Heather Club 175th Anniversary

Fenwick Hotel 24 March 2018

Speakers:- Billy Howat ( Province President), Robbie Duncan & Ernie Coe. 175th Anniversary Committee

Jim Kirkwood (treasurer), Doug Paton, David Reid (Match Sec), Robert Whiteford, Peter Barrett (Secretary), John Craig, Billy Jackson, Douglas Reid, David Mundell (President)

Years of service to end of season 2017/18

Jim Kirkwood, joined 1997 Treasurer since 2012 Doug Paton, joined 2007, committee member David Reid, joined 2000, Match Sec since 2014 Robert Whiteford, joined 1973 former Sec (16 years) Peter Barrett, joined 2005, Secretary since 2014 John Craig, joined 2006, Club news reporter Billy Jackson, joined 2002, webpage technician Douglas Reid, joined 1981, former treasurer (18 years) David Mundell, joined 1992, President since 2016

By the AGM in 2018 Douglas Reid and Robert Whiteford will have completed 26 years (each) either as office-bearers or committee members of the Club. INTRODUCTION

This is a condensed version of the records taken from the minute books by Robert Whiteford.

When I first started to adapt the history of Stewarton Heather Curling Club from the record books I also decided to review where curling started and how far back I could go, but it became very complicated and the “History of Curling” website takes a bit of reading and understanding as it’s in the old Scots dialect, it is worth a visit if you really want to look into the early days of curling. On reading into the history of the game I unearthed some very interesting information regarding Stewarton Heather and its early existence. In most parishes the Curling Club became a recognised necessity. Masons, weavers, and workpeople generally were never more devoted to the game and the nobility and gentry gave it their heartiest support. The rules were made up by the teams on the day, and it was not until the Royal Caledonian Curling Club (RCCC) was formed in 1838 that clubs started to accept the principles and laws of curling, and play under these rules as laid down by the RCCC, previously some clubs had adopted the Duddingston rules. With all this progress and enthusiasm there was however much confusion. Curlers are conservative, and the advanced methods and rules of Duddingston were only slowly adopted: “the barbarous tribe of natural boulders, crunching crampits, and movable triggers lingered on” (from the history of curling). The local mason did his best to ridge the local block, but there was neither beauty nor uniformity among the stones. Many players still used only one stone, and the number in a rink ranged from 4 to 16. The style of play was altogether more varied than in the previous century, and before parish battles could be fought a number of questions had generally to be settled, and numerous conditions made by which to regulate the play. The progress of curling in this period and its distribution throughout may be understood from the following list:- AYR [Clubs printed in ordinary type either are or have been affiliated with the Royal Club, and an asterisk distinguishes those that joined the Royal at its formation in 1838. Clubs in italics have not been so affiliated]

There are many more clubs listed but the main one I was interested in is listed above so Stewarton Heather was in existence in 1835. (taken from the History of Curling) Now, this is where I start to tie the “old” Stewarton Heather with the Club we know today. Up until now there were “guide lines” not rules, but they could be changed on the day. Before a game started the number of players per team was decided, the number of stones each player could play was agreed, and the size of the stones and the length of the rink had to be agreed between the teams. The institution in 1838 of a Grand National Club, with its headquarters in Edinburgh, “and having for its object the regulation of the laws and methods of curling by the united deliberations of representatives from all the clubs of the country”, is the most important and far-reaching event in the whole history of curling. The Royal Caledonian Curling Club was born and the word “instituted” came into play. Stewarton Heather was “instituted” in 1842 meaning it came under, and agreed to the rules as set out by the RCCC, although it did not become a member of the RCCC till later. Under the new rules a President had to be elected and a committee formed to include a treasurer and secretary, minutes of Annual General Meetings needed to be recorded and competitions needed to be recorded.

The description of stones that were used in the early days is innumerable specimens "of all sorts and conditions." When the leverage of a handle was applied to the Channel-Stane it completely left behind the puny Piltycock, and developed enormously in bulk and weight. In its development, however, it did not follow the curves of the beautiful.

BLAIRGOWRIE and DELVINE Clubs both claim an interest in this set of ancient stones, we are informed they have been formerly in the keeping of Blairgowrie, but presented or sold to the Delvine Club, in whose custody they have been for many years. Fig. 10, "The Soo," weighs 79 lbs., and measures 161 x 11 inches. Fig. 11 is "The Baron," weighing 88 lbs., and measuring 14½ x 14 inches. Fig. 12 is called "The Ego," and weighs 115 lbs. It measures 17 x 12 inches. Fig. 13, "The Fluke," weighs 52 lbs. and measures 12½ x 11 inches. Fig. 14, "Robbie Dow," weighs 34 lbs. and measures 9 x 9 inches. This last was at least called after one of the Baron Bailees, a, son of the parish minister of the time (taken from the History of Curling).

The Kutty Stane or Piltycock or Channel Stane was much smaller than those with handles

Although instituted in 1842 there are no records of the first meetings. The first minute book starts in 1845. As you will see from the books Stewarton had two clubs, Stewarton Heather and the Stewarton club. In the early 1900’s the Heather, Pokelly and Stewarton clubs all became one.

Stewarton Heather has not missed an Annual General Meeting since 1845. Here are the minutes from that first recorded meeting. At Fullwood 9th Dec. 1845 The Stewarton Heather Curling Club had been convened. After auditing the treasurers accounts which were approved they proceeded to elect office bearers. The office bearers were as follows Thomas Young (Tailend) President, James Wylie (Fullwood) Vice President, John Howie Treasurer, John Ferguson Secretary. All agreed that the other managers or councillors should be hind players (skips) of the rinks, and that when the ice is ready a general meeting be called to make the other necessary arrangements. It was further agreed that every member pay sixpence for upholding the dam, and give something for rent. 1846 The report of last year’s proceedings was read. The dam was put in, in John Gilmour’s long bank park. It appeared to do well but the surface was too little and there had not been sufficient frost since the last annual meeting to get a game tried. After auditing the accounts there was a balance in hand of seven shillings and sixpence. It was ultimately agreed that six shillings be paid for dam rent to Mr. Gilmour. It was agreed that all members pay 6d membership within three weeks of the AGM or 9d if they join after that without a satisfactory reason for the delay. Dec.4th 1846 met twelve of the Stewarton Club with an equal amount at Clerkland. Rink 1 Stewarton 42 Stewarton Heather 44 Rink 2 ---- 45 28 Rink 3 ---- 26 33 Stewarton wins by 8 shots. Dec 17th 1846 met twelve players from the Pokelly club with an equal number at Fullwood. Rink 1 Pokelly 17 Heather 34 Rink 2 --- 23 --- 20 Rink 3 --- 10 --- 37 Heather wins by 41 shots The curling games were called and horse riders were sent out to inform the players that the ice was playable. Depending on who turned up the teams were drawn on the day, this was also for inter-club games. Hind players (skips) were named at the AGM and teams drawn from members available, or the skip picked his team and brought them along with him. The Champions Medal was played for every year, this would be the fore- runner to our Points Competition. There are no results from previous years but in 1861, Allan Gilmour 11 points, John Howie, James Kerr 7, Archibald Young, Robert Kerr, Robert Howie, James Calderwood, and John Stevenson 5, James Wylie, William Currie, William Kyle and Alex Harvey 4. Five others counted 3 shots with two counting 2 each, another two 1 each and one who never scored.

The 1842 Champion Medal is still in existence and owned by Robert Wallace. It was played for annually on a singles basis.

These are games where the clubs met for the first time or met in various competitions. Not included are games played between the club members at Fullwood.

First game played against Dunlop 1847 at Fullwood Heather wins by 24 shots Return game 1847 at Templehouse Heather wins by 36.

First game against 1847 at (12 from Heather and 28 from Stewarton).

First game against Mearns 1855 at Wee Loch (Mearns win)

First game against 1858 at Craufurdland Loch (8 from Heather and 28 from Stewarton) No result recorded

First game against Fenwick 1861 no result recorded

Other Clubs Stewarton Heather have played against Stewarton Curling Club (1845) Pokelly (1846) Neilston (1846) Bloak Curling Club (1847) Townend (1857)

Other games 1847 Married versus Unmarried, married win 1850 Married versus unmarried (for pies and drink), unmarried win 1851 First game for the Eglinton and Winton Plates (two teams) 1852 Eglinton Plate, 28 players from Stewarton and Stewarton Heather took part 1853 Eglinton Plate, Heather 21, Loudon 11 at Craufurdland Loch. 1854 Farmers and Ploughmen versus Professional and Tradesmen farmers/ploughmen win 1859 Game against Stewarton abandoned due to rain 1860 Game against Dunlop abandoned due to rain 1861 Game against Kilmaurs at Jock’s Thorn

Memories David Young told the story of him his brother Jimmy and Alex Wallace as boys (1920’s) being tasked with taking the curling stones from Fullwood to Muirshield farm for storage by horse and cart. When they arrived at the farm, no stones, they had forgotten to close the back door of the cart and they had rumbled out. They were sent back to collect them in the dark, they had to walk in front of the horse so it would not trip over the stones and topple the cart, found them all but they got some telling off, the air was blue.

This is believed to be the oldest photograph of Stewarton Heather members, (Courtesy of Tom Howie). Second from the right is William Currie, sixth from the right is Thomas Howie. (Information supplied by Tom Howie).

1871 Against 1874 At the meeting it was Kilwinning, the minuted that any Heather club won by person trespassing over the new stone 20 shots. The fence be subject to a following day they fine of five shillings. returned the game this time at Fullwood 1874 Played for “beef and where Auchentiber greens” married V Kilwinning won by the unmarried. Married same score. winners by 36 shots.

This medal was presented by James Wylie in 1865, not sure what competition it was for, but it is still in the possession of Robert Wallace along with the Champion Medal of 1842.

At the annual meeting on 16th Nov 1882 the secretary was instructed to communicate with the Viceroy of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club and to ask that our club be admitted as members in accordance with the resolution of last year’s general meeting. The original certificate is still in the clubs possession.

1885 it was agreed that James Wylie and John Currie’s teams be entered for the Royal Game at Carsbreak for Royal Caledonian Club Medal to be played for between Stewarton Heather Curling Club and Craigengillon Curling Club. As Craigengillon refused to comply with the instruction of the Umpire of Millmarch to meet our club at Tarbolton Loch the umpire in accordance with the Royal Club rules forwarded the medal to the secretary of the Stewarton Heather Club and reported the club as winners. I believe this is the medal that went to USA when Waltham Curling Club was formed by John Currie. This is a replica of the medal

1890 the prize was cloth to make a pair of trousers, donated by Mr Sommerville, Hapland Mill, Dunlop. Due to the number of entries the amount of cloth was increased, at the end of the day James Templeton won enough cloth to make a new suit.

1907 game against Dunlop abandoned after 15 ends when the players fell through the ice. Luckily the water was not deep and they retrieved the stones by rolling up their trouser legs and wading into the burn. This could be the first the mention of the Grand Match. 1886 January 1886 Royal Caledonian Curling Club match played at Carsbreak Pond, two rinks form Stewarton Heather match north and south of the Forth. No result noted in the minutes. 1886 Four teams each side, Stewarton Heather 72 Auchentiber 68 How long did they play? Membership was increased to 1/6 and a further 9d for members of the Royal Club. This is the first mention of the Province Medal Allan Craig agreed to meet with John Carswell of Paisley regarding the 12th Province match of the Royal Club. The game took place on 21st Dec 1886 between Stewarton Heather and the Mearns Club. Heather was declared winners by 6 shots.

1888 The Jubilee Medal is still in the Club’s possession

Memories Robert Whiteford The night the puggy machine “calved” at Crossmyloof Two members who were well known to play the puggy machine at Crossmyloof had been “feeding the beast”, with no luck. As we were leaving the bar to continue the game David Young put 10p in and it paid out the jackpot. As most were farmers the machine had “calved” and there was “no way” we were going back on the ice until the winnings were spent, Jimmy Goldie and John Young made sure they got their money’s worth back, doubles all round. 1894 Our first recorded Club Dance. 29th Dec 1894 a meeting was called for the purpose of appointing a committee to manage and make arrangements for a ball. The ball was fixed for Friday 8th February tickets gentlemen 7/-. The secretary was instructed to ask Major and Mrs. Dalrymple Hay if they would kindly allow the club to put on the invitation cards under the patronage of Major and Mrs. Dalrymple Hay. The secretary read an offer from Thomas Young and Sons to supply tea, coffee, sandwiches, pastries, fruits and confections at 2/3d per pair. Adam Young seconded by James Wallace proposed that Allan Stevenson from Dunlop supply the refreshments. James Bowie of Dunlop was “Master of Ceremonies” and Mattocks in charge of the cloakroom.

Invitation to the Club dance in 1901

1895 January and February 1895 “must have been frosty months because we have a lot of friendly games between Beith St Juiaus, Uplawmoor, Dunlop, Barrhead Fereneeze, and Stewarton plus return games, also married versus unmarried”

MEMORIES JOHN GOLDIE John started curling at the age of 11, playing on the Burn and then at Crossmyloof. You carried chalk to mark your stones or coloured hankies to put on the stones in order to play the same ones each time. 1895 8th January Royal Caledonian Club Medal, game between Stewarton Heather and Easturn at Lochlibo. The Heather won the medal by a majority of 21 shots. The medal was handed over by the umpire from Bridge of Weir to the secretary who passed it on to Major Dalrymple Hay to be retained for the club.

Pair of curling stones Presented to James Thomson by Major Dalrymple Hay of Dunlop House in 1900 and to his brother John Thomson in 1902. These are still in existence and have recently been found in

James Thomson John Thomson

1901 February 1901 Winners of the Eglinton Jug. After four days of continuous curling James Wylie (skip) William Currie, Andrew Gillies and Gavin Wilson were winners of the Eglinton Jug.

Stewarton Heather 19 Troon 10

Winners of the 12th Province Medal 1902-03

Back row l/r James Thomson, John Thomson, Allan Kirkwood, Matthew Barbour, David Barbour, Adam Currie, Robert Jackson. Front l/r William Currie, Thomas J Howie, James Wylie, John Wallace, David Young

The result from the 12th province game was as follows: William Currie 20 Garnock Kilbirnie 14 James Wylie 22 Uplawmoor 10 Thomas Howie 22 Greenock 8

1903 A Special General Meeting was called on 6th August 1903 to discuss a wedding present for Miss Dalrymple Hay of Dunlop House on her marriage to Major J A Houison Craufurd. On their homecoming Major and the new Mrs Houison Craufurd intimated that they wished to present a loving cup to Stewarton Heather and Fenwick curling clubs to be called the Hay- Craufurd Loving Cup and to be played for annually between the clubs. Major Dalrymple Hay on behalf of Stewarton Heather and Colonel Craufurd on behalf of Fenwick received the trophy.

The record is Stewarton Heather has 10 wins and Fenwick 4. There were some years when it was not played for.

The rules for this competition are in book three and are signed by E L Dalrymple Hay and J A Houison-Craufurd. The signed rules are still in the possession of the secretary as is the above trophy. The first competition for the possession of the Hay- Craufurd Loving Cup was played on 7th February 1907 on Stewarton Heather ice. Here is the first result Fenwick Stewarton Heather Colonel Craufurd 9 Adam Currie 25 Andrew Mair 8 John Wallace 32 William Wilson 13 John Thomson 18 30 75 This was a resounding victory by 45 shots for Stewarton Heather

4th January 1908 Stewarton Heather versus Stewarton at Fullwood.

Five teams from each side took part, the score ended up Stewarton Heather 100, Stewarton 102 after three days of curling.

A prize presented by Mr John Cassels (Jeweller) Stewarton was played for on the 11th January 1908. The final was between James Thomson and Robert Beveridge. James Thomson winning by 10 shots to 8. It does not say what the prize was.

At the AGM it was agreed by a majority that the club cease to be members of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club. As the Membership has been increased to 2/-.

1912 This is the 70th anniversary of the club. Up till this time the club has played 94 parish or friendly games. Stewarton Heather has won 65 and lost 29. Total shots scored 6045 by the Heather and 4901 against a majority of 1144 shots for Stewarton Heather.

1914 The first Pairs Competition. 17th January 1914 a pairs game was played for a barometer presented by Dr. Cook. The competition was won by J Thomson and R Howie nine sets of pairs took part. On the same day two rinks from Stewarton played two from Stewarton Heather but the games had to be abandoned due to a shower of rain and the ice getting soft.

Eglinton Jug 3rd April 1914 (taken from minute books) The competition owing to the lack of frost was played at Crossmyloof Ice Rink. The team that represented Stewarton Heather was, Thomas Beveridge (skip), Hugh Thomson, Robert Beveridge and James Thomson results were:- First tie Heather 26 Netherplace 6 Second tie Heather 19 Riccarton 10 Third Tie Heather 16 12 Fourth tie Heather 16 Kilmarnock 7 Fifth tie Heather 11 Blackloch 10 Final Heather 8 Cumnock Carlton 20

At Gallowberry on 9th October 1914 the annual meeting was held. The minutes were read and adopted and a very healthy financial report was given. The club now had a balance in hand of £5 :16 :8d. At this meeting Dr Cook again offered prizes for the pairs’ competition. He also suggested that due to the war an entry fee of sixpence could be charged and donated.

Parish game played at Crossmyloof on January 21st 1915. Two teams from Stewarton Heather were drawn against two teams from Kirkcudbright. Stewarton Heather won by 17 shots.

These are the war years but curling is still being played, games are being played one after another. The point’s game played on the 28th January 1915 was followed by rink games on the same day. Robert Wallace won the point’s competition and the rink of John Wallace, Thomas Beveridge, Alex Wallace and Andrew Howie Jnr won the rink medal. The final of the pair’s competition was contested between Adam Currie and William Currie No2 versus William Currie No1 and Andrew Howie Jnr. Adam Currie and William Currie No2 being the eventual winners. In the clubhouse at the end of the game William Hastings thanked Dr Cook for presenting two folding brushes in cases to the winners. Entry money of £1/2 /6d was received and handed over to the Evening News Prince of Wales fund. A cutting from the newspaper is in record book 3 and reads "Collected among members of the Stewarton Heather Curling Club at a game at Fullwood Park per John Wallace club secretary £1 /2/6d"

In 1918 we have a slight change to the office bearers. Our Patron has now had promotion as he is now Brigadier General Houison Craufurd, Patroness is Mrs Houison Craufurd and the new President is Thomas J Howie P C.

In 1920 a new patron was added to the club officials. We now have:- Brigadier General Houison Craufurd Patron Alex Cunningham Esq. Patron Mrs Houison Craufurd Patroness Thomas J Howie President Adam Currie Vice President William Currie Treasurer John Wallace Secretary It was agreed at the meeting to increase the amount paid to Mr. Adam Currie for putting in the dam to £1. It was also proposed by Mr. Andrew Howie and seconded by Mr. Robert Wallace that the membership fee be raised to 3/-. This was unanimously agreed.

Some situations never change. In 1922 a notice was placed in the clubhouse reminding members to pay their membership before playing.

Condition of the clubhouse and the banks of the pond were reported to be very poor and in serious need of repair. It was proposed that a dance or whist drive be held to raise money for a new house. Messrs Howie was to be approached for use of the granary to hold either. Curling House 28th June a general meeting was called. A statement of accounts from whist drive and dance showing a balance of £28/3/8d had been collected. This was considered very satisfactory and a committee was formed to fix the site and carry out work on a new Club House.

In 1925 Mr T J Howie proposed that the club write to Mrs Houison Craufurd regarding the 12th province medal, which was in her custody to have it returned to the club. There is no record of it having been returned.

At the AGM on 14th October 1926 the death of the president Mr T J Howie is recorded. Mr Howie had been a member for over 40 years. He had been secretary for about 20 years and filling the office of president over recent times. We now get to the meeting in 1928 on 25th October. Having selected the office bearers and formed the committee Thomas Beveridge proposed that something needed to be done with the banks of the dam to keep the cattle out. It was agreed to get 100yards of paling and 2dozen stobs. It was also agreed that the secretary provide the refreshments for the members who came forward to help, and the curling house is to be creosoted.

5th January 1929 club invited to take part in the Finnie Kettle. Although a team was entered in 1884 there are no records of games being played in this competition, played at Merkland Loch, Dundonald, against Craigie. Stewarton Heather 22 Craigie 14

Inter club game 24th January 1929 at Fullwood against Mearns club three teams from each club. Stewarton Heather Mearns Thomas Beveridge 33 John Lambie 7 William Currie(2) 22 George Lambie 14 John Wallace 14 H Andrews 23 69 44 25th January 1929 the pairs game was played and then on the 26th a return game against Mearns club at Pilmuir Loch. The same three skips as before against the same opposition. This time the score was Heather 62 Mearns 46.

It must have been a long and frosty winter as here we are now on 2nd March 1929. It is a Saturday and four rinks took part in a return game against Waterside at Fullwood. The game had to be abandoned after twelve ends when they fell through the ice. It does not state why they fell through the ice so alcoholic sustenance cannot be blamed. Good thing that the pond at Fullwood was not deep.

MEMORIES The story is told of a member cycling home late from an extended Committee meeting where copious amounts of whisky had been consumed. The next morning his wife asked him when he got home. I don’t know the exact time, but when I passed the Laigh Kirk it chapped one o’clock. What I don’t understand is why it chapped one o’clock four times. Eglinton Jug 1930 Stewarton Heather (1) 16 Largs Thistle 12 Stewarton Heather (2) 15 Barr 8 Stwearton Heather (1) 11 Kilmarnock Union 12 Stewarton Heather (2) 10 Kilmaurs 12

Eglinton Jug games 1932 Heather 1 6 11 Heather 2 12 Blackloch 11 Heather 2 9 Sorn 10

1933 Annual General Meeting in Newmill Hall. Here we have Adam Currie appointed as the new treasurer. The membership has been kept at 2/6d for a number of years but now skaters are to be charged 2/-. Adam Currie and William Howie were appointed to transact any financial business at the Clydesdale Bank in Dunlop.

Eglinton Jug 1934 Games were played inside this year at Crossmyloof as there was no outside ice. Heather (1) William Currie 11 Riccarton 10 Heather (2) George Beveridge 13 Stair 5 Heather (2) 9 Carnell 6 Heather (1) 10 Carnell 11 Heather (2) 12 Unknown 7 Heather (2) 10 Kirkoswald 12

1935 Now we run into some major problems at the annual meeting on 1stOctober 1935, after the minutes were read and the treasurer’s report was given, a letter from Dr Wylie refusing to give water this year to fill the pond. This was because the club had not complied with his views regarding the levels of water standing back on his ground. A heated discussion then took place when all the members present were asked for their views on the matter. It was proposed by Mr. A L Howie seconded by Mr. T Beveridge that the size be reduced by using only the one end of the pond and it should be ploughed out to deepen it. This would reduce the level of water at the other end.

1937 We now come to the annual meeting of 1937. Here we have a couple of interesting changes start to take place. Firstly, the Craufurdland Cup. It was proposed by Adam Currie seconded by Robert Wallace that in the event of the game not taking place on outside ice by the middle of February then it should be switched to Crossmyloof. The secretary to write to Fenwick club as it is departing from the constitution of deed of gift. It was also moved at the meeting that a man be employed at the cost of £1 to cut the grass on the pond.

1941 Stewarton Heather won the Finnie Kettle. At Ayr ice rink on 18th December Thomas Beveridge, William Currie, Andrew Borland (Snr) and Sam Murray played against Symington. Stewarton Heather 23 Symington 4

Eglinton Jug 1941. Teams :- (1) William Currie, Thomas Beveridge, Andrew Borland and Andrew Borland (Jnr). (2) Robert Wallace, William J Howie, A Currie and Sam Murray. Heather (1) 18 9 Heather (1) 16 Kilmarnock Townend 11 Heather (1) 13 Fenwick 9 Heather (1) 15 Symington 7 Heather (1) 9 Ayr & Galloway 10 Heather (2) 12 Waterside 7 Heather (2) 15 Dundonald 9 Heather (2) 9 Symington 10

1942 We have now reached the 1942 AGM at Titwood. The skips were drawn to play in the Eglinton Jug, Finnie Kettle and the Craufurd Hay Cup, but the games would only take place if the ice and the circumstances permitted due to the ban on motor cars.

In the first 100 years there has only been four secretaries’

John Ferguson 1842 to 1880 (38 years) John Lindsay 1880 to 1900 (20 Years) T J Howie 1900 to 1910 (10 years) John Wallace 1910 to 1942 (32 years)

Stewarton Heather won the Eglinton Plate in 1878 and then the Eglinton Jug in 1901 and has been runners up on a number of occasions. In the Finnie Kettle and Craufurd Cup they have never lost a match.

The ban on motor cars was still in force at the annual meeting in 1943. Again no games were played at Fullwood but the Eglinton Jug did take place. William Currie 12 Dailly 19 Robert Wallace 10 Waterside 14

Finnie Kettle Stewarton Heather 16 Symington 12

Eglinton Jug 1944/45 Heather 1(W Howie) 17 Stair 9 Heather 2( R Wallace) 10 Dalrymple 15

Heather 1 12 Bilston 9 Heather 1 6 Gilmerscroft 21

There had been no record of any games being played at Fullwood for a number of years. The dam had been repaired each year and the dam filled but all games were now played indoors.

Eglinton Jug 1945/46 Heather 1(W Howie) 10 Kilmarnock Waverly 11 Heather 2(W Currie) 17 Troon Portland 6 Heather 2 12 Ochiltree 11 Heather 2 11 Ayr & Alloway 17

Here we have a turning point recorded in the clubs history.

Although the club has played some games at Crossmyloof Ice Rink in the past couple of years here we have the first recorded booking of ice to play indoors.

At the AGM on 29th October 1946 it was proposed by Robert Wallace seconded by Andrew Borland that the club buy and fix up ice at Crossmyloof for two rinks. Andrew Borland is to try and fix a date. Robert Wallace reported that the dam would require very little maintenance this year.

1947 Here we have our first mention of booking ice at Crossmyloof. 4 Rinks Thursday October 21st at 7.30 pm till 10.00pm 4 Rinks Friday December 24th at 7.30pm till 10.00pm 4 rinks Wednesday February 16th at 7.30pm till 10.00pm 4 Rinks Tuesday March 29th at 7.30pm till 10.00pm

1949 At the annual meeting on 13th Oct 1949 it was agreed that most of the games would now be played indoors and they were to be arranged at the Paisley Ice Rink. The teams were drawn as normal and joint secretaries to arrange ice where they can get it at Paisley Ice Rink or Crossmyloof Ice Rink.

1950 At the AGM on 1st Nov 1950 after the usual business had been completed, Mr. W J Howie proposed that due to the bad condition of the banks of the pond that the pond be abandoned, this was seconded by James Young.

The members are to be notified to collect their stones and remove them from the club house. Crampits and tools will be stored at Titwood. Mr. Adam Currie is to be given the first chance to buy the club house.

So after 108 years of curling at Fullwood it comes to an end. This is due to indoor curling now being more available and the changes to the weather patterns where the winters seem to be less frosty. Eglinton jug 1950 Stewarton Heather (1) 20 Beith Morrishill 8 Stewarton Heather (2) 9 Kilmarnock Townend 15 Stewarton Heather (1) 12 Pinmore 15

At the annual meeting on 13th November 1956 the president being absent the vice president William Currie took the chair. Meeting held at Newmill Hall. The secretary had been unable to get suitable ice at Crossmyloof so ice at the Ayr Ice Rink had been booked 6pm till 9pm and 7.30 till 10.30. It is reported that the ice at Ayr was of a very poor quality.

1958, Only three evenings of curling took place this year six rinks in all. This was due to a shortage of ice being available to play the games at either Ayr or Glasgow.

Friday 27th September 1959 W Currie 9 James Goldie 11 W Young D Howatson S Murray D Young A Currie R Wallace

A Borland 9 John Goldie 10 J Borland H Galbraith J Irvine A Wallace A Wylie J Young

Wednesday 28th October:-

John Goldie 4 W J Howie 14 James Goldie D Currie D Howatson W Young S Murray T Young

James Borland 11 J McNair 8 W Currie John Wilson H Galbraith A Wallace R Miller J Irvine

2nd December:-

John Wilson 4 James Borland 14 A Wallace J McNair D Young D Currie T Young R Miller

W J Howie 14 D Howatson 7 W Currie James Goldie W Young H Galbraith A Currie S Murray

Prizes were awarded on a night by night basis James Borland’s team won a box of chocolates for each team member (cost 11/6d) as the highest overall winners.

1961 At the New Year three days of outside curling was held at Trearne Quarry. The prize was a clooty dumpling. It does not say who won, but it does say the dumpling was consumed by the end of the three days.

1962/63 after eleven consecutive weeks of frost games at Trearne Quarry came to a halt. This was the first time that games had been played outdoors regularly for a number of years.

Season 63/64, it was in this year that we have the first recorded league. This consisted of six teams, they were:-

1 J S Wilson 2 James Goldie 3 W J Howie A Borland J McNair J Goldie R Miller J Irvine J McKechnie T Howie A Currie W Cuthbertson (Sen)

4 D Currie 5 Jas Borland 6 W Young D Young T Andrew A Wallace J Young T Robertson H Galbraith T Young D Barty W Cuthbertson (Jnr)

The winning rink was number six. Annual general meeting on 17th September 1964 held at the Millhouse Hotel Stewarton, William Cuthbertson (Sen) presented the club with a cup to be played for annually. It was first presented in season 1965, and so started the league for the Cuthbertson Cup.

At the annual general meeting 0n 14th September 1965 William J Howie proposed to put forward four prizes for the top team in the second half of the year and so started the Howie league.

By season 1966/67 the club membership was rising and reserves were being listed along with the players that had been drawn in the teams. The winning rink for the Cuthbertson Cup this year was, Jas Goldie, A Borland, R Millar, J Stewart.

For the second league, A Wallace, D Young, W Cuthbertson (Jnr) A Whiteford (Snr). At the prize giving James Borland announced his intention to step down as president of the club after 7 years.

AGM on 10th September 1968 at the Millhouse Hotel the club was now on a very firm footing with £38: 9: 2d in the bank but it was agreed to increase the membership to 10/-d in order to buy prizes for the winning team from the club funds as so far they have either been donated or bought by the president.

AGM in 1970 it was at this meeting that some of the rules were changed. Each player was responsible for paying his ice fees and substitutes must lead. It was agreed that reserves be given the first chance to play instead of other team players. William Kennedy proposed that the team members that won the second league be promoted and that the bottom team players move down one place. This was to be carried forward and reviewed next year.

1974 Stewarton Heather won the Finnie Kettle at Ayr ice rink. The team was John Wilson (skip) David Currie, David Young and Tom Andrew. At the annual meeting in 1975 it was agreed to apply for ice at Ayr to play the Inter Club games. The membership was increased to £1 after a long number of years at 50p. A further meeting was called on the 14th August to discuss the increased number of members and to increase the number of rinks to nine in each league.

In 1976 the Club won the Finnie Kettle again at Ayr, this time the rink was John Wilson (skip) John Young, James Young and Archie Reid. At a committee meeting in “The Bonnet” Stewarton, the new ice rink at Irvine was discussed and it was agreed to take some ice for one league at Irvine the second league at Crossmyloof and the inter club games at Ayr.

At the AGM in 1977 Archie Reid was made assistant secretary along with Secretary Tom Andrew. His first task was to rotate the reserves so that they all got a few games. A new cup was presented to the club by David Young, James Young, Alex Wallace and John Wilson. It was to be called the Glazert Cup and would be played for in a pair’s competition.

1978 Archie Reid takes over as secretary. There then followed some heated discussions; Firstly, it was passed that there would be nine rinks with sixteen reserves and a “waiting list” for future members. Secondly, a letter had been received from the Magnum Curling club requesting that our club become members of the Magnum Curling Club at a membership of £1 each, this was agreed. Thirdly, and this seemed to cause the most controversy, John Young proposed that the club rejoin the RCCC. After what was described as a very lengthy discussion it was agreed to rejoin and that the club would pay membership in future.

The club has been notified that a cup had been presented by Campbell Fuel Oils for the competition between Stewarton and Kilmaurs.

At the annual dinner dance on 11th April 1980 president David Young made a special welcome to Mr & Mrs James Goldie (Snr) who presented the club with a new trophy for the Heather Bonspiel. The trophy was to be known as the J S Goldie Trophy, this is now played for in the J S Goldie Bonspiel. The first winners of the trophy were John Goldie (Oldhall) John Reid, William Parker, and Jim Simpson.

1981 AGM The proposed club jumpers were produced but after seeing the cloth badges against the navy blue the members did not like the colour and changed the colour to Claret.

Season 1981 was a very good year for Stewarton Heather CC Back row Magnum management, front row William Andrew, John Reid, Jim Goldie (skip) and William Parker were winners of the Magnum Trophy at the Magnum Leisure Centre.

This was followed by John Young, David Young, Jack Goldie and William Smith (P) winning the Haig Bonspiel.

The crowning of all these was William Kennedy, Alex Wallace, Alex Whiteford and Andrew Borland winning the Haig’s Senior’s at Stranraer

Back l/r unknown, Agnes Borland, Annabelle Kennedy, Jessie Whiteford, Anne Wallace, unknown, Alex Wallace, unknown. Front l/r Andrew Borland, William Kennedy, Alex Whiteford, unknown. 1984 President John Wilson congratulated the club’s young members in reaching the national final of the Young Farmers Curling Championship. The team was Jim Goldie (O) Tom Reid, Hugh Reid and Jimmy Goldie (L) they were beaten in the final by Perth.

At the Eglinton Jug in 1985 the team of Grant McPherson, Jim Goldie (O), George McConnell and Hugh Reid were narrowly defeated in the final. The Rink Championship Play-downs was won at the Magnum by Tom Reid, Jim Goldie (O), Hugh Reid and Robert Reid. The evening bonspiel at the Magnum was won by Tom Reid, Jim Goldie (O) Robert Reid and Colin Reid. This was then followed by Jim Goldie (L) John Reid, Jack Crawford and William Andrew winning the White Horse Bonspiel.

1986 was a memorable year for some of the club members firstly Billy Andrew was a member of the Scottish Junior Champions team who went on to win the World Junior Championship. The team was Douglas Drybourgh, Philip Wilson, Lindsay Clark and Billy Andrew.


Craig Kirkwood. David Reid, Wallace Gilbert missing is Michael Reid

At the annual meeting on 21st April 1987 President Jack Crawford welcomed the members and started by congratulating our young members on their successful year. Grant McPherson and Bob Wilson having won the Scottish Championship were presented with medals to commemorate their success. Billy Andrew was congratulated on winning the World Junior Championship and presented with a medal for winning the Scottish Juniors. He was then presented with a scroll making him a life member of the Stewarton Heather Curling Club.

1987 The Opening of the Galleon for curling and Stewarton Heather decided at this meeting to apply for some ice. This turned into a meeting of changes as Billy Cuthbertson seconded by Billy Andrew proposed “that the syllabus be changed to a pocket size rather than the A4 sheets we have at present”. This was agreed. We then have a vote on promotion/relegation; Tommy Wilson seconded by William Kennedy proposed that we introduce a two up two down system. John Goldie seconded by John Wilson proposed that we leave the set up as it is. After a vote the counter proposal was carried.

1987 EGLINTON JUG Billy Andrew, George McConnell, Billy Cuthbertson and Robin Robertson win the Eglinton Jug, which the club last won in 1901, on that occasion Billy Andrew’s Great Grandfather had been a member of the winning team.

l/r Billy Cuthbertson, George McConnell, Billy Andrew, Robin Robertson. 1989 a system on how a club member should be promoted was discussed at some length and in great detail. You had to wait until someone resigned or died before you could change position. The old system had basically been the length of time you had been in the club dictated when you were promoted and who voted for you at the AGM. When you were nominated you had to leave the room while the vote was taken. Billy Cuthbertson seconded by John Wilson proposed that a select committee be set up to promote more on the players’ ability rather than time served. Douglas Reid proposed that the voting should remain the same this was seconded by Alastair Reid. After a close vote Billy Cuthbertson’s proposal was carried and a select committee was set up, the committee being the ten skips

William Kennedy presented the club with a new trophy this was to be the Corsehill Cup and was to played for in a points competition.

1992 Winning the Eglinton Jug The outstanding performance again this year was the winning of the Eglinton Jug by Billy Andrew, George McConnell, Douglas Reid and Robert Reid.

1992 It was also in this year that the club recorded their first “eight ender” the team being Jim Goldie (skip), Robert Whiteford (third), Tommy Wilson (second) and Eric Dorward (lead).

150th Anniversary Bonspiel 25th October 1992 at the Galleon Centre.

Twelve teams from Stewarton Heather were drawn and the invited clubs were Kilwinning Eglinton, Kilmaurs, Riccarton, Burnhouse Ladies, East Kilbride, Dalry Union, Dunlop and a team from the Royal Caledonian Curling Club skipped by President Matt Brown

The winning team with the Andrew Borland Trophy

Robert Reid, Jack Goldie, Andrew Borland, Tom Reid and Mrs. Borland.

1994 The Andrew Salver was presented by William and Billy Andrew. The salver would be presented to the individual who at the end of the season has accumulated the most points relating to performance and attendance throughout the year.

1994 the RCCC Scottish Schools Championship was won by . Three of our then junior members were in the team. They were Brian Smith, Stuart Smith and Alasdair Smith along with Neil Wilson.

l/r Alasdair Smith, Brian Smith, Neil Wilson, Stuart Smith.

MEMORIES ARCHIE REID Archie says he remembers his first game with the Club because it was the day Douglas was born. He had been to visit Jessie and the new baby in hospital and from there up to Crossmyloof for a game of curling. 1995 After a discussion and a vote it was agreed that the Cuthbertson League and the Howie League would be played at the Magnum with all the other competitions and the inter club games being played at the Galleon Centre Kilmarnock.

Here we have the introduction of the promotion/relegation format in the Howie League. After some “discussion” and a vote the format would be; - the players in the top three teams in the league would qualify for promotion by one playing position, the next three teams would remain in their present position, and the players in the bottom three teams would all be relegated by one playing position. For the first time since the competition started in 1992 the Andrew Borland Bonspiel has not been won by a Stewarton team. In 1996 the competition was won by Dalry Union the team being Willie Kirkpatrick Hugh Gilbert, James Logan and David Reid (aged 9).

At the RCCC Scottish Schools Championship runners up were Stewarton Academy. Andrew Smith, Malcolm Noble, David Shepherd and John Craig.

l/r John Craig, Alasdair Smith, Malcolm Noble, David Shepherd

1997 Treasurer Douglas Reid reported that the club had a disastrous year financially. This had been due to members putting their names forward for the “Point’s Competition” and then not turning up. The Eglinton Jug had cost the club “Ice Fees” as two of the teams did not turn up to play their games, and as had been agreed in the past the final of the “Pairs Competition” is paid for by the club. This had all added to the expenditure. The club was still in a very healthy financial position but we could not let it happen again. In future members who put their names forward would be expected to pay the fees even if they did not play.

1999 Junior members Craig Reid and his sister Sarah were members of the team who won the Scottish Schools Competition

Millennium Grand Match 2000

The Grand Match is normally an outdoor competition held between teams from north of the Forth/Clyde Canal and teams from the south. Due to the lack of frost this competition has not been played for many years. As it was the new millennium RCCC had decided that the competition would be played indoors on ice rinks the length and breadth of Scotland. 521 teams took part at 28 ice rinks.

The team that played at Elgin, they were Tom Reid, Douglas Reid, Robert Marshall (Jnr) and Robert Whiteford. They played against Lochaber and beat them by 15 shots to 2. They were the highest up winning team to play at Elgin. The team at Aberdeen was Tommy Smith, Colin Reid, Archie Reid and David Mackenzie they beat Hercules Curling Club by 6 shots to 4.

Stewarton Heather becomes a mixed Club for the first time. Here is where the club history changes, up until now the club had been male only, Sarah Reid was proposed and accepted as a new member. It was proposed that due to the low turnout of members that females be accepted as reserves only at this point and that all members should be lettered and a vote be taken at the next AGM on whether they should be given full membership, this was accepted. At this point Lindsay Smith was also proposed as a new member.

Club members David Mundell and Alan Smith along with Chris Hildrey and Bob Kelly have won through to represent Scotland in the European Championships to be held in Germany

12 March 2001 it has been agreed to suspend the remainder of the curling season due to a serious outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease in cattle and sheep, with restrictions being placed on farmers’ movements to and from their farms. Although there has been no cases reported in this area it was agreed there is a high risk of infection spreading. It was also agreed to postpone the presentation of prizes and AGM until later in the year.

17th May 2001AGM, President Archie welcomed the members and explained the procedure for the evening. The prizes could not all be handed out as some of the leagues had not been completed but where possible the presentation would take place. 2001 Full membership for females was discussed at this meeting. President Archie reminded the members that they had to vote on whether to accept females as full members. There being no counter proposals it was accepted that the ladies be given full membership rights thereby making the club a mixed club for the first time in its 159 years.

October 2001 Stewarton Heather won the RCCC Rink Championship. The team was Tom Reid, Douglas Reid, Craig Reid and James Hobkirk. They beat teams from Elgin, Kinross, Perth, Letham Grange and Athol in the early stages, Greenacres in the quarter-final, Gogar Park 1 in the semi and Gogar Park 2 by 6 shots to 1 in the final.

BURNHOUSE SHIELD presented to the Club 2001

2004 Junior members Craig, Sarah and David Reid took part in the Scottish Junior Championships. Sarah and her team of Nicola Munro, Judith McFarlane and Francis McKerral went on to win the Scottish Championships at Perth in February 2004. They would now represent Scotland at the World Championships in Quebec Canada. Craig was selected by the other players in the competition and was presented with the trophy for sportsmanship. He was also invited by the winning team from Lockerbie to join them and travel to Canada. Craig Reid was a member of the team who brought back the bronze medal from the championships.

2005 Consideration regarding changes to the colour of the Club jumper was discussed. Secretary said they would then need to consider changes to the colour of the club badge this would entail further costs. Jim Goldie said he would like to see the colour kept the same as it was now recognised as our club colours.

Next up was the Points Competition for the Corsehill Cup. This was split into two sections for the first time this year. We had the usual scratch game but then a handicap section was added. This proved to be very successful as some members who do not play in the points game came to give it a try. The winner of the scratch game was Alan Smith with 49points second was his father Tommy Smith with 48 points. In the handicap game first was Tommy Smith with 58 points and second was Les Kirk with 57 points.

Indoor Grand Match 2005 The teams were drawn to play at Kinross, Inverness and Hamilton Playing at Kinross were Tom Reid, Hugh Reid, Jim Goldie and Alastair Reid where they beat Fossoway Ladies by 18 shots to 6.

At Inverness it was Douglas Reid, Colin Reid, Jim Kirkwood and Jill Thomson, they beat Kingsmill 13 shots to 7.

At Hamilton it was Tommy Smith, Billy Smith, David Mackenzie and Robert Reid, where they won their game by 14 shots to 2 against Denny.

In 2005 Stewarton Heather has been invited to provide a team to play in the Gilmour Cup. This is an annual game between the Renfrewshire 12th Province and Dunbartonshire Province. The team was Jim Goldie, Tommy Smith, David Mackenzie and Billy Jackson. Stewarton being the highest up winning rink on the winning Renfrewshire 12th side collected the trophy. It had been pointed out that one of the skips in the next rink had made comments about the noise from Jim Goldie when he shouted for the sweepers. Jim did assure her that the more noise he made the harder the sweepers worked.

2007 Club member David Reid played in the Youth Olympics in Switzerland where he returned with the GOLD MEDAL after winning the championships. The team had been made up of players from different areas. David Reid back row second from right.

Junior members Michael Reid, Stuart Templton, Craig Kirkwood and Gavin Reid win the Under 18 Rotary Tournament in Germany.

In 2006 Tom Reid presented the club with a new trophy. This would be known as the Tom Reid Trophy which would be presented to the winner of the Handicap Point’s competition.

2006 Wm Howie Cup The teams were very evenly matched this year and nearly every game changed the league positions, on the last night all 10 teams had something to play for. The skips while trying to control their own games were looking over their shoulder to check what was happening in the other games, this resulted in a very noisy evening. The results ended up with a huge sigh of relief for some and disappointment for others with 12 points winning the league and 8 points seeing you relegated.

David Reid having won in Thun in Switzerland earlier in the year added the Sportsmanship award to his collection at the Scottish Junior Championships where they were placed 3rd. He was a member of the junior team who won the Lockerbie International and the Greenacres Masters.

Photo from Scottish Curler Feb 2006

CLUB CONSTITUTION In season 2007 a further discussion of the new club constitution, a draft copy was issued using the RCCC suggested wording but we adding our own club rules. The minute books had been checked going back as far as 1970 to pick out the rules that had been passed at various AGM’s up until now.

2007 in the Inverness International Sarah Reid skipped her team to the final, the first time a female team has made it to the later stages of the competition. She then went on to carry the flag for Great Britain in the University Winter Games in Italy. Her next major title was the Scottish Junior Championship where she skipped her team to win the Scottish Junior Championship for the second time.

The cream of the crop was winning the WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP in Eveleth on the USA Canada border. Sarah along with Barbara McFarlane, Eve Muirhead, Alison Black, Sarah Macintyre and Coach Sheila Swan took on the best in the world. After a very good start beating Norway, Switzerland and Russia they then slipped up in the round robin games before getting back on the winning trail. Presentation to Sarah Reid President Robert invited Sarah Reid to step forward and receive her scroll and life membership award from the Club for her achievement in winning the World Junior Championship.

Introduction of Club Constitution AGM 2007 The President said it was time to formally introduce the Club Constitution. This had been circulated to the members over the winter months with letters to the members asking for their views and after a lengthy period a final draft had been circulated. This draft was now being proposed by the committee to be adopted as the Club Constitution in future and asked for any further comments. There being no further questions or comments he asked that the Constitution be moved for adoption. This was proposed by Archie Reid and seconded by Jim Goldie.

Province discussion George Davidson questioned why we were members of Renfrewshire and not Ayrshire. It was explained that the Club had been a member of the Renfrewshire Province since the early 1900’s and had left to join Ayrshire Province only to re-join Renfrewshire when Greenacres Curling Rink opened. A check was carried to find out if the Club would be allowed to join Ayrshire for this coming season or if we needed to give notice of the change and put it in place for the following year. May 2007 Letter out to Liz Goldie explaining that at our AGM a vote had been carried in that the Club wished to join the Ayrshire Province 5th May 2007 A letter was sent to Dave Biggart, Renfrewshire 12th Province offering the Club’s resignation from the 12th Province and explaining that a vote had been taken at our AGM to join the Ayrshire Province.

Letter received from Liz Goldie accepting Stewarton Heather as members of the Ayrshire Province Area 1.

Eglinton Jug Two teams took part in the Eglinton Jug, Stewarton (A) Alan Smith, Tommy Smith, David Mackenzie and reserve Lindsay Smith. Stewarton (B) with David Mundell, Tom Reid, David Reid and Douglas Reid.

For the fourth time in the clubs history Stewarton Heather wins the Eglinton Jug The team of David Mundell, Tom Reid, David Reid and for the second time Douglas Reid collected the prizes presented by the Earl and Countess of Eglinton. This is the first time that the Earl and Countess had attended the presentation.

Winning Team l/r Douglas Reid, David Mundell, Tom Reid, David Reid with the Earl and Countess of Eglinton.

18th Feb 09 Invitation to Waltham Curling Club 125th Anniversary Bonspiel Triumph, Illinois USA I had been trying for many years to trace the club member mentioned early in the club’s history that had gone to America and formed a curling club there, until one evening I received a telephone call from Alan Wilson from Waltham Curling Club, Illinois. To begin with I thought someone was winding me up but I eventually realised this telephone call was for real and Alan had been trying to trace the club in Scotland that their founder came from. He had been put in contact with Sherriff David Smith who knew I was looking for an American Club, I very quickly became aware this was the information I had been looking for and Alan had found his founder member’s mother club. The member was John Currie who in 1884 was Vice President of Stewarton Heather. That must be one of the weirdest phone calls I have ever received and goodness knows what Alan was thinking at the other end of the line, because I was initially playing along with the wynd-up. Once I realised it was genuine and Alan wanted us to send a team to Illinois I was absolutely thrilled and said I was sure that we could put a team together. The club were then invited to send a team to Utica, Illinois to play in their 125th Anniversary. The team of Douglas Reid, Tom Reid, Robert Reid and Robert Whiteford returned with the Silver Medal having beaten Chicago CC then Tara CC, followed by Waltham CC in the semi-final, unfortunately we were then beaten in the final by Blackhawk Curling Club from Janesville, Wisconsin. The team were interviewed on radio and by the local press.

24 April 2009 Unknown to the members what was about to happen President Robert Reid asked Vice President Tommy Smith to step forward he then asked our two longest serving members Jim Goldie and Archie Reid to join him, the large plaque from Waltham Curling Club was then produced from behind a curtain and Robert asked the three members to accept the plaque on behalf of Stewarton Heather members. After a short discussion on what to do with the plaque as we do not have a club house it was agreed that the President holds it and brings it along at every AGM and that the plaque be passed on to the next President for safe keeping.

Jim Goldie, Tommy Smith, Archie Reid and Robert Reid with the Plaque presented to the Club by Waltham Curling Club.

Club members with the team who were given their own plaques. Season 2009 Michael Reid, Gavin Reid, Craig Kirkwood, James Whiteford, Jennifer Martin, Andrew Muir were members of the two teams who won the Junior Inter Ice Rink Championship and went on to play in Sweden. Also in 2009 Robert Reid (on right) was a member of the Police team who won the Scottish Championship and were runners-up in the British Championship.

Eglinton Jug Season 2009/10 Jim Goldie had broken his leg and could not skip his team in the competition this year. This was the first time Jim has missed out in playing in this competition for many, many years The Two Stewarton Heather teams met in the semi-final, with David Mundell and his team going forward to the final after a close game. In the final they met their old adversary Sorn. This turned out to be one of the best games of the competition with both teams exchanging shots after blanking the first three ends. At the sixth David missed a takeout and Sorn edged in front, at the seventh he redeemed himself by playing a brilliant shot to give Stewarton three and put them two up going into the final end. In the eighth and final end it was controlled by Stewarton with any threat being removed, or so they thought. The last stone was played by Robert Clark (Sorn), he had to play in off a stone in the 12ft and remove the Stewarton stones to give them two and tie the game. This was a difficult shot, he made the in-off but missed the shot by a fraction of an inch, therefore Stewarton Heather won the Eglinton Jug again. This was their fifth win and the third time Douglas Reid had been in the winning team. The team was Skip David Mundell, third Tom Reid, second David Reid, lead Douglas Reid. 8 January 2010 Following a telephone conversation between Jim Goldie and Jim Kirkwood an inspection of the field behind Lochside farm was carried out and it was found that where the old dam used to be there was about 5 inches of ice. Douglas was then contacted and the snow was cleared from the ice in order to let the frost at the surface and to freeze any water that was underneath. Jim Goldie also advised that if there was water holes should be drilled to let the water out so it would freeze and that if there were any cracks a watering can could be used to spray the cracks and let it freeze overnight. The word then went out that we had found a possible venue locally to play outdoor curling but it would need members to help clear the snow and mark the rinks in the morning.

9 January 2010 Saturday morning a squad arrived with brushes, shovels, scrapers and started to clear the snow. Outdoor curling stones arrived and Jim Goldie and Douglas Reid set off to collect more stones from Tom Andrew at Beith and in the process found out that he had the original ice marker from when the club used to play at Fullwood, this was also brought back and used to mark the rings. We think this marker will not have been used since the mid-1950’s Tom Andrew also had the curling stones from William Currie marked with WC these were used when the Club won the Eglinton Jug in 1901.

Everything was brought back to Lochside where the members had been hard at work setting up a playable rink. Curling stones appeared from all airts and places and at one time we had more than what was required. Along with the alcohol that appeared from various pockets and boots of cars, wives of the curlers had been hard at work producing food to help keep everyone warm. Games were hastily arranged between the members who turned up and at one time it was thought that about 50 people were there including players, spectators and a photographer. The members quickly found out it was a different game playing outdoors, curling shoes are not suitable as you cannot slide and there is no sweeping. The stone is delivered from the hack by a hefty throw and the hope it will stop in the rings. 10 January 2010 By now word has spread around the local area and friends from neighbouring clubs have turned up to give outdoor curling a try. Again teams were made up as players arrived and short 4 end games were played. The verdict was, the ice was much better the second day but it still takes a hefty throw to launch the stone. Some have now got the hang of it while others are still struggling, amid the laughter and screams from players and spectators alike a great atmosphere had built up. It was much colder on the Sunday, but again about 50 had turned up. It was difficult to tell who was who and whether it was male or female because they had so many clothes on. The verdict was that it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience for all those who took part. Hardly any of those present had played outdoor curling before and if it was another 31 years before we could play outdoors again then it was worth the hard work setting up the rinks. The weather forecast was that there was no sign of any change and the frost and snow would be around for a further 10 days, it was agreed that we would all return the following weekend, but as usual the met-office got it wrong and by Monday a thaw had set in so that would be the end of outdoor curling.

The Front Pages Stewarton Heather hit the front pages of the Scottish Curler this month with a photograph of the games being played outside at Lochside, there were more photographs inside. Photographs and article were sent to Scottish Curler by David Gilbert (photographer). Visit from Waltham & Wisconsin curling teams. Following on from our visit to Waltham Curling Club last year Alan Wilson and the team of D Bennett, J Reardon and the Vaughn brothers Rob and Will came over to play in a bonspiel at Kinross along with the Wisconsin team of John & Stella Geason and Gary & Ellen Dowd who had won the draw in Waltham as part of their 125th Anniversary. Three Stewarton Heather teams played against the Waltham CC, Kettle Maraine from Wisconsin and a mixed team of Alan Wilson and Tom from Waltham CC and Archie and Alice Bogie from Kinross.

It took the USA teams a few ends to get used to the fast ice; they said that this was the best they had played on.

The overall winner was Craig Reid and his team. The highest up team from USA was the Kettle Maraine team who had the first selection from the Easter Eggs, best dressed team was the mixed team from Kinross and Waltham who had the second selection from the Easter Eggs and the team who consumed the most beer was the Waltham team who got the Easter Eggs that were left.

Winning Team Kettle Maraine team Wisconsin

The mixed team The Waltham team Scottish Championships Having finished third in the Scottish Championships, Sarah Reid was called into Eve Muirhead’s Scottish Championship winning rink replacing the injured Jackie Lockhart. They travelled to Swift Current Saskatchewan, Canada for the World Championships where after some fantastic curling they reached the final only to lose to the experienced Andrea Schopp’s German rink after an extra end.

Maxwell Trophy Winners After having been runners up on three occasions in the Maxwell Trophy the Galleon finally went one better and won the trophy this year with victories over Stranraer, Ayr and Braehead and a draw with Lockerbie in the group stages, a 2 – 1 victory over Murrayfield in the semi-final and all three teams saved the best until last, when they beat the hosts Hamilton on their home ice 3 – 0 so well done to Douglas and Tom who have been stalwarts of the Galleon team from the beginning. Of the 18 curlers used throughout the competition 13 were members of Stewarton Heather with a minimum of 9 playing each game.

David Mundell, Hugh Reid, James Dykes, Neil Sands, Douglas Reid, Tom Reid, Robert Reid, Craig Reid, Tommy Smith. Front Colin Murdoch, David Reid, David Mackenzie.

Indoor Grand Match 23rd October 2010 An extra team were given a late call up to the Indoor Grand Match to make it four teams. The call up came the previous Friday for a team to play at Inverness. Forfar Pitkerro 4 Stewarton Heather 12 Falkirk 4 Stewarton Heather 16 At Greenacres some teams did not turn up and a re-draw had to be made at the last minute which resulted in the Stewarton Heather team playing for the North instead of the South. Greenacres Stewarton Heather 14 New Abbey 2 Inverness where the opposition (Blair Drummond) was a no show. Inverness Select 6 Stewarton Heather 5 The overall result of the North versus the South was North 63 South 95

Finnie Kettle 29th October Stewarton Heather won the Finnie Kettle at Ayr beating Dundonald by a massive 14-2 score. The team was Jim Goldie (skipping and playing at lead), Hugh Reid, Tommy Smith and Tom Reid playing last stones. Having checked the minute books the last time Stewarton Heather won the Finnie Kettle was in 1976.

National Province Championships The team of Jim Goldie, Tommy Smith, David Mackenzie and Robert Whiteford having won the Ayrshire Province Knockout went forward to represent Ayrshire at the National Finals. They beat Stewartry 6 – 4 in the first game, in the second against North & South Esk after a good start they let it slip losing out 10 – 6. In the third game of the day they met last year’s winners Loch Leven. It was a struggle from the start in this game where Loch Leven were always in control finally winning 8 – 5. Back the second day to play against Stirlingshire, but it was a rather one sided game where we took a bit of a hammering. They needed shots and ends to make sure they qualified direct to the semi-finals and not into the playoff we just happened to be in their way.

In-coming Canadian Ladies Tour Lindsay Smith, Elsie Mundell, Janet Wilson and Aileen Dunlop played against the Canadian touring team at the Galleon Nov 2010. Lindsay and her team won their game and overall the Galleon teams beat the Canadians, well done to the girls.

22nd December Points and Handicap Points A change of dates helped this competition as it has been moved to just before Christmas. Twenty one members turned up to play, the most that has played for some years. And, we had our first female winner of the Points Competition. New member Nancy Murdoch with a score of 37 beat Alan Smith on 36 shots, Michael Reid 3rd with 35. Winner of the Handicap Points and Tom Reid Trophy, Billy Jackson with a score of 61, second Aileen Dunlop with 48 and third John Craig and Andrew Muir with 47.

First female winner of the Corsehill Cup Nancy Smith (Murdoch)

2 Feb 2012 USA Touring Team V Scotland for the Herries Maxwell Trophy This competition is played every 5 years between USA and Scotland where the touring team travels between various ice rinks playing against local club members. The total score over all the games is added and the winners hold the Trophy. The following club members represented the Galleon against the tourists, in the morning session Galleon Team 2 Alan Smith, Robert Reid, William Smith, Jim Kirkwood, Galleon Team 3 Douglas Reid, Tommy Smith, Tommy Wilson, Billy Jackson In the afternoon session Galleon Team 2 Tom Reid, David Reid, David Mackenzie, Jim McFadzean (Riccarton) Galleon Team 3 David Mundell, Hugh Reid, Robert Whiteford, Robert Dunlop Morning session team 2 team 3

Afternoon session team 2 team 3

Pairs 2012 The winners were Doug Paton and Robert Whiteford. This was Doug’s third attempt, having made it to the final for the last three years, but this was his first win. Robert last won the pairs in the 1980’s so the lesson is, never give up; it may take 30 years but keep trying it will come around again.

In the Scottish Men’s, Alan Smith played second to Dave Smith, and Ross Hepburn. They were beaten in the final coming away with the Silver Medal

Presentation to Jennifer Martin for being a member of the team who won the Junior Ladies World Championship.

Treasurer’s Report 2012 Treasurer Douglas reported a small deficit this year of £242.89 most of this was due to ice fees where members had pulled out of teams and the reserves had paid the reserve fee instead of the full ice fee, this along with an increase in insurance fees and other increases plus the purchase of club badges had brought about the deficit. On the whole the club is still well off and the Treasurer is happy with the outcome of the season after all the changes that had to be made and the number of reserves that had to be used throughout the year.

As Douglas had announced his intentions to step down as Treasurer it had been decided that a presentation was in order for his 18 years of service as Treasurer. President Robert Whiteford asked former President Tommy Smith to come forward and present Douglas with a clock as a token of the clubs appreciation for his excellent service and dedication over the last 18 years.

Season 2012/2013 The first major competition as far as the club was concerned is the Province Knockout played at Ayr. The team of Tommy Smith, Robert Whiteford, David Mackenzie and Archie Reid were drawn against Gangrells and duly won their game.


Photograph from Scottish Curler magazine Winning the Scottish Mixed Doubles and them being placed 5th in the European Mixed Doubles. Alan Smith, Karen Strang, Gillian Howard and David Mundell. EGLINTON JUG WIN 2015 David Mundell, Tom Reid, Alan Smith and Douglas Reid, what can I say they win it again third time for David Mundell and Tom Reid and an incredible fourth time for Douglas.

Winners 2009 Winners 2012

Douglas, David R, Tom, David M David R, Tom, David M, Douglas

Runners-up 2013 Winners 2015

Hugh, Craig, Doug P, Michael David M, Tom, Douglas, Alan

2015 David Mundell receives the Eglinton Jug from Andrena Reid

2012/13 Finnie Kettle, Stewarton were drawn against Symington. The team of Douglas Paton, Hugh Reid, Robert Whiteford and Jim Kirkwood had a massive 11 shots win which helped the North of the river Irvine to beat the South of the river 53-34, but it gave the officials a problem because not only had Stewarton won by 11 shots, Kilmaurs beat Tarbolton by 11 shots. It therefore went to ends Stewarton had 6 ends for and 2 against, Kilmaurs had 7 ends for and 1 against so Kilmaurs won the trophy, Kilmaurs then wanted us to split the drinks bill with them, NAE CHANCE.

Goldie Bonspiel season 2012/13 committee decision There was a problem in the Goldie Bonspiel this year. One team turned up with three players and another with two, luckily, they were due to play against each other. The other two teams had a full complement of players and continued with their game as usual The other game could not be played and as it’s a knockout competition a decision had to be taken by the committee as there was insufficient time to replay the game. It was a unanimous decision that the team with three players be awarded the game. It was a majority decision that they be awarded 3 shots instead of the usual 6 this was because they did not have a full team. If the game had gone ahead they would have been deducted three shots for being a player short.

Photo of winners Frank McDonald, Douglas Reid, Ann Miller and Tom Reid

Rink Championship Playoff’s 2012/13 The team of Craig Reid, Douglas Reid, Michael Reid and Douglas Paton won the playoffs at Greenacres for the Rink Championship, 7-1 against Reform CC, they then went forward to finals at Forfar.

Points Competition 2012/13 After 7 disciplines it was all square between Alan Smith and David Mundell with 42 points each. A chip the winner discipline then had to be played to decide the winner; David Mundell won this giving him a score of 44 and Alan 43. The handicap points was won by Peter Barrett with a score of 55. Super League David Mundell skipped his team of Alan Smith Richard Goldie and Iain Dunlop to win the Super League at Ayr this is the second year running they have won it.

MEMORIES It is said that Adam Currie’s eyesight was so bad that the skip had to carry a torch so that when Adam went to play he held the torch next to the brush for Adam to see where the brush was.

Pairs Final 2012/13 Final High Road Tom Reid & Craig Kirkwood 1 V David Reid & Andrew Muir 2

One of the lowest scoring games on record. David scored at the first end, Tom scored at the 5th end and David at the 6th. The two young leads Craig and Andrew had their own private battle when they were betting each other on who would be the first to miss a takeout, needless to say neither of them did which added to the comments from behind the glass.

Winners;- David Reid & Andrew Runners-up Craig Kirkwood & Muir Tom Reid

MEMORIES TOM REID Tom says his first memory of curling is helping his mother to carry clooty dumplings to Trearne Quarry for the curlers who were playing there. He was always hopeful of getting a bit but nothing ever came back. He started his curling career at Crossmyloof Ice Rink and clearly remembers the first decision that had to be made was to check how many puddles there were on the ice, and, depending on the size if the game was likely to go ahead. Season 2012/2013 has been another busy and eventful year at club level, area level and at National level, and to end the season we have virtual Royalty in our midst, Douglas Reid has been appointed President of the Eglinton County Curling Game, ---the Eglinton Jug to you and I. He is the FIRST Stewarton Heather member to be appointed President, he is also a four times winner of the trophy.

Cuthbertson League 2012/13 It all came down to the last game, three teams were juggling for the top spot and four teams were trying to stay clear of the one remaining relegation spot. Tom Reid and Doug Paton had jostled all league for first and second place but, out of left field came David Mundell with his grandpa and granny team, to take the league with 14 points and plus 28 shots from Doug Paton who had 14 points and plus 27 shots. In third place it was Tom Reid on 14 points and plus 22 shots. l/r Ann Dickie, Billy Smith, Ian Hamilton, David Mundell

And if we thought the Cuthbertson league was tense, the last night of the Howie league was a hum dinger. Craig Reid had won it “oot the park” for the third year running. His team this year was Robert Reid, Stuart Smith, Janet Wilson. Tom Reid and his team were third on 10 points and Robert Wilsons team were relegated on 9 points.

l/r Craig Reid, Stuart Smith, Fergie Dalziel (reserve), Janet Wilson

Was this a blessing in disguise???? 19th Sept 2013 President Robert Whiteford received a telephone call from David Hasson from the Galleon to say that the ice rink would not open till January 2014 due to unforeseen problems in replacing the ice plant.

President Robert and Vice President Douglas Reid bolted up to Greenacres to find out the availability of ice hopefully before other clubs could make contact. Richard was very helpful and emailed available dates although most were Friday and Sunday evenings.

22nd Sept 2013 Following a telephone survey with the members, the agreement appears to be a preference for Sunday evenings. The dates and times offered by Greenacres were agreed and secretary would contact Greenacres to confirm. 19th Oct 2013 There was a further delay to the re-opening of the Galleon ice rink, and the Club would continue at Greenacres for remainder of the season.

EGLINTON JUG Two teams took part this year unfortunately SH2 our champions from previous years David Mundell, Tom Reid, David Reid, Douglas Reid went out in the first round to Galston Haymouth 1. The new kids on the block Craig Reid, Michael Reid, Douglas Paton and Hugh Reid kept up the Heather tradition in being hard to beat; they made it to the final where they came up against Doonfoot, unfortunately they came unstuck.

PROVINCE KNOCKOUT 2013 Douglas Reid took his “Jug” team to play in the medal. They defeated Berisford Ladies in the first round 16-0, they then beat Crosshill 11-4 and in the final Galston Haymouth 5-4. They would now represent Ayrshire in the Province finals at Greenacres.

PROVINCE MEDAL 2013 Stewarton Heather won both games and was the highest up winners so collect the medal at the Province AGM.

February 2014 Club member David Reid was a member of the team who won the Scottish Championship. They would now go on to play in the World Championships in Beijing China in March 2014 The team will be Ewan MacDonald, Duncan Fernie, David Reid, Ewan Byers and Tom Pendreigh as coach.

A survey had been taken at the end of the season to find out the members views on returning to the Galleon Ice Rink next season, there was a 96% vote to stay at Greenacres.

Eglinton Jug 2015 Another win for the Heather, the team of David Mundell, Tom Reid, Douglas Reid and Alan Smith again win the Jug. Province Medal Having won the Ayrshire Province the team of David Mundell, Craig Reid, David Reid and Fiona Reid went on to the National finals. The game was tied going into the final end, unfortunately the opposition skip played a spectacular double take-out to win the game. European Championships Sarah Reid was a member of the team who won Silver at the Championships in Denmark, losing to Russia in the final. Super League The team of David Mundell, Richard Goldie, Alan Smith and Iain Dunlop win the Super League at Ayr.

Indoor Grand Match Three rinks travelled to Forfar, Elgin and Perth for the Indoor Grand Match. At Forfar Hugh Reid, Tommy Wilson, George Davidson and Robert Whiteford beat Stirling & Borestone 8-5, at Elgin Tom Reid, Gavin Reid, Jim Kirkwood and Peter Barret beat Aberlour 11-4. In Perth Douglas Reid, David Reid, Billy Jackson and John Wallace won by an even bigger score 13-6 against Glenfarg. Overall the South beat the North 2154-1928.

Finnie Kettle For the second year running Stewarton just missed out on winning the trophy, both years Kilmaurs have piped them at the post.

Race Nite It was proposed that a “Race Night” be run to help fund the 175th Anniversary, it will take place in August. This would include an auction and suitable items are being sought. Club Uniforms The existing maroon Club jumper with white, maroon or gold polo shirt is considered to be out of date. A new style incorporating the maroon and gold colours is to be designed.

Season 2016 The committee has spent most of the summer months planning and organising the 175th Anniversary Bonspiel and Dinner. The Bonspiel will be held in Nov 2017 with a formal Dinner in March 2018.

Province Knockout David Reid, Craig Reid, Andrew Muir and Douglas Reid retained the Ayrshire Province Knockout competition for the fourth time in a row. They were beaten in the semi-finals of the National Competition by Renfrewshire at Greenacres.

World University Games Rachel Halliday was a member of Team Aitken who was defeated in the semi-finals in Kazakhstan.

Scottish Schools Karen Shepherd, Marion Muir, Robyn Mitchell and Ewan Jackson qualified for the Scottish Schools Championship.

Ewan Jackson, Robyn Mitchell, Marion Muir and Karen Shepherd.

175th Anniversary plans The Club received a grant of £1000 from the Stewarton Community Action Group towards the cost of the Bonspiel. There has been a good response from the clubs invited to take part plus two teams from Waltham CC, Illinois, USA are coming over to take part. A very successful race night was held in August with sponsorship of the races, horse sponsorship, and raffle prizes.

Club Uniforms Club member Alan Mitchell from Foxglide has designed the new style shirts and jackets. They will be ready for the start of the new season 2017/2018.

Modelled by Secretary Peter Barrett Club Members The names are taken as and when they appear in the minute book. I do not expect it to contain all the members of the club. If for some reason they did not attend the Annual General Meeting or they were not listed as team players then their names may not have been recorded. Names in BOLD are existing club members.

1845/46 Thomas Young, James Wylie, John Howie, John Ferguson, John Wylie, James Craig, William Wylie, James Kerr, Thomas Robertson, James Gibson, William Gibson, Andrew Gillies 1851 Archibald Young, David Jackson, Adam Gilmour Robert Kerr, James Brown 1853 William Currie, David Stewart 1854 James Calderwood (teacher Kingston school), Robert Howie, James McGill, John Campbell, Alex Harvie 1859 John Stevenson (Jnr), James Gilmour, Richard Young 1861 Allan Gilmour, William Kyle 1864 William Young, Matthew Steel, David Logan, William Craig, William Shields, Charles Docherty, Robert Norris, John McLaughlin, A R Foulds, David Young John Howatson 1869 John Lindsay 1880 Andrew Howie, David Barbour, James Wallace William Cochrane, James Ross, William Currie (1), John Howie, John Currie 1886 Major J F Dalrymple Hay (Dunlop House), Mrs J F Dalrymple Hay ( Patroness), Allan Craig, James Templeton, Francis Nilson, James McGuire, Robert Todd, William Calderwood, Thomas Currie, James Steel, David Smith, Robert Brown, Alan Stevenson William Sommerville (Hapland Mill) 1888 Rev. James Symon 1894 Matthew Mair, James Riddett, John Calderwood 1901 Miss Dalrymple Hay (patroness), Thomas Beveridge, Matthew Barbour, James Jaimeson, Gavin Wilson Robert Wallace, Andrew Douglas, Robert Rankin, David Barbour (Jnr) 1902 John Thomson, Robert Jackson, John Wallace, Hugh Beveridge, James Thomson, J Robertson, Richard Young, Thomas Martin, Hugh Wallace, Alex Martin, Allan Kirkwood 1903 James Burns, John Barbour, John Boyle, James Anderson L Mathison, Robert Beveridge 1904 Hugh Thomson 1906 James Wallace (Jnr), Robert Howie (2), David Howatson, Alex Wallace 1907 Andrew Currie 1908 William Currie (2), William Hastings (100th member) Major J A Houison Craufurd (Patron) 1911 James McConnell, James Steel (Jnr) 1912 William Duff, Dr Alan Cook, A L Howie (Jnr), J L Howie 1914 John Smith, Robert Howie (Jnr), Archibald Brown 1915 A Steel 1916 William Currie (3), Adam Currie (Jnr), Thomas Mackie, Robert Steel, William Wilson 1917 Walter Bailie, John Smilie, James Smith, William Thom 1918 John Frew, Andrew Borland (Castleton), Robert Clement, Robert Parker 1920 Matthew Brown 1922 Robert Murray 1927 James Kane, Sam Murray, Hugh Stevenson 1928 George Rowan, Hugh Galbraith, E Williamson, Sam Gibb 1929 J Dunlop, John Reid, Charles Denholm 1930 Alex Smith, T Laurie 1931 T Murray, A G Henderson 1935 Allan Andrew, Robert McLeod 1939 George McLeod, A Gibb, David McDonald 1940 Andrew Borland (Jnr) (Castleton), James Young, Robert Currie, A McNeil, William Mattocks, T J Gibson 1943 P Calderwood, J Guthrie 1944 A Dunn, William Young 1945 R Dunn, Robert Wallace (Jnr) 1946 A Stewart 1947 David Currie, James Meikle, James Borland, Robert Wilson, T Guthrie 1948 James Goldie, J Laws, William Currie (4), Robert Buchanan, J Baillie, H Dunlop, Alex Wallace, David Young William Hourston, Tom Young, C Hutchison, James Cloatworthy 1949 G Lindsay, D Knight, William Cuthbertson, D Barty, John Wilson, David Howatson (Jnr), Joe McNair, D Hourston, W J Howie, E Guthrie 1949 W Gebbie, John Wallace (Jnr) 1951 John Goldie, William Andrew 1952 John Irvine, H Walker, A J Harvie, J Brown 1953 Campbell Shepherd, John Goldie (Jnr), James Blackwood, A. Mattocks 1954 A Wylie, A Barr, James Goldie Jnr (200th member) John Fraser, J Shanks, Tom King, James Wood, S Ireland, A Steele 1955 James Wardrop 1956 Jack Crawford, James Nairn, T Marshall, L Mcleod, Robert Parker 1957 Thomas Howie, Drew Howie, D Rodger, J Keenan, S King, Tom Andrew 1959 Robert Miller 1963 Tom Robertson, John McKechnie, Billy Cuthbertson. 1966 Osborne Whiteford, William Kennedy, J Kemp 1967 Alex Whiteford, J Stewart, John Reid, Jimmy Wallace 1968 A. S. Reid, John Young, James Craig, John Dickson Jim Stirrat 1969 William Young (Spittal), J Johnstone, William Sim, A Young, J McKnight, Robert Clegg Up until now I have only been able to record member’s names when they are first mentioned in the minute books. There may be players who for whatever reason have never been recorded but from 1970 the new members are listed at the AGM 1970 William Muir, John Hastings, James McConnell, J Watt, Duncan Hood 1971 T Wylie, J Pearce, James Crawford, John Cochrane 1972 Robert Marshall, George McLean, Jack Parker, William Currie, Andrew Borland (Jnr) 1973 Robert Whiteford, William Stewart 1975 Matt Young, Colin White, William Smith (P) Jack Goldie, Tom Boyd, William Parker, James Addison, Jim Simpson, Tom Goldie, George Robinson 1976 A Dickson, A Crawford, Tom Howie, David Hewitt, James Crawford, Robert Wilson, Willie Kirkpatrick, Norman Neilson, Jim Hood 1977 Tom Young, George Wallace, Tom Reid, Tom Wylie 1978 Hamish Kinniburgh, John Rayside, Jim Young (H) 1979 Tommy Wilson Due to the number of new members it was decided to limit the number of teams to nine and sixteen reserves. It was agreed that a waiting list to join the club be formed. Names added to the waiting list were: Gordon Kerr, Ian McFarlane, I Gilmour, Douglas Reid, Robert McCarter, Ian Lang, Billy Smith, John Young (W) Matt Whiteford and Alex Whiteford. Added to the waiting list in 1981 were Dick Morton, Alastair Reid, J Andrew, Alan Andrew, Billy Andrew, Tommy Borland, J J Young, Robert Marshall (Jnr), George McConnell, John Wallace, Neil Cuthbertson and Dickson McGill, Jim Goldie (O), Jimmy Goldie (L) New Members admitted to the club were Ian McFarlane, Ian Lang and Douglas Reid 1982 Alastair Reid, Matt Whiteford, Alex Whiteford, Robert McCarter, John Young (W), Alan Andrew, Dick Morton, Billy Smith, Gordon Kerr Added to the waiting list were; Robert Robertson, George Marshall, Hugh Reid and Robert Reid In 1983 the waiting list was abolished and we were back to club reserves list. 1983 James J Young, D Cuthbertson 1984 Eric Dorward, Stuart Reid, Colin Reid (300th member) 1985 W Graham, Andrew Tulloch, Fergie Dalziel, Grant McPherson, Bob Wilson 1986 Tommy Smith, David Mackenzie, David McIntosh, Ian Dalziel, Robin Robertson, Craig Muir, James Whiteford(Blacklaw), David Young (W) 1987 Ian Muir, Willie Marshall, John Brown, John Young Jnr (H), James Burns 1988 William Smith (B), David Goldie, Gordon Kinniburgh, David Scott 1989 Jim Auld, David Turner, David Smith, John Nairn 1990 Robin Wylie, Richard Young, Alan Smith, Andrew Smith 1991 Jim Smith, Jim Simpson 1992 Alastair Dunlop, Brian Smith, Stuart Smith, Alastair Muir, David Mundell, Jim Smith (Jnr) 1994 David Young (H), Craig Reid 1995 George Davidson, Hugh Whiteford 1997 Bruce Bowyer, Jim Kirkwood, Robert Dunlop 1998 James Hobkirk, Gary Smith 2000 Joe Lunardi, Sarah Reid, David Reid, Andrew Whiteford, Lindsay Smith, ( first female members join the club) Craig McLaughlan 2001 Jessie Reid, Tony Miller, Tom Smith (B) 2002 David Thomson, Jill Thomson, Tom Mills, Jim Moser Keith McClelland, Jim Mitchell, Janet Wilson, Billy Jackson Ann Miller, Les Kirk, Beverly Kirk 2003 Gillian Young, Alastair Watt, Elaine Pollock, Ian Hamilton, Euart Hogarth, Stuart Young 2004 Michael Reid, Gavin Reid, Craig Kirkwood and Janie Chaffer 2005 Lorna Montgomerie, Jack Mitchell, Peter Barrett 2006 David McLeod, Ian Rawling, John Craig, Emma Reid, Robert Wishart 2007 Douglas Paton, Ian Dunlop, Aileen Dunlop, Jennifer Martin, James Whiteford 2008 June Reid (McCulloch), Frank McDonald, Andrew Muir, Malcolm Noble 2009 Alison Watt 2010 Janice Shepherd, Lorna Coxon, Ann Dickie, Robbie Wilson 2011 Nancy Smith (Murdoch) (400th member) Calumn Wilson, Andy Dickie 2012 Andrew Goldie, Andrew Pinkerton, Sandra Mathewson, John Galloway. Fiona Steele (Reid) 2013 Hugh Montgomerie, Georgia Allan, Hugh Guthrie, Andy Smith (re-joins). 2014 Mark Guthrie 2015 Willie Borland, Andy Steel, William Muir, Laura Telfer, Keith McClelland, Alex Wilson, Marion Muir, Karen Shepherd. 2016 Robyn Mitchell, Beth Harcus, Simon Grant, Ewan Jackson, Alan Mitchell. 2017 Wallace Gilbert,Rachel Halliday, Robin Halliday, William Smith (C), George McConnell (Jnr). Angus Erskine

Club receives £1000 from Stewarton Community Action Trust towards the funding of the 175th Anniversary CHAMPIONS MEDAL

1861 On Dec 28th 1861 the most members took part so far. I don’t know how it was scored but you do get terms like outwicking, drawing the port and chipping the winner mentioned away back then. The results from 1861 were Allan Gilmour 11 points, John Howie, James Kerr 7, Archibald Young, Robert Kerr, Robert Howie, James Calderwood, and John Stevenson 5, James Wylie, William Currie, William Kyle and Alex Harvey 4. Five others counted 3 shots with two counting 2 each, another two 1each and one who never scored.

There is a mention of singles games in the preceding years but there are no results of the winners.

1880 Name Strike Wick Draw Curl/Lie Total James Wylie 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 7 Andrew Howie 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 5 David Barbour 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 5 David Logan 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 5 James Wallace 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 John Howatson 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 A R Faulds 3 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 8 Andrew Gillies 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 Alex Harvey 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 William Currie Snr. 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 William Cochrane 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 5 J Stevenson 2 0 1 0 2 1 2 0 8 James Ross 1 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 6 William Currie Jnr. 1 2 1 0 3 0 0 1 8 J Lindsay 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 4 John Howie 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 5 William Currie Jnr won the medal. How they came to this decision it does not say as there were three with the same score.

1886 Mrs Dalrymple-Hay put forward a prize of two curling stones for the “Champion” curler The first winner was Thomas Howie of Newmill 1888 It was ruled that if the winner of the Champions game had already won the curling stones they would be awarded to the next highest winner 1889 William Currie(Jnr) wins the curling stones 1890 Thomas Howie offers a medal to the winner if he has already won the curling stones 1891 AR Faulds wins the curling stones and William Currie Jnr wins the medal 1892 William Currie Snr wins the curling stones 1893 Matthew Mair of Gameshill wins the curling stones 1894 No curling 1895 John Reid (Hunthall) wins the curling stones. Thomas Howie wins the medal 1898 Adam Currie (Carswell) wins the curling stones 1899 Thomas Beveridge wins the curling stones 1900 James Thomson wins the curling stones 1901 Matthew Barbour wins the curling stones. Allan Kirkwood wins field glasses 1902 John Thomson wins the curling stones 1904 Hugh Thomson wins the curling stones 1905 No curling 1906 James Wallace Jnr wins the curling stones and Adam Currie wins the medal 1908 Robert Wallace wins the curling stones

Since the death of Major Dalrymple Hay no curling stones have been presented to the Club, the Medal is now played for in a singles game.

1912 The medal was played for but no winner listed 1915 Robert Wallace wins the medal 1927 Sam Murray wins the medal

We also have a Pairs Competition starting in 1914 1914 J Thomson & R Howie win a barometer each 1915 Adam Currie & William Currie (2) win a folding brush each 1928 J Thomson & R Howie prizes donated by Mr C Denholm and Mr John Allan 1942 There are no further records of the singles or double-handed games within our first 100 years

Committee from about the 1980’s Back row:- David Currie, Robert Marshall, Duncan Hood, Jim McConnell Front:- Andrew Borland, John Cochrane, John Wilson, Tom Andrew.


John and Jim were known in the early years as the chip boys. As youngsters when they started going to Crossmyloof on the bus their first duty was to collect the chip order for the way home. The order was placed at the chip shop in Barrhead and given the approximate return time for it to be collected.

Everybody met at “Howie’s Yard” and Robert Wallace’s bus took them to the curling .Depending on who turned up on the night teams were drawn on the bus usually after some discussion and disagreement about who should be in which team. Stewarton Heather V Kilmaurs

1961/62 Stewarton by 4 shots. They were then entertained with music & singing, Kilmaurs Club 1962/63 Game abandoned due to bad weather 1963/64 Stewarton by 2 shots 1964/65 Stewarton by 21 shots 1965/66 Kilmaurs no scores recorded 1966/67 Kilmaurs by 4 shots 1967/68 Stewarton by 4 shots 1968/69 Stewarton By a good majority 1969/70 Stewarton 35-31 1970/71 no result 1971/72 Stewarton wins by 13 shots 1972/73 Stewarton 41-40 1973/74 Kilmaurs 39-27 1974/75 Stewarton by 12 shots 1975/76 Ice at Crossmyloof unplayable 1976/77 Draw 1977/78 Stewarton no scores recorded 1978/79 Stewarton no scores recorded

Campbell Fuel Oil Trophy

1979/80 Kilmaurs 61-57 1980/81 Kilmaurs 72-53 1981/82 Stewarton 44-28 1982/83 Kilmaurs 44-43 1983/84 Stewarton 71-53 1984/85 Stewarton 74-61 1985/86 Stewarton 72-61 1986/87 Kilmaurs 58-54 1987/88 Stewarton 62-55 1988/89 Stewarton 73-63 1989/90 no record 1990/91 Stewarton no scores recorded 1991/92 Stewarton no scores recorded 1992/93 Stewarton 79-35 1993/94 Stewarton 72-56 1994/95 Stewarton 68-64 1995/96 Stewarton 67-59 1996/97 Stewarton 68-53 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 Stewarton 36-25 2005/06 Stewarton 24-21 2006/07 Kilmaurs 30-27 2007/08 Stewarton 30-28 2008/09 Stewarton 25-16 2009/10 no record 2010/11 Stewarton 42-25 2011/12 Stewarton 15-8 2012/13 Stewarton 38-8 2013/14 Stewarton 17-6 2014/15 Stewarton no cards 2015/16 Stewarton no cards 2016/17 Stewarton 36-19 Cuthbertson league 1964/65 John Wilson, Tom Andrew, J McNair, Tom Robertson 1965/66 David Currie, Andrew Borland, John Young, O Whiteford 1966/67 James Goldie, Andrew Borland, Robert Miller, John Stewart 1967/68 John Wilson, Alex Wallace, James Craig, Jack Crawford 1968/69 John Wilson, Rbert Miller, W Cuthbertson (Snr), John Stewart 1969/70 John Goldie, John Young, John Reid, John Dickson 1970/71 John Wilson, John Young, Tom Robertson, John Cochrane 1971/72 Alex Wallace, Andrew Borland, Jim Stirrat, John Cochrane 1972/73 David Young, Robert Miller, Tom Robertson, John McKechnie 1973/74 Tom Andrew, Jimmy Borland, John Cochrane, Robert Marshall 1974/75 David Young, William Young, John Goldie (Jnr), Jack Parker 1975/76 John Goldie, John Young, William Currie, William Smith (P) 1976/77 John Young, Archie Reid, George McLean, William Andrew 1977/78 John Wilson, Billy Cuthbertson, Jimmy Wallace, J Addison 1978/79 John Young, Andrew Borland, Jack Goldie, Jim Hood 1979/80 John Young, Jack Crawford, Jim Goldie, William Smith (P) 1980/81 John Wilson, Jack Parker, Alex Whiteford, James Crawford 1981/82 David Young, Jim Goldie, Jim Simpson, George Wallace 1982/83 John Reid, Billy Cuthbertson, William Smith (P), Tom Reid 1983/84 John Young, Jim McConnell, Tom Young, Alex Whiteford (Jnr) 1984/85 James Young, John Goldie, Tom Reid, John Young (W) 1985/86 Jim Goldie (L), Billy Cuthbertson, R Whiteford, Billy Andrew 1986/87 Jim Goldie (L), Tom Reid, R McCarter, Robert Marshall (Jnr) 1987/88 Archie Reid, Robert McCarter, Jim Hood, Hugh Reid 1988/89 Tom Reid, Robert Marshall, George McConnell, David Mackenzie 1989/90 Tom Reid, Jack Crawford, Robert Wilson, David Mackenzie 1990/91 Tom Reid, Tom Young, Robert Reid, Andrew Tulloch 1991/92 R McCarter, George McConnell, Alastair Reid, John Young (W) 1992/93 Tom Reid, William Smith (P), Colin Reid, Stuart Reid 1993/94 Douglas Reid, Robert Whiteford, William Smith (P), Stuart Reid 1994/95 Tom Reid, Robert Wilson, Colin Reid, Alex Whiteford 1995/96 Hugh Reid, Colin Reid, Stuart Reid, William Marshall 1996/97 Billy Cuthbertson, R Marshall (Jnr), Jack Goldie, Robert Reid 1997/98 Tom Reid, William Parker, William Andrew, Robert Dunlop 1998/99 Hugh Reid, Alastair Reid, John Young (W), Robert Dunlop 1999/00 Hugh Reid, William Parker, James Hobkirk, Jim Smith 2000/01 Tommy Smith, Tommy Wilson, William Parker, Jim Kirkwood 2001/02 Jim Goldie R Marshall Jnr, William Smith (B), Alex Whiteford 2002/03 Tom Reid, Colin Reid, Robert Dunlop, Robert Marshall (Snr) 2003/04 Billy Andrew, Robert Dunlop, David Mundell, Jessie Reid 2004/05 Tom Reid, David Mackenzie, George Davidson, Gillian Young 2005/06 Billy Andrew, Alan Smith, John Young (W), Janet Wilson 2006/07 Jim Goldie, Tom Smith (B), Jim Young, E Hogarth/J Moser 2007/08 Hugh Reid, Robert Reid, John Young (W), Stuart Smith 2008/09 Robert Reid, Michael Reid, Stuart Smith, Aileen Dunlop 2009/10 Michael Reid, Robert Dunlop, Fergie Dalziel, Gavin Reid 2010/11 Douglas Reid, Tommy Wilson, Douglas Paton, Frank McDonald 2012/13 Tom Reid, Douglas Paton. Les Kirk, Malcolm Noble 2013/14 Robert Wilson, R/C Reid, Robert Dunlop, Peter Barrett 2014/15 R Whiteford, Douglas Reid, Jim Young, Lorna Montgomerie 2015/16 David Mundell, Tommy Smith, Billy Smith, Malcolm Noble 2016/17 Douglas Reid, Jim Kirkwood, Alex Wilson, Andy Steele

l/r Jim Kirkwood, Andy Steele, Douglas Reid receives the Cuthbertson Trophy from President David Mundell, missing from the team is Alex Wilson. Stewarton Heather Curling Club


1845 Thomas Young (Tailend) 1846 John Wylie (Gateside) 1847 John Wylie (Gallowberry) 1848/49 James Wylie (Fullwood) 1850 James Kerr (Moorshield) 1851 James Wylie (Fullwood) 1852/54 John Wylie (Gallowberry) 1855/61 James McGill (Fullwood) 1862/74 John Wylie (Gallowberry) 1875/8 James Wylie (Gallowberry) 1879 David Logan (Dunlop) 1880/5 James Wylie (Gallowberry) 1886/1908 Major Dalrymple Hay 1909/18 Major Houison Craufurd 1918/26 Thomas J Howie 1926/33 William Currie 1933/59 Robert Wallace 1959 William Currie 1960/67 James Borland 1967/71 Alex Wallace 1971/74 David Currie 1974 John Goldie (Buistonhead) 1976 William Young (Netherhill) 1978 David Young(WestMoneyacres 1980 William Kennedy (Corsehill) 1982 John S Wilson (Broadlie) 1984 Tom Andrew (Gateside) 1986 Jack Crawford (Sunnyside) 1988 James Young 1990 William Cuthbertson 1992 Jim Goldie 1994 Robert Marshall 1996 William Andrew 1998 William Parker 2000 Archie Reid 2002 Tom Reid 2004 David Mackenzie 2006 Robert McCarter 2008 Robert Reid 2010 Tom Smith (South Kilbride) 2012 Robert Whiteford 2014 Douglas W Reid 2016 David Mundell Secretaries

1845/80 John Ferguson (34 years) 1880/1900 John Lindsay (20 years) 1900/10 Thomas J Howie (10 years) 1910/55 John Wallace (45 years) 1954/62 William J Howie (8 years) 1962/73 John S Wilson (11 years) 1973/78 Tom Andrew (5 years) 1978/98 Archie S Reid (20 years) 1998/2014 Robert Whiteford (16 years) 2014/ Peter Barrett


1845/58 John Howie (Fullwood) (13 years) 1858/61 James Gilmour (3years) 1861/63 John Howie (2years) 1863/80 Richard Young (17years) 1880 John Howatson (1 year) 1881 A R Foulds (1 year) 1882/86 John Lindsay (and secretary) 1886/92 Allan Craig (6years) 1892/1933 William Currie (Jnr) (41 years) 1933/62 Adam Currie (29 years) 1962/73 Tom Andrew (11 years) 1973/86 James Young (13 years) 1986/94 John Goldie (Oldhall) (8 years) 1994/2012 Douglas W Reid (18 years) 2012/ Jim Kirkwood Match Secretary 2012/14 David Mundell 2014/ David Reid Howie league

1965/66 William Young, John Goldie, John Goldie (Jnr), James Kemp (William J Howie Prize) 1966/67 Alex Wallace, David Young, William Cuthbertson (Jnr), Alex Whiteford (Presidents Prize) 1967/68 Alex Wallace, Tom Andrew, John McKechnie, Jim Stirratt ( Presidents Prize) 1968/69 John Wilson, Andrew Borland, Alex Whiteford, Jack Crawford (James Goldie Prize) 1969/70 John Wilson, Robert Miller, John Reid, Willie Muir (John Goldie Prize) 1970/71 Tom Andrew, Andrew Borland, John Reid, Jim Stirratt. (John Young Prize)

William Howie Trophy 1971/72 Alex Wallace, Andrew Borland, Alex Whiteford, Campbell Shepherd 1972/73 J Goldie, James Young, John Reid, J Goldie 1973/74 David Currie, Tom Andrew, Jim McConnell, Robert Marshall 1974/75 Tom Andrew, James Craig, John Reid, Duncan Hood 1975/76 John Wilson, James Young, Alex Whiteford, George McLean 1976/77 John Wilson, Robert Marshall, Jim McConnell, Colin White 1977/78 Tom Andrew, Robert Marshall, Jack Parker, William Andrew 1978/79 John Wilson, John Goldie (O), George McLean, William Andrew 1979/80 John Reid, Jim McConnell, Robert Whiteford, William Smith (P) 1980/81 John Reid, Jim McConnell, William Smith (P), Jim Hood 1981/82 Alex Wallace, Robert Marshall, Robert Whiteford, Robert Wilson 1982/83 John Wilson, Jim McConnell, Robert Whiteford, James Crawford 1983/84 David Young, Billy Cuthbertson, Jim Simpson, David Hewitt 1984/85 Archie Reid, Jim McConnell, William Andrew, Eric Dorward 1985/86 John Goldie (O), James Craig, Robert McCarter, Alex Whiteford 1986/87 Tom Andrew, Tom Reid, Robert Whiteford, Billy Andrew 1987/88 John Reid, Jack Parker, William Smith (P), Billy Smith 1988/89 Archie Reid, Billy Andrew, Douglas Reid, John Wallace 1989/90 Tom Reid, Robert Marshall, Billy Smith, Andrew Borland 1990/91 Tom Reid, James Young, Alastair Reid, Jimmy Wallace 1991/92 Tom Reid, Tom Boyd, Robert Marshall (Jnr), Robert Robertson 1992/93 Robert McCarter, George McConnell, Matt Young, Fergie Dalziel 1993/94 Jim Goldie, Robert Wilson, Colin Reid, Robert Robertson 1994/95 William Cuthbertson, Billy Smith, Alastair Reid, William Smith (B) 1995/96 Tom Reid, Tommy Smith, William Andrew, William Smith (B) 1996/97 William Parker, Douglas Reid, Robert Marshall (Jnr), Jack Goldie 1997/98 William Cuthbertson, Archie Reid, David Mackenzie, Stuart Reid 1998/99 Tom Reid, David Mackenzie, Stuart Reid, Craig Reid 1999/00 Robert Wilson, Bruce Bowyer, Craig Reid, John Wallace 2000/01 Douglas Reid, Archie Reid, Robert Reid, William Andrew 2001/02 Tom Reid (foot and mouth disrupted team draw) 2002/03 Jim Goldie, Robert Dunlop, Jessie Reid, Fergie Dalziel 2003/04 Douglas Reid, David Mackenzie, Tony Miller, David Reid 2004/05 Colin Reid, Robert Wilson, David Reid, Fergie Dalziel 2005/06 Douglas Reid, Tommy Wilson, Janet Wilson, John Wallace 2006/07 James Hobkirk, David Reid, David Mundell, Jim Kirkwood 2007/08 Tom Reid, William Smith (B), Ian Hamilton, Peter Barrett 2008/09 David Mundell, Robert Whiteford, Billy Smith, Jim Young 2009/10 Colin Reid, Tommy Wilson, James Whiteford, Peter Barrett 2010/11 Craig Reid, Douglas Reid, Peter Barrett, John Craig 2011/12 Craig Reid, Lorna Montgomerie, Iain Dunlop, (various reserves) 2012/13 Craig Reid, Robert Reid, Stuart Smith, Janet Wilson 2013/14 Douglas Reid, William Smith, Ian Hamilton, Jim Kirkwood 2014/15 David Reid, John Craig, Iain Dunlop, Jim Young 2015/16 Tom Reid, Hugh Reid, Robert Wilson, Billy Smith 2016/17 David Mundell, Fiona Reid, Stuart Smith, Gavin Reid

Stuart Smith, Gavin Reid, Fiona Reid, David Mundell (skip)

Andrew Borland Bonspiel

1992/93 Tom Reid, Jack Goldie, Robert Reid, Andrew Borland 1993/94 East Kilbride (W Lammie) 1994/95 Douglas Reid, Colin Reid, Alastair Smith, Alastair Dunlop 1995/96 Colin Reid, Robert Reid, Jim Young (H), John Brown 1996/97 (Dalry), W Kirkpatrick, H Gilbert, J Logan, David Reid (aged 9). 1997/98 DW Reid, D Mundell, David Mackenzie, Alex Whiteford 1998/99 Tom Reid, Robert Marshall, Craig Reid, Matt Whiteford 1999/00 William Parker, Rt Whiteford, John Young, Jim Kirkwood 2000/01 Colin Reid, Bruce Bowyer, Janet Wilson, Jimmy Young 2001/02 Tom Reid, Bruce Bowyer, A Gemmell, Craig McLaughlan 2002/03 Jim Goldie, Robert Reid, Gavin Reid, Jill Thomson 2003/04 Jim Goldie, Robert Whiteford, Jill Thomson, Jim Mitchell 2004/05 R Whiteford, Craig Muir, Hugh Whiteford, Janet Wilson 2005/06 Tom Reid, Michael Reid, Jessie Reid, Jack Mitchell 2006/07 Tom Reid, Elsie Mundell, Craig Kirkwood, Alex Whiteford 2007/08 Robert Reid, Elsie Mundell, Ian Hamilton, Aileen Dunlop 2008/09 Tom Reid, Tommy Wilson, Peter Barrett, Alex Whiteford 2009/10 DW Reid, Craig Kirkwood, Fergie Dalziel, Matt Whiteford 2010/11 Tom Reid, Jim Kirkwood, George Davidson, Scott Brown (Galleon Juniors) 2011/12 Hugh Reid, George Davidson, Jim Moser, Paul Brown (Galleon Juniors) 2012/13 George Davidson, Elsie Mundell, Gavin Reid, Emma Reid 2013/14 Not held due to closure of Galleon 2014/15 David Mundell, Billy Jackson, Joe Lunardi, Matthew McConnell (Greenacres Juniors) 2015/16 Douglas Reid, Peter Barrett, Andrew Muir, Andy Dickie 2016/17 Hugh Reid, Alastair Muir, Jimmy Hamilton,Beth Harcus 2017/18 Not held due to the 175th Anniversary Bonspiel

Andrew Salver

Player of the year

1993/94 Stuart Reid & Tom Reid (shared) 1994/95 Robert Marshall (Jnr) 1995/96 Tom Reid 1996/97 Robert Marshall (Jnr) 1997/98 Robert Dunlop 1998/99 Tom Reid 1999/00 Hugh Reid 2000/01 Tom Reid 2001/02 William Smith (B) 2002/03 Robert Dunlop 2003/04 David Mackenzie 2004/05 Tom Reid 2005/06 Janet Wilson 2006/07 Hugh Reid 2007/08 Hugh Reid 2008/09 Robert Whiteford 2009/10 Gavin Reid 2010/11 Douglas Reid 2011/12 Iain Dunlop/Tom Reid (joint) 2012/13 Tom Reid 2013/14 David Mundell 2014/15 Billy Jackson, Tom Reid (joint) 2015/16 Tom Reid 2016/17 David Mundell

Burnhouse Shield

Most improved Player

2002/03 Jill Thomson 2003/04 David Thomson 2004/05 Hugh Whiteford 2005/06 Michael Reid 2006/07 Peter Barrett 2007/08 Gavin Reid 2008/09 Aileen Dunlop 2009/10 Ian Hamilton 2010/11 Andrew Muir 2011/12 Lorna Montgomerie 2012/13 Billy Jackson 2013/14 Ann Dickie 2014/15 Jim Young 2015/16 Malcolm Noble 2016/17 Stuart Smith

CORSEHILL CUP Presented by William Kennedy WINNER RUNNERS-UP 1989 Tom Reid 1990 Billy Andrew 1991 Billy Andrew Tommy Smith, Alastair Reid 1992 Billy Andrew Tom Reid 1993 Tom Reid Colin Reid, 1994 Billy Andrew Tommy Smith, 1995 Billy Andrew Alastair Smith, 1996 Alan Smith Tommy Smith 1997 Billy Andrew 1998 Alastair Reid 1999 Alan Smith 2000 Hugh Reid 2001 Tom Reid 2002 Craig Reid 2003 Tom Reid 2004/05 Alan Smith 49 Tommy Smith 48 2005/06 Tom Reid 55 Tommy Smith 51 2006/07 Tom Reid Alan Smith 2007/08 Alan Smith 2008/09 Tom Reid Craig Kirkwood 2009/10 Craig Reid Gavin Reid 2010/11 Nancy Murdoch 37 Alan Smith 36 2011/12 Alan Smith 48 Craig Reid 40 2012/13 David Mundell 44 Alan Smith 43 2013/14 David Reid 41 David Mundell 40 2014/15 Tommy Smith 2015/16 Douglas Reid & David Reid 34 2016/17 Alan Smith Alan Smith with President David Mundell

HANDICAP POINTS Tom Reid Trophy Winner Runner-up 2004/05 Tommy Smith 58 Les Kirk 57 2005/06 David Mackenzie 68 Tommy Smith 56 2006/07 Craig Kirkwood 2007/08 Peter Barrett 2008/09 Craig Kirkwood 2009/10 Peter Barrett 2010/11 Billy Jackson 61 Aileen Dunlop 48 2011/12 Malcolm Noble 56 Jim Kirkwood 50 2012/13 Peter Barrett 55 Billy Jackson 54 2013/14 Andrew Muir 49 D Paton/ T Smith 48 2014/15 Tommy Smith 2016/16 DW Reid 50 M Noble/D Young/W Smith 47 2016/17 Frank McDonald

Winner Frank McDonald with President David Mundell Craufurdland Cup (Pairs) WINNERS RUNNERS-UP

1967/68 David Currie, Jack Crawford John Goldie, John Reid 1974/75 Jim Mc Connell, Colin White James Craig, John Reid 1975/76 John Young, Tom Goldie Wm Young, Rbt Marshall 1976/77 John Reid, A Dickson D Young, Wm Stewart

Glazert Cup (Pairs) Presented by David Young, James Young, Alex Wallace & John S Wilson Winners Runners-up 1977/78 Tom Andrew, Jim Hood 1978/79 James Craig, Jim Hood 1979/80 John Wilson, T Wilson Wm Kennedy, David Hewitt 1980/81 R Whiteford, Wm Kennedy A S Reid, DW Reid 1981/82 Jim Goldie, Jimmy Wallace John Young, Tom Young 1982/83 Tom Reid, Billy Andrew Jack Parker, Jim Goldie Jnr (O) 1983/84 Tom Reid, Robert Wilson R Marshall Snr, R Marshall Jnr 1984/85 Tom Reid, Robert Reid John Reid, Hugh Reid 1985/86 Grant McPherson, Alastair Reid Tom Reid, Colin White 1986/87 Jim Goldie (O), Tom Boyd R Marshall, Robin Robertson 1987/88 Stuart Reid, Matt Young Tommy Wilson, Tommy Smith 1988/89 Geo McConnell, Wm Marshall Wm Kirkpatrick, Tom Andrew 1989/90 Jim Goldie (O), David Smith Douglas Reid, Willie Marshall 1990/91 Douglas Reid, Robin Wylie Tom Reid, Jim Young (H) 1991/92 Douglas Reid, David Scott Tom Reid, David Smith 1992/93 Tom Reid, William Smith (P) George McConnell, Jim Smith 1993/94 Bobby Wilson, Alastair Muir Billy Andrew, Robin Wylie 1994/95 Grant McPherson, Jim Young Douglas Reid, Tom Smith (B) 1995/96 David Young Tom Smith (B) Billy Andrew, David Young (H) 1996/97 Colin Reid, Jim Smith (BH) Tommy Smith, Alex Whiteford 1997/98 Alan Smith, Robert Dunlop 1998/99 Tom Reid, Tom Andrew 1999/00 Robert Marshall, Jim Kirkwood 2000/01 Alan Smith, Tommy Smith 2001/02 Tom Reid, Jimmy Young 2002/03 Tom Reid Billy Jackson 2003/04 David Mundell, Jim Smith Hugh Reid, Alex Whiteford 2004/05 Tom Reid, Jimmy Young T Smith, Craig McLaughlan 2005/06 Douglas Reid, Jim Kirkwood Michael Reid, Gavin Reid 2006/07 Alan Smith, Les Kirk Michael Reid, Gillian Young 2007/08 Robert Reid, Michael Reid Gavin Reid, Robert Whiteford 2008/09 Gavin Reid, Janet Wilson David Mundell, Douglas Paton 2009/10 Douglas Reid, Billy Jackson Douglas Paton Les Kirk 2010/11 David Reid, Janice Shepherd Tom Reid, James Whiteford 2011/12 Doug Paton, Robert Whiteford Tommy Smith, Robert Dunlop 2012/13 David Reid, Andrew Muir Tom Reid, Craig Kirkwood 2013/14 David Mundell, Janice Shepherd Douglas Reid, Craig Kirkwood 2014/15 Tommy Smith, Billy Jackson Colin Reid, Janice Shepherd 2015/16 John Craig, Alastair Muir Alan Smith, Ewan Jackson 2016/17 David Reid, James Whiteford David Mundell, Frank McDonald

Winners David Reid and James Whiteford

Craufurdland Cup Skips from Cuthbertson league to lead 1972/73 W Cuthbertson (Jnr), J Cochrane, J Dickson, D Currie 1973/74 A Borland, J McConnell, D Hood, JS Wilson The Craufurdland Cup has now been moved to a Pairs Competition

Heather Bonspiel 1978/79 John Young, Billy Cuthbertson, R Whiteford, Jim Hood JS Goldie Trophy 1979/80 John Goldie (O), John Reid, William Parker, Jim Simpson 1980/81 Archie Reid, Jimmy Wallace, Tom Reid, John Goldie (O) 1981/82 Andrew Borland, Tom Boyd, James Crawford, John Reid 1982/83 Jim Goldie, Tom Boyd, George Wallace, John Reid 1983/84 Jim McConnell, Tom Reid, Alex Whiteford Jnr, John Young 1984/85 Jack Parker, Tom Reid, John Young (W), John Reid 1985/86 Tom Reid, William Smith (P), David Hewitt, John Goldie 1986/87 Robert Marshall (Snr), Tom Young, Billy Andrew, Tom Andrew 1987/88 R Whiteford, Tom Young, Robert Marshall (Jnr), David Young 1988/89 Jack Crawford, Douglas Reid, Alistair Reid, Billy Cuthbertson 1989/90 Robert Whiteford, George McConnell, Stuart Reid, Tom Reid 1990/91 Jack Goldie, Alastair Reid, David Mackenzie, Grant McPherson 1991/92 Tom Boyd, Alastair Reid, Colin Reid, Robert McCarter 1992/93 George McConnell, Tommy Smith, D Mackenzie, R McCarter 1993/94 Tom Young, David Mackenzie, Stuart Reid, Billy Andrew 1994/95 Billy Smith, Robert Marshall, Stuart Reid, Archie Reid 1995/96 Tommy Smith, Stuart Reid, David Macintosh, Tom Reid 1996/97 Robert Marshall (Jnr), Stuart Reid, David Smith, Jim Goldie 1997/98 Robert Marshall Jnr, 1998/99 Alastair Reid, John Young (W), Jim Smith, Archie Reid 1999/00 Alastair Reid, John Young (W), Bruce Bowyer, Hugh Reid 2000/01 Colin Reid, William Smith (B), William Smith (P), Robert Wilson 2001/02 Robert Marshall Jnr, William Smith (B), Jim Smith, Hugh Reid 2002/03 Tommy Wilson 2003/04 David Mackenzie, Billy Smith, Alex Whiteford, Tom Reid 2004/05 D Mackenzie, John Young (W), David Thomson, Douglas Reid 2005/06 Lindsay Smith, Tom Smith (B), Ian Hamilton, Tom Reid 2006/07 Robert Wilson, Ian Hamilton, John Wallace, Douglas Reid 2007/08 Robert Wilson, Tommy Wilson, Peter Barrett, Tom Reid 2008/09 Michael Reid, Iain Dunlop, Aileen Dunlop, Douglas Reid 2009/10 Tommy Wilson, Ian Hamilton, Malcolm Noble, Douglas Reid 2010/11 David Mackenzie, David Smith, David Reid, Ann Dickie 2011/12 Douglas Paton, Jimmy Young, Ann Dickie, Douglas Reid 2012/13 Douglas Reid, Frank McDonald, Ann Miller, Tom Reid

SKINS 2013/14 David Mundell, Robert Reid, Ian Hamilton, George Davidson 2014/15 Alan Smith, Hugh Reid, Ian Hamilton, Andrew Smith 2015/16 Billy Jackson, Gavin Reid, Frank McDonald, Andy Steele 2016/17 David Reid, John Craig, Frank McDonald, Craig McLaughlan.

Winners:- Craig McLaughlan, Frank McDonald and David Reid, missing is John Craig.

DRAW SHOT CHALLENGE 2013/14 Douglas Reid, Tommy Wilson, Peter Barrett, Frank McDonald 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 David Mundell, Jim Kirkwood, Ian Hamilton, Laura Telfer Kinniburgh Trophy

Dunlop V Stewarton Winners Team 1980/81 Stewarton John Young AS Reid Wm Parker Jim Hood 1981/82 Stewarton A Wallace J McConnell W Smith J Crawford 1982/83 Stewarton John Young J McConnell W Andrew R Wilson 1983/84 Stewarton W Kennedy A Borland G Wallace , J Parker 1984/85 Stewarton J Reid B Cuthbertson W Smith(P) Billy Smith 1985/86 Stewarton AS Reid B Cuthbertson W Smith R Robertson 1986/87 Stewarton Jim Goldie R McCarter R Marshall E Dorward 1987/88 Stewarton John Goldie T Young J Wallace Alistair Reid 1988/89 Stewarton W Kennedy R Whiteford W Kirkpatrick D Scott 1989/90 Stewarton AS Reid Jack Parker F Dalziel Wm Smith (B) 1990/91 Stewarton AS Reid Jack Parker Alis Reid D Mackenzie 1991/92 Stewarton Jas Young, J Parker, Jimmy Wallace, JJ Young 1992/93 Dunlop M McCascall, A Gemmell, D Boag, J Brown 1993/94 Stewarton DW Reid, Jim Goldie, Wm Smith(P), Ian Muir 1994/95 Stewarton AS Reid, Tom Boyd, Wm Smith(P), T Andrew 1995/96 Stewarton AS Reid, B Smith, Jack Goldie, A Whiteford 1996/97 Stewarton T Reid, R Marshall, Wm Marshall, Craig Reid

2003/04 No result recorded 2004/05 Stewarton R Reid, R Whiteford, H Whiteford, D Thomson 2005/06 Stewarton B Smith, T Smith, Hugh Whiteford, Les Kirk 2006/07 Dunlop A Gemmell, D Boag, Sam Wilson, Jack Brown 2007/08 Stewarton DW Reid, Jim Young, C Kirkwood, Jim Mitchell 2008/09 Dunlop A Gemmell, D Boag, Sam Wilson, Jack Brown 2009/10 No cards handed in 2010/11 Dunlop Andrew Gemmell, D Martin, D Boag, Jack Brown 2011/12 Stewarton DW Reid, AS Reid, F McDonald, Jack Mitchell 2012/13 Dunlop A Gemmell, David Martin, David Boag, J Brown 2013/14 Stewarton Colin Reid, John Craig, L Smith, Tom Smith(B) 2014/15 Dunlop 2015/16 Dunlop 2016/17 Stewarton Tom Reid, Hugh Reid, Colin Reid, John Wallace.

175th Anniversary Bonspiel Greenacres 18 & 19 November 2017

24 teams were welcomed by President David Mundell on the Saturday morning, 14 Stewarton Heather teams, 8 local invited teams and 2 teams representing our sister club Waltham CC from Illinois, USA. The games were Shenkel league in two sections, two games on the Saturday then one on the Sunday with the top two in each section going through on the “High Rd” and third and fourth placed going through on the “Low Rd”.

A “Calcutta” auction was held on the Saturday Night with the top eight teams after two games going into the pot. The teams were then auctioned by chief auctioneer Douglas Reid. Those who bought the four teams that went through to the semi-final on the “High Rd” after the final league game were in the money, the rest were eliminated.

The financial pot was divided up 60% to the purchaser of the winning team, 20% of the pot to the purchaser of the runner-up team, plus 10% each to the purchasers of the teams beaten in the semi-final. This all lead to some extra excitement and high atmosphere in the lounge as the games neared conclusion, some were watching their money prospects increase while other’s could see theirs going down the pan.

While the curling was taking place the spectators were entertained behind the glass by the commentary of Jamie McFadzean and his Kilmaurs team. Of course Jamie had a monetary interest on the game between David Reid and Robert Whiteford in their semi-final, all I will say is that Jamie got slightly more than his money back.

The 10 visiting players representing Waltham Curling Club, Illinois, USA were staying at the Uplawmoor Hotel and were being ferried back and forth by the committee for their games. James and Pauline Krutilla had arrived early and wanted to visit a Scottish Castle so a visit to Stirling Castle was arranged. When the others arrived on the Thursday a visit to the Burns Experiences was arranged followed by a visit to the “Electric Brae” at Ayr. This blew their minds how can water run uphill and how does the cars roll uphill, a truly unique experience for them. TEAMS Heather Heather Heather Craig Reid Tom Smith (B) Douglas Reid Michael Reid Iain Dunlop Alex Wilson Jim Kirkwood Lorna Montgomerie Andy Muir Angus Erskine Hugh Whiteford Archie Reid

Heather Heather Heather John Craig Robert Wilson Tommy Wilson Stuart Smith Gavin Reid Jas Whiteford Wm Smith (B) Billy Smith George Davidson Andy Dickie Alex Whiteford Joe Lunardi

Heather Heather Heather David Reid David Mundell Douglas Paton Sarah Reid Robin Halliday Peter Barrett Simon Grant Fiona Reid C McLaughlan Keith McLellan Ewan Jackson Anne Dickie

Heather Heather Heather Colin Reid Alan Smith Hugh Reid Craig Kirkwood Billy Andrew Malcolm Noble Jim Young David Young Frank McDonald Andy Steele Alastair Muir John Galloway

Heather Heather Dalry Robert Whiteford Tom Reid Drew Gemmell Billy Jackson Tommy Smith (SK) William Smith (C) Ian Hamilton David Mackenzie Colin McDougall Janice Shepherd Robyn Mitchell Lewis Logan

Waltham 1 Waltham 2 Ayr John Reid Mike Hess Ronnie Peat Liz Reid Dawn Hess Bobby Ireland James Krutilla Rachel Puckett Allan Sloan Pauline Krutilla Sally Gray David McIntyre

Galston Sorn Kilmaurs Gavin Hamilton John Johnstone Jamie McFadzean Tom Neill Neil Sands Gordin Shepherd John Davers Claire Johnstone David Wilson Chris Rowley Eilidh Templeton Jim Lang

Mearns Coronation East Kilbride Dundonald James Dykes Willie Baird Richard Goldie Gillian King Jim Strang Gemmill Jack Willie Dykes George Strang Morag Evans James Morrison Willie King Andrew Kerr

Low Road winner Ayr

High Rd runner-up Dalry

Winner Stewarton Heather The Club has under-gone many changes in its 175 years. It is a strong vibrant club which has stood the test of time, mainly due to having hard working and dedicated committee members and office-bearers led by strong Presidents over the years.

It is these 36 President, 10 Secretaries and 14 Treasurers that have been the back-bone of the Club.

We are in the fortunate position of having enthusiastic young members who will drive the Club forward, hopefully for the next 175 years.

I joined the Club 45 years ago in 1973 and it has been my pleasure to have served the Club as a player, committee member and office-bearer for most of these years.

I have every confidence that our younger members will carry on the good work and organisation that has gone before them. We are one of the few clubs that continue to grow in numbers and we should always remember to support and encourage our young players as THEY are the future.

Robert Whiteford