The Aleph-Bet of Israel Education
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THE ALEPH-BET OF ISRAEL EDUCATION INTEGRAL LEARNER MEDINAT YISRAEL, THEMATIC DIVERSE ISRAELI ARTS TO JEWISH CENTERED ERETZ YISRAEL & CURRICULUM NARRATIVES & CULTURE IDENTITY Israel education is both AM YISRAEL Israel education is presented Israel education integrates Israel education highlights Israel education is a vital child centered and Israel education encompasses both through a thoughtful contemporary, historic contemporary arts and component of the overall Israel centered. In an the contemporary State of Israel and selection of themes, subjects and religious narratives, culture because both of these identity development ever-changing world, its people, the historic and religious and values reflecting a as a means to support reflect the heart, soul and and education of our Israel education is based connection to the Land, and the meaningful curricular scope the development of vibrancy of Israeli society and young as Jews and as around what we currently ongoing link between the Land, the and sequence. personal narratives. have the power to influence human beings. know about the young, State and Am Yisrael. and meaningfully engage their development, their people. interests, and their world. The iCenter’s THE ALEPH-BET OF ISRAEL EDUCATION Aleph-Bet of Israel Education is a collection of eleven values, ideas, and practices forming the foundation for excellence in Israel education. MODERN IMMERSIVE & AN EXPERIENCE MIFGASHIM KNOWLEDGEABLE & HEBREW INTEGRATED IN ISRAEL Israel education fosters PASSIONATE EDUCATORS For Israel education, the Hebrew Israel education takes place The personal experiencing authentic experiences with Israel education requires educators who possess language is an important as part of a comprehensive of Israel is an indispensible Israeli peers to deepen both the a deep commitment to and love for Israel dimension of Jewish identity ‘culture’ that encompasses component of a comprehensive individual and collective Jewish and are able to engender the same love and development and connection with all aspects of the Jewish Israel education. identities of young people. commitment in their students through broad the modern State of Israel. educational settings in which knowledge and well-honed pedagogic skills. it takes place. האל,-בית של חינו& ישראל חיוני לזהות מרכזיות מדינת ישראל, תוכנית נרטיבי4 תרבות ואומנות יהודית הצעיר הלומד אר3 ישראל לימודי4 נושאית מגווני4 ישראלית חינוך ישראל הוא חינוך ישראל מתמקד וע4 ישראל חינוך ישראל מתבטא בבחירה חינוך ישראל משלב חינוך ישראל משלב בתוכו מרכיב הכרחי בפיתוח בצעיר הלומד ובזיקתו חינוך ישראל כולל את של נושאי-על וערכים המשקפים נרטיבים דתיים, רעיוניים, היכרות עם תרבות ואומנות הזהות של הדור הצעיר המורכבת לישראל. בעולם מדינת ישראל בת זמננו, את תוכנית לימודים המשכית היסטוריים ובני זמננו, על ישראלית בת זמננו, משום שנדבך כיהודים וכבני אדם. שמשתנה באופן תמידי, אזרחיה, הקשר ההיסטורי והיקפית רבת משמעות. מנת לתמוך בהתפתחותו זה מייצג את פניה המורכבות הבסיס של חינוך ישראל והדתי לארץ, והחיבור של הנרטיב האישי מתוך וחיותה של החברה הישראלית, הוא הידע שצברנו לגבי המתמשך בין ארץ, מדינה ההקשר הרחב יותר. והינו בעל ערך רב ביכולת הדור הצעיר, התפתחותו, ועם ישראל (עמיות יהודית). להשפיע ולשלב אנשים באופן האינטרסים שלו ועולמו. משמעותי בהווי החיים הישראלי. ישראל חינו& של בית האל,- עברית הטמעה חוויה מפגשי4 מחנ& אומ8 כשפה חיה ושילוב ישראלית חינוך ישראל מעודד חינוך ישראל מצריך מחנכים השפה העברית הינה מימד חינוך ישראל הינו חלק החוויה האישית של ישראל התנסויות אותנטיות עם בעלי זיקה ומחייבות לישראל, מהותי בהבנת התפתחותה מ'תרבות' כוללת המשלבת הינה מרכיב הכרחי בחינוך עמיתים ישראלים על מנת ובעלי יכולת לפתח את אותה זיקה ההסטורית של ההוויה היהודית- באופן מובנה ויצירתי ישראל באופן מקיף. להעמיק את הזהות היהודית, ומחייבות אצל תלמידיהם בעזרת ישראלית, כמו גם בהתפתחות את מגוון מרכיבי החינוך האישית והקולקטיבית של ידע ויצירתיות. הזהות היהודית והקשר עם היהודי בכללו. אנשים צעירים. מדינת ישראל בת זמננו. THE ALEPH-BET OF ISRAEL EDUCATION WELCOME TO ISRAEL EDUCATION! BY ANNE LANSKI A Blocked Cave According to Shmuel Yoseph Agnon’s “The Story of the Goat,” there was once a secret cave that led directly to the holy city of Safed in the Land of Israel. But because of the foolishness of human beings, an enormous rock came to rest at the cave’s entrance, obstructing passage to the Holy Land. Ever since that time, according to the story, access to Israel has been blocked. That rock should have been rolled away in 1948 the age of 26 now actually go to Israel. The Israel trip when the new State of Israel was created. But, alas, has arrived as a seminal experience in Jewish life. Israel remains an inaccessible place for many involved The subject of Israel is too important for us to con- in Jewish life and education. The pamphlets in the tinue to allow FOX News, USA Today, YouTube, and new series known as the “Aleph Bet of Israel Educa- Facebook to be the “classroom” for Israel education. It tion” are part of a concentrated effort to help displace is time for Jewish education to reclaim its mission in the rock so that children and teens in twenty-first this arena. We shouldn’t wait until the crucial young century North America can come to learn and love adult years; educating the heart begins the day a child the site of many remarkable chapters in the history of is born, and we must care for Israel in the hearts and the Jewish people – the contemporary State of Israel. heads of our young. IF NOT NOW, WHEN? Revolutionary new concepts about learning, the What makes us so hopeful that we can now move the mind, and education are emerging in our era, and stone? What is different about the second decade of these new ideas portend a whole new approach to the 21st century that promises better luck than the what “Israel education” means. many well-intentioned past efforts to make Israel a an integral component of the Jewish education of the These developments all point to the conclusion that young in the elementary and secondary years? now is the time to make the supreme effort to move the rock. Sometimes it takes time to make sense of monumen- tal events. It took until the Eichmann Trial in 1960 “It’s Aleph Bet – ABC!” for world Jewry to wake up to the fact of the Holo- The phrase aleph bet in Hebrew means ‘alphabet’ and caust and even longer for serious curricular work to also is used to refer to “obvious,” common sense, and take place. It took hundreds of years after the destruc- basic core ideas, much like in English. The group of tion of the second Temple and the Exile for Jews to educators, thinkers, and practitioners associated with reformulate the meaning of Israel in their lives. After the iCenter devoted time, thought, discussion, and over six decades of Israel’s existence, we need to “push writing to create a series of core ideas which reflect its the envelope” and find its rightful place in Jewish understandings of a 21st-century approach to Israel education. education. These are ideas, not rules; insights, not Creating a comprehensive Israel education requires dogma. The phrase aleph bet is used because these people, ideas, resources, and “stick-to-it-iveness.” ideas seem fundamental and basic; but, in truth, the There are increasing signs of a new generation of constellation of ideas is best visually represented as educators, academics, and philanthropists who are either a circle or a puzzle – and not a list – that to- serious about this subject and ready to be in it for the gether represents the magic called “education.” long haul. The puzzle begins with the belief that Israel can The cave has been opened in terms of travel to Israel. significantly relate to the emergence of the Jewish In the past decade, a revolution has taken place being and character of the young, as they engage in whereby unprecedented numbers of young Jews up to the journey called life. Israel education is as much 2 iCenter INSPIRINGWelcomeINNOVATION to Israel INEducation ISRAEL EDUCATION about shaping character, personality, mind and social Another hindrance in Israel education has undoubt- connectedness, as it is about “furnishing an empty edly been not with students, but with narrators and room with facts.” It’s actually a part of what our tradi- narratives. The core text does not consist of just one tion, thousands of years ago, asked us to love “with Israel story, or just one photograph. There are diverse all your heart, soul, and might!” We examine this narratives – most of which revolve around politics new direction of viewing Israel education as related to – both within Jewish life and between Jewish and Jewish identity development. non-Jewish perspectives. Indeed, for many educa- tors, clergy, and community leaders, the dilemma of READ DR. LEONARD SAXE’S the narratives has often been the paralyzing factor in JEWISH IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT Israel education. We discuss the issue of narratives, This aleph bet series reflect a learner-centered ap- propose five core narratives, and suggest an approach proach, which in no way minimizes the importance to teaching for narrative diversity. of Israel but, at the same time, maximizes the impor- READ DR. BARRY CHAZAN’S tance of the individual. The subject of our Israel edu- LENSES & NARRATIVES cation is the person, and our aim is to have contem- FOR TEACHING ISRAEL porary Israel speak to the needs, interests, and future of that person. We examine various dimensions of the One of the important teachings of the “new educa- nature of today’s youth, including the ways in which tion” is an awareness of the diversity of learning styles, they make connections. teaching styles, and accessibility of knowledge. Learn- ing about “learning” tells us that people come to READ DR. DAVID BRYFMAN’S know, connect, feel, and internalize in diverse ways.