New Records of Tricholomataceae and Cortinarius (Pers.)

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New Records of Tricholomataceae and Cortinarius (Pers.) TurkJBot 30(2006)59-62 ©TÜB‹TAK ResearchArticle NewRecordsofTricholomataceae andCortinarius (Pers.)Grayfrom Turkey Ertu¤rulSESL‹ KaradenizTechnicalUniversity,FatihFacultyofEducation,DepartmentofBiologyEducation,Trabzon-TURKEY E-mail:[email protected] Received:12.04.2005 Accepted:22.11.2005 Abstract: Lyophyllummultiforme (Peck)H.E.Bigelow,Cortinariuscaesiocanescens M.M.MoserandC.corrosus Fr.werecollected forthefirsttimefromTurkey. KeyWords: Fungaldiversity,taxonomy,Tricholomataceae,Cortinarius,Turkey TürkiyeiçinYeniTricholomataceae veCortinarius (Pers.)GrayKay›tlar› Özet: Lyophyllummultiforme (Peck)H.E.Bigelow, Cortinariuscaesiocanescens M.M.Moserve C.corrosus Fr.Türkiye’deilkkez toplanm›flt›r. AnahtarSözcükler: Fungalçeflitlilik,Taksonomi,Tricholomataceae,Cortinarius Introduction Theaimofthepresentstudywastomake Thebeautyoffungiisdiverseandsometimes contributionstotheTurkishmycota.Theauthorsof surprisingandtheycanbebio-indicators.Speciesof fungalnamesarecitedaccordingtoKirk&Ansell (1992). Tricholomataceae representasignificantcomponentof theectotrophicmycorrhizalfungithatoccurbothinthe MaterialsandMethods deciduousandconiferousforestsatthecollectionsite.In August-September2002,fieldtripsforthecollectingof Thespecimenswereexaminedinthelaboratoryatthe fungiwerecarriedoutintheforestsofTorulandKürtün earliestconvenienttimeaftercollection.Allthespore districtinGümüflhaneprovince. measurementswerecalculatedandaveragedfromat Althoughtherearemanyediblewildmushroom least20individualmeasurementsusingNikon speciesgrowingatthecollectionsite,theirconsumption microscopes.Excisedpiecesoffunguspileuswere ismainlyconfinedtoanareaoftheEasternBlackSea moistenedbytheadditionofafewdropsofClémençon’s region.Mostoftheseareeatenonlyinautumn,when solution(20mlofconcentratedammonia+1gof theyareabundantlyavailable.Somepeopleinthisarea glycerine+80mlof96%ethanol)tosoftenthem dryfreshmushroomsinordertopreservethemfor completelyandtheywerethensectioned.Thesections futureuse. werepreparedusingarazorblade(Breitenbach& ThefungiwereidentifiedaccordingtoBreitenbach& Kränzlin1991,2000). Kränzlin(1991,2000),Thorn&Malloch(1994), Sporeswerephotographedunderthelight Bessetteetal.(1997),Seslietal.(2000)andMcKenny& microscopesandSEMphotomicrographsobtainedwitha Stutz(2002).Theapparentpropertiesofthefungi,such Phillipsinstrument.Sporesweremountedin70%ethyl ascolourandodour,werenotedandtheywere alcoholanddispersedwithafineneedleoneithera photographedinthefield.Thedistributionisgivenin copperoranaluminiumstubandairdried.Thestubs accordancewithBreitenbach&Kränzlin(1991). werecoatedwithalayerofgold-palladiumorgoldalone, 59 NewRecordsofTricholomataceae andCortinarius (Pers.)GrayfromTurkey andprocessedinastandardsputtercoater.Observations Specimenexamined:FromroadsideinPiceaorientalis weremadeateither15or20kV,accordingtothe forest,ToruldistrictofGümüflhaneprovince,September conditionsofthesample(Seslietal.,2000). 2002(Ses2121).Distribution:EuropeandAsia. ThespecimensarekeptintheFungariumofFatih Cortinariaceae FacultyofEducationofKaradenizTechnicalUniversityin CortinariuscaesiocanescensM.M.MoserinSydowia Trabzon. 6:P.151(1952) [Syn.Phlegmaciumcaesiocanescens (Moser)Moserin Results HelmutGamsKleineKryptogamenfloravonmitteleuropa 2:(1953)] Tricholomataceae Pileus30-70mmacross,convexwhenyoung,plane Lyophyllummultiforme (Peck)H.E.Bigelowin whenmature,surfaceashcolouredwhendry,slimywhen Rhodora 62:P.193(1960),[Syn. Clitocybemultiformis moist,palelilactonestowardthemarginwhenyoung, Peck,inNewYorkStateMus.Mem 4:(1900)] latermouse-greytodiscolouringochraceousfromcrown, Pileus30-100mmwide,hemisphericalwhenyoung, marginincurved(Figure2a).Fleshwhitishtoochraceous, laterconvexwithanincurvedmargin,eventuallyplane thickinthecentreandthintowardthemargin;Odour andirregularlyundulating,surfacesmooth,dullsatiny, slightlymushroomy,tastemild.Lamellaegrey-bluishto white,grey-whitetopalebrownishorangeatfirst,fading slightlylilac,grey-brownishwhenmature,broad, todingygreywithage(Figure1a).Fleshwhitish,thin, narrowlyattached.Stipe25-50x10-20mm,cylindrical, odourpleasantlyperfumy,tastemild.Lamellaeattached, fragile,solid,basewithmarginatebulb15-25mmdiam, crowded,narrow,whitewhenyoung,latercream- surfacegrey-bluishtoslightlylilac,bulbwithochraceous, colouredtoyellowish.Stipe30-75x5-10mm,cylindrical sometimesalmostmembranousveil.Spores7.5-10x5- toventricose,baseoftentapered,white,dull,finely 6µm,amygdaliform,verrucose,yellow-brown(Figure appressed-fibrillose,yellowishandlongitudinallyfibrillose 2b,2c).Basidia25-35x9-12µm,clavate,with4 withage,solidwhenyoung,ofteneccentric,hollow, sterigmata.Pileipellisofhyalineandstronglygelatinised becomingfibrouswithage.Sporeselliptical,smooth, hyphae,4-10µmbroad;marginalcells10-20x5-8µm, hyaline,inamyloid,5-6x3-3.5µm(Figure1b).Basidia cylindricaltoclavate. slenderlyclavate,20-35x4-6µm,with4sterigmata, Specimenexamined:under Piceaorientalis ,Torul basalclamp-connectionandcontainingsiderophilous districtofGümüflhaneprovince,August2002(Ses granules.Pileipellisofparallelhyphae2-4µmbroad. 2056).Distribution:Europe. Figure1. Lyophyllummultiforme: a.Basidiomes,b.SporesinLM.Scalebars:a=2cm;b=5µm. 60 E.SESL‹ Figure2. Cortinariuscaesiocanescens. a.Basidiomes,b.SporesinLM. Figure3. Cortinariuscorrosus. a.Basidiomes,b.SporesinLM,c. c.SporesinSEM.Scalebars:a=3.5cm;b,c=5µm. SporesinSEM.Scalebars:a=2cm;b=10µm;c=5µm. Cortinariuscorrosus Epicrisissystematis Discussion mycologici 266:P.347(1838)[Syn. Phlegmacium Thestudyyieldednewrecordsof Tricholomataceae corrosum (Fr.)Moserinibid 125:(1960)] (Lyophyllum multiforme)and Cortinarius (C. Pileus20-40mmbroad,hemisphericalatfirst,later caesiocanescensandC.corrosus)totheTurkishmycota. convextoplane,surfacelightochre,ochre-brown, Beforethisstudy,36generaand271speciesof reddishochre,marginforaverylongtimeinvolutewith Tricholomataceae wererecordedfromdifferentlocalities filamentouscortina(Figure3a).Fleshwhitish,thick, inTurkey.Amongthesegenera, Lyophyllum odourlesstoslightlymusty,tasteoftenbitterorbitterish. representedby8speciesintheTurkishmycota.The Lamellaecoarselydenticulate,whitishtogrey-ochreor speciesofLyophyllumaredistributedinMutandKayseri grey-brown,edgesslightlycrenate.Stipe15-50x10-20 (Lyophyllumconnatum (Schumach.:Fr.)Singer),Samsun (L.decastes (Fr.:Fr.)Singer),‹zmir ( L.favrei (R.Haller mm,whitish,yellowish,white-fibrillose,baseyellowish-to Aar.&R.HallerSuhr)R.HallerAar.&R.HallerSuhr), reddish-brown,cylindrical,withbulb,fragile.Spores 9- Karaman (L.infumatum (Bres.)Kühner, L. 11x6-7µm,amygdaliform,verrucose,reddishochre leucophaeatum (P.Karst.)P.Karst.and L.semitale (Fr.: (Figure3b,3c).Basidia25-35x8-10µm,clavate,with Fr.)Kühner)andAlanyaprovincesinTurkey(L.loricatum sterigmata.Pileipellisofirregularhyphae,2.5-8.5µm (Fr.)KühnerexKalamees, L.transforme (Britzelm.) broad,yellow,septaclamp-connected;marginalcells 15- Singer)(Sesli&Denchev,2005). 40x3-5µm,cylindric. Sixty-sevenspeciesof Cortinarius areknownfrom Specimenexamined:under Piceaorientalis, Kürtün Turkey.Ontheotherhand,morethan500speciesof districtofGümüflhaneprovince,September2002(Ses Cortinarius havebeenrecordedworldwide.AfewTurkish 2109).Distribution:Europe Cortinarius speciesareedible,somearepoisonousand 61 NewRecordsofTricholomataceae andCortinarius (Pers.)GrayfromTurkey theedibilityofthevastmajorityisunknown(Sesli& and C.corrosus arerelatedtotherootsof Picea Denchev,2005). orientalis. AccordingtoBreitenbach&Kränzlin(2000), Cortinariuscaesiocanescens and C.corrosus are Acknowledgement distributedinEuropeinconiferousforestsnearPicea and Abies.InthisstudywecollectedbothspeciesunderPicea Theauthorgratefullyacknowledgesthefinancial orientalisatthecollectionsiteseveraltimes.Hence,we supportfromtheScientificandTechnicalResearch cansaythatthehyphaeof Cortinariuscaesiocanescens CouncilofTurkey[TBAGProject2051-101T068]. References BessetteAE,BessetteAR&FischerDW(1997). Mushroomsof MckennyM&StutzDE(2002). TheNewSavoryWildMushrooms. NortheasternNorthAmerica. HongKong:SyracuseUniversity SeattleandLondon:UniversityofWashingtonPress. Press. SesliE&DenchevCM(2005).ChecklistoftheMyxomycetesand BreitenbachJ&KränzlinF(1991).FungiofSwitzerland.Vol.3Boletes MacromycetesofTurkey.MycologiaBalcanica2:119-160 andAgarics. Lucerne:EditionMykologiaLucerne. SesliE,WrightJE&TürkekulI(2000).TheGenus Tulostoma Pers.: BreitenbachJ&KränzlinF(2000).FungiofSwitzerland,vol.5Agarics. Pers.(Gasteromycetes)inTurkey.TurkJBot24:269-272. Lucerne:EditionMykologiaLucerne. ThornRG&MallochDW(1994).Speciesof Cortinarius subgenus KirkPM&AnsellAE(1992).AuthorsofFungalNames[IndextoFungi Leprocybe,sections Orellani and Limonei inNorthAmerica. Supplement].Wallingford:CABInternational. CanadianJournalofBotany 72:520-532. 62.
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