CABINET – 6th February 2013


Report By Depute Chief Executive / Executive Director of Neighbourhood Services


1.1 To seek Cabinet’s approval for the 2013/14 Programme for carriageway and footway structural maintenance and street lighting and to note schemes being considered for future years’ programmes.

1.2 To report to Cabinet on the Condition of the Road Network.


2.1 At its meeting on 9 March 2011, Cabinet approved revised allocations for the Roads and Transportation Capital Investment Programme. The approved allocations for the next three financial years are as detailed in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Capital Investment Budgets 2013/14 – 2015/16

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 3 Year Total Carriageway Structural £2.125m £2.265m £2.405m £6.795m


Footway Structural £0.500m £0.480m £0.485m £1.465m Maintenance Street

Lighting £0.225m £0.250m £0.250m £0.725m Improvement Schemes

Total £2.850m £2.995m £3.140m £8.985m

2.2 It was noted that programmes of work would be reviewed and reprioritised and that updated programmes would be brought forward for approval on an annual basis.

2.3 At its meeting on 9 March 2011, Cabinet considered the report on Condition of the Road Network which remitted the Head of Roads and Transportation to report the condition of the road network to Members on an annual basis.

2.4 Elected Members and Community Councils were consulted in the Autumn of 2012, requesting schemes to be considered for inclusion in the following year’s programme.

2.5 The transport infrastructure is one of the most valuable Council assets and is vital to the economic well being of . It contributes significantly to the local economy and regeneration. In 2012 the entire road asset was valued at £1.6 billion.

2.6 At its meeting on 13th December 2012 Council approved an additional £1.0m in 2013/14 to enhance the road condition. 3. CONDITION OF THE ROAD NETWORK

3.1 The Scottish Road Maintenance Condition Survey (SRMCS) commissioned by Society of Chief Officers of Transport in (SCOTS) on behalf of all Local Authorities in Scotland began in 2002. The surveys cover all local authority A roads in both directions every two years, all B and C roads in both directions every four years and a 10% sample of unclassified roads in one direction every year. The results of the survey are used to classify the road network into one of three categories • Green – roads are in a satisfactory condition • Amber – roads requiring further investigation and/or monitoring. • Red – roads where maintenance operations are likely to be required.

3.2 A Road Condition Index (RCI) is derived from two years survey data and includes both the red and amber categories. The RCI has been adopted as the Statutory Performance Indicator for the condition of the local road network and is defined as “the percentage of the road network which should be considered for maintenance treatment”. An increase in the figure indicates deterioration in road condition.

3.3 Table 2 summarises the RCI results from the SRMCS over the last five years and the budget allocated to Carriageway Structural Maintenance.

Table 2: Road Condition Index 2007/08 – 2011/13

2007/09 2008/10 2009/11 2010/12 2011/13

Scottish Average 34.2% 36% 37.9% 36.1% 36.2%

East Ayrshire 40.5% 40.1% 45.3% 43.2% 40.6%

East Ayrshire 24 22 24 24 22 Ranking

2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

EAC Carriageway Structural £1.935m £2.093m £3.945m * £3.680m* £2.295m Maintenance Budget

* Includes additional funding approved by Council in 2010 and 2011 for frost damage repairs.

3.4 The additional funding for frost damage repairs in 2010 and 2011 has had a beneficial effect on the RCI. The Scheme Ranking System approved by Cabinet at the meeting of 24 March 2010 has allowed the budget to be targeted more effectively and the increased investment, particularly on the A class road network, has contributed to this significant improvement.

3.5 The development of the Road Asset Management Plan has been pivotal in targeting the resources effectively, particularly with the development of the Scheme Ranking System. The following graph indicates how the road condition will change over the coming years if the structural maintenance budget remains as previously approved, without further additional investment.

Condition Profile - All Roads 100% 80% 60% 40% Condition 20% 0% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Year

3.6 The RCI (currently 40.6%) is predicted to improve slightly over the next few years given the proposed level of funding in the current Capital programme (with the additional £1m investment in 2013). However the RCI will deteriorate slightly over the longer term (to 41.48%) without a further increase in funding. It is noticeable that the percentage of road considered to be in ‘red’ condition potentially increases from 8% to 21% over the 20 year period. Driver perception will therefore be that the road condition has deteriorated.

3.7 In 2011 the backlog figure was estimated at £52.24m, with a required budget of £5m per annum to maintain a steady state, as reported to Cabinet on 9th March 2011. SCOTS have agreed to re-run the back-log model in 2013 using the up to date information on road condition, maintenance budgets and treatment costs.


4.1 Engineers’ assessment surveys of the A, B, C and U class road networks have been completed, as has a similar exercise on the urban footway network. Using this information, inspection records, comments received from Elected Members and the public from the consultation exercise outlined in 2.4 and the data from the SRMCS, carriageway and footway schemes have been identified and prioritised using the Scheme Ranking Systems for inclusion in the three year Structural Maintenance Programmes.

4.2 The proposed programmes for 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16 are included in Appendix 1 of this report and have been placed on the Members’ portal.

4.3 At its meeting of 7 March 2012 Cabinet agreed to allocate £15,000 per year from the footway structural maintenance budget for the provision of an Environmental Improvement Programme to provide off-street parking within residential areas with a view to improving access for emergency vehicles and to address problems of over-run areas on grass verges. Details of the proposed programme are included in Appendix 2.

4.4 The proposed value of the 2013/14 Carriageway and Footway programmes (including the Surface Dressing element from the Revenue Budget) are detailed below in Table 3 along with the estimated lengths that will be surfaced.

Table 3: Proposed Carriageway and Footway Programme – Costs and Lengths to be Surfaced

Total Proposed % of Carriageway / Allocation Length to be Footway Network Surfaced to be Surfaced Carriageway Structural £2,125,000 23 km 1.8% Maintenance (Capital) Additional Funding to £1,000,000 8 km 0.6% Enhance Road Condition* Surface Dressing £295,000 23 km 1.8% (Revenue) Footway Structural £485,000 6.4 km 0.7% Maintenance (Capital) Environmental £15,000 Improvements Total £3,920,000

* £200,000 has been allocated for additional patching following the severe weather of 2012/13

4.3 There are significant lengths of A and B class roads identified for resurfacing over the next year which will improve the strategic network and help encourage regeneration and support the local economy. This should have a positive impact on the Road Condition Index as A class roads are surveyed annually and B class roads are surveyed on a two yearly cycle.

4.4 The estimated costs shown against the individual schemes in the programme are based on the nominal lengths and current market rates. It is proposed that the projects will be brought forward up to the limit of the current allocation and schemes listed to be implemented in future years may be brought forward, should funding allow..

4.5 The schemes presently listed for future years will be subject to annual review as part of the ongoing process for compiling future programmes and will be prioritised along with other schemes identified throughout the year from inspection reports.


4.1 There are over 20,000 street lighting columns in East Ayrshire. In 2008/09 46.3% were considered to be over thirty years old, this has now been reduced to 40.6% as a result of the ongoing Capital programme. However as further detailed inspections are undertaken as part of the development of the Road Asset Management Plan it is expected that further older columns may be identified.

4.2 In previous years the budget has allowed for the replacement of between 1% and 2% of the columns which are over 30 years old.

4.3 As a result of street lighting reliability issues over the winter months it has been necessary to reappraise the current 3 year street lighting replacement programme.

4.4 Major power outages have occurred in the Bellfield Area, , and Glen Avenue Area, Logan where the 5th core cable network has proved unreliable, leading to loss of service for protracted periods. Bellfield had been previously identified in the proposed programme but it is also proposed to bring forward the replacement of the lighting installations at Netherthird, Cumnock and Glen Avenue Logan to address these issues.


4.5 The proposed programmes for 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16 are included in Appendix 3 of this report and have been placed on the Members’ portal. These schemes will, where appropriate, utilise low energy white LED lighting, as agreed by Cabinet on 19th May 2010.

4.6 Roads and Transportation will continue to identify energy efficiency initiatives for street lighting and bring them forward for consideration as technology progresses.


6.1 The three year programme detailed in Appendix 1 will be funded from the Roads & Transportation Service’s Capital and Revenue budget allocations.

6.2 A delay in the delivery of the carriageway and footway structural maintenance and street lighting programmes will expose the Council to potential risks with regard to the deteriorating condition of the road and lighting network and would have a detrimental effect on the SPI for road condition and on the reduction targets for roads accidents.


7.1 Failure to maintain adopted roads and footways would be a breach of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984.


8.1 A well maintained road network and improved street lighting will contribute to the aims of the Delivering Community Regeneration and Improving Community Safety Community Plan themes by providing good access to our communities and the wider road network and helping to reduce road accidents A well maintained road and footway network will encourage cycling and walking thereby helping to improve health and wellbeing.


9.1 It is recommended that Cabinet:-

(i) note the improvement in the Road Condition Index (RCI);

(ii) approve the 2013/2014 programme of schemes for carriageway and footway structural maintenance, surface dressing and street lighting as listed in Appendix 1;

(iii) note schemes being considered for future years’ programmes;

(iv) Approve the 2013/2014 environmental improvement programme and note schemes being considered for future years’ programmes;

(v) Otherwise note the contents of the report.

Elizabeth Morton Depute Chief Executive / Executive Director of Neighbourhood Services

February 2013



1. Report to Cabinet “Roads and Transportation Capital Investment Programme 2009/10 – 2018/19” – 4 March 2009 2. Report to Cabinet “Condition of the Road Network” – 9 March 2011

Members wishing further information, please contact John Bryson, Head of Roads and Transportation, telephone 01563 576310

Implementation Officer: [email protected]


Appendix 1 - Carriageway And Footway Structural Maintenance Programmes 2012-13, 2013-14 And 2014-15

Appendix 2 – Environmental Improvement Programme

Appendix 3 - Street Lighting Programmes 2012-13, 2013-14 And 2014-15



Carriageway Structural Maintenance Programme 2013-14

Town / Route Location Length Section Estimate Ranking

Loudoun Golf A71 Galston 900 Roundabout to Club House £157,680 80 Club A70 Dumfries 1200 Wood to Dettingen Roundabout £210,240 82 House A70 A70 Main Street 205 Glasgow Road to The Style £54,325 81 A713 Road 300 Main Street to Bellsbank Brae £52,500 83 A713 Patna Burnfoot 500 New Bridge to Doonbank Crescent £91,250 82

A759 Dundonald Road 900 Roundabout to Gargiston School £180,000 82 Haplandmuir A735 Dunlop 450 Railway Bridge to Bourock Farm £75,600 79 Farm A736 Moss Rivendell 300 B778 to Wood £52,560 79

B743 Main Street 385 B713 to Dalgain Brae £57,750 77

B7083 Cumnock Glaisnock Road 400 Wylie Crescent to John Allan Drive £73,000 79

B7036 Glenside 800 Glenside to Highhouse View £115,200 78

B7046 Skares Garlaff 440 U743 to Landfill Site £52,800 78

B7038 Riccarton Ayr Road 145 Elderlie Crescent to Campbell Street £36,250 79 Old Glasgow B769 1100 Low Blacklaw to Blacklaw Cottage £99,000 80 road

C36 New Benston Smithy 1050 Wellhill Cottage to Benston Smithy £94,500 62 Cumnock Barskimming C3 Stair 800 C49 to Millerston £66,000 65 Road C91 Burnton Burnton Road 440 Sillyhole Bridge to Burnton £24,640 60

C76 Low Holehouse 300 Low Holehouse Farm £45,000 69

C49 Mauchline Road 950 Cemetery to Cawhillan Brae £85,500 70

C89 Littlemill Place 300 Post Office to Littlemill Place £36,000 64 Spout Linn C125 Dunlop 320 Spout Linn Bridge £29,184 64 Bridge C125 Dunlop Crossgates 80 Crossgates Farm £11,400 64 Auchenharvie C6 Stewarton 400 Crossgates farm £50,600 73 road C127 Galston High Ashyard 1200 Railway Bridge to A719 £86,400 60 Town / Route Location Length Section Estimate Ranking

Mauchline Haughyett 500 Ayr Road to C3 £28,000 60

Mauchline Blackside 600 Full Length £25,200 60 Foulpapple 1150 U9 to Laigh Braidley £64,400 64 Road Little Raws Moscow 400 Reidland to C33 £22,400 60 Road Busbie Mains 1500 C20 to boundary £84,000 60

Patna Dallowie Road 330 Carskeoch Drive to Dalharco Avenue £36,300 70 Shankston Crescent to Gemmel Cumnock Car Road 235 £28,435 69 Avenue Mauchline Welton Road 350 Entire Street £38,500 71

Muirkirk Burns Avenue 95 Entire Street £11,495 65

Stewarton Place 260 Entire Street £31,460 73

TOTALS A £874,155 B £434,000 C £529,224 U Rural £197,400 U Urban £146,190 MicroAsphalt £102,868

TOTAL £2,283,837

Budget £2,125,000 Open Cast Coal Contributions £150,000 Contribution from Tincornhill Quarry £10,000 £10,000 TOTAL £2,285,000

Carriageway Structural Maintenance Programme 2013-14 – Additional £1m Funding

Town / Route Location Length Section Estimate Ranking

B778 Stewarton Highcross 900 Stewarton 30mph limit to High Cross £81,000 73

B7037 Galston Middleyard 770 Bridge Street to Church Lane £73,920 74

B743 Muirkirk Glasgow Road 750 Greenock Water Road to SL Boundary £67,500 76

C49 Ochiltree Mauchline Road 1300 Cawhillan Brae to Slatehole £117,000 65

Kilmaurs Stewarton Road 1500 B751 to boundary with NAC £123,750 65

Darvel Foulpapple Road 500 A71 to Cemetery £43,750 64

Darvel Foulpapple Road 350 U20 to Gateside £14,700 55

Mauchline - Rural Hillhead to Darnhay 500 Fowler Farm £18,000 60

Mauchline Mosshead 1200 Full Length £50,400 60

Muirkirk Millers Road 330 Henderson Drive to A70 £49,500 72

Patna Whitehill Avenue 360 Carskeoch Drive to Dalharco Avenue £49,500 70

Galston Orchard Street 440 Entire Street £77,000 74

Kilmarnock -Bonnyton Bonnyton Road 300 Stevenson St. To Fullarton St. £45,000 72

TOTALS B £222,420 C £240,750 U Rural £126,850 U Urban £221,000 PATCHING £188,980

TOTAL £1,000,000 Carriageway Structural Maintenance Programme 2014-15

Town / Route Location Length Section Estimate Ranking

A71 / A719 A71 Galston 550 Roundabout £130,625 76 Roundabout A70 Killoch High Tarbeg 650 U717 to Mote Toll £115,375 78 A713 Black Rocks 400 Quarry £62,560 83 Dalmellington A713 Black Rocks 600 Craig Bridge to Glenmuck Bridge £93,840 83 Dalmellington Chapelhouse A735 Dunlop 550 Hapland to Chapel Well £100,100 79 Bridge A736 Duniflat 600 Saugh Avenue to Duniflat Burn £109,500 79

B730 Drongan 210 B7046 to Carston House £20,160 69

B7034 Dalrymple Garden Street 300 B742 to Boundary £52,500 66 John Allan Drive to John Allan B7083 Cumnock Glaisnock Road 320 £58,400 79 Drive B7046 Skares Darntaggart 120 Darntaggart Access £14,880 74 B741 Craighouse 315 Sheepfold to Burn £30,240 74 Dalmellington B705 Ballochmyle 275 Montgarswood to Catrine £50,188 69

B778 Stewarton Hign Kilbride 800 U39 to High Cross £57,600 68

B778 Stewarton Bloakhillhead 872 C125 junc to U39 junc £62,784 73 Westpark Avenue to B743 Mauchline Loudoun Street 210 £47,250 79 Barskimming Road B743 Muirkirk Glasgow Road 625 Main Street to Cemetery £156,250 75

C36 Cumnock Clocklownie 500 Clocklownie to Roadside £75,000 72

C36 Cumnock Glaisnock Bridge 500 Glaisnock House to A76 £75,000 72

C49 Ochiltree Mauchline Road 600 A70 to Cemetery £90,000 66 Whitehill Avenue to Whitehill C11 Patna Main Street 760 £114,000 61 Quarry East Netherhill C125 Dunlop 175 East Netherhill Farm £13,475 60 Farm Sandholes C125 Dunlop 420 Sandholes Cottage £17,640 60 Cottage C47 Mansefield Road 280 Mansefield Bridge to Croftinloan £23,520 60

C10 Grassyards Road 100 Greenside Farm £12,000 64

C10 Kilmarnock Grassyards Road 200 Greenhead Farm £24,000 64

C33 Kilmarnock Silverwood Bridge 200 Silverwood Bridge to C10 £16,240 55

Town / Route Location Length Section Estimate Ranking C33 Kilmarnock Raws 470 West Raws Farm £39,480 55

Stewarton Auchenharvie road 100 Auchenharvie bridge £7,700 64

Mauchline - Rural Auchmillanhill 300 Auchmillanhill to Brigland £14,400 60

Sorn Smiddyshaw 800 Full Length £33,600 55

Knockentiber Southhook Road 2500 C24 to boundary £105,000 50

Darvel Foulpapple Road 1150 U9 to Laigh Braidley £48,300 50

Lace Mill Wynd to West Darvel Burn Road 120 £20,736 64 Donnington St Campbell St East to Paterson Darvel Hutchison Drive 250 £34,500 64 Terrace Hawkshaw Terrace to Muirkirk Henderson Drive 180 £25,920 66 Shawknowe Av Logan Glen Avenue 421 No. 19 to Logan Avenue £50,520 64

Patna Doonside Avenue 140 Entire Street £15,400 58

Mauchline Hamilton Avenue 180 Lochlea Avenue to Catrine Road £23,760 60

New Cumnock Blarene Drive 290 Entire Street £19,140 66

Kilmarnock-Grange Almond Place 120 Cedar Road to end of cul de sac £13,200 57

Kilmarnock-Grange Clive Road 70 Cedar Road to Grange Terrace £7,700 57

Kilmarnock-Grange Oak Place 80 Beech Avenue to No.12 £8,800 57

Kilmarnock-Grange Hazel Avenue 90 No.1 to No.5 £10,800 57 Beech Avenue to end of cul de Kilmarnock-Grange Larch Place 60 £6,600 57 sac Beech Avenue to end of cul de Kilmarnock-Grange Lime Place 60 £6,600 57 sac Kilmarnock- East Kay Park Terrace 120 No.13 to No.5 £13,200 59

Kilmarnock- East Milton Avenue 120 Milton Road to Milton Drive £13,200 59

Kilmarnock- East Milton Road 120 No.2 to No.10 £13,200 59

TOTALS A £612,000 B £550,252 C £508,055 U Rural £201,300 U Urban £283,276 MicroAsphalt £109,118

TOTAL £2,264,001

Budget £2,265,000

Carriageway Structural Maintenance Programme 2015-16

Town / Route Location Length Section Estimate Ranking

A70 Lugar A70 Muirkirk Road 940 Braehead to C22 Junction £157,826 73

A71 A71 Loudoun Road 350 Car Park to Bridgend £105,000 77 A713 Dalmellington 500 Minnivey to B741 Ph 1 £94,900 78 Dalmellington Moss A735 Lugton Lugton Junction 1250 Lochridgehills to Railway £227,500 79

B730 Littlemill Littlemill 1900 Ashentree to Littlemill £182,400 69

B705 Catrine Ballochmyle Street 120 Corner to Chapel Brae £21,900 64 B741 New Knockburnie to Knockburnie Knockburnie 140 £28,000 64 Cumnock Bridge B769 Stewarton Old Glasgow road 840 Blacklaw Cottage to Clunch road £75,600 68 Greenock Water Road to SL B743 Muirkirk Glasgow Road 1000 £130,000 76 Boundary

C49 Ochiltree Mauchline Road 1300 Cawhillan Brae to Slatehole £93,600 60

C124 Ochiltree High Road 1100 Mote Toll to Ochiltree £92,400 52

C137 Catrine Hillhead Road 550 War Memorial to Radical Road £33,000 50 Friendlesshead C51 Mauchline 1500 Friendlesshead Bridge to Farm £132,000 69 Farm C36 New South Boig 1100 B741 to Connelwood House £79,200 65 Cumnock Kilmaurs Stewarton Road 1500 B751 to boundary with NAC £99,000 65

C104 Galston Windyhill Road 270 Windyhill £18,468 64 C90 New Afton Road 450 Lochingerroch Farm £18,900 64 Cumnock

Catrine Crofthead Road 1200 B705 to Crofthead £57,600 60

Mauchline Oxenshaw Road 2126 C3 to U732 £89,292 60

Dalmellington Dalcairney 1250 B741 to Loch £45,000 55

Dalmellington Dalcairney 1250 Loch to Farm £45,000 50 Glaston Moor 1000 A71 to 1st tank £42,000 55 Road Dunlop Aitket Road 600 Craigbank to B706 £25,200 55 Glaston Moor Priestland 500 1st tank to second tank £21,000 50 Road

Town / Route Location Length Section Estimate Ranking

Galston Belvedere View 650 Entire Street £57,200 50

Crookedholm Silverwood Road 90 Grougar road to Leveret Lea £9,900 57

Crookedholm Ralston Drive 240 Entire Street £26,400 57 Kilmarnock - North Hamilton 200 Dundonald Road to Rugby Road £30,000 57 Centre Street Newmilns Burn Road 140 Greenside to A71 £15,400 57 Playingfield Crescent to Playingfield Road 225 £27,225 59 Kilmarnock Road Cumnock Bus Depot Road 200 Entire Street £24,200 58

Mauchline Cowgate 120 Whole Street £7,920 58

Catrine Shawlands Street 320 Entire Street £26,400 50

Mauchline Cowgate 120 Whole Street £9,900 58

Muirkirk Henderson Drive 180 Garpel Avenue to Colthart Drive £27,000 58

Ochiltree Poole Avenue 75 Entire Street £4,950 52

New Cumnock Burnside 625 Entire Street £54,375 73

Logan Baillie Drive 260 Paterson Avenue to End £17,160 59

TOTALS A £585,226 B £437,900 C £566,568 U Rural £325,092 U Urban £338,030 MicroAsphalt £148,996

TOTAL £2,401,812

Budget £2,405,000

Surface Dressing 2013-14

Town / Route Location Length Section Estimate Route B7038 Rural Fenwick Road 800 Between roundabouts £20,600 Dalmusternock R/a to A77 slipt B7038 Rural Fenwick Road 540 £14,000 road B744 Rural Crosshands Road 850 C77 Junct. To Hillhouse Farm £15,300

B744 Rural Crosshands Road 1100 Hillhouse Farm to Rigghead Farm £19,000

B744 Rural Crosshands Road 2300 Rigghead Farm to A76 £41,000

C36 Rural Cumnock 450 Low Benson Smiddy £8,100

C133 Rural Darvel to Newmilns 610 Burn Road to U3 £6,000

C133 Rural Darvel to Newmilns 2990 U3 to Newmilns £29,000

U736 Rural Loganhill Road 950 Railway Bridge to Craigens Road £15,000

U734 Rural Hillhead Road 3950 B7037 to U739 £45,000

U4 Rural Ladybrow Road 3500 A71 to Burnhead £30,000

U5 Rural Passford Road 1500 A71 to Yonderfield £13,000

U5 Rural Passford Road 800 Winkingfield to boundary £7,000

U9 Rural Windshields Road 1200 U8 to pylon £10,000

U6 Rural Newlands Road 2100 A71 to U5 £22,000

Total £295,000

Surface Dressing 2014-15

Town / Route Location Length Section Estimate Route C3 Rural Mauchline to C49 2490 Mauchline to C49 £41,085

C3 Rural C49 to B730 4885 C49 to B730 £78,000

C90 Rural Afton Road 1700 Blackcraig to Craigdarroch £17,850

U734 Rural Hillhead Road 3950 B7037 to U739 £45,000

U730 Rural B730 to Berryhill 1600 B730 to Berryhill £19,200

U729 Rural Logan to U764 2100 Logan to U764 £25,200

U729 Rural Garlefan to Guelt 1478 Garlefan to Guelt £17,736 Greenock Water U731 Rural 800 B743 to A70 £9,600 Road U736 Rural Loganhill Road 2640 A76 to Craigens Road £41,329

Total £295,000

Surface Dressing 2015-16

Town / Route Location Length Section Estimate Route B778 Rural Dalry Road 2500 C125 to Stewarton £44,000

B730 Rural Coalhall 1850 C82 to C123 £32,000

B730 Rural Littlemill 1100 Kerse to Littlemill Phase 1 £31,000

C112 Rural Kingsford Road 525 Low Clunch to East Overhill £11,550

C112 Rural Kingsford Road 650 East Hareshaw to Mid Hareshaw £10,725

C53 Rural Carnel Road 1000 Kilmarnock to Crossbush £16,000

U60 Rural Ditton Road 838 Full Length £10,000

U5 Rural Passford Road 1500 Yonderfield to Winkingfield £15,750

U63 Rural Whattriggs Road 1100 Full Length £9,900

U38 Rural Grougar Mains 900 C33 to U37 £9,450

U64 Rural Gainhill Road 1700 B778 to A77 £17,850

U59 Rural East Hillhouse Road 750 Easter Hillhouse to boundary £7,875

U748 Sorn Heilar Road 2200 Shiel to Glenview £19,800

U712 Rural U732 to U735 1594 Full Length £19,100

U732 Rural Mauchline to C50 4740 Full Length £40,000

Total £295,000

Micro Asphalt Programme 2013-14

Town / Location Length Section Estimate Route

Kilmarnock Altonhill Avenue 480 No.42 to 106 £11,520 Altonhill avenue to Kilmaurs Kilmarnock Woodhill Road 170 road £4,080 Kilmaurs Rd service Kilmarnock road 210 Ardgour road to No. 21 £5,040 Kilmaurs Rd service Kilmarnock road 160 No.115 to 147 £3,840 Kilmaurs Rd service Kilmarnock road 160 No.149 to 179 £3,840

Kilmarnock Annanhill Avenue 160 Bonnyton rd to Sannox Rd £3,520

Kilmarnock Lennox Crescemt 275 Full length £6,050

Kilmarnock Waverly Avenue 140 Full length £3,080

Kilmarnock Carmel Avenue 210 Full length £4,620

Kilmarnock Carmel Place 130 Full length £2,860

Kilmarnock Sannox Road 150 Full length £3,300

Kilmarnock Brodick Road 80 Full length £1,760

Kilmarnock Stirling Avenue 135 Munro Place to Hill Street £2,970

Kilmarnock Stirling Crescent 85 Full length £1,530

Kilmarnock Moton Place 160 Full length £3,520

Kilmarnock Langlnds Street 120 Full length £2,640

Kilmarnock Woodstock Place 155 Full length £3,410 St.Marnock St. To Waterside Kilmarnock Waterside Street 140 Ct. £3,080

Kilmarnock Seaford Street 320 Full length £7,680

Kilmarnock Ellis Street 90 Full length £2,160

Kilmarnock Howard Street 160 Full length £3,840

Gatehead Milton View 179 Full length £4,296

Gatehead Fairlie View 421 Full length £10,104

Gatehead Moorfield Place 172 Full length £4,128

Total £102,868

Micro Asphalt Programme 2014-15

Town / Location Length Section Estimate Route

£8,280 Crosshouse Hunter Road 345 Full length £4,344 Crosshouse Craig Drive 181 Full length £5,400 Crosshouse Thornton Avenue 225 Full length £1,704 Crosshouse Busbie Gardens 71 Full length £7,128 Crosshouse Craiglea Avenue 297 Full length £3,000 Crosshouse Busbie View 125 Full length £7,700 Crosshouse Playingfield Road 350 Full length £9,528 Crosshouse Crossdeened Road 397 Full length £6,138 Crosshouse Woodlea Court 279 Full length £1,980 Crosshouse Woodlea Crescent 90 Full length £7,942 Crosshouse Woodbank Road 361 Full length £5,280 Crosshouse Annandale View 240 Full length £6,050 Crosshouse Annandale Crescent 275 Full length £6,380 Crosshouse Annandale Gardens 290 Full length £4,192 Crosshouse Playingfield Crescent 131 Full length £4,080 Crosshouse Gatehead Road 170 Full length £1,704 Crosshouse Corse Place 71 Full length £1,296 Crosshouse Craigie Place 54 Full length £10,680 Crosshouse Springhill Avenue 445 Full length £1,440 Crosshouse Loudoun Place 60 Full length £3,072 Crosshouse Credon Drive 128 Full length £1,800 Crosshouse Dean Place 75 Full length £109,118 Total

Micro Asphalt Programme 2015-16

Town / Location Length Section Estimate Route

£3,168 Newmilns Shields Road 144 Full Length £5,060 Newmilns Queens Crescent 230 Full Length £3,740 Newmilns Mill Road 170 Full Length £3,938 Newmilns Mill Crescent 179 Full Length £4,752 Newmilns Campbell Street 216 Full Length West Campbell £4,268 Newmilns Street 194 Full Length East Campbell £8,360 Newmilns Street 380 Full Length £1,254 Newmilns Campbell Court 57 Full Length £7,722 Newmilns Huggin Craig Road 351 Full Length £3,674 Newmilns Mair Street 167 Full Length £1,760 Newmilns Darnleyhill walk 80 Full Length £7,260 Newmilns King Street 330 Full Length £1,892 Newmilns Hillside place 86 Full Length £1,386 Newmilns West Church Street 63 Full Length £13,442 Newmilns High Street 611 Full Length £1,166 Newmilns East Strand 53 Full Length £4,884 Newmilns Greenside 222 Full Length £5,566 Newmilns Browns Road 253 Full Length £2,178 Newmilns Bridgend 99 Full Length £16,940 Newmilns Brown Street 770 Full Length £19,800 Newmilns Gilfoot 900 Full Length £4,290 Newmilns Girvan Crescent 195 Full Length £8,360 Newmilns Muir Drive 380 Full Length £6,336 Newmilns West Edith Street 288 Full Length £5,600 Newmilns Ladeside 200 Full Length £2,200 Newmilns Lawrie Street 100 Sections £148,996 Total

Footway Structural Maintenance Programme 2013-14

Town Street Name Location Estimate Ranking Auchinleck Aird Avenue No. 2 to No. 4 £3,420 85 Auchinleck Sorn Road Old Avenue to 25 Hillside Crescent £4,256 85 Dalmellington Bellsbank Brae Phase 1 £13,243 85 Catrine Sorn Street No. 43 to Montgomerie Street £4,940 85 Cumnock Glencairn No. 2 to no. 46 £16,416 85 Cumnock Elizabeth Crescent No. 21 to No. 51 £8,208 85 Dalrymple Hillview Forglen Road to No. 24 £13,090 85 Drongan Cairnston Avenue West Side £16,065 85 Drongan Schaw Avenue Entire Street £16,380 85 Mauchline Welton Road No. 17 to No. 21 £2,660 85 Mauchline Welton Road No. 77 to No. 99 £9,120 85 Mauchline Sunnyside Cr No. 90 to no. 56 £12,240 85 Mauchline Burns Avenue Both Sides £10,080 85 New Cumnock Lochbrowan Cr No. 13 to Mounthope Terrace £12,960 85 New Cumnock Connel View No 73 to Ardnith Avenue £12,960 85 New Cumnock Burnside No. 46 to No. 49 £6,080 85 New Cumnock Burnside No. 1 to No. 27 £13,200 85 Patna Main Street Post Office to Rooney Court £9,025 85 Patna Dalharco Avenue Carnshalloch Avenue to Dallowie Road £20,475 85 Patna Carnshalloch Av Dalvennan Avenue to Dalharco Avenue £20,160 85 Darvel Braes Court Hillview Road to No.12 (South side footway) £11,400 80 Darvel Braes Court No.1 To No.25 (North side footway) £11,400 80 Galston Holmes Road Melville Drive to Park Road £14,400 85 Galston Holmes Road Melville Drive to Park Road £14,400 85 Lifnock Avenue Sherwood Rd to Richardson Avenue - south £15,480 85 Kilmarnock Altonhill Avenue frontage of community centre £3,040 90 Kilmarnock Munro Avenue No.38 to Southhook Road £15,050 85 Kilmarnock Munro Avenue No.79 to Munro Place £14,000 85 Kilmarnock Woodstock Street South Hamilton St to Grange St -- north side £16,800 85 Kilmarnock Hareshaw Drive No. 36 to 40 £13,125 85 Kilmarnock Raith Avenue Methven Avenue to Bruce Street - west side £15,925 85 Kilmarnock Tinto Avenue No.29 to 47, No.59 to 77 £15,200 85 Kilmarnock Brakenhill Avenue full length -west side £22,050 80 Kilmaurs Millhill Avenue Main Street to Ladeside Road (odd) £22,750 85 Kilmaurs Millhill Avenue Main Street to Ladeside Road (even) £22,750 85 Newmilns Kilnholm Street Opposite no.1 £3,040 85 Newmilns Kilnholm Street Opposite lockups £1,520 85 Newmilns Hillside No.1 to 9 £3,040 85 Newmilns Borebrae Junction with Hillside £1,900 85 Newmilns High Street No.23 to no.33 £1,900 85 Stewarton Strandhead Rigghead to end of road £3,800 85 Stewarton Polkelly Place Cutsburn Road to school entrance £4,560 90 Stewarton Crusader Cr Lothian Road to Thomson Terrace £12,160 85

Total £484,668

Footway Structural Maintenance Programme 2014-15

Section Street Name Location Cost Ranking Auchinleck Beechwood Av No. 2 Beechwood Av to No. 21 Boswell Dr £11,840 85 Cumnock Oakbank Drive Broomfield Avenue to no. 4 £12,210 85 Dalmellington Bellsbank Brae Phase 2 £13,243 85 Drongan Lane Crescent No. 77 to No. 91 £24,050 85 Logan Logan Avenue No. 36 to No. 48 £15,725 85 Logan Logan Avenue Quadrant at No. 1 £7,600 80 Mauchline Jean Armour Dr No 2 to Loch Road £10,640 85 Muirkirk Hareshaw Cr Meanlour Drive to No. 23 £10,260 85 Muirkirk Hareshaw Cr Meanlour Drive to No. 56 £17,982 85 New Cumnock Lochbrowan Cr No. 18 to Mounthope Terrace £13,320 80 New Cumnock Burnside No. 23 to No. 46 £11,400 85 New Cumnock Greenbraes Drive Blarene Drive to School £10,792 85 Ochiltree Main Street Club to Gallowlea Avenue £31,850 85 Patna Carnshalloch Av Dalvennan Avenue to Dalharco Avenue £20,160 85 Rankinston Kerse Terrace Post Office to Coyle Crescent £33,696 85 Crookedholm Silverwood Road Odd Numbers £8,360 80 Crookedholm Silverwood Road Even Numbers £7,600 80 Crosshouse Annandale View Springfield Road to No.1 Woodlea Crescent £6,840 80 Crosshouse Annandale View Springfield Road to carpark £6,080 80 Darvel Glen Crescent Paterson Terrace to Hutchison Dr (36 to 60) £22,200 80 Fenwick Creelshaugh Rd No.2 to Kirkton Road £4,180 80 Fenwick Creelshaugh Rd No.3 to Kirkton Road £4,180 80 Galston Meadowside Rd Goatfoot Road to Ladyton Drive £6,460 80 Galston Park Road No.18 to Holmes Road £10,800 80 Gatehead Milton View No. 14 to No. 40 £15,910 80 Gatehead Fairlie View No. 1 to No. 15 £8,740 80 Hurlford Mayfield Avenue Craigie Road to Richardson Avenue - north £19,240 80 Kilmarnock Glencraigs Drive Kirkton Road to Muirend Road £9,880 80 Kilmarnock Robertson Place Gilmour Street to end of cul de sac £10,640 80 Kilmarnock Langlands Street Park Street to langlands Brae £9,120 80 Kilmarnock Old Irvine Road Frontage of garage £4,180 80 Kilmarnock Nelson Street John Finnie Street to Grange Street £6,840 80 Kilmarnock Nelson Street John Finnie Street to Grange Street £6,840 80 Kilmarnock Sunnyside Sq. W End of Cul de sac £7,600 80 Kilmaurs Millhill Avenue Main Street to Ladeside Road £23,400 80 Newmilns Bridgend Main Street to Nelson Street £7,600 80 Stewarton Dalry Road Kinloch Avenue to Braemore Road £13,320 80

Total £464,778

Footway Structural Maintenance Programme 2015-16

Section Street Name Location Cost Ranking Auchinleck Church Street No. 50 to No. 56 £4,560 70 Catrine Ballochmyle Qd No. 59 to No. 15 £12,580 70 Catrine Ballochmyle Qd No. 8 to No. 22 £8,360 70 Cumnock Hearth Place Emrys Avenue to Car Road £25,160 70 Dalmellington Bellsbank Brae Phase 3 £12,895 85 Dalrymple Cedar Terrace Entire Street £6,840 70 Drongan Lane Crescent No. 60 to No. 84 £37,800 80 Logan A70 Holmhead to Lugar Bridge £9,880 70 Lugar Muirkirk Road Opposite Craigston House £12,210 70 Mauchline Loudoun Street No. 95 to No. 4 Barskimming Road £14,430 70 Mauchline Mary Morrison Dr No. 49 to No. 63 £7,220 70 New Cumnock Burnside No. 49 to No. 26 £18,720 80 New Cumnock Path View Both Sides £6,080 70 Ochiltree Mauchline Road No. 28 to No. 46 £11,840 85 Ochiltree Gallowlea Avenue Main Street to Broom Crescent - odds £8,740 70 Patna Carnshalloch Av Carskeoch Drive to Dalvennan Av £20,160 85 Rankinston Littlemill Place No. 20 to Barnhill £24,864 85 Dunlop West View Tr No.5 to Kirkland Road £15,540 80 Dunlop Kirkland Road No. 25 to Allanvale £3,420 70 Fenwick Poles Road Murchland Avenue to Maunsheugh Rd £7,980 70 Fenwick Poles Road Glebe Terrace to Main Road £6,840 70 Galston Belvedere View Duke Street to Cairn View - North £33,300 70 Galston Wallace Street Erskine Hall £7,600 80 Hurlford Mauchline Road Blair Avenue to Blair Road £8,740 70 Hurlford Mayfield Avenue Craigie Road to Richardson Avenue - south £21,460 70 Kilmarnock New Street Hurlford Road to No.37 £4,180 80 Kilmarnock Doon Place Esk Road to end of cul de sac £10,730 80 Kilmarnock Dee Avenue Esk Road to No.11 £6,460 80 Kilmarnock Spey Avenue Deveron Road to Beauly Crescent £10,360 80 Kilmarnock Cessnock Place Cul de sac turning area £9,120 80 Kilmarnock Teith Place Haining Avenue to end of cul de sac £7,600 80 Kilmarnock Strawberrybank Rd South Dean Road to roundabout £21,600 80 Kilmaurs Sunnyside Crosshouse Road to Railway bridge £11,100 70 Moscow Dykescroft Cul de sac to Firpark £5,320 70 Newmilns Borebrae Kilnholm Street to Hillside Place £6,840 70 Newmilns Borebrae No.2 to No.6 £4,560 70 Priestland A71 Bowfield Cottages to Crofthead £12,960 80 Stewarton Crusader Cr Lothian Road to Thomson Terrace £11,840 70

Total £469,889

Schemes Requested by Elected Members, Community Councils

Town / Route Location Section Ranking

Kilmarnock Kirkton Road Road 36

Kilmarnock Arran Avenue Road 31

Kilmarnock Castle Drive Road 31

Kilmarnock Manor Avenue Road 31

Crosshouse Parkhill Avenue Road 50

Crosshouse Playingfield Road Road 2015/16

Patna Dallowie Road Road 2013/14

Muirkirk Millers Road Henderson Drive to A70 2013/14

Darvel Foulpapple Road A71 to Cemetery 2013/14

C3 Stair Barskimming Road C49 to Millerston 2013/14

Stewarton Cairnduff Place Entire Street 2013/14 Shankston Crescent to Gemmel Cumnock Car Road 2013/14 Avenue Kilmarnock Kirkton Road Footway 41

Kilmarnock Glencraigs Drive Footway 2014/15

Kilmarnock Forest Grove Footway 53

Galston Brewlands Street Footway 57



Programme Project Description of Works Benefits Estimate Verge adjacent to Form parking areas parallel Improve road safety by cemetery, Darvel, Parking to road providing parking £15,000 2013/14 areas and reducing congestion. Ardle Avenue, Kilmarnock, Re-kerb and widen over-run Improve environment widen road. grassed area and road safety by £8,000 reducing on street parking problems. 2014/15 Lainshaw Avenue Surface over-run verges Improve environment Kilmarnock, widen road. and road safety by £7,000 reducing on street parking problems. Dalvennan Avenue Patna, Form 6 No Off-Street Improve environment Parking Bays parking bays and road safety by £15,000 2015/16 reducing on street parking problems. Merrick Drive/Craiglea Upgrading quadrant area at Improve environment Cres, Bellsbank, Upgrade junction and form off street on main access road £15,000 Junction Area parking. in Bellsbank and road safety. Wellpark Crescent Surface over-run verges Improve environment Kilmarnock, widen road. and road safety by £7,000 reducing on street parking problems. Kilmarnock Rd Service Rd Re-kerb and widen over-run Improve environment Crosshouse, widen road. grassed area and road safety by £8,000 reducing on street parking problems. Netherthird Place, Form 4 No Off-Street Improve environment Netherthird, Cumnock, parking bays and safety by reducing £15,000 Parking Bays Phase 2 on street parking problems.


STREET LIGHTING PROGRAMMES 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16

Street Lighting Capital Programme 2013-14

Location Estimate

Bellfield, Cromdale Road, Lawers Road & Crescent & Beauly Crescent (5th core ) £66,000 Cumnock, Drumbrochan Road. (age deteriorated) £35,000 Cumnock, Holmburn Road Phase1.(5th core) £45,000 Cumnock Netherthird Phase 2 Netherthird Road, Lamont Crescent(5th core) £30,000 Logan,Glen Avenue £40,000

Patna, Main Street £00,000 Street Lighting Capital Programme Total £226,000.00

Street Lighting Capital Programme 2014-15

Location Estimate

Crosshouse, Laurieland Avenue Area Phase 2(5th core) £52,000 Darvel, East Donnington Street (age deteriorated plant) £32,000

Newmilns, Queens Crescent ( age deteriorated plant) £37,000 Bellfield, Tweed Crescent Area (5th core) £50,000

Hurlford, Barnweil Blair Avenue - Concrete columns require to be replaced £48,000

Kilmarnock, Whatriggs Road area. ( 5th core) £31,000 Street Lighting Capital Programme Total £250,000.00

Street Lighting Capital Programme 2015-16

Location Estimate

Cumnock, Auchinleck Road. ( age deteriorated) £49,000 Bellfield, Beauly Crescent Area (5th core) £44,000 Cumnock, Holmburn Road Phase2.(5th core) £42,000 Muirkirk, Glasgow Road. Replace 2 wire overhead network left by Scottish Power after £35,000 undergrounding works

Drongan,Lane Crescent & Coyle Crescent £08,000

Seright Crescent, Phase 2 Crookedholm (5th core) £40,000 Street Lighting Capital Programme Total £250,000.00