!2, 193~ j • ell~' , r Iowa Seienti." President Gilmore Will Gather In Iowa Cit,. for u"e,. ))e()lareR PJ"08pe/'tll Brl~ht In Talk II or 0' GeoIoclcaJ ConcJ Itlon. At Oonvocatlon Dinner SeePue8 )loits See J'age 3 , I CaUtorn" 'oUla c Morn.in.g N e p a p, e r and IoWa, i t Y '. • progra", y~. tnternatlonal Ne,n 8enloa hII :t...- Wlrw ns clUb mel\). C ...lraI P.... AuocIallGa IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1935 TIle Alii' 'M ...-- VOLUME XXXV NU.MBER 70 )om. en Includ~ told ot the !s of an artl. nla; Attorney ., tor Mln06110UC t Jud~ liar. nd It too hoi o do any bit. 3. Olsen, who booking baas , leon Ineludtd Dean Ches~er ,dl with GUa , Prevent War by Any Method-Britain; U.S. Neutrality Legislation Pressed DeIi~ers Talk y, with Jamet! r and laMar . wlth RObert · ,· ,· ·· · · ,, '1 . Before 1,200 ;e Vinton at Will Prescribe hW~ln. Italian Press I WILEY POST'S BODY AT OKLAHOMA CITY II Grand J~lry Indicts At Convocation Force If Other :y Of Says Sanctions Treasurer of State In Iowa Union Take Asserts Strength Of Methods Fail Threaten War ______-....1._ . Government Lies In ons RO~fE, Aug. 22 (AJ» - The Report Says Great ho Unlverslly authoritative news]}aper 0101'. Political Heritage Of teach Ing PMI. Britain Will Stay nalc d'Halia met suggestions Nasi, Attack Foreign. In. Wegman Faces 8!broa.d thaI strong measures be PreIS, BroadcaJting Past Generations '11.& grad uate4 Within Covenant Charging 238 graduat~e to live hi employed to curb Italy's Ellst 'w Inst JUlie LONDON, Aug. 22 (AP).-G~at Station., Jew8 Perjury Charge 8. way wort hy ot a aplendld politi. African policy with the Maer· 'osSor of a': BrllAln, an advIsed Informant told cal heritage. Prot K.lrk H . ·Porler , Agriculture tlon today that "sanctions mean ot the political Bclence department Ihe Associated PresR tonight, will go BERLIN, Aug. 22 (AP)-CltI· Wllr." zen. on their way to work todllY For Testimonv In the August Convocation addr~88 10 any length under lIle league • laat night In Iowa Union MIld that ch accou ntlnr P"oposals In the British press read huge placards announcIng ilorth Dakota covenllnt to try to prevent war In' continuation of the radIo expost. Testimony Concern­ A m~rlCJln people have been In train· that the Suez canal 00 closcd 'ng 300 years to meet the crisis of wIh 0 reeel vad Africa. tlon and attacking foreign cor· against Haly and that a tree ed Mfidavit Made By this day. last year IIlId 11 other powers join her, he said. export of arms to Ethiopia be reBPondenlJl and foreign broad· Drake unlver. castl ng stationlO. G~n of Des Moines I A8sertlng the IJOUndn~88 or 'our' ehe will subscribe not only to C1nan- autllOdzed the newspaper cited ") n their tertlle Imagination goverom ntal Institutions. he 8ald. • III. as "hostile acts" which might .sIOUX crl'Y. la.• Aug. 22 (AP)- clal and economic p .... 8sure upon th~ they have seen the entire radIo "1 believe the achlevementa ot our embroil the two nations. Woodbury counly "graft .. grand Jury aggressor but to the use ot mtll tary , talr aflame," the ponters Mid. country In the IllSt two years-good Such an aellon. Olornale Raid. Added anolh~r ~t8 ottlclal-lhe or bad-have been among th most reterrlng to ~POrt8 ot MOnday ,trom naval a.nd all' sanctions. (In other 'would not Dilly transfer the nlght·s (Ire. which destroyed , .. to.to trea.u~r-to the Jist of persons ImpressIve aclllevemenl.! of gOvern· words display of force.) gllHt African controversy to ment In th whole hIstory of clvl/. ~mes hall No. 4 and historic ~xhlblls. It had Indicted 81noe launching art. EU"ope bul "possibly would In· Close SU"I Canal In their ]}apers the cltlzenJl Jzatlon." flllme the el)tirc world. Inve811ga110n of nlleg d gralt and Meet She will even consld"r joint closurEj read new attacks on the JewlI. Ulud8 DmIOCI'IU',Y corruption In public office IlU!t April. He pointed oul lhose who think • flelG wDrker 01 the Suez canal. he sold. .,. . • • • • • • • • ntal hygiene. The Indictment accuses th trea· demo racy has failed should "lItt up 'I'he Informant said the cabinet. In thei( yes and 8(>e 120,000.000 people chool confer. /lurer. Leo J. Wegll1a.n. of perjury ly. She pre. ~mergency ;!OCss lon. decIded' to Beek F.R. Sanctions House Shatters doing thIngs unheard of. yeslerda)" In connection with testimony he gave II for dental ,peaceful settlement by every possl· thr ugh orderly processea of govern· ;Sa.turday concerning an atlldavlt ment. without violence and blood· :eachers and blo device but, If that falls. to advo- Mandatory Acts • Long Deadlock made by Lynn Gell. Des Moine . shed. without bayonets and march­ cale lhe use of the strongest leaguo log troops. with. Indeed, hnperillng mstrom will \",trumen talJtJe8 provJaed-llnd th Ie Receives Pay for Test Irnony chers of Alia.­ any ot their basic lnetltutlons. was definite-she does not stand Against War On Utility Bill Oi'll. a grand lury witness, de. ton. .. . "The explanallon Ilea In a certall\ ~Ione. Legislation Would ,clared In thls affidavit. (lied In dla· political atmosphere "that has beel1 Britain does not Intend to police Vote Instructions To trlct court here by Walter Maley. cultivated In this country througlj llratton Ib, world slnglehondedly. he said. Curb Ammunitions House Committee To Indicated D.88lstant attorney general. generations at experience," he de·' :au The cabinet agreed that a formal that H. M. Havner. special grand tlal·cd. "The proll ucl ot this ex.! B)Ilroach to the United Slat"", look­ Makers, Tourists Accept Language perlence I have called c8,paclly for been a]}polnt. jury prosecutor, paid him tor leBU, Ing tDward cooperatlbn outside tile WASHINGTON. Aug. 22 (AP~ mony presented to lhe grand jury. government. 1 l'ker to!' the WASHTNGTON. Aug. 22 (AP) leal1e Is unnecessary at present. It .Mandatory neutrality Ipglsla.t1on ef- "Ot Inestimable ValU&" ,Iene. She IS IThe tenacious deadlock on the utll. Mean while at D1:& Moines. the state e.,nts lustlfy It. such an a.pproooh "It Is II. thing ot In~IIUmabl value. fnlverslty of tective only until next Feb. 29 was ItieR holding compuny bl11 was shat. exeoutlv counCil. ot which ·Wegmon CfI ~made. . '. It mllkes P08slbl a prodlgloulO pressed tonight toward house Ilctlon. 'fhe body of 'Vi ley Post arrives at Oklahoma. City via plane and is trallsferred to a hearse. tered tonIght when the president Is a member; heeded the grand jury's To Support Leugue ndaptatlon 10 new neec!a." he a(\d~. Bratton wi ll 'WIth Pr('sldent Roosevelt's sanction. Funeral service nnd burinl followed lyiug.in-state at Oltlulloma state capitol. 'request and dlsconllnued Its Inv est· 1t emphasized. the Informant said. Ilnd his highest house I adere joined Igatlon oC pOlitical moUves behll\d "No pr sldent-cl ct ever ill' IImeQ, ,'s farm group lit determln&tlon to sUPPOrt the Swerplng beyond tralUtlonnl Am~r~ ,...... ••••••••••• ••••••••••• \forces to start a "compromise" On ot needing troops Ilt his InaUKUm.. Moines. Her 'the gra.od jury and report8 ot pur· oayenant 01 the league and aU treat· IClIn poliCies. tile tempo"llry resoiu. tile roud to enacbnen I. t1on. :N .nreRIW!.JJt ,1I' f dr ame~ ot health educa. chased and perjured telJtmony-at It.. tlon would l)lace a mandatory em· The house voted 219 to 142 to In- leaRt until the grand ju ry mllkcR Illf forcibly resisting hla own retirement childl·en. Re added the Lellgue of Natioos airuet 'lts conference committee with final report. itrom of rice! The ImpressIve thing must decIde the type of sanctions to bargo on expOl·ts to belltgerents, Will Rogers; Post Laia to Rest tho 8 nate to accept languag In the ''s not so much the power. but ratherl Return 19th Jndlctment be emplDyed In ev .. nt of hoslilities license munitions makers. authorize bill which WOUld let the securities :the fact that power hlUl n/lver been! The Wegman Indictment IR lhe >lnd how forcefully lhey Ilre likely to the l)resldent to keep Americans off • comml8slon doclde what utility hDld. obus d," he Bllid. !nIneteenth returned 'by' the grand be employed. the ships 6{ belligerent natlo"" ex· Ing companies should operate more Commenting on so·called l'udlcalJl, Jury and Incl'cased tile number of 'I'he cabinet 84rprlsed most qual'· cept at their own risk, Ilnd prDvld~ Planes Drone I 100,000 Pass tho n Integrated systems. ,he BIlld th~y would work mlrocle1l, Monkey Hunt persons accused to 42. It Is the third ters by t~mporarily m:.lntalnlng t he other prevelltaUves. Will Abolish Companies In governm nl. They "Would con­ perjury lodlcunen·t I' turned. Iowa ban on arms to both ElhioPla and "Compromise" Approved Weeks ago Lhe aenate had voted ",truct th perfect government. "In· ISpeclal Agent William Arthm and Italy. This matter wns lett In the l'he house foreign affaIrs commit· Above Flyer Spreads Out In Actor's Coffin ,that all "unnecessary" holding com­ deed there Is no 'bcst government· ... ~ands of key ministers. who may tee, which relected the senate's panies beyond the first degree should Joo Siegel, Sioux Ity night club he continUed, "There a re good gov­ Governor be abolished ·by 1942: the hOUse hlld loperator were Indicted 'Previously In here LIra ~ Ifl Il />etore the meeting of the 66ven.polnt. pollcy.reverslng bill this Delivers Nassau County High and Low A\ike ernments. Dut even we ;decided the 8eourltles commission I connection With their leatimooy con· jlkely to be led Intn etr spreaa. , motorist's One hundred thousand ~thers Huddleston retorted: ~d tonight. CIlme earlier to Forest Lawn Mem­ at orney generals," lere nts. might be considered then. dors of the capitOl to pay a final flocked from aU pa,·ts of the "Don't delude yourselves. We are "Prior to that?·. Branded False Baron 80,.8 ArcidentaI tribute. metropolis to join In the ph!,sa orial parle to pa'Ss byl tlie 81rnpla This followed upon t he shooting As soon as the church services b~onze . ce.sket. BUt . only halt tllat "Prior to that." Chicago Man Said and acro~8 the veldts Ilnd forests of (Turn to P8lf1l -II Trlllll()rlpt AUSAlbeci 01 Baron Muzzl Falconi. an Hallan were finh.hed. the bulh:1lng WllS NIISSUh county. I ntimber could do 80 tlelween 8UIl. First President Of Attached to the IndIctment was a in consul, which Ethiopian ofrlclals cleared of everyone but memberM Wild Gleam 'rIse , and the funeral hour. The To lie Trying To described aft accidental While he was Greek Republic Dies of the ImmecJla'te family of the fly· They brought butterfly nets, c8.l!Is.et was n~t oPc:.~edl . Clipper Rerlcbea Honolulu transcrJ,pt of tetltlmony given tbe I Influence Solons on a hunting trip. At Age of Eiahty ~r. For a tew brle( momenlS they cl'ab cages. potato saCkS ' and . • 'VIU'Y'ng Ce''tlInony ' H 0 N 0 L U L U (AP) - The Pan/ grand jury by Ray Harrison. Dee WASHINGTON, Aug. 22 (AP) Beron Falconi htmself tonight des· e were alone with their dead. Over ttre-' nation, the millions whO !American airwayS' Clipper plane ar· Moines attorney. Bernard B. Robinson. h08pltable ATHENS. Aug. 22 (Apr-Admiral SllnlaI Ot!HY' paraphernalia, and all crlbed the shooting all purely an had . wild gleam in their ' ey8s. learned to love the cow'boy·ph lloso­ Irlved her. At 5:02 p.m. (7:3 2 p.m. Harrlaon was appOinted b, Gover· Chicago broker, today untolded an Palll Kondouriotls, 80-year.old first Then they signalled to natlnnal a accl6ent. He was s~rlo U 8 ly Inju,·ed. Officials or the Bucl< camp ofiel" pher's 9Pflrkilng wit and kindly Pacific standard time) yesterday nor Clyde L. Herring to aid MaUrice> Jntrlgulng tale ot eftort8 to defeat president ot the Greek republic and guardsmen and city officers and a c but attaches ot the Uallan hospital ed $2.60 for ellch Jive mpnkey manner Pal~ their re8~ect8 In vary­ from Midway Island enroute to Ala· the utilities bl11 by "Indirect aale.~ onc or the notlon's most respected path WIUI cleared trom tile d001' to Ing ceremon-y. More than 12.000 Cal. here, where he was brought tollay, r(llu'·n ~d. meda. (Turn to page 6) manshlp." which Benate lobby Inve•• laid they weI' hopeful ot his re· 'figures, died today. Ia waiting hearse. theatel'l! we,'e darkened tor two tlgotors promptly denounced lUI an' ~overy. He will be bU"led on bin native' Borne by men WllO had been ClOS6 minutes. ~h urch chim es 'Iou oded. 'IMldlous social lobby." :E Island or Hydra, tn which his body friends of the famous pilot, the body SIIIaeIle Studle. New. Local FJu lol;"les wllre spoken. Iowa State Fair Opens Today, Betw~n his denials, senate com· • A general m(j\)lIlzalion hO H not yet lis being tranSI)Orted by the gunboat I - "Mell.su..ed by anyone ' of a half mltlee members contended hte eo I. been proclaimed In Jo)lhlopll1. ljut Hydrn. tor a public funeral. (Turn to page G) Temperatures dozen standards. Mr. BrQugher Bald. purpose In coming to Waahlngton: concentration ot troops has been (A. record"d eacb bour at the "one ot the very greatest men lAmer· Strong Stock Shows Expected WIU! to Influence the legl,;IaUoQ proceedIng quietly to,' w()('ks. Jowa Olty alrpor1, from U:SO tca has ever produced has' gooe ~n through nocial contacts, and termed Ilo little while ahead of us Into that such activity the "meanest form ot With hla American adviser. Ed· Congress Sweeps Aside Two p.m. tAl 11:30 p.tn. ,.e8~1l7. 4-H Club Entries· :n ....rd Everett Colson. at his sldo. life of greater o]}portunlty that • albl, tewer ent rles because of the 'all lobbying." Emperor Halle 81'1118810 tonight Christ has ]}repared tor those who Largest Ever Says short teed supplle8 and high mar­ Robinson told of entertalolnar Mar... YESTERDAY Btudled . news of tho action by the Bars to Saturday Adjournment 10vo him." . Head of Beef Show ket priCM. vln McIntyre, a Rooeevelt aecretary. Brltlllh cabl net. bu t there waM no 12:30 ...... _... 73 I 6:30 ...... 69 "Old Faitb'ul" _t his apartment tn the Shorehaml 1:30 ...... 73 I 7:30 ...... _ 63 .... DES MOINES. Aug. 22 (AP)-The Cattle and horse department ott!· Immediate corn men t. Others Remain For·' A (ter the mlnlster's eulogy. John IOWA State fair poised tonlsht tor hotel and at a ))Iirty In the "F Street 2:30 ...... 72 1•• 8:30 ! ...... 62 clals were enlhuslastlc about the Ie Consideration Before railroads and their emilloyes three Boles. actor, sang Rogers' favorite ,tomorrow's ...... eon." when the coming contests. Elmer Hansen. clUb." \ 3:$0 ...... 71 1 9:30 ...... 63 Hong, "Old Faithful." Lawrence W. (Chip) Robert, as· and one·half pcI' cent eo.ch to finance c~wboy eighty. fIrst exp08IUon tormally dairy huaoo.ndry ,expert trom Iowa 4:30 ...... 73 ·1 10 ;30 r...... 63 As the servlce8 were held. other _liatant aecretary ot the· tre... uI'Y, Hoboes Elect New Tomorrow a pension bill previously approvod opeos. SUIte. college. !!Idd the 4· H cattle 6:30 ...... 71 1 11;30 ...... 59 thOusn.nds In Oklahoma attended and Emil BurJa. democratic national The stron~elt cattle and horse entries had to be moved trom the WASHINGTON, Aug. 22 (AP~ bv both chambers. It now goes to The lowest temperature recorded committee otdclal. were among his President During shows held In many yean were big livestock barn in order to- make Cong"eas swept IU!lde two formld. the senate. yesterdaY was 57 a.t 1;40 a.m. guests at varloua tlmea. There were( (Turn to page " proml~ by Uveetock Judges and room for the open clQ.88 entrlell. Britt ConventionI . able IOOrrlers to its Saturday ad. To WhIte Jlonse A l'EA.R AGO YESTERDAY n umeroulO other govern men t 01flcla18, ey joll1'nment goal today but half a department uNtants who have ex· lArp Club Entries BRrTT. Aug. 22 (AP}-A new king The '110U80 foreIgn attalrs commit­ 12:30 ...... _... 86 I 6;90 ...... 70 ~e Mid. dozen others presented prolJlem8 tor amlned the ' .tock now stabled on He said the bIg hIlrn la already of Ihe hoboes WIlH elected here to· tee first rejected Renate neutrality 1:30 87 I 7:30 ...... 65 ~.R. Hails Stalwart Tweed­ day with "ScooPshovel Soottle" Ch08- the next 48 hours. lel!'lslation and thon apP"oved It wi! h 2:30 ...... 86 I 8;30 ...... 42 th~ ground• . full and IIIddltlonal entries are com· Early sheep entrlea IndIcated a Ing In. Particularly atrong this faJllfo1f, ~n by a big majority. Tho (Iepoae(j, Ullder tho reluctant urging of an amendment which WOUld mo.ke It 3:30 ...... 73 I 9;30 60 Qualities of Frontier et.D high quality ,~ , In the HamP, Tugwell Plam N or anY ilnr. "Hairbreadth Harry," cried PreAldcllt Roosevelt. the hou se voted expire Fell>. 29. Speedy h()use action 4:30 ...... _...... 74 I 10;30 ...... 64 year In the Shorthorn 8how because "dirty politics" and maintained l'~ 210 to 142 to accept a com]}romlse will be sough t. 5:30 ...... 74 I 11:30 ...... 52 Days During Address shire and OXford cta_. but other ot the National ShOrthorn exposition Start lor Thowandt Grand WRJI ,till the leader or the knights of on utility holding com]}any dlsaolu. The hOURO complelM congre8ll10n. 'rho lo west tempel'llt ure rec:orded WASHINGTON. Aug. 22 (AP~ sheep deparlmenta are expected to ~Ing 'held In connection with the Peking the r tlon atter twice rejecting the manda­ aI action on a hili designed to It ycar agO yesterday was 52 at President Roosevelt \wi.lled the be about aveMll!'9. state fair. Shorthorn entries num· By Rehabilitation. The _I"tion wa, one ot the high tory clause the president desired. prevent minOrity stockhola"l's from IJ :30 p.m. "st.alwa,·t qualities of frontier days" Departml1llta Op&lmllitle bel' 241. the large.t In yean. ,nj1il, Point., In. , the '8rl\t hobo c()nVcntion blocking railroad reorgn.nl'.o.tlons. In a talk tonight over the telephone only a tew ftlne entrlee hid ar· C. A. OIdaeo, Buperlntendent ot 'I' Gut"''' Bill Appro"ed That. .. the plan of the 'In ~emol'lLtion of tho famom. Tho scnllte approved the Gutfey It now goe8 to the W.hlte House. WEATHER 10 Sainte O"J)eylcve. M.o.. comem· rtved tonlfrht. 10 Judgea were unable the 4.H 1Iab,. beet 8how. Bald the U,' S. Re..,ttlement admlnlltra· r ~­ IOWA: (leneral1,. 'air FrIda,;) ld " 2~O hoax that, Wli' l)erpetral d In 1900 bill Intended to stabilize the Mort The house Pll8HPd a $92.961.29D morallng Its bl·centennlal. to ·predlct tIM .""n8 ROW'•• ze or club entrieB are the ~t he bas tlon. Read Prof. Rexford O. "hen '" 100al ,84ll.ot· printed a story cool Industry. third detlolenoy bill, b008ling to rIlIln .. · telllWllture; Satlll'dlQ' In. 'Fh e p" esldent recalled the hard. Quality. A. J. Anderson. IOWa, Staie ever _n at the state talr. num­ Tnrwel1'. own .tAIrJ of bll com· orOO8lnll' cloudineSs, p 0 s 8 I b I y thai ep.... d throllllh the country ot Ohcr mata,' developments Inelud. 'U48.000.00D . the approprtllUons ; ships of the early days and Bpoke col\egll swine J"~e. aId he eXS>eCted bel1nar n&. The quality. he aaJd. preMntoIve plan. for tbe rehalJfl· aho_ra In north walt, fIOIIIewhat , lI\)'\hkJal hol>O oonventlon attended ed: totaJ tor the aesslon. It must be • "i ad,'1Ih'atlon of ' the "Christian the' IIWlne elaBle. to about nor· 18 "probably JUlt a. little above lut ltatlon of ten. of tbola..... of .-er, . ____ !...-__ ~, cour..... of the plone...... br bUQdteda of tramp.. • • Tile bou., p ...1t4 A bUI to to lIlproved by the ~enate. mal In .... and quaUty, with poe • rAJ'. " AmerIeaM, oa ..... !. PAGE TWO - 'l'HE DAILY IOWAN, ron rnT'f DAILY 'man cashIng 1n on the nolorlely ot THE IOWAN a WU)'wCII'd son. Stili wor' Is tbl) I1UIIII.be4 ..,..,. mornlD. • ...ept KOD­ OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN da, lIy SludeDI PabllcaUcru 1000.,.,.... - action of tile gulJiole citizens who eeL .t lJl-1U low... ".11, .... 10_ ClI7. 10_ Freccial houl's 1111 to 1933, }"Ol ti,. local n.... publloheO D...... 1M 'fHE. lalld desert the'" apartments for ;ra.tber perslsten t grart probers. 'l'Ihe wUl be posted on the clool·s. ~ccePted a posltlOJ IIDITOmAJ. DEPAATIIDT \I'hole sItuation at SIoux CIty Is l'a­ COU~SE.'OF GRACE VAN WORMER, golf co urses and the beaches. dly of CalifornIa. Will.. ", O. K.rrlt! • , •••• , , • • •• IIIdltor I' IU'~ Acting DII' ctOl' So the tewn Is loft to the cab entered the ae rvlc. Jalln Ou ....11 ••••••• , Maudn. 11141tor th foggy as tal' as outsiders --1ME.IR. Jalap" Ba.rbtlr ••••••.••••• New. Editor concerned. H wo are to accept and CI'S and tho vIsitors. A guard jPtnt In Washlngtc William S ....o.y ., A ...I.t . N_. BdlloT R~atli "l: Unom Itobort Orlfrllll .. _ ...... OItt Bdltor belleve the democratic sentiment the entranco of each SkYlICfanJ'. Protessor E.~tt 181110"'$ The readIng room In Machrldc ball will be closed Ilt 12 ".m. Saturda)', J 08St) Oorkln. .•.•.•••.• CarhJ".1e Editor U;he whol affair Is just a big muss and for companion he has Ar!bur Snide...... S1IOrlo 1IIflitor i\ug. 24, In ol'del' that tho flO or may be wuxed. elevatol" boy who must be lI:t1aab6lh Pllelp...... Society 1II41tor being Instigaled by a. few l~llu'bllcan ORACE VAN WOHMlln, accommodato /l he ocCllIJlonal busy-«>otlJes. On tho othor sIde we Acting lJl rector are I,;lven lhe impressIon that things wlto goes to his dcyk out or ·hablt Ill'oulld Sioux City "smell 10 heaven." .... kuld In order to straighten It Ill! out the slate o(flcillls are gOIng to do Only the long much tcstIfying. This Is U.S. Plan to Help Firth avenue keeps up the NO matter who turns out to be In week pace. From all over tbe FRIDAY. AUCUST 23. 1035. \he r1l,; ht and who Is In tho wrong b'yslde the vIsitors flock to - Iowa 1a getting some advcl'Uslng Nation's Poverty-Stricken . hili" and board a bus Iln~ 'ride U. S. Take, Stand /that Is not a1togetber creclltable. length or the street gaping at Illaamuch It.. tho investigation shop wlnOoW8. The fringe dt the On Future Wars Is lX!rtectly legal ancl Mcordlng IS CLEARED FoR. (1'1118 Is I he secn",1 of two :trticIL'S on the wIII'I< of t ho U. S. Re­ land. too, kO (l P~' fairly IJusy ils h RIGE scl.lIamou( n,dJninistmlion). 'l'ITE NFjUTRALITY legislation of ,to law we presume It would be a ~E ~-cl~~~~ MAN" dl'eds of waIfs sillash around 1n ~ , (Wrillell I~S I)l'c i:Llly for ConI rill »rcss) llofiutcd water; but, asIde ftom t~ ,Senalors Pittman. Nyc. Bone. Van­ good thIng for slato offiCials to FAR.MERS MILES help clea,' the malleI' up With as activIty is sUspended. denberg et al. has been shoved \'HORSe."114 D)' ItEXFOIu) G. TUGWELL ThIs Is \!spcclally 'truo In the .m uch dignIty as possIble. Rash (Reset Uel1lcnt Ailnunistr'alor) thl'ough congress wIth lItlle heslla- SIA.M IS nanclal dIstrict. where the sUlin statemcnts may make 1nterestlng Let's look Ilt some figures: tion. newspaper copy, but they may not Is almost trlghtenlng. Down by t A lI'IOI'C thun I,OnO,OOo flu'm familieR, 01' 4,000,000 10 5,000,000 The resolution 1s a sweeping Hec- alwaYs bo intel'pl'Qled f::Woraoly by battery, blocks f"om any dens W,k(ER, p 1'sons, have been on direct rclicf. populated section, It looks wei ldraUon of l'aclCisUo illlenlionR. a nd Iowa \'oters. ------... BUFFALo Thcre al 'e more than 2,000,000 farm tenant families. (or·IOI'll. You are sure tbat there III esscnce thoroughly presents the It is estimatcd that 200,000 miMI'S are stranded in dCII.d min- mora money here than In any 81 That poet who wrote about Il govern menl's stand on war time pro- ing areaS, • lar spllce In \ho eountry. and the 1its. "houso by the side or t be road" al'e sa many doors and gleam I "Incomes" ut \'anishing POint commun\tles. wilh members as­ Whether it will be effective in probably had n Q 1dea of a Ilol-dog wIndows, that you naturally ex . stand or a tilling slation. Ca>lh In COmes or $100 a year 01' Burec! of regular Incomo from event of war Is dooatable. Actions /I. few g uards at least. 80 man forbldd n In the legislatio n al'e less are frequent In many I'urai farming operations or from In­ thIngs could happen and apparen punJshable by [lnes o( ,1.000, or five Hnlle Sclassle points out that sections of the COun lry. auslrlal plants pl'ocesslhg prod- Iy nothing docs. Elhlopla was Chl'isUall when Bu- y aI's ImprIsonment, 01' both. 'I'hls COpyright, 1936. by Cenlral Pr... A.. oci.tioh. Inc. 8 -1.3 Theoo figures only IncHcate Ul e ucts of tbe communIty. DurIng the week. this section 1'0\1 was It paj:;nn wilderness. Mayl,c is nol in the le8.l!t exorbitant. J1ath- human tl'agody that has resulled so jammed with humans tbat'man thoM 125 misslOl1lu'los nro there to 4. Development oC low-cool not a lone fl'om the yeurs of de· of the streMs are blocked to mota '01' it Is letting them ore easy. in vIew learn. housIng units In suburban arcus lor th treme'ndous gaIns poSslblo pression but ["om decacleH of m1.· truItlo. So on t hi s day of Q'ulet It In lhe Illicit trade. I taken land poHcles and from l'Cck- adjacent to Induslrlal con tel's. not quite conceivable that they could "The maker o( hIstory always less exploItation of naturai re- 'I'hutlSIlJllls to Be iUoved all have gone away. You expect they Anotller Iml>Drtant questIon whl h, welll's a hail' shirl," SIlys ::m his­ arc playing a. trICk on you a nd will )must lbe d elded soon. and which! 100·llen. lI~nco thl) effIgy In bronzo Sou rces. 1l orten Is asked: A 08 suddenly come sC I'eamlng out Of the Washington Bystander We ordhlQl'lIy think of slums "How many persons wm bo re- Sl1 0Ultl be tIed up llretty ciosely with so oitNl showa hand thrust Into a myriad dOOrs a nd trlghten YOII out thIs neutrality legIslation. is lhe tho vest. pecu liaI' c\'l1 s Of metropolilan cen- sellled?" DOllcy or the Unltod States should _____~ ______lCl·s. They arc not. Out In ruml NaOody knows exactly. In lhe of your reason. econQmlc sanctions agaInst Italy be "'-ASIlINOTON - TI'e signlClcant By lURlm SIMPSON plan In no wIse checkcd that feeling sections are slUms Indescribabiy coul'.e of the next year, pel'haps • • • (I dar d hy olher nations. lhlng to r~membcr with respect 10 either among veteran spokesmen or WOl·SO. 60,000 families 111 rural are anct [JI'CSS gallery onlook~rs. Cl.'bey fore- llelol'loTlllion's Ra\'ngcs 20,000 families In subul'1,an hOUsing 'rhe night hclghlens thIs fear. Fir Oreat BNtain and l!'ranoo. perha11l'l l'resld ent Ro08evclt's action in Rlgn- pruachlng presidcnllal campaign in Wh 0 h ' saw a slluation whe"e lho hill, I" No one can estlmale accUl'ately projects. The problcm Is comlllex. lhen even tho tew slragglrs hIm other nallons, a"e a\'owedly favol'abH) ing the bill to restoro Sllllnish war mInd would seem to !lolnt 10 thab at t ers some form, was almost certaIn oC what the process of cIetcl'Iol'atlon in 'l'he job can't Ibe done all at once gone off to the mOvIes and Only , 10 such a program. But much of ~,enslon mtes nnd thus wipe out last cOUI'SO, fhi.nk • • • enactment next wlnler or spl'ing. re- rural areas has donc to human be- on too vast a scale. l~or inAlance, rap of the coppers' clubs at the success of such a program de- the Illst of llla famous "economy" gardless or lho presldcnt's attitude. Ings. You see the outward evi- in Lhe great plalns regIon It Is esl!- low gro~n ot the s hl p~ on t • IlIlJ1US Group Uopes pends On us. measures of last ~ BRIon is lhe votes • • • dences In sunken. pale, tlefeatecl mated thal 200,000 families mIght Icome down the canyons. 'i! Suqlpose Italy ordcrs coal from I.!;===:::==;;::::::=:;:;:;:;;",-=====~ Iby which houso and senate pllssed Yet lherc was anotber 1)roblom In- An Import.1nt Cal'll faccs, In mgged. undernourJshed well IJe relocated eisewhel'e If this 1 'En~ab\:l. Sanctions prohibIt the '. that bill. Technically it went through' vol\'el1 fOI' the presIdent. Unques- Nevortheless, tho Implied presl- children, in ramshllcklo housIng regIon is returned ultlmaleiy to Hs ol'ller being Clllcll. WOU ld United Agnin tb oon ellUo". of the pa.. the house unanImously. Not cvc r~ I·tlollahly his s lh"haluro of lhe bill dentlal threat of another veto If tll0 condItions, with families of 10 and most prOfitable use as prImarily Il liltates coal Ell! the gap? If It dId, triote who established America have We formality ot 11 voice \'oto was I was rcad by "Vorld WUI' veteran bonus payment bill passes again next 1~ livIng in olle aucI two rooms. grazing area. That 18 a proccss or a nd shOUld alhel' ol'<1ers be lakclt tJeNl round too nanow. ReJlcateSll.l'Y cqulpment. purchasing' power. Fanm BIIl'Cau (etlm'atldn, t01cl 2,000 ment. Yet 1n the light ot modern wlndcd speech and deliverIng It is alleged, from the reciplenls oC Rnd publicIty to the Denver police It. PIcking It up she dlscovercd that ______3. D \'olopment of agl,lcultural (,fUE ENU) _ Iowl), farmers at Red Oak yesterday vIews ane! practice they wer met'O the otber players should have lhat In s uch ven a supreme COUl't Illkel's In plannIng. They dldn't' postage due mall. Nomadas hael a I ~ourt have becn done away wltb. the yellow strIpe was bel' weddIng Wh n the take W8.I! flnlsheil, dream or govel'l1ment·s expansIon E. N. Shepherd, young Den\'el' at- test of the 'pl'oteclLvc tarlff s hould bo 24 years unblemIShed record of SCI'\,- tId d ,A I I H J'ing sho had lost five years ago Ilnd Ford. the dIrector, called it the llOwcrs. orney IV 10 succee e . v n . he had ever llnessed and demanded by agrlcultul·o. ice before IbIs lapl!C and he had ap- PIckens on the municipal bench, has was unable to fInd. The earrot had ETHIOPIA.N EMPRESS POSES 'I'h a udI ence a ppiauded thIs state­ Today W ashIngton takes p1'lde In I It put Into the Iilrh. belnl,; able to repol·t that It 1s tl,e plied tor reUrem nl on pensIon: reinstituted "judIcial dignity." Igrown rIght tlll'ough It. II !ment whole-heal·tedly, Flushed with, 1'======::::,1 "Throwing 'Parties" success Mr. ICel han then proceeded natlon's most rallldly growIn g cIty. The good oid ~ lI ent day cuslom 1.0 advise what should foUow a de­ Con tinuIng a mo\'ement begun somet THE OLD HOME TOWN " lhrowlng a party" when tbe cIsion oy the court that the tadet 1s years ago. it Is slopptng over the lure Is completed has been constitutional. edges and spreading out fal'lhcl' and - to a certain oxtent. Said he, "We should junk th con· CUl'ther Into Ma ryland and VII·glola. , Vh n' the dl" ector [eeis that stltutlon. Do you lhin l' the men who WIthin the limIts of tho capItal city plctU1' l$c beHer than he new otrlee buildings hardly can bo Wl'Ole theconslltuUo l1 scorrs b( years E,OT M~ -mIS ~EW STReAM­ would be, or. It he has a 'hunch OI'Cctcd qulel,l,. enough to accom­ ago ",el'e InCalUble?" a..INED ROCK/IIl <=J CHAIR It Is as gopd as he had hoped, moda te tho IncomIng rush of gov­ lie walled expccLan~y but hI s hear­ nt rtalns the cast and the emment employes a nd thc Bw ~ lU ng AN!) ITS ,I-lRoWN ME le I'S SIl t qui tly stal'lng at each othol·. who helpQd I bhp. 'In the long out of the alphahetlcal agencles. stunn d by thIs SUdden outburst. ot=J: "1"1,\1: P(!)RCH twiCE th re alWII,lIS WBJI a party when Building activity Is repol·ted sccond Job W(lS done. rega,rdl ss of hOW All of whlcb is a fine critCl'lon of only to that ot New 'yf)rk. a cIty of !HIS MOIlNIN<:' - You rarmel' opInIon on Iwo illg nlficant dircctol' to It about hIe newest a dozen times tho Washington popu­ CANT MAKE ANY to make ant rta.inment. problcms of the day. Fal'mel's al't\ lation. But Washington has IJOpula­ behlna the AAA ancl its corn-hOg RE;coRt>S ""'ITK A It a lwaY8 hilS ,been a habIt. tlon ambItions, too. It is trustIng to e\'er. for new piayorll ot checks ancl they would like to see go\'ernment to tulflll them. and It - TfJIIN6 AC""~C;, a tcsl of tarIff constltutlonallt)'. (new 1)layers oC no prominence can be reasonably secure In its LIKE ~A'-! not atford llal'U s) to buy nut whcn It comes to erasIng that hopes. I document which has bQen synollO.o1 wlches and tldblls and 80rn ctl~. Still. Wasblngton a nd Its adjacent with which to w8Jlh Inous Wltll AmerIcan growth and area will L1 ever be Ib lg enough to !lC· a H enry londa. didn·t know progruss (Ol' a century and half, conunoda te govel-nm nt. FOr It I~ they aro passlvo to tho suggestion. oustom ,,)len be finlshCd spreadIng throughout the counlry Farmer 't'al(etJ a WIfe." but Why bOtheI'. th y l'eason. for such Il; and rival centers are fl out'lshlng at hI s second piclure. "Way 'procedure Is l'ln nt yesterday In Washington, D. C. of Iowa, 8:30 this morning at the Counlry club Mrs. Lampe, a tormer Iowa Cltlan , lollowed by luncheon at noon. )\frs, Prot. and Mrs. Frank L. Molt flu seerelary ot tho 08chool ot rell· Henry Walker Is In charge at IU'­ ot Coralville will drive to Lake Oene- pm al the UniversitY ot Iowa from Tangementa for the day, 1921 to 1938. From Iowa City sh va, Wis., next Wednesday to visit ~cepted 0.. position In the Unlver. their daughter, Mildred, who has ~Iy ot Calltornla, and a year ago spent the summer at cam p there' ll­ Protessor a nd Mrs. Mo~t and Miss Gilmore Asserts Prospects For Ada Tollefson, Harold ",tered the service ot the govern. E. Hahn Wed Aug. 1 In Washington, D. C. Mott wJII return to Iowa City after REASON FOR W ARFA RE, ITALY EXPLA.INS Announcement Is made at tb mar­ Protessor Lampe haS' been admln­ Future Bright During Address ring" at Ada Tollefson at St. Angllar ~I ra l lve director ot the 8chool or awoo~ v~U~ULa~G~nL ~iii~;~~~~~i~~~~;~~:~~~:::::~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~f~ to :H'al'oldE. Hahn, son of Mr. and JfJlglon since Its foundlngl In 1927. Prot, lJ. Clay Harshbarger of the speech departmen t a nd Cha rles L. Delivers Only After ~rs. E. E. Hahn ot Battle ree k, Professor and Mrs, LamPe wlll at­ RAN·RAH, 1N CHINA Aug, 1 In St, Anirsnr, lind the Institute of lluman Rela.­ Sanders ot the school ot Journalism wi ll leave this morning on a motor Dinner Talk Before NANKING, AuI!'. 22 (fNS) - Thp The brl(le all nd d St. Olat call ge liOns at Wliliams collcge, Williams­ and was graduat<,d from the Unl".,r_ town, Mo.slt" beginning Aug. 26, tol­ trip to New York city, where they 450 GradA, Guests great Impf(>ss which American unl­ wlll visit Radio City and Philadel­ verslt)' lit" has made On the Chln­ slty at Iowa. In 1922. Mr. Hahn grad­ Ilwlng which they will travel by way Declaring that he does not like uuted from \Vestern Union college. tI. Canada to Charlevoix, MiCh ., phia. They will return to Iowa City se national government W9.1\ w('11 il­ the "~sslmI8t1c te!lure at the lustrated at the annual meeting or and r('celved an M.A , degree trona ,bere Protessor Lampe's daUghters, early In September, commencement address wblch pre­ tbe American University cl ub at the UnIversity ot Iowa. Betty ~nd Virginia, are spending the. The couple will live In Laurel PrOf. and Mrs. Edward F. Mason' dicts gloom about to d SCl'nd upOn Nanking. Silt hundred gradunh,'l1 of pOntb ot August. All will return to where ~Ir. Hahn Is s uperlntpndpnt l nd 80n, Edwat'd .Jr., 415 Ronalds clvlllwtlon," PreHldent Eul\' ne A . colleges and unlver itles In the nl­ IOwa City early In ~eptember. at school•. street, wll1 drive to the Minnesota GlJmor~ tpd Slates attended the (uncI lon, th Protessor Lampe r~c e Jved B.A, and told more th n 450 Bndl­ vas I majority being Chinese. Prac­ p,D. degrees at Kh'ox' college, a nd lakes region today to spend a three dates tor cleg t'ees a nd their gupsts tically the entire 800 member8 are Three p08torrl~8 were established • Ph.D. degree at the'Untverslty of week vacation. that pro~pe c l8 ror the futuro were o!tlclals ot the government. Amet'l­ In th Pine Cam\), N. Y .. area to 1ell llsylvanla. lJrlght. Mrs, E lda Popoft, 400 Magowan W nlcomlnr; candLdates tor d­ cn n colleII' yells alld songs showed hnndle mall for the 3G,OOO offlcl'rs avenue, bas ret urned from a two g rees Into the l(U"ge family ot that lhe Chln.. ~ had not forgotten lind ml'n Of the First army (luring tMlr stUdent life. the August tl Id manruvrl'll. Pr (~ es 'Wee k trll) to Mexico City, M?XICO. alumni, Pr~ .. laent Gllmor )lre­ fhree Win At s nted the onl)' aft... r (linner spN'ch Bridge Party iff, Iowa Mr, and Mrs. Robert Larson, Black at th~ Inrormal atralr last night In :Spring circle, and son, BlI1y, lert the rlv.. r roOm of IOWa nlon. Union Dining Room yesterday tor Ihelr summer home In Dean Paul . Packer, Illr tor at Prize. were wOn by Marlon Whln­ Minnesota. They visited with trlends the summer sefllllon, presided at the Ir'! , Barbara WilsOn and Alice Mc­ 'n Ft. Dodge. on their way to Min­ dinner jntroduclng President 011· nesota where they will remain until nlCwe. Guests or hOllor were sPILted BuyYourNew coillster when Suzanoo Krueger, September. at a Ion", table lighted by tapera }!elen Jlu~hes and Glenora Chapp 11 anll decorated with tall green VlUlns jO'ere co· hostesses at a bridge yester- Walter J. Himmel, a vis iting pro­ 01 /L88oJ1.ed glU'd n tlowel'H, A t the lay atternoon In a private dining fessor In the botany department, lett sirles 01 the roam 8 'vel'al larll'e "1" room at [own Union. for Iowa Fa]!s and then to his home. letters In uhl gold ronned a bright Miss WhLnery received the hlghj lin Lincoln, Neb., yesterday after. FALL £OAT background fOI' the tableR. ICO~ prize, Miss Wilson, second, and noon. Mr. :HImmel taugbl tleld hot- HIJnor.-d gUP..ts at the (lInn ~ 111,. M c Col I 1st the traveling any here this summer. e r Wel'A PreSident And )tfll. Ollmore, award. )O~ive tables qf bridge players Dt'an and Mr~. PaUl C. Packer, l>ro(, attended lhe party, at the conclusion Callers at the home of Mrs. 'l'he above picture, showing Italilln soldi('l'~ l'PllIo\'illg' botlirs of out from II. IKlrk Po.1.er, !l1t·s. Morter, th(l 01 which refreshment/, i"ere served Charles Maruth, 423 E . Ronalda Rome a.'1 Olle of the reasons Italy is proceeding againf;t Et hiopia. 'J'hl' I tnlialls WPI'!' killed Oil n('". Ca_j)3.r b. ClarrlgllPA, COnVOC\l.· 1 Individual tables. street, Wednesday afternoon were *NowatWards '!'he guest list Included Charlotto Mrs. Rose ot Wichita, Kan., Mrs. the Plain of Modru, in Eritrea, Italian territory, by Elhiopinns, acc()I'(linJ,{ tu tllt' Ij uliall cxplan- tlnn chal>laln. MrM. Onrrillues, I','or. ation. B~nj. 1<'. Shambuugh or t he political ~hltmore, Miss Wblnery, Patricia. Spalding ot Indianapolis, Po.. , Mrs. -'-______8clcnCB dppartm~nt, :1\11'8. Hham- ~;dwln, Btu'bam Bouchal'd, Edith A. G. Baker at Burlington, Mrs. Ehrlstensen, Miss McCOllister, Carol­ Charles Slump or Morgantown, W . dresses themselves-fol" In neCkWCUl\ 11 ITIU.. I.o GUU .. nl<:;'kOINE baugh. l)~nn Georgp F. KJly at the col- o Cole, Alice Eaton, Norma Grit· Va., and Mrs. KeBSler ot Cedar Rap· the wIde thlng~ arc as old ns gl'un· DltIS'['OL, Conn., Aug. 22 (JNS)- lege oC \lbeml arts, Mrs. Kay, Dr. !th. Miss Wilson, Gretchen Hughes, Ids. ny's petticoat und lIny ".,Ilurs thtlt ,arUyn Lelgbton, LoIs McGlnnl!!, NewYorli. stick out trom under the chin are An al~rt t~lc\lhont' opel' tor prcvont. E. J, Rose ot the college ot dt'nl\s- ,01. Kanak, Jayne McGovern, Helen Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Teller oC Evan· the thing . . . Nl possible ~nnru810n and perhaps try, MI's. Rose, DeILn Wilber .J, Inju.·y at tl loe'!" thenter when a call Tl'eter!l of tlte college of phol'moey, a;;; , Dorothy Voss and :Mary Loulst:Y ston, Ill.: will leave today tor Lako Fas'hl· on cnmu from a pay silltion rep(u·tlng 1Jt.'lln leml'nt " Williams of tht) IndLr_t. _____~----- Wabedo, Minn. They have been Soviet Flight l'ostpouCll Ihe Mlluw hIJUR8 was on rtrc. Tb collPgtl of -enll'lnpel1ng, MI·K. WIl­ lea" ______, visiting Mrs. Teller's mother at tho MOSCOW, (AP)-The altclltf)t or a ol)('rotm· rh'st call1'ri the IhMI r man- IIams, Dean hl'Slt'1' A. Phllll[,g of ue . El. n. Sidwell hoine, 220 River street. P ara'de ,SovIet airplane to fly lIon·stt}!1 10 tiger, b .. roN' ntllltyin' /11'0 he8(l(luar- thl' coll('ge or commerct', 1I1rs. ]'hll­ COl h . Waldu Geigeli iSan Fra.nclsco, by way oC tho n" .. tll V'r", and learned It WII!! a falae lips. Cherie McElhinney, 400 N. Clln· b II tl I Among Nat'oI'I>'n' s pole, has een postl>onN\ unt Ie "Iurm. Dean 'Wiley B. RuUedge ot th" -"f'.. ton street, will spend the week end summer of J930, It wus oCllclulIy an- college of law, lI1ra. Rutledge, Dean • .'VU,SLUlIJ) • #~ . di ng Siude nt s at her home In Wa.shlngton, Ia . By !\JAR.G;\.RET GAR-RAIlt\N irtounced lnst night. Carl E. SeaHhUI'D ot the IH·I.l.lunte. , (IN!'! Stofr CoITespollttent) .,'bJt1 IkIoly of Slain Man cull ege, lIfrs. Ht'n..hO,·e, 1'1·or. Vanco , ' " Mr. and lIl1·s. A. B. McKibbIn, 108 IJ n'l 1 • , . _~ NFlW YORI{, Au ~. 22 (IN9\- quor S101'0 Employell Must "" lIWO A UI:lfUN, Cal., (AP)--Il'ho bodY' 1\1. Morton t the drama d part­ In recognition ot her actlv, t..,.. IS. Linn street, will leave this morn· ",--- , They're mauder than ever ovel' OBS MOINJ~S, Ta., (AP)- Antll'cw of JUlIlI'H n. J{~nllelt, G5-yeru··0Id ment, lItr". Morton, 1'1'0(. ]larry G, ItI ng IleI' stu dent oa.J'en Mrs. Wal- Ing for SI.;>ux City, whe"e they will Geiger, 111Wa City, the tormer R\lth spend several days betore going to dark net hereabouts tor ye late sum . ..stewart, m ml>t'.· of t11P slale liquor :t·~tlr<,tl Cltlcugo hm:lllcMS mun, wo..s HarneR of the spe~ch deptu·tmenl, graduat~ . 0(. the Unl- Toronto, Ontario, to meet Mr. Mc. met· dress ... 'W e like 'em, too , ,. control commls"lon, y""tl'r,llty "'u. .... - .li-lco\'erctl In an abantluntod SIer1'llo 1\1"8. Blu'neR, Prot. Bruce J1. Mahll.ll, pxpcutlve Hl'cretury of the alumni of Iowa, h~ ~e1\l!elected as Klbbln's tatMr, D . .J. McKibbin. At. Something else that leaves us silly ed that liquor ~tore empklycs wbo Nevada mln~ shaft yestertlny aCter the most out~tandlng colleg~ tel' traVeling In canada for several Is the way the new Pel'sLan lamb "CI-equent beer parors and all]lea!' II) n 21-y1'I'oMI)CcUor U8Roclatlon, Mrs. Mahan, w\d Prot. In the United States by the weeks they will return to Iowa City coats hug the rigger , , , A nd be· P\lblic IntOxicated" would he tll~- u lll'l:l'dly ('onfeRsed killing him and an FJ'ed 'rIc G. Higbee, dh-e-clor oC con­ vocations and )\frs. Higbee. "Ullllsl.ers ot "Who's Who AmOng for the fall term ot the university. fote we get away II'om the subject, charged. tllIld!'ntlCl('(l red-haired boy. In AmeriCan, UniverSities another Item they'l'e touting tor Colleges." , Sarah Eleanor Fair summ~J··falJ transition wear Ls twee· Blogral>hy dy·looklng linen suits. Personally, Mrs. Qelger's biography has been' Weds K. L. Millstead though, we can't work up any In a college publication ot Sarah Eleanor Fall', daughter ot great amount of enthusiasm over Ihe 1935 "Wt>o's Who AmOng Stu- Eugene Fair president ot Missouri them. dents In American Universities and ~tate Teache~s collegc was married Sequins are "In" agaln-but oh· Colleges," In which nearly evelJl col- I\ug. 9 to Kenneth L.' MlIIstead, SOl) so dltterent this time. They're In all lege In the United State" nnd Canada of Mr, and Mrs, W, Eo MlIIstead at kinds at shapes, With dllterent presented. This honor Is perbaps Bra.sbear, Mo. The wedding took shapes combined toward a "WOrked" Ihe greatest recog.nltlon a man or I place In Evanston, III., where Mr. effect. They're going In tor seq\llns 1M NOT WORRIED ABOUT woman can attllin while In conege,\ and Mrs. Fall' and tamlly have been. ot one color atop those ot another, Iince only one-hall or One per cent thIs summer while Mr. FaIr was con... too. and lacy designs ot the glittery TIRE TROUBLE. , STiCK TO WARDS 01 Ihe stUdents are selected trom 'nected with the summer session of things on net ... And where berora RIVE RSIDE TIRES ANI> kNOW each Institution. Students arc ae· ,the school ot ed ucation a t NOI.t h. sequ in garments were confIned to SAY TOM, SOON AS WE'RE Itcted tor membership on a basis ot )western unIversity. little capes sleeveless jackets you'll I'M SAfE! THEY GIVE ME PI.tNTV ~ho l ar8hlp , lead rshlll, service, ex- The bride was graduated trom be seeing now In polnted·hood cape· OUT or ALL THIS HEAVY­ Of EXTRA MILEAGE YET COST NO tra·cUl·rlcular activIties and charac- Missouri State Teachers college took lets, short fitted jackets with net TR AfFIC WE WON'T HAVE ANY· * Bu.y Now on Wards Lay-Away lerlsUcs poi nting Itl(Yard future use- graduate work a t the University or collars, gllet,plastron. with collars MORE THAN ORDIHARY TIRES! Plan • .•• 10% Down Holds Your tulneSil to society ~nd the bUsiness Mlseourl where slle atrlllated with to dress up that afternoon frock. THI NG TO WORRY ABOUT ON world. Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, a nd cowL scarts, big swirl sleeves and Coat Until November lst ••• Or Buy 1935 GradUate received a master's degree in edu- whatnot ... OUR TRIP EXCEPTTIRE TROUB A 1935 graduate bt the college or cation from Columbia university, Separate jackets due to reap hon- on Wards Convenient Budlat Time commerce, Mrs. Ol'lger Is an alum nn New York. Mr. Mlllstead. who was OrS lhls taU 1'01' spollt8 a nd casual Payment Plan DC Ph i Oamma Nu cOmmerce soror- also graduated from Mlseourl Stata wear ... T he sweater.and·sk lrt, at Ily. and Ka1lJ)a Bela. Christian T eachers college, received M.A, IL nd:a1l things, . tllrns to tormal , . . churc h sorority, bottl of which she. Ph.D, degrees In chemistry at the with tops of loose·weave cut chen' served as presMent. She WILS select- UniverSity ot Cincinnati. l1I e8 combined wit h velvet s kirts . , . ed 10 membership In Mol'lar Boa.rd, Mr, a nd Mrs. Millstead w\l] be 1n Evening sandals are taking to a l!eta Ga mma Sigma hC1l10l'ory com- Iowa City until' fall whcn they will "closed·up" lOO k (tha.nks, whoever Rich Fur Collar merce fraternity, clIl' Phi' PI com- make their h ome In Cedar Rapids did It, tor something dlfferent)­ merce traternlty, of' Which she walt :where Mr. MllIstead w ill be an In- s uch as a pla in g hlille t rontplece Vice· president. and t he Commerce .tructor on tbe faculty of Coe col. with nothIng but straps ma king UP OF MANCHURIAN WOLF (dOl) cl ub, which she sen)· II as Recretary. lege. He Is now doi ng resea.rch work the rest ot the sboe . . , a nd metal· In addition to her IIC bol!uitlc ac· at the Univ ersity or Iowa. lie k lds'll lead, SO t hey say .. , If tlvlllC8 she 11' 1\.11 a member of t he Commerce Mart, a'nd Junior Prom! you've a yen for tha t wlde·shoulder party committees a n\! the treahman Weeds are believed reeponslble look (we have!) It's as tops as ever- ,[or ' t ho destruction of' one-tenth of but achIeved this year, of course, "'ceptlon committee, the potential Income at the Amerl- Via smart detail m ther t ha n cu t .. . Best First Quality Tires On the RoaJ Can fa rmer, , But leave tha wIde shoUldet:a to t he Up fo 28% More Mileage Test-Provecll • Run your hand over the fur. It', 10 long-haired and soft you'll think it's expensive lynx catl Notice how wide and full the collar is. (Wear it close to the throat or dropped back-it's a new two-way style.) Feel the RIVE SIDETIRES! 10ft quality of the fabric. It's a new raised surface woolen. R~a11y astonishing at tbis pric~1 New deep Yet Lower Prlcedl Comparel armhole. Sil ~ crepe linin~, interlined. Sizes 14 to 20.

Actual tests show that Rlverlidel give up to 28% . more milea ge than other lint-quality tire. I That mean. you get up to one free mile in every fiye you drivel That FleeeyTweed In Renal.saneeTo ... mean. even greater ..vlng . when you tonllder that Ward. reguqr pricea New rich·colored Fall tweeds in cas­ on Riveraid.. are a. ual sporta style. Deep armhole, in­ WRITTEN QUARANTEE low II any flr.t qua!. AGAINST EVERYTHINa ity tirea and conaider· vefted back pleat. Earl·Glo lined. aJ...... ,., ...... ably LOW&R than 14 to 20. U,,4FeultWi.,...... , . k" c~ •••...... moat I And remember l "'...... Out •• All ...... too that the aame ex­ EVER YTHING t b. t call tra quality that Ki ... Other coats In t ..... INUPir IIUI U to 52 ~¥!}";l dU 1~"M~~ . ~~Yl~: you Rlveraidea' lI'eat­ ntlmber of montb" or mil... er milea,e and IBV· T he stron ••,t written luar· • nteo ever- oUered I inC' glv.. you lI'eat• er ..fety tool :MONTGOMERY , 121 E. College St. WARD ,', Phone 2802 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. E. CoUege Street Dial 2802 SPORTS SPORTS BITS ABOUT II :11 1. II Estabrooks L-GCA{" 8TATB NATIONAL WORLD WIDD SPORTS ,... * * c In_lion... N,wI !!enl***.... ***hli ~d Wire Defeats Gop h er Central I're,- AI80cJ.tIOll 'IOWA CITY, IOWA FR,lDAY, AUGUST 23, 1935 The ,,",,,,,,lated ~HM State Champion Ia Exhibition W ACK Torrance, world's champion ~ J shot-putt~r, may take up box· BREEZY POT NT, Minn., Aug. II Ing or wroslilng aftel' he competes CUBS ~IP GIANTS IN 11 INNINGS, 41 TO 3 (AP)-Holdlng out an eight-root \lIJ In next YCIlI"S Olympics. The 304 tOI' a birdie 3 on thO nlnctee pound giant, who has tossed the I . sphere tal·ther than expects former­ )holo, Edltll E~la'bl'ooks of DubuQu ly belleved posslhle, says he could la., state woman's ciJamplonl ill. well lake car of hImself tn the Pinch Single feated AI Clasen at St. paul, Mlnne. 1·lng. Torrance threw the 12·pound NotedOlficials Schnoebelen· Defeats Ed Rate 4 and 3 sota !/tate amateur champion, shot 62 1-4 inch In Phlla.ilelphla last By English UP In a handicap exhIbition mal~ year. Authorities believe this mark Named for la. ' OVCl' the Breezy POint gOlf COIU1t Is liB permauent as the rock ot GI­ today. bl'llller. Wins Contest FootballGames II ANOTHER HAGEN I Des Moines Wins Second . M:tss Esla'brookS,14 years old ana, • • • pl'omlslng contender for CutUI'll The laWs' to JoIn lhe growing. Lon Warneke Hurls University of Iowa foolball players ., Demons Check Round Match tllonal prominence tn feminine goit, ranks of IhOile favoring night balIe· !Will become familiar to Perry was spotted four stro\{cs a nine", ball 18 Dill McUe(lhnie, bead man Bruins to Within 3 Graves. Nick Kearns. and Ernie R d 9 3' I T Casen, Thc dlffercnce In their me of the Uoston Draves. Although Games of First Vlck, for these Wcstcrn conference play was exarUy eight strokes. admitting the 'play hIll' conilitions arc ai ers,. n ournament NEW YORK, Aug. 22 (AP)- offlolals each hl1ve bcen assigned The youtl)ful 10lva ohamploh'll not us slItls factory as In the after­ to three of the III1wkeye8 six major Woody English cam lhrough wltb an Dms MOINES. 10.., Aug. 22 (AP)­ Quarter.final Round ilwo over womeh'S par {Ol' the mal noon, he bellel'cR It offel'll ahe best games. Fresh from II. three-day vacation th~ solution to the financia.l pnJblem ~leventh·lnnlng pinch today after "Ick, 0. former Michigan slar, wlll Play StaI'ts Today In ;:~e Clasen WIl.8 three over mel!' of the magnates. Oellplte his fav· /l. 'bit or managOrial juggling or t.he the final triO of games­ Des Moines Demons pounded Gould if orable attltuile tOWlLriI playing under lineupS hlld delayed the climax of a Minnesota, Purdue and Northwest­ fLnd Mead tor 11 hits, scored three Both Flights !lflss Estabrool{s lurnccl In an the IIgh/s, McKeelmle iIoes not fa.vor hard {ought game and the blOW sent ern, while Graves will be head lInes­ runs In the second and five Iu the Maintaining the sensational play ;tnd Clasen carded 75. sixth and. defeated Cedar Railids 9 the extcnslon of the seven game In a. run 1.0 give the Cubs a 4 «0 3 ,man for those contests. The llUn­ that brought him medaIlst hOnol'!!, limit now allowed' by the NlttlOllai ~o 3 her!' tonight In the opening vlctol'y over the Giants. Ols. Indiana, and Northwestert1 ~lcCoy Decisions Jones lengue. game or a new series. Mike Schnoebelen, young Country That hit and Its rosult put Lhe games wUl havo Kearns as !Ield MONTR!,," L, (A P)-Al McCtly, who Cu'biJ only 1hree games behind the judge. Score by Innings: olub caddy, conthlucd his march In • • • ts anglln~ to 0. cracl, at Bo.b Olin', Joo Louis, tho Brown Bomber oC The list of 1935 officials, released ~edal' Rapids IJOO 000 003-3 8 2 quest Of the all·clty golf champion­ league leaders and reduced New wor)d 1Jght heavywel!jht lklhr tho ring. Is going On a tour of Btage 'York's lead over the 8ccond-plae~ Thursday by Coach Oasle Solem. Des Moines 030 015 OOx-9 11 0 ship by defeating Ed Rate yestcrday crown, won n. 10-"ound decision Ia!l 'appearances. D.Ccordlng to present shows that a ulfferen t r feree will Gould, Mead and Blackman, Passo afternoon, 4 and S. In tile final St. Louis Cardinals to two and one, ntght ft'om BlJIy Jones of Phlladel, plans. He will head an ali-COlored half games. It was unique In 0. way bandle each game with tho exccp­ pond Crandall, Mayer. match oC the second round. cast which will Include Bill Robin· tlon of the two home conference Sohnoebelen, shooting a consist· phla. McCoy, who halls from UWil. l as It prOduced the (lnly tally of thO lon,Me., welg bed 173 3-4, Joncs' Ul. 80n, famous tap dancer. Louis' man· long contest that didn't come by tho games with Indiana and Minnesota, Rnils Trounce Keolrol, ently steadY game, was out In 42 and home In 39 for an aggregate of 81. agel', John Roxlborough, ~vants to route. to be worked by Joe Magldsohn of KEOKUK, Ia.. (AP)-The Council get tho tOUt· In before the Baer Michigan. His opponent, VisiblY oct his game, ~onlght al' : Delayed by rain aft I' Ott's second Bluffs Ralls fired the heavy artillery fight tn case ASSignments for the six major shot an 89. Ollli'R .hIs protege l06es to home l'un of the game, and his at Keol{uk here tonight to even the Max. games, listed In order of referee, um­ - Quarter·flnal round matohes will AIR CONDITIONED WITH So DVOl1!l,y twenty-seventh oC the season, had OF l"AI: FAMO>Js Goi.f ~~IONAL­ series at one al)Iece Wittl II. 12 to 1 plre~ field judge, and head IInes- Sol.\ start ImmeaIately and continue to (jaulochcr _, • • • knotted the oount with t.wo out In Wllo IS MAKINEr 1-\15 DGBU'1'IN Victory. The Rails smacl1. Demo.l'OO walked to start tho elev- ArJie Mucks (Wisconsin. E. P. Miller will meet Leck Men'ltt, George Kos· );bert .. _...... ~ three more In the eighth oCf Cram- 24. At. any ra.le, It seems to be enth. He tookscoond on a wlld (Haverford), J. J. Llpp (Chicago). er will meet Ed Lamb I't, Pat Peal" G. Dvorsky flulte I~ turnobout. The once "play, 1Il1nols: DOll Lourie (Princeton), ton. son will oppose 'Chari 8 Hatn and (lelgar ...... pitch I\)y relief hurle!' Allyn Stout. boy" BileI' Is now tho serious Baer, Anthony Haines (Yale), N. E. Kearns Scor() by Innings: Yern Bales will tee of! against J\lIke BUI Jurges drew an Intentional pass COOL W ASHEn AlR Otto or whi! Louis is becoming attracted (De Paul), Mucks. - Council BluCrs o~o 000 780-12 14 2 Schuoebelen In the quarter.flnals. land M.anager Charley Grimm called to Ihe fooUighls. Indiana: Joe l\Iagldsohn cr.nchi. Keokuk 100 000 000-1 5 2 In the class "n" flight yeSterday, upon Ken O'Dea to bat tor Lon Last Times Today " gan), Mucks, Kearns, and Lipp. UndenvOOCl and Mccue; Lot~ Waldo Geiger won from Paul Cllek to see this thrilling wild " " W¥neko, who had gon the long Cramton and Maple. ati, TlD·BITS Minnesota: Maglelsohn, Ernie Vlck by default and Paul Huff downed mal picture. On Ladles' day at the Ohlcag() route on the mound against Carl (Michigan), Meyer Morton cr.Uchl. Dr. Earle Smith, 6 and 5. Two American Association ball parks. the radio announcers Hubbell and Stout. gan), Perry Graves (Illinois). matches remain to be played In the J{.IlnSM City 200 110 000-4 8 4 Only Costs You 26c Anytilte give out mOI'e autOg'raphs than the Bill Ten'y, Giant pilot, countered Purdue: Fred Ga"elner (Cornell), second l'ound of the lower flight and Indianapolis 000 020 010-3 5 2 playel's ... Hans Wagner has auto­ by sending AI Smith to tho hili and Vlck, John Geteh II (St, Thomas), pairings will be announced whcn Stiles, Moore and Madjeski; Elliott, grapheel five times as many score Grimm took O'Dea out and called Graves. these are completed. "Beyond Bengal" 'Wrlght, P. GlllUvan and Sprlnz. cards in hill tht'ee years as II. coach upon English. Ho smacked 0. slngla Nor t h w cstern: J. n. Nichols Results of second round matches as he did In hill 21 years as a to bt'lng Demaree In. (Oberlin), Vick, Kearns, Graves. are as folIows: Warren William playel' • • • From the contldent Up to that time, partly because or • • Championship Flight statements oC Mussollnl ancl Sel8.l!­ brllliant fielding on both sidell, the LEO DIEGEL TAKES 1 l\(jl'e Scllnoebeleu defeated Ed "The Dragon Murder Case" sic, one would think they've picked only blows that counted for much LEAD IN HERSHEY Rate, 4 anll 3. a s t-up for the opening contest wet·o homers. Billy)-\ rman's olr, Hollingsworth Vern Dales aereatea Wilbur on their fall schedule. cult drive gave ChicagO a 2-0 lead OPEN TOURNEY Tallman, 2! a.Hl 1. • • • In tho third but OU's first homer Pat Pearson deleaW!~ Everett Tomorrow ' BOJ'ney lWss' kid brother is pl.an­ .-.nd ono by Mancuso tied It up In Stops Phillies .------HillRSIIillY. PII.., Aug. 22 (AP)- Means, 4 ami 3. nln!>, to cntor tho U.njvertllty 01 the mth, just as It began to rain. Leo Diegel of Phlladclphia carded a Lcrk l\ierritt defe!l.led C. C, SUN.-MON. 68. five under I)ar, to assume a two· Wisconsin whore bOxing is a I>OP ' In the seventh drovo Reds Pound Out Wa"den, 2 anll 1. 2 Great Pictures ular SIHJr/. . . . IiilllCuyler of the one over the fence to give the Cub!# 9 to 1 Triumph Over slroke lead today In the third an· George FrohlVeln defeuted Reds IVlmts lo be II. physical culturo another lead that lasted until ott nual Hcrshey open golf tournament. Dick Null, 5 and 4. ----.~------J - head some ,IllY . • • Racing dOl:'8 Ilt came through with his secOnd bound.. Opponents Officials Pla~, ~ousing Football Denny Shute, In33 British opon GeOl'ge Kosel' deCeated H. L. After~oon the ' Yolldf,lrlll.1I1 park in Revere, at·y belt. PHILADELPllIA, Aug. 22 (AP)­ champion. who l'epresents the West· HeUogg, 3 and 2. 26c Evenmg l\foss., ure thnoo with an electric Al nolllngswot·th held the PhllUes ward·Ho Country club of Chicago, Charles Hain defllllted! Gool'ge Including state sales tax CIlIOA GO A 11 . 11 . II . l'O.i\.E. Feast at Iowa Union Sept. 10 tihot 70, th second low score ot the eye. A my of light aeross tho to threo hits, two doubles and a Speaks, 7 lUlU 6. , day. Bot.by Cruickshank, of Rich­ finish line, attached to a. huge tele· Oalan, If ...... 4 o 0 G 1 0 triple. today as the Reds pounaed Rotary, Kiwanis and Lions clubs, hore. Tbe llI'OgJ'run here will be Ed Lambert defeated lJarold NO. 1 FEATURE WIUI 71. I ehroll clnel" will sho"' the customers lIerman, 2b ...... G I S l 4 0 out a 9-1 vlctOI'y In the opening the senior and junior Chambers of broadcast over a state-wiele hookup. mond, Ya., third with a (]Jeurnum, 3 aml 1. the winning do G'R time as soon as StainbaCk, rf ..•...••. , CLASS "11" ..'LIG HT The funniest comedy Xle.ln, rf .•...... 0 ~ ~ ! : ~ game of tho series. CommCl'ce and tbe American Legion Mahan will leave today (or Des the race Is ovel' •.• Th" first dog 1 1 6 2 0 Tbree home runs carried the vlsl- 1I10lnes to oomplctc a.rrang'ements ecoml Round have seen in months. JI.rtnett, c ...... r; will 1l1>]1olnt members to a general with J. H. Maland of the Centrol Miller Munias Chosen ])tm",re~f cf .....•••.. PaUl lIuff defeated Tom Mar· across the Ii lie bl'Cal'g the current, 4 ~ ~ ~ tOI'S to triumph. In tho Ilrst Innlng committee hen.ded by Bruce E. Ma­ slOPI>lng tho clock. (Jft,\'sr-retta, 1,...... 5 :, ! BroadooRtlng company and Craig tin, 1 up. JJlnd.tronl. 8b ...... 6 O J I 0 0 Babe Herman smushcel one over tbe To Captain A".Stars hl1n, alumni secretary, to make plans Lawl'~nce oC the Iowa Broo(lcasting I~ay S t eve n son defeated Warning! JurKelf, U ...... I 2 4 3 0 Cence with two men on base. In for Q rousing "klck-oCf" luncheon system on line transmls810n and the In Game With Bears " rllrnekc, l) ••••••• ••. 2 o 0 I 3 0 the fourth KampoUt'ls lifted another FI'liuk PardubsllY, dcfuult. O'Dell, • ...... 0 ht Iowa Union Sept. 10 ,the opening program itself. l'he jlrogram will Bob Colilns deleate!l 110M \\'eall beal'ls stllY Rway­ U 0 0 0 0 into the bleachers with one on and CmCAGO, Aug. ZZ (AJ:')-l\filler A's Down 'Ellrll. h •• ...... 1 o 1 0 0 0 dll.y of the University of Iowa foot­ be cal'l'led by WHO, KSO. WJ\l1', Kebrer, 2 altd 1. If o 0 0 0 0 In the fifth Cuyler olouted one Into l\lunjus, sial' University of Pitts· Roul, II ...... 0 ball practice, Milhan said yeste.'day. luunor don't com~ the same spot. KRNT and WSUI. Hen Dunlop defeated Bob It will make the fourth annual According to jlrellmlnary plal1B. burgh quarlcrbael., will leatl the Ueri1Uska, 7 and 6. II your funny I/(Jne is out 01 Tot~l...... su ~ 10 58 11 0 college AII·Stars ngoinst the Chicago Cleveland, }-o ·-UftHed tor \VuMleke 1n lUh. CIl'iCL","l'iI\TI An. R. Jf. l'O.A.E. Iowa Foot'ball day. Fifteen counties short talks will be delivered by Coach Dr. Earle Sluith Ilefeateil' Oruel' {;,ct it lixed belon Seal's at Soldier Jt~ielil ne);t '1'bur8' ··-B"tt.d lor O'Dea In 11th. C-'u-,-,I.-'-,-c-r-.-.- ..-.- ..-.-.- ..- .-8-1I-S-4-0-0 throughout the sWi.te have already 08810 Solem. Capt. Dick Croyne antI lllJ.!'ry WiItOJlIC, S anll 2. we let Herbert loose. day night. Dietrich Wins Dose U""tlman, rf ....•. . . .. ~ 1 2 2 0 0 IlCheduled lunchoons to be held slmul- Clal-ence M. Updegratf. ch(llrman of Third Round NEW YORK An. n. H. PO.A .E. l\lunjas, nllr!led on tho U1ird All-, Mound Duel From Hffnnan, I! ...... 1 1 1 0 0 0 taneously wllh tho key luncheons the board tn control of Ilth1etics. Patll Huff defentell Dr. Earle J. ~Iuore, U ...... 4 0 1 4 1 1 O"Uamlcy, tb ...... tain or the Stars today Terry, Ib ...... G 0 o 13 o 0 ConllJbcil, 0 ...... 8 1 1 8 0 0 llfler II> clOse battle of votes wit'" CL;xEVELAND. Aug. 22 (AP}-­ Otl, rt ...... 4 = 4 1 o 0 HIt.d_, •• ...... 4 1 1 1 1. 0 a tt 0 b s Turns Down Detroit Ko ~ "l g. 6 0 KItIllI.611rl., li b ...... 4 2 2 2 8' 0 J Jilll Btu'bel', l lnivcrsity of San Frau­ A ~lltching duel lhat was one of tho 2b .... _...... 4 0 o :J I ",1I,..r, of ...... 4 0 1 3 o 0 Ilulllng.wurth, II •. .... S 1 1 1. 1. 0 0011 outstandIng of the sqnson In Cleve~ cisco, II ut.son of A1aJ)aJnll, allll AIR CONDlTIONED l\(ancu80, 0 ...... 4 I J 0 o 0 nllY Fu'ltUl, Southern I\lethodist en(t, lanel Pl'Oduced! a 1 to 0 vlc.tory for Hautell. IS ...... 4 o o I 8 0 Tolal~ ...... S6 912 27 6 1 Offer; to Hold Bout in Gotham TO 75 DEGREES tho Phlladolphla A thletlcs In thl) lIublH'II, 1/ ...... 2 o II 0 1 0 l'I1UA1)J'lLl'lUA AU. B. n. PO.A.E. third gam of their sel'Ies with the\ Welrttrub ...... 1 o o 0 o 0 Swut, II ...... 0 o 0 1 0 Doctors Pronounce. o I[uolln. s...... 4 0 o 4 1 1 Indians today, 8".lth, " ...... 0 o o 0 o 0 ' H d I Buddy Baer·Doyle W"lklns, U ...... ~ 0 1 4 o 0 Bill Die\r1ch held the Indians to \V,)'Att •• • ••• •••••.•.. 1 o /) II o 0 B aer s an s n ;U09rt'. rf ...... 4 0 o 0 1 0 Match Postponed To six .hlts, while Thol'Oton Lee, Clevo­ ('unillll, J b ...... • 1 1 ~ o 0 G d SI TotRlo ...... " 88 3 8 33 19 2 Allen, ct ...... 4 0 1 7 o 0 00 lape N Th d N' land hurler, aTIowed seven. ·-IJ.Ued for JrabbelJ In 81 h. Dy EDWAUD J. NEIL ext urs ay 19ht ,r~rKez, 8!.t ...... 4. 0 I) 1 2 0 Higgins scored the lone run of tM ··-Oatt.,d for Smith In 11th. NEW YORK, Aug. 22 (A P)-A six Todd, 0 • ..•.•.•••.•.• S 0 o 4 o 0 NIDW YORK, Aug. 22 (AP}--WiI!- game. Atter he walked, McNaJ!1 """"' by Innlnr.: Uomez, 2b . . . .••... .•• 2 0 2 0 round match bctwern Jacob (Ducldy) Chl.... o ••• ••• • ••• • .• 002 000 100 01-'1. I) = 1ng to ~mble, turning down a cer­ Singled, and Warstler sacrificed but fOl.,)'J JohnsoD, I) • ••....• 1 0 o 0 o 0 naer, brother of thc tortllor hcavy· New l'orlc ...... 000 O~O OOl 00--3 ( .. UCft'" • • ••• , •••••••• • 0 0 o 0 0 tain profit of $100.000 for himself, was saCe when Bronzel threw 1.00 Summary _ Runo butte.1 In-Jl.. - o weight champion, and Jack Doyle, lIowmnn. l' ...... 0 0 o 0 ~ 0 Mike Jacobs, the promoter who gets late to third tor Hlgglns. Richards man 2, Ott 2, Man cu.", n orh,dl ••;" .. - known as the Thumping Irish \''!lIiff)" •• • •.••••••••• 1 0 I) 0 o 0 lo look more and more like 1'ex All then bouncod to Lee, who threw Ilr/h. Two I", .... II--Jur..... JlomC' run! I-'cuullu, V • ••••• • , ••• 0 0 I) 0 o 0 Thrush, was postponed hecause oC Rickard! vcrI' day. announced today him out, IIl"'gins soorl~", -".rmon, Ott 2. ~ I." ,· u "", lI11rt"oU. ruin tonIght until next Thursday 26c Matinees Q D 8ftcrtflee ___ Warneke 2. lX.'Uhlc 1 ) luy~ T"tnl...... 8l 1 8 n S 1 Joe Uouls anel Max Baet· would [Ight Play was halted ibl'lefly In the first IIarlnett ond Jurres; Ull rl eJl, Koenig night. Children Always lOc "-Ualted I'.r 8.vl Jol",oon In 5th. here In the Yankee stadium on the Inning as spectatOrs paid sllcnt and T",lTJ'. J .... ft 0 .. base_Xo,. "ork 3...... :Ulltte,1 tor B~"'man In 9th. The battle site III{ewlse was shlCt· I Inlght of Sopt. 2~. Chlett,o 8. Bases on balls_'Sfout. 4, Score by InnlnJ'lj: eel trom Madison Square Gal'elcn's trlhulo to Will Rogcl'S, Root 1. SlrlkeoutH-Wllrnrke 8, Huh- 0. Starts SATURDAY! ('Inclnnatl ...... •• 800 !!'I 0 102-0 lie could have accepted propO­ bOWL on Long Island to the Garden lUM the Most Joyous ) 'II1LADE IA'IIIA AD R 11 1'0 A Jil bell '1, stout I. lIlt. orr-lIubb,JJ, ~ In I'hllnlleJI,hltl ...... 010 000 000--1 j3itlon. backed by the Ford Motor • • . r ..... Inhlnp; Stout, 1 In 2 2 .. 3; Smll", 1 aJ·ena. Indoors on FOI'ty·nlnth street unHlHUY - Runs batted In-Herman comJl!lny Interests, whereby he would Picture Imaginable I )i-.-III-n-.-,-rr-.-.-.-.. -.- ..- .-. -..-D-:O-1-1-0~O In 1-3; Warneke, 8 In 10; Hoot, 0 b. J. S, :Ktlmpourls ~, Cuyler, Goodman, no 1- where It never I'lllns. Cramer . .r ...... ,. .... 0 0 2 0 0 WUd Illkh-Stout. Wlnnlnr pltcher- Jlngswor1h. Two base hltM-Alieft. Wat­ /split $300,OCO with the fighters just GAY CO·EDSf Little H. .lollnsoo, If ...... 3 (I 0 0 e 0 W.rD.k ~; ~08in&' pl to.ber~'Slout. kin., Cuyler. Three balM> hlt-CamIlU. by taking the fight 1.0 DetrOit ana. Fou, Ib ...... 4 0 0 13 'I. ' 0 Uo'tne runff--Uermlln, ](&mJl~UrI8, CUy­ giving the I\)roadcasting privileges 6 SONG HITS r 11 ...... ln •• Sb ...... 3 1 1 1 1 0 ler. Sacrlflcell-llolUn8'llWOrlh. • Last Times TODAY! • JANE WITHERS J)I.JY8--Hlullin Gomez to Camilli. Left to the automlbile concern. ~nst e ad' , "'eNalr, ss ...... 4 0 ! 2 6 0 t~ Il is running Shirley Temple a ba8eS-C\n~lnn8tl ho's going to stage tile show here .. in rousing oollege WPrHU", 2b ...... S 0 ) 2 I 0 on 2, l'hUadolpltl" 6. race for top Rh·lt.rd., • ...... 4 0 Ii 0 1 0 nllse. on ball...... "f Uolllo .....,orih S, and shoot for the first gate that romance sello music! close Juvenile Dietrich, 1/ ...... 3 0 /) 1 0 0 l'eo.ullo 1. Strlkeo utll-by 8)'1 John""n Star honors 1 'I, 1I"llIo" ...orth G. Jilt. - olt 8),1 seems posHlble to reach $1,000,000 In T ~ lal...... S! I 7 27 18 0 Johnson 6 In tJ InnloK"': llaW IIlBn .. 10 2. New York slnco Jack Sharkey and * * * From "Liberty" l' ••• ullo 2 In 2. Will] 1,ltch-Dullln... Jack Dempsey warred all the ba.ttle-. NO.2 FEATURE AD. R . H . I' O.A.E. worth. 1' ....0<1 b.II-To.h]. Loolo. pltch­ (Contln g"ound In 1927. er~~yl Johnlton. A THUNDERBOLT Galaloer, rf ...... 2 0 0 1 0 0 Vmplres-Stewatt .nll !\faa-ukurUl. "I can get ovel' $1,000,000 Into thill minds or OIlY( A,·.rltl, (I FROM THE WEST d ...... 4 0 5 0 0 W L. Pct Go. Tlmo-l:5S. stadium with 0. crowd or 85,000," (l8 VOHmlk. If ...... 8 0 1 8 0 0 . ' lately to 'l'ro8k,.. lb ...... 4 '0 0 12 0 0 New York ...... 73 42 .035 ----- Jacobs said. MOOS. llr ".Ie,' Sb ...... so, • 1 .0 St. Loul...... 69 43 .616 2l Each Boxer Gets 30 Per Cent after losing II J'"lekerMkrr, ...... 8 0 0 1 ! 0 Cblcagp ...... 73 48 :603 3 National Net "The house wlI l be scaled at a. Extl'a!-­ Jimmy nl'acla B..... , 2b ...... , .... 3 0 0 1 " 0 Pjtll!l) h 64 55 "38 12 Carson •••.....•.. . .. 1 0 • 0 0 e urg...... • $25 to]>, and I'm only allowing Cor P~le Smilh's CHARLES ' fitted In. D... noel, _ ...... 3 0 % ! 1 0 Brooklyn ...... 54 60 .474 206 8,000 ringside seats, less than we've "CHAIN LET'1'ER DIME .. Toaa), evcl Wrltrht •• • ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Phlladelphla ...... j .. 66 .436 25 A WI Riot on America's ol Doubles Finals had tOI' any Iblg fight this summer. BUDDY ~d d by h' Le., 1/ •.• •••.•••••.• .. " 0 0 0 I 0 Cincinnati ...... 50 69 .420 27 It Intere!lt justifies putting In an­ Indoor SlHJrt­ X.ray "pcclnl --~--- SOston ...... 32 88 ,278 43 -lld<11'11- ROGER Tot.l...... al (I ••7 11. 0 other 10,000 ringsides, we might do tot>k a dozCn "-Batted for ou.er In 8Ih., 1\ I Games Today Rained Out $1,250,000." LAURElI... 1\11(1 HARDY thero was lio "Thjrker Thun Waler" ••-Batted for Oren.el In 8t • Pittsburgh at Boston . Under the terms of the various thing not n( Seo", by t.nl .... : • h ROOKLINE. Mass.. Aug. 12 (AP) -Comedy Rlot- Cincinnati at PhlIadelphill. agreements, Baer will get 30 per ha.nds. 'l'ho Philadelphia .....•.• . .• 010 000 ~l Chicago Ilt New York. -\rhe five finals In the national "LATl!l NEW .. C1ev ...... ft ...... 000 000 _ cent of the net receipts, Louis 30, developed {or St. Louis at Brooklyn. doullies tennis tournament at Long· S ummary - ftan. ...tt.... tri-lIleh­ o.nd the mUk fUlld 111 pet· cent "off .rd!!. Ttl'", .... hilI-Hal.. A ..rlU. woOd wero put o~er until nert ¥on. the tQP." Conslderlnll' that the ren; rhree bit.. hll_1t"'... nI.. 8•• rln",,_ AMERICAN LEAGUE day as a result of a heavy shower Cnlnfl". W.N6t1f'r, Knlekerboc.ker. Lee. that washed out today's men's quar­ tal of the Yankee stadium amountB • W, L. Pet.OO. J>1. lrh·...... ft OD b"'_PhlJadf!lphla Start~ S-ATURDAY ! 8; 1JI,,,,elallCl'. ..._ lin _. - .rr DetrOit ...... 72 42 .632 ter·finals 98 well as most of the I.ec· fo 10 per cent ot the receipts, and I1I. trlch I, off TA'e I, I'Itrlkeoot_,. New York ...... 64 48 .671 7 ondary program. ex,pen8CS should amount to another A I1iNO('J{ 'IIJI\( nOWN­ Vlelrloh 6, LM t. ;SOliton ...... 60 56 .

Oilers Entertain Old WE ;., ey.Tt,~ \..C'W -'-IO~ A~ AlL. Mt 'SHH,PS 'vJ~U(ED O\JeR TO OliVe: O'i~ ~ Style Lager Tonight ISll\~D- WO~ I~ I 'lAMA nOp .~------·OICTIPAToR­ ?ooe'l'! Kridler Again I.YAM Browns Beat IR\<.IW! To Face Loc.als Yankees In In I.S.A. Tilt Slugfesf, 12-9 Fred Otto or Zevinik St. Louis. Aug. 22 (AP}-Thllj To Take Mound For Browns and the Ynnkecs took turns )...t trying to lose a ball game today Kelly 10 and Sl. Lou.ls f lna ly got tho !bcst of Th e t roublesom Old Style Luget' .. ragged contest 12 lo 9. aggregation from cedar Rapl{l In­ With R uSs Van Atta pitching one­ rJade8' Kell)' field ton lS'h t fOr ,an: hll ball tor !!Oven Inni ngs, the Brown8l Iowa association contcst In til!! fina.l Mlllmmed Walter Bt'own and Vllo meeting of tho 1wo foes this s aaon. '1'I,mu!1s for 14 bloW8 a nd CIather.· 11 coffin. • ness lind finance. as thry labor to 182 advnnced degreee. 64 bacclI!auro- Iowa's a.mnteur . nail crown tOday KnoLt 1. lilt. - ort w. Brow.. G III the side out. 3 IllnJ lI g~; 'I'UlJH utis 0 In .1; )rtlO A.U(\. 7 in This afternoon he laughed and de- The words of Mr. Brougher touch- Blllnket 01 R-oses ensue p,'osPI!rlty. Government can te dogreca. and on certificate wer<\ narrowed down to six clubs as com­ , I-S ; Knoll ~ b. 1 2-3; ~IRl o ll o 0 In 1, BOSTON All. II. II. I·O.A.E. clared he had "nothlng to lillY" con- ~d ~pon tbe wide range of the !lU- It lay und r a blanket ot rOses lind throttle education, 8Uppretlll religious Ilwal'dcd. petition swung Into the lower brac­ Lo~l n g pitch er - \V. Drown. " 'luning ------cernlng the Indictment now. "but I 1m00'lsL: ,,·orahlp. Jlb<'rty of thought. the bWelals ot tho oeromony. wh rc/tj ket of the firsl rounel of the tourna.­ vltch er-Vun A lta. Melillo. 2b ...... 6 1 1 8 5 0 mny have plenty to say later." "Will Rogers was prcemlnently corn-flolV~rs. In the colors of the na- '1\(\ \' It tor truth. and paralyze the closed the eight ninth year t th .... A"n .d~, d ...... B 1 1 % 0 0 tiona.1 emblem. Th flag ot tho Unl- Y- a "I me nt at th~ Iowa. SUtte (nit.. John"on . II ...... 4 1 1 % 0 0 Announces Decision ted States. done In 30,000 flowers. sci inllst. Th 8e things aT going ()n. untver"lty, W T "Prot. n n.jamtn F . Two of til Ol~ht starlers. J~Mnr .. Senators Trounce {'ronln. s•...... 3 1 1 a 3 t Governor Clyde Herring Mnounc- suspendM On th~ "gl'nCl" granO Eight non-comml8ll10ned army avl- today, Shnmbllugh. master of ceremonl 8 ; and Rockwl'lI. W('I'O ollmlnated in ~~o~;.rr~~l ' . ~. ::::::::::~ ~ : : ~ ~ Cd the executive council's deCiSion to jury's recommendation. lIe was ac- /ltors. four on either side. stood rlgld- Polltlcs Unluvore«l Prot, F red e ric G. H lgbeo. dl- upper bracket con tests. u,l\Iars had Chi30x A.gain, 7·4 \\'lIIlu ... s. 3b .. •...••. G 1 ~ 0 0 0 cea~o Its Inve ligatiOn of the grand cuscd of being aware uf "lawleMs ly at ll.ltention. as a. g uard OC honor. "In modern tlmos pollllcs llas not rcelor of COll vooatlona; Prot. Va.nce trouble In II-ttcml'Ung to solve Wal­ CHICACO, Aug. 22 (AP}-Wash­ Dll hlgre n. Ib ...... 4 2 2 8 0 0 jury, and wltlldraw Its Investigators I conditions al Sioux City," and fall- I;;very half-hour. a new guard WII!\ attracted tbe ablest m n III any eon- Murton, universIty marshal; and tet House, fOl'mer Do.venDOrt westetn Ington agaln burled tbe While Sox Wnlb"rg, " ...... 1 0 0 0 0 1 following a conference of counclllint to take action to cOITect them. pusted, slderablo numbers. It will neve" be tho Hev. Caspar C: Garrlgu 8. chap- w. ]o'er r ~1l • , ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 "'cmb~rs attcnded by Attorney Gen- Herman B. Lord, Muscatine mayor P08 Ible to measur th 10 II thati lain. leagUe hurlcr. lOSing 1 G to 6 to th~ under a 'barrage of lbase-hils today. fth ~ d el'l •• ...... " .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Burlington C'hevrolets In the after­ 'Janglng out 15 sn1etles agalnHt Sam Wilson. " ..•...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 ICra O'Connor. llIUspended by tile district court. but that bRs meant to th world. Th 11' President Eugene A. Qllmor , ae- noo n con test. Jones and Jack Salveson tor a 7 to ~ lIl1 e. ••• ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 lle said no deciSion was rcacbe!L ,..elnstated when the plaintiffS In a. Duc to the huge flow of scdlment ",beence from tbe r aIm of politics flisted by th d an of the various Bow ..... [' .. ..• ...... 0 0 0 0 % 0 as to whether the investigation will ~'emova l acUon (ailN! to file bond. along the 3.200-mllo course 0[ the has bren lIttlc leSll thlln tro.glc." he coll<,gell, prc.,cntCd t he awards, In the mOI'niDIl' tl Farmers Union 4 triumph. their second In as many BI. hup ••••...... •. 0 0 0 0 II 0 be rellumed Il!ter the grand JUI'Y also Ilddres"cd tho convention. III' Yangtze r1v r In hlna. a new coast- nald, Preceding the Convoca.tl n oxAr_ of Des Moines Won II. ragg~d. R to games here. Iteynolds ...... i • ••.•. t 1 1 0 0 0 ~ 4 contest [rom ROCkwell by collecting Off to a two run start In the first O.t"rmuellcr. I' ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 complrtc8 its work. declared city offlclul. often are vlc- IIno nnd n IV 1.lands al'o forming nt "Even ablest men. po.sesslng un- clses. the graduatc8 wC I'e guests ot ------"It was difficult." the govel'nor tlma of maliclou8 attacks. Its mouth, geologists say. limited Dower. cannot correct In n. the university at a alnner, 14 hits ort thge,:> ij)ltcllerR and tllklng Inning. tl"\e Senators were novor advantage Of five miscues. headed, de~l)ite an eight hit countor *-DaUetl tot' " ' I 'lt~rg In 4lh. I k 11 I I ' TOI.• .4 1 1)l declared,t "to know j ust what decl- /lttack that included, Al Simmons' " - JIIID 18ror ...... W, J' .....1l IlUn 4t14h . 27 4s on 0 ma 0 l'egal'c ng t 10 coune I If f~======~~====~===~======~=:======::~I '''-B.. tlell ror WII.olI I .. 0111. Invcstigal10n since one petition from tweUth home run of the season and ....- Ualled for 1I0ll"'0 I" 8th, Sioux City reSidents requested such t ., which was aided by "everal passes. The Big Six . ••• ..- llIIU . .. /Qr mo hol' I .. Btl.. /Itt Inqui ry and another 'Pl'otcst~ (I ______• WASUJNOTON A D. II •.1I. 1'0 .A:E. DE TROIT AU. B. lI. PO.A.E. 't," FIrst PetItion (8)' Tho Associated Pl'Css) Iowan Want Ads Get Results Kult, l. JII ...... 3 Z 2 I» 1 0 Fox. :1 ...... 4 8 2 o 0 0 The petition oC request WM slgn­ Tho Illtcst shirt In the ]JIg Six !\tlle!'l, rt •...... • ••... 5 o 1 0 0 0 Wilite • • 1 ...... 6 1 2 ; cd by 118 rosldenls. who dcclaredJ orde r brought Jlanl< Crecnix'rg, the l\l yer. .e ll .•••• ••• ••• . . G 1 2 S 3 0 Geltrh• .-e r, 2b •... • •.. 1 1 1 ~ ~ Tigers' home run klme. back Into the lUtt nul!i h, II . .•• ... •• . . iI J 2 » 0 0 Green ber g, t f) • . •••• •. Il 1 2 7 0 1 tbrY 'believed 1nvestlgatlon wou ld Tr... I., 3b ...... 5 1 2 J 8 0 Gup!U u, I f ...... •...•. 3 2 1 2' 0 0 diSClose lhat polttlco.l motives In­ sextet Yll8tcr(lay while Hoger Cra­ Rooms Without 'Board 63 Pow('ll, c:f ••••••• • ••• . 4 1 2 1 0 0 lIMy worfh, c ...... 3 1 0 U 2 0 splt'cd the grand jury prosecutors. mer of the AthletlcH Ilroppllti out. FU rn. Rge, u ••..•...... 5 o 1 1 6 0 Owen , 31) ...... 3 0 4 ~ ~ ! Tho petition of protest was Signed F OR RENT: nOOMS. BREAKFAST Greenberg'S 1\VO I1lts. one hlq thkty­ H nU;rook, c •• . •. • •. .• 11 o 1 7 1 1 ROl'rll, "'H ••.•.••••••• 5 0 1 If desired. Dini 6903 . '1'O wn a nd . "inke. D ...... •.....• 8 1. 1 0 1 0 Jlrhlges, ; ' ...... • S Ol o 1 0 by 400 residents, who declared they Classified Advertising Rates " lhlrd homer, in five tlm~s up were ll eJ1!il l e l (~ D • •• •••••..• J o 1 0 1 0 H o ....L t. L' ...... 0 0 0 o 0 0 bellevcd thc Investigation was a l\' Gown Resldenee Hotel. juet enough to lI(t his average a Auker. I' ...... 0 0 0 o 0 0 "attempt to Interferc with Droaeeu­ SPEOIAL 0480 BATllt!-A !'Peelal /liecount for ~ SUMMER ROOMS: l4EN W ANT­ ,vIII be allowed on all Cl ....lfled Alivet'lllllll ~ . point and put him Into a ill) with Tola l ...... 'I 7 15 27 )6 1 G. Walkor • ...... 1 0 0 tlon of persons Indicted by the grand CUlt"" ...... 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ Ing room In fraternity house. Dial paid within .Ix day. from esplratlon date of the Buddy Myel' fOI' thl' 8\l('on(1 Amcrl- (-' -] U-V-,,-" -j-O-----A-II-, '-1(-, J-[-.-I'-O-.A:"'.-::::'E. jury." un. Between <; 130 a.nd 7:30 p.m. can league pooltlon, Craml'l' failed T " tHI ...... 38 0 11 t1 10 2 Shol·tl y after the coullcll la uncbed No, of to hit and dropp ~'1 1 !JIlek two llOlnts. I\IIdclllr, tr ...... 4 1 1 1 0 0 · -Ua1h· tI f or A ukf'r III 9th. Hs InvesLigatioll of tbe grand jury. Myor olso hit two out of five but R I""n o n ~ . el ...... l ~ 3 0 1 " -1'8J) lor O\H!Jl III Ot h . Repair Shop li­ I k d I'jet. 3b ...... a J I 0 I 0 IJOB' O" ...... 030 001 00_10 tile grana jury sta,·ted a n Ill ve I S 0 0 0 7 0 I rn a,. was nnchanl;"e. Vosmlk 1\111,11", ...... ~ Ilelrolt ...... ' .. . 20(; 00ll 11_ U gation of the council's In quiry. seel< ­ hit "nce In three trlcs to mu.lntnln n ) k... Ib ...... , 0 I J 7 1 0 8unHnftry - Jc' Ullft hllt t'-d 1.. -4 I r N" I,I­ Ing to determine, IIavner said. WANTED his .HO mal'k while Onbby 1 hu·t. lIay... , 2 10 ...... 4 0 1 1 3 0 11 ...... ,.OIU 1_ and k.,. .-. 18 to 20 4 .89 herg 4, Du hlg-ren 2. J ohnson, " l hlte, "whether it cons tit uted obstrU ction .... -Ca.-T~ .... neU. the other n.ct iv e memher. ('" .. Ia .. , rl ...... 3 1 2 1 0 0 Owen !:, JlrldJ(CH . 1\1(' 1111 0, Itulre ll .. Cronin of justice." NOVOTNY'I! ~ 1 to 25 Kr\\elJ , • • ...... 3 0 0 S 2 0 2, R eynoltls. \VlllluIUS, ( ",:okr. T wo bl.~e IU I/o, Ollnto. !' ...... •..... J 26 to 30 8 .81 dl'9pped back th",'" polnt~ with one J on ... ,.2 0 0 t 0 blt s-nrld ge~. ( 'oake, Uuhl grcn. Jlome Ignores Subpena blow III !Ive tlm eN "1l' I,yens • ...... 1. 0 0 0 0 ' 0 rtUl'4 - (i rrenbt' rlf, J.,.hJg ren, " "Jltia Duf. IIavner 8ubpenaoo all members of 31 to 35 '7 .13 The standing: r. tv• ..,,,. I.l •• , ' ••• • •• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8tolen b"S6 - ,Alm1uJll. ~n c rlr iceH-­ tho execu!lvo councli a nd the at­ Auto Repairing 12 36 to 40 AI3 R 11 r et. lJrldg f" I', JI£I ." ~' ort h. l)oulJ'e plays­ o Tobl...... 3t 4 8 27 15 1 U eHJJo. Crollh, ,.. HI nahlgren : \Vhite Mntl torney genera l. Herring. however. 41 to 45 U8 Va ug llan. Pil'Ht~H lOr. 384 90 J 64 .401 . -n"H~ d tor J l.:oes ... 'th. Greenberg. ,lJe ft 0 11 bn",es-.UOM tc:". 10j ignored his s ubpena declaring thd 46 to ~O Med wlck. Carda 12 407 98 lU9 .370 1I' ... hllll/l uJI •...... •.. , 200 100 211-1 D e fr ~ lt O. JjIt ~t.'foI ~11 httll.i'l-Uri dgelf G, governor's office Is Immune frolIl1 ('hlcRgO ...... 100 001 2011--4 see 111 for Fender, Bod7. 8DtI ~1 to 65 Vos ml ~, Il)(llao, ,( 478 66 107 .349 JlogIJ etL 1, " rflllwrg 3, Jto\\,er N 1, O l!l t~r .. summons, fiUmHH\ry - lC.un1!l butted 111-)IUt'R. muellc.r 1 . ~trlk et.luhi- lIrhl ge8 (I, Auk.. OD FDIQ' .... Ol'ee)jb 'g. 'rIgel'S ll~ o!77 !IG 104 .334 P.Unt wurk ~ ' yt' r 2, Tnwhs, 8trance. lIolhl"OOk, Slm­ tor J., \\fRlhCtl!' J . O toi lf>rmue llt r 1. nib Havner wa rned he would ask tb O! Myol'. Senator.. 113 462 87 169 .344 mon8 2, 'Plet, Oy keH. T\\'o ~e hlU­ -1)1f lrolbcr l{ 6 10 3 l"uhll'l;;: " rllson 4 courts to decid e this. 'but !las taken Hartn tt. Cubs 04 330 fil 113 .342 Kuhel, J .. lllke. Thre& lJa se hUs-l·oweli. lu 'I; Dowers I ltl 2; Os terilluclie r S Ju no ru,· thor action. Gartner Motor Co. Minimum oharp ISo. ....1 IIID&' t_ ratu,... ~ber alllt I.t_ .. a ~ III .. " lit _te4 &I Htt.nge. } I ~ me rlln-S l-l»m ~ plj. S tole.n . ; RrldJrew 0 In 8 (nooe c ut in 8th); Eal'lI er today two grand jury wIt­ 2011 So. Ca.tRoI Dial zeu nlstted "" request. ...ch went .. tIM a4.. r£lie4t fll.l~ b. _CunIRn. lJaorl"....-I.'..... 1I. Doll- 1I01l'"ctt 1 III J -.'I ; Auker 4 In 1 1-3. must be oounte4. 'l'tt. -eflx.. ""or Bat .." 'Tor .. _.... . ~ 8d d~. 890 ~ ..... oar4I per . • ______~ . bl. ol.y.- S tr...... to My,. \1, Auhel; nesses. Harry Markell and Kirby oh. .00 ~r' 1\'lunlnr; plt\.' hcr-lJowers. Leming pitch... .'Lo8J," and similar onu'" at the badrutln, ot W ...... ara.lP 00., ItlId .11. l.tn,' lit Po ..... " pabU.lted U nke In Trnvl. I. Kuhd: Len un er--Hug..,tt. Kerl'. were ordered to appear In d is­ be counted In the total number ot:W'o£4111n th.·a. 'till .' Ifill. fDt 1> ...... \\' ... h l""loo O. Vh""'rr<> 8. 1JIooI .. JOE JA,COBS trict court and sllOw cause wIly they t' ~"~------~----~~-T- 0 11 bnlls-oft JJnke 0.. JI"tuf l~k J, Jone8 I. 81rlkeool o-by Linke 4. Jle ...l,k 3. should nol be held In contempt for ____H_O_~ ____ fo_r_R_e_D_t ____7_11=~;:~==~~=:~::~:::::::::::::::::::::::======~====::: J o.... 3. Jlu...... rr I.lnk. 0 In 0 11 -3 a nd his pal soared lleyond the strato­ reCusin g to a nswer questions betoro roR RENT: DESIRABLE ll'UR- Cleaain" and PJoeablI' .f.--.f-eD••• ....I Fla'. 6" F...... Hal.. W ted Rejects Detroit Offer hlllfn.liJ Jt"n81~k 2 h, I 1· 8; .lone, U I;phere. alld that sorn O day sorl'owl ng the grand jury. nlshed bome and garage from JUly" __ - -...... I -. an In '1 j ISttl\'(''': 1I 6 I .. 2. lIlt hy ,)It(! her­ Several Arrests 18 to Sept. 19. In Manville Heights. lIy Hnko (1·lel) . "'Ud 1)l tch-l1~""lek. Ones left bo hlnd will be call ed up to "FOR R:mN'l' _I. •• OR • ROOII W ANtElJ)-.o(}IRL FOR GENERAL, To .Hold Figbt There meet them In tho a ll'. to be forevct< Markell has been arrested several Dial 4243. 1'''".011 ball-Holbrook. Wtllllh'l Illt."or HAV~ YOUR FALL Apt. 711 80_",. Call at houee housework. State ellperlence and! - Ll.. ke. 1,,,,,lnlJ IIll.~.r-.l ..n .... • (Continued trom page 4) • with tlle Lord." , times 011 Jtquor charges. K err, a elt.r , p.m. .-efercncell. Write L.B.. clo De.lly He read Crom Isnlah: " Who are discharged poJi ce o(flcel'• . wa.s 11'1-1 FOR RENT: SEVEN R OOM BRICK ,CLEANING DONE AT Iowall. IIllnds ot anY011 11110 has Reen Max .------. ~ h ese that fly IlS a cloUd, and -as t !l~ tllcted by tho grand jul'Y for con- home. Firelliace. THo bath. Water OUR FORRENT-APARTMEN'l'. CLOSE 'do ves to their windows." splracy to permit sale {If liquor and softener. SolariUm. $66 per montb. For Sale-Mhleellafteoua lately IlS to th 'ondltlon of his WILEY POST I In. Student. Dl' marrled coupl.,.. l!aOO8. Il n ced~d a. quick nllbl " Wlnnio i\IJl e" (or accepting a bribe. Another wlt- 425 Oakland avenue. Dia l 6125. Dial '418. FOR SALJD - 8LIQHTL~ USED after lOSing his hravywrl!(ht titl e to The Winnie Ma~. reproduced In: ncss today WIl8 John Dlebel't, former SPECIAL vlIQuum oleaner. 1,.L. Me,..., bl ossoms. sat high above the pulpit. pollee raIding squad member. now. FOR SALE: MODERN FIVE ROOM FOR REN'l'-CLlI1AN. 8TRICTLT C&II lUI. 1S8 N, Dubuque. Jimmy Braddock oM th ~ lmn[llf just Laid to Rest, 15,000 \ 1IIo&ern ft.I)tI.r'tmenta. Blal 8418, ' filte<1 In. Ia. fragrant mllss of wh it e a nd purple Ilu spended trom duty and Indicted houss. Dial 9121. Today eevel'tll eomml~"lon doctors. Pay Last Tribute blooms upon a base. ot purple vcl-' for consplraey and accepting- a bribe. 2 for $1.00 vct. All ahout tho bronze cas k e~ A di strict court judge today Is­ Speelal Notices 6 Heatml-PlaJnblal'-RoaliDl h(lQded by ],'I'll

Scientists Will Register Here WSUIPROGRAM Time May Show That Wiley Post's Greatest Contributions To

For Geology Field Conference AROUND For Toiluy Air Sci e n c e Were His Sub·Stratosp~ere Pioneer Flights 10:30 a.m. - Yesterday's Survey VVill Take · the favorites. Place in 4 S University of Wiscontiin' state lead- 10:45 a.m.-Consumer faels, Ulllt~d tates ers. Gordon 1. Atwater. 'Iowa Geo lo- (This la the fourth and Ia8t has Buch othl)!" notable graduates as all end('d In fa.IlUI·~, III that he fall d other of the famous silent pal'tncrs States department of agrlcultu". 11 a.m.-IIIuslrated musical chata, Of Middlewe t glcal survey; J. Harlen Bretz, Unl. arllcle of a series on Wiley Charles A. J~lndb erg h . la.t·ence to l'ca.ch the goals he 11ad set 'him­ of aviation. the Splt·1t Of St. Louis, !veralty of Chicago. Chambel'laln lind Jimmy Doolittle. self, they taught him and aviatIon Thomas C. Collins. TOWN Post). In which Lindbergh flew to PariS Registration will begIn tomorroW: Andrew Leith, University of ''1ls­ Pioneered 10 Sub-Stral08phere IlllLn y points. 11;50 a.m. - Program calendar, might In th" Jefferson holel for scl- <:onsln; 'Yarren J. ]\fead, Massachu­ By FO 'TER HAlLEY He probably will be longest reo Jle discover d, fOI' one thIng, that and fame. weather and crop condlliona In Iowa, Iowa department of agl'lcullUre. . entlsts who will partiCipate In the setts Instilute of Techn C'! ogy; GII ­ L-=.ith Bob Griffi.th (Associated l're88 starr Writer) membered t or hi s solo flight around the l>resent alrplane Is not suited for Pest's new plane, In which he feli .nInth annual field confHence of the bert O. Raasch, Unlversll.r or Wls­ the world In 19 33 and his previous that kind of flying, to his death. Incorporated many de­ 12 noon-Rhythm rambles. Wiley Post's whole life­ S p.m.-Dinner hOlll' program, K ansas G ologlcal society. consln; Robel't R. Shroc:,. Unlver- from the time he took his first ci rcumnavigation of the globe wit h Winnie Mile Retit'ell talls In (leslgn [01' whlph hi s pio­ Climaxing three years of prppara- /lity of ,,718con8In; ass\! . ant s tate Harold Galty two years before. Old Winnie lIlae. the flve-year·old neering was responsible . 7 p.m.-Dl)lldren's hour, the land ' Onl> of the donee Bon airplane ride in 1919--centcl'ed •ll on by 0. committee of 35 !l('lcntlsts !leader!!. But time p,'Obably wlll show his ,pl'ane with which he share(l his EI'n8t (IN. I hI' tamouA Genman of tile story book. Admitting he was one of the well· of four mlddlewestern states. New Minnesota leadershiP; " Ullam H. on aviation and to it he made main contrll)utlon to have been his greatest honors. he retired to the fl yer. Hai<'­ 7:45 Il.m.-Hlstory In review, L. O. at police court yesterday. It was City Sunday and cnd at Duluth. Crorge 111. Swartz. University or He was a mechanic before he wlUl tempts and his SUbsequent foor ef­ periments. She Is to be taken aoon lIeve the layman has any Inllilng of Leonard. Minn., Sept. 1. Geological rormll- Minnesota; Lewis H . Powell. St. Paul learned. however. that the name a flyer, a ,pioneer In (he hard II<:hool forls at a cross·country (light hig h to the Smithsonian Institution In our dead American comrade's un­ 8 Il.m.-M uslpa l progmm, Mrs. was a tabricaUort. The youth WIUI lions oe Ihe uPI,er MiSSissippi valley Institute; George A, Thiel, Unlver. or eady-day barnstorming which abOve the usual level of sky travel ''''ashington lo hang alongslue Qn_ paralleled a.ccompllshments." J eannette F urlong. will be studied. slty of ~nnnesota; stale leaders. fin ed $5 and costs, 8 ;15 p.m.-Romance under the Ifing Planned Trip The committee on arrangements ts water, bureau of fisheries . 'rhls year'S (leld trip. planned ov I' a.q follows: Anthony Folger, chalr­ They PUll Gus Schrader ------. 8:30 p.m.-111 uBlcal program, Fordyce Gives . Judge to Act ~ long periOd of lim~ by the !(pologi- man, L. ''I. l{elser, E, P. Phllb('\ck, C;;us Schrader. when hnlled. Into HOUSE SHATTERS I "Incubator Babies" Kleopfer. justice or the peace court yesterday For 'l'l}nllll'row cal surv~ys of IOWa, Illinois. 'Vlscol1- ~nd E. A. "\>Yyman. Deadlock On Find Life Interesting for speeding on the way to the Btate Long I 10:30 a.m. - Yesterdny's musical Jlon. and Minnesota. educational In- NamesofBov On Injunction " lItutlon8 In tile four St9t~S. anti sev­ fair, protested that several cars had • Utility Bill i A.t Local Hospital favorites. rral commercial (IrmA. will be one just passed him when picked up. 10:45 a.m.-OarUen talk, Oretche_ Service Will . ------(Continued from page 1) . of the most cxtenslvc anu best or­ 'rl)e national dlrt track champion Scout Leaders Two' tiny "Incubator babies" at Against Board ;F'lschcr JJarshbargcr. ganized conferences of Its kind con­ from Cedar Rapids admits thllt he Jl a.m.-lliustratNI musical chat!, ducted In the United States. can 'be beaten. Sidwell to Direct voting for a dea th sentence In this Chlldren's hospital were fInding tbe Thomas C. Coll ins. Plac.e Students )amendment. There has been a Iwo1'1d a very Interesting place last Oxford Group Seeks Arrangements have bc~n mad .. ror 11 :50 a.m. - Program hlghllghLt Guari.nb;cs EternIty County Outing At jumbling of words and sentences. but ni ght at the beginning of their To Halt Erection Of nnd weA.! her report. jJ. pOlice escort to accompany the More Than 2,000 To entourage of about 60 curs. A npw Proclaiming boldly on its oWce S · Ca 0 R I 'tho pUI1>08e or It a ll Is to extend to Ithi rd day of life. J 2 noon- Fillher's concertina or­ fscort will meet the party at th Obtain Jobs During door, a local In surunce agency will cout mp- - a .a.ny W ak-kneed 'brethren who voted The lwl n baby iJo~'H, bOrn PI'8- Auditorium, GYJ11l chestra. bordpr of each slate. Members will It/ sure anyone through health, rna. DIrectors for the J oh nson County 'wrong' before tho opportunity to maLu rely. were b rought to the has· District Judge Harold D. Evans 6 Il.m.-Dlnn,;. hour program. School Year Here rlne. accident, fire. a nd back to lite. Boy Scout Camp-O-Ral w hi ch Is ex· repent." pltal WednPsdny ,evening . from join tile conference in eacll ot th& The l'Borganlz d employment ser' pected to attract mOre than 200 their hOme at Baxter wh en they took the temporary Injunction ac- J fOUl' states In which It will be con- vle(' of the unlv('rslty with Lee H . Air ('!reus boys to City park Sept. 20 were an- May Accept W re one I'thwpslern of wllnd~I ' lust, rested In a Council con for the stote high 8chool debat- Ity troops will be selected by local of the senate conferees acceptable." The Plalntlfrs also point out that free of char/!' ~ . loday during the an· univerSity; George E. Ekblaw, II- I IlIUff" hotel here today While she Ing championship competition for coutll1asters a.~ aids. Tile proposalll.lready had been sub- .neither the notice nor the I)allotl< 'nual children'S" day restlvilies. slate ~Inols Geologlcnl sUI"'ey. awnll ~ cI the al'rlvnl of relatives fl'on~11936. 'rhe rally will Include all types of irnllted to the house conferees by thl> F provided the Interest rate or maturity lair officlnl Clnnounccd yesterday. F. 111. Fryxell. AuguAlnnn[l collr g ~; Crcston who will take her home. 'rhe prep debaters will Investigate ,Scouteratt, grunes. ruld contests. ~nate representatives and rCjected. air Free Day of the proposed bond Issue, The fall' management ISSUed & John }~. Lamal', Illinois GeologlCOl 1 'l' he woman. Mt's. AUgusta nead- all angles of t he Question "Resol v~d,ITlle complete program will be o.n- Huddleston was bitterly opposed blanket Invllatlon to all Towa chll, survey; A. H. Sulloll. University of he 1', left Creslon by taxi this morning that the several states should enact nounced at a lnotel' date. ilo It 011 the ground that It would Ceorge Stevens Taylor, hrlde- ,odren to attend the elaborate pro· Illinois; Lewis E, "'orl(mnn, JlJlnollJ but slopped here to rest when she leglslallon providing tor a syslem ~'h e Iowa county Camp-O-Ral will 'keep an "efficient and necessul'y" groom at Kinston, N. C. was cl'unk- I gram which 18 to Include daylight ('lpolng,eal survey, u"sititunt titllle was ovel'come by th strenuousness of c(tmJ)lete m dieal a rvlce avallablel be at \YJijlam",ulu'g Sept. 27, MI'. ' Iwkling complLny from operating Ing up his cal' which waB gaily be- fireworks. circus features. and other leaders, of hel' journey. to all the cltlzenM at public expense." ForUyce .ald. Iplants in two Or m()r., separaled decked wIth signs or "Just Mart·IM." attractions. V.'laconsln leadership: Ernest F. Local high schools wil l complete R. "tates when he broke his arm and delayed 1 More than 25.000 young TowIlns4ro ' :sean. statp geologist. a""oriate di- An OVPI'age or nO.OOO.OOO pound,\ practice debate schedules sh'ortly af- otarlans Hear Soo.:e close to the president saW iCxp ~cte(1 to attend lOOay's event •. "'r('clor;Ic mu Iru() Edwnrds, Mllwa\lkee Ilub- or fOl'plgn grown dates are Importeu ter the opening of school In Septcm- privately he stili ho[)ed the Question 1 ., sum; Fredrlk '1'. Thwallcs, Into tb" United Stllles each year. b er. P f R h· would be a political Issue. but In lh& ' \ In IH'8llmllltll'y state elimination ro. 0 InSOn view of a desire by some congr~ss I contests during the winter. about ,members for passage this SC/lSlon o( 86 high schools will qualify t ea1l1S fOl' T C • In b' Ie the round robin tournament at the a n{On rIme III wh h would etabllsh fedel'ol Just 2 Days MOl'e! .regulation or alt utiUtle.'l. holding I ~nlversl t y of Iowa Morch 26. 27. and 'There Is no chance for Il PNfect companies he had accepted the com_ I AWrmatiVe A.nd negative cham- crime committed In the face of pl'es- ,promise. INTRODUCTORY SELLING plonshlps will be determined In ent day methods of BelentIClc Inves­ classes A and B next spring, tlgatlons, Prof. James J. Robinson. Ivl.ltlng professor In the college of Japan May Rece.Je In law. tulsert d In a talk to the Iowa Naval Parity Demand Prof. VVylie, Dean, City Rotary club yesterday noon. TOKYO. Aug. 22 (APl-A vlgorou~ COWNIE ~~r:e~' FURS Us ing slides to Illustrate his talk. Poulter Leave For restatement or Japan's naval Um­ Professor Robinson described the de­ ltallon 1)Olicy. sOOn to be handed to Gu.a.ranteed Low Prices! velopments of science of ball 1st ICB. Botanical Expedition the BrWsh government. may Indl, Prof. Robert B. Wylie, head of the the comparison of shells and bullets cate. newspapers said today. the Shop for YOUI new botany depal'tment. and H. L. Dean . ,ror markings made by rifling In 0: possibility J apan will reced from tur L'Oat now • , , 'and Robert W. Poulter. assistants gun harrel. and the Impression mnde her demand for absolute naval par· while ftlllOrtments In the department, have left fOl' by a flrlng pin, which he said has are complete and ONE.PIECE Ity with Great BI'itnin and the varied • • , while Walker, Minn., on 0. botanical expedl- g rea.tly enhanced the work of the United States. lion. ,Thlly expcct to return the. detection of crim e. Itylet arc IUlW and freHh. Q 0 W II I e first week In September. The almost infallible use of rlnger- Herrhlf Gets Notice "True " ..Iue" Flit'll TRAVEL print Identification ot criminals. t hfl DEB MOINES, III.. (AP) - Cover- are kllown through­ comparison of handwritings. and ,hor Clyde L . Herring received notice I' , .... out IOWA for tholr Bagweli, inc., Takes other methods were demonstrated. yeste"day or a $48 .101 mo rtgage tore- Iowa children rtdmg ferrIS fasblou .rna ;·tlleu. proving that "crime do esn·t pay." lC losure 8ult against the Atlantic. 1 wl.lee] at lowa tate fair dul'­ theIr ~enullle qual­ Fur R,epresentative PRINTS Frank Horack. a new member of Ja.• Automobile company of which It ing the annual state fair cbi.l- ity and low jl1\0e8 Bagwell. r nc.. has taken over rep­ the Rotary club, was Introduced by was sta ted he Is president. dl't:'ll'S party. that are within the resentatlveshlp tor the Cownie Fur Henry MatUiI. Guesls Included W . mean. et Iwery company of Des Moines In the Iowa G. Edmundson and two out-of-town budget, Shop alld comparel City trade area and has recel ved a RotarIans. C. H. McDermott of West special display ot turs trom them. Liberty and Dr. Phil Avery of The furs nre being shown this week. Brunswick. N. J . R. S. Thompson or DeB Moines Is NEW FALL In charge or the display of coats Iowa. Rustlers Sentenced which reaches a total value ot $10.· PRESTON, Minn .• (AP)-Distrlct PATTERNSI 000. He explains the val1ou8 types Judge Norman E. Peterson sentenced of furs and (losorlbcs hOIll( the coats li:hree rowa youths to Indetel'mlnate a re made. ono to thrce year terms after Ilear­ Ing pl eas or g uilty to grand larceny An epidemic of born a dlseaa/), oharges Involving cattle rustling, BUY NOW commonly known aa 'horae disease," Eugene Cruse, 20, of Lime Springs, & SAVE! killed more than 150 horses within and Chester. 19, a nd William uughea. MOST a few weeks In San Joaquin county, 18. of Chester confessed seiling stock Cal, stolen frol11 Nauman Brothers II\j INTERESTING Beaver, HOTEL in CHICAGO Northern Seal (Seal Dyed Coney) Fovorite Chlcogo home d the Iowa Copping the Gal Americ"n BuSiness Mel\ t~~..... $47 The til FURNITURE Loccned in the hedrt of DOOle III ChiC4QO'S 9f1I Rillito with Iflll1l ob Muskrat w-rehou AUCTION Its brillidnt night /ife" .~ · clant wa cbse to stores. offices, Coats • ~ert by Saturday, August 24 "nd rllill'Olld termin41s litter up 1:30 P. M. 1100 ROOMS ~~.~ ..... $89 I ~n \'rea l 1100 BATHS · O"lIerl w 314 S. Linn St. , prolits 01 Hudson Seal (hlbUlon , (Seal DyMi Mu.krat) 2 double, " single, nearly 50 The pr $2 • . \l1~11lI!ed new Simmons beds, 3 dress­ ~r'()m !: , ~,w $149 ers, 3 large rugs, Duofold HOMe )a1lOro11~ bed, 2 gas stoves, 2 desks, Oil THE COLLEGE INN Lapin Coati Our Lay-Away Plan en.blM )'011 Univel dining table, chairs, rock­ (Seal Dyed Coney) to .elect yoUI' new fur coat no" When your wardrobe needs tonic, try a gay new a ers, buffet, lamps, 3 stu­ • • , wblle etyle ...ortments .... 125,0 printl These smart Fall crepes should be iust the "t ~~ .... $47 better and prlcel al'\l lower. Pa1 Illlpro thing I Oashing-colorful-ever so practical-ond dent tables, kitchen uten­ (\ email amount down , •• the baI­ sils, electric washer, 1 anile in convenltmt monthly IU_ Tbe UI 10 low-priced you can't afford to miss theml Tail­ l1JpU~ ored shirt frocks, cape effectsl Monotones, multi­ nearly new livin~ room set, a U Ill! colors I Sizes 12 to «I See them todayl 1 nearly new 4-piece bed­ COlI ~ , room set, 1 Oceasional Pl'I)lMt,oi Bagwell anntllnlll table, 1 Spinet desk, 3 rugs Pat O'Brien ' and Olivia de AllAfll HaVilland a,ppear with Jimmy nearly new. Other hems Iowa City'. smartest Store ,tranqe 'I Cagney in "The Irish in Us," too numeroUII to mention. 1l1aftn.4 1 Englert-atartina Satqrday,