Post Office Kilmarnock Directory, for 1872
nttn gmuxuntt ffiomgangr FIRE, LIFE, Tnd" ANNUITIES- HEAD OFFICES FOR SCOTLAND— 4 NATIONAL BANK BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET, GLASGOW. Glasgow Board of Directors. Chairi^ian—ANDREW GALBRAITH, Esq., Merchant, Glasgow. Deputy Chairman—JAMES MORTON, Esq., Iron Merchant, Greenock. Frank Baird, Esq., Messrs. Hugh Baird & Co., Brewers. William Connal, Esq., Messrs. Connal & Co., Merchants. Richard S. Cunliff, Esq., Engineer. Alexander Dick, Esq., Messrs. Dick & Stevenson, Writers. Walter M'Lellan, Esq., Messrs. P. & W. M'Lellan, Clutha Ironworks. Adam Paterson, Esq., LL.D., Dean of the Faculty of Procurators. Morris Pollok, Esq., Silk Factory, Govan. R. D. RoBERTON, Esq., Messrs. Robert Cowan & Co., Grain Merchants. Stewart Softer Robertson, Esq., Yr., of Lawhead. William Wotherspoon, Esq., of Castlehead, Paisley. Resident Scottish Managers—MITCHELL, WATSON, & WINK, Chartered Accountants and Stockbrokers, Glasgow. Resident Secretary—DAVID L. LAIDLAW, Glasgow. In point of SECURITY, it is believed that Queen" Policies are unsurpassed. The Authorised Capital is . £2,000,000 The Subscribed Capital, 1,789,000 The Paid-up Capital, 179,800 The Life Accumulation Fund, 129,132 The Fire Reserve Fund, 90,000 New Life Business, First Quinquennium, 718,385 Do. Second do. 1,422,466 Annual Income, over £240,000. PREMIUMS FOR THE ASSURANCE OF £100 ON A SINGLE LIFE FOR THE WHOLE TERM. j WITH PROFITS. WITHOUT PROFITS. | HALF- QUAR- HALF- QUAR- age. ANNUAL. AGE. ANNUAL. YEARLY. TERLY. YEARLY. TERLY. 20 £1 18 10 £0 19 11 £0 10 2 20 £1 12 7 £0 16 8 £0 8 7 25 2 3 9 1 2 5 11 6 25 1 16 10 18 11 9 8 30 2 9 4 1 5 4 12 11 30 2 2 2 1 1 7 11 1 35 2 16 1 8 9 14 9 35 2 8 10 1 5 12 10 40 3 5 1 13 4 17 1 40 2 17 7 1 9 6 15 1 45 3 14 3 1 18 1 19 6 45 3 9 3 1 15 6 18 2 50 4 9 2 5 8 1 3 4 50 4 2 2 2 1 1 6 55 5 10 2 16 5 1 8 11 55 5 2 4 2 12 5 1 6 11 60 6 17 9 1 2 1 15 3 10 7 16 2 1 60 6 13 3 8 3 The Company transacts all kinds of Home and Foreign Fire and Life Insurance Business, Annuities, Endowments, Reversions, &c., on the most favourable terms.
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