9, 1943 ----::::::z::a, , . r Ration Calendar Warmer PIWCESSEO }' OOD .tamp. R. Sand , . ",xp]". Sept. 20; MEAT .tampa X and Y expire Ocl. I; i'UJ:L Ou. per. 5 coupen •• '42-'43. expire Sar,t. 30; PROCJ:I8ED FOODS It8mp. U, V and W exp re Oct. 10; SUGAR THE DAILY IOWAN 1-,:WanDH .tamp 14 and home oann'", atampe n. Ie expire Oct. 91; FUEL OIL per. 1 coupOn •• '43-'44. expire JID. 3, 'U. I' " ,- Iowa City's Morning Newspaper = ~iimli~. FIVE CENTS Taa .IIOC1ATIO raul IOWA CITY. IOWA F'RIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1943 or... llOClA'tao ra... VOLUME XLID NUMBER 291 • ) ALLIES ENCIRCLE 20,000 JAPS II •les an •Ing t ap es espite' erman Resistance ¥¥¥ ¥¥¥ ¥¥¥ Reporter Predicts- NAPLES LANDINGS STRENGTHEN ALLIED TOE·HOLD Allied (ommunique Declares ( Extensive Sea' Operations Going Satisfactorily lop War Gen. Mark Clark', Americans and Canadians Contact Nazi Forces, Take Prisoners, By IOHN *A. MOROSO,* * 3d After Dawn Landing AHack NEW YORK, Sept, 9 (AP)­ "Don't start selling your war ALLIED TIEADQ ARTER IN N RTU AFRT 'A (AP)­ bonds. The war in the south Allied reinforcement. w re reported la t night till . treaming Pacific to date is only the prelude asllOre otter strong American and Brit i h fore uuder .•. to the fight that is to come. We Lieut. Gen. fark W. lark hammered out a bridg h ad nenr will lose thousands of men, scores Naples ytll terday in a pr ·dawn landing that overpower d I\, of ships, hundreds of planes and number of stoutly re i ling rlllan troop. Illbilterecl by Haly ENCIRCLEME~T OF 20,000 JAPS in the Lae-Salaniaua sector 01 New tons of supplies before we even unconditional urrender. GuiDea bas been completed by American paratroops, who landed In make a dent in the Baron Tanaka "Operations are proceeding sati factorily," said an allied com­ lIIe Markham valley, and veteran Australian troops, who landed 'empire.' " munique of this daring tl'Ok on -third of th way lip th Holian from boats above Lae. Positions of the trapped enemy forces and That advice was given today by peninsula. allied troops are shown on the map above. J. Norman Lodge, Associated Press . Tyrrhenian Seo ¥ ¥ ¥ war correspondent, who popped The troops led by lark, hero or tIle submarine Illi ion to north into New York after a 14,OOO-mile Africa that pav d the way for the ucce. ful alli d invlli·don th rl' * * * plane ride that began in Vella La­ last November, "are in contact with German forc lind pri onem vella, the uJ.lper Solomons-a little have been taken," th b\lll tin add d. "The di! mbarkation of ',. island captured by American Australians, WithinI'~ Two . ;Miles . : troops with tlleir gllnR and ve, forces on Friday, August 13. Bqron Tanaka was the originator hicles is proceeding according . of the Japanese' plan of conq uest to plan." 'designed ' to give J a pan her Nazis Strike Of Japanese Air Base .~at ~[ae ~··: Bcfore the troops struck the • • .. r '.. . . "greater A's i a tic co-prosperity Ihore near Napl 8 three W8V sphere." of Flying Fortresses had destroyed 500 Tons of Bombs advance . tbroiacb. ' '.iunl'le ' and ' Lod~e, tanned and lean from the German mUitary nerve center swamp are gre~t." " . 'grueling . experiences in the fox- At Spitsbergen at Frascati, 12 mlles outside Reduce Base to Ruin Allied paratroopers and Austral- ,holes of Guadalcanal, Rendova, : , Rome, in a neat culmination of In Less Than Week ian reinforcements' who have b'een New Georgia and Vella Lavella, f landing since Sept. 5 in the. Mark- had this to 'say about the war situa- events that has stagiered the axis both politically and militarily. Raid Cqmes 'on 2nd ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN ham valley"behitid Lae are !iend- tion in the Pacific: • ing forward advanGe eleinen'ts. Ex c e p tin g a few small The paralyzing blow at Frascati Anniversary of Allied THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, Fri­ "They have passed, thrbugh islands which are available for occurred six hours before Tues· day (AP)- Australian troops have Mumum and Narakapor 'and are advance echelons and bad I y SOUTHERN ITALY day's announcement of the Italian AHack on Ardic Isle closed to within two miles oi the approaching the main" western .needed 'airfit;lds our conquests to KAll 01 /tlllli surrender. Nearly every building Malahang airdrome at Lae, New bastion of the enemy'1i . prepared dilte consist of: ,2. in the resort city, famous for its • _ "'in~, b8(,l. ~n ~cull G, r- LONDON (AP)- The Berlin Guinea, and the Japanese de­ positions at Heatl1s . plantati

0, 1943 =- --===:::: FRlt>AY, SEP1'tMB£R 10, 194:J THE D AIL Y lOW A R. lOW A C IT Y. lO W A PAGE FIVB •

• Fellowship Welcomes their discussion of the various Russell, A4 ot Perry, and Eleanor Law Association Holds Cedar Falls Church Ireligious groups. Keagy, A4 of Washington. New Students Tonight 5 University of Iowa Graduates, Former Church GIOUpS The program, which is open to Informal Smoker The program is under the direc­ all tudents on the campus, will tion of Prof. A. Craig Baird of the a The Westminster Fellowship, also feature group singing and An informal smoker was held ~~figious Services Students Announce Engagements, Marriages speech department. Presbyterian student organization, other entertainment. last night from 7 to 9 o'clock , Word has been received of the son of Mrs. MaUie Clemens of will hold its annual welcome party Plan Program for the memben 01 ilie Law Stu­ Being Recorded Soon engagements and marriages of f ive Numa. The ceremony took place for new students on the cam pUll dent association In ilie home of tOnight at 8 o'clock in the church graduates and former students of in the First Methodist church at WSUI to Broadcast Margaret Ems Heads Marcua Bach of the school of parlors. An etfort has been made the University of Iowa. La Crosse, Wis., July 6. An informal gathering spon- Prof. Percy Bordwell, acting dean religion and Prof. AddisQn Als­ to contact all those of Presbyterian The bride attended Iowa Wes­ sored by the Interfaith council 1s f Forensic Program of the college of law. The meet­ pach of the music department will BurdeD-Bunqaard leyan college at MI. Pleasant and Cooperative Dorm preference, but all interested stu­ will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday This Afternoon at 3 ing was under the direction ot record the religious services of dents, both new and old, are in- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burden of the University of Iowa. She is the Bethlehem Danish Lutheran vited. • Western Springs, 111., announce the now teaching in the Keokuk grade in front of the fine arts building. .. Margaret Ems, A. of Savage­ the president of the organization, Student leaders of the various I The first foreOSlc forum of ilie ton, Wyo., has been elected presi­ church in Cedar Falls Sunday Marian E. Hoper, A4 of Hartley, engagement and approaching mar­ schools. James Austin. religious groups o[ the campus year will be broadcast over WSUI dent of Coast hou e, women's night. is general program chairman for riage of their daughter, Marylee, Corporal Clemens was graduated The first hour was spent m to Ernest Bundgaard, son of Mr. from Numa high school. He was will introduce ilie Hillel founda- this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The cooperative. The Bethlehem Danish Luth­ the puty. The department chair­ singing. Austin introduced the eran congregation, of which the men are Elizabeth Brinker, A2 of and Mrs. J eppe Bundgaard of employed in the county engineer's tion, Newman club, Y.M .C.A., debaters will discuss the question, Elected to the other offices are for Rev. Oltar S. Jorgensen is pastor, K e 0 k u k, entertainment booths; Council Bluffs. The wedding will office in Centerville prior to his Y.W.C.A. and the \'arious Protes- "What adjustments should the lib- Nadine Greetan, C3 of Victor, members of ilie law faculty 8tJll holds services in the Danish Helen Hensleigh, A4 of Iowa City, t a k e place today in Western ir duction into the army. He is now tant churches to the freshmen and eral arts colleges make after the \'ice-president and social chair­ the benefit of the new students. tongue. The worship at 8'oclock stage skit; Kathryn Hopkirk, A3 Springs. stationed with a topographical other new students on the cam- conclusion of the present war, in man; COarlotte Polloch, Al of It is traditional with law stu­ Sunday evening will be conducted of Ft. Madison, decorations; Harry Mi3S Burden attended junior bo.ttalion of engineers in Camp pus. order 10 prove a more satisfactory Bennett, secretary; Laura Jane dents that Uie first meeting of the bY Bach, and recordings will be Allchter, G of Chicago, publiCity; college at La Grange, 111., and the McCoy, Wis. Prof. H. J. Thornton of the college education?" Novotony, A4 of Tama, treasurer; school ye r be an Informal made by Professor Alspach of the Claire Slreet, U of Iowa City, re­ University of Iowa, where she was history department will be the I The participants in this discus- and Dorothy Hanlon, A4 01 Star­ smoker held in the home of one old Danish hymns which are still freshments; and Donald Halboth, a member of Chi Omega sorority. Smuleson-Welndruch guest speaker. Members of the sion will be Rosemary Howe, A3 wood, judiciary chairman. of the faculty members, in order sung, and also of interviews with A4 of Odebolt, construction crew. She is now employed in the per­ Mrs. Sophie Smuleson of Des faculty of the school of religion of DarlinRton, Wis.: Eloise Davis, Lois Studley, A3 ot Cumber- that faculty and students might several of the pioneer members sonnel department of Western Moines announces th«:, engagement will aid the student leaders in A4 of Birmingham, Ala.; Jack land, was appointed adviser. become better cquainted. Electric in Chicago. of her daughter, flarriette, to ~ -~ • of the. congregation. Sergt. Bernard .floyd Weindruch, This work is a continuation of Mr. Bundgaard was graduated from the University of Iowa, where son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wein­ POPEYE the project carried on by the Prof. C. M. Updegraff he was a member of Delta Tau dl'uch of Rock Island, 1lI. school of religion last year, when Delta fraternity. He received his Miss Smuleson attended the Uni­ recordings were made of the ~eceives Appointment commission Sept. 6 at Ft. Benning, versity of Iowa, where she was a church services of little-known Ga. member of Sigma Delta Tau so­ religious groups which still hold rority. services in their mother tongue. To U. S. Committee Horne-Clemens Sergeant Weindruch attended Through coopera lion with Ihe Word has been received of the the University of Illinois at Ur­ library of congress, the school of Prof. Clarence M. Updegraff, of marriage of H e len Elizabeth bana, Ill., and the University of religion helps preserve relig'!ous the college of law, has been noti­ Horne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Iowa. He was affiliated with Phi traditions and forms of worship Ified of his appointment as chair­ Frank Horne of Centerville, to Epsilon Pi fraternity. He is now which have been handed down man of the industry committee Corp. Byron Whitney Clemens, stationed at Camp Fannin, TelC. through generations, but have for the bakery, beverage and never been recorded. miscellaneous food industries. 1 h e p I a n was inaugurated The appOintment was made by I"Meet Army" Features under the supervision of Prot. L. Metcalfe Walling, administra­ Used Silk Salvage Maj. Charles Obye M. Willard Lampe, director of the tor of the wage and hour division school of religion. Recordings of the United States department "Met! the Army" this after­ Ilave been made of the hymns of labor. The committee was First to Reach Goal of the Pella Dutch, the Mennonite chosen with regard to the geo­ noon over WSUI at 12 :45 when The collection of used silk and Maj. Charles H. Obye, executive and Welsh settlements and of the graphical regions in which the BLONDIE Czech groups in Iowa. bakery, beverage and food ind\ls- n,ylon stookings which will be officer, will interview Prof. D. A. The original recording is sent tries are carried on, and is in tht-ee completed Sept. 30 is one of the Armbruster, athletic director, on to the library of congress to be divisions. first wartime salvage drives to "The Army Physical Training placed in the archives of Ameri- Professor Undegraff is a mem­ reach its goal, Herbert C. Plagman, Program." can folk songs. and copies of it ber of that group of the commit­ executive secretal'y for Iowa sal­ P rofessor Armbruster will are retained by the school ~ tee which devotes itself to the vag e division, war production bring out the lact that men are religion and the religious denom- interests of the public. The other showing definite results from thE!' ination concerned. two divisions are for employers board, announced Monday. physical education program. and employees. In announcing Sept. 30 as the Professor Updegraff will leave dosing date of this drive, Paul C. Russell House Elects Iowa City Sunday for New York ICity, wftere he will remain while Cabot, director of the salvage di­ Ste·rns Chosen Head vision of the war production board H Pel Officers for 1943-44 the committee is carrying ollt its work. The first meeting of the in Washington, said that the ap­ Of Engineering Group 192 .354 committee will be held Tuesday, peal for old silk stockings has Lucile Ormiston, A3 of Malcom, and is for the purpose of studying has been elected president of brought one of the greatest public The student branch of the 167 .332 conditions in the industry and Russell house, women's co-oper­ recommending mlmmum wage responses given to any govern­ American Institute of Electrical ative. rates for its employees. ment-sponsored campaign for vol­ Engineering elected officers at a 160 .328 Other newly elected officers meeting in the engineering build­ ·Ie> Professor Updegraff has been unteer contributions toward the are: Mary Ford, A4 of ing Wednesday. The 0 if ice r s 173 .317 Mt. Ve r non, vice-president; with the college of law since 1926. war effort. A total of over 46 CARL ANDERSON Recently he has been working chosen are William Sterns, E4 of :tiENRy L i II ian Bill i n g s, A2 of SI. million stockings has resulted in with labor arbitration in industry. J 0 w a City, president; Vernon r;~::-=~~~;;;:G";j IT's TIME. TO WATER YOUR 165 .317 Louis, secretary-treasurer; Mar­ the collection of more than 2,300,- Aske, E4 of Kiester, Minn., vice- II-I::==::::::>. jorie Petheram, A4 of Hampton, 000 pounds. chairman, and Chester Lodge, E4 F~ER,HENRY/ 116 .305 judiciary chairman; Betty Soren­ Issues Marriage Permit Throughout the month of Sep­ of West Branch, secretary-treas­ sen, Al of West BranCh, freshman R. Nielson Miller, clerk of the tember, department stores and urer. Prof. H. R. Reed acts as ad­ representative; Bess Lubman, A3 district court, issued a marriage other retail stores will continue viser of the group. of Sioux City, social chairman. license to Joseph E. Mocha, legal, I their collection depots and all re­ Activities for the coming sem­ Jeanne Stacy, A3 of Osage, was and Alice M. Kabela, legal, both maining contributions should be ester were also discussed at the appointed as adviser. of Iowa City. brought in not later than Sept. 30. meeting. The student branch of the A. 1. E. E. plans to have stu­ ------dent reports, movies and get-to­ gethers with other engineering so­ cieties at their weekly meetings ...... 87 Daily Iowan Want Ads this semester. j ...... _ .31 ~ ~ ...... 25 . ------HOLLYWOOD- LOST. A•ND • FOUND • I ROOM*S F*O R* RENT .18 CLASSIFIED (Continued from page 2 ) ADVERTISING LOST-Straw purse. On campus. SINGLE ROOM :for boys. Phone ler Guild production of ~:Fout' Notify Shirley Long-3187. 5579. RATE CARD Cents a Word." The play never BRICK BRADFORD CLARENCE GHA Y .... 17 LOST-Black Parker 51 pen with opened. He was in six quick flops ...... IS name Mark Appleman. Return TWO ROOMS. Nicely furnished ~fter that, with ensuing hard CASH RATE large sleeping rooms. 435 S. times, before he played the part l or 2 days- to Harriet Appleman. Reward. Dial 4197. Dodge. Dial 7516. of Krupp, the policeman, in "Time lOe per line per day of Your Life" - and M - G - M S consecutive days- LOST-Glasses in black case. INCOME TAX SERVICE 7c per line per day couldn't wait to bring him out for 6 consecutive days- Name inside. Jim Odell. Phone INCOME TAX SERVICE. Fred V. "Woman of the Year." 5c per line per day 4081. _ Johnson. Phone 7592 for ap­ • • • 1 month- pointment. They flew him west, and his 4c per line per day LOST-Delta Chi fraternity pin. patt developed into something -Figure 5 words to line­ D. Carmean engraved. Reward. WHO DOES IT colossal. He was a star in his first Minimum Ad- 2 line. Mike Fowles. 7711. picture - until the cutting room WOOL BLANKETS cleaned. took out all his shine. FURNITURE MOVING Guaranteed no shrinkage. New Hal Roach signed him for a CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Process Laundry. Dial 4177. series of comedies about a taxi­ 1I0c col. Inch driver, but then Roach went in to Or $5.00 per month MAHER BROS. TRANSFER WANTED the army and stopped production For Efficlent Furniture Movina This time, however, Bendix had All Want Ads Cash In Advance Ask About Our WANTED - Cook for sorority Payable at Daily Iowan Busl­ house. Dial 9231. "arrived." neSl otfice daily unW Ii p.m. WARDROBE SERVICE ETTA lETT PAUL ROBINSON Wanted- plumbing and heating. DIAL - 9696 - DIAL NOW 'K)J AND [ WIl.L Larew Co. Dial 9681. WALK AWA'I'" AND canceUation3 must be called In Lo-ses Daisy HIDE Ai20UND mE sroP IN Fr.!ONT' a ~IS before 5 p.m. CPIw:12. •.. /tLCAu. POUSE : 'AND GET IN Reaponstble for one Incorrect '----",...., '{ou .- AN Ar.GUMENT insertion only. DIAL 4191 Donl'I

( ~ • • •¥ be 1'. ~ ·•¥ . •¥ • Upset! • ¥ • mSTRUCTION ;0 A N C E lNSTRUCTION - tap, BY GENE AHERN ballroom and ballet. Harriet All Your Troubles Walsh. Dial 5126. COME. PINKY, BE A HELPFUL I WON'T BE 1'I-IE FIRST IN Brown's Commerce College L ....O .... NO ASSIST ME WITH CE..mJRIES '10 BRE .... K'THE 5'TRICT CODE OF THE CHEP'S Iowa City's Accredited THESE DRA'TTEO DISHES,'" Will Be Solved GUIl-D ! "'WE N~R W.... SH I'M 11-1 .... BOwLING '1OUR ...... MENT Business School OISHES. PO'TS OR. PANS.I AND I'LL BE LATE!'" AT LEAST Established 1921 BACK IN 1730..... COOK WAS '1OU C,.,N '00 THE POTS AI'