NBC Expands Pact with Australian Television
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THE NEW YORK TIMES THE LIVINI TV Notes Jeremy Gerard ■ The election and its coverage ■ Revisiting Peacock Down Under How hungry are the networks for ■ new markets? NBC has just ex- Dallas, November 1963 Peacock joins koala: panded its six-year-old agreement with the Australian Television Net- NBC expands pact with Australian television. work, which already has access to all NBC programming. Under the new agreement, NBC has the option of ac- pact of polls and the influence of cam- quiring 15 percent of Qintex Austral- Election Coverage paign managers on political coverage ia, which owns the Australian net- Pre- and post-election programs: in the media. work. That network would become Tonight, public television will focus NBC's first overseas affiliate. most of its biggest political guns on Nov. 22, 1963, Revisited the outcome of the Presidential elec- From the You Were There depart- tion. A two-hour program, optimisti- ment: On Nov. 22, the Arts & Enter- Sweeping Shows cally called "The Last Word," will tainment cable channel, which is feature commentary by Robert Mac- owned by NBC, ABC and the Hearst November is a "sweeps" month, Neil, Jim Lehrer and Charlayne Corporation, will devote six hours to a when television advertising rates are Hunter-Gault, of the "MacNeil/Leh- replay of NBC's coverage of the as- adjusted for Vie coming quarter on rer Newshour"; Paul Duke, the host sassination of President Kennedy in the basis of ratings. That means the of "Washington Week in Review"; 1963, including the live reports from networks will be doing everything Louis Rukeyser, of "Wall Street correspondents Chet Huntley, David they can get away with to attract Week"; William Greider, a corre- Brinkley, Robert MacNeil, Frank viewers — from the steamiest mini- spondent for "Frontline" and for McGee, and the host of this special series to lurid special news reports to Rolling Stone magazine, and Bill broadcast, Edwin Newman, who was nose-breaking news on the talk Moyers, who probably doesn't need a member of the network news team shows. Thus, CBS's "Spies, Lies and any introduction at all. Roger Mudd covering the assassination. Naked Thighs," NBC dubbing Vanna will be the host of the program, which A little sooner — on Nov. 17 — CBS White the "Goddess of Love" in a is to focus on the major issues con- News will mark the events in Dallas made-for-television movie, and fronting the winner of tomorrow's 25 years ago with "Four Days in ABC's "National Love and Sex Test.; election. November: The Assassination of As a public service — and in per- Tomorrow in its late-night slot, President Kennedy" a two-hour spe- haps its most ingenious maneuver yet ABC News will present "Viewpoint: cial. The CBS News anchor Dan Rath- to attract some viewers of its own - Covering Politics — Who's to er, who reported the assassination "USA Today: The Television Show" Blame?" with the "Nightline" an- from Dallas in 1963, is the host of the has begun a nightly segment called chor, Ted Koppel, as host. This will be program, which will begin with Wal- "Sweeps Sleaze Update," charting the 24th edition of "Viewpoint," in ter Cronkite's announcement of the what the program calls the sleaze which a selected audience is given the shooting and end with the funeral cor- factor on television. Thus the pro- opportunity to speak with journalists tege from the Capitol to Arlington Na- gram will let viewers see what net- on current Issues. Tomorrow's pro- tional Cemetery and the burial of the work is getting down and dirtiest on gram will cover such topics as the im- President. any given day or night. 3 ARTS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1988 .