State Counsellor Inspects Second Voting Demonstration Under COVID-19 Guidelines in Nay Pyi Taw

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State Counsellor Inspects Second Voting Demonstration Under COVID-19 Guidelines in Nay Pyi Taw EFFECTIVE COVID-19 POLICY RESPONSE IS CALLED KEY TO TACKLING RURAL ECONOMY CHALLENGES PAGE-8 (OPINION) NATIONAL NATIONAL Congratulatory message from State Counsellor Daw VP U Henry Van Thio delivers speech at 2020 Aung San Suu Kyi at Centenary Anniversary celebrations International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction online event of Myanmar film industry PAGE-5 PAGE-6 Vol. VII, No. 181, 13th Waning of Tawthalin 1382 ME, Wednesday, 14 October 2020 State Counsellor inspects second voting demonstration under COVID-19 guidelines in Nay Pyi Taw TATE Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in- Sspected the second vot- ing demonstration in Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory yesterday morning. The demonstrations were prepared for ensuring health- care guidelines of COVID-19 containment measures during the 2020 General Election on 8 November. The State Counsellor ar- rived at the No. 5 Basic Edu- cation High School in Zabuthiri Township in Nay Pyi Taw, where she was welcomed by Chairman of the Union Election Commis- sion U Hla Thein, Union Minis- ter for Union Government Of- fice U Min Thu, Union Minister for Health and Sports Dr Myint Htwe, Chairman of the Nay Pyi Taw Council Dr Myo Aung, mem- bers of UEC, Deputy Minister Dr Mya Lay Sein and officials. Director-General of UEC Office U Khin Maung Oo re- ported on the implementation of guidelines recommended by the State Counsellor during the first voting demonstration, duty assignments outside the polling booth with public service person- nel for taking body temperature first, distribution of N95 masks State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi views voting demonstration at No. 1 polling booth in Zeyartheikdi ward in Zabuthiri Township of Nay Pyi SEE PAGE-2 Taw Union Territory on 13 October. PHOTO : MNA 1,123 more new cases of COVID-19 reported on 13 October, total figure rises to 30,437 MYANMAR’S COVID-19 positive cases rise to 30,437 after 1,123 new cases were reported on 13 October according to Ministry of Health and Sports. Among these 30,437 confirmed cases, 693 died, 11,769 have been discharged from hospitals.—MNA Updated at 8 pm, 13 October 2020 Daily Death toll until 8 pm 13-10-2020 Total Cases 30,437 New Cases 1,123 29 Total Death Tally 693 Discharged from Hospital 11,769 Ministry of Health and Sports 14 OCTOBER 2020 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Who is eligible to vote? Who is ineligible to vote? n irrespective of sex or religion n a member of a religious order n those who are 18 years of age on the date of the election n person serving a prison sentence n citizens, associate citizens, and those who have permis- n person adjudged to be of unsound mind as provided for in sion to become naturalized citizens, who do not contra- the relevant law vene the provisions of the Hluttaw Election Law n person who has not yet been discharged as an insolvent n a person whose name has been included in the voting list n person prohibited by the Election Law 25 of the respective constituency n foreigner or person who has assumed foreign citizenship State Counsellor inspects second voting demonstration under COVID-19 guidelines in Nay Pyi Taw FROM PAGE-1 The State Counsellor and at the voting station. participated in the demonstra- polling booth in Ward 1 of Yankin and spray of 85 per cent alcohol party visited No. 1 polling station During the inspections, the tions from UEC office, the Min- Township in Yangon Region is sanitizer and two volunteers to as- in Zeyartheikdi Ward in Zabuthiri State Counsellor advised on time- istry of State Counsellor Office, prepared for 811 eligible voters. sist them, in addition to the three Township for inspecting demon- ly completion of the processes and the Ministry of Union Gov- According to the updated polling station staff members. strations on healthcare meas- during the prescribed voting ernment Office, and asked them data, the number of voters in He also presented the distri- ures, and preparations of voting hours in line with COVID-19 con- about difficulties encountered respective townships of Nay Pyi bution of surgical gloves for the station officers for completion of tainment guidelines, distribution and voting processes which Taw Union Territory will be 85,513 polling station staff members, their work during the prescribed of N95 masks for voters in ad- were causing delays. She then in Zabuthiri Township, 27,786 in the place to discard voter iden- voting hour. vance, easy and smooth process instructed responsible officials to Dekkhinathiri Township, 132,457 tity cards, preparations for good At the model polling station for voting inside the booths, erect- make advance corrective meas- in Pyinmana Township, 217,620 in ventilation and sufficient space in No. 5 Basic Education High ing awareness signboards for vot- ures for processes that need to Lewe Township, 79,029 in Zeyathi- at the temporary polling booths, School of Zabuthiri Township set ing in line with the healthcare be corrected. Polling booth No. ri Township, 178,844 in Tatkon, 6-ft social distancing at the voter up for the No. 1 polling booth in guidelines and other suggestions. 1 in Zeyartheikdi Ward at No. 5 92,869 in Pubbathiri Township queuing line, and distribution of Yankin Township in Yangon, the The State Counsellor then Basic Education High School in and 52,469 in Ottarathiri Town- holders and lanyards for national State Counsellor inspected the greeted in a warm and friendly Zeyarthiri Township is the voting ship.—MNA scrutiny cards. demonstrations of staff members manner all the office staff who station for 2,103 voters, and No. 1 (Translated by Aung Khin) 107 Myanmar nationals return home by relief flight THE Myanmar Airways Interna- MRTV to broadcast tional relief flight landed at the Yangon Internaitonal Airport yes- interviews with those terday bringing back a total of 107 Myanmar nationals via Incheon who recovered from airport of the Republic of Korea. Among these returnees, 4 COVID-19 Myanmar nationals were from Canada while 1 from Germany, 4 from Hong Kong 6 from Indo- THE Ministry of Health and Sports and the Ministry of nesia, 3 from Italy, 74 from ROK, Information jointly organized in order for MRTV to broad- 1 from Norway, 7 from Russian cast COVID-19 Q&A session from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm on Federation, 4 from Sri Lanka and every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday starting from 3 from the US. 29 September. The Ministry of Labour, Im- Now, interviews with those who fully recovered from Myanmar returnees are queuing for immigration process at migration and Population, the Yangon International Airport on 13 October . PHOTO : MNA COVID-19 will be aired at 6:30 pm every Wednesday. On Ministry of Health and Sports 14 October, the MRTV will present interviews with U Aye and the Yangon Region govern- tives of National-Level Central embassies abroad and other rel- Thein from Kawhmu Township in Yangon Region, Daw ment arranged 7-day quarantine Committee on Prevention, Con- evant ministries in Myanmar, has Khin Khin Oo from Tamway Township and U Aung Khin at specific places or designated trol and Treatment of Corona- organized 26th relief flights from (a) Nita from Insein Township on how they overcame hotels, followed by the 7-day virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the ROK.—MNA COVID-19 infection.—MNA home quarantine. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in (Translated by Khine (Translated by Maung Maung Swe) In accordance with the direc- coordination with the Myanmar Thazin Han) Campaign speech of political party for 2020 General Election will be broadcast for second time CAMPAIGN speech of National Democratic Party for Development for 2020 General Election will be broadcast on MRTV, Hluttaw Channel, Myanma Radio and MRTV Facebook page at 7 pm on 14 October for the second time. — MNA 14 OCTOBER 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 Centenary anniversary celebrations of Myanmar film industry held virtually State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Union Minister Dr Pe Myint, Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein, Patron of MMPO Bogale Tint Aung and Chairman of MMPO U Nyi Nyi Tun Lwin cut ceremonial ribbon virtually to open 100th anniversary of Myanmar film industry celebrations on 13 October . PHOTO : MNA THE 100th anniversary of the anniversary in October 2020. ing inspired by the artistic talents contests for articles, knowledge ago. Since then, cinema halls Myanmar film industry was cel- He continued to say that it and technical skills of veteran quiz and short documentaries, emerged in the former capital, ebrated virtually using digital was planned to organize the an- Myanmar film artistes who had with some other programmes along with the film business, after technology yesterday. niversary in joyous celebrations become prominent in successive of the paper reading session, a few years in other global cities. State Counsellor Daw Aung with entertainments, souvenir eras, and (3) To serve the country issuing postage stamps by the Moreover, outstanding Myanmar San Suu Kyi sent a congratulato- shops, closer participation of and people with unity and artistic Ministry of Transport and Com- young people could produce mov- ry video message to the event be- common people and artistes; creation of professionals in the munications, screening 100 mov- ies among foreign films and film fore the opening ceremony with however, the expectations faded film industry. ies, weekly live programmes for businesses owned by foreigners. the centenary commemorative away due to the outbreak of the Celebrations of the Silver 100 film songs, and talks with The first Myanmar film was song for Myanmar motion pic- pandemic, causing to limit the Jubilee for the Myanmar movie veteran film artistes.
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