Best Management Practices for Agricultural Ditch Management in the Phase 6 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model

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Best Management Practices for Agricultural Ditch Management in the Phase 6 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model CBP/TRS-326-19 Best Management Practices for Agricultural Ditch Management in the Phase 6 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model DRAFT for CBP partnership review and feedback: September 4, 2019 Prepared for Chesapeake Bay Program 410 Severn Avenue Annapolis, MD 21403 Prepared by Agricultural Ditch Management BMP Expert Panel: Ray Bryant, PhD, Panel Chair, USDA Agricultural Research Service Ann Baldwin, PE, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Brooks Cahall, PE, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Laura Christianson, PhD PE, University of Illinois Dan Jaynes, PhD, USDA Agricultural Research Service Chad Penn, PhD, USDA Agricultural Research Service Stuart Schwartz, PhD, University of Maryland Baltimore County With: Clint Gill, Delaware Department of Agriculture Jeremy Hanson, Virginia Tech Loretta Collins, University of Maryland Mark Dubin, University of Maryland Brian Benham, PhD, Virginia Tech Allie Wagner, Chesapeake Research Consortium Lindsey Gordon, Chesapeake Research Consortium Support Provided by EPA Grant No. CB96326201 Acknowledgements The panel wishes to acknowledge the contributions of Andy Ward, PhD (Ohio State University, retired). Suggested Citation Bryant, R., Baldwin, A., Cahall, B., Christianson, L., Jaynes, D., Penn, C., and S. Schwartz. (2019). Best Management Practices for Agricultural Ditch Management in the Phase 6 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model. Collins, L., Hanson, J. and C. Gill, editors. CBP/TRS-326-19. [Approved by the CBP WQGIT Month DD, YYYY. <URL to report on CBP website>] Cover image: Sabrina Klick, Univ. of Maryland Eastern Shore. Executive Summary The Agricultural Ditch Management BMP Expert Panel convened in 2016 and deliberated to develop the recommendations described in this report in response to the Charge provided to the panel by the Agriculture Workgroup (Appendix D: Panel Charge and Scope of Work). The panel was instructed to review the available science on the nutrient and sediment removal efficiencies associated with agricultural ditch BMPs of particular concern to the Delmarva Peninsula. Specifically, the panel reviewed and assessed: 1. Blind inlets 6. Gypsum Curtains 2. Denitrifying bioreactors 7. Two-stage ditches 3. Water Control Structures 8. Denitrifying curtains 4. Phosphorus removal systems 9. Ditch dipouts (dredging) 5. Saturated buffers The panel devoted one chapter of this report to each of the first five practices. In each of these chapters: terms were defined; relevant NRCS practice codes were identified; the available scientific literature from inside and outside the watershed was reviewed; reduction efficiency values for TN, TP and sediment were recommended; ancillary benefits and hazards were discussed; and future research needs were identified (Table 1). The panel determined that there was insufficient research at this time to support reduction efficiency values for two-stage ditches, denitrifying curtains, gypsum curtains and ditch dipouts (see Future Research and Management Needs section). Table 1 - Summary of recommended efficiency values for agriculture ditch BMPs BMP NRCS P Code Reduction efficiency Application Credit duration Blind inlets 620, 606 0% TN, 40% TP, 60% Sed. Drained 5 Yr area (ac.) Blind inlets w/ P- 0% TN, 50% TP, 60% Sed. Drained 5 Yr sorbing materials area (ac.) Denitrifying 605 20% TN, 0% TP, 0% Sed. Drained 10 Yr bioreactors area (ac.) WC Structures 587 0% TN, 0% TP, 0% Sed. Drained N/A area (ac.) Drainage Water 554 30% TN, 0% TP, 0% Sed. Drained Annual Management area (ac.) P removal 782 0% TN, 50% TP, 60% Sed. Drained 4 yr systems area (ac.) Saturated buffers 604 20% TN, 0% TP, 0% Sed. Drained 10 Yr area (ac.) Agricultural Ditch Management Expert Panel i Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................ i Background: Charge and Membership of the Expert Panel ......................................................................... 6 Background: Agricultural ditches and ditch management in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed ................... 9 Blind inlets ................................................................................................................................................... 15 Terms and definitions ............................................................................................................................. 15 Specific practices/approaches/NRCS CP codes included and excluded under this practice/category... 15 Review of science and literature ............................................................................................................. 18 Recommended effectiveness estimates, default values ........................................................................ 21 Ancillary benefits, potential hazards and unintended consequences .................................................... 22 Management requirements and visual indicators of effectiveness ....................................................... 22 Future research needs ............................................................................................................................ 22 References .............................................................................................................................................. 22 Denitrifying Bioreactors .............................................................................................................................. 23 Terms and definitions ............................................................................................................................. 23 Specific practices/approaches/NRCS CP codes included and excluded under this practice/category... 23 Review of science and literature ............................................................................................................. 26 Recommended effectiveness estimates, default values ........................................................................ 29 Ancillary benefits and potential hazards or unintended consequences................................................. 29 Management requirements and visual indicators of effectiveness ....................................................... 30 Future research needs ............................................................................................................................ 30 References .............................................................................................................................................. 30 Water Control Structures and Drainage Water Management .................................................................... 32 Terms and definitions ............................................................................................................................. 32 Specific practices/approaches/NRCS Conservation Practice codes included and excluded under this practice/category .................................................................................................................................... 32 Review of science and literature ............................................................................................................. 34 Expected Nutrient Reductions ................................................................................................................ 37 Information Gaps and Uncertainty ......................................................................................................... 40 Recommended effectiveness estimates, default values ........................................................................ 41 Ancillary benefits and potential hazards or unintended consequences................................................. 42 Management requirements and visual indicators of effectiveness ....................................................... 42 Future research needs ............................................................................................................................ 43 References .............................................................................................................................................. 43 Phosphorus removal systems ..................................................................................................................... 47 Agricultural Ditch Management Expert Panel ii Terms and definitions ............................................................................................................................. 47 Specific practices/approaches/NRCS CP codes included and excluded under this practice/category... 47 Review of science and literature ............................................................................................................. 55 Recommended effectiveness estimates, default values ........................................................................ 65 Ancillary benefits and potential hazards or unintended consequences ............................................. 65 Management requirements and visual indicators of effectiveness ....................................................... 65 Future research needs ............................................................................................................................ 66 References .............................................................................................................................................. 66 Saturated buffers .......................................................................................................................................
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