(Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-09-10
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9, 1943 ----::::::z::a, , . r Ration Calendar Warmer PIWCESSEO }' OOD .tamp. R. Sand , . ",xp]". Sept. 20; MEAT .tampa X and Y expire Ocl. I; i'UJ:L Ou. per. 5 coupen •• '42-'43. expire Sar,t. 30; PROCJ:I8ED FOODS It8mp. U, V and W exp re Oct. 10; SUGAR THE DAILY IOWAN 1-,:WanDH .tamp 14 and home oann'", atampe n. Ie expire Oct. 91; FUEL OIL per. 1 coupOn •• '43-'44. expire JID. 3, 'U. I' " ,- Iowa City's Morning Newspaper = ~iimli~. FIVE CENTS Taa .IIOC1ATIO raul IOWA CITY. IOWA F'RIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1943 or... llOClA'tao ra... VOLUME XLID NUMBER 291 • ) ALLIES ENCIRCLE 20,000 JAPS II •les an •Ing t ap es espite' erman Resistance ¥¥¥ ¥¥¥ ¥¥¥ Reporter Predicts- NAPLES LANDINGS STRENGTHEN ALLIED TOE·HOLD Allied (ommunique Declares ( Extensive Sea' Operations Going Satisfactorily lop War Gen. Mark Clark', Americans and Canadians Contact Nazi Forces, Take Prisoners, By IOHN *A. MOROSO,* * 3d After Dawn Landing AHack NEW YORK, Sept, 9 (AP) "Don't start selling your war ALLIED TIEADQ ARTER IN N RTU AFRT 'A (AP) bonds. The war in the south Allied reinforcement. w re reported la t night till . treaming Pacific to date is only the prelude asllOre otter strong American and Brit i h fore uuder .•. to the fight that is to come. We Lieut. Gen. fark W. lark hammered out a bridg h ad nenr will lose thousands of men, scores Naples ytll terday in a pr ·dawn landing that overpower d I\, of ships, hundreds of planes and number of stoutly re i ling rlllan troop. Illbilterecl by Haly ENCIRCLEME~T OF 20,000 JAPS in the Lae-Salaniaua sector 01 New tons of supplies before we even unconditional urrender. GuiDea bas been completed by American paratroops, who landed In make a dent in the Baron Tanaka "Operations are proceeding sati factorily," said an allied com lIIe Markham valley, and veteran Australian troops, who landed 'empire.' " munique of this daring tl'Ok on -third of th way lip th Holian from boats above Lae. Positions of the trapped enemy forces and That advice was given today by peninsula. allied troops are shown on the map above. J. Norman Lodge, Associated Press . Tyrrhenian Seo ¥ ¥ ¥ war correspondent, who popped The troops led by lark, hero or tIle submarine Illi ion to north into New York after a 14,OOO-mile Africa that pav d the way for the ucce. ful alli d invlli·don th rl' * * * plane ride that began in Vella La last November, "are in contact with German forc lind pri onem vella, the uJ.lper Solomons-a little have been taken," th b\lll tin add d. "The di! mbarkation of ',. island captured by American Australians, WithinI'~ Two . ;Miles . : troops with tlleir gllnR and ve, forces on Friday, August 13. Bqron Tanaka was the originator hicles is proceeding according . of the Japanese' plan of conq uest to plan." 'designed ' to give J a pan her Nazis Strike Of Japanese Air Base .~at ~[ae ~··: Bcfore the troops struck the • • .. r '.. "greater A's i a tic co-prosperity Ihore near Napl 8 three W8V sphere." of Flying Fortresses had destroyed 500 Tons of Bombs advance . tbroiacb. ' '.iunl'le ' and ' Lod~e, tanned and lean from the German mUitary nerve center swamp are gre~t." " . 'grueling . experiences in the fox- At Spitsbergen at Frascati, 12 mlles outside Reduce Base to Ruin Allied paratroopers and Austral- ,holes of Guadalcanal, Rendova, : , Rome, in a neat culmination of In Less Than Week ian reinforcements' who have b'een New Georgia and Vella Lavella, f landing since Sept. 5 in the. Mark- had this to 'say about the war situa- events that has stagiered the axis both politically and militarily. Raid Cqmes 'on 2nd ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN ham valley"behitid Lae are !iend- tion in the Pacific: • ing forward advanGe eleinen'ts. Ex c e p tin g a few small The paralyzing blow at Frascati Anniversary of Allied THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, Fri "They have passed, thrbugh islands which are available for occurred six hours before Tues· day (AP)- Australian troops have Mumum and Narakapor 'and are advance echelons and bad I y SOUTHERN ITALY day's announcement of the Italian AHack on Ardic Isle closed to within two miles oi the approaching the main" western .needed 'airfit;lds our conquests to KAll 01 /tlllli surrender. Nearly every building Malahang airdrome at Lae, New bastion of the enemy'1i . prepared dilte consist of: ,2. in the resort city, famous for its • _ "'in~, b8(,l. ~n ~cull G, r- LONDON (AP)- The Berlin Guinea, and the Japanese de positions at Heatl1s . plantati<m," "Much-needed jungle training fenses of Lae have been reduced headquarters sAid. • "', :, ~ :for troops who had never before man mlUtary authorities. These radIo said last nigh, that Germllfl AMERICAN 'AND BRITISn FORCES under the comlT'and of Lleut. Gen. Mark W. Clark have success "to practical ruin" by more than Earlier in the week'Heaths pian- been under comabt fire or condi were leveled by the big avenging naval units and mnrines had made 50 tons of bombs dropped by al tation de1enses vir~uall'y wer'l, de- tions such as they met in the fully landed at Naples and encountered German forces one-third the way UP the italian boot. The land American Eagles, ofCicial reports a heavy attaek Wednesday on the lied planes in less than a week. molished by a heavy allied ai~ at- south seas. _ ings were described as "satisfactory" by allied headquarters, where It was also reported the (nvuion said. Soltening up the enemy air and tack. .. "Double loss of face to the Ja- forces had already taken Nazi prisoners near Naples. American ,Llberators from the arctic island ot Spitsbereen, In- shipping base for capture by al panese in the taking of Guadal ------,--------~---------------------- middle east also dumpe~ 150 tons flieted casualties on the holding ~ '. lied forces advancing virtually un canal and New Georgia. of explosives on the Foggla ex· forces and captured prisoners. opposed from both the northeast "And the' unearthing of the panse of airdromes less than 100 Implying that the aUies had ea world's greatest fig h t e rand and northwest through difficult Iran Declares ' War miles east of Naples to facilitate tabUshed a substantial base on jungle terrain, allied Liberators bomber pilots, in many cases han Allies· .Hold '/nvasion Rehearsal the big amphibious operation. and Mitchells have demolished On Nazi Germany:: '~ dling aircraft inierior in maneu The landing occurred a lew Spitsbergen, the broadcast, re. enemy artillery, destroyed or dis v(;rability-because of added in moments after 4 a.m. (9 p.m. Wed corded by The Associated Press, struments and pilot armor-to that rupted installations and heavily nesday, C, W. T.) under cover of $aid that radio and meteorological punished the Japanese garrison, London Report Says of the enemy. "On the debit side, the few small Nazis Reported Ready to Defend Po Line a powerful barrage laid down by installations and munitions and headquarters said today. Bombs Baller the American and British navies. New big runs are being rolled islands we have taken we now fue) supplies were wrecked. LONDON (AP)-Reuters re have to supply. That in itself is This terrific rain ot explosives forward to add their fire power smashed wooded hills overhani- German losses were described ported from Teheran last night no small feat, for every convoy In North Italy Despite Italy's Surrender in devastating the Iso I a. ted • ing the invasion coast, and left as small, despite "violent resist enemy larrison. that Iran, which for r,riany months that 'runs the slot' is under con French (oasl ance from the military garrison." Allied warships ventured once has permitted the allies to use stant bombing in waters as yet LONDON (AP) - Adolf Hitler, were being disarmed and replaced great columns of smoke as the more into narrow waters between its territory in sending supplies to uncharted, trapped in the center of his own by German divisions. allied shock troops plunged ashore (BrItish naval sources here said into the ltalJan no-man's land. New Guinea and New Britain to Russia, had declared war on Ger "In behalf of the American boys, wavering European fortress, was many of them civilians a year ago, Biggest Daylight Raid An idea of the size of the allied they were unable to comment on shell the Huon peninsula coastal many. reported to have called a hurried Nazis Set Up the German account of the opera area around Finschhalen. War The country has approximately I . want to tell their folks that Launched from Britain force was gained from a Canadian ships previously had entered these 12,000,000 inhabitants and, accord pound for pound, gun for gun, war conference yesterday at which Puppet Italian Regime reconnaissance pilot, John An tion.) waters to escort the Australians in ing to latest available figures, a knife for knife, and viciousness for Shelters Maneuvers it was decided to reinforce the Po thony Vasicek of Chatham, Ont., The object of their raid, the viciousness, they can spot· the Japs STOCKHOLM (AP)-The Ger- who said the convoy expedition to their landings northeast of Lae standing army ot 120,000, includ- river line in ~taly ::md fight there Germans said, was the destruction 'cards, spades and big casino' and LONDON (AP) - In crashing mans strove mightily by political Naples covered a sea surface of of military establishments ob Sept. 4. ing 32,000 officers. to the last man. Finschhafen is 60 miles above Formerly known as Persia, Iran come out best every time." synchronization with the new al as well as mlUtary action yester 1,000 square miles "swarming served by their aerial reconnllis Apparently determined to make Lae.