• ~ - .. , • I Ration Calendar D, I ••, . ' •••• ".... ,. OlI,lre A,.II Light Frosts A .",Ire A,.II .."I: GAllUI' "A" • H'.... ,...0' ... ,.I u,I•• Mol' til Id at COFFEE eoll,.. t"J expl... ilia, 10; lO\vA-L~M frosts In nortb 110clt IIVGAa •••••• It .",1... Mo, III ••• E meol ,.0 .." u,lr. M., s •. TH'E 'DAILY IOWAN tou,,: little ebanre In fl.~ G. H. on. J ........ ...,Irelll., II; &empera&ure. 1.011 ••• ,.. IT .",It.. h.. 11. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper Sat_ ~~~~~=================================================================================b======================================================~=-­ IS Cob raYL v"'''';> THI A180CIATED puss IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1943 TaE AIIIOCIATID ••111 VOLUME XLIll NUMBER 182 'n in 1884. lea\h two e , . e >h0( dli. dren. :even , .; on . ~ Is­ I es '0 , unlS : M. tz Of ~~~~~------------------.--~--------------- -~~. ~----------~-------------------------------~--~------~-------- . 2 Of lz of Axis Defense Slowly (rumbling . Jo­ Was 'hen- IAIt'-'Out Coal S.frike looms Before Wild, Heavy Onslaught; ALLIES DRAW NOOSE TIGHTER AROUND AXIS TROOPS Through Iran Hills- Climactic Baffle Now Imminent rees United Miners By WE8 GALLAGHER / , and ALLIED IIEADQ ARTER IN 'ORTH AFRICA (AP) - ~rsily Convoy Oen l'a1 allied advance again ·t atl axi line e" l'ywhere being I the Ask WLB To pu,'hed buck in wild and arage fighting had carded thc allied I, ae .. haHII rs Illo.;t nigh L to wit hin 23 miles of Tunis and I'onghly an kept Te Russia equal distaHc from Bizcr1:e. the Medi.ation Th(' axis def Ilo'CS wcr slowly gh'illg way iu both Ule important Slop \ Ml'<1j z-El·Bub and Pont du It'all eclors. S Oil By GEORGE* * TUCKER* ly 11\ • Tn action since lIuday 0 German tanks had been d tl'oyed lewis Predicts No SOMEWHERE IN IRAN (AP)­ and in on sector - b tween Medj z-.El-Bab and the Mediterran­ The first convoy ot American ean - th axis rear guard wa ' ]'<'pOl't d falling back 0 rapidly End to Wage Fight ta'ucks loaded with war supplies h fot' the lhl'1181 of the Amel'ican corp' ot Lieut. Oen. Georgo S . .By April ~ Deadline for Russia has possed through the Patton Jr. that the enemy had no time to bury his dead. Persian corridor and delivered its ruen wel'C Rtorming 1he elevated cargo safely ioto Soviet handS VOII'S trongest axi positions 'Y THE ASSOCIATED PRESS aCter a journey of nearly 700 miles. ' in the northern 'rUllj iab see­ JJ. Lewis raised tile John This aU-American convoy was tor - Green hill and Bald hill. tlil'ellt of a fUU-8C81 0 soft coul TWO'S COMPANY, especJally In a Along the centel' of the Tunis Lhe vanguard of great fleets of foxhole In central Tunisia. Corp. Food Administrator stl'ik~ lust nig-ltt uftcr the Unit· It'ucks thaI will supplement rail Joseph Jack of Ncw York City re­ 1'1'ont, infantry of the Bl'iti It ed ·Mlne Workel'''' policy eom­ and oil' service in the Persian gulf laxes with his dog: Skeeter during' li'ir ·t IlI'my ]18d aelvanced 11 Plitlce. uttt'ibutillg "ma lignullt service command's stupendous a lull III the til'iltilll'. A solar Appeals to Farmers mUes along the r 0 a d fro m prejudice" to ' tlle war ' labol' undertakings - to arm and pro­ helmet which formerly belonred Medjez - EI- Bnb to Tebourba, boar~. delDlllJdeq withdrawal of vision Russ ian armies fighting 10 an axis prisoner. protects him reaehini the Toum railroad sta­ For More Production tion 23 miles west oC Tunis itself their wage d:ispute from t11e along 0 2.000 mile front. from the SUII. and thus drlving forward to ~he boarll. , NORTHERN' S'ude~ker Trucks Thc Studebaker trucks wel'C Chester Davis Urges near approaches of the plain of 'As lIlutters sl and." tlle mine Tunis. worker chieftain told reporters monned by drivers Irom Texas. More Planting Despite TUNISIA Orellon, :\(ent\.\cky and Georgia. 'Went Like Smoke' at 'New York, "there will be no They bore steel, munitions and Russians:take French goumlers driving up " \. ..... Harvest Aid Prospect eontract' A pl'il 30. The mille Jtdts wheat trom Penn y\vania, Con­ from the- soUthwest on Pont du workers will not trespass on mine necticut, and Minnesota. WASHINGTON (AP) ~ F 0 0 d Fahs, on thEll lower end of the property In the absence of a con- . The trip started on the Persian Administrator Chester C. Davis, allied line, "went like smoke" truel." Noygorod,iKey declaring this to be the most Im- Monday, said front line dispatches, Sporadic, . unauthorized work AXIS-HELD TERRITORY In northern Tunisia Is bellJlf trimmed steadily by American. French and Brit­ gulf and ended on a snow-painted plateau in the Russian zone, in an portant crop season in American and were last reported on com­ stoppages, meantime, continued to Ish troops presslnr forward on every sector, This map shows how the allied armies are advancJn3' history, made an eleventh-hOur mondlng heiahts within two miles toward the two remallllnlfaxis bases of Blzerte and TWlls, with the Americans. moved up from central atmosphere of booted Russian ofti­ spread. By the dllY'S end, over 50 appeal to farmers last night to of the town. mines were closed and more than Tunisia, aitacklnr on the northern flank west of Mateur. cers, droshkles, vodka and steam- ing samovars. Sout'hern Base plant to the limit of their aCl'eage French forcEls in the north 28 .000 miners had put down thcir To get there the convoy crawled even though such plantings should thrust to within six miles of Lake looLs. be in excess of their indicated A.chkel near Lake Bizerte and Impendlnr Crisis aeros~ mil rsh as and deserts. It .LONDON (AP)- German radio 3~Year Reciprocal draggec\ i Lself up the approaches ability to harvest. about 23 milcs southweslot the With the UMW commlUee hav­ accounts suggested yesterday that Emphasizing the almost bound- rity and !lort of Bizert itself. ing apparcntly ruled out submis­ u.s~, British. and Pole. Officials to the Pushtlkuh mountains. It wound around hairpin curves, the Russians had captured Nov­ less war demand for food and Jive- American lorces In this ar a were sloal of the issue to WLB, it ap­ Tr.ade Treaty Clears stock feed, Davi3 assured short- advanclng .in the reglofl west of dippec\ in~o vaJle;ys, and felt i gorod • . a strong pivotal base 100 peared the probability ' of a gen­ handed Jal'mers that the govern- Lake Achkel. whlch at~ western eral ~ork stoppage thls coming w~y ong canyons and through miles southeast of LeninlZrad and Seek to Solye Rolish·SoYiet Rift tunnels, It crept along ledges, drivan their lines to the verl out­ ment WClS organizing the country's shore Js only 17 miles short of weekend hrlef greatly lncreased. First Hurdle in House latent labor resources to help ha\,- Blzerte. II temporary atl'angement with looked dO\yn hundrec\s ot feet Into !k,il'ts of Tagonrog, impo iln't Ceft­ . gorges where rivers lashed them­ ter 4.2 miles west of Roslov on vest their crops. Aasoelated Pre s CorrelSPond- \ the operators expires Friday mid­ WASHINGTON, (AP)- The The appeal was made in a 10r- ent Harold V. Boyle reported dl­ dol' in Moscow, II note denouncing selves against rocks hldden since the Sea of Azov. >­ pight. It contlnuM for 30 days administration's request {Ol' a Ambassador Winant mal statement as the spring plant- rect from the front that Amerl­ ~ oolllrlld ex~iring March.3t with th Polish government and con- the days of Parthian kings. HiUe\Js own newspaper, the .d three-year renewal of the reci­ Unexpectedly Called jng season drew neor to a close. can Intantry allaeked the Dfebel '1. prqvlslon for relroactive applica­ talning the fOI'mal severance of I rode evert .lep of the WilY in Vgelkischer Bcobachter, published procal trade policy cleared its first Previous agriculture department EI Anolf. 10 miles Welt of tion ot what new contract even­ To 10 Downing Street relations. It b.-ough t to a climax the cabs of the big trucks. a J11ap of tho Russian front showing repol'ls have IncUcated that farmers Mateur, but had fallen back ,. was reachecl. hurdle yesterday. with the house Ho~ Berlnnlnl' N9vgorod "exactly in front of this " IU~I1Y several weelG of mounting tension The convoy got undel'\vay latc planned to plant nearly 10,000,000 un d e r heavy counterattacks It was reDerally believed In ways and means committee voting LONDON (AP)-Britain opened line." the Berlin radio said in a more acres to food and feed e\'ops south 01 Jerrna, itself due west which started when the Poles one afternoon near one of the hot. broadcast heard by The Associ­ WuhlD,ton that the rovern­ down Repul;>lican proposals that negotiations toward patching up than Ili st year. Indicated acreages or Ma&eur. However. the Amerl­ lIent would act swUtly (t a ren­ asked the International Red Cross test places in the world. The con. ated Press. Save for this Russian congrcss assume velo powers over the diUerences between Soviet of some el'ops, however, were short cans were able kI OIlcupy the eral work s'oppare did develop. to investigatc German charges voy leadel', Capt. C. B. Culler of bulge, which took in all of Lake or government goals. DJebel EI AJred. neg.otiated treoties and otherwise Russia and the Polish governmllnl­ J1men, and the change to the west What action the government in-exile yesterday and thel'e were that the Russians had !tilled 10,000 Kenilworth, III ., was in shirt "We can still increase the num- Pont du Fahs was menaced not might take would be up to Pres i­ res t ric t the odministratlOn's sleeves as he climbed .Into his in the Donels basin, the German ber of acres we plant," Davis said.
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