TAVELIN-HEAD of Chert, of Palaeolithic Type, Length 3|Ins
aumtioniB to t&e a^useum. From January 1st to December 31st, 1915. I. ARCHEOLOGY. (1). STONE IMPLEMENTS. TAVELIN-HEAD of chert, of Palaeolithic type, length 3|ins. Found by the donor in the Yarty Stream, Otterford parish, Blackdown Hills, Somerset, 1915. Pre- sented by Mrs. ST. GEORGE GRAY. ovoid of of Palaeolithic Large implement chert, type ; measuring 6|ins. by 5ins. Found by the donor in the Yarty Stream (as above). Presented by LIONEL ST. G. GRAY. Flint flake, length 29mm., collected by the donor in a grass field above high-water mark and opposite the submerged forest on the shore at Porlock. (Proc. Som. Arch. Soc., xvm, 26-31 Presented the Rev. i, ; LIV, ii, 9). by GEORGE HORNER. Part of a large whetstone, worked on four surfaces, length 4|ins. Found by the donor at Old Burrow Camp, Exmoor, near one of the cuttings made in 1912 by Dr. Tapp and Mr. Gray. (Trans. Devon Assoc., XLIV, 703-717). Presented by Dr. ERIC GARDNER. Four Palaeolithic stone implements found in 1915 in a gravel quarry on the top of Pauncefoot Hill, about 1 mile from Romsey, Hants, along the road to Ringwood and about the level of the 100-ft. contour-line. Presented by Dr. C. BALFOUR STEWART. in Net-sinker the form of a stone ball, max. diam. 2ins. ; three stone axes in an of manufacture chipped early stage ; and a polished stone axe, length 3|ins. Found in ploughing on the donor's farm, Mahakipawa, north part of South Island, New Zealand. Presented by Mr.
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