Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-04-08
, 7, 1943 .. ..... I = Ration Calendar Continued Mild FIJi'lL OIL e •• ,on •• plrll April III llins rOU'EIl •• UpOD !ffi •• plr.. April fB: 0, B p.JId F blue .la.mp. flspl_ r~ AprU 10, IOWA: ConUnued mild today !t, A ••I d' B ud .'.... 1'1 e.p.re April 3D: iats, • J OA8 "AU eDU!10DI G expJre MaT 2J: with H,ht IIhowers In the south T tHE' DAILY IOWAN SUOAR eoupon 1~ esltire. MIY :JI; . SHOES .",OD n expl,.. LG, west pOrtion this afternoon, J... Iowa Cit Y , 5 M 0 r n i n g .. N e w s p a per ---: !re USing FIVE CENTS THE ASSOCIATED rRI88 IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, APRIL 8. 1943 Tal AIJIOCIATID ,alII VOLUME XLID NUMBER lilS 1e living suddenl, 5t cover. bottom? U founel I the bag • • it? Well ! pin in~ ting OVer he bright Britis.. I merlean' ro,ops oln orces specimen air? You I peeking • Ibout his ving too ut then, jobs, You ' F·e :e'i n,g. og'S back , aZI orps ~d combs it on the * * * *** *** ' **'*' *** 1 on YOur " ALLIES, AXIS EACH PRESENT .,HOTOS AS EVIDENCE OF THEiR ABILITIES ON THE TUN~SIAN FRONT * * * rthy and Over 6,000 Prisoners Captured rise·lOOk. I-rimmed lone, His el I)alure As ArmiesI Smash Rommel's tel~ You ormation, is much, lund an<! Defenses 20 Miles From Gabes a bl'ighl, !mlin be. By DANIEL DE LUCE itt AIJI..JIED HEADQUARTER I TOI{T H AlnUCA (AP) ast bit or The British Eightb army hus smashcd eomplctcly Marshnl Rom iny, then mel's Walli Akarit defenses 20 mil es llol'lh of Cabcs, and ycstCl' .n to faU, day joincd rOl'CeS with American troops nnder LieuL Gen, George loud; th~ " Patton .h, ill rclentless pUl'suit of the, fleeing Afrlea Corp, " and the whose I'anks were rippcd by Jow-flying allied airmcn, I chimney on your Prime Mjni tOl' Churchill told the 110u, of commons in J"O UdOll ' ~ mighty tliat mOt'C tlltU1 6.000 pl'i 'onel'S already hnd b Jl taken in this are guar.
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