A- ATerage Daily Net Press Run 1*AGB FOURTEEN The Weather jlanrt;f0tfr StiftiUtg Ijgralb r e t tbs "Week BhdlBg F eieO ^ of 17. S. tVaathan Wnwa4 M«y 8, 1952 that th e' group jviJFmeet Wednes­ Mancheater Lodge No. 73, A-F. day night at and probably 10,490 Partly eloudy, warmer tonigtiti Sehod Switions Rertutne and A.M., w£u hold a.speclal.jcomr Ratary Speaker Expect to Let „ select e bidd«p4h«h. At the: pres­ .Wftdnetwiiw .lenenUyJtair; a Jtnia: About Town ; munlcatlon at the Masonic Temple ent time. th<&e are four com­ Meinbw ef this A ^ lt cooler. tomorrow evening at 7:30. The Bureau of CtrenlaHons panies .bidding on the Job, and El- ■ e o 9 : Th* DUVCTV will hold * roect- • Manchester,'a. school _ children Entered Apprentice .degree wU! he PlaquejDrder Hptt aal^.-that bidding will be M anchetler— A City of Village Charm . Inc a t 2T M*pl«* «tre«t tomorrow are "back at the boojfs" today conferred on a class of candidates, ilbsed/Wednesdsy poon. ftfler. 'whi.Ch’^h'ere.JWIjl be.A__sdciaI night at g o'clock- All those, following Jheir Anniial. spring I t ■pad been expected that.. the attending axe reminded to, bring a vacation last week. y hour and refreshments. Four Compahies Seek­ committee nmuld not on, the selec­ . Ivsa $ f w m v o u f c f r VdL. L x x r, NO, 185 itJiaaalOcd AevorUalBg. OB Pago IS) MA^^CHESTEH, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY «, 1952 (F O U R T E E N P A G E S) PRICE FIVB CENTS • May baaket. One more holiday, Memorial tion of a bidder when It met Frl- phomptly to 4 out of Day on May 30, Is listed on the Manchester Tri Deltas will he ing Contract; Bifls Be­ IS Mot. 12 Met. ,day, but the yroup decided to hold 5 men ond womoo-nmarriod or $271.29 $316.47 at. Margaret Mary's Mothers school calendar before the sum­ among, those .attending a dinner off w<ien the members failed to itnfla. Cash loam for worthy $ 2 2 Circle will meet tonight at the mer vacation closing oh June meeting'-of Hartford Alliance ing Closed W ednesday $ 3 2 403.08 475.80 WednesdaV' evenlitJE a t ,rtl80 at the appear at that, meeting, ......... purpoiai. Phona for l-vitlt ..loiin. "home of Mrs. John Wilson, M9 90. - ------. ........ The four companies who have ... writa • s . or icoma in iodmyl Abov* paymtnlt covor eSytkCgT Oslo Plane Woodland street, after the noveniu' home of Mrs. Robert 8. Pettigrew. ■ The George H. Waddell Memo­ aubralttcd bids arc the Standard A loan oi $100 coil* $90 40 11 Braintree drive. West Hartford. Uont $as ta $500 promplly rvpoid in 17 contvcvtiiia Election of officers' will be held rial Fund Committee expects to let. Foundry company and the A. G. menihly imlollfMRH 4f $10.05 Mcli. A meeting orithe Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Ford of the contract for the Wadcjell Ru.sscll Company, both of Hart­ ^^Slgnofura Alano • ______ (Cofm.l of the South Methodist'W8CS will 14. Newman street have returned during the business session, ford, and the Mancheater Memo­ Crash Kilts - be held at the church to iy rro y front a.week's stay at the .Chateau plaqiis Wednesday night after It rial Company apd Shoor BrolhersJ sjBlaWjstXiap. A represenuUve of A daiighler was bdrh Bsfcurday postponed the selection of a bid- in'-'Maiy-wmmMirtr •asT"«it."rtirmwring 'Fridsty.--'..... ■' .J«wricu:a'diath Pf.-Maiutb.eStgJ j E M A N I X m Ford, a local Meiropolltan lire In­ 2nd Roer • JAtVIS lUILDING ..party, will Jipeak^on Interior deco- surance. agenU wan attending . .l!ie •lamaica, L.I.. to Mr. and Mrs. 8.'. Superintendent of Cemeteries Elliott said that none of these F ly llu rls IB ■: Kenh"Vendfyea olT George Elllolf. who has represent­■ companlcS''dff'" tlTC'~ "work ;.~them= eiB»-gnqw m m lovee Weeiwentcr) MawcMiim , cowHt- ratlnir. company's fifth annual Presiderit'a Dlal 3430 • rtilllp I. Junklni, YIS MAkafer Club conference. Membership in street, Queens Village. Mrs, -Ven- ed the committee in contacting selves, but would set as jobbers, Im r i iR«4 t !• midvflit tl *11 iirr»«n4lii| Im m u Oslo, Norway, May 6—<^) A daugfttar was bom at the St. this club Is based on the agent's drj-es la the former Gloria Ann several companies • interested in shipping'It out to companies who Washington, May 6—(/P)—Rep. Keating (R.; N. Y.), said Francis HosplUl In Hartford on 1951 sales record. Sapienza, daughter of Mrs. Marl casting the plaque, said today cast 'plaques. , , ' today that new testimony indicates Newbold Mqrris was se­ —A chartered Norwegian u r May .2 to Mr. apd Mrs. Frederick anna Saplenza. of 91 Autumn lected to run the gov£Tninent’slanti-corcuptlon rlriVe “to make teansport plane*, bringing .25, Ware of 6reen — Kijig David Lodge, No. 31, -lOOF, street. ; impossible any impartial and thorough investigation.*’ Top .sailors home from an Antarc­ will serve a apaghettl supper FrI nfficlals In the Justice department, * ' ' : tic w h aT i n g expedition The committee, under Ute direc­ day evening at 6:30 In the banquet tion of Mrs. Paul Oolnlk and Mrs. All th« fam ily lovas Keating said In a statement, were crashed and bRmed before • r r I»rin Perry, which la assisting hall of Odd Fellows Hall. All mem­ “Fiddlc'Faddlc” Intereated in seeing that the probe bers who \dlsh to attend are agked dawn today in the rugged, Cliurch Frpflheii.fl l}|) for 3pring with the Mancbeatee Ger«bral,|taV.^^ •'would never 'get ;«ff the ground.!'. wooded Telemark dlatrict 160 gy Association drive will meet to­ to notify Clinton i<eCT^^ dr Eldoii • e e g i The Congre.s^an'a comment Churchiirs Asks BofurdS night at f :30 at the home of Rsy- t^ingsbury. / was prompted 'by testimony before miles southwest of Oslo. GorfflahlTlnciiP drive Or. J5hS AT AntSieft r IVcmyi a House cptfimlttee yesterday th a t; Police report ed" H people--nlne chairman, at 42 Brookfield street. rVeaident Anthony Bayles of The final curtain was, rung down flat dieetrwefi isibieetd tf MRMAC9 Morris afm former Attorney Gen- Foes Lead pBseengers and two crewmen — Powers Cirt the'Young Democratic Club re' on this year's OmWed. musical re Dr. John Arthur. Mitchell, .Jiead ri'.er.erve-.'A lisi*- '■eral -J{4lorwaTd McGrath knew-that- ware-JclUed. and. JO .others, .ware, in.- 'iMadwine' ihtnds"^emHerii'of IK8' meetlfis;''f6 vue, "Fiddle Faddle," Saturday M(>rris's connection with proflt- jured,- some seriouely. A total of o r n \ of the. English Department at ame deals In surplus U. S. tsnkers.; 29 was. aboard.. man of New Haven will be the be held Wednesday evening at the night at the Verplanck School. As speaker at the meeting of the’ue- Community Y. At this meeting Avon Old Farms School, will ■"was under Investigation "at th e t In Elections The plane, operated by the Fred E vlne Circle this evening at 8 delegates' for the slate cfmve'nlloil on the previous night the present­ speak on "Shakespeare" at the breakage^ time of Morris's appointment' tor Olsen Charter Airline, left Am­ Washington, May 6—(/P)—A Wa.shington lawyer told Sen­ o'clock In Uthuanian Hall, Golway on May 16 and 17 In Stamford will ation was given an enlhustaatlc joint meeting of the •Stafford IPs guaranteed against iS the cleanup job. 1 sterdam last night for Jarlsberg be appointed along with five com Morris and McGrath have dls- | London, May 6—-(/P)—Brit- sirport, about 25 miles from Oslo. ate investigators today he arranged a contract that allowed atrwt. reception by A full house. Springs and Mancheater Rotary hi^ client to collect $37,600 from the government twice forun- Washington, May — mlltea members. "Fiddle Faddle" was the seven­ flhimed"knowing about the probrj ish Socialists jumped to an It carried a crew'of four and Charles E. Wilson Mid toda,v th of th e, anmial. Co-Wed revuea chiba at the Country Club tomor­ ' ■ • be»“tiful dinnerware that ends your worries at the time the New Yorker he-} pgrly lead over Conservatives the 25 whalers from the 18,000-ton loading the same com. He denied that the (teal took “advant- Regina D'italla Society will hold Which list such successes as "Oay- row'night-at 7 o’clock. I U p i * c a ........ ' about chipped, cracked or broken disKear came 'ko'verhmenf corruption hU’nt- Antsrc'tTc' Whaling factory ship, agt of the government.” he feels the Wage Stabilize* er. Morris said he would not have today in first ineonciusive re- Kosmoe 3. The ship arrived in Rot­ The witness was Weston B. tion Boai^ (WSB) should be Fdr Ybur Individually Its meeting tonight at j:30 In the Nlnetles.". "Mardl-Graa," " S h ip Born ih, Mlnne.-ipolla, Minn., Dr. itarter »at-oNu Boontonwxre,. molded Of Melmac—new wonder-material Italian American Club.'.;— Ahoy”' and others; The revues Mltchelt received hts B: S.. M. A. | accepted the job If he hart kJiown- turns^Trom . nation-wide^ mu­ terdam” Bunday with -a-earg<» -of Grtmes-(“Who-wa» called before the shorn of RtitboYity to feeodf)— JOifflqiMid SptMilld presented each spring »r« written and rh . D. liegreca from the Uni­ —is dinnerware you’ll be proud of for Sunday best, yet takes rugged Aware of Probe nicipal elections. petroleum which la freighted from Senate Agriculture committee’as Socialist leaders, made conrtdent mend settlements in labor dis­ FeunMtions — Coll Mrs.
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