Blue Cast Sanitarium
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WAYNE DAILY NEWS rage vieq WIIK~OM St foffil metil^iemy another In doing honor to the atnofe creature who bad saved their fellow They lived in a great village In huts and battled single handed with fierce that were built of atone, and fturround The Old Sabor. ed by a great jrall. They were very Reliable At last they led bim back to the! fierce, robing out and falling upon out FERRIS Specialist village, where they brought him gift* warriors before ever they Ifjfpojl that I AM AQAiNST HIGH AJJJ) BXT01J. 2 % PER MONTH of fowl and goats and cooked food their errand was a peaceful one, pur TJONATE FEES CHARQEp $Y SOME »h your furnlturo, pianos, live When be pointed to their weapons th men were few in number, but they DOCTOBS ANDjS|l itpck, etc. We make loans la warriors hastened to fetch spear held their own at the top of tt mile It matters not wKaKyouFaUment fs. all parts of the city and suF* shield, arrows and a bow. His friem rocky bill, until the fierce people Went nor who has treated it, if it is curable, rounding towns. of the encounter presented him with back at sunset into their wicked city. my many years' experience will give you WEEKLY OR MONTHLY immediate benefit and a quick and lasting PAYMENTS. the knife with which he bad killed Then oar warriors came down from cure. JE!VERY DOLLAB PAID Sabor. There was nothing iu all th their bill, and after taking many orna- I simply .want the opportunity of village he could not have had for the ments of yellow metal from the bodies treating every man In this vicin- REDUCES THE COST asking. of those they had slain they marched ity who la getting discouraged because All dealings strictly confidential. Tarzan's first night with the savages back out of the valley, nor have any other doctors and treatments have not Cf you can't come to offlco benefited. I know when I cure such suf- phone or write and our agefat was devoted to a wild orgy in his bon of us ever returned. ferers they will be so thankful they will will call and explain our new or. There was feasting, for the bun "They are wicked people, neithe send their friends to me for treatment plan. ters had brought in an antelope and a white like you or black like me, bu Get Clircd In tfto.curo of Blood Pol* zebra as trophies of their skill, and covered with hair as Is Bolgani, th > NATIONAL LOAN GO, gallons of the weak native beer were gorilla. Wazlri, our chief, was there, Bladder and Prostate, Acute and Chronic Acquired Diseases, Nervous Debility, and AM FORT WAYNE, IND. Consumed. As tbe warriorf danced in replied B'aswli, "He was a very yonni those weakened conditions that unflt so 407-8 Shoaff Bldg. Phone tbe firelight Tarzan was again im man then." many for activity, I have perfected meth- Copyright, 1015, by W. G, ods which to me have been marvelous In pressed by the symmetry of their fig $ So that night Tarzau asked Watlri DR. C. S. FERRIS. SYNOPSIS urea and the regularity of their fea about it and Wazlri, who was now an their results, Varicocele, Hydrooele, man thrilled wltb pleasure. tures-the flat noses and thick lips o The Doctor Who Sees and Stricture, Piles, Fissure, Fistula, cured ape-mail, who lived In the AM- tfiue was on tbe alert, as with crafty old man, said that it was a long march Treats Each Case Person* without a severe surgical operation of twwtr yeart, ie ntarniac to tbe typical West Coast savage were but that the way was not difficult to ally; No Assistants. suffering or keeping you from business. FORT WAYNE A NORTHERN flf «tter naouMlap bla birthright ej •jtealtli he rngved quickly tbroagb th entirely missing. In repose the faces INDIANA TRACTION COMPANY ketw tWemke of J«n« Por- trees, unwind, in th« direction of bis follow. He remembered It well. Dr. Ferris has devoted more than 18 YEAR3 of his professional t» hM ooualn. William Clay- of the men were intelligent and dlgni "For ten days we followed this river life to the treatment and cure of special diseases. He has the expert' "Wabaeh Valley Lints" prey. Prefently be came upon 1t—a fled, those of the women ofttimes pre- He atoteta Count de Coude and the tone warrior treading softly throng! which runs beside our village, tip to- ence and experience la what counts In curing chronic diseases. Effective NOT. 2, 1H» their enwny, Nikolu the jangle. ward its source we traveled until on My Fees in Uncompli- OC 4** 4£1f£ WHY PAY CHAPTER XVII. the tenth day we cam* to a little spring cated Cases West- Bound Tratne Lefty* - ^.t 'in ParUi iXAriipt. Tanaa'a Mend, re- Tanan followed close above hi •:|0 A. M. 1:00 P. It quarry, waiting for a clearer space in From Ape to Savage, far up upon the side of a lofty moun for inferior treatment when you can get the very best medical atten- „ 7:10 A. K.» j>rov« hmi (or fMag op bis poalttoa In tain range. In this little spring our tlon at a fee of from ONE-FOURTH to ONE-HALF that charged by 1:00 A. M. i:30f>!S> ". : aha worW. Tarun aawrfai hla preference which to hurl his rope. As he stalked T was during this dance that the other specialists? Remember that you are not asked to pay for any •:10 A. M.* e.-oi P. *••..•«•> %or ]Dncle life. the unconscious man new thoughts /ape-man first noticed that some river ia born. The next day we cross experiments. or any failure. If your case will not yield to my treat- 16:00 A. ML t;W P. M. ed over the top of" the mountain, and ment I can ascertain that at the first examination, and will frankly tell 11:80 A. M. |:CO P. 1L W.' •} Rokott tries to have Twain aaeuelaat- presented themselves to the ape-man- of the men and many of the wo il:JO P. It .«d, but the ape-maa'a enonnoue strength upon the other side We came to a tiny you so ,ahd give you advice how to take care of yourself. You make l;lo P. it* thoughts born of the refining Influ I men wore ornaments of gold •no mistake by submitting your case to me immediately. Call today jjhnd agility emve him. D'Arnot receive* a ences of civilization and of Its cruel principally anklets and armlets 01 rivulet, which we followed down into and you will be on the road to health tomorrow. Those who are not South-Bound Train* Leeve {letter from Clayton. The latter aad Jane a great forest For many days we getting results elsewhere, call and see what an experienced specialist •:M A. M.» 8:00 P. M. •re to be married. ties. It came to him that seldom great weight, apparently beaten out o 7:00 A. M. 4:00 P. M.« ftokoff plot* acalnat the Countess 6* ever did civilized man kill a fellow tho 'Solid metal. When be expressed a traveled along the winding banks o can do. If you are In need of reliable treatment, come to me and bo 8:00 A. M.» J:CO P, M. {Coude ana Tarzan. He decoys the latter the rivulet that had now become i : cured, . • . 9:00 A. M. 6:00 P! M,« jto the countess' rooms at night by a false wish to-examine one of these the own 10:00 A. M.» 7:00 P. M. • ••" being without some pretext, howevei dver, until we came to a greater river (CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. Hours-9 to 5 Daily: 11:00 A. M. message and then notifies the count fio- er removed it from her person and in Evenings,? to 8 Except Tuesday and Friday. Sundays, 9 to 1 S:00 P. M.« ; slight It was true that Tarzan wished into which it emptied and which ran 1:00 P. U. 10:00*P. M.* •! : fcoff is the tounteos* brother. sistcd through the medium of signs 8:OC P. U.* 11:00 P. M. this man's weapons and ornaments that Tarzan accept it as a gift down the center of a mighty valley. IHSCalhounSt. De Coude, Infuriated when he finds Tar- but was it necessary to take bis life "^Chen We followed this large river Trains leaving here f.t 7HO a. m, »:!• can and the countess together, .challenges close scrutiny of tbe bauble convince): m• Opp. Cathedral a, m., 1:10 p. m. and 5:30 p. m'. make ; Tarzan to a duel. Tarzan forces Rokoff to obtain them? tbe ape-man that tbe article was of toward its source, hoping to come to conmectlon at ^eru for Indianapolis, to sign a confession of his plot The longer he thought about it the virgin gold, and he was surprised, for more open land. After twenty days of •Limited trains. , = ,7? In the duel Tarzan refuses to fire. He more repugnant became tbe though marching from the time we had cross Phone, 219 j. p. Beber, Agent tells 'De Coudo of the plot and Is recon- it was tbe first time that he had ever ciled to him. Tarzan Is employed by the of taking'human life needlessly, and seen golden ornaments among the sav ed the mountains and passed out of French ministry to watch Lieutenant Oer- thus it happened that while he was ages of Africa, other than the trifling our own country we came again to an toois, 'suspected of being a spy, In Algeria.