Verbal obscenity

22Ronald Wardhaugh , An Introduction to Sociolinguistics , p. 239


communicates a significant hatred for society's rule, a rebellion against power as well as impertinence for things that are considered sacred. In other words, people used taboo words because they want to express their disappointment about reality that are different from what they have expected. Therefore, some people may prefer to use certain taboo words that are directed to mock authority in order to show their disbelief about governmental stuffs. Based on the explanations above it can be concluded that there four kinds of function To draw attention to oneself, To show contempt, To be provocative, and To Mock Authority. The writer will use this theory to find out the functions of taboo word found in the Lyrics of Cardi B on Album Invasion of Privacy. E. Meaning of Taboo Words In this research, the writer used theory of meaning based on pragmatic meaning which stated by Geoffrey Leech there are two conceptual meaning and connotative .23 1. Conceptual Meaning Conceptual meaning (sometimes called ‗denotative‘ or ‗cognitive‘ meaning) is widely assumed to be the central factor in linguistic communication, it can be shown to be integral to the essential functioning of language in a way that other types of meaning are not (which is not say that conceptual meaning is the most important element of every act of linguistic communication). The conceptual meaning of a language can be studied in terms of contrastive features, for example the meaning of the word women could be specified as +Human, -Male, +Adult. As distinct from, say, boy, which could be defined +Human, +Male, -Adult. The aim of conceptual meaning is to provide an appropriate semantic representation to a sentence or

23Geoffrey Leech, Semantics: the study of meaning second edition, (New York: Pinguin Books, 1981), p. 8


statement and help readers to distinguish one meaning from the meaning of other sentences. 2. Connotative Meaning Connotative meaning is the communicate value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, over and above is purely conceptual content. To a large extent, the nation of ‗reference‘ overlaps with conceptual meaning. If the word women is defined conceptually by features (+HUMAN,-MALE, +ADULT), then the three properties ‗human‘, ‗adult‘, ‗female‘ must provide a criterion of the correct use of that word. These contrastive features, translated into ‘real word‘ terms, become attributes of the referent (that which the word refers to). Based on the explanations above it can be concluded that there are two kinds of meaning they are Conceptual meaning and Connotative Meaning. The writer will use this theory to find out the meanings given to taboo word found in the Lyrics of Cardi B on Album Invasion of Privacy. F. Review Related Research Related with the song and taboo words, in this research about Cardi b songs, the writer reviewed several theses related to the title of this study.Thereare four previous related researches. The first Dozaria Yuliana and Rusdi Noor Rosa from Universities Negeri Padang entitled Types of taboo words found in the movie law abiding citizen by Rupert ames, Clarence darby, nick rice and clyde shelton.24 Thisresearch is about purpose of this study compare the types of taboo words. The writer uses the qualitative research. She analyzes the character in the film law abiding citizen. The sources data is collected from scripts and the focus of taboo word analysis is aimed at the main character of the film. In analyzing the data theory of Batistella, from results of the analysis of the main chatters from the film it uses the types of taboo words, Obscenity, Vulgarity, and Profanity. From the result of taboo words analysis which is used by repert

24Dozaria Yuliana and Rusdi Noor Rosa―Types of taboo words found in the movie law abiding citizen by Rupert ames, Clarence darby, nick rice and clyde shelton.‖. English language and literature E-journal/ ISSN 2302-3546, Universitas negeri padang , 2013,p. 83


ames, Clarence darby, nick rice and clyde Shelton in the film law abiding citizen the author concluded the types of words the most commonly used of taboo of obscenity, because in the film law adibing citizen speakers are frequent express anger. The second Sanjaya from Universities Sumatera Utara Department English Literature entitled ―An Analysis of English Taboo word in Movie Get Hard‖.25 This researchis about taboo word. The write use the descriptive qualitative method. He analyzes the Movie. The data research is obtained taboo words in script movie Get Hard. In analyzing the data, theory of jay is used to describe categories and motives of taboo word and theory of Patrick is used to determine functions of taboo word. The result of this research reveals that are there are 279 data of taboo word, which are categorized into eight categories of taboo word. They are cursing, profanity, obscenity, vulgarity, slang, insult and slurs, epithets and scatology. The most function of taboo word is hostility. Meanwhile, the majority motive of using taboo word is anger. The third Derli Elsa putri from University of Bengkulu entitled ―An analysis of taboo words in rich brian‘s song lyrics‖.26 This research described what kinds, function and meanings of taboo words used in rich Brian song lyrics. The write use the descriptive qualitative method. The sample of this research was five rich Brian‘s song lyrics that collected by using simple random sampling. The researcher employed a theory from batistella to describe the kinds of taboo words theory and a theory from wardhaugh to describe the function of taboo words. Where obscenity was the highest kind of taboo words which mentioned 49 times and profanity was the least which mentioned 6 times. Then, in functions of taboo words shoeing contempt became the commonly used while mocking authority became the least used.

25Sanjaya, ―An Analysis of English Taboo word in Movie Get Hard‖ Tesis, (Sumatera Utara: Universities Sumatera Utara Department English Literature, 2018), p. 22 26Derlin elsa putri, ―An analysis of taboo words in rich brian‘s song lyrics‖. University of Bengkulu.Vol 3. No2, 2019, p. 143


The fourthM.Iqbal Alfarisi from Universities Brawijaya Department of Languages and Literature 2014 entitled ―An Analysis of English Taboo Words used by 9GAG.COM users in January 2013‖.27 This research is about taboo word. The write used qualitative approach becausethe data of this research are in the form of word rather than number. In analyzing the type of English taboo word 9gag.com, the writer used the theory of Wardhaugh. In analyzing the purpose of using taboo words, the write used the theory of Liedlich. The write found 22 taboo words used by 9gag.com users in January 2013. They mostly used taboo words certain game animal such as: bitch please and bull shit. Most of the research above focuses on taboo words and analyze film, from the four related reviews above only one that analyzes taboo words in the song "Rich Brian‘s" while the writer focuses on taboo words that analyze the lyrics of Cardi b. From the preview related to the above research, it can be seen that this study has differences and similarities from them. The difference of this research from the research above is that this study was conducted to find out the type, meaning, and function of the taboo words and also this research focuses on song lyrics. While the similarity is that this studydiscusses the word taboo and also uses qualitative method.

27M.Iqbal Alfarisi, ―An Analysis of English Taboo Words used by 9GAG.COM users in January 2013‖ Tesis, (Malang: Universities Brawijaya Department of Languages and Literature, 2014), p. 15



A. Design of the Research In doing this research the write used qualitative research with descriptive method that appropriate for this research. “metode penelitia berasal dari kata „ metode‟ yang artinya cara yang tepat untuk melakukan sesuatu: dan „logos‟ yang artinya ilmu dan pengetahuan. Jadi, metodologi artinya cara melakukan sesuatu dengan menggunakan pikiran secara seksama untuk mencapai tujuan”.28The research methods are divided into two: qualitative and descriptive. In doing this research the write use qualitative descriptive method, this method is used to arrange and finish this paper. Mahsun stated in his book Metode Penelitian Bahasa “Penelitian bahasa yang bersifat empiris, maksudnya bahwa fenomena lingual yang menjadi objek penelitian bahasa itu adalah fenomena yang benar-benar hidup dalam pemakaian bahasa”.29 The quotation above means that qualitative research is focus on the linguistic phenomena that really use in language. The write choose this method because there are correlations between the title and the method that chosen, Method is the way or the process of the research on the other hand it is the way of scientific and illustration that use words to express about experience. According to Nyoman Kutha Ratna he stated that: “Secara etimologis deskripsi dan analisis bearti menguraikan. Meskipun demikian, analis yang berasal dari bahasa yunani, (analyein („ana‟= atas, „lyein‟ = lepas, urai), telah diberikan arti tambahan, tidak semata-mata menguraikan melainkan juga memberi pemahaman dan penjelasan secukupnya.”30 From the explanation above, those sentences mean that to analyze the topic is not only do the analysis but also put some explanations to the topic that would be analyzed, so it could make the analysis accepted by everyone. In

28Achmadi, A and Cholid, N, Metode Penelitian, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2013), p. 1 29Mahsun, Metode Penelitian Bahasa,. (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2011), p. 3 30Nyoman, Kutha Ratna. Teori Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka, 2000), p. 53


doing research, the write uses descriptive analysis method, the write described what kinds of taboo word that find chapter four and the write gave the explanation about every kinds of taboo word that find in it. B. Sources of the Data The source of data is Cardi B on Album Invasion of Privacy and the writer download the lyrics from Internet (translatelirikindo.blogspot.com). The object in this research is song lyrics. The researcher will examine about words that are considered taboo in this song lyrics. In doing this research the write uses the lyrics of privacy 7 songs as the main data and the data will be taken from the verse, stanzas, or words that can find from it. C. Technique of the Data Collection The write uses documentation in collection the data technique do collect the data. According to Sugiyono ―Tehnik pengumpulan data merupakan langkah yang paling utama dalam peneliti, karena tujuan utama dari penelitian adalah mendapatkan data”.31 In the collection the write uses library research, to collection the data with the documentation. It meant that in qualitative research will use some document that has correlation or support the problem of the research. The write analyzed Cardi B of Album Invasion of Privacy seven selected song lyrics to collect the data related with his research. The steps in collecting data:32 1. Download the script of song lyrics The writer downloads the song lyrics from Internet and YouTube. 2. Read the song lyrics of Seven selected Cardi B The writer reads repeatedly to make sure that contains taboo words. 3. Selected the taboo word Choosing song lyric that really contain elements of the taboo words. 4. Write down the data After the writer find taboo word in the lyrics of the song, and then make a data.

31Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D, (Alfabeta Bandung, 2014), p. 240 32Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D, p. 9


5. Arrange data into several parts based on classification After researchers collect data and writer it in appendix. D. Technique of the Data Analysis After collecting data, the writer analyzes the data. In qualitative research, technique analyze data is used to answer the formulation of the problem. The writer analyzes the data by using descriptive analysis. According to Nawawi ―Metode Deskriptif dapat diartikan sebagai proswdur pemecahan masalah yang diselidiki dengan mengga,barkan atau melukiskan keadaan subyek atau objek penelitian (novel, drama, cerita pendek, puisi) pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampak atau sebagaimana adanya”.33In this thesis, write uses descriptive analysis. It is why the writer describes the data has been found in the song‘s lyrics by Cardi B to find the answer of problem that has been formulated. The steps are: 1. Identification The writer identifies the data which have correlation with taboo in Cardi B song, that has collected from seven songs. 2. Classifying the data The writer classified and making the word or sentences about types of taboo in lyrics by Cardi B 3. Describing The write analyses describe and explain type of taboo, explain meaning taboo in lyrics by Cardi B 4. Conclusion After all the data of analysis had been complete, the write makes conclusion from the result of research.

33Siswanto, Metode Penelitian Sastra, (Yogyakarta: pustaka Pengajar, 2010), p. 54



In this chapter, the results of the research are presented in detail on the findings and discussion section. The results answer the objectives the research that are to identify and to describe the types by using Battistella theory, functions by using Wardhaugh theory and meaning by using Geoffrey leech theory of taboo words in Album Invasion of Privacy. In the findings, the frequencies of the types, meaning and functions of taboo words are each problem is presented in the discussion section. A. Finding The writer has found several data as follows: 1. Type of Taboo Words No Taboo Words 1 Epithets (bitch, motherfucking) 2 2 Profanity(damn) 1 3 Vulgarity(ass, dick, bottoms, pussy) 4 4 Obscenity(shit, fuck) 2

From the table above there are 9 data that are writer got from Album Invasion of Privacy. From 4 types of taboo words according to Battistella theory, the writer gets 2 data Epithets, 1 data Profanity, 4 data Vulgarity, and 2 data obscenity.

2. Function of Taboo Words No Function of Taboo Words 1 To draw attention oneself(damn, ass, motherfucking) 3 2 To show contempt (bitch, fuck) 2 3 To be provocative ( dick, pussy) 2 4 To mock authority (bitches) 1


In this study the writer found 4 functions of taboo words according to Wardraugh‘s theory, consisting of 8 data in the lyrics in Album Invasion of Privacywhich are 2 data to draw attention oneself, 3 data to show contempt, 2 data to be provocative, and 1 data to mock authority.

3. Meaning of Taboo Words No Meaning of Taboo Words 1 Conceptual (fucking, bitch, damn, pussy) 4 2 Connotative (fuck, ass, motherfucking) 3

In this study the writer found 7 data that related to the Meaning of Taboo Words according to Geoffrey theory, which are 4 data conceptual meaning, 3 data connotative meaning. B. Analysis The analysis of taboo words in song lyrics on the invasion of privacy album by Cardi B. Type of taboo word based on Battistella. The classification follows taboo word such asvulgarity, Profanity, Epithet and obscenity. The writer analyze the use of functions of taboo words by using Wardhaugh, theory such as to draw attention to oneself, to show contempt, to be provocative, to mock authority. The meaning of taboo word by using Geoffrey leech, they are conceptual meaning and connotative meaning.

1. Types of Taboo Words There are four types of taboo words found in Album Invasion of Privacy. They are,vulgarity, profanity, obscenity,and epithets by Edwin L. Battistellatheory. Each of them is explained one by one followed by some example. 34

34Edwin L. Battistella, Bad Language : are some word better than others?,


a. Vulgarity Vulgarity is different from the other two types above because it refers to words or expressions that contain sexual anatomy and excretory function in a rough manner such as ass, dick, and pussy. Vulgarity is believed to demonstrate the raw expression of street language. Therefore the use of vulgar language is usually to humiliate or bring down the thing or individual referred to. The word Dick in Dripsong appears one times in every sentence. It can be seen below:35 Datum 1 ―My wrist all liquid watches‖ ―Told the bitch jump on my dick and pop it‖ Context 1 The song lyrics above tell Cardi B life before he succeeded as a singer, how he used to be belittled and demeaned like a bitch. There is a taboo word dick which can be categorized as vulgarity type in the song lyrics above Dick is a vulgar term that refers to the human male genital organ. On the lyric ―My wrist all liquid watches and Told the bitch jump on my dick and pop it‖ mean about on the lyrics above found taboo words ―dick‖ in the songs explain about the goal is to humiliate someone he calls a prostitute. Another example is shown as follows. From the explanation about there are two data about vulgarity used in Album Invasion of Privacy.The word Ass in Get up song appears one times in every sentence. It can be seen below:36 Datum 2 ―I came here to ball, is you nuts‖ ―I don‘t want your punk-assman, I‘m too tough‖

35Belcalis Almanzar, Marshall, kiirsnickball, kiari cephus, Joshua cross. Drip, in line 76 36Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get up 10, in line 38


Context 2 The lyrics of the song above tell Cardi B, that he hates men who are jerks, because men just look down on his job.Based on the lyrics above the word "shit" In the lyrics ―I came here to ball, is you nuts and I don‘t want your punk-assman, I‘m too tough‖ mean about found taboo words ―ass‖ in the songs explain about an expression that she didn‘t want to be with a former man called a bitch. b. Profanity Profanity occurs when someone is using religious terminology in a profane such as Jesus Christ, hell, damn, and Goddamn. Although the terminology is used with those manners, but the intention of the speaker is not actually to denigrate God or anything associated with religion. The intention of the speaker is actually to express an emotional reaction to certain stimuli. In Album Invasion of Privacy, profanity words used in the song lyrics are damn. From the explanation about there are two data about profanity used in Album Invasion of Privacy.The word Damn in Get Up 10 song appears one times in every sentence. It can be seen below:37 Datum 3 ―Never been a fraud in my motherfucking life‖ ―Get money, go hard, damn fucking right‖ Contexts 3 The lyrics of the song above tell the life of Cardi B that he worked hard so that he could earn money and become a famous singer not by cheating. Based on the lyrics above found taboo words ―damn‖ in the songs explain about she was not accepted as being called a fraud because the he earned money working hard. On the lyric ―Never been a fraud in my motherfucking life and Get money, go hard, damn fucking right‖ meanabout in his life never cheat.

37Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get up 10, in line 16


Another example is shown as follows. The word Damn in She Bad song appears one times in every sentence. It can be seen below:38 Datum 4 “Damn daddy, you fine as hell‖ ―I hope your wallet got condoms in it. Contexts 4 The lyrics of the song above tell that Cardi B found a condom in his father's wallet. Based on the lyrics above the word "Damn" In the lyrics“Damn daddy, you fine as hell and I hope your wallet got condoms in it‖ means about found taboo words ―damn‖ in the songs explain about she asked his father‘s condition by expressing disrespectful words. c. Obscenity Obscenity is described as a term which characterized sexdifferentiating anatomy or sexual and excretory function in a crude way such as fuck and shit. Obscenity and vulgarity have the same reference but both aredifferent. The distinction between vulgarity and obscenity is related to the level of prurience. Obscenity is believed to be prohibited from public use since they involve repulsion to the sense, abhorrent, impolite and detestable to morality. From the explanation about there are two data about obscenity used in Album Invasion of Privacy. The word fuck in Bodak Yellow‟s song appears five times in every sentence. It can be seen below:39 Datum 5 ―If I see you and I don‘t speak‖ ―That means I don‘t fuck with you‖

38Belcalis Almanzar, Dijon Mcfarlane, Jordan Thorpe, keenon Jackson. She bad, in line 18 39Belcalis Almanzar, Dieuson Octave, Jordan Thorpe, Anthony White. Bodak yellow, in line 14


Contexts 5 The lyrics of the song above tell that Cardi B used to be a lot of people who underestimated it.Based on the lyrics above found taboo words ―fuck‖ in the songs explain about the problems with her friends because her friend make her fell so annoyed with them. On the lyric ―If I see you and don‘t speak and that means I don‘t fuck with you‖ mean about better to be silence than she serve is enemies. Another example is shown as follows. The word Shit in Get up 10song appears. It can be seen below.40 Datum 6 ―I don‘t trust no nigga, I don‘t fear no bitch‖ ―Whole life been through some fucked up shit‖ Contexts 6 The lyrics of the song above tell that Cardi B does not trust a bitch at all, because the whole life of a bitch is just shit. Based on the lyrics above the word "shit" In the lyrics ―I don‘t trust no nigga, I don‘t fear no bitch and whole life been through some fucked up shit” means about found taboo words ―shit‖ in the songs explain tell about she had bad life and she was ever doing something bad in heart life. d. Epithet Epithet includes a variety of matters related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, one's appearance, and disabilities such as bitch, nigger, motherfucker and son of a bitch. Epithet can occur because the person uttering the word is motivated by reform or anger. Therefore, he will use emotional language with taboo words addressed to other people. The lyrics of the song Album Invasion of Privacy, the epithet are in keeping with the words bastard and bitch characterize the use of the term sexuality.

40Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get up 10, in line line 59


From the explanation about there are two data about epithets used in Album Invasion of Privacy. The word motherfucking in Get Upsong appears one times in every sentence. It can be seen below:41 Datum 7 ―Real bitch, only thing fake is the boobs‖ ―get money, go hard, you‘re motherfucking right‖ Contexts 7 The lyrics of the song above tell that most of the fake bitches are breasts, and she can make money from there. Based on the lyrics above found taboo words ―motherfucking‖ in the songs explain about she tells someone that he gets wealth by working hard and she mentions someone with emotion called motherfucking. On the lyric ―Real bitch, only thing fake is the boobs and get money, go hard, you‘re motherfucking right‖ mean abouthe said that the prostitute that was fake in his body was her breasts. Another example is shown as follows. The word bitch in Bodak yellowsong appears one times in every sentence. It can be seen below:42 Datum 8 ―Said little bitch, you can‘t fuck with me‖ ―If you wanted‖ Contexts 8 The song's lyrics reveal that a little bitch can't find trouble with her, because she doesn't want to find trouble. The song lyrics above, utters the word Bitch which is categorized as epithet because it is one of many slurs which refer to sexuality term. Bitch originally means a female dog but it has a different meaning when it is used as a word to

41Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get up 10, in line 14 42Belcalis Almanzar, Dieuson Octave, Jordan Thorpe, Anthony White. Bodak yellow, in line 1


insult another person. If the word is directed to a female, it can be meant as a female prostitute who likes to change her sex partner. If it is directed to a male, the word means a homosexual who plays the female role in copulation.Based on the lyrics above found taboo words ―bitch‖ in the songs explain she hatred of people who wanted to find trouble for him, so he said the word bitch to call those people. On the lyric ―Said little bitch, you can‘t fuck with me and If you wanted‖ mean aboutHe said don't ever look for problems with him even though you are very fond. Based on the research the first question about the types of taboo words, the writer found four types of taboo words they are; Obscenity, vulgarity, Epithets, and profanity. This finding is matched with theory by Battistella, saying that there are four types of taboo words, and also similar with the finding of other research. The writer found all types of taboo words same as Dozaria Yuliana and Rusdi Noor Rosa from Universitas negeri padang. The writer found Vulgarity was mostly dominant, Dozaria Yuliana and Rusdi Noor Rosa was mostly dominant in her research. 2. Functions of Taboo Words This section discusses the functions of taboo words the found in Album Invasion of Privacy. The detailed explanations in this part answer the second research question stated in Chapter I. All four functions of taboo words, including drawing attention to oneself, to be provocative, to show contempt, and to mock authority by Wardhaugh. . Each of them is explained one by one followed by some example.43 a. To Show Contempt This function can occurs when people utter taboo words to show their disrespect feeling toward the addressee. It can be said that the aim of the speaker is to offend their opposite pride because they feel that their opposite partners are completelyworthless. To make the

43Ronald wardhaugh , An Introduction to Sociolinguistics


definition clearer, there are two examples of this function that are explained one by one below. The word bitch in get upsong appears one times in every sentence. It can be seen below.44 Datum 1 ―I started speakin' my mind and tripled my views‖ ―Real bitch only thing fake is the boobs‖ Contexts 1 The lyrics of the song above Cardi B tell us that a bitch actually has the fake part is the breast.Based on the song lyrics above the word ―bitch‖ in the lyrics ―I started speakin' my mind and tripled my views‖ and ―Real bitch only thing fake is the boobs‖ show contempt for someone for having fake boobs. Pronouncement of the taboo words above that can offend a person's self-esteem. Another example is shown as follows.45 Datum 2 ―That means I don‘t fuck with you‖ ―I‘m a boss, you a worker bitch‖ Contexts 2 Cardi B says that he doesn't want to do a job like that because he is the boss.Based on the song lyrics above the word ―fuck‖ in the lyrics ―That means I don‘t fuck with you‖ and ―I‘m a boss, you a worker bitch‖. show that he said the words taboo fuck to show his insult to someone for his profession as a destroyer. The taboo words above intensify how he shows his disrespect for someone's work.

44Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get up 10, in line 13

45Belcalis Almanzar, Dieuson Octave, Jordan Thorpe, Anthony White. Bodak yellow, in line 14


b. To Draw Attention to Oneself This function can occur when someone utters a taboo word which has a strong connotation to gain the listener‘s attention. Moreover, by using strong and powerful language such as taboo word, the listeners will immediately respond the speaker‘s utterance. Here are some examples to draw attention to oneself. Another example is shown as follows.46 Datum 3 ―Never been a fraud in my motherfucking life‖ ―Get money, go hard, damn fucking right‖ Contexts 3 The lyrics of the song above tell the life of Cardi B that he worked hard so that he could earn money and become a famous singer not by cheating. Based on the song lyrics above the word ―damn‖ in the lyrics ―Never been a fraud in my motherfucking life‖ and ―Get money, go hard, damn fucking right‖ show that she said taboo words ―damn‖ to attract someone's attention because it seemed that someone would not stop he words who called him a con artist. Another example is shown as follows.47 Datum 4 ―I don't want your punk-ass man, I'm too tough (facts)‖ ―I'm the one that's killin' shit, hands down (hands down)‖ Contexts 4 The song's lyrics above the author says he hates jerk men, to the point that he wants to kill him. Based on the song lyrics above “ass” in the lyrics ―I don't want your punk-ass man, I'm too tough (facts)‖ and ―I'm theone that's killin' shit, hands down (hands

46Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get up 10, in line 16

47Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get up 10, in line 38


down)‖.Show that he said taboo “ass” words to attract someone's attention that he did not want a jerk he used taboo words to get hearing attention because of his strong connotations.

Another example is shown as follows.48 Datum 5 ―Real bitch, only thing fake is the boobs‖ ―get money, go hard, you‘re “motherfucking” right‖ Contexts 5 The lyrics of the song above tell that most of the fake bitches are breasts, and she can make money from there. Based on the song lyrics above “motherfucking” in the lyrics―Real bitch, only thing fake is the boobs‖ and ―get money, go hard, you‘re “motherfucking” right‖. To attract someone‘s attention because the song above illustrates that “motherfucking” can get money from working hard. c. To Be Provocative This function happens when a speaker utters taboo words to provoke a certain response from the listener such as violation or anger. The application of taboo words in someone‘s utterance is believed to be the most effective method for inviting a chaotic reaction. Therefore, some people tend to choose the employment of taboo words in their conversation to get the expected response from the listener. An example of to be provocative function is shown in the following datum. Another example is shown as follows.49 Datum 6 ―But if I did decide to slide, find a nigga‖ ―Fuck him, suck his dick, you would‘ve been pissed‖

48Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get up 10, in line 14

49Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Be carful, in line 18


Contexts 6 The song lyrics above Cardi B say that he wants to find a man, to order someone to do something indecent.Based on the song lyrics above “dick” in the lyrics―But if I did decide to slide, find a nigga‖ and ―Fuck him, suck his “dick”, you would‘ve been pissed‖ shows that her said the taboo word “dick” to provoke a response from his opponent. As written song lyrics above you would‘ve been pissed. Another example is shown as follows.50 Datum 7 ―It‘s lit like a lamp, lick you like a stamp‖ ―Beat this “pussy”up I take it like a champ‖ Contexts 7 The song lyrics above cardi b tell how a bitch works and says inappropriate things like body organs.Based on the song lyrics above “pussy” in the lyrics―It‘s lit like a lamp, lick you like a stamp‖ and ―Beat this pussy up I take it like a champ‖ show that he said the word “pussy” to provoke a response from his opponent. When her said defeat could be seen glanced over because his “pussy” was like a hero.

d. To Mock Authority This function only appears once. This function can occur when people utter taboo words because they are not satisfied with public images such as the government and institutions. Therefore, they utter taboo words that are directed to mock authority in order to show their disbelief about governmental stuffs. To make the explanation clearer, there is an example of conversation which shows to mock authority function which is presented below.

50Belcalis Almanzar, Dijon Mcfarlane, Jordan Thorpe, keenon Jackson. She bad, in line 46


Another example is shown as follows.51 Datum 8 ―Light up my wrist on these hoes (wrist)‖ ―Now I look down on these bitches (down)‖ Contexts 8 The song lyrics above Cardi B recount her wrist and she stares at the bitch. Based on the song lyrics above “bitches” in the lyrics ―Light up my wrist on these hoes (wrist)‖ and ―Now I look down on these ―bitches” (down)‖ show that he said the word bitch to invite a chaotic reaction to someone who said “bitch” in the song Bodak yellow that he was very looking down on prostitutes. Based on the research the second about the function of taboo words, the writer found four function of taboo words they are; To draw attention, To show contempt, To be provocative, and last To mock authority this finding is matched with the theory Wardhaugh, saying that there are four function of taboo words, and similar with the finding of another research. The writer found all kinds of function of taboo words same as Derlin elsa putri from University of Bengkulu. The writer found To show contempt was mostly dominant, and also Derlin elsa putri found To show contempt was mostly dominant in her research. 3. Meaning of Taboo Words In the selected lyrics of Cardi B song the writer was consider the taboo words based on the kinds of taboo itself and the word that marked by writer as important thing to be analyzed what the meaning inside the word by looking for the donative and connotative meaning. In other words, the writer analyzes the word in taboo that was marked by looking for denotativemeaning and connotative meaning to

51Belcalis Almanzar, Marshall, kiirsnickball, kiari cephus, Joshua cross. Drip, in line 26


determine word meaning in a given context based on taboo meaning that found from the data before. The writer explained the data as follow:52 a. Conceptual Conceptual meaning (sometimes called ‗denotative‘ or ‗cognitive‘ meaning) is widely assumed to be the central factor in linguistic communication, it can be shown to be integral to the essential functioning of language in a way that other types of meaning are not (which is not say that conceptual meaning is the most important element of every act of linguistic communication) Another example is shown as follows53 Datum 1 Get money, go hard, damn fucking right Stunt on these bitches out of mothafucking'spite Contexts 1 Cardi B's song lyrics above tell the story of his past life, he earned money from working hard and he was very upset to see a bitch just acting. Because this bitch hates him.Based on the song lyrics above the word “fucking” in the lyrics ―Get money, go hard, damn fucking right‖ and Stunt on these bitches out of mothafucking'spite. Conceptual meaning because be called a fucker or having sexual interfere. Because the conceptual meanings are as an absolute word meaning. Another example is shown as follows.54 Datum 2 So if it‘s all love, show me love then (huh) 'Cause you hatin' on a bitch, that's what it sound like.

52Geoffrey Leech, Semantics: the study of meaning second edition 53Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get up 10, in line 15 54Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get up 10, in line 47


Contexts 2 The lyrics of the song above Cardi B tell that it is all love show because he doesn't believe in love and he hates bitches. Based on the song lyrics above the word“bitch” in the lyrics ―So if it‘s all love, show me love then (huh)‖ and ―Cause you hatin' on a bitch, that's what it sound like‖. Meaning conceptual because ―Bitch‖ in the lyrics of the song above can be called ―a woman entrainment and bitch. Because the conceptual meanings are as an absolute word meaning. Another example is shown as follows.55 Datum 3 ―Never been a fraud in my motherfucking life‖ ―Get money, go hard, damn fucking right‖ Contexts 3 The lyrics of the song above tell the life of Cardi B that he worked hard so that he could earn money and become a famous singer not by cheating.Based on the song lyrics above the word“damn” in the lyrics ―Never been a fraud in my motherfucking life‖and ―Get money, go hard, damn fucking right‖. Conceptual meaning because it is called the swear, curse, and inactive because the conceptual meanings are as an absolute word meaning. Another example is shown as follows.56 Datum 4 ―I started getting money, bitches upset‖ ―They remind me of my pussy, bitches mad tight‖ Contexts 4 Cardi B's song lyrics above say, when I got the money the bitch was very upset. and that bitch reminds me of my cunt. Based on the song lyrics above the word“pussy” in the lyrics ―I started getting money,

55Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get up 10, in line 15 56Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get up 10, in line 53


bitches upset‖ and ―They remind me of my pussy, bitches mad tight‖ in the Conceptual meaning because it is called the vulva, cunt and fanny because the conceptual meanings are as an absolute word meaning. b. Connotative Connotative meaning is the communicate value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, over and above is purely conceptual content. To a large extent, the nation of ‗reference‘ overlaps with conceptual meaning. If the word women is defined conceptually by features (+HUMAN,-MALE, +ADULT), then the three properties ‗human‘, ‗adult‘, ‗female‘ must provide a criterion of the correct use of that word. These contrastive features, translated into ‘real word‘ terms, become attributes of the referent (that which the word refers to). Another example is shown as follows.57 Datum 5 Said little bitch, you can't fuck with me If you wanted to Contexts 5 The song's lyrics above explain where the situation is in western culture when they say "fuck" is to say anger or annoyance to someone.It turns out that if it is only connected with a full sentence, the meaning of the word "fuck" is not connected so after the writer was careful with the use of where this song originated, it turned out that people tend to use the word "fuck" in many ways, one of which is suitable for the meaning of "fuck"in this sentence and song means that which avoids trouble.Because the connotative meaning is not the meaning, the meaning the possession or additional meaning.

57Belcalis Almanzar, Dieuson Octave, Jordan Thorpe, Anthony White. Bodak yellow, in line 1


Another example is shown as follows.58 Datum 6 I don't want your punk-ass man, I'm too tough (facts) I'm the one that's killing shit, hands down (hands down) Contexts 6 The song's lyrics above explain that western culture when you say "ass" it can also be called a swear word.It turns out that if it is only connected with a full sentence, the meaning of the word "ass" is not connected so after the writer was careful with the use of where this song originated, it turned out that people tend to use the word "ass" in many ways, one of which is suitable for the meaning of "ass"in this sentence and song means that which jerk.Because the connotative meaning is not the meaning, the meaning the possession or additional meaning. Another example is shown as follows.59 Datum 7 ―Real bitch, only thing fake is the boobs‖ ―Get money, go hard, you‘re motherfucking right‖ Contexts 7 The lyrics of the song above explain where the situation in western culture is when they say "motherfucking" it can also be called intercourse with parents and also besides that, the word refers to reproach, difficult circumstances or stress. It turns out that if it is only connected with a full sentence, the meaning of the word "motherfucking" is not connected so after the writer was careful with the use of where this song originated, it turned out that people tend to use the word "motherfucking" in many ways, one of which is suitable for the meaning of "motherfucking" in this sentence and song means

58Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get up 10, in line 38 59Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get up 10, in line 14


that which earn money from working hard .Because the connotative meaning is not the meaning, the meaning the possession or additional meaning. Based on the research third question about the meaning of taboo words, the writer found two meaning of taboo words they are; Connotative, and Denotative. This finding is matched with theory by Geoffrey leech, saying that two the meaning of taboo words. But different from other research findings, the writer found all meaning while M.iqbal alfarisi from universities Brawijaya only discuss types and functions. The writer found Denotative mostly dominant.



CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION This chapter consists of conclusion, summary and suggestion. The writer concluded base on the findings and analysis and gave some suggestion to be reader. There are two parts of conclusion, which is summary and concluding remark. A. Conclusion 1. There are four types of taboo words in Album Invasion of Privacy by Cardi b. consist of; obscenity, vulgarity, profanity, and last epithets. The types of taboo words found are obscenity as may 2 data, vulgarity 4 data, profanity 1 data, and epithets 2 data. In conclusion, vulgarity was mostly dominant used in Album Invasion of Privacy by Cardi b. 2. There are four function of taboo words in Album Invasion of Privacy by Cardi b. consist of; to draw attention to oneself, to show contempt, to be provocative, and to mock authority. The function of taboo words found are to draw attention to oneself 2 data, to show contempt 3 data, to be provocative 2 data, and to mock authority 1 data. In conclusion, to contempt was mostly dominant used in Album Invasion of Privacy by Cardi b. 3. There are third of meaning taboo words in Album Invasion of Privacy by Cardi b. consist of; conceptual meaning, and connotative meaning. The meaning of taboo words for conceptual meaning 4 data and last connotative meaning 3 data. The meaning of taboo word for conceptual was mostly dominant used in Album Invasion of Privacy by Cardi b. From the summary above the writer conclude that, the writer found all types of taboo words. Vulgarity is mostly dominant. The writer also found the use function of taboo words. To show contempt is mostly dominant, the last the writer found meaning of taboo words. Conceptual meaning is mostly dominant from Album Invasion of Privacy.


B. Suggestion The writer would like to suggest to next researchers especially for student of State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi who to want analyze about the taboo words in linguistics study to increase knowledge about linguistics especially taboo words. There are many benefits for analyzing about taboo words. In western song lyrics because in addition to being useful for linguistic knowledge, it can also be useful for all people, especially those who like western songs to know more about the meaning of song.



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Song lyrics Obscenity

―If I see you and I don‘t speak‖ Belcalis Almanzar, Dieuson Octave, Jordan Thorpe, Anthony White. Bodak

yellow, in line 14 ―That means I don‘t fuck with you‖

―I don‘t trust no nigga, I don‘t fear no Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get bitch‖ up 10, in line line 59

―Whole life been through some fucked up shit‖

Profanity ―Never been a fraud in my Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get motherfucking life‖ up 10, in line 16

―Get money, go hard, damn fucking right‖

“Damn daddy, you fine as hell‖ Belcalis Almanzar, Dijon Mcfarlane, Jordan Thorpe, keenon Jackson. She

bad, in line 18 ―I hope your wallet got condoms in it.

Vulgarity ―My wrist all liquid watches‖ Belcalis Almanzar, Marshall, kiirsnickball, kiari cephus, Joshua

cross. Drip, in line 76 ―Told the bitch jump on my dick and pop it‖

―I came here to ball, is you nuts‖ Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get

up 10, in line 38 ―I don‘t want your punk-assman, I‘m too tough‖

Epithet ―Real bitch, only thing fake is the Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get boobs‖ up 10, in line 14

―get money, go hard, you‘re motherfucking right‖

―Said little bitch, you can‘t fuck with Belcalis Almanzar, Dieuson Octave, Jordan Thorpe, Anthony White. Bodak me‖ yellow, in line 1

―If you wanted Functions of Taboo Words. To Show Contempt ―I started speakin' my mind and tripled Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get my views‖ up 10, in line 13

―Real bitch only thing fake is the boobs‖

That means I don‘t fuck with you‖ Belcalis Almanzar, Dieuson Octave, Jordan Thorpe, Anthony White. Bodak

yellow, in line 14 ―I‘m a boss, you a worker bitch‖

To Draw Attention to Oneself ―Never been a fraud in my motherfucking life‖ Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get

up 10, in line 16 ―Get money, go hard, damn fucking right‖

―I don't want your punk-ass man, I'm too tough (facts)‖ Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get

up 10, in line 38 ―I'm the one that's killin' shit, hands down (hands down)‖

Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, ―Real bitch, only thing fake is the Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get boobs‖ up 10, in line 14

―get money, go hard, you‘re “motherfucking” right‖ To Be Provocative ―But if I did decide to slide, find a nigga‖

―Fuck him, suck his dick, you would‘ve been pissed‖

―It‘s lit like a lamp, lick you like a Belcalis Almanzar, Dijon Mcfarlane, stamp‖ Jordan Thorpe, keenon Jackson. She bad, in line 46 ―Beat this “pussy”up I take it like a champ‖ To Mock Authority ―Light up my wrist on these hoes Belcalis Almanzar, Marshall, (wrist)‖ kiirsnickball, kiari cephus, Joshua cross. Drip, in line 26 ―Now I look down on these bitches (down)‖ Meaning of Taboo Conceptual Get money, go hard, damn fucking Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get right up 10, in line 15

Stunt on these bitches out of mothafucking'spite

So if it‘s all love, show me love then Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get (huh) up 10, in line 47

'Cause you hatin' on a bitch, that's what it sound like.

―Never been a fraud in my Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get motherfucking life‖ up 10, in line 15

―Get money, go hard, damn fucking right‖

―I started getting money, bitches upset‖ Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, ―They remind me of my pussy, bitches Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get mad tight‖ up 10, in line 53

Connotative Said little bitch, you can't fuck with Belcalis Almanzar, Dieuson Octave, Jordan Thorpe, Anthony White. Bodak me yellow, in line 1

If you wanted to

I don't want your punk-ass man, I'm Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get too tough (facts) up 10, in line 38

I'm the one that's killing shit, hands down (hands down)

―Real bitch, only thing fake is the Belcalis Almanzar, Jordan Thorpe, Robert Williams, Jermaine preyan. Get boobs‖ up 10, in line 14

―Get money, go hard, you‘re motherfucking right‖


Biography Cardi B

Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar (born October 11, 1992), known professionally as Cardi B, is an American rapper, , television personality, and actress.Born in and raised in the Bronx, , she became an after several of her posts and videos became popular on and .From 2015 to 2017, she appeared as a regular cast member on the VH1 reality television series Love & Hip Hop: New York to follow her music aspirations, and released two —Gangsta Bitch Music, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, before signing with label in early 2017.

Her debut studio album, Invasion of Privacy (2018), debuted at number one on the Billboard 200, broke several streaming records, was certified triple platinum by the RIAA and named by Billboard the top female rap album of the . Critically acclaimed, it won the Grammy Award for Best Rap Album, making Cardi B the only woman to win the award as a solo artist, as well as the first female rap artist in 15 years to be nominated for Album of the Year. It spawned two number-one singles on the ; "Bodak Yellow", which made her the second female rapper to top the chart with a solo output— following in 1998, and "I Like It", which made her the first female rapper to attain multiple number-one songs on the chart. Her collaboration "" made her the sixth female artist to achieve three number-one singles on the Hot 100 during the 2010s.

Recognized by Forbes as one of the most influential female rappers of all time, Cardi B is known for her aggressive flow and candid lyrics, which have received widespread media coverage. She is the highest-certified female rapper of all time on the RIAA's Top Artists (Digital Singles) ranking, also appearing among the ten highest-certified female artists and having the top certified song by a female rap artist. She is the only female rapper with multiple billion- streamers on . Her include a Grammy Award, seven Billboard Music Award, five Guinness World Records, four American Music Award, eleven BET Hip Hop Award and an ASCAP song writer of the year award. In 2018, Time included her on their annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world.



A. Informasi Diri Nama : Putri Yanelia Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan Tempat & Tgl. Lahir : Lambur, 11 juli 1997 NIM : AI160803 Alamat : Muara sabak timur No. Telp/HP : 081275364388 Email : [email protected] Nama Ayah : Zulfian Nama Ibu : Asneli

B. Riwayat Pendidikan 1. SDN 14 Lambur Luar : Tahun 2003-2009 2. SMPN 11 Tanjung Jabung Timur : Tahun 2009-2012 3. SMAN 3 Pariaman : Tahun 2012-2015

C. Pengalaman Organisasi 1. Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan

Moto Hidup: “Where there‘s a will, there‘s a way‖

Jambi, 25 Juli 2020 Penulis

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