Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-04-28
• ~ - .. , • I Ration Calendar D, I ••, . ' •••• ".... ,. OlI,lre A,.II Light Frosts A .",Ire A,.II .."I: GAllUI' "A" • H'.... ,...0' ... ,.I u,I•• Mol' til Id at COFFEE eoll,.. t"J expl... ilia, 10; lO\vA-L~M frosts In nortb 110clt IIVGAa •••••• It .",1... Mo, III ••• E meol ,.0 .." u,lr. M., s •. TH'E 'DAILY IOWAN tou,,: little ebanre In fl.~ G. H. on. J ........ ...,Irelll., II; &empera&ure. 1.011 ••• ,.. IT .",It.. h.. 11. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper Sat_ ~~~~~=================================================================================b======================================================~=- IS Cob raYL v"'''';> THI A180CIATED puss IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1943 TaE AIIIOCIATID ••111 VOLUME XLIll NUMBER 182 'n in 1884. lea\h two e , . e >h0( dli. dren. :even , .; on . ~ Is I es '0 , unlS : M. tz Of ~~~~~------------------.--~--------------- -~~. ~----------~-------------------------------~--~------~-------- . 2 Of lz of Axis Defense Slowly (rumbling . Jo Was 'hen- IAIt'-'Out Coal S.frike looms Before Wild, Heavy Onslaught; ALLIES DRAW NOOSE TIGHTER AROUND AXIS TROOPS Through Iran Hills- Climactic Baffle Now Imminent rees United Miners By WE8 GALLAGHER / , and ALLIED IIEADQ ARTER IN 'ORTH AFRICA (AP) - ~rsily Convoy Oen l'a1 allied advance again ·t atl axi line e" l'ywhere being I the Ask WLB To pu,'hed buck in wild and arage fighting had carded thc allied I, ae .. haHII rs Illo.;t nigh L to wit hin 23 miles of Tunis and I'onghly an kept Te Russia equal distaHc from Bizcr1:e. the Medi.ation Th(' axis def Ilo'CS wcr slowly gh'illg way iu both Ule important Slop \ Ml'<1j z-El·Bub and Pont du It'all eclors.
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